RNS Number : 2027F

Pacific Alliance Asia Opp Fd Ld

22 April 2014

22 April 2014

Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund Limited

Full year results for the year ended 31 December 2013

Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund Limited ("PAX" or the "Company") (AIM: PAX), an AIM traded feeder fund for the Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P. (the "Master Fund"), today announces its full year financial results to 31 December 2013.

Financial Highlights

-- Net asset value as at 31 December 2013 was US$159.3 million, representing US$1.586 per share, a 6.81% increase from 31 December 2012 (US$168.8 million, representing US$1.485 per share). Share price closed on 31 December 2013 at US$1.305, a 3.16% increase from 31 December 2012.

-- The Master Fund generated a net return of 7.19% for 2013, slightly behind target as a result of the strategic repositioning and reallocation of the portfolio.

Portfolio and Company Developments

-- The Bridge Financing strategy generated a steady stream of income in 2013. Following slightly looser credit conditions in the first half of 2013 due to the rapid expansion of wealth management products, China credit has returned to tightening amid broader Government policy driven deleveraging of the economy. The Manager believes this will be a multi-year process and thus expects an attractive environment for lending for some time to come. Beyond China, the Manager also continues to find attractive senior secured and mezzanine loan opportunities in the real estate space in Australia, where bank oversight and regulation has kept credit tight.

-- The Distressed/Secondary book is performing in line with expectations and the Master Fund continues to negotiate deals at steep discounts to intrinsic value. The main focus remains European Bank sellers in Japan and Australia, though local bank sellers are also emerging in Korea and defaults in among China Trust loans are starting to create opportunities.

-- During the year, the Manager increased the allocation to public market strategies from 10% to 20%, in particular Japan equity long-short and Asian Event Driven and Arbitrage, which has also improved the overall liquidity of the Fund and allowed the Fund to run at lower cash levels, thus decreasing cash drag.

-- A significant shift of the portfolio was the increase in allocation to Convertible Bond Financings ("CB's"). The Manager believes that Chinese equities are relatively cheap, and although a broader market catalyst may be unlikely given the current poor news flow from China, stock specific catalysts can be identified and create opportunities for significant upside from low valuations. By structuring these investments as CBs, the Fund earns some interest while waiting for the catalysts to play out. The strategy was the key driver of performance for the first two months of 2014. The Manager remains excited about this opportunity set and is working on several more CB deals.

-- PAX distributed 12% of NAV via two 6% distributions by way of tender offers, as announced on 10 June and 12 November 2013. The Company plans to announce the next 6% distribution by way of a tender offer in June 2014.

The Investment Manager said 2013 saw a transition for the Master Fund, particularly in the second half of the year as it rebalanced its portfolio to take advantage of changing market conditions. By strategically repositioning and reallocating the Master Fund's portfolio investments, the Manager was able to trade some fixed return for attractive optionality in 2013. Strong deal flow has eliminated any excess cash drag and the Master Fund is now more invested than it has ever been previously. As a result, the Manager is confident that the fund is poised to take advantage of any dislocations and inefficiencies in the market while maintaining solid risk management standards.

A full copy of the Annual Report will be distributed to all registered shareholders and will be available on the Company's website: www.pax-fund.com. Copies of the Master Fund's Audit Report will be available upon request.

For further information please contact:

 MANAGER:                           MEDIA RELATIONS: 
  Pacific Alliance Investment        Stephanie Barry 
  Management Limited                 T: (852) 3719 3375 
  T: (852) 2918 0088                 sbarry@pagasia.com 
 BROKER:                            NOMINATED ADVISER: 
  Hiroshi Funaki                     Philip Secrett 
  Edmond de Rothschild Securities    Grant Thornton UK LLP 
  T: (44) 20 7845 5960               T: (44) 20 7383 5100 
  funds@lcfr.co.uk                   Philip.J.Secrett@uk.gt.com 

About Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund Limited

Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund Limited (AIM: PAX) serves as a feeder fund for Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P. (the "Master Fund"), a Cayman Islands exempted limited partnership. PAX was admitted to trading on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange in September 2006.

The principal investment objective of both PAX and the Master Fund is to provide their respective investors with capital appreciation through value, arbitrage and special situations investments in Asian markets. Target investments include distressed credit, private equity secondaries, activist investments and other opportunities offering the possibility of unlocking the underlying value of a company or asset.

For more information about PAX, please visit: www.pax-fund.com

Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund Limited is managed by PAG (formerly known as Pacific

Alliance Group), which is one of the region's largest Asia-focussed alternative investment managers, with funds under management across Private Equity, Real Estate and Absolute

Return strategies. Founded in 2002, PAG now has a presence across Asia with 330 staff working in the region.

For more information about PAG, please visit: www.pagasia.com

Chairman's Statement

Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund Limited (the "Company") generated an audited net return of 6.81% for the twelve months ended 31 December 2013 with the NAV per share at US$1.586.

During 2013 the Company distributed 12% of NAV via two 6% distributions by way of tender offers, as announced on 10 June and 12 November 2013. The Company plans to announce the next 6% distribution by way of a tender offer in Q2 2014.

The Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P. (the "Master Fund") - General Partner's Report

The Master Fund achieved a net return of +7.19% for 2013. The Investment Manager acknowledges that the return for this year was slightly behind target as a result of the strategic repositioning and reallocation of the portfolio. The Master Fund has undergone a transitional phase (particularly in the second half of the year) by trading off some fixed return for attractive optionality. With this portfolio rotation, the Investment Manager has also eliminated the excess cash and the resulting drag. The Master Fund is more invested currently than it has been in previous years. The Investment Manager is pleased with the Master Fund's current positioning and is optimistic that it is on track to deliver a strong risk-adjusted return for 2014.

A significant shift of the portfolio is the increase in allocation to Convertible Bond Financings ("CB"). These are loans we made to major listed companies (primarily in Hong Kong), structured in the form of a bond with a stable fixed return component and attractive equity upside. At the end of the year, the Master Fund had a total of seven positions with approximately 20% exposure to this strategy, amounting to over US$400m of equity optionality. This repositioning paid off well in the first month of 2014 as two positions, Project Superstar and Project Sonic, were the key contributors towards over 380 basis points of net return. The Investment Manager remains excited about this opportunity set and is working on several more CB deals.

Under the new government regime in China, the Investment Manager is seeing a wave of privatization and state-owned enterprise reform. This structural change has brought a unique opportunity for the Master Fund to provide primary financing to state-owned companies and their subsidiaries for their business development. Project Phoenix is an example of such an investment, in which the Master Fund provided a CB to a Hong Kong listed company (controlled by a city government in China) to assist with its asset injection schedule. The CB is structured with a reasonable fixed yield with significant upside and is backed by strong government credit. The Investment Manager closed another similar investment early this year and will continue to explore these types of financing going forward.

The Bridge Financing strategy remains a key component of the Master Fund, generating a steady stream of income. The Investment Manager expects the exposure to maintain at its current level as demand for loans in China and Australia remains high. China, in particular, has drawn some headline news in the past several months as the government continues to rebalance credit by controlling liquidity in the market. As a result of this tightened credit, the Master Fund is seeing a pick up in opportunities in its lending strategy. Competition has been decreasing, providing the Master Fund with the ability to charge higher rates for its loans. The Investment Manager expects to see an extended period of tightening and remains confident that the Master Fund will benefit from this dislocation.

The Distressed/Secondary book is performing in line with expectations and the Investment Manager intends to maintain the exposure at approximately 20%. The Investment Manager continues to source attractive secondary credit opportunities from commercial banks, proprietary trading desks, and other financial institutions as they continue to rationalize their balance sheets and sell down the non-core assets. Though the sale activity can be unpredictable, the Investment Manager maintains a steady dialogue with many sellers and has been able to negotiate deals (as opposed to auction) at steep discounts to intrinsic value. Other than Australia/New Zealand and Japan, the Investment Manager is also seeing attractive opportunities in Korea. Project Fiore, a distressed non-performing loan portfolio the Master Fund purchased from a distressed seller in Korea in early 2013, was one of the top contributors for the year as the Investment Manager was able to negotiate the portfolio at discount and sell the underlying assets at significantly higher levels than underwriting. Another major position in this strategy, Project Wine, continued to experience pressure in the second half of the year. The Distillers & Vintners sector in China has been weak and volatile as the government clamped down on lavish official entertainment under the new regime. As previously mentioned, Project Wine is structured with downside protection and a minimum guaranteed of 15% IRR. The lock up will expire in April 2015 and the Investment Manager remains hopeful that there will be upside from current levels.

The Equity Long/Short and Event Driven/Arbitrage combined represent approximately 20% of the Master Fund. During the year, the Investment Manager slowly increased the allocation to the public book from 10% to 20%. As a result of a larger exposure to the public book, the Investment Manager has also improved the liquidity of the Master Fund. With the addition of a new senior member in the public trading team, the Investment Manager expects to slowly increase the exposure to the Event Driven/Arbitrage strategy with a focus on merger, restructuring, capital structure related events within Pan-Asia. The Equity Long/Short strategy continued to perform well and will remain market neutral with a primary focus on Japanese and large cap investments.

The Pre-IPO strategy makes up the rest of the exposure with several positions left in the Master Fund. This strategy was a slight detractor during the year but the Investment Manager remains hopeful that the Chinese IPO market will re-open in 2014, creating an upside catalyst for the portfolio. The Investment Manager does not expect to add any Pre-IPO positions going forward.

Last but not the least, the Investment Manager has eliminated the excess cash drag as a result of the strong deal flow and the increased exposure in the public book. The cash level of the Master Fund is at its lowest level and the Investment Manager will continue to run the Master Fund efficiently while keeping leverage to a minimum.

With the Master Fund's strategic repositioning this year, the Investment Manager remains optimistic that the Master Fund is well poised to take advantage of any dislocations and inefficiencies in the market. The Master Fund now has a solid credit component with the addition of significant equity optionality for the years ahead. As always, preservation of capital is the priority and the Investment Manager continues to strengthen its infrastructure and place a strong emphasis on risk management. The Investment Manager has built a strong and established franchise over the years and will continue to remain focused on delivering strong risk adjusted returns to its investors.


The Board remains confident that the Master Fund portfolio has been well positioned during 2013 to suit the current market environment and to generate attractive returns through 2014 and beyond.

