RNS Number : 2012X 
Snacktime PLC 
11 August 2009 

11 August 2009 
("SnackTime", the "Company" or the "Group") 
Snacktime plc, one of the UK's largest national operators of snack and chilled 
drink vending machines, is pleased to announce its preliminary results for the 
year ended 31 March 2009. 
  *  EBITDA increased by 79% to GBP1.0 million (2008: GBP0.6 million) 
  *  Profit before tax increased by 64% to GBP0.2 million (2008: GBP0.1 million) 
  *  GBP1.1 million  new funds was raised through the  issue of new ordinary shares 
  and convertible loan notes in December 2008 
Blair Jenkins, Chief Executive commented, 
"This has been another successful year for SnackTime with significant growth in 
our vending machine estate, sales and profits. The economic environment remains 
difficult and the business has also had to withdraw vending machines from a 
larger than anticipated number of customers. However, the business continues to 
see very good opportunities in the coming year, and we remain optimistic that 
Snacktime's excellent growth record can be continued." 
Snacktime plc 
       Tel: 01189 773 344 
Blair Jenkins, Chief Executive 
Julia Brand, Finance Director 
Arbuthnot Securities 
    Tel: 020 7012 2000 
Tom Griffiths/Alasdair Younie/Ben Wells 
Notes to Editors: - 
SnackTime plc (AIM: SNAK.L), is the holding company of SnackTime UK Limited, 
which is one of the UK's largest national operators of snack and chilled drink 
vending machines. The group has thousands of sites located throughout the UK, 
which are serviced by its five main depots located in Cumbernauld (near 
Glasgow), Manchester, Alcester, Wokingham, and Belfast. Each main depot is 
responsible through a team of area managers, merchandisers and engineers for 
installing, maintaining and restocking all of the Group's vending machines. 
The core element of the Group's business model is that it retains ownership of 
the vending machines, which are sited free on loan. The Group generates cash 
through sales of products from its vending machines and also from contributions 
from its Brand Partners, Mars, Britvic, PepsiCo (Walkers Crisps) and Coca-Cola. 
SnackTime UK has four main types of vending machines. The Group decides on the 
appropriate style and size of vending machine which is installed in each 
customer's site so as to deliver a high level of customer service to maximise 
sales. The Group's customers include national retailers, such as Matalan, Argos, 
Homebase and Dunelm Mills, as well as a large number of offices and factories. 
The Company's Annual Report and Accounts will be available on the Company's 
website and will be posted to shareholders by the end of August 2009. This 
announcement will be available on the Company's website at www.snacktimeplc.com. 
SnackTime is pleased to report another highly successful year of trading with 
sales in the year up by 75% with organic sales growth of approximately 30%. 
EBITDA is up 79% and profit before tax up 64%. The Group has significantly grown 
its snack vending machine estate and in addition has commenced the operation of 
hot beverage machines. SnackTime's growth continues to be exceptional compared 
to the vending industry norm. 
The Group's revenue for the year was GBP6,673,965 (2008: GBP3,807,784), yielding 
a gross profit of GBP4,092,451 (2008: GBP3,053,465) and an operating profit of 
GBP399,255 (2008: GBP257,139). The Group's profit for the year after taxation 
was GBP130,993 (2008: GBP47,347). This gives basic earnings per share of 1.82 
pence (2008: 0.87p). The Directors do not recommend payment of a dividend in 
respect of the year ended 31 March 2009 (2008: nil). 
The current economic climate is encouraging organisations of all shapes and 
sizes to seek value from their suppliers. SnackTime's free on loan business 
model is particularly attractive to current and potential customers in these 
tougher economic times. 
The growth this year has largely occurred as a result of an increase in new 
customers with several new multisite private and public sector customers being 
acquired. The Group significantly grew its base of glass fronted snack and 
chilled drink machines and the Board believes this is where most of the Group's 
growth in the current financial year will occur. 
Demand for snack and chilled drink machines continues to be high. However, the 
Group is being much more selective over new sites in order to ensure that new 
customers generate the necessary return on capital invested. 
