RNS Number : 2426C

Safe Harbour Holdings PLC

28 September 2018

28 September 2018

LEI number 213800AU26HH5KXBS796

Safe Harbour Holdings plc

("Safe Harbour" or the "Company")

Interim Report for the six months ended 30 June 2018

London, 27 September 2018 - Safe Harbour Holdings plc announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2018.

Over the period, Safe Harbour generated a loss after taxation of GBP1.2 million, reflecting operating expenses and diligence costs incurred in the continued pursuit of its stated investment strategy. As at 30 June 2018, Safe Harbour held GBP28.1 million cash.

Rodrigo Mascarenhas, Safe Harbour's Chief Executive Officer, commented: "We have made good progress in pursuing our investment strategy since our admission to trading on AIM in March 2018. We have been encouraged by the array of attractive prospects for value creation and believe that the Company is well placed to progress identified acquisition opportunities in the year ahead. We look forward to updating shareholders further in due course".

The Interim Report is also available on the Company's website at www.safeharbourplc.com


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Rodrigo Mascarenhas is Chief Executive Officer of Safe Harbour Holdings plc, which has offices at 11 Buckingham Street, London, WC2N 6DF.

Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the six months ended 30 June 2018


Company number 123821


I am pleased to present to shareholders the Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements of Safe Harbour Holdings plc (the "Company") for the six months ended 30 June 2018, consolidating the results of Safe Harbour Holdings plc, Safe Harbour Holdings UK Limited and Safe Harbour Holdings Jersey Limited (collectively, the "Group" or "Safe Harbour").


Safe Harbour aims to become a global leader in B2B distribution and/or business services, through a well-executed buy-and-build strategy. As a team, we intend to draw upon our managerial and operational experience in consolidation and integration to drive business transformation and achieve attractive, long-term compounding returns for our shareholders.

Safe Harbour intends to initially acquire a controlling stake in a platform asset of scale, which operates in a sector demonstrating a large addressable market opportunity, a steady growth outlook, and a high level of fragmentation allowing the deployment of a meaningful buy-and-build strategy to capitalise on economies of scale. It is likely that this platform asset will have operations in the UK, Europe, or North America with an enterprise value in the region of GBP250 million to GBP1.5 billion. We seek businesses that demonstrate stable operating performance and high cash flow conversion, and benefit from competitive barriers to entry. Safe Harbour will prioritise assets outside competitive auction processes and situations where the Directors believe Safe Harbour has a distinct advantage in acquiring assets at attractive valuations.

We believe that the publicly listed nature of our vehicle offers us flexibility in structuring transactions and provides us with access to deep pools of capital which will allow us to unlock opportunities that may not otherwise be available to typical financial sponsors.

Results and Developments in the Period

The Group's loss after taxation for the six months to 30 June 2018 was GBP1,166,892 (30 June 2017: GBP1,096,915). In the six months to 30 June 2018, the Group incurred GBP1,194,680 (30 June 2017: GBP1,096,915) of administrative expenses, received interest of GBP27,788 (30 June 2017: GBPnil) and at the period end held a cash balance of GBP28,115,926 (31 December 2017: GBP7,787,775).

On listing in March this year, Safe Harbour successfully raised GBP21.4 million (after expenses) having received backing from major institutional investors including Invesco, Woodford, Marathon, Consulta and MSD Partners.

Safe Harbour has raised gross proceeds of GBP32.7 million from equity issuances since incorporation in 2016. From this, the Group has incurred cash costs of GBP4.6 million to 30 June 2018. GBP2.2 million of this relates to non-recurring project costs including diligence expenses, advisory fees and costs related to the IPO and establishment of Safe Harbour.

Dividend Policy

The Company has not yet acquired a trading business and the Directors therefore consider it inappropriate to make a forecast of the likely level of any future dividends. The Directors intend to determine the Company's dividend policy following completion of the Company's first acquisition and in any event, will only commence the payment of dividends when it becomes commercially prudent to do so. There are no arrangements in place under which future dividends are to be waived or agreed to be waived.