John Alexander


Investment Manager's Report

Portfolio Performance

As at 31 December 2013, the Company's audited net asset value per share ("NAV") was US$1.586, a 6.81% increase from the 31 December 2012 audited financial statements. The Company's share price closed on 31 December 2013 at US$1.305, a 3.16% increase from 31 December 2012.

The Company invests substantially all of its assets in Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., a Cayman Islands exempted limited partnership via Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Feeder Fund III Limited (the "Feeder Fund").

Realized and Unrealized Income

Total income for the period from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013 was US$11,659,159.

 Realized Income/ (Loss)                     US$ 
 Investment in Master Fund             5,742,367 
 Deposit Interest                            120 
 Foreign Exchange                           (52) 
 Total                                 5,742,435 
 Unrealized Appreciation                     US$ 
 Investment in Master Fund             5,916,724 
 Total                                 5,916,724 

Master Fund Portfolio and Performance as at 31 December 2013

As at 31 December 2013, the Master Fund's audited net asset value ("NAV") was US$1.740 per US$1.00 capital contributed, a 7.19% increase from the 31 December 2012 audited financial statements.

Realized and Unrealized Income for the Master Fund

Total income for the period from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013 was US$242,195,144.

 Realized Income/(Losses)                           US$ 
 Bridge Financing                            98,488,334 
 Distressed/Secondary                        90,763,876 
 Equity Long/Short                            8,459,240 
 Deposit Interest                             5,999,958 
 Closed-end Funds                             3,377,130 
 CB Financing                                 2,703,525 
 Pre-IPO Investments                          (828,989) 
 Event Driven, Relative Value/Arbitrage     (1,423,253) 
 Foreign Exchange                          (13,889,938) 
 Total                                      193,649,883 
 Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation)             US$ 
 CB Financing                                53,762,198 
 Foreign Exchange                            17,720,607 
 Event Driven, Relative Value/Arbitrage       9,761,422 
 Bridge Financing                             9,240,579 
 Closed-end Funds                             5,203,031 
 Equity Long/Short                              159,487 
 Pre-IPO Investments                       (11,234,932) 
 Distressed/Secondary                      (36,067,131) 
 Total                                       48,545,261 

Master Fund Portfolio Summary

As at 31 December 2013, the Master Fund held investments and cash with a carrying value of US$2,228 million. The Master Fund portfolio is diversified across several strategies including Bridge Financing, CB Financing, Distressed/Secondary, Event Driven, Relative Value/Arbitrage, Pre-IPO Investment, Equity Long/Short, and Cash.

                                                Fair Value 
                                             of Investment 
 Type of Investment                                  (US$)   % of Total 
 Bridge Financing(1)                           983,439,938       44.13% 
 CB Financing(1)                               476,556,654       21.38% 
 Distressed/ Secondary                         441,951,446       19.83% 
 Event Driven, Relative Value/ Arbitrage       209,447,226        9.40% 
 Pre-IPO Investment                             72,367,783        3.25% 
 Equity Long/Short                              44,714,819        2.01% 
 Total                                       2,228,477,866      100.00% 

(1) The allocation by strategy as per the General Partner's report differs from the schedule of investments of the Master Fund's audited financial statements. The cost of the loans receivable disclosed in the schedule of investments represents the cost of investments for accounting purposes, which are higher than the respective cost of the loans according to the terms under the loan agreements. Collection/Repayment of loans receivable is calculated based upon the effective interest method in the schedule of investments, whereas in the General Partner's report and newsletter, the cost is reduced prior to a reduction of interest in accordance with the definitive agreements.

(2) Cash represents unencumbered cash of the Partnership.

 Breakdown of Investment Holdings           Breakdown of Investment Holdings 
  by Cash and Industry                       by Cash and Geography 
 Cash and Industry             % of Total   Cash and Geography      % of Total 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Property - Commercial             54.83%   Greater China               81.32% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Energy                            10.37%   Australia                   10.07% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Food                               7.88%   Japan                        4.90% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 ETF                                5.03%   Korea                        1.59% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Manufacturing                      4.94%   India                        0.73% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Property - Residential             4.13%   Vietnam                      0.55% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Financial Services                 3.05%   New Zealand                  0.29% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Materials                          1.91%   Taiwan                       0.23% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Agriculture                        1.90%   Malaysia                     0.15% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Industrials                        1.52%   Singapore                    0.13% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Consumer Discretionary             1.44%   Indonesia                    0.06% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Health Care                        1.29%   Thailand                     0.01% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Index Hedges                       0.62%   United States*              -0.03% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Utilities                          0.59%                              100.00% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Consumer Staples                   0.40% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Mining                             0.24% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Shipbuilding                       0.24% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Telecommunication Services         0.17% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Aviation                           0.08% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Travel Services                    0.02% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Advisory                           0.01% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Others*                           -0.17% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 Information Technology*           -0.49% 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
                              -----------  ---------------------  ------------ 