The Company already has a very sophisticated IT infrastructure. Nevertheless 
further major IT upgrades and additions are currently being implemented. These 
IT improvements, when completed, will enable the Group's managers to remotely 
access the Group's central database whilst in the field via handheld devices. In 
addition, data entry is being converted from a manually-inputted paper based 
system to instant data input at source in the field. This should enable the 
business to improve efficiency still further and drive down operating costs over 
The Group has many thousands of sites located throughout the UK mainland and 
both Northern and the Republic of Ireland. SnackTime believes it operates the 
most efficient and best customer service in its sector and this coupled with its 
policy of providing machines to customers on a 'free on loan' strategy results 
in a proposition which is in high demand. 
The Group bases its team area managers, merchandisers and engineers at five main 
depots in Wokingham, Alcester, Belfast, Manchester and Glasgow. All of the Group 
sites are serviced from these hubs. SnackTime's head office is in Wokingham, 
Berkshire, and its sales office is located in Evesham, Worcestershire. 
The core element of SnackTime's business model is that it retains ownership of 
all vending machines, which are sited at no cost to the site owner/occupier. 
SnackTime generates cash in two ways - firstly from the sales of product through 
the machines and secondly through contributions from its Brand partners - Mars, 
Walkers, Britvic and Coca Cola. SnackTime operates what it believes to be an 
industry leading service to its customers both in terms of efficiency and 
New products and current trading 
Inaddition to its core customer base, SnackTime continues to receive high demand 
from two related types of customers. Firstly, those customers who are too small 
to be given a free on loan machine and secondly from customers wanting hot 
beverage machines. The Group is currently conducting trials in both these areas 
with a view to rolling out innovative market solutions in the forthcoming year. 
The Directors believe that these new solutions will significantly increase 
growth and profits in the forthcoming year and create economies of scale. In 
both cases the developing plans are based upon strong consumer branding by 
linking the solutions in a symbiotic relationship with major multinational brand 
SnackTime also continues to evaluate potential acquisitions in both its core 
snack sector as well as hot beverages. However, it is focused on ensuring that 
any new acquisitions strategically fit the Group's growth plans and are also 
priced at good value. 
The Directors are confident that the current financial year will be another year 
of significant progress despite the current economic climate 
  Consolidated Income Statement 
Year Ended 31 March 2009 
|                                          |  |    2009     |    |    2008     | 
|                                          |  |    GBP      |    |    GBP      | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Revenue                                  |  |   6,673,965 |    |   3,807,784 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Cost of sales                            |  | (2,581,514) |    |   (754,319) | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Gross profit                             |  |   4,092,451 |    |   3,053,465 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Distribution costs and administration    |  | (3,693,196) |    | (2,796,326) | 
| expenses                                 |  |             |    |             | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Profit from operations                   |  |     399,255 |    |     257,139 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Investment income                        |  |      54,531 |    |      40,107 | 
| Finance costs                            |  |   (251,853) |    |   (174,395) | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Profit before taxation                   |  |     201,933 |    |     122,851 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Income tax expense                       |  |    (70,940) |    |    (75,504) | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Profit after taxation                    |  |     130,993 |    |      47,347 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Basic profit per share                   |  |  1.82 pence |    |        0.87 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |       pence | 
| Diluted profit per share                 |  |  1.82 pence |    |        0.85 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |       pence | 
All operations relate to continuing operations 
  Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
|                 | Issued  |  Share    |  Share  |  Equity    |  Capital   | Merger  | Retained  |  Total    | 
|                 |  share  |  premium  | option  |  element   |redemption  |reserve  | earnings  |           | 
|                 |capital  |  account  |reserve  |    of      |  reserve   |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |  compound  |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         | financial  |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |instrument  |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |     GBP |       GBP |     GBP |        GBP |        GBP |     GBP |       GBP |       GBP | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| Balance as at 1 |  97,224 |         - |       - |          - |  1,274,279 | 116,892 | (240,054) | 1,248,341 | 
