RNS Number:5662J
Firestone Diamonds PLC
26 April 2000

                 Firestone Diamonds plc
Unaudited interim results for the six month period to 31
                     December, 1999


      *  257% increase in diamond production from
         Avontuur to 4,483 carats
      *  6% increase in diamond prices to $103 per carat
      *  Operating profit and positive cash flow from
         mining operations
      *  Acquisition of the Oena Mine in South Africa,
         with estimated resources of 200,000 carats and
         gross value of $175 million
      *  Encouraging results from exploration
      *  Increasing exploration acreage in Botswana and
         South Africa

LONDON:  April 26, 2000 - The Board of Firestone Diamonds
plc,  ("the Company") announces unaudited interim results
for the six month period to 31 December, 1999.

The  period saw excellent progress in the development  of
Firestone's  mining operations and exploration  projects.
Production  from  the  Avontuur  Mine  in  South   Africa
increased  by 257% to 4,483 carats, and a strong  diamond
market  led  to  a 6% increase in prices achieved.   Cash
flow  from Avontuur increased substantially and  financed
all    the    Company's   operational   and   exploration
expenditures in South Africa during the period.

The  Company increased its area under exploration at  the
Mopipi  joint venture project in Botswana from 85  square
kilometres  to over 2,000 square kilometres.  Exploration
results from Mopipi continued to exceed expectations  and
to  indicate  the  potential presence  of  diamondiferous
kimberlite  in  the  Mopipi region.  Current  exploration
work  aims  to  identify kimberlite targets for  drilling
later in the year.  Exploration at the Groen River Valley
project in South Africa produced positive results, on the
basis  of  which  the Company has applied for  additional
prospecting permits in the area.

The rough diamond market was strong during 1999, with the
De  Beers-controlled CSO reaching record  sales  of  $5.2
billion  for the year, an increase of 56% on  1998.   CSO
sales to date in 2000 have been exceptionally strong, and
are  54%  up on the same period last year, with  analysts
now forecasting another record year for CSO sales.

Firestone is now in a very strong position.  The  Company
is  debt  free and well positioned to develop its current
portfolio  of  projects.  Since the end  of  the  period,
Company  made  its  most  significant  acquisition  since
floating  on the Alternative Investment Market  (AIM)  of
the  London Stock Exchange, with the purchase of an 87.5%
interest   in  the  Oena  Mine.   The  Oena   Mine   adds
significantly  to  the  value of  the  Company's  project
portfolio  and  diamond  reserves  and  resources.   With
production  scheduled  to  commence  by  June,  Oena   is
expected  to  make  a  significant  contribution  to  the
Company's  profits  and cash flow in the  future.   This,
combined  with further expected increases  in  cash  flow
from  the Avontuur Mine, ensures that the Company is well
positioned to achieve its objective of becoming a leading
independent diamond producer.  The Company will  continue
to   investigate  new  diamond  mining,  exploration  and
related  projects during the year, both through  internal
development  and acquisition, and is extremely  confident
about prospects for continued growth and development.

Avontuur Mine

During the period we continued to see the benefits of the
expansion programme carried out at the Avontuur  Mine  in
the  last  financial  year.  Production  for  the  period
increased by 257% compared to the previous six months, to
a  total  4,483  carats.  Monthly  production  reached  a
record  of  1,583 carats in November.  Diamonds  produced
continued  to be approximately 85% gem quality,  with  an
average size of 0.2 carats per stone.

Exploration  at  Avontuur continued  during  the  period,
resulting  in  the discovery of two new gravel  deposits.
These  deposits will be sampled and evaluated during  the
coming year.  We are confident that this work will result
in  an increase to the mine's reserves.  On the basis  of
data  obtained from recent exploration, the  Company  has
identified new exploration potential in a number of areas
close to Avontuur and has applied for prospecting permits
over  these areas.  Exploration will start on these areas
as  soon as the permits are granted, which is expected to
be later this year.

Demand  for  Avontuur  production  has  continued  to  be
strong.   The  average  price achieved  for  gem  quality
diamonds from Avontuur during the period rose 6% from $97
to  $103  per  carat.  With total reserves and  resources
estimated at over 900,000 carats, representing an in situ
value  of approximately $90 million, we are confident  of
continued growth in production and profits from  Avontuur
over its projected ten year life.

