RNS Number : 6014D 
Yangtze China Investment Limited 
04 December 2009 
| Press Release                       |                           4 December 2009 | 
Yangtze China Investment Limited 
("Yangtze" or "the Company") 
Interim Results 
Yangtze China Investment Limited (AIM:YCI), a provider of expansion capital to 
China-based enterprises, today announces its interim results for the six months 
ended 30 September 2009 ("the Period"). 
Financial Highlights 
| --  | NAV maintained at US$24.1 million (31 March 2009: US$24.5 million)                                   | 
| --  | NAV per share maintained at US$0.95 (31 March 2009: US$0.97)                                         | 
| --  | Current cash and cash equivalents total US$6.6 million                                               | 
Commenting on the results, Mr Wilfred Wong, Chairman of Yangtze China Investment 
Limited, said: "I am pleased to report that our NAV per share was maintained at 
US$0.95, a position similar to that at our last year end.  Our investment in a 
beauty spa franchise network appreciated substantially last year and it 
continues to operate with impressive growth in profitability in the current 
period.  During these challenging times, we have been exceptionally cautious in 
our investment decision-making, but we remain confident of the immense growth 
opportunities in the Chinese consumer market." 
"With global markets stabilising and China's economy showing signs of recovery, 
Yangtze has been actively looking for further investment opportunities.  Our 
current cash position of US$6.6 million places the Company in an excellent 
position to invest in good-quality assets at attractive entry valuations as and 
when suitable opportunities arise." 
"China's economy has been growing rapidly during the past few years.  Despite 
the recent global financial challenge, China's real GDP increased at an annual 
rate of 7.7% in the first nine months of 2009.  The Chinese government's 
stimulus package in November 2008 reinforces our investment strategy as it aims 
to support China's GDP growth of around 8.0% in 2009 and to foster the long-term 
development of its domestic sector.  Given China's strong underlying economy and 
strong domestic growth, the Board of Directors is confident that the Company is 
well positioned to capitalise on these opportunities." 
- ENDS - 
For further information: 
| Yangtze Capital  Advisory Limited         |                            | 
| Richard Zhao                              |        Tel: +852 2281 7218 | 
| Steven Feng                               |        Tel: +852 2281 7223 | 
|                                           |          www.yangtzecn.com | 
| Collins Stewart Europe Limited            |                            | 
| Adrian Hadden                             |  Tel: +44 (0) 20 7523 8350 | 
|                                           |     www.collinsstewart.com | 
Media enquiries: 
| Abchurch Communications Ltd               |                            | 
| Henry Harrison-Topham / Monique Tsang     |  Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 7712 | 
| monique.tsang@abchurch-group.com          |    www.abchurch-group.com  | 
 Notes to Editors 
Yangtze China Investment Limited is a closed-end investment company established 
to make minority equity and equity-related investments in a portfolio of small 
and medium-sized growth businesses within, or associated with, the consumer 
sector in China.  With a proprietary deal flow, the Group focuses on unlisted 
companies whose business operations are based principally in mainland China. 
Yangtze will typically seek to invest in companies that are revenue generating, 
ideally profitable or anticipated to generate profits in the near term and which 
the Group believes have strong management teams and market leading potential. 
Yangtze aims to capitalise on the growing disposable income in China, investing 
primarily in companies operating in a variety of consumer sectors, including 
consumer related technology, media and advertising, entertainment, distribution 
and retailing of consumer goods and services, and health goods and services. 
Since the free market reforms in 1978, China's GDP has grown on an average of 
9.9% a year and recorded real GDP growth of 9.0% in 2008.Government reforms are 
transforming the economy, with a focus on domestic consumption, infrastructure 
spending and increasingly upon environmental issues. 
Yangtze was admitted to AIM on 14 May 2008.  For further information, please see 
Chairman's Statement 
I am pleased to present the interim results of Yangtze China Investment Limited 
for the six months ended 30 September 2009.  At 30 September 2009, the NAV per 
share of Yangtze was maintained at US$0.95 (31 March 2009: US$0.97) and the 
Company's NAV was US$24.1 million compared to US$24.5 million at the last 
During the period under review, Yangtze took a cautious approach while global 
economies were recovering from the downturn. The Company continues to focus on 
post-investment monitoring initiatives and protecting profits in its investee 
companies.  Although the Company has not yet closed any new investment in the 
period, it has contained its operating costs with recurring expenses reduced by 
6.3% and the non-recurring impairment loss also reduced by US$5.1 million as 
compared to last year. 
The effects of the recent global financial downturn in the West have impacted on 
China's export market the most, and I am pleased that from the outset the 
Company chose to focus on capitalising on Chinese domestic growth driven by 
rising consumption levels within the country. Now that China's economy has shown 
signs of recovery, predominantly driven by the rapid and aggressive deployment 
of the PRC Government's stimulus package and the relatively strong trend of 
domestic consumption, China's economic outlook is encouraging although still be 
filled with both challenges and opportunities. The Company remains confident 
that China's underlying economic strength and the PRC Government's macroeconomic 
stimulus will continue to further position China as one of the world's major 
During the period under review, Aesthetic International Holdings Group Limited, 
a beauty spa franchise based in Beijing, China, continued to record impressive 
growth in profitability as a result of benefiting from the PRC Government's 
policy of boosting economic growth through stimulating domestic consumption 
and the expanding number of female consumers with growing disposable income. 
Yangtze currently has cash balances of US$6.6 million.  Whilst the Company 
continues to follow a cautious approach, it also continues to pursue actively 
potential investments with appropriate due diligence.  The Board of Directors 
is confident that Yangtze is well positioned to capitalise on the opportunities 
Wilfred Ying Wai WONG 
3 December 2009 
Investment Adviser's Report 
During the period under review, the Company continued to act on its promise as 
announced in its interim results last year, and has focused on post-investment 
monitoring initiatives, including the adjustment of business development plans, 
cost control and reduction, scrutiny of cash flow and financial capabilities, 
and improvement on operational efficiency in light of the current economic 
conditions.  Even though China's economy has shown signs of recovery, Yangtze 
will continue to follow this approach. 
In addition, the Company continues to explore investment opportunities where the 
Company can increase its valuation by investing in companies that are 
revenue-generating, ideally profitable or anticipated to generate profits 
Despite the recent global financial challenge, Yangtze believes that its current 
portfolio companies excluding IGO are well positioned to deliver profits and 
benefit from China's growing domestic consumer sector and strong GDP growth. 
Details on all of the Company's investees since the time of flotation are 
included below. 
Aesthetic International Holdings Group Limited ("Aesthetic") 
Aesthetic, a beauty spa franchise based in Beijing, China, has performed in line 
with expectations and continued to operate with impressive growth in 
profitability during the period under review.  We are confident that Aesthetic 
will continue to thrive in China's growing consumer market. 
  *  Aesthetic has developed a variety of product lines, totalling approximately 200 
  items and generates revenues principally through its product sales as well as 
  licensing and franchising fees. At 30 September 2009, Aesthetic had both 
  franchised and sub-franchised, through its agents, over 2,000 beauty centres 
  throughout China, an increase of 13% during the period under review as compared 
  to the position at 31 March 2009. 
  *  During the period under review, the four regional management centres established 
  last year in Chengdu, Shenyang, Guangzhou and Dalian have successfully captured 
  new business opportunities. These regional centres help to enhance purchases 
  from existing franchisees, serve as an important showcase for attracting new 
  franchisees, enhance management control over Aesthetic's franchisees and also 
  facilitate technical as well as logistical support to its beauty centres.  To 
  strengthen its competitive position in the market, Aesthetic will continue to 
  expand into strategic markets by providing localised supporting services. 
  *  Aesthetic also enhanced its existing product lines through ingredient 
  reformulation and packaging redesign. These new product lines were launched in 
  the 2nd quarter of 2009 and have received positive customer feedback.  To widen 
  its product range, a new cosmetics product line was soft-launched in the 3rd 
  quarter of 2009 and another new toiletries product line is expected to be rolled 
  out by the 1st quarter of 2010. 
  *  The medical beauty clinic in Shenyang, which is a joint venture with a renowned 
  Chinese medicine licensed practice, has been launched in the 4th quarter of 
  2009. Asethetic is now be able to provide a range of medical cosmetic therapies 
  and Chinese health and beauty treatments including hair replacement, botox and 
  cosmetic surgery, and body reshape.  With regards to the beauty training school 
  in Chengdu, Asethetic is awaiting relevant government approvals and confirmation 
  of curriculum assessment and accreditation before it can officially recruit 
  students for cosmetology and beauty therapy-related courses. The beauty training 
  school is expected to commence operation by early 2010. 
  *  Improving operating efficiencies has always been a key focus in Aesthetic's 