Corporate Governance

In line with the London Stock Exchange's recent changes to the AIM Rules for Companies which require all AIM-quoted companies to adopt a recognised corporate governance code, explain how the company complies with that code's requirements and identify and explain areas of non-compliance, the Company has elected to adopt the Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code ("QCA Code"). The Directors recognise the importance of sound corporate governance commensurate with the size and current nature of the Company and the interests of shareholders and remain committed to evolving the corporate governance arrangements as the business further evolves. The Board comprises a Non-Executive Chairman, Avril Palmer-Baunack, and three Executive Directors: Rodrigo Mascarenhas, Mark Brangstrup Watts and James Corsellis. It is intended that Mark Brangstrup Watts and James Corsellis will adopt non-executive roles following the completion of the Company's first acquisition. Further information in respect of the Company's compliance with the QCA Code can be found on the Company's website www.safeharbourplc.com.

Update on NED appointment

Safe Harbour is in discussions with several candidates to join the Board as an independent non-executive director. We consider each of these candidates to have strong operational track records and believe they would all be highly complementary to the team. We hope to announce confirmation of this appointment in the near future.


The Directors have carried out a robust assessment of the principal risks facing the Group including those that would threaten its business model, future performance, solvency or liquidity. There have been no changes to the principal risks described in the Group's annual consolidated financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2017. The Directors are of the opinion that the risks are applicable to the six month period to 30 June 2018, as well as the remaining six months of the financial year. Further detail in relation to the risks faced by the Group can be found on pages 34-38 of the Group Annual Report and Financial Statements for the period from incorporation to 31 December 2017, which is available on the Company's website.


The Group continues to pursue its stated strategy and in accordance with our mandate as an acquisition vehicle, we have evaluated a number of assets meeting Safe Harbour's investment criteria during the period. The Directors have been encouraged by the array of attractive prospects for value creation and believe that the Company is well placed to progress identified acquisition opportunities in the year ahead.

Rodrigo Mascarenhas Avril Palmer-Baunack

Chief Executive Officer Chairman

27 September 2018 27 September 2018


Company number 123821


Each of the Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:

(a) these Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements, which have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, "Interim Financial Reporting" as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of Safe Harbour; and

(b) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 4.2.7 and Rule 4.2.8 of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority.

Neither the Company nor the Directors accept any liability to any person in relation to the interim financial report except to the extent that such liability could arise under English law. Accordingly, any liability to a person who has demonstrated reliance on any untrue or misleading statement or omission shall be determined in accordance with section 90A and Schedule 10A of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended).

Details on the Company's Board of Directors can be found on the Company website at www.safeharbourplc.com.

By order of the Board

Rodrigo Mascarenhas

Chief Executive Officer

27 September 2018


Company number 123821


                                                                    Six months                            Six months 
                                                                         ended                                 ended 
                                                                       30 June                               30 June 
                                                                          2018                                  2017 
                                    Note                             Unaudited                             Unaudited 
---------------------------------  -----  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
                                                                           GBP                                   GBP 
 Administrative expenses             4                             (1,194,680)                           (1,096,915) 
                                          ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
 Operating loss                                                    (1,194,680)                           (1,096,915) 
 Finance income                                                         27,788                                     - 
                                          ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
 Finance income                                                         27,788                                     - 
 Loss before income tax                                            (1,166,892)                           (1,096,915) 
                                          ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
 Income tax                                                                  -                                     - 
                                          ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
 Net loss for the period                                           (1,166,892)                           (1,096,915) 
 Total other comprehensive income                                            -                                     - 
                                          ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
 Total comprehensive loss                                          (1,166,892)                           (1,096,915) 
                                          ====================================  ==================================== 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of the Company                                             (1,166,892)                           (1,096,915) 
 Loss per ordinary share 
 Basic and diluted loss per 
  share attributable to ordinary 
  equity holders of the parent 
  (GBP)                               5                               (0.0595)                              (0.1316) 

The Group's activities derive from continuing operations.

The notes on pages 9 to 16 form an integral part of these condensed consolidated financial statements.


Company number 123821


                                                 As at        As at 
                                               30 June  31 December 
                                                  2018         2017 
                                    Note     Unaudited      Audited 
----------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
                                                   GBP          GBP 
Non-current assets 
Fixed assets                          6          1,799        2,237 
                                           -----------  ----------- 
Total non-current assets                         1,799        2,237 
Current assets 
Cash and cash equivalents                   28,115,926    7,787,775 
Deferred costs                                       -      177,000 
Other receivables                     8        186,166       86,843 
                                           -----------  ----------- 
Total current assets                        28,302,092    8,051,618 
Total assets                                28,303,891    8,053,855 
                                           ===========  =========== 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables              9        479,303      513,038 
                                           -----------  ----------- 
Total liabilities                              479,303      513,038 
Capital and reserves attributable 
 to equity holders of the 
Stated capital                       10     31,445,521   10,000,003 
Share-based payment reserve         11,13       83,929       78,784 
Accumulated losses                   11    (3,704,862)  (2,537,970) 
                                           -----------  ----------- 
Total equity                                27,824,588    7,540,817 
Total equity and liabilities                28,303,891    8,053,855 
                                           ===========  =========== 

The notes on pages 9 to 16 form an integral part of these condensed consolidated financial statements.