| April 2007      |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| Profit for the  |       - |         - |       - |          - |          - |       - |    47,347 |    47,347 | 
| year & total    |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| recognised      |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| income and      |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| expense in year |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| Share option    |       - |         - |  38,189 |          - |          - |       - |         - |    38,189 | 
| expense         |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| Issue of share  |  41,667 | 2,753,458 |       - |          - |          - |       - |         - | 2,795,125 | 
| capital         |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| Balance as at   | 138,891 | 2,753,458 |  38,189 |          - |  1,274,279 | 116,892 | (192,707) | 4,129,002 | 
| 31 March 2008   |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| Balance as at 1 | 138,891 | 2,753,458 |  38,189 |          - |  1,274,279 | 116,892 | (192,707) | 4,129,002 | 
| April 2008      |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| Profit for the  |       - |         - |       - |          - |          - |       - |   130,993 |   130,993 | 
| year            |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| Total           |       - |         - |       - |          - |          - |       - |   130,993 |   130,993 | 
| recognised      |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| income and      |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| expense for the |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| year            |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| Issue of share  |  10,836 |   454,185 |       - |          - |          - |       - |         - |   465,021 | 
| capital         |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| Equity element  |       - |         - |       - |     65,810 |          - |       - |         - |    65,810 | 
| of compound     |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| financial       |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| instruments     |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| issued          |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| Share option    |       - |         - |  72,013 |          - |          - |       - |         - |    72,013 | 
| expense         |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| Share issue     |       - | (141,118) |       - |          - |          - |       - |         - | (141,118) | 
| costs           |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
| Balance as at   | 149,727 | 3,066,525 | 110,202 |     65,810 |  1,274,279 | 116,892 |  (61,714) | 4,721,721 | 
| 31 March 2009   |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
|                 |         |           |         |            |            |         |           |           | 
  Consolidated Balance Sheet 
31 March 2009 
|                                          |  |    2009     |    |    2008     | 
|                                          |  |    GBP      |    |    GBP      | 
| ASSETS                                   |  |             |    |             | 
| Non current assets                       |  |             |    |             | 
| Property, plant and equipment            |  |   5,104,828 |    |   3,315,495 | 
| Deferred tax asset                       |  |           - |    |      52,169 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
|                                          |  |   5,104,828 |    |   3,367,664 | 
| Current assets                           |  |             |    |             | 
| Inventories                              |  |     933,203 |    |     754,946 | 
| Trade and other receivables              |  |     987,014 |    |     887,480 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                |  |   1,116,749 |    |   1,903,020 | 
|                                          |  |   3,036,966 |    |   3,545,446 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| TOTAL ASSETS                             |  |   8,141,794 |    |   6,913,110 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| LIABILITIES                              |  |             |    |             | 
| Current liabilities                      |  |             |    |             | 
| Borrowings                               |  |   (824,833) |    |   (649,010) | 
| Trade and other payables                 |  |   (613,408) |    |   (769,780) | 
|                                          |  | (1,438,241) |    | (1,418,790) | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Non current liabilities                  |  |             |    |             | 
| Borrowings                               |  | (1,963,061) |    | (1,344,155) | 
| Trade and other payables                 |  |           - |    |    (21,163) | 
| Deferred tax liability                   |  |    (18,771) |    |           - | 
|                                          |  | (1,981,832) |    | (1,365,318) | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                        |  | (3,420,073) |    | (2,784,108) | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| NET ASSETS                               |  |   4,721,721 |    |   4,129,002 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| EQUITY                                   |  |             |    |             | 
| Share capital                            |  |     149,727 |    |     138,891 | 