*represents listed securities sold short



                                                Note                   2013                   2012 
                                                                        US$                    US$ 
 Investment in Pacific Alliance Asia 
  Opportunity Fund L.P. through Pacific 
  Alliance Asia Opportunity Feeder 
  Fund III Limited, at fair value (Cost: 
  US$111,680,015; 2012: US$127,037,648)            4            159,330,906            168,771,815 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                          132,902                323,005 
 Other receivables                                                   55,175                 55,175 
                                                       --------------------   -------------------- 
 Total assets                                                   159,518,983            169,149,995 
                                                        -------------------    ------------------- 
 Directors' fee payable                         8(e)                126,000                252,000 
 Accrued expenses and other payables                                 68,057                 77,087 
                                                       --------------------   -------------------- 
 Total liabilities                                                  194,057                329,087 
                                                        -------------------    ------------------- 
 Net assets                                                     159,324,926            168,820,908 
 Analysis of net assets 
 Share capital                                     6              1,617,398              1,617,398 
 Share premium                                     6            160,614,136            160,614,136 
 Tendered shares                                   6           (84,852,736)           (64,349,046) 
 Retained earnings                                               81,946,128             70,938,420 
                                                       --------------------   -------------------- 
 Net assets (equivalent to US$1.586 
  per share based on 100,456,123 outstanding 
  shares) (2012: US$1.485 per share 
  based on 113,689,591 outstanding 
  shares)                                                       159,324,926            168,820,908 

Approved by the Board of Directors

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



                                               Note                    2013                    2012 
                                                                        US$                     US$ 
 Bank interest income                                                   120                     399 
                                                        -------------------     ------------------- 
 Directors' fees                               8(e)                 252,000                 252,000 
 Other expenses                                                     399,451                 428,063 
                                                       --------------------    -------------------- 
 Total expenses from fund specific 
  activities                                                        651,451                 680,063 
                                                        -------------------     ------------------- 
 Income and expenses allocated from 
  Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity 
  Feeder Fund III Limited 
 Income allocated from Pacific Alliance 
  Asia Opportunity Feeder Fund III 
  Limited                                         4               2,467,225               1,920,690 
 Expenses allocated from Pacific Alliance 
  Asia Opportunity Feeder Fund III 
  Limited                                         4             (8,068,201)            (11,963,648) 
                                                       --------------------    -------------------- 
 Net investment loss allocated from 
  Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity 
  Feeder Fund III Limited                                       (5,600,976)            (10,042,958) 
                                                        -------------------     ------------------- 
 Net investment loss                                            (6,252,307)            (10,722,622) 
                                                        -------------------     ------------------- 
 Realized and unrealized gains/(losses) 
  from investments allocated from Pacific 
  Alliance Asia Opportunity Feeder 
  Fund III Limited and foreign currencies 
 Net realized gains from investments 
  allocated from Pacific Alliance Asia 
  Opportunity Feeder Fund III Limited             4              15,786,964              10,337,984 
 Net change in unrealized gains on 
  investments allocated from Pacific 
  Alliance Asia Opportunity Feeder 
  Fund III Limited                                4               4,387,523              19,310,885 
 Net foreign exchange losses                                           (52)                   (377) 
                                                       --------------------    -------------------- 
 Net realized and unrealized gains 
  from investments allocated from Pacific 
  Alliance Asia Opportunity Feeder 
  Fund III Limited and foreign currencies                        20,174,435              29,648,492 
                                                        -------------------     ------------------- 
 Net increase in net assets from operations 
  (before allocation of performance 
  fee to the General Partner of Pacific 
  Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.)                           13,922,128              18,925,870 
 Allocation of performance fee to 
  the General Partner of Pacific Alliance 
  Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.                                    (2,914,420)             (3,610,735) 
                                                       --------------------    -------------------- 
 Net increase in net assets from operations                      11,007,708              15,315,135 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



                                                and share           Retained 
                                Note              premium           Earnings      Tendered shares                Total 
                                                      US$                US$                  US$                  US$ 
 At 1 January 2012                            162,231,534         55,623,285         (42,864,339)          174,990,480 
 Repurchase of shares              6                    -                  -         (21,484,707)         (21,484,707) 
 Net increase in net assets 
  from operations                                       -         15,315,135                    -           15,315,135 
                                       ------------------   ----------------   ------------------   ------------------ 
 At 31 December 2012 and 1 
  January 2013                                162,231,534         70,938,420         (64,349,046)          168,820,908 
 Repurchase of shares              6                    -                  -         (20,503,690)         (20,503,690) 
 Net increase in net assets 
  from operations                                       -         11,007,708                    -           11,007,708 
                                       ------------------   ----------------   ------------------   ------------------ 
 At 31 December 2013                          162,231,534         81,946,128         (84,852,736)          159,324,926 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



                                                                      2013                   2012 
                                                                       US$                    US$ 
 Net increase in net assets from operations                     11,007,708             15,315,135 
 Adjustments to reconcile net increase in 
  net assets from operations to net cash generated 
  from operating activities 
 Redemptions of investment in Pacific Alliance 
  Asia Opportunity Feeder Fund III Limited                      21,100,000             21,530,000 
 Income allocated from Pacific Alliance Asia 
  Opportunity Feeder Fund III Limited                          (2,467,225)            (1,920,690) 
 Expenses allocated from Pacific Alliance 
  Asia Opportunity Feeder Fund III Limited                       8,068,201             11,963,648 
 Net realized gains from investments allocated 
  from Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Feeder 
  Fund III Limited                                            (15,786,964)           (10,337,984) 
 Net unrealized gains from investments allocated 
  from Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Feeder 
  Fund III Limited                                             (4,387,523)           (19,310,885) 
 Allocation of performance fee to General 
  Partner of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity 
  Fund LP                                                        2,914,420              3,610,735 
 Decrease in other receivables                                           -                     26 
 Decrease in accrued expenses and other payables                 (135,030)               (49,956) 
                                                      --------------------   -------------------- 
 Net cash generated from operating activities                   20,313,587             20,800,029 
                                                       -------------------    ------------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Repurchase of shares                                         (20,503,690)           (21,484,707) 
                                                      --------------------   -------------------- 
 Net cash used in financing activities                        (20,503,690)           (21,484,707) 
                                                       -------------------    ------------------- 
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                       (190,103)              (684,678) 
 Beginning balance                                                 323,005              1,007,683 
                                                      --------------------   -------------------- 
 Ending balance, representing cash and bank 
  balances                                                         132,902                323,005 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