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 27 September 2018 and were signed on its behalf by:

Rodrigo Mascarenhas Avril Palmer-Baunack

Chief Executive Officer Chairman


Company number 123821


                                              Stated          payment          Accumulated          Total 
                           Note              capital          reserve               losses         equity 
                                  ------------------  ---------------  -------------------  ------------- 
                                                 GBP              GBP                  GBP            GBP 
 Balance as at 1 
  2018                                    10,000,003           78,784          (2,537,970)      7,540,817 
 Loss for the period                               -                -          (1,166,892)    (1,166,892) 
 Issue of shares                          22,699,998                -                    -     22,699,998 
 Share issue costs                       (1,254,480)                -                    -    (1,254,480) 
 Share-based payments                              -            5,145                    -          5,145 
                                  ------------------  ---------------  -------------------  ------------- 
 Balance as at 30 
  June 2018 (unaudited)                   31,445,521           83,929          (3,704,862)     27,824,588 
                                  ==================  ===============  ===================  ============= 
                                           Stated            payment           Accumulated         Total 
                           Note           capital            reserve                losses        equity 
                                  ---------------  -----------------  --------------------  ------------ 
                                              GBP                GBP                   GBP             GBP 
 Balance as at 1 
  January 2017                         10,000,003                  -             (345,252)       9,654,751 
 Loss for the period                            -                  -           (1,096,915)     (1,096,915) 
 Share-based payments                           -             65,625                     -          65,625 
                                  ---------------  -----------------  --------------------  -------------- 
 Balance as at 30 
  June 2017 (unaudited)                10,000,003             65,625           (1,442,167)       8,623,461 
                                  ===============  =================  ====================  ============== 

The notes on pages 9 to 16 form an integral part of these condensed consolidated financial statements.


Company number 123821


                                                      Six months    Six months 
                                                           ended         ended 
                                                         30 June       30 June 
                                                            2018          2017 
                                              Note     Unaudited     Unaudited 
-------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
                                                             GBP           GBP 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Operating loss                                      (1,194,680)   (1,096,915) 
 Adjustments to reconcile loss before 
  income tax to operating cash flows: 
 Decrease in trade and other receivables       8          77,677        57,917 
 Decrease in trade and other payables          9        (34,941)     (391,296) 
 Share-based payment expense(1)                13          4,140        68,971 
 Depreciation charge                           6             438           236 
 Bank interest received                                   27,788             - 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash used in operating activities               (1,119,578)   (1,361,087) 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of office equipment                                  -       (2,124) 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash flows used in investing 
  activities                                                   -       (2,124) 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Proceeds from issue of share capital                 22,699,998    10,000,003 
 Share issue costs                                   (1,254,480)             - 
 Proceeds from issue of incentive 
  shares                                                   2,211        17,926 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash generated from financing 
  activities                                          21,447,729    10,017,929 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents            20,328,151     8,654,718 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of the period                                        7,787,775             - 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  end of the period                                   28,115,926     8,654,718 
                                                    ============  ============ 

The notes on pages 9 to 16 form an integral part of these condensed consolidated financial statements.

(1) GBP1,206 represent proceeds from issue of A3 Shares that are classified in trade & other payables in the Statement of Financial Position and as proceeds from issue of ordinary A Share capital in the Statement of Cash Flows.


Company number 123821



Safe Harbour Holdings plc is an investing company (for the purposes of the AIM Rules for Companies) and is incorporated in Jersey and domiciled in the United Kingdom (company number: 123821). It is a public limited company and the address of the registered office is One Waverley Place, Union Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE1 1AX, with a UK establishment address of 11 Buckingham Street, London, WC2N 6DF. The Company is the parent company of Safe Harbour Holdings UK Limited (company number: 10348545) ("SHHUK") and Safe Harbour Holdings Jersey Limited (company number: 121981) ("SHHJL"), (collectively, the "Group" or "Safe Harbour"). The activity of the Company is the acquisition and subsequent development of assets engaged in business-to-business distribution and/or business services.