  operations. During the 3rd quarter of 2009, Asethetic moved its headquarters in 
  Beijing to more spacious premises to cope with its expanding operations, and 
  completed setting up a call centre to facilitate the communications/conferences 
  between departments in the headquarters and regional management centres. In 
  addition, an in-house franchise management system has also been developed and 
  put into use to strengthen its franchise operations. 
Arigata Holdings Inc. ("Onbest") 
Onbest, a designer and manufacturer of cash registers, has fine-tuned its 
product and market strategy to aim at a more promising customer base. The 
strategic move has proved to be sound as Onbest has received encouraging market 
feedback together with initial sales orders. 
  *  Onbest is principally engaged in the design, manufacture and sales of fiscal/tax 
  processing solutions installed in integrated circuit ("IC") chips, which are 
  then embedded in the motherboards of point-of-sale ("POS") machines, 
  tax-controlled cash registers and fiscal-tax controlled cash registers. 
  *  Based on its existing technology capability, Onbest has developed a handheld POS 
  device that features certain ATM functions with advanced security.  The 
  certification and verification of industry standards for the handheld POS device 
  from VISA and MasterCard, which are known to set very strict security 
  requirements, are at the final stage of approval. It is expected that the whole 
  data security certification process will be completed by the 1st quarter of 
  2010.  At the same time, the initial orders received from customers in North 
  America for the handheld POS device are in the process for production for 
  delivery by then. 
  *  There was little progress on the sale of the fiscal-tax controlled cash register 
  mainly because of inadequate legislative support in the PRC for the promotion of 
  the cash register and the complication in linking up the completely separate 
  taxation and banking systems in the PRC. 
  *  Onbest continues to explore the opportunities to promote the handheld POS device 
  in China. Preliminary ATM and POS gateway certification procedures with UnionPay 
  have been commenced with good progress.  However, considerable time and effort 
  will be required in order to tap into the China electronic payment market. 
  *  A portable docking device has also been successfully developed to enable both 
  wireless and cable connection to enhance mobility of the handheld POS device. 
Creative Picture Development Limited ("Creative Picture") 
Creative Picture, which carries out technology research, production and sales of 
3-D display technology in China, has won a number of new contracts during the 
period under review and continues to expand its marketing activities. 
  *  Owing to anticipated good response from viewers, an additional 40 minutes of 3-D 
  content was requested, leading to the completion of the production of the 3-D TV 
  drama being postponed to September 2009. Accordingly, the TV drama was 
  re-scheduled for broadcast under China's state-owned TV channel in the 1st 
  quarter of 2010 and the movie version of which will also be shown in cinemas 
  afterwards.  In addition to receiving revenue income for the production of the 
  3-D content, Creative Picture will also participate in sharing the copyrights of 
  the movie. 
  *  Creative Picture continues to deliver their work on the 3-D content production 
  with another Chinese media company on a cartoon movie which is expected to be 
  completed by the end of 2009. Y An increasing number of movies are being shown in 3-D, and 3-D cinema is 
  expected to be an ongoing trend in the PRC as well as worldwide. With more 
  cinemas equipped with 3-D technology, some movies are expected to be released 
  only in 3-D with no accompanying 2-D version. A growing demand for 3-D and 3-D 
  ready visualisation facilities and other available content is therefore 
  expected. Creative Picture expects its future revenue to derive primarily from 
  the content development and sale of visualisation facilities. 
  *   Creative Picture also participated in Screen Media Expo in April 2009 in London 
  to enhance profile and exposure. To further promote its brand image to overseas 
  potential customers, Creative Picture plans to increase its participation at 
  international exhibitions in 2010. Y Creative Picture continues to market its products by means of model showcases 
  installed at prominent spots, including museums, airports and train stations. 
IGO Home Shopping Holdings Limited ("IGO") 
As announced in last year's interim results, Yangtze has taken a prudent 
approach and written off the value of its investment in IGO in its entirety 
because of uncertainties in its cash position.  Details are provided below. 
  *  Shanghai IGO Business Services Company Limited ("Shanghai IGO") designs and 
  produces TV home shopping programmes and supplies them to TV companies. As IGO 
  cannot invest in Shanghai IGO directly, due to the current regulations 
  restricting foreign ownership in the media industry in the PRC, it entered into 
  an exclusive product supply agreement and cooperation agreement with Shanghai 
  *  Owing to the unexpected slowdown of China's retail market after the financial 
  turmoil in 2008, the increased coverage was not able to generate the necessary 
  income to offset its higher media cost. In consultation with IGO, Shanghai IGO 
  scaled down media coverage and retrenched staff in order to conserve its cash 
  *  During the period under review, IGO's founding and management shareholders have 
  raised additional funds to keep IGO afloat and changed IGO's business focus on 
  e-Commerce sales.  IGO has also downsized its TV media coverage to only 2 PRC 
  cities (previously 15 cities) whereby it is only required to pay for airtime 
  based on a revenue sharing basis as opposed to a fixed monthly fee for airtime 
  on TV. 
  *  IGO is actively seeking new investors for additional funding and is exploring 
  merger opportunities with other home shopping operators to keep it as a going 
China's Economy 
According to the International Monetary Fund, the Chinese economy in terms of 
GDP has been growing at a faster rate than most of the key economies in the 
world. China's GDP was ranked third in the world by size as of 2008 after the 
United States and Japan.  According World Bank reports in 2009, China was also 
ranked the second largest in terms of purchasing power parity in 2005.  China 
has been undergoing rapid urbanization due to the rapid growth of its economy. 
This has increased the purchasing power of the overall population and 
contributed to the significant growth of China's consumer market in recent 
years.  Therefore, despite the recent global economic downturn, China's real GDP 
increased nonetheless in 2008, by 9.0%, according to the National Bureau of 
Statistics of China.  However, the downturn has caused a substantial reduction 
in China's export growth. The global downturn has impacted strongly on the US 
and Europe, which account for over half of China's exports.  China has strong 
macroeconomic fundamentals and large balance of payment surpluses but its 
overall economic growth is susceptible to export performance. 
In November 2008, China's government announced a US$586 billion stimulus package 
to boost economic growth. The stimulus package contains many elements that 
support China's overall long term development of the domestic sector and improve 
most of people's living standards which are in line with the objectives of the 
11th five-year plan to rebalance the economy. With the stimulus package and a 
relatively strong trend of domestic consumption, China's real GDP grew at a 7.7% 
annual rate over the first nine months of 2009, and there have been estimates 
(e.g. by the World Bank) that the growth in 2009 will likely be in the region of 
With global markets showing signs of stabilising and China's economy projected 
to remain robust in 2009, Yangtze will continue its focus on post-investment 
monitoring initiatives.  At the same time, Yangtze will also step up its efforts 
to actively look for further investment opportunities.  Its current cash 
position of US$6.6 million places the Company in an excellent position to invest 
in good-quality assets at attractive entry valuations as and when suitable 
opportunities arise. 
Yangtze Capital Advisory Limited 
Investment Adviser 
3 December 2009 
 Portfolio Summary 
At 30 September 2009, the Company's total assets amounted to US$24.1 million. 
 About US$17.6 million were investments in four companies in the form of 
convertible note instruments at fair values. 
The following table summarises the status of the Company's portfolio at 30 
September 2009: 
| Description   | Industry   | Time of    |       Purchase |         As of 30 September 2009          | 
|               | / Location | Investment | cost (US$) (1) |                                          | 
|               |            | by the     |                |                                          | 
|               |            | Company    |                |                                          | 
+               +            +            +                +------------------------------------------+ 
|               |            |            |                |        Fair |  Change on |          % of | 
|               |            |            |                | value (US$) | cost (US$) | ownership (on | 
|               |            |            |                |             |            |          full | 
|               |            |            |                |             |            |    conversion | 
|               |            |            |                |             |            |          into | 
|               |            |            |                |             |            |    shares)(2) | 
|               |            |            |                |             |            |               | 
| Aesthetic     | Beauty spa | July 2008  |          5.11m |      11.91m |      6.80m |           25% | 
| International | franchise  |            |                |             |            |               | 
| Holdings      | / China    |            |                |             |            |               | 
| Group Limited |            |            |                |             |            |               | 
| Arigata       | Fiscal /   | May 2008   |          3.05m |       3.95m |      0.90m |           30% | 
| Holdings      | tax        |            |                |             |            |               | 
