RNS Number : 0454W

Scientific Digital Imaging Plc

20 December 2013

Scientific Digital Imaging plc

("SDI" or the "Company")



The Board of Scientific Digital Imaging plc, the AIM quoted group focused on the application of digital imaging technology to the needs of the scientific community, is pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 October 2013.


-- Successful equity fund raising of GBP850,000 to enable repayment of a loan and to reinvest in the business

   --     Loss before tax GBP74,000 (2012: profit GBP11,000) 

-- The Board expects improvements in the second half of the year as new product sales come through

   --     ProReveal (a patented protein detection test) launched internationally 

o 24 units being evaluated worldwide

o Appointment of five new international distributors

o New leasing capability put in place

o New secondary market in the washer and detergent sector

Ken Ford, Chairman of SDI, commented:

"The Board anticipates that the new products released during this first half of our year together with on-going cost efficiencies, should result in an improvement in margins and profitability which should be reflected in the second half of this financial year.


Scientific Digital Imaging plc 01223 727144

Ken Ford, Chairman

Mike Creedon, CEO


finnCap 020 7220 0500

Ed Frisby/ Ben Thompson - Corporate Finance

Simon Starr - Corporate Broking

Copies of the interim report are being sent to shareholders and can also be viewed on the Company's website: www.scientificdigitalimaging.com

Scientific Digital Imaging plc ("SDI") is focused on the application of digital imaging technology to the needs of the scientific community.

SDI's subsidiaries are Synoptics and Artemis CCD are world class businesses with broad product portfolios, design and engineering capabilities.

SDI plans to continue to grow through its own technology advancements as well as strategic, complementary acquisitions.

Interim highlights

-- Successful equity fund raising of GBP850,000 to enable repayment of a loan and to reinvest in the business

   --     Loss before tax GBP74,000 (2012: profit GBP11,000) 

-- The Board expects improvements in the second half of the year as new product sales come through

   --     ProReveal internationally launched 

o 24 units being evaluated worldwide

o Appointment of five new international distributors

o New leasing capability put in place

o New secondary market in the washer and detergent sector

   --     ProReveal 2 launched in Q4 2013 at the Medica show 
   --     Three new touch screen versions of low cost PXi gel documentation equipment launched 

-- Introduction of new versions of the G:BOX with better performance and significantly lower build costs

   --     Synbiosis launched aCOLyte 3, a new version of its well established automated colony counter 


The principal subsidiary of SDI is Synoptics which designs and manufactures special-purpose, innovative instruments and systems for use in the life science industry. The Company exploits digital imaging technologies for a range of disciplines and offers its products through four brands:

-- Syngene - produces equipment for life scientists to image and analyse electrophoresis gels used for DNA and protein analysis

   --     Synbiosis - produces equipment for microbiologists to automate microbial colony counting 

-- Syncroscopy - provides systems that apply digital imaging techniques to microscopy applications, such as life and material sciences

-- Synoptics Health - focuses on imaging techniques within the hospital and clinical environments using their unique ProReveal product

Artemis CCD

Artemis designs and manufactures high sensitivity cameras for deep-sky astronomical and life science imaging under the Atik and Artemis CCD brands.

Chairman's statement


In July 2013 SDI successfully raised GBP850,000 before expenses (GBP760,000 net of expenses) by way of a placing of shares for cash to enable it to repay a loan note and to reinvest in the business. The new funding has ensured that we are able to fulfil our forward orders, particularly for the ProReveal system, for which global demand has increased. A number of units are now being demonstrated both in the UK and internationally and we continue to receive positive feedback.

SDI's revenue was GBP3,537,000 in the six months to 31 October 2013 (a reduction of GBP210,000, relative to revenue of GBP3,747,000 for the six months to 31 October 2012). This was predominantly due to a reduction in Synoptics revenues of GBP353,000, despite Artemis CCD revenues increasing by GBP143,000. Gross margin percentage increased due to sales mix and re-engineering of products within the Synoptics division and administrative expenses reduced to GBP2,151,000 (2012: GBP2,165,000).