| Share premium account                    |  |   3,066,525 |    |   2,753,458 | 
| Merger reserve                           |  |     116,892 |    |     116,892 | 
| Capital redemption reserve               |  |   1,274,279 |    |   1,274,279 | 
| Share option reserve                     |  |     110,202 |    |      38,189 | 
| Equity element of compound financial     |  |      65,810 |    |           - | 
| instrument                               |  |             |    |             | 
| Retained earnings                        |  |    (61,714) |    |   (192,707) | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| TOTAL EQUITY                             |  |   4,721,721 |    |   4,129,002 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
Year Ended 31 March 2009 
|                                          |  |    2009     |    |    2008     | 
|                                          |  |    GBP      |    |    GBP      | 
| Cash flow from operating activities      |  |             |    |             | 
| Adjusted for:                            |  |             |    |             | 
|     Profit before taxation               |  |     201,933 |    |     122,851 | 
|     Finance costs                        |  |     251,853 |    |     174,395 | 
|     Finance income                       |  |    (54,531) |    |    (40,107) | 
| Depreciation of property, plant and      |  |     641,623 |    |     325,724 | 
| equipment                                |  |             |    |             | 
| Profit on disposal of property,          |  |     (1,617) |    |    (21,314) | 
| plant and     equipment                  |  |             |    |             | 
|     Share based payment expense          |  |      72,013 |    |      38,189 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Operating cash flow                      |  |   1,111,274 |    |     599,738 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
|     Increase in inventories              |  |   (178,257) |    |   (277,640) | 
|     Increase in receivables              |  |    (99,534) |    |   (122,354) | 
|     Decrease in payables                 |  |   (177,536) |    |   (370,094) | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Cash generated from operating activities |  |     655,947 |    |   (170,350) | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
|     Interest paid                        |  |   (251,853) |    |   (174,395) | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Net cash from operating activities       |  |     404,094 |    |   (344,745) | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Cash flow from investing activities      |  |             |    |             | 
|     Interest received                    |  |      54,531 |    |      40,107 | 
| Proceeds on disposal of property,        |  |       1,617 |    |      51,491 | 
| plant     and equipment                  |  |             |    |             | 
| Purchase of property plant and           |  | (2,430,956) |    | (1,511,859) | 
| equipment                                |  |             |    |             | 
| Net cash generated from investing        |  | (2,374,808) |    | (1,420,261) | 
| activities                               |  |             |    |             | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Cash flow from financing activities      |  |             |    |             | 
|     Repayment of borrowings              |  |   (717,659) |    |    (86,033) | 
|     Hire purchase and loan advances      |  |   1,724,430 |    |     826,871 | 
| Proceeds on issue of shares and          |  |     344,093 |    |   2,795,125 | 
| other     equity instruments             |  |             |    |             | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Net cash generated from financing        |  |   1,350,864 |    |   3,535,963 | 
| activities                               |  |             |    |             | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash |  |   (619,850) |    |   1,770,957 | 
| equivalents                              |  |             |    |             | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                |  |             |    |             | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at             |  |   1,735,066 |    |    (35,891) | 
| beginning of     year                    |  |             |    |             | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of year |  |   1,115,216 |    |   1,735,066 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
| Cash and cash equivalents comprise:      |  |             |    |             | 
|     Cash                                 |  |   1,116,749 |    |   1,903,020 | 
|     Overdrafts                           |  |     (1,533) |    |   (167,954) | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
|                                          |  |   1,115,216 |    |   1,735,066 | 
|                                          |  |             |    |             | 
Notes to the results 
1.    publication of non-statutory accounts 
The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute 
statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. 
 The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2008 has been 
extracted from the Group's financial statements to that date which received an 
unmodified auditor's report and have been delivered to the Registrar of 
Companies. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2009 has been 
extracted from the Group's financial statements to that date which have received 
an unmodified auditor's report but have not yet been delivered to the Registrar 
of Companies. 