| Inc.          | processing |            |                |             |            |               | 
|               | solutions  |            |                |             |            |               | 
|               | / China    |            |                |             |            |               | 
| Creative      | 3-D        | May 2008   |          1.30m |       1.79m |      0.49m |         12.5% | 
| Picture       | display    |            |                |             |            |               | 
| Development   | technology |            |                |             |            |               | 
| Limited       | /China     |            |                |             |            |               | 
| IGO Home      | TV home    | May 2008   |          5.06m |           - |    (5.06m) |           20% | 
| Shopping      | shopping / |            |                |             |            |               | 
| Holdings      | China      |            |                |             |            |               | 
| Limited       |            |            |                |             |            |               | 
| Total         |            |            |         14.52m |      17.65m |      3.13m |               | 
(1) Included capitalised directly attributable investment expenses. 
(2) For reference only. The percentage of ownership represents, upon full 
conversion, a stake of the entire equity share capital of the investee company 
on a fully diluted basis. 
Review report on the 
unaudited interim financial information 
To the board of directors of 
Yangtze China Investment Limited 
(incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) 
We have reviewed the unaudited interim financial information of Yangtze China 
Investment Limited (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (collectively referred 
to as the "Group") which comprise the condensed consolidated statement of 
financial position as of 30 September 2009, and the related condensed 
consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the condensed consolidated 
statement of changes in equity and the condensed consolidated statement of cash 
flows for the six-month period then ended, and a summary of significant 
accounting policies and other explanatory notes (the "Unaudited Interim 
Financial Information"). 
The Alternative Investment Market Rules for Companies of London Stock Exchange 
require the preparation of an interim financial report to be in compliance with 
the relevant provisions thereof and International Accounting Standard 34 
"Interim Financial Reporting". The directors of the Company are responsible for 
the preparation and presentation of the Unaudited Interim Financial Information 
in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34. 
Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the Unaudited Interim Financial 
Information based on our review and to report our conclusion solely to you, as a 
body, in accordance with our agreed terms of engagement, and for no other 
purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any 
other person for the contents of this report. 
Scope of Review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review 
Engagements 2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the 
Independent Auditor of the Entity".  A review of the Unaudited Interim Financial 
Information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for 
financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review 
procedures.  A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in 
accordance with International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not 
enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant 
matters that might be identified in an audit.  Accordingly, we do not express an 
audit opinion. 
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe 
that the Unaudited Interim Financial Information is not prepared, in all 
material respects, in accordance with the International Accounting Standard 34. 
Grant Thornton 
Certified Public Accountants 
6th Floor, Nexxus Building 
41 Connaught Road Central 
Hong Kong 
3 December 2009 
  Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the six months 
ended 30 September 2009 
|                      |        |        Six months ended 30 |             From 5 July 2007 (date of | 
|                      |        |             September 2009 |                    incorporation) to  | 
|                      |        |                            |                         30 September  | 
|                      |        |                            |                                  2008 | 
|                      |   Note |                        US$ |                                   US$ | 
|                      |        |                (Unaudited) |                           (Unaudited) | 
|                      |        |                            |                            (Restated) | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
|        Impairment    |     12 |                          - |                           (5,056,970) | 
|        loss on       |        |                            |                                       | 
|        financial     |        |                            |                                       | 
|        assets at     |        |                            |                                       | 
|        fair value    |        |                            |                                       | 
|        through       |        |                            |                                       | 
|        profit or     |        |                            |                                       | 
|        loss          |        |                            |                                       | 
| Interest             |      6 |                     17,660 |                                 8,685 | 
| income               |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                     17,660 |                           (5,048,285) | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
| Expenses             |        |                            |                                       | 
| Auditors'            |        |                   (16,121) |                              (38,082) | 
| remuneration         |        |                            |                                       | 
| Administration       |      7 |                   (54,832) |                              (45,554) | 
| fee                  |        |                            |                                       | 
| Advisory             |      8 |                  (231,138) |                             (170,155) | 
| fee                  |        |                            |                                       | 
| Directors'           |      9 |                   (40,000) |                             (132,500) | 
| fees                 |        |                            |                                       | 
| Legal                |        |                   (45,693) |                                     - | 
| and                  |        |                            |                                       | 
| professional         |        |                            |                                       | 
| fees                 |        |                            |                                       | 
| Marketing            |        |                   (34,214) |                              (32,397) | 
| and                  |        |                            |                                       | 
| communication        |        |                            |                                       | 
| fees                 |        |                            |                                       | 
| Retainer             |        |                   (38,804) |                              (22,639) | 
| fees                 |        |                            |                                       | 
| Other                |        |                   (21,532) |                              (73,687) | 
| operating            |        |                            |                                       | 
| expenses             |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                  (482,334) |                             (515,014) | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
| Loss                 |        |                  (464,674) |                           (5,563,299) | 
| before               |        |                            |                                       | 
| taxation             |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
| Taxation             |     10 |                          - |                                     - | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
| Loss                 |        |                  (464,674) |                           (5,563,299) | 
| for                  |        |                            |                                       | 
| the                  |        |                            |                                       | 
| period               |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
| Other                |        |                            |                                       | 
| comprehensive        |        |                            |                                       | 
| loss for the         |        |                            |                                       | 
| period               |        |                            |                                       | 
| -                    |        |                            |                                       | 
| Exchange             |        |                            |                                       | 
| loss on              |        |                            |                                       | 
| translation          |        |                            |                                       | 
| of                   |        |                            |                                       | 
| financial            |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                    (1,625) |                               (1,922) | 
| statements           |        |                            |                                       | 
| of foreign           |        |                            |                                       | 
| operations           |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