Despite the fall in Synoptics revenues, progress has been made with new products that have yet to be reflected in sales revenues. We have also aligned our costs with our revenues and are confident these improvements should be reflected in financial results in the second half of the year.

The overall effect of the reduced sales but increased gross margin and reduced cost of sales and administrative expenses was a loss of GBP74,000 (2012: profit GBP11,000). The basic and fully diluted loss per share was 0.33p (2012: basic and fully diluted earnings per share 0.06p)

The successful fund raising in July 2013 strengthened the Group's cash position from GBP388,000 at 30 April 2013 to GBP541,000 at 31 October 2013 (after the repayment of a loan note of GBP368,000 which matured on 31 July 2013).


In the past six months, Synoptics Health has continued the phased international launch of ProReveal, a fluorescence test to detect proteins on surgical instruments, and has appointed a worldwide network of dealers. There are currently 24 ProReveal systems being demonstrated in the UK and internationally and the system is being included in the budget cycle of several overseas hospitals, where we are expecting orders in 2014.

To make it easier for wash room personnel to choose how they wish to detect proteins on surgical instruments, Synoptics Health has re-developed the ProReveal system software, and the new ProReveal 2 launched in Q4 2013 at the major trade show, Medica.

A secondary new market where we expect ProReveal sales to grow is the washer and detergent sector. A ProReveal system has been sold in the period to a leading healthcare detergent manufacturer to help improve the efficacy of their detergent. Synoptics Health is planning a promotion campaign to capitalise on this niche application of the ProReveal in this sector in Q4 2013 and Q1 2014.

Syngene remains the largest of the Synoptics brands. The three new touch screen versions of its PXi budget gel documentation equipment were launched in the period. To ensure that the higher end G:BOX imaging systems remain competitively priced in relation to the PXi, Syngene has streamlined the range and introduced new versions of the G:BOX which have a better performance and significantly lower build cost. These will be promoted in 2014 and should ensure the brand continues to provide a high margin revenue stream in the latter half of the financial year.

Synbiosis launched a low end automated colony counter, aCOLyte 3 and is seeing steady sales growth in clinical and academic markets. The high end colony counter ProtoCOL 3 continues to sell well in the US and in emerging markets.

Artemis CCD is concentrating on its in house efforts to sell cameras to OEM customers. It is in negotiation with a number of potential OEM customers and expects to see the rewards in 2014. While developing its life science OEM business, Artemis CCD continues to work closely with Synoptics, providing cameras which power the high performance advantage of many of Synoptics' systems, thus maintaining cost-efficiency across the SDI group.

Under its original Atik brand, sales of established products to amateur astronomers have grown steadily in the first half of the year. This growth has been spread evenly across our major territories in Europe and North America.


The Synoptics US group is being restructured to ensure that our Syngene US dealer representative network is being fully utilised and to assess new US distributors for both the Synbiosis and Syngene Divisions. This will result in a significant cost reduction in our US operations and a better coverage of the US market, where Synbiosis products are increasingly sought after. The Synoptics Health Division has added five new international distributors in the period and has put in place a leasing agreement to allow hospitals to rent the ProReveal system. This offers an alternative for many hospitals to accessing the capital equipment budget; a time consuming process, and enable them to assess the technology.

The restructuring of our US office, the addition of new Synoptics Health international distributors and new leasing capabilities sets SDI in good stead to leverage the Company's advantage with the superior product ranges in our portfolio and secure growth for our stakeholders.


The Board anticipates that the new products released during this half of our year, together with on-going cost efficiencies, should result in an improvement in margins and profitability which should be reflected in the second half of this financial year.