2.    PROFIT from operations 
|                                                   |             2009 |              2008 | 
|                                                   |              GBP |               GBP | 
|                             This is stated        |                  |                   | 
|                             after                 |                  |                   | 
|                             charging/(crediting): |                  |                   | 
|                                                   |                  |                   | 
|                             Depreciation of       |                  |                   | 
|                             property, plant       |                  |                   | 
|                             and equipment         |                  |                   | 
|                               - owned by the      |          377,511 |           209,319 | 
|                             group                 |                  |                   | 
|                               - held under        |          264,112 |           116,405 | 
|                             finance leases        |                  |                   | 
|                             Profit on             |          (1,617) |          (21,314) | 
|                             disposal of           |                  |                   | 
|                             property, plant       |                  |                   | 
|                             and equipment         |                  |                   | 
|                             Rentals under         |           52,500 |            48,436 | 
|                             operating leases      |                  |                   | 
|                             - land and            |                  |                   | 
|                             buildings             |                  |                   | 
3.investment income 
|                                                |            2009 |            2008 | 
|                                                |             GBP |             GBP | 
|                                                |                 |                 | 
|                                                |                 |                 | 
|                             Bank interest      |          54,531 |          40,107 | 
|                             receivable         |                 |                 | 
|                                                |             2009 |             2008 | 
|                                                |              GBP |              GBP | 
|                                                |                  |                  | 
|                             Interest on bank   |            8,799 |           67,676 | 
|                             loans              |                  |                  | 
|                             Interest on        |           20,277 |                - | 
|                             convertible loan   |                  |                  | 
|                             notes              |                  |                  | 
|                             Other loan         |           34,996 |           34,996 | 
|                             interest           |                  |                  | 
|                             Interest on        |          187,781 |           71,723 | 
|                             obligations under  |                  |                  | 
|                             finance leases     |                  |                  | 
|                                                |                  |                  | 
|                                                |          251,853 |          174,395 | 
5.    Staff numbers and costs 
The average monthly number of people employed by the Group (including Executive 
Directors) during the year, analysed by category, were as follows: 
|                                                    |          2009 |          2008 | 
|                                                    |               |               | 
|                             Operational staff      |            28 |            22 | 
|                             Administrative staff   |            13 |            16 | 
|                                                    |               |               | 
|                                                    |            41 |            38 | 
|                                                    |                    |                    | 
|                             The aggregate payroll  |               2009 |               2008 | 
|                             costs were as follows: |                    |                    | 
|                                                    |                GBP |                GBP | 
|                                                    |                    |                    | 
|                             Wages, salaries and    |          1,124,037 |            978,366 | 
|                             fees                   |                    |                    | 
|                             Pension costs          |             35,207 |                  - | 
|                             Social security costs  |            120,543 |            107,525 | 
|                             Cost of options issued |             72,013 |             38,189 | 
|                                                    |                    |                    | 
|                                                    |          1,351,800 |          1,124,080 | 
6.    Taxation 
|                                                        |             2009 |            2008 | 
|                                                        |              GBP |             GBP | 
|                                                        |                  |                 | 
|                             Corporation tax            |                - |               - | 
|                             Deferred tax               |                  |                 | 
|                                            Origination |           80,228 |          54,926 | 
|                                            and         |                  |                 | 
|                                            reversal of |                  |                 | 
|                                            timing      |                  |                 | 
|                                            differences |                  |                 | 
|                                            Adjustments |          (9,288) |          20,578 | 
|                                            in respect  |                  |                 | 
|                                            of prior    |                  |                 | 
|                                            periods     |                  |                 | 
|                                                        |                  |                 | 
|                             Tax on profit on           |           70,940 |          75,504 | 
|                             ordinary activities        |                  |                 | 
Factors affecting tax charge for the year: 
The tax assessed for the year is lower than the standard rate of corporation tax 
in the UK of 28% (2008: 30%). The differences are explained below:- 
|                                                    |                  |                  | 
|                                                    |             2009 |             2008 | 
|                                                    |              GBP |              GBP | 
|                             TAX RECONCILIATION     |                  |                  | 
|                             Profit per accounts    |          201,933 |          122,851 | 
|                             before taxation        |                  |                  | 
|                                                    |                  |                  | 
|                             Tax on profit on       |                  |                  | 
|                             ordinary activities at |                  |                  | 
|                             standard               |                  |                  | 
|                             rate of 28% (2008 -    |           56,541 |           36,855 | 
|                             30%)                   |                  |                  | 