   (a)    Basis of preparation 

These Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the six months ended 30 June 2018 have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority and with IAS 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting', as adopted by the European Union. The Interim Report does not include all the notes of the type normally included in an annual financial report. Accordingly, this Report is to be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2017, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union.

These Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory accounts, which are available on the Company's website, www.safeharbourplc.com, for the period ended 31 December 2017, were approved by the Board of Directors on 12 June 2018 and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on those accounts was unqualified, did not contain an emphasis of matter paragraph and did not contain any statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006.

All comparative figures included in the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements are for the period from 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2017 or are as at 31 December 2017.

The balances for the six months ended 30 June 2017 are directly comparable to those reported for the six months ended 30 June 2018.

   (b)   New standards and amendments to International Financial Reporting Standards 

Standards, amendments and interpretation effective and adopted by the Group:

The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these Interim Consolidated Financial Statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group's audited consolidated financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2017, which were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union.

IFRS 9 'Financial Instruments' amends the classification and measurement models for financial assets and adds new requirements to address the impairment of financial assets. It also introduces a new hedge accounting model to more closely align hedge accounting with risk management strategy and objectives. The standard requires companies to make an election on whether gains and losses on equity instruments measured at fair value should be recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income or other comprehensive income, with no recycling. IFRS 9 has been adopted by the Group but has had no material effect on the Group's results.

Standards issued but not yet effective:

The following standards are issued but not yet effective. The Group intends to adopt these standards, if applicable, when they become effective. It is not expected that these standards will have a material impact on the Group.

                                                       Effective date 
   Standard                                             (period commencing) 
 IFRS 16      Leases                                   1 January 2019 
 IFRIC        Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments   1 January 2019 
 IFRS 17      Insurance Contracts                      1 January 2021 

The Board of Directors is the Group's chief operating decision-maker. As the Group had not yet made an acquisition as at 30 June 2018, the Group is organised and operates as one segment.

                               Six months   Six months 
                                 ended 30     ended 30 
                                June 2018    June 2017 
                              -----------  ----------- 
                                      GBP          GBP 
 Group expenses by nature 
 Staff related costs              473,780      310,077 
 Office costs                      31,922       42,135 
 Legal & professional fees        591,413      650,349 
 Other expenses                    97,565       94,354 
                                1,194,680    1,096,915 
                              ===========  =========== 

Basic earnings per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to equity holders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period. Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. Incentive Shares (see Note 13) have not been included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share because they are anti-dilutive for the periods presented.

                                          Six months    Six months 
                                            ended 30      ended 30 
                                           June 2018     June 2017 
                                        ------------  ------------ 
                                                 GBP           GBP 
 Loss attributable to the owners 
  of the parent                          (1,166,892)   (1,096,915) 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares in issue                         19,620,628     8,333,336 
 Basic and diluted loss per share           (0.0595)      (0.1316) 
   6.      FIXED ASSETS 
                                                As at                          As at 
                                              30 June                    31 December 
                                                 2018                           2017 
                             ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 Office equipment                                 GBP                            GBP 
 Opening balance                                2,981                              - 
 Additions                                          -                          2,981 
                                                2,981                          2,981 
                             ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 Accumulated depreciation 
 Opening balance                                (744)                              - 
 Charge for the period                          (438)                          (744) 
                             ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 Closing balance                              (1,182)                          (744) 
                             ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 Net book value 
 Opening balance                                2,237                              - 
 Closing balance                                1,799                          2,237 
                             ========================  ============================= 
   7.      INVESTMENTS 

Principal subsidiary undertakings of the Group

The Company directly owns the ordinary share capital of its subsidiary undertakings as set out below:

 Subsidiary                                                      Proportion       Proportion 
                                                                of ordinary      of ordinary 
                             Nature of               Country    shares held           shares 
                              business      of incorporation     by Company          held by 
                                                                                   the Group 
 Safe Harbour Holdings      Dormant 
  UK Limited                 vehicle           England             100%       100% 
 Safe Harbour Holdings     Incentive 
  Jersey Limited             vehicle           Jersey             99.97%      100% 

All receivables are current. There is no material difference between the book value and the fair value of receivables.

