15 December 2009 
                 Pacific Alliance China Land Limited 
                            Tender Offer 
Pacific Alliance China  Land Limited ("PACL"  or the "Company"),  the 
closed-end investment company admitted to trading on AIM and  focused 
on investing in  a portfolio of  investments in existing  properties, 
new developments, distressed  projects and real  estate companies  in 
Greater China,  today announces  that  a circular  has been  sent  to 
shareholders detailing a tender offer (the "Tender Offer") closing 14 
January 2010 to purchase up to 6  per cent of the Ordinary Shares  of 
the Company at a price equal to  the unaudited Net Asset Value as  at 
30 November 2009. 
At its launch in November 2007, the Company's Admission Document 
indicated that PACL would provide a regular level of income in the 
form of a dividend up to an annual yield of 6 per cent of Net Asset 
Value. At an extraordinary general meeting held on 2 March 2009 (the 
"2009 EGM"), a special resolution was passed authorising the Company 
to increase this annual yield to 12 per cent. of Net Asset Value. 
The Tender Offer 
After consultation with the Company's major Shareholders following 
the 2009 EGM, the Board and the Investment Manager concluded that it 
would be more tax efficient, and therefore in the best interests of 
the Shareholders, that distributions be made by way of a tender offer 
instead of a dividend. 
Accordingly, having made one such distribution in July 2009, the 
Company will again use its wholly-owned subsidiary, PACL Trading 
Limited (the "Share Purchase Subsidiary"), to implement a tender 
offer whereby Shareholders can tender up to 6 per cent. of their 
Ordinary Shares at USD 1.12 per Ordinary Share, being the price equal 
to the unaudited Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share as at 30 November 
2009 (the "Tender Price"). The Tender Offer will be open and 
available to all Shareholders as of the Record Date of 8 January 
Depending on individual financial and tax circumstances and 
investment objectives, Shareholders that wish to remain investors in 
the Company may be able to book a gain by participating in the Tender 
Offer by using the proceeds received upon Settlement to repurchase 
Ordinary Shares in the market at a discount to the Tender Price. 
The timetable for the Tender Offer is as follows: 
Tender Offer Record Date                               8 January 2010 
Latest time and date for receipt of    12.00 midnight (UK time) on 14 
Tender Forms                                             January 2010 
Tender Offer Results announcement                     15 January 2010 
Tender Offer Settlement Date                          22 January 2010 
The Circular sent to Shareholders today contains the formal terms of 
the Tender Offer, together with details of how Shareholders can 
tender their Ordinary Shares for purchase, if they wish to do so. A 
copy is also available on the Company's website www.pacl-fund.com. 
The extent to which Shareholders participate in the Tender Offer is a 
matter for each Shareholder to decide, and will be influenced by 
their own individual financial and tax circumstances and their 
investment objectives.  The Directors are not tendering any of the 
Ordinary Shares in which they are interested. 
For further information please contact: 
MANAGER:                             LEGAL COUNSEL: 
Chris Gradel, Managing Partner       Jon Lewis, General Counsel 
Pacific Alliance Group               Pacific Alliance Group 
16/F, St. John's Building            16/F St. John's Building 
33 Garden Road                       33 Garden Road 
Central, Hong Kong                   Central, Hong Kong 
Tel: (852) 29180088                  Tel: (852) 29180088 
Fax: (852) 29180881                  Fax: (852) 29180881 
cgradel@pacific-alliance.com         jlewis@pacific-alliance.com 
BROKER:                              NOMINATED ADVISER: 
Hiroshi Funaki                       Philip Secrett 
LCF Edmond de Rothschild Securities  Grant Thornton Corporate Finance 
Tel: (44) 20 7845 5960               Tel: (44) 20 7383 5100 
Fax: (44) 20 7845 5961               Philip.J.Secrett@gtuk.com 
Sophie Hoggarth 
Pacific Alliance Group 
Tel: (86) 21 61135818 
Financial Dynamics, London 
Andrew Walton/David Cranmer 
Tel: (44) 207 269 7217 
Financial Dynamics, Asia 
Alastair Hetherington/Christine Wood 
Tel: (852) 3716 9800 
Notes to Editors: 
Pacific Alliance China Land Limited (AIM: PACL) is a closed-end 
investment company with net assets of USD 171.5 million at 30 
November 2009. PACL was admitted to trading on the AIM Market of the 
London Stock Exchange in November 2007. PACL is focused on investing 
in a portfolio of existing properties, new developments, distressed 
projects and real estate companies in Greater China. 