|        Total         |        |                  (466,299) |                           (5,565,221) | 
|        comprehensive |        |                            |                                       | 
|        loss          |        |                            |                                       | 
|        attributable  |        |                            |                                       | 
|        to            |        |                            |                                       | 
|        shareholders  |        |                            |                                       | 
|        of the        |        |                            |                                       | 
|        Company       |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
|        Loss          |     11 |                            |                                       | 
|        per           |        |                            |                                       | 
|        share         |        |                            |                                       | 
|        attributable  |        |                            |                                       | 
|        to            |        |                            |                                       | 
|        shareholders  |        |                            |                                       | 
|        of the        |        |                            |                                       | 
|        Company       |        |                            |                                       | 
|        during the    |        |                            |                                       | 
|        period        |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |                            |                                       | 
| -                    |        |                  (US$0.02) |                             (US$0.22) | 
| Basic                |        |                            |                                       | 
| -                    |        |                        N/A |                                   N/A | 
| Diluted              |        |                            |                                       | 
|                      |        |        |                                       | 
  Condensed consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 September 2009 
|                                   | Note |     30 September | 31 March 2009 | 
|                                   |      |             2009 |               | 
|                                   |      |      (Unaudited) |     (Audited) | 
|                                   |      |              US$ |           US$ | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
| Non-current assets                |      |                  |               | 
|        Financial assets at fair   |   12 |       17,647,042 |    17,647,042 | 
|        value through profit or    |      |                  |               | 
|        loss                       |      |                  |               | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
| Current assets                    |      |                  |               | 
| Prepayments and other receivables |      |           42,354 |        31,219 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents         |   13 |        6,605,282 |     7,025,012 | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
|                                   |      |        6,647,636 |     7,056,231 | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
| Current liabilities               |      |                  |               | 
| Accrued expenses and other        |      |          169,163 |       138,779 | 
| payables                          |      |                  |               | 
| Amount due to directors           |   14 |            1,786 |        44,381 | 
| Amount due to investment adviser  |   14 |           69,915 |             - | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
|                                   |      |          240,864 |       183,160 | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
| Net current assets                |      |        6,406,772 |     6,873,071 | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
| Net assets                        |      |       24,053,814 |    24,520,113 | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
|        Net assets attributable to |      |                  |               | 
|        shareholders of the        |      |                  |               | 
|        Company                    |      |                  |               | 
| Share capital                     |   15 |        2,538,001 |     2,538,001 | 
| Share premium                     |      |       19,831,685 |    19,831,685 | 
| Retained earnings                 |      |        1,684,128 |     2,150,427 | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
|                                   |      |       24,053,814 |    24,520,113 | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
| Number of ordinary shares in      |      |       25,380,010 |    25,380,010 | 
| issue                             |      |                  |               | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
| Net asset value per ordinary      |   16 |          US$0.95 |       US$0.97 | 
| share                             |      |                  |               | 
|                                   |      |                  |               | 
  Condensed consolidated statement of cash flow for the six months ended 30 
September 2009 
|                                   |    |     Six months |  From 5 July 2007 | 
|                                   |    |       ended 30 |          (date of | 
|                                   |    | September 2009 |    incorporation) | 
|                                   |    |                |               to  | 
|                                   |    |                |     30 September  | 
|                                   |    |                |              2008 | 
|                                   |    |            US$ |               US$ | 
|                                   |    |    (Unaudited) |       (Unaudited) | 
| Net cash (outflow)/ inflow from : |    |                |                   | 
|                                   |    |                |                   | 
| Operating activities              |    |      (419,730) |         (404,296) | 
| Investing activities              |    |              - |       (5,136,718) | 
| Financing activities              |    |              - |        12,985,480 | 
|                                   |    |                |                   | 
|                                   |    |                |                   | 
|        Net (decrease)/increase in |    |      (419,730) |         7,444,466 | 
|        cash and cash equivalents  |    |                |                   | 
|                                   |    |                |                   | 
|        Cash and cash equivalents  |    |      7,025,012 |                 - | 
|        at beginning of period     |    |                |                   | 
|                                   |    |                |                   | 
|                                   |    |                |                   | 
|        Cash and cash equivalents  |    |      6,605,282 |         7,444,466 | 
|        at end of period           |    |                |                   | 
|                                   |    |                |                   | 
|                                   |    |                |                   | 
|        Analysis of balances of    |    |                |                   | 
|        cash and cash equivalents: |    |                |                   | 
|                                   |    |                |                   | 
| Cash at bank                      |    |        105,282 |           944,466 | 
| Short term bank deposits          |    |      6,500,000 |         6,500,000 | 
|                                   |    |                |                   | 
|                                   |    |      6,605,282 |         7,444,466 | 
|                                   |    |                |                   | 
  Condensed consolidated statement of 
changes in equity for the six months ended 30 September 2009 
|                                 |       Share |       Share |     Retained |       Total | 
|                                 |     capital |     premium |    earnings/ |             | 
|                                 |             |             | (Accumulated |             | 
|                                 |             |             |      losses) |             | 
|                                 | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) |  (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | 
|                                 |         US$ |         US$ |          US$ |         US$ | 
|                                 |             |             |              |             | 
| At 5 July 2007 (date of         |           - |           - |            - |           - | 
| incorporation)                  |             |             |              |             | 
|        Proceeds from issuance   |             |             |              |             | 
|        of ordinary shares :     |             |             |              |             | 
| - non-public subscription       |           1 |           - |            - |           1 | 
|               - public          |   2,538,000 |  19,831,685 |            - |  22,369,685 | 
|               subscription on   |             |             |              |             | 
|               admission to AIM  |             |             |              |             | 
|               of London Stock   |             |             |              |             | 
|               Exchange          |             |             |              |             | 
|                                 |             |             |              |             | 
| Transactions with shareholders  |   2,538,001 |  19,831,685 |            - |  22,369,686 | 
|                                 |             |             |              |             | 
| Loss for the period (restated)  |           - |           - |  (5,563,299) | (5,563,299) | 
| Other comprehensive loss        |             |             |              |             | 