1 Organization

Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund Limited (the "Company") was incorporated on 4 May 2006 in the Cayman Islands as a closed-end Cayman Islands registered exempted company. The Company's ordinary shares are traded on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. The Company can raise additional capital up to the authorized share capital as disclosed in Note 6. The Company's registered office is PO Box 472, 2nd Floor, Harbour Place, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands.

Since the reconstruction approved by an extraordinary general meeting held on 7 May 2009 (the "Reconstruction"), the Company invests substantially all its assets in Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P. (the "Master Fund"), a Cayman Islands exempted limited partnership, through a 10.86% (2012: 13.81%) interest in Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Feeder Fund III Limited (the "Feeder Fund"). As at 31 December 2013, the Company indirectly held approximately a 7.34% (2012: 8.23%) interest in the Master Fund.

The Company's investment activities are managed by Pacific Alliance Investment Management Limited (the "Investment Manager"). The Company has appointed Butterfield Trust (Bermuda) Limited to act as custodian of certain assets of the Company and MUFG Fund Services (Ireland) Limited (formerly known as Butterfield Fulcrum Group (Ireland) Limited) to act as the Company's administrator pursuant to the custodian agreement and administration services agreement, respectively.

The consolidated financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 16 April 2014.

2 Summary of significant accounting policies

The following significant accounting policies are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("US GAAP"). The Company applies the provisions of Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") ASC 946-10, Financial Services - Investment Companies (the "Guide"). Such policies are consistently followed by the Company in the preparation of its consolidated financial statements.

(a) Principles of consolidation

These consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively the "Fund"). Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Fund and deconsolidated from the date that control ceases. Inter-company transactions between group companies are eliminated upon consolidation.

The Fund uses wholly and partially owned special purpose vehicles ("SPV") to hold and transact in certain investments and lending. The Fund's policy is to consolidate, as appropriate, those SPVs in which the Fund has control over significant operating, financial or investing decisions of the entity.

Except when an operating company provides services to the Fund, investment in an operating company is carried at fair value (refer to Note 2(c)(ii) for fair value measurement).

(b) Use of estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires the Fund's management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported value of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities as at 31 December 2013 and the reported amounts of income and expenses for the year then ended. The areas involving a higher degree of judgment or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the consolidated financial statements are disclosed in Note 2(h).

(c) Investments

(i) Recognition and derecognition

Regular purchase and sale of investments are accounted for on the trade date, the date the trade is executed. Costs used in determining realized gains and losses on the disposal of investments are based on the specific identification method.

Transfer of investments is accounted for as a sale when the Fund has relinquished control over the transferred assets. Any realized gains and losses from investments are recognized in the statement of operations.

(ii) Fair value measurement

The Fund is an investment company under the Guide. As a result, the Fund records and re-measures its investment in the Feeder Fund on the consolidated statement of assets and liabilities at fair value. The fair value of the Fund's investment in the Feeder Fund is based on the net asset value ("NAV") of the Feeder Fund as determined by its administrator and Investment Manager. The Feeder Fund is open to subscription on a monthly basis and redemption on a quarterly basis, based on the NAV calculated by its administrator and the Investment Manager considers that it is an appropriate basis for the fair value of the Fund's investment in the Feeder Fund.

The Fund records its proportionate interest in the net assets of the Feeder Fund. The Fund records and reflects its proportionate share of the Feeder Fund's income, expenses, and realized and unrealized gains and losses from investments in the consolidated statement of operations. As a result, no realized and unrealized gains or losses from investment in the Feeder Fund are recognized. In addition, the Fund accrues its own income and expenses. The performance of the Fund is directly affected by the performance of the Master Fund. Attached are the audited consolidated financial statements of the Feeder Fund and the Master Fund, including the consolidated schedule of investments, valuation policy and year-end investment valuation, which should be read in conjunction with these consolidated financial statements.

(d) Cash and cash equivalents

Cash represents cash at banks and does not include restricted cash such as fixed deposits pledged as security for bank loans. Cash equivalents are defined as short term and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and have original maturities of three months or less.

(e) Foreign currency translation

The books and records of the Fund are maintained in United States Dollars ("US$"), which is also the functional currency. Assets and liabilities, both monetary and non-monetary, denominated in foreign currencies are translated into US$ by using prevailing exchange rate as at financial reporting date, while income and expenses are translated at the exchange rates in effect during the year.

Gains and losses attributed to changes in the value of foreign currencies for investments, cash balances and other assets and liabilities are reported as foreign exchange gain and loss in the consolidated statement of operations.