                                   As at          As at 
                                 30 June    31 December 
                                    2018           2017 
                               ---------  ------------- 
                                     GBP            GBP 
 Amounts falling due within 
  one year 
 Prepayments                     111,695         15,075 
 Other receivables                74,471         71,768 
                                 186,166         86,843 
                               =========  ============= 
                                         As at          As at 
                                       30 June    31 December 
                                          2018           2017 
                                     ---------  ------------- 
                                           GBP            GBP 
 Trade payables                        195,576        149,657 
 Accruals                              246,923        336,692 
 Other tax and national insurance 
  payable                               28,002         19,092 
 Other creditors                         8,802          7,597 
                                       479,303        513,038 
                                     =========  ============= 

There is no material difference between the book value and the fair value of the trade and other payables.

                                             As at          As at 
                                           30 June    31 December 
                                              2018           2017 
                                      ------------  ------------- 
                                               GBP            GBP 
 Issued and fully paid 
 8,333,336 ordinary shares of no 
  par value issued at GBP1.20 each      10,000,003     10,000,003 
 18,916,665 ordinary shares of 
  no par value issued at GBP1.20 
  each                                  22,699,998              - 
 Share issue costs                     (1,254,480)              - 
                                        31,445,521     10,000,003 
                                      ============  ============= 

All issued shares are fully paid. The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared and are entitled to one vote per share at general meetings of the Company.

   11.    RESERVES 

The following describes the nature and purpose of each reserve within shareholders' equity:

Share-based payment reserve

The share-based payment reserve is the cumulative amount recognised in relation to the equity settled share-based payment scheme as further described in Note 13.

Retained deficit

Cumulative net gains and losses recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income.


The Group has the following categories of financial instruments at the period end:

                                         As at          As at 
                                       30 June    31 December 
                                          2018           2017 
                                   -----------  ------------- 
                                           GBP            GBP 
 Financial assets measured 
  at amortised cost 
 Cash and cash equivalents          28,115,926      7,787,775 
 Deferred costs                              -        177,000 
 Other receivables                      74,471         71,768 
                                    28,190,397      8,036,543 
                                   ===========  ============= 
 Financial liabilities measured 
  at amortised cost 
 Trade payables                        195,576        149,657 
 Accruals                              246,923        336,692 
                                       442,499        486,349 
                                   ===========  ============= 

The fair value and book value of the financial assets and liabilities are equal.

The Group's risk management policies are established to identify and analyse the risks faced by the Group, to set appropriate risk limits and controls and to monitor risks and adherence limits. Risk management policies and systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and the Group's activities. Treasury activities are managed on a Group basis under policies and procedures approved and monitored by the Board. These are designed to reduce the financial risks faced by the Group which primarily relate to movements in interest rates.


Implementation of share incentive plan

Arrangements have been put in place to create incentives for those who are expected to make key contributions to the success of the Group. Success depends upon the sourcing of attractive investment opportunities, effective execution of transactions, and the subsequent integration and optimisation of target businesses. Accordingly, an incentive scheme has been created to reward the key contributors for the creation of value, once all investors have received a preferential level of return. To make these arrangements most efficient, they are based around a subscription for shares in SHHJL by Rodrigo Mascarenhas in the A1 & A3 Shares, and by Marwyn Long Term Incentive LP ("MLTI"), in which James Corsellis and Mark Brangstrup Watts have an indirect beneficial interest, in the A2 & A3 Shares. The A1 shares, A2 Shares and A3 Shares are collectively referred to as "Incentive Shares". It is intended that future management appointees will also share in the scheme and subscribe for Incentive Shares at a later date.

On being offered, the Company will purchase the Incentive Shares either for cash or for the issue of new ordinary shares at its discretion. The valuation of the Incentive Shares is discussed below. The Incentive Shares may only be sold on this basis if both the Preferred Return and at least one of the vesting conditions have been satisfied. If these conditions have not been satisfied the Incentive Shares must be sold to the Company for a nominal amount.

Incentive Shares

On 29 September 2016, SHHJL issued 540 A1 Shares of GBP1.00 to Rodrigo Mascarenhas for consideration of GBP7,290, and 500 A2 Shares of GBP0.02 to MLTI for consideration of GBP10,636, and on 20 February 2018, SHHJL issued 600 A3 to Rodrigo Mascarenhas and 500 A3 Shares MLTI for consideration of GBP2.01 per share (collectively, the "Incentive Shares"). The A1, A2 and A3 Shares collectively deliver maximum aggregate value equivalent to 16% of the excess in the market value of the Company over and above its aggregate paid up share capital, allowing for any dividends and other capital movements. The Incentive Shares have been accounted for in accordance with IFRS 2 "Share-based Payments" as equity settled share-based payment awards.