Oena Mine

In February the Company acquired an 87.5% interest in the
Oena Mine, which is located on the Orange River, close to
the  Company's  other  operations in  Namaqualand,  South
Africa.   The  Orange  River area is a  well  established
diamond producing area which produces diamonds comparable
to  the  best in the world, typically selling  at  prices
between  $700-$900 per carat.  The Oena Mine  is  located
upstream  of the Auchas Mine, operated by De  Beers,  and
the  Baken  Mine, operated by Trans Hex,  South  Africa's
second largest diamond producer.

Previous  mining  operations at Oena have  produced  over
30,000  carats of diamonds with a value of  $24  million.
The  average  stone  size recovered was  approximately  2
carats  and  the  largest stone was 79 carats.   Detailed
mapping, drilling and bulk sampling have been carried out
at  Oena  and have identified a resource of more than  40
million tonnes of diamondiferous gravel with an estimated
minimum   grade  of  0.5  carats/100  tonnes,  giving   a
potential  resource of 200,000 carats.   With  a  diamond
value of $880 per carat, which was the price achieved for
Oena  production in 1999, the estimated in situ value  of
the deposits is approximately $175 million.

The   Company   is  in  the  process  of  re-establishing
operations at Oena, and it is expected that the mine  can
be  brought  into production by June.  As there  is  also
considerable exploration potential at Oena, an  intensive
drilling  programme  will commence within  the  next  few
months to identify and evaluate potential new deposits on
the property.

The  Company  believes that the Oena Mine has exceptional
potential  and  expect that it will  make  a  significant
contribution to the Company's cash flow and profits  over
its projected ten year life.

South Africa

Exploration continued at the Groen River Valley  project,
with  continued  encouraging results.   Excavations  were
carried  out  at  the last of three high priority  target
areas that had been identified by a combination of aerial
photography and satellite imagery analysis and  drilling.
The  gravels  tested at this location were proven  to  be
diamondiferous,  as  the first two locations  tested  had
also been.  On the basis of data obtained from this work,
the Company decided to expand its exploration area in the
Groen  River.  A number of additional areas through which
the  target palaeo channels are believed to run have been
identified  and  the Company has applied for  prospecting
permits  over these areas.  It is expected that  the  new
permits will be granted later this year.

We  remain confident that the Groen River Valley has  the
potential  to  become an important new  alluvial  diamond
producing  region.   With the substantial  land  position
that  Firestone  holds  in the  Groen  River  area,  this
project   has   the  potential  to  make  a   significant
contribution to the Company's future growth.


Botswana,  which  is  the  world's  largest  producer  of
diamonds  by  value, continued to be the  focus  for  the
Company's  kimberlite exploration  efforts.   During  the
period  the  Company  substantially  increased  its  land
position  in the Mopipi area, located about 50 kilometres
west  of  the  De  Beers'  Orapa  Mine,  from  85  square
kilometres to over 2,000 square kilometres.  The  Company
was granted two new prospecting licences, known as Mopipi
South  and  Mopipi  West,  and  entered  into  an  option
agreement over another area, known as Mopipi North.

Previous exploration at the original Mopipi joint venture
project,  now  known as Mopipi Central, resulted  in  the
identification  of  a number of clusters  of  significant
kimberlitic  indicator mineral anomalies  which  coincide
with  aerial  photo  and aeromagnetic anomalies  and  the
recovery  of  a  diamond from soil samples.   Geochemical
analysis  of the indicator minerals confirmed  that  they
are  derived from diamond-bearing kimberlite,  indicating
that  it  is  likely  that diamondiferous  kimberlite  is
present in the area surrounding Mopipi.

Most  of  the  exploration work carried  out  during  the
period   focused  on  the  Mopipi  South  area.    Aerial
photography, satellite imagery and aeromagnetic data were
acquired   and   initial  interpretation   and   analysis
completed.   This  work  identified  a  number  of   high
priority  target  areas containing geological  structures
and   features   possibly  associated  with   kimberlitic
occurrences.  Sampling of the high priority target  areas
was  completed  during the period  and  resulted  in  the
identification  of  several areas with  high  kimberlitic
indicator  mineral anomalies.  These areas are  currently
being  subjected  to further detailed  soil  sampling  to
identify  the sources of the indicator mineral  anomalies
and to select potential new drilling targets.

Analysis of aerial photography and aeromagnetic data  and
soil  sampling were also carried out in the Mopipi  North
area during the period.  This work is still ongoing,  but
has  already identified a number of anomalies  which  are
considered to be potential drilling targets.