(f) Taxation

The Fund may be subject to taxes imposed in jurisdictions in which it invests and operates. Such taxes are generally based on income and/or gains earned. Taxes are accrued and applied to net investment income, net realized gains and net unrealized gains, as applicable, when the income and/or gains are earned. The Fund accrues for liabilities relating to uncertain tax positions only when such liabilities are probable and can be reasonably estimated in accordance with the authoritative guidance contained in FASB ASC 740 described in Note 5.

The Fund uses the asset and liability method to provide for income taxes on all transactions recorded in the consolidated financial statements. This method requires that income taxes reflect the expected future tax consequences of temporary differences between carrying amounts of assets or liabilities for book and tax purposes. Accordingly, a deferred tax asset or liability for each temporary difference is determined based on the tax rates that the Fund expects to be in effect when the underlying items of income and expense are realized.

(g) Recognition of income and expenses

Interest income on bank balances is accrued as earned using the effective interest method.

Expenses are recorded on an accrual basis.

The Fund also records its proportionate share of the Feeder Fund's income and expenses. Please refer to note 2(c)(ii) for details.

(h) Critical accounting estimates and assumptions

Estimates and judgments are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.

The resulting accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the related actual results. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are addressed below.

(i) Fair value of investment in the Feeder Fund

As discussed in note 2(c)(ii), the fair value of the Fund's investment in the Feeder Fund is based on the NAV of the Feeder Fund as determined by its administrator and Investment Manager. The Feeder Fund invests substantially all its assets in the Master Fund. The fair value of unlisted or unquoted securities in the Master Fund is determined by using valuation techniques. The valuation committee of the Master Fund ("Valuation Committee"), with assistance from independent valuers, uses their judgment to select a variety of methods and make assumptions that are mainly based on market conditions existing at the end of each reporting period.

Although the Valuation Committee uses their best judgment in estimating fair value, there are inherent limitations in any valuation technique. Estimated fair value may differ significantly from the value that would have been used had a readily available market for such investments existed and these differences could be material to the Fund's consolidated financial statements. Additional information about the level of market observability associated with investments carried at fair value is disclosed in Note 4 below.

(ii) Taxation

The Fund may be subject to income taxes in jurisdictions in which it invests and operates. Significant judgment is required in determining the worldwide provision for income taxes. There are many transactions and calculations for which the ultimate tax determination is uncertain. The Fund recognizes liabilities for anticipated tax audit issues based on estimates of whether additional taxes will be due. Where the final tax outcome of these matters is different from the amounts that were initially recorded, such differences will impact the current and deferred income tax assets and liabilities in the period in which such determination is made.

3 Concentration of risks

(a) "Master-feeder" structure

Since the Reconstruction, the Fund operates a "master-feeder" structure and invests solely in the Master Fund through the Feeder Fund. The "master-feeder" structure presents certain risks to the Fund. The Feeder Fund will incur expenses and liabilities that will be paid prior to making distributions to the Fund. The Fund may be materially affected by the actions of other investors in the Master Fund and the Feeder Fund. Consequently, if other investors redeem from the Master Fund and the Feeder Fund, the Fund may experience higher pro-rata operating expenses. The financial risks of the Fund are associated with those of the Master Fund and the Feeder Fund which are discussed in Note 3 of the Master Fund's and the Feeder Fund's financial statements.

(b) Market risk

Market risk represents the potential loss in value of financial instruments caused by movements in market variables, such as equity prices.

The market risk that the Fund is exposed to is from the investments held by the Master Fund, of which the investments are typically made with a focus on Greater China. Political or economic conditions and the possible imposition of adverse laws or currency exchange restrictions in that region could cause the Master Fund's investments and the respective markets to become less liquid and also the prices to become more volatile.

(c) Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk arises from the fluctuations in the prevailing levels of market interest rates which affect the fair value of financial assets and liabilities and future cash flows. The Fund has bank deposits and the Master Fund has certain investments that collectively expose the Fund to interest rate risk.

(d) Currency risk

Foreign currency risk arises as the value of future transactions, recognised monetary assets and monetary liabilities denominated in other currencies, fluctuates due to changes in foreign exchange rates.

As at 31 December 2013 and 2012, the majority of the Fund's assets and liabilities are denominated in US$, the functional currency. As such, the Fund is not subject to material currency risk. However, the Fund is indirectly exposed to currency risks from the investments held by the Master Fund

(e) Credit risk

The main credit risk to which the Fund is exposed arises from the Fund's indirect investment in the Master Fund which is closely monitored by the Investment Manager.

(f) Liquidity risk

As the Company is closed-ended, it is not exposed to redemptions of shares by its shareholders.

The Fund is exposed to liquidity risk as the Fund's investments in the Feeder Fund are largely illiquid. Redemptions of interest in the Feeder Fund are subject to a 12 months lock up in the first year of investment and an additional notice period of 180 days.

The Fund has the ability to borrow in the short term but subject to certain limitations, including the total amount of all borrowings outstanding at any time shall not exceed 50% of the Fund's total assets at such time.

4 Investments in Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.

As at 31 December 2013, the Feeder Fund was 10.86% (2012: 13.81%) held by the Fund and 89.14% (2012: 86.19%) held by unrelated investors. As at 31 December 2013, the Feeder Fund held 67.64% in the Master Fund (2012: 59.55%).