Grant date

The date at which the entity and another party agree to a share-based payment arrangement, for accounting purposes, is the grant date. The grant date for the A1 and A2 Incentive Shares is therefore deemed to be 29 September 2016, and the grant date for the A3 Incentive Shares is 20 February 2018. This is in line with when the share-based payments were originally awarded.

Preferred return

Incentive arrangements are subject to shareholders achieving a Preferred Return of at least 10% per annum on a compound basis on the capital they have invested from time to time (with dividends and other capital returns being treated as a reduction in the amount invested at the relevant time).

Service conditions

Rodrigo Mascarenhas has agreed that if he ceases to be involved with the Group before it completes its Platform Acquisition or in the first three years following such acquisition then in certain circumstances a proportion of his Incentive Shares may be forfeited. Rodrigo's shares vest on a straight line basis over three years from the date of the Platform Acquisition providing Rodrigo Mascarenhas leaves in circumstances in which he is deemed to be a "Good Leaver" (as defined in his subscription agreement). He will be required to redeem his vested Incentive Shares on the later of 180 days following his departure date or on the third anniversary of the Platform Acquisition. If he is deemed a "Bad Leaver" he will be required to sell his Incentive Shares back to SHHJL for a total consideration of GBP1.00.

On 20 February 2018 the subscription agreement with MLTI was amended to include specific service conditions. MLTI has agreed that if it ceases to have a corporate finance agreement with the Company/Group before it completes its platform Acquisition or in the first three years following such acquisition then MLTI will be required to sell its shares back to SHHJL for a consideration of GBP1.00. The shares vest on a straight line basis over three years from the date of the Platform Acquisition provided service conditions are met.

Vesting conditions and vesting period

The Incentive Shares are subject to certain vesting conditions, at least one of which must be (and continue to be) satisfied in order for a holder of Incentive Shares to exercise their redemption rights and which ends on the fifth anniversary of the date of the Platform Acquisition or such later date as is agreed between the Company and the holders of at least 90 per cent. of each of the Ordinary Shares and the Incentive Shares.

The vesting conditions are as follows:

   (i)            a sale of all or a material part of the business of the Group; 
   (ii)           a sale of all of the issued Ordinary Shares of the Group occurring; 
   (iii)         a winding up of the Group occurring; 
   (iv)          a sale, merger or change of control of the Company; or 
   (v)           it is later than the third anniversary of the Platform Acquisition. 

The Incentive Shares are subject to a three year vesting period and will lapse after five years. The vesting period commences from the date of completion of the Platform Acquisition.

Valuation of the Incentive Shares

The value of the Incentive Shares granted under the schemes has been calculated using a Monte Carlo model. The fair value uses an ungeared volatility of 24% and is based on a weighted average share price over the vesting period. An expected term input of four years has been used, being the midpoint of the period of time between the date on which an acquisition is expected to take place and the start and end of the redemption period. The Incentive Shares are subject to a preferred return, which is a market performance condition, and as such has been taken into consideration in determining their fair value. The risk-free rate is taken from zero-coupon UK Government bonds with a redemption period in line with the expected term. The model incorporates a range of probabilities for the likelihood of an acquisition being made of a given size.

Holding of Incentive Shares

Incentive Shares have been created and shares have been allocated and issued as at 30 June 2018 as shown in the tables below.

                                    Nominal          Number         Subscription     Fair value 
                                      price    of Incentive                price       at grant 
                                  per share          shares                                date 
                              -------------  --------------  -------------------  ------------- 
                                        GBP                                  GBP            GBP 
 Rodrigo Mascarenhas 
  (A1)                                 1.00             540                13.50         47,191 
 Rodrigo Mascarenhas 
  (A3)                                 0.01             600                 2.01          1,206 
 Marwyn Long Term Incentive 
  LP (A2)                              0.02             500                21.27         68,836 
 Marwyn Long Term Incentive 
  LP (A3)                              0.01             500                 2.01          1,005 
                                                      2,140                             118,238 
                                             ==============                       ============= 

No Incentive Shares were exercisable at 30 June 2018.

Expense related to Incentive Shares

GBP4,140 (30 June 2017: GBP2,439) has been recognised in the Group Statement of Comprehensive Income in the period and in the share-based payment reserve within the Group Statement of Financial Position as at the period end in relation to the A1 and A3 Shares together with liabilities of GBP7,290 and GBP1,206 respectively.