| - Exchange loss on translation  |             |             |              |             | 
| of                              |             |             |              |             | 
|        financial statements of  |           - |           - |      (1,922) |     (1,922) | 
|        foreign operations       |             |             |              |             | 
|                                 |             |             |              |             | 
| Total comprehensive loss for    |           - |           - |  (5,565,221) | (5,565,221) | 
| the period                      |             |             |              |             | 
|                                 |             |             |              |             | 
|        At 30 September 2008     |   2,538,001 |  19,831,685 |  (5,565,221) |  16,804,465 | 
|        (unaudited) (restated)   |             |             |              |             | 
|                                 |             |             |              |             | 
|                                 |             |             |              |             | 
| At 1 April 2009                 |   2,538,001 |  19,831,685 |    2,150,427 |  24,520,113 | 
| Loss for the period             |           - |           - |    (464,674) |   (464,674) | 
| Other comprehensive loss        |             |             |              |             | 
| - Exchange loss on translation  |             |             |              |             | 
| of                              |             |             |              |             | 
|               financial         |           - |           - |      (1,625) |     (1,625) | 
|               statements of     |             |             |              |             | 
|               foreign           |             |             |              |             | 
|               operations        |             |             |              |             | 
|                                 |             |             |              |             | 
| Total comprehensive loss for    |           - |           - |    (466,299) |   (466,299) | 
| the period                      |             |             |              |             | 
|                                 |             |             |              |             | 
| At 30 September 2009            |   2,538,001 |  19,831,685 |    1,684,128 |  24,053,814 | 
| (unaudited)                     |             |             |              |             | 
|                                 |             |             |              |             | 
 Notes to the condensed consolidated 
interim financial information 
Yangtze China Investment Limited (the "Company") is a closed-end investment 
company incorporated on 5 July 2007 ("date of incorporation") and registered 
under the Companies Law (2004 Revision) of the Cayman Islands with limited 
The principal activity of the Company is investment holding. Details of the 
Company's subsidiaries are set out in note 17 to the condensed consolidated 
interim financial information. The Company and its subsidiaries are collectively 
referred to as the Group hereinafter. 
The investment objective of the Group is to provide shareholders of the Company 
with an attractive return on its investments, predominantly through capital 
appreciation, during the period, by making minority equity and equity-related 
investments through convertible note instruments in small and medium-sized 
growth businesses with, or associated with, the different consumer sectors in 
the People's Republic of China (the "PRC"). 
The investment activities of the Group are managed by Yangtze Capital Advisory 
Limited (the "Investment Adviser"). The Company's Administrator is Trident Trust 
Company (Cayman) Limited.  The registered office of the Company is One Capital 
Place, P.O. Box 847, Grand Cayman KY1-1103, Cayman Islands. 
The unaudited interim financial information of the Group for the six months 
ended 30 September 2009 were authorised for issue by the directors of the 
Company on 3 December 2009. 
In the current period, the Group has applied for the first time the following 
new or amended IFRSs issued by the IASB, which are relevant to and effective for 
the Group's financial statements for the annual financial period beginning on 1 
April 2009. 
|    IAS 1 (Revised)  |              Presentation of Financial      | 
|                     |              Statements                     | 
|    IAS 23 (Revised) |              Borrowing Costs                | 
|        IAS 32,      |                 Puttable Financial          | 
|        IAS39 and    |                 Instruments and Obligations | 
|        IFRS7        |                 Arising on Liquidation      | 
|        (Amendments) |                                             | 
|        IFRS 1 and   |              Cost of an Investment in a     | 
|        IAS 27       |              Subsidiary, Jointly Controlled | 
|        (Amendment)  |              Entity or an Associate         | 
|        IFRS 2       |              Share-based Payment - Vesting  | 
|        (Amendment)  |              Conditions and Cancellations   | 
|        IFRS 7       |              Improving Disclosures about    | 
|        (Amendment)  |              Financial Instruments          | 
|        IFRS 8       |              Operating Segments             | 
|        IFRIC - Int  |              Reassessment of Embedded       | 
|        9 & IAS 39   |              Derivatives                    | 
|        (Amendment)  |                                             | 
|        Various      |              Annual Improvements to IFRSs   | 
|                     |              2008                           | 
Other than as noted below, the adoption of these new or amended IFRSs did not 
change the Group's accounting policies as followed in the preparation of the 
Group's financial statements for the period ended 31 March 2009. 
IAS 1 (Revised) - Presentation of financial statements 
The adoption of IAS 1 (Revised) makes certain changes to the format and titles 
of the primary financial statements and to the presentation of some items within 
these statements. It also gives rise to additional disclosures. The measurement 
and recognition of the Group's assets, liabilities, income and expenses is 
unchanged. However, some items that were recognised directly in equity are now 
recognised in other comprehensive income. IAS 1 affects the presentation of 
owner changes in equity and introduces a "Statement of comprehensive income". 
Comparatives have been restated to conform with the revised standard. 
IFRS 8 Operating segments 
The adoption of IFRS 8 has not affected the identified and reportable operating 
segments for the Group. However, reported segment information is now based on 
internal management reporting information that is regularly reviewed by the 
chief operating decision maker. In the previous annual financial statements, 
segments were identified by reference to the dominant source and nature of the 
Group's risks and returns. 
Adoption of new or amended IFRSs 
The Group has not early adopted the following new and amended IFRSs, which have 
been published but are not yet effective: 
| IAS 24 (Revised)   | Related Party Disclosures 5                        | 
| IAS 27 (Revised)   | Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements 1   | 
| IAS 32 (Amendment) | Financial Instruments: Presentation -              | 
|                    | Classification of Rights Issues 4                  | 
| IAS 39 (Amendment) | Eligible Hedged Items 1                            | 
| IFRS 1 (Revised)   | First-time Adoption of Hong Kong Financial         | 
|                    | Reporting Standards 1                              | 
| IFRS 1 (Amendment) | Additional Exemptions for First-time Adopters 3    | 
| IFRS 2 (Amendment) | Group Cash-Settled Share-Based Payment             | 
|                    | Transactions 3                                     | 
| IFRS 3 (Revised)   | Business Combinations 1                            | 
| IFRS 9             | Financial Instruments 7                            | 
| IFRIC - Int 14     | IAS19 - The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset,      | 
| (Amendment)        | Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction | 
|                    | 6                                                  | 
| IFRIC - Int 17     | Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners 1       | 
| IFRIC - Int 18     | Transfer of Assets from Customers 2                | 
| IFRIC - Int 19     | Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity    | 
|                    | Instruments 5                                      | 
| Various            | Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2009 8                | 
| 1 | Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009      | 
| 2 |              Effective for transfer received on or after 1 July     | 
|   |              2009                                                   | 
| 3 |              Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1   | 
|   |              January 2010                                           | 
| 4 |              Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1   | 
|   |              February 2010                                          | 
| 5 |              Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1   | 
|   |              July 2010                                              | 
| 6 |              Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1   | 
|   |              January 2011                                           | 
| 7 |              Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1   | 
|   |              January 2013                                           | 
| 8 |              Generally effective for annual periods beginning on or | 
|   |              after 1 January 2010 unless otherwise stated in the    | 
|   |              specific IFRSs                                         | 
The directors of the Company anticipate that all of the pronouncements will be 
adopted in the Group's accounting policy for the first period beginning after 
the effective date of the pronouncement. 
(a)    Basis of preparation 
The unaudited interim financial information have been prepared in accordance 
with the applicable disclosure provisions of the AIM Rules and International 
Accounting Standard ("IAS") 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" as adopted by the 
The interim financial report does not include all the information and 