For more information about PACL, please visit: www.pacl-fund.com 
Pacific Alliance China Land is a member of Pacific Alliance Group, 
the Asian alternative investment fund management group. 
For more information about Pacific Alliance Group, please visit: 
Background to and key features of the Tender Offer 
The key features of the Tender Offer are as follows: 
·                     the Tender Offer is for up to 6 per cent. of 
the Company's Ordinary Shares; 
·                     Shareholders can decide whether or not to 
tender Ordinary Shares up to their Entitlement (being 6 per cent. of 
their respective holdings on the Record Date); and 
·                     the Tender Price will be USD 1.12 per Ordinary 
Share (being the unaudited Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share as at 
30 November 2009). 
The Tender Offer is conditional, inter alia, on the Company not 
terminating the Tender Offer in accordance with paragraph 7 of Part 2 
of the Circular. 
Options for Shareholders 
Shareholders can choose to: 
·                     not tender any of their Ordinary Shares; or 
·                     tender such number of their Ordinary Shares up 
to their Entitlement for purchase and to receive a cash payment as 
consideration for such purchase. 
Shareholders may tender up to a maximum of 6 per cent. of their 
respective holdings under the Tender Offer only.  There is no cash 
dividend alternative available to Shareholders in connection with 
this 6 per cent. distribution. 
Further details of the Tender Offer 
Record Date Shareholders are invited to tender their Entitlement of 
Ordinary Shares to the Share Purchase Subsidiary. 
The Share Purchase Subsidiary will purchase validly tendered Ordinary 
Shares at the Tender Price and will hold such Ordinary Shares to 
replicate a treasury facility.  The Company believes a treasury 
facility could provide useful benefits to the Company and the 
Shareholders by serving, for example, as a future source of 
additional liquidity or as consideration when acquiring future 
portfolio investments.  The Company may not hold Ordinary Shares 
directly because the laws of the Cayman Islands, where the Company is 
domiciled, currently preclude the direct holding of treasury shares 
by a Cayman Island company (accordingly, such purchased shares would 
be immediately cancelled).  The Share Purchase Subsidiary is the same 
entity that was announced by the Company on 24 June 2008 to 
effectively replicate the benefits of a treasury facility in 
connection with its share buyback program.  Further details of the 
Company's policies regarding its treasury facility are provided in 
paragraph 8 of Part 1 of the Circular. 
Shareholders' attention is drawn to Part 2 of the Circular which, 
together with the Tender Form, constitutes the terms and conditions 
of the Tender Offer.  Details of how Shareholders tender Ordinary 
Shares can be found at paragraph 3 of Part 2 of the Circular. 
Shareholders should note that, once tendered, such Ordinary Shares 
may not be sold, transferred, withdrawn from the Tender Offer, 
charged or otherwise disposed of other than in accordance with the 
Tender Offer.  Shareholders who are in doubt as to the contents of 
the Circular or as to the action to be taken should immediately 
consult their financial adviser. 
The costs relating to the Tender Offer will be paid by the Company 
and are expected to be approximately USD 10,000. Shareholders should 
note this expense will reduce the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 
Overseas Shareholders 
The Tender Offer is being made to all Shareholders on the Company's 
Register of Members (or, where Ordinary Shares are held in Euroclear 
and/or Clearstream, otherwise beneficially entitled to such Ordinary 
Shares) on the Record Date.  However, it is the responsibility of all 
Overseas Shareholders to satisfy themselves as to the observance of 
all legal requirements in their jurisdiction, including, without 
limitation, all relevant requirements in relation to the ability of 
such holders to participate in the Tender Offer.  Further details 
relating to Overseas Shareholders can be found at paragraph 9 of Part 
2 of the Circular. 
Shareholders who sell Ordinary Shares in the Tender Offer may, 
depending on their individual circumstances, incur a tax liability. 
Shareholders who are in doubt as to their tax position should consult 
an appropriate professional financial adviser. 