In accordance with FASB ASC 820-10, Fair Value Measurement and Disclosures, the Fund categorizes the fair value of its investments in a hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure the fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to valuations based upon unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurements) and the lowest priority to valuations based upon unobservable inputs that are significant to the valuation (Level 3 measurements). FASB ASC 820-10-35-39 to 55 provides three levels of the fair value hierarchy as follows:

Level 1

Inputs that reflect unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the Fund has the ability to access at the measurement date;

Level 2

Inputs to measure fair values are quoted prices in markets that are not active, quoted prices for similar assets in active markets or prices or valuations for which all significant inputs are observable, either directly or indirectly. Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly, including quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not considered to be active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability, and inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by observable market data by correlation or other means; and

Level 3

Inputs that are unobservable and significant to the overall fair value measurement.

Inputs to measure fair values broadly refer to the assumptions that market participants use to make valuation decisions, including assumptions about risk. Inputs may include price information, volatility statistics, specific and broad credit data, liquidity statistics and other factors. An asset or a liability's level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of any input that is significant to the fair value measurement. However, the determination of what constitutes "observable" requires significant judgment. The Investment Manager considers observable data to be such market data which is readily available, regularly distributed or updated, reliable and verifiable, not proprietary and provided by multiple, independent sources that are actively involved in the relevant market.

The categorization of an asset or a liability within the hierarchy is based upon the pricing transparency of the asset or liability and does not necessarily correspond to the Investment Manager's perceived risk of that asset or liability.

In determining an instrument's placement within the hierarchy, the Investment Manager follows the following guidance for investments held by the Fund:

Level 1

Investments in listed stocks, bonds and derivatives are valued using quoted prices in active markets and are therefore generally classified within Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.

As at 31 December 2013 and 2012, the Fund did not have any investments that were categorized as Level 1 within the fair value hierarchy.

Level 2

It may be possible that the NAV of unlisted investment funds represents their fair value based on observable inputs such as ongoing subscription and/or redemption activities. In these cases, the NAV is considered as a Level 2 input.

The NAV of the Feeder Fund is used to value the Fund's investment in the Feeder Fund as the Investment Manager believes it represents the fair value based on observable data such as ongoing redemption and/or subscription activities. As at 31 December 2013 and 2012, the Fund's investment in the Feeder Fund is included in Level 2.

Level 3

Assets are classified within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy if they are traded infrequently and therefore have little or no price transparency. As at 31 December 2013 and 2012, the Fund had no investments that were categorized as Level 3 within the fair value hierarchy. The investments within the Master Fund range from Level 1 to Level 3.

The Fund accounts for and reflects in the consolidated financial statements the proportionate share of the investment in the Feeder Fund. The table below summarizes the investment income allocated from the Master Fund through the Feeder Fund during the year ended 31 December 2013 and 2012:

                                                      2013               2012 
                                                       US$                US$ 
 Loan origination income                                 -             27,532 
 Interest income                                   614,771          1,264,839 
 Bank interest income                              443,952            199,178 
 Dividend income                                 1,240,837            369,649 
 Other income                                      167,665             59,492 
                                          ----------------   ---------------- 
 Income allocated from the Master Fund 
  through the Feeder Fund                        2,467,225          1,920,690 

5 Taxation

The Fund adopted the authoritative guidance contained in FASB ASC 740 on accounting for and disclosure of uncertainty in tax positions, which requires the Investment Manager to determine whether a tax position of the Fund is more likely than not to be sustained upon examination, including resolution of any related appeals or litigation processes, based on the technical merits of the position. The Investment Manager has analyzed the tax positions and tax years in the jurisdictions that the Fund may be subject to. For tax positions meeting the more likely than not threshold, the tax amount recognized in the consolidated financial statements is reduced by the largest benefit that has a greater than 50 percent likelihood of being realized upon ultimate settlement with the relevant taxing authority.

The Investment Manager have reviewed the operation and investment structure of the Fund and considered there is no material uncertain tax position at 31 December 2013.

Under current Cayman Islands legislation applicable to an exempted company, the Fund is not subject to income tax, capital gains or withholding tax, estate duty, or inheritance tax.

6 Share capital, share premium and tendered shares

                                                   Share                Share             Tendered 
                          Number of              capital              premium               Shares                  Total 
                             shares                  US$                  US$                  US$                    US$ 
 At 1 
  2012                  128,666,354            1,617,398          160,614,136         (42,864,339)            119,367,195 
  of shares            (14,976,763)                    -                    -         (21,484,707)           (21,484,707) 
               --------------------   ------------------   ------------------   ------------------   -------------------- 
 At 31 
  2012 and 1 
  2013                  113,689,591            1,617,398          160,614,136         (64,349,046)             97,882,488 
  of shares            (13,233,468)                    -                    -         (20,503,690)           (20,503,690) 
               --------------------   ------------------   ------------------   ------------------   -------------------- 
 At 31 
  2013                  100,456,123            1,617,398          160,614,136         (84,852,736)             77,378,798 

As at 31 December 2013, the total authorised number of ordinary shares was 5,000,000,000 (2012: 5,000,000,000) shares with a par value of US$0.01 (2012: US$0.01) per share. As at 31 December 2013, the Company had 161,739,827 (2012: 161,739,827) ordinary shares in issue, of which 61,283,704 (2012: 48,050,236) were held as tendered shares.