disclosures required in the annual financial statements, and should be read in 
conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements for the period ended 31 
March 2009. 
The Group's financial statements consolidate those of the Company and all of its 
subsidiaries drawn up to 30 September 2009. Subsidiaries are all entities 
(including special purpose entities) over which the Group has the power to 
control the financial and operating policies so as to obtain benefits of their 
activities. The existence and effect of potential voting rights that are 
currently exercisable or convertible are considered when assessing whether the 
Group controls another entity. 
Unrealised gains and losses on transactions between Group companies are 
eliminated. Where unrealised losses on intra-group asset sales are reversed on 
consolidation, the underlying asset is also tested for impairment from a group 
perspective. Amounts reported in the financial statements of subsidiaries have 
been adjusted where necessary to ensure consistently with the accounting 
policies adopted by the Group. 
Profit or loss and other comprehensive income of subsidiaries acquired or 
disposed of during the period are recognised from the effective date of 
acquisition, or up to the effective date of disposals, as applicable. 
The Group's financial assets are convertible notes designated as at fair value 
through profit or loss.  The directors determine the classification of its 
financial assets at initial recognition depending on the purpose for which the 
financial assets were acquired and, where allowed and appropriate, re-evaluate 
this designation at every reporting date. 
All financial assets are recognised when, and only when, the Group becomes a 
party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Regular way purchase or 
sales of financial assets are recognised and derecognised on a trade date basis. 
 Regular way purchases or sales are purchases or sales of financial assets that 
require delivery of assets within the time frame established by regulation or 
convention in the marketplace. 
When financial assets are recognised initially, they are measured at fair value, 
plus, in the case of investments not at fair value through profit or loss, 
directly attributable transaction costs. 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include financial assets 
held for trading and financial assets designed upon initial recognition at fair 
value through profit or loss. 
Financial assets are classified as held for trading if they are acquired for the 
purpose of selling in the near term. Financial asset may be designated at 
initial recognition at fair value through profit or loss if the following 
criteria are met: 
  *  the designation eliminates or significantly reduces the inconsistent treatment 
  that would otherwise arise from measuring the assets or recognising gains or 
  losses on them on a different basis; or 
  *  the assets are part of a group of financial assets which are managed and their 
  performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with a documented 
  risk management strategy and information about the group of financial assets is 
  provided internally on that basis to the key management personnel; or 
  *  the financial asset contains an embedded derivative that would need to be 
  separately recorded. 
The main class of financial instrument designated by the Company is the 
investment in convertible notes. The Company has documented risk management and 
investment strategies deigned to manage such assets at fair value, taking into 
consideration the total return from interests and the changes in equity value, 
in a way that maximises the investment returns. Information about fair values 
are provided internally to key management personnel. The convertible note 
investment includes separate embedded derivatives such as share conversion 
option, put option and/or call option. The Company has designated the entire 
combined contract at fair value through profit or loss. 
At each reporting date subsequent to initial recognition, the financial assets 
at fair value through profit or loss are measured at fair value, with changes in 
fair value recognised in the profit or loss. The net gain or loss recognised in 
the profit or loss. The net gain or loss recognised in the profit or loss 
excludes any dividend or interest earned on the financial assets. 
Derecognition of financial assets occurs when the rights to receive cash flows 
from the investments expire or are transferred and substantially all of the 
risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred. At each reporting date, 
financial assets are reviewed to assess whether there is objective evidence of 
impairment. If any such evidence exists, impairment loss is determined and 
recognised based on the classification of the financial asset. 
Where a contract contains one or more embedded derivatives, the entire hybrid 
contract may be designed as a financial asset at fair value through profit or 
loss, except where the embedded derivative does not significantly modify the 
cash flows or it is clear that separation of the embedded derivative is 
The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a 
financial asset and of allocating interest income over the relevant periods. 
 The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future 
cash receipts (including all fees on points paid or received that form an 
integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs and other 
premiums or discounts) through the expected life of the financial asset, or 
where appropriate, a shorter period. 
Financial assets are assessed at each reporting date to determine whether there 
is any objective evidence that they are impaired. A financial asset is 
considered to be impaired if objective evidence indicates that one or more 
events have a negative effect on the estimated future cash flows of that asset. 
An impairment loss in respect of a financial asset measured at amortised cost is 
calculated as the difference between its carrying amount and present value of 
the estimated future cash flows discounted at the original effective interest 
rate. Individual significant financial assets are tested for impairment on an 
individual basis. The remaining financial assets are assessed collectively in 
groups that share similar credit risk characteristics. All impairment losses are 
recognised in the profit or loss. 
An impairment loss is reversed if the reversal can be related objectively to an 
event occurring after the impairment loss was recognised. The reversal is 
recognised in the profit or loss. 
The unaudited interim financial information are presented in the currency of 
United States Dollars ("US$"), which is the presentation and functional currency 
of the Group. 
Items included in the Group's unaudited interim financial information are 
measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the 
entities within the Group operate (the "functional currency"). Transactions in 
foreign currencies are translated into the respective functional currencies at 
the approximate rates ruling on the dates of the transactions. Monetary assets 
and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into the 
respective functional currencies at the approximate rates ruling on the 
reporting date. Gains and losses arising on exchange are dealt with in the 
profit or loss. 
In the consolidated financial statements, all individual financial statements of 
foreign operations, originally presented in a currency different from the 
Group's presentation currency, have been converted into US$. Assets and 
liabilities have been translated into US$ at the closing rate at the reporting 
date. Income and expenses have been converted into US$ at the exchange rates 
ruling at the transaction dates, or at the average rates over the reporting 
period, provided that the exchange rate do not fluctuate significantly. Any 
differences on translation of financial statements of foreign operations are 
recognised in the other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity. 
Interest income is recognised on a time-proportionate basis using the effective 
interest method. Expenses are accounted for on an accrual basis. 
(h)    TAXATION 
Taxation represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred taxation. 
The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the period.  Taxable 
profit differs from the profit as reported in the profit or loss because it 
excludes items of income and expense that are taxable or deductible in other 
periods, and it further excludes profit or loss items that are never taxable or 
Deferred taxation is recognised on differences between the carrying amounts of 
assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax 
bases used in the computation of taxable profit. Deferred tax liabilities are 
generally recognised for all taxable temporary differences, and deferred tax 
assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits 
will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be 
utilised. The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each 
reporting date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that 
sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the asset to 
be recovered. 
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not recognised if the temporary 
difference arises from initial recognition of assets and liabilities in a 
transaction that not a business combination and affects neither taxable nor 
accounting profit or loss. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for taxable 
temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries, except where the 
Group is able to control the reversal of the temporary differences and it is 
probable that the temporary differences will note reverse in the foreseeable 
Other receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable 
payments that are not quoted in an active market. Other receivables are 
initially recognised at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost 
using the effective interest method, less any impairment losses. 
Other payables are financial liabilities, recognised when the Group becomes a 
party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.  The Group's other 
payables are recognised initially at their fair value and subsequently measured 
at amortised cost, using the effective interest method. 
Amounts due to directors/investment adviser are recognised initially at fair 
value and subsequently measured at amortised cost, using the effective interest 
Cash and cash equivalents represent cash at bank and short term deposits with 