Applicable terms of the company's share purchase policy 
The following terms will apply to the purchase of the Ordinary Shares 
by the Share Purchase Subsidiary in the Tender Offer: 
·                     The purchases will be funded by way of an 
intra-group loan from the Company. 
·                     The maximum number of the Ordinary Shares that 
may be purchased in any 12 month period is 25 per cent. of the 
Company's issued share capital, from time to time. 
·                     If possible, all sales shall be made at a 
premium to the last announced Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share, and 
sales at a discount to the prevailing Net Asset Value per Ordinary 
Share may only be made with the prior approval of the Board. 
·                     The Share Purchase Subsidiary must dispose of 
all Ordinary Shares held before the Company can raise additional 
funds through the offer and sale of new Ordinary Shares. 
·                     The maximum number of Ordinary Shares that can 
be sold by the Share Purchase Subsidiary in any 12 month period is 25 
per cent. of the Company's issued share capital, from time to time. 
This limit can be exceeded only with the prior express approval of 
the Board. 
·                     The Share Purchase Subsidiary is prohibited 
from purchasing or selling Ordinary Shares during 'close periods' (as 
described in the AIM Rules for Companies). 
·                     The Share Purchase Subsidiary shall not 
exercise the voting rights attaching to Ordinary Shares held by it, 
from time to time. 
·                     The Share Purchase Subsidiary shall waive the 
right to receive all dividends or other distributions in relation to 
Ordinary Shares held by it, from time to time. 
·                     The Company will promptly announce to the 
market all purchases and sales of all Ordinary Shares by the Share 
Purchase Subsidiary without delay. 
Shareholders should note that, apart from an increase in the maximum 
number of Ordinary Shares that may be purchased or sold in any 12 
month period, the share purchase policies announced on 24 June 2008 
will continue to apply to all future market purchases of Ordinary 
Shares by the Share Purchase Subsidiary. 
Action to be Taken 
Shareholders who do not wish to participate in the Tender Offer 
should take no action.  There is no cash dividend alternative 
available to Shareholders in connection with this 6 per cent. 
The procedure for tendering Ordinary Shares depends on whether 
Ordinary Shares are held in uncertificated or certificated form, and 
is summarised below: 
Ordinary Shares held in certificated form (that is not held though 
Euroclear and/or Clearstream) 
The Tender Form should be completed, signed and returned as described 
above so as to be received by the Registrar, together with relevant 
certificates evidencing any such Ordinary Shares and other documents 
of title, not later than 12.00 midnight (UK time) on 14 January 2010. 
Ordinary Shares held in uncertificated form through Euroclear and/or 
Shareholders who hold their Ordinary Shares through Euroclear will be 
notified of the terms of the Tender Offer by Euroclear Bank S.A. as 
system administrator and should remit their instructions to Euroclear 
Bank S.A. in the notified manner. The acceptances from Shareholders 
of Ordinary Shares in Euroclear shall constitute irrevocable 
instructions to Euroclear Bank S.A. to block any attempt to transfer 
the Ordinary Shares tendered, so that on or prior to the Settlement 
Date no transfer of such Ordinary Shares may be effected (other than 
to the Share Purchase Subsidiary) or the date on which the Tender 
Offer has been declared unconditional and the Ordinary Shares have 
been accepted for purchase) and to debit the securities account in 
which such Ordinary Shares are held on the Settlement Date in respect 
of the Ordinary Shares tendered and accepted for purchase by the 
Company, against payment by the Company of the Tender Price in 
accordance with the terms of the Tender Offer. 
Shareholders who hold their Ordinary Shares through Clearstream will 
be notified of the terms of the Tender Offer by Clearstream Banking 
S.A. as system administrator and should remit their instructions to 
Clearstream Banking S.A. in the notified manner. The acceptances from 
Shareholders of Ordinary Shares in Clearstream shall constitute 
irrevocable instructions to Clearstream Banking S.A. to block any 
attempt to transfer the Ordinary Shares tendered, so that on or prior 
to the Settlement Date no transfer of such Ordinary Shares may be 
effected (other than to the Share Purchase Subsidiary) or the date on 
which the Tender Offer has been declared unconditional and the 
Ordinary Shares have been accepted for purchase) and to debit the 
securities account in which such Ordinary Shares are held on the 
Settlement Date in respect of the Ordinary Shares tendered and 
accepted for purchase by the Company, against payment by the Company 
of the Tender Price in accordance with the terms of the Tender Offer. 