Movement of tendered shares are as follows:

                                                   Number of   Repurchase 
                                          shares repurchased        price                Total 
                                                                      US$                  US$ 
 As at 1 January 2012                             33,073,473                        42,864,339 
 Repurchased in July 2012                          7,719,981         1.42           10,962,373 
 Repurchased in December 2012                      7,256,782         1.45           10,522,334 
                                          ------------------                ------------------ 
 As at 31 December 2012 and 1 January 
  2013                                            48,050,236                        64,349,046 
 Repurchased in July 2013                          6,821,375         1.53           10,436,704 
 Repurchased in December 2013                      6,412,093         1.57           10,066,986 
                                          ------------------                ------------------ 
 As at 31 December 2013                           61,283,704                        84,852,736 

7 Dividends

The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend for the years ended 31 December 2013 and 2012.

8 Related-party transactions

The Fund had the following significant related-party transactions.

(a) Investment in Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.

The Fund invests in the Master Fund via the Feeder Fund, both of which are managed by the Investment Manager. Please refer to Note 4 for details.

(b) Company's shares held by the Investment Manager and its subsidiary

During the year ended 31 December 2013, the Investment Manager and its subsidiary entered into the following transactions in the Company's shares:

-- tendered 659,873 shares of the Company at US$1.530 for repurchase by the Company in July 2013;

-- tendered 560,804 shares of the Company at US$1.570 for repurchase by the Company in December 2013;

-- transferred 865,425 shares of the Company to directors or management of the Investment Manager and its subsidiaries.

During the year ended 31 December 2012, the Investment Manager and its subsidiary entered into the following transactions in the Company's shares:

-- tendered 954,267 shares of the Company at US$1.420 for repurchase by the Company in July 2012;

-- tendered 911,073 shares of the Company at US$1.450 for repurchase by the Company in November 2012;

-- purchased 47,104, 1,146,700 and 1,052,682 shares of the Company at US$1.140, US$1.173 and US$1.250 respectively from the market; and

-- transferred 2,093,241 shares of the Company to directors or management of the Investment Manager and its subsidiaries.

As at 31 December 2013, the Investment Manager and its subsidiary held 5,384,062 (2012: 7,470,164) shares of the Company, representing 5.4% (2012: 6.6%) of the Company's total outstanding shares.

(c) Company's shares held by the Master Fund

During the year ended 31 December 2013, the Master Fund sold 975,092 shares of the Company on the open market (2012: purchased 11,011,535 and sold 3,369,625 shares). As at 31 December 2013, the Master Fund held 6,666,818 (2012: 7,641,910) shares of the Company, representing 6.6% (2012: 6.7%) of the Company's total outstanding shares.

(d) Management fees and performance allocations to the Investment Manager

Before the Reconstruction, the Fund paid management fees and performance allocations directly to the Investment Manager. The Investment Manager is no longer entitled to receive management fees or performance allocations from the Fund.

(e) Directors' fees and expenses

The Company pays each of its directors an annual fee of US$70,000 (2012: US$70,000) plus out-of-pocket expenses and each of its valuation committee and audit committee members an annual fee of US$14,000 (2012: US$14,000). During the year ended 31 December 2013, two directors of the Fund, Christopher Marcus Gradel and Anthony Murray Miller, agreed to waive their annual fees.

9 Financial highlights

NAV per share at the end of the year is as follows:

                                                     2013           2012 
                                                      US$            US$ 
 Per share data 
  (for a share outstanding throughout the 
 At beginning of the year                           1.485          1.360 
 Net investment loss                              (0.071)        (0.104) 
 Net realized and unrealized gains from 
  investments                                       0.201          0.261 
 Allocation of performance fee                    (0.029)        (0.032) 
                                             ------------   ------------ 
 At end of the year                                 1.586          1.485 

The following represents the ratios to average net assets and other supplemental information:

                                              2013      2012 
 Total return (1)                            6.81%     9.18% 
 Ratios to average net assets (2) 
 Total expenses (other than performance 
  fee) (3)                                 (5.22%)   (7.19%) 
 Net investment loss                       (3.74%)   (6.09%) 

(1) Total return represents the change in NAV, adjusted for cash flows in relation to capital transactions for the year.

(2) Average net assets is derived from the beginning and ending monthly NAV, adjusted for cash flows related to capital transactions for the year ended 31 December 2013. For the year ended 31 December 2013, the average net assets amounted to US$167,052,284 (2012: US$175,927,967).

(3) The total expenses ratio represents the total expenses of the Fund including both general and investment level expenses.

10 Commitment and contingency

In the normal course of business, the Fund, the Master Fund and the Feeder Fund may enter into arrangements that contain a variety of representations and warranties that provide general indemnification under certain circumstances. The Fund, the Master Fund and the Feeder Fund's maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund, the Master Fund and the Feeder Fund that have not yet occurred. However, based on experience, the Investment Manager expects the risk of loss to be remote and, therefore, no provision has been recorded.

11 Subsequent events

The Investment Manager has performed a subsequent events review from 1 January 2014 through to 16 April 2014, being the date that the consolidated financial statements were authorized for issuance.

Management concluded there is no material subsequent event that required additional disclosure in these consolidated financial statements.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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