original maturity of three months or less. 
Ordinary shares are classified as equity.  Share capital is determined using the 
nominal value of shares that have been issued.  Costs directly attributable to 
the issue of new shares as shown in equity are deducted from the share premium 
A party is considered to be related to the Group if : 
(i)    directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, the party : 
-    controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the Group; 
-    has an interest in the Group that gives it significant influence over the 
Group; or 
-    has joint control over the Group; 
(ii)    the party is a jointly-controlled entity; 
(iii)    the party is an associate; 
(iv)    the party is a member of the key management personnel of the Group or 
its parent; 
(v)    the party is a close member of the family of any individual referred to 
in (i) or (iv); 
(vi)    the party is an entity that is controlled, jointly-controlled or 
significantly influenced by or for which significant voting power in such entity 
resides with, directly or indirectly, any individual referred to in (iv) or (v); 
(vii)    the party is a post-employment benefit plan for the benefit of 
employees of the Group, or of any entity that is a related party of the Group. 
Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical 
experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are 
believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. 
The Group's financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are valued by 
the directors and have been reviewed by independent professional valuer using 
the discounted cash flow valuation, including the reference made to certain 
assumptions of prevailing market conditions, and the fair values of other 
comparable financial instruments that are substantially the same nature of the 
Group's financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. Favourable or 
unfavourable changes to these assumptions may result in changes in the fair 
value of the Group's financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and 
corresponding adjustments to the changes in fair value reported in the profit or 
loss and the carrying amount of these financial assets at fair value through 
profit or loss included in the consolidated balance sheet. 
Under IFRS 8, reported segment information is based on internal management 
reporting information that is regularly reviewed by the Directors. The Directors 
assess segment profit or loss using a measure of operating profit. The 
measurement policies the Group uses for segment reporting under IFRS 8 are the 
same as those used in its IFRS financial statements. 
On adoption of IFRS 8, based on the regular internal financial information 
reported to the Group's directors for their decisions about resources allocation 
to the Group's business components and review of these components' performance, 
the Group has identified only one reportable operating segment, investment 
business. Accordingly, segment disclosures are not presented. 
|                                     |     Six months |   From 5 July 2007 | 
|                                     |       ended 30 |           (date of | 
|                                     |      September | incorporation) to  | 
|                                     |           2009 |      30 September  | 
|                                     |                |               2008 | 
|                                     |    (Unaudited) |        (Unaudited) | 
|                                     |            US$ |                US$ | 
|                                     |                |                    | 
| Income arising from the cash held   |         17,660 |              8,685 | 
| at a bank                           |                |                    | 
|                                     |                |                    | 
            7.    ADMINISTRATION FEE 
Trident Trust Company (Cayman) Limited was appointed as the Administrator of the 
Group and is entitled to receive the fees based on the actual working hours 
incurred on the relevant services provided to the Group. 
Yangtze Capital Advisory Limited is the Investment Adviser and is entitled to an 
advisory fee of 2% per annum on the amount equal to the net asset value in 
respect of the initial 12 months period after the admission to the AIM of London 
Stock Exchange. Thereafter, the advisory fee will be calculated based on 2% of 
the amount equal to the net asset value less the value of cash and cash 
equivalents, and 1.5% of the amount equal to the value of cash and cash 
Each of the non-executive directors has entered into the service agreement with 
the Group. The directors' fees, incurred in the course of their duties during 
the period and in respect of services provided to the Group, are set out as 
|                                     |     Six months |   From 5 July 2007 | 
|                                     |       ended 30 |           (date of | 
|                                     |      September | incorporation) to  | 
|                                     |           2009 |      30 September  | 
|                                     |                |               2008 | 
|                                     |            US$ |                US$ | 
|                                     |    (Unaudited) |        (Unaudited) | 
|                                     |                |                    | 
| Directors' fees in respect of       |                |                    | 
| services and duties :               |                |                    | 
| Timothy Gwynne Barker               |         10,000 |             33,125 | 
| Anthony Nigel Clifton Griffiths     |         10,000 |             33,125 | 
| Hoon Tai Meng                       |         10,000 |             33,125 | 
| Stephen Shu Kwan Ip                 |         10,000 |             33,125 | 
|                                     |                |                    | 
|                                     |         40,000 |            132,500 | 
|                                     |                |                    | 
The interests in ordinary shares of the non-executive chairman/director and 
their immediate families, who held office during the period, at 30 September 
2009 and 30 September 2008, are set out below: 
|                                     |     Six months |   From 5 July 2007 | 
|                                     |       ended 30 |           (date of | 
|                                     |      September | incorporation) to  | 
|                                     |           2009 |      30 September  | 
|                                     |                |               2008 | 
|                                     |      Number of |   Number of shares | 
|                                     |         shares |                    | 
|                                     |                |                    | 
| Wilfred Ying Wai Wong               |             10 |                 10 | 
| Timothy Gwynne Barker               |         60,000 |             60,000 | 
|                                     |                |                    | 
10.    TAXATION 
No provision for income tax has been made as the income of the Group is not 
liable to any income tax or capital gain tax in Cayman Islands and is excluded 
from the charge to profits tax in other jurisdictions for which the Group does 
not generate taxable income. 
The calculation of basic loss per share is based on the loss for the period of 
US$464,674 (period ended 30 September 2008: US$5,563,299 as restated) and on 
25,380,010 ordinary shares (period ended 30 September 2008: 25,380,010 ordinary 
shares) in issue during the period. 
Diluted loss per share for the six months ended 30 September 2009 and period 
ended 30 September 2008 are not presented as there is no dilutive potential 
The entire portfolio of the Group's financial instruments is unlisted 
convertible note instruments, maturing ranging from 2 months to 41 months as at 
30 September 2009 and carrying at coupon interest rates ranging from 8% to 15% 
per annum. All the convertible note instruments contain a share conversion 
feature, a put option, and a call option, except for the convertible note 
instrument as issued by Creative Picture Development Limited which does not 
contain the call option. 
The Group's convertible note instruments at 30 September 2009 and 31 March 2009, 
designated at fair value through profit or loss, are set out below: 
|                                      |    30 September 2009 |      31 March 2009 | 
|                                      |                  US$ |                US$ | 
|                                      |          (Unaudited) |          (Audited) | 
|                                      |                      |                    | 
|          Convertible notes at        |                      |                    | 
|          fair value, as              |                      |                    | 
|          issued by :                 |                      |                    | 
|          - IGO Home Shopping         |                    - |                  - | 
|          Holdings Limited            |                      |                    | 
|          - Creative Picture          |            1,786,999 |          1,786,999 | 
|          Development Limited         |                      |                    | 
|          - Arigata Holdings          |            3,948,274 |          3,948,274 | 
|          Inc.                        |                      |                    | 
|                        -             |           11,911,769 |         11,911,769 | 
|                        Aesthetic     |                      |                    | 
|                        International |                      |                    | 
|                        Holdings      |                      |                    | 
|                        Group Limited |                      |                    | 
|                                      |                      |                    | 
|                                      |           17,647,042 |         17,647,042 | 
|                                      |                      |                    | 
As disclosed in note 17, the Group invests in each of above four convertible 
note instruments through four wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Group. 
            (a)   At 31 March 2009, the valuation of the convertible note 
instruments was carried out by an 