Ken Ford, Chairman

19 December 2013

Consolidated income statement

Unaudited for the six months ended 31 October 2013

                                            6 months      6 months   12 months 
                                                  to            to          to 
                                          31 October    31 October    30 April 
                                                2013          2012        2013 
                                           Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited 
                                  Note       GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Revenue                                       3,537         3,747       7,665 
 Costs of sales                              (1,436)       (1,539)     (3,304) 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Gross profit                                  2,101         2,208       4,361 
 Currency exchange loss                         (22)          (10)         (2) 
 Administrative expenses                     (2,124)       (2,155)     (4,061) 
 Share based payments                            (5)             -         (4) 
 Reorganisation costs                              -             -        (14) 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Total administrative expenses               (2,151)       (2,165)     (4,081) 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Operating (loss)/profit                        (50)            43         280 
 Financial income                                  -             -           - 
 Financial expenses                             (24)          (31)        (67) 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 (Loss)/Profit before taxation                  (74)            12         213 
 Income tax expense                                -             1          21 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 (Loss)/profit for the period                   (74)            11         192 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Earnings per share 
 Basic (loss)/earnings per 
  share                              2       (0.33p)         0.06p       1.05p 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Diluted (loss)/earnings 
  per share                                  (0.33p)         0.06p       1.01p 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------  ---------- 

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

Unaudited for the six months ended 31 October 2013

                                                     6 months      6 months   12 months 
                                                           to            to          to 
                                                   31 October    31 October    30 April 
                                                         2013          2012        2013 
                                                    Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited 
                                                      GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 (Loss)/profit for the period                            (74)            11         192 
 Other comprehensive income 
  Items that will be reclassified subsequently 
  to profit and loss 
 Exchange differences on translating 
  foreign operations                                     (30)           (6)          39 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive (loss)/profit 
  for the period                                        (104)             5         231 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------- 

Consolidated balance sheet

Unaudited at 31 October 2013

                                         31 October   31 October   30 April 
                                               2013         2012       2013 
                                          Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited 
                                  Note      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
-------------------------------  -----  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                  392          459        415 
 Intangible assets                              884          718        896 
 Deferred tax asset                             125          107        125 
-------------------------------  -----  -----------  -----------  --------- 
                                              1,401        1,284      1,436 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                  1,061          934        947 
 Trade and other receivables                  1,327        1,607      1,467 
 Cash and cash equivalents                      541          169        388 
-------------------------------  -----  -----------  -----------  --------- 
                                              2,929        2,710      2,802 
-------------------------------  -----  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total assets                                 4,330        3,994      4,238 
-------------------------------  -----  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                     1,213        1,394      1,423 
 Provisions for warranty                         17           22         17 
 Borrowings                          3          115          529        472 
-------------------------------  -----  -----------  -----------  --------- 
                                              1,345        1,945      1,912 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                          3           35           23         38 
 Deferred tax liability                         164          132        164 
-------------------------------  -----  -----------  -----------  --------- 
                                                199          155        202 
-------------------------------  -----  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total liabilities                            1,544        2,100      2,114 
-------------------------------  -----  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Net assets                                   2,786        1,894      2,124 
-------------------------------  -----  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Share capital                                  250          194        194 
 Merger reserve                               2,606        2,606      2,606 
 Share premium account                        1,040          335        335 
 Foreign exchange reserve                      (64)         (79)       (34) 
 Own shares held by Employee 
  Benefit Trust                                (85)         (85)       (85) 
 Other reserves                                 105           96        100 
 Retained earnings                          (1,066)      (1,173)      (992) 
-------------------------------  -----  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total equity                                 2,786        1,894      2,124 
-------------------------------  -----  -----------  -----------  --------- 