|                                                    |                  |                  | 
|                             Expenses not           |           21,035 |           12,350 | 
|                             deductible for tax     |                  |                  | 
|                             purposes               |                  |                  | 
|                             Ineligible             |            2,652 |            1,995 | 
|                             depreciation           |                  |                  | 
|                             Adjustments to         |          (9,288) |           20,578 | 
|                             deferred tax for prior |                  |                  | 
|                             years                  |                  |                  | 
|                             Deferred tax           |                - |           10,866 | 
|                             adjustments            |                  |                  | 
|                             Effect of change in    |                - |          (7,140) | 
|                             tax rate on opening    |                  |                  | 
|                             balances               |                  |                  | 
|                                                    |                  |                  | 
|                                                    |                  |                  | 
|                             Current tax charge for |           70,940 |           75,504 | 
|                             the year               |                  |                  | 
|                                                    |                  |                  | 
7.    Property Plant and equipment 
|                                            |              |            |            | Furniture, |            | 
|                                            |    Leasehold |  Plant and |      Motor |   fittings |            | 
|                                            |              |            |            |        and |            | 
|                                            | improvements |  machinery |   vehicles |  equipment |      Total | 
|                                            |          GBP |        GBP |        GBP |        GBP |        GBP | 
|                               Cost         |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               At           |       38,696 |  2,628,440 |    295,228 |     91,271 |  3,053,635 | 
|                               1            |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               April        |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               2007         |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               Additions    |        8,911 |  1,473,302 |      2,231 |     27,415 |  1,511,859 | 
|                               Disposals    |            - |          - |   (83,888) |          - |   (83,888) | 
|                                            |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               At           |       47,607 |  4,101,742 |    213,571 |    118,686 |  4,481,606 | 
|                               1            |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               April        |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               2008         |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               Additions    |       55,213 |  2,168,001 |    141,481 |     66,261 |  2,430,956 | 
|                               Disposals    |            - |          - |   (37,709) |          - |   (37,709) | 
|                                            |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               At           |      102,820 |  6,269,743 |    317,343 |    184,947 |  6,874,853 | 
|                               31           |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               March        |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               2009         |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                                            |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               Depreciation |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               At           |       16,264 |    673,478 |    140,449 |     63,907 |    894,098 | 
|                               1            |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               April        |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               2007         |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               Charge       |       13,417 |    244,468 |     48,742 |     19,097 |    325,724 | 
|                               for          |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               the          |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               year         |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               Disposals    |            - |          - |   (53,711) |          - |   (53,711) | 
|                                            |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               At           |       29,681 |    917,946 |    135,480 |     83,004 |  1,166,111 | 
|                               1            |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               April        |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               2008         |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               Charge       |       13,120 |    546,980 |     61,258 |     20,265 |    641,623 | 
|                               for          |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               the          |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               year         |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               Disposals    |            - |          - |   (37,709) |          - |   (37,709) | 
|                                            |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               At           |       42,801 |  1,464,926 |    159,029 |    103,269 |  1,770,025 | 
|                               31           |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               March        |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               2009         |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                                            |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               Net          |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               Book         |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               Value        |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               At           |       60,019 |  4,804,817 |    158,314 |     81,678 |  5,104,828 | 
|                               31           |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               March        |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               2009         |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                                            |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               At           |       17,926 |  3,183,796 |     78,091 |     35,682 |  3,315,495 | 
|                               31           |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               March        |              |            |            |            |            | 
|                               2008         |              |            |            |            |            | 
    Property Plant and equipment (continued) 
The net book value of assets held under finance leases or hire purchase 
contracts, included above, are as follows: 
|                                                    |              2009 |              2008 | 
|                                                    |               GBP |               GBP | 
|                                                    |                   |                   | 
|                             Plant and machinery    |         1,885,241 |         1,463,950 | 
|                             Motor vehicles         |           136,239 |            47,797 | 
|                                                    |                   |                   | 
|                                                    |         2,021,480 |         1,511,747 | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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