professional valuer, Jones Lang LaSalle Sallmanns Limited. A further review was 

undertaken by the valuer that there are no material

changes in the fair value of the instruments for 


period from 1 April 2009 to 30 September 2009. Accordingly, no fair value 
changes have been 

recognised in the profit or loss

during this interim period. 
            (b)   IGO operates a home shopping business mainly by way of 
television media in the PRC. As IGO 

had been making

significant losses during the period and was in a net liability position, the 

directors believe that there is a high uncertainty in

the foreseeable future that IGO can be operated 

as a

going concern. As such, the directors are of the view that, at 30 September 2009 
and 31 

March 2009, there is no fair value in the

convertible notes issued by IGO. The carrying amounts of 
the investment in the convertible notes as issued by IGO, amounted to 
US$5,056,970, were fully 

impaired during the period

ended 30 September 2008. 
|                               |    30 September 2009 |      31 March 2009 | 
|                               |                  US$ |                US$ | 
|                               |          (Unaudited) |          (Audited) | 
|                               |                      |                    | 
| Cash at bank                  |              105,282 |          3,010,412 | 
|          Short term bank      |            6,500,000 |          4,014,600 | 
|          deposits (maturing   |                      |                    | 
|          within 3 months)     |                      |                    | 
|                               |                      |                    | 
|                               |            6,605,282 |          7,025,012 | 
|                               |                      |                    | 
Amounts are unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demands. The directors of 
the Company consider that these balances' carrying amounts are approximate to 
their fair value. 
|                                    |              30 |      31 March 2009 | 
|                                    |  September 2009 |                    | 
|                                    |             US$ |                US$ | 
|                                    |     (Unaudited) |          (Audited) | 
| Authorised:                        |                 |                    | 
| 200,000,000 ordinary shares of     |      20,000,000 |         20,000,000 | 
| US$0.1 each                        |                 |                    | 
|                                    |                 |                    | 
|                                    |                 |                    | 
| Issued and fully paid:             |                 |                    | 
| 25,380,010 ordinary shares of      |       2,538,001 |          2,538,001 | 
| US$0.1 each                        |                 |                    | 
|                                    |                 |                    | 
The Group's primary objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the 
Group's ability to continue as a going concern, so that it can continue to 
provide returns for the shareholders, to support the Group's sustainable growth; 
and to provide capital for the purpose of potential investment. 
The directors of the Company regard net assets attributable to ordinary 
shareholders as capital, for capital management purpose. The amount of capital 
at 30 September 2009 amounted to US$24,053,814 (31 March 2009: US$24,520,113) is 
considered sufficient by the directors giving due cognizance to the projected 
return on net assets and the forecast investment opportunities. 
The net asset value per ordinary share of the Group is based on net assets 
attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company of US$24,053,814 (31 March 
2009: US$24,520,113) and on the ordinary shares in issue of 25,380,010 shares at 
30 September 2009 and 31 March 2009. 
The Company invests in the convertible note instruments through its wholly-owned 
subsidiaries. Particulars of the subsidiaries are as follows: 
| Name          | Country/place  | Particulars  | Percentage of       | Principal  | 
|               | of             | of issued    | equity interests    | activities | 
|               | incorporation/ | and          | held by             |            | 
|               | registration/  | fully paid   | the Company         |            | 
|               | operations     | up capital   |                     |            | 
|               |                |              | Direct   | Indirect |            | 
|               |                |              |          |          |            | 
| Ace Aim       | British        | US$1         | 100%     | -        | Investment | 
| Investments   | Virgin         |              |          |          | holding    | 
| Limited <note | Islands        |              |          |          |            | 
| a>            |                |              |          |          |            | 
|               |                |              |          |          |            | 
| Mission       | British        | US$1         | 100%     | -        | Investment | 
| Deluxe        | Virgin         |              |          |          | holding    | 
| International | Islands        |              |          |          |            | 
| Limited <note |                |              |          |          |            | 
| a>            |                |              |          |          |            | 
|               |                |              |          |          |            | 
| Mission Rich  | British        | US$1         | 100%     | -        | Investment | 
| International | Virgin         |              |          |          | holding    | 
| Limited <note | Islands        |              |          |          |            | 
| a>            |                |              |          |          |            | 
|               |                |              |          |          |            | 
| Camay         | British        | US$1         | 100%     | -        | Investment | 
| International | Virgin         |              |          |          | holding    | 
| Limited       | Islands        |              |          |          |            | 
  *  Wilfred Ying Wai Wong, the non-executive chairman of the Company, is also the 
  vice chairman of the parent company of Excellent Rise Investments Limited 
  ("Excellent Rise"). On admission of the Company's shares to trading on the AIM 
  of the London Stock Exchange, Excellent Rise subscribed a total of 12,820,000 
  ordinary shares of US$0.1 each of the Company for a consideration of both 
  US$3,435,794 cash (worth equivalent to 3,435,794 ordinary shares of the Company) 
  and 9,384,206 ordinary shares of the Company (worth equivalent to US$9,384,206) 
  in exchange of these three subsidiaries' entire share interests and respective 
  subsidiaries' convertible note investments as the initial portfolio.. 
All subsidiaries of the Company were solely established and acquired, as special 
purpose entities and as investment holding companies, to hold the Company's 
investments in the convertible notes. 
No major non-cash transactions were incurred during the six months ended 30 
September 2009. 
As disclosed in note 17(a), there was a major non-cash transaction for the 
period ended 30 September 2008 where 9,384,206 ordinary shares of US$0.1 each of 
the Company were issued to and subscribed for by Excellent Rise at a 
consideration of US$9,384,206, to acquire the three subsidiaries' entire issued 
share capital and their respective subsidiaries' convertible note investments 
upon the admission of the Company's shares to the AIM of the London Stock 
(a)    The Investment Adviser has been appointed to provide investment advisory 
services to the Group. The non-executive chairman of the Company is also the 
sole shareholder of the Investment Adviser and therefore the Investment Adviser 
is regarded as a related party. For the six months period ended 30 September 
2009, the Group incurred a total advisory fee of US$231,138 (period ended 30 
September 2008: US$170,155) payable/ paid to the Investment Adviser. 
 (b)    For the period ended 30 September 2008, as Wilfred Ying Wai Wong, the 
non-executive chairman of the Company, is also the vice chairman of the parent 
company of Excellent Rise, Excellent Rise is regarded as a related party.  As 
disclosed in notes 17 (a) and 18, Excellent Rise subscribed a total of 
12,820,000 ordinary shares of the Company, worth equivalent to US$12,820,000 
during the period. 
(c)    For the period ended 30 September 2008, as disclosed in note 9, Wilfred 
Ying Wai Wong, the non-executive chairman of the Company and Timothy Gwynne 
Barker, a non-executive director of the Company, subscribed for 10 and 60,000 
ordinary shares of the Company respectively. 
The Group's activities exposes to a variety of financial risks which 
substantially result from its operating and investing activities.  In the view 
of the directors, the Group's risk management is coordinated by the Investment 
Adviser in a close cooperation with the directors, and focuses on actively 
securing the Group's short to medium term cash flows. 
The significant financial risks to which the Group is exposed, are described 
Credit risk 
The Group's principal financial assets are cash and cash equivalents, other 
receivables and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, which 
represent the Group's maximum exposure to credit risk in relation to financial 
assets.  The Group's credit risk is primarily attributable to its investments in 
convertible note instruments.  To minimise credit risk, the Group has formulated 
a defined investment policy and has delegated management of investment risk to 
the Investment Adviser.  The Group has obtained the subscribed convertible 
notes, for which the money was lent to investees, by entering into guarantee 
agreements with guarantors. During the period, the directors have assessed the 
financial status and potential growth of the investee companies and full 
impairment provision has been made against the convertible notes issued by IGO. 
The credit risk pertaining to cash and cash equivalents is considered limited. 
Concentration risk 
At 30 September 2009, the Group's financial assets exposed to credit risk are 
concentrated in four unlisted convertible note instruments which approximate to 
73 percent (31 March 2009: 72 percent) of the net assets of the Group as at the 
reporting date. 
Market price risk 
The fair value or future cash flows of the convertible note instruments may 
fluctuate because of changes in market prices which are generally affected by 
overall conditions in the economy of the PRC. The Investment Adviser assesses 
the exposure to market risk when making each investment recommendation to the 
Board, and monitors the overall level of market risk on the whole of the 
investment portfolio on an ongoing basis. 
Liquidity risk 
In the view of the directors, the Group is not exposed to any significant 
liquidity risk which requires the immediate meeting and settlement of any 
significant liabilities or potential liabilities. The Investment Adviser 
monitors the Group's liquidity position on a daily basis and considers the 
liquidity risk as minimal. 
Foreign currency risk 
The Group holds a relatively small portion of its financial assets and 
liabilities in foreign currencies denominated other than in its functional 
currency, which is US$. However, the Group has investments in subsidiary 
undertakings which hold assets denominated in Renminbi. 
The Investment Adviser monitors the Group's exposure to foreign currencies 
periodically and reports to the board on a regular basis. 
Interest rate risk 
The Group is not exposed to any significant interest rate risk because the 
convertible note instruments bear interest at specific rates per annum from the 
date of the instrument until the date of redemption or conversion of the 
convertible note. 
Fair value estimation 
The fair value of financial instruments that are not quoted in an active market 
is determined by using valuation techniques. The Group appointed an independent 
professional valuer to make assumptions based on market conditions current at 
the reporting date. Valuation techniques such as comparable recent arm's length 
transactions, discounted cash flow analysis and other valuation techniques 
commonly used by market participants have been used. Due to the inherent 
uncertainty of valuations, however, estimated fair values may differ 
significantly from the values that would have been used had a readily available 
market existed and the differences could be material. 
In cases where the carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of fair value 
such as short-term receivables and payables, no additional fair value is 
disclosed. All current assets and current liabilities are short-term in nature. 
In the 2008 Interim Report, the Group recognised the interest income arising 
from the convertible loan notes on the profit or loss which was included in 
interest income. No interest income shall be accrued as the effective interest 
income has been taken into account when valuing the plain bond portion of the 
investment, the interest income shall be included in the net gain on financial 
assets at fair value through profit or loss. Adjustments have been made to 
restate this treatment and the comparative figures were amended accordingly. No 
restatement is required for the condensed consolidated statement of financial 
position at 31 March 2009. 
- Ends - 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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