The recent results from the Mopipi South and Mopipi North
areas  confirm  the potential presence of  diamondiferous
kimberlite   in  the  Mopipi  region,  and  the   Company
continues to be encouraged about the indications for  the
discovery of a new kimberlite field.  Results of the work
in  these  areas will be reviewed, along with those  from
Mopipi  Central, to identify and prioritise  targets  for
further evaluation and drilling later in the year.


Results for the period show a modest profit, in line with
expectations.   The  Company  is  debt  free   and   well
positioned to develop its current portfolio of  projects.
In  February  2000, the Company completed a placement  of
shares  to raise approximately #1.5 million, the  primary
purpose  of  which  was to finance  the  acquisition  and
development  of the Oena Mine.  As a result of  this  and
other  recent  share issues, the Directors consider  that
the  various authorisations relating to the allotment and
issuance of shares approved at the Annual General Meeting
in  January no longer provide the flexibility  needed  to
effectively pursue other opportunities which may arise in
the  future.   The  Company therefore plans  to  hold  an
Extraordinary General Meeting at 11am on 31 May, 2000  to
consider  resolutions to replace those  approved  at  the
Annual General Meeting.

James F. Kenny

                 Firestone Diamonds plc
Unaudited Interim Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement
         For the six months to 31 December, 1999

                              Six months  Six months     Period
                                  to 31        to 31    from 24
                              December,    December,      June,
                                   1999         1998    1998 to
                                                       30 June,
                             (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)  (Audited)
                                      #            #         #
Turnover                         274,856      64,661     84,809
Change in stocks of finished                                   
goods                           (46,940)           -     50,601
and in work in progress                                        
                                --------     -------    -------               
Production                       227,916      64,661    135,010
Other operating income                 -           -     15,639
Raw materials and                (29,812)    (14,144)   (29,515)
Staff costs                      (42,876)    (28,168)   (58,782)
Depreciation and                 
amortisation                     (18,906)    (22,541)   (45,119)
                                --------     -------    -------               
Operating profit/(loss)                                        
before administrative costs      136,322       (192)     17,233
Other operating charges          (32,561)    (31,368)   (97,889)
                                --------     -------    -------               
Operating profit/(loss)          103,761     (31,560)   (80,656)
Interest receivable and                                        
similar income                     9,962      33,298     43,070
Interest payable and similar                                   
charges                                -           -     (2,599)
                                --------     -------    --------              
Profit/(Loss) on ordinary                                      
activities before taxation       113,723       1,738    (40,185)
Deferred tax on profit on                                      
ordinary activities              (41,595)          -    (22,674)
                                ========     ========   ========              
Profit/(Loss) on ordinary                                      
activities after taxation         72,128       1,738    (62,859)
                                ========     ========   ========              
Earnings per share                                             
Basic earnings/(loss) per          
share                              0.31p       0.01p     (0.3)p
Diluted earnings/(loss) per        
share                              0.31p       0.01p     (0.3)p
                                ========    ========   ========


1 The   financial  statements  have  been   prepared   in
  accordance with applicable UK accounting standards  and
  under  the  historical cost convention.  The  principal
  accounting  policies of the group are set  out  in  the
  group's 1999 annual report and financial statements.

2 The  financial  information  set  out  above  does  not
  constitute  statutory accounts as  defined  in  section
  240  of the Companies Act 1985.  Statutory accounts for
  the  period  from 24 June, 1998 to 30  June,  1999,  on
  which  the  report of the auditors was unqualified  and
  did  not contain any statement under Section 237 of the
  Companies  Act 1985, have been filed with the Registrar
  of Companies.

3 The  earnings  per  share has been  calculated  on  the
  basis  of  the  weighted average number  of  shares  in
  issue for the period of 23,379,712.

4 The  directors  are not declaring a  dividend  for  the

5 Copies   of   this  report  are  being  sent   to   all
  shareholders.  Additional copies will be  available  to
  members of the public from the offices of John  East  &
  Partners  Limited, Crystal Gate, 28-30 Worship  Street,
  London EC2A 2AH.

For further information:

Website: www.firestonediamonds.com

Philip Kenny
Firestone Diamonds plc   020 7370 6452 / 07831 324 645

Leesa Peters
Ludgate Communications   020  7216 4512 /  0410 593 724

Charles Dampney
Charles Stanley & Co Ltd 020 7551 0260 / 0378 0690546



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