The full A2 Share expense of GBP58,000, being the fair value amount less the subscription proceeds, was recognised in the Group Statement of Comprehensive Income in 2017, with the total fair value of the A2 Shares of GBP68,836 recognised in the share-based payment reserve within the Group Statement of Changes in Equity as at the period end. The consideration paid by MLTI for its A3 Shares was equal to the fair value at the grant date; therefore GBP1,005 was recognised in the share-based payment reserve within the Group Statement of Changes in Equity for the period ended 30 June 2018, and no additional expense was recognised.


Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or exercise significant influence over the other party, or the parties are under common control or influence, in making financial or operational decisions.

Mark Brangstrup Watts and James Corsellis are managing partners of Marwyn Capital LLP which provides

corporate finance advice and various office and finance support services to the Company. During the period Marwyn Capital LLP was paid a total of GBP477,717 (31 December 2017: GBP608,454) (net of VAT as applicable). Marwyn Capital LLP was owed an amount of GBPnil (31 December 2017: GBP58,401) at the balance sheet date.

Mark Brangstrup Watts and James Corsellis are managing partners of Marwyn Investment Management LLP which incurred costs on behalf of the Group which it recharged. During the period Marwyn Investment Management LLP charged GBP767 (31 December 2017: GBP102,522) in respect of recharged costs and was owed GBPnil (31 December 2017: GBPnil) at the balance sheet date.

Mark Brangstrup Watts and James Corsellis are the ultimate beneficial owners of Marwyn Partners Limited which incurred costs on behalf of the Group which it recharged. During the period Marwyn Partners Limited charged GBP4,738 (31 December 2017: GBP96,064) in respect of recharged costs and was owed GBPnil (31 December 2017: GBP307) at the balance sheet date.

Mark Brangstrup Watts and James Corsellis are the ultimate beneficial owners of Axio Capital Solutions Limited which provides company secretarial, administrative and accounting services to the Group. During the period Axio Capital Solutions Limited charged GBP126,696 (31 December 2017: GBP254,218) in respect of services supplied. Axio Capital Solutions Limited was owed an amount of GBP25,000 (31 December 2017: GBP8,527) at the balance sheet date.


There were no commitments or contingent liabilities outstanding at 30 June 2018 that require disclosure or adjustment in these financial statements.


On 16 August 2018, Rodrigo Mascarenhas sold his A1 Shares and A3 Shares to the Company for total consideration of GBP18,725. These Shares were subsequently redeemed and cancelled by SHHJL. On 27 September 2018, The PRX Trust, of which Rodrigo Mascarenhas is a beneficiary, subscribed for 540 new A1 Shares and 600 new A3 Shares in the capital of SHHJL for a total price of GBP18,725. The new A1 and A3 shares contain commercial terms exactly the same as the previous A1 and A3 shares and have been treated as replacement awards under IFRS 2. Therefore, the grant dates, grant date fair values, vesting periods and vesting conditions for the new A1 and A3 shares are the same as the equivalent shares cancelled.



  Corporate Finance Adviser              Company Secretary and Administrator 
   Marwyn Capital LLP                     Axio Capital Solutions Limited 
   11 Buckingham Street                   One Waverley Place, Union Street, 
   London, WC2N 6DF                       St Helier, 
                                          Jersey, JE1 1AX 
  Principal Bankers                      Solicitors to the Company (Jersey 
   Barclays Bank plc                      Law) 
   1 Churchill Place                      Ogier 
   London, E14 5HP                        44 Esplanade, St Helier 
                                          Jersey, JE4 9WG 
   Solicitors to the Company (English 
   and UK Law)                            Registrars 
   Covington & Burling LLP                Link Market Services (Jersey) 
   265 Strand                             Limited 
   London, WC2R 1BH                       12 Castle Street, St Helier 
                                          Jersey, JE2 3RT 
   Independent Auditors 
   PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP             Public Relations Adviser 
   1 Embankment Place                     Tulchan Communications Group 
   London, WC2N 6RH                       85 Fleet Street 
                                          London, EC4Y 1AE 
  Nominated Adviser 
   Cenkos Securities plc 
   6.7.8 Tokenhouse Yard 
   London, EC2R 7AS 
   Telephone: 020 7397 8900 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 28, 2018 02:01 ET (06:01 GMT)

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