The following definitions apply throughout this announcement unless 
the context otherwise requires: 
"Admission Document"        the Company's AIM admission document 
                            dated 20 November 2007; 
"AIM"                     the market of that name operated by the 
                            London Stock Exchange; 
"Board" or "Directors"  the directors of the Company; 
"Business Day"            any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or 
                            public holiday in London, Jersey and Hong 
"certificated" or "in    not in uncertificated form; 
certificated form" 
"Circular"                  the circular dated 15 December 2009 sent 
                            to Shareholders in relation to the Tender 
"Clearstream"               the system of paperless settlement of 
                            trades and the holdings of shares without 
                            share certificates administered by 
                            Clearstream Banking SA; 
"Company"                 Pacific Alliance China Land Limited; 
"Entitlement"               the entitlement of each Shareholder to 
                            tender up to 6 per cent. of the Ordinary 
                            Shares registered in each Shareholder's 
                            name on the Record Date (or, where 
                            Ordinary Shares are held in Euroclear 
                            and/or Clearstream, the entitlement of 
                            each person otherwise beneficially 
                            entitled to such Ordinary Shares on the 
                            Record Date to tender up to 6 per cent. 
                            of Ordinary Shares so beneficially 
                            entitled) rounded down to the nearest 
                            whole number; 
"Euroclear"                 the system of paperless settlement of 
                            trades and the holding of shares without 
                            share certificates administered by 
                            Euroclear Bank SA; 
"Investment Manager"        Pacific Alliance Real Estate Limited; 
"London Stock Exchange"   London Stock Exchange plc; 
"Net Asset Value"         the total value of all of the assets of 
                            the Company less its liabilities as 
                            determined by the Board and calculated in 
                            accordance with the Company's accounting 
"Net Asset Value per       the Net Asset Value divided by the number 
Ordinary Share"             of Ordinary Shares then outstanding; 
"Ordinary Shares"         ordinary shares of USD 0.01 each in the 
                            capital of the Company; 
"Overseas Shareholders"   Shareholders who are resident in, or 
                            citizens of, territories outside the 
                            United Kingdom; 
"Record Date"               8 January 2010; 
"Record Date Shareholders"  Shareholders on the Register of Members 
                            on the Record Date; 
"Register of Members"       the Company's register of Shareholders; 
"Registrar"                Sanne Trust Company Limited; 
"Settlement Date"         22 January 2010, the date on which the 
                            Share Purchase Subsidiary will formally 
                            purchase Ordinary Shares validly tendered 
                            and accepted pursuant to the Tender Offer 
                            in accordance with the terms and 
                            conditions of the Tender Offer; 
"Shareholders"            holders of Ordinary Shares (or, where 
                            Ordinary Shares are held in Euroclear 
                            and/or Clearstream, the persons otherwise 
                            beneficially entitled to such Ordinary 
"Share Purchase Subsidiary" PACL Trading Limited; 
"Tender Form"               the tender form for use in connection 
                            with the Tender Offer and which 
                            accompanies the Circular; 
"Tender Offer Costs"        the costs of preparing and implementing 
                            the Tender Offer which are estimated to 
                            be approximately USD 10,000; 
"Tender Price"              USD 1.12, being the price at which 
                            Ordinary Shares will be purchased 
                            pursuant to the Tender Offer which is 
                            equal to the unaudited Net Asset Value 
                            per Ordinary Share as at 30 November 2009 
                            rounded down to the nearest whole US 
"uncertificated" or        an Ordinary Share recorded on the 
"in uncertificated form"   Register as being held in Euroclear or 
                            Clearstream by the relevant nominee on 
                            behalf of a Shareholder and the 
                            beneficial title to which may be 
                            transferred by means of Euroclear or 
                            Clearstream (as appropriate); 
"United Kingdom" or       the United Kingdom of Great Britain; and 
"USD"                       United States dollars, the legal currency 
                            of the United States. 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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Pacific Alliance China L... (LSE:PACL)
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