Consolidated statement of cash flows

Unaudited for the six months ended 31 October 2013

                                                                          12 months 
                                              6 months to   6 months to          to 
                                               31 October    31 October    30 April 
                                                     2013          2012        2013 
                                                Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited 
                                                  GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Operating activities 
 (Loss)/profit for the period                        (74)            11         192 
 Depreciation and amortisation                        252           246         492 
 Profit on sale of property, plant 
  and equipment                                         -             -         (2) 
 Finance costs and income                              24            31          67 
 Taxation expense recognised in 
  the income statement                                  -             1          21 
 Increase in provision                                  -             5           - 
 Exchange difference                                 (38)           (6)          39 
 Employee share based payments                          5             -           4 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Operating cash flow before movement 
  in working capital                                  169           288         813 
 Increase in inventories                            (114)         (108)       (139) 
 Decrease in trade and other receivables              140          (80)          48 
 Decrease in trade and other payables               (210)           110         153 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Cash (used in)/generated from 
  operations                                         (15)           210         875 
 Interest paid                                       (24)          (27)        (67) 
 Income taxes paid                                      -             -           - 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Cash generated from operating 
  activities                                         (39)           183         808 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Capital expenditure                                 (96)         (179)       (356) 
 Investment in development                          (121)         (132)       (430) 
 Proceeds from sale of property, 
  plant and equipment                                   -             -          93 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Net cash used in investing activities              (217)         (311)       (693) 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Capital element of finance leases                     17           (7)        (12) 
 Loan stock repaid                                  (243)             -           - 
 Issue of shares net of costs                         635             -           - 
 Bank borrowings                                        8            19           - 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Net cash used in financing activities                417            12        (12) 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Net changes in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                         161         (116)         103 
 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning 
  of period                                           388           285         285 
 Foreign currency movements on                        (8)             - 
  cash balances                                                                   - 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents, end 
  of period                                           541           169         388 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ---------- 

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

Unaudited for the six months ended 31 October 2013

 6 months to 31 October                                      Own shares 
 2013 - unaudited              Share     Merger      Share      held by       Other     Foreign    Retained 
                             capital    reserve    premium          EBT    reserves    exchange    earnings      Total 
                             GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Balance at 1 May 2013           194      2,606        335         (85)         100        (34)       (992)      2,124 
 Share based payments              -          -          -            -           5           -           -          5 
 Shares issue                     56          -        705            -           -           -           -        761 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Transactions with owners         56          -        705            -           -           -           -        766 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Profit for the period             -          -          -            -           -           -        (74)       (74) 
 Foreign exchange on 
  of subsidiary                    -          -          -            -           -        (30)           -       (30) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for 
  the period                       -          -          -            -           -        (30)        (74)      (104) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Balance at 31 October 
  2013                           250      2,606      1,040         (85)         105        (64)     (1,066)      2,786 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 6 months to 31 October                                      Own shares 
 2012 - unaudited              Share     Merger      Share      held by       Other     Foreign    Retained 
                             capital    reserve    premium          EBT    reserves    exchange    earnings      Total 
                             GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Balance at 1 May 2012           187      2,606        262         (85)         176        (73)     (1,184)      1,889 
 Shares issued as 
  deferred payment                 7          -         73            -        (80)           -           -          - 
------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Transactions with 
  owners                           7          -         73            -        (80)           -           -          - 
------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Profit for the period             -          -          -            -           -           -          11         11 
 Foreign exchange on 
  of subsidiary                    -          -          -            -           -         (6)           -        (6) 
------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for 
  the period                       -          -          -            -           -         (6)          11          5 
------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Balance at 31 October 
  2012                           194      2,606        335         (85)          96        (79)     (1,173)      1,894 
------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 12 months to 30 April                                       Own shares 
 2013 - audited                Share     Merger      Share      held by       Other     Foreign    Retained 
                             capital    reserve    premium          EBT    reserves    exchange    earnings      Total 
                             GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Balance at 1 May 2012           187      2,606        262         (85)         176        (73)     (1,184)      1,889 
 Shares issued as 
  deferred payment                 7          -         73            -        (80)           -           -          - 
 Share based payments              -          -          -            -           4           -           -          4 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Transactions with owners          7          -         73            -        (76)           -           -          4 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Profit for the year                                                                                    192        192 
 Foreign exchange on 
  of subsidiaries                  -          -          -            -           -          39           -         39 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                           -          -          -            -           -          39         192        231 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Balance at 30 April 2013        194      2,606        335         (85)         100        (34)       (992)      2,124 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  --------- 

Notes to the interim financial statements

Unaudited for the six months ended 31 October 2013

The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these interim financial statements.

