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Rep. S.afr.54s

Rep. S.afr.54s (ZG30)

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thetinman thetinman 44 seconds ago
And here PTOP sits at 52 week low AGAIN !!
DrJan DrJan 51 seconds ago
Transferred to Wiley as of 2020;
cowtown jay cowtown jay 1 minute ago
I "Liked" your post for a couple of reasons, one of which is that it leads to one of my favorite topics, the covid reinfection rate for lenz-treated patients. There has been a recent development by Novavax in that regard, and it rates a separate thread, which I will be working on. But I would like t
molee molee 1 minute ago
And now the fist . "Consolidation" just around the corner .
Magnum7419 Magnum7419 1 minute ago
that was a gift @ .012
Tool_power Tool_power 1 minute ago
What is driving today’s price action? I don’t see any news from the company.
NoMoDo NoMoDo 1 minute ago
If you guys are going to do the whole, pumpers, con artists, scams thing, I will pull that one out of my hat for free too. Instead, we can argue the number of preferred B shares left, who will take the preferred C - moving to WSCG thing, whether BRU will take a deal or dump stuff, maybe whether SMX
88TH MAN 88TH MAN 1 minute ago
They could sponsor PGA Tour players, golf hats, and golf shirts, because of their line of DUREVER(TM) NEXGREEN(TM) golf club shafts, balls, and accessories. Yes, they could become a household name!
koolmc koolmc 1 minute ago
nice congrats also riding freebies but did sell some too soon though lol.
ATVrider ATVrider 2 minutes ago
Agree next leg up incoming !
DCBill DCBill 2 minutes ago
You have ample proof there, along with a variety of statements from (Treasury, OFHEO, FHFA, and their acolytes)
that our government lied/lies.
And then those lies get passed on through the media and no-nothings on the Hill and among the media.
TAZMANS TAZMANS 2 minutes ago
$RDAR $$ We are in the final countdown, some see it, some do not!

Tic HOLD some or you do not, the question, what will your entry be when it takes off?

2025 will be a barn burner for our new corporation! IMO

Have a great day, all!
Stinger2014 Stinger2014 2 minutes ago
Yep. And the Feds dished out their holiday coal. Starting Jan. 1, the count down to new leadership begins. It’s all about the outlook of our county.
dstock07734 dstock07734 2 minutes ago
Really appreciate your reply. Seems to me the hint is everywhere.
For now, we either load or wait. LoL
koolmc koolmc 2 minutes ago
3's been support for now. Still waiting for updates from company.
Investor082 Investor082 2 minutes ago
You are full of BS trying to connect every dot in the world to NWBO. The reality is no one cares, and in the process, you’re making a fool out of LP and LG for continuing to raise money at depressed valuation.

I will remind you at end of Q1 2025 when all your conjectures and BS aroun
DEMDOTS DEMDOTS 3 minutes ago
pulled the knife out and tossed it back at em :o)
pinkslipjunkie pinkslipjunkie 3 minutes ago
And Renee is right if you can get the hell out.
Simply, shareholders should try to recover as much money as they can because waiting for any reorganization or liquidation bankruptcies to become effective almost always results in a 100% loss.
Investor2014 Investor2014 4 minutes ago
Wow! That's an interesting perspective. I think that there is at least an 83% chance that the peer reviewed Anavex article will appear in the journal.
gdog gdog 4 minutes ago
BLRX looks to be bottomed Naz stock .192

heres alittle info
koolmc koolmc 4 minutes ago
yep watching that should bounce off soon
familyof5 familyof5 4 minutes ago
"Finally, there are preferred B shares. Foote and Hindshaw already traded theirs for door number 2 - WSCG ownership, a nice seat on the board, and Foote gets to be CEO. That is the majority of the B shares. The remaining 1.2 bil shares worth were likely also offered WSCG membership"

mzasif mzasif 4 minutes ago
$QNCCF .29 get in now!!! $3 PT Huge Reversal any minute
tmcfo tmcfo 4 minutes ago
Yes, I agree. I only used Pemex contract as an example but there are many more including yours that can be considered misleading such as the pr announcing the acquisition of Velocity in 2019 which never happened..