Reporting entity

Scientific Digital Imaging plc (the "Company"), a public limited company, is the Group's ultimate parent. It is registered in England and Wales. The consolidated interim financial statements of the Company for the period ended 31 October 2013 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group").

Basis of preparation

The unaudited consolidated interim financial statements are for the six months ended 31 October 2013. These interim financial statements have been prepared using the recognition and measurement principles of International Accounting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards and Interpretations adopted for use in the European Union (collectively EU IFRS). The financial information for the year ended 30 April 2013 is based upon the audited statutory accounts for that year.

The consolidated interim financial information has been prepared on the historical cost basis.

The consolidated interim financial statements are presented in British pounds (GBP), which is also the functional currency of the ultimate parent company.

The consolidated interim financial information was approved by the Board of Directors on 19 December 2013.

The financial information set out in this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The figures for the year ended 30 April 2013 have been extracted from the statutory financial statements of Scientific Digital Imaging plc which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those financial statements was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the six months ended 31 October 2013 and for the six months ended 31 October 2012 is unaudited.

1. Principal accounting policies

The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the condensed consolidated interim information are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group's financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2013.

The accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the Group the purposes of preparation of these interim financial statements.

2. Earnings per share

The calculation of the basic (loss)/earnings per share is based on the (losses)/profits attributable to the shareholders of Scientific Digital Imaging plc divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year, excluding shares held by the Synoptics Employee Benefit Trust. All (loss)/profit per share calculations relate to continuing operations of the Group.

                                 (Loss)/Profit                           Basic 
                                  attributable     Weighted    (loss)/earnings 
                                            to      average          per share 
                                  shareholders    number of          amount in 
                                       GBP'000       shares              pence 
------------------------------  --------------  -----------  ----------------- 
 Period ended 31 October 2013             (74)   22,098,744             (0.33) 
 Period ended 31 October 2012               11   18,051,793               0.06 
 Year ended 30 April 2013                  192   18,323,464               1.05 
------------------------------  --------------  -----------  ----------------- 

The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the profits attributable to the shareholders of Scientific Digital Imaging plc divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year, as adjusted for dilutive share options, dilutive deferred consideration and shares held by the Synoptics Employee Benefit Trust.

                                        per share 
                                        amount in 
------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Period ended 31 October 2013              (0.33) 
 Period ended 31 October 2012                0.06 
 Year ended 30 April 2013                    1.01 
------------------------------  ----------------- 

The reconciliation of average number of ordinary shares used for basic and diluted earnings is as below:

                                        31 October   30 October     30 April 
                                              2013         2012         2013 
-------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares used 
  for basic earnings per share          22,098,744   18,051,793   18,323,464 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares under option                    1,004,233      191,672      659,063 
-------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares used 
  for diluted earnings per share        23,102,977   18,243,465   18,982,527 
-------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

Due to the loss generated in the period ended 31 October 2013, the diluted loss per share for that period is the same as the undiluted loss per share.

3. Borrowings

                                   31 October   31 October   30 April 
                                         2013         2012       2013 
                                      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
--------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Within one year: 
 Bank finance                              84          110         76 
 Finance leases                            31           47         28 
 Loan stock                                 -          372        368 
--------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
                                          115          529        472 
--------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 After one year and within five 
 Loan stock                                 -            -          - 
 Finance leases                            35           23         38 
--------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
                                           35           23         38 
--------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Over five years: 
 Finance leases                             -            -          - 
--------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total borrowings                         150          552        510 
--------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 

The Group utilises short-term facilities to finance its operation. The Group has one principal banker with an invoice discounting facility of up to GBP500,000. At the end of the period the Group had utilised GBP84,000 of this facility.

During the period GBP243,000 of loan stock was repaid and the balance of GBP125,000 was converted into shares

Scientific Digital Imaging plc

Beacon House

Nuffield Road




   Telephone:            +44 (0)1223 727144 
   Fax:                         +44 (0)1223 727101 
   Email:                    info@scientificdigitalimaging.com 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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