RNS Number : 3754N

Ovoca Gold PLC

28 September 2012

Ovoca Gold PLC

28September 2012

Ovoca Gold plc ("Ovoca" or the "Company")

2012 Interim Results

Ovoca Gold is pleased to announce its interim financial statements and report covering the six month period from 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2012.


-- Cash and cash equivalents and available for sale financial assets of US$36.6 million as at 30 June 2012

-- Exploitation license for the Olcha deposit received from the Russian State regulatory bodies

-- Successful mobilization during the 2012 summer field season for exploration and development at the two core projects at Stakhanovskiy and Rassoshinskaya

   --      Appointment of Kirill Golovanov as CEO 

-- Stakhanovskiy Project surface trench assay results from Berezitoviy and Burovaya ore bodies of:

v 2.5 metres at 281.40 g/t gold

v 4.0 metres at 41.28g/t gold

v 1.5 metres at 45.76 g/t gold

-- Processing of approximately 5,000 tonnes of primary rock by gravity concentration plant from Berezitoviy and Zabolocheniy ore bodies

   --      Rassoshinskaya Project HQ-sized core drilling at the Zet Prospect produced two significant intersections: 

v 0.4 metres at 74.40 g/t gold and 342.0 g/t silver

v 2.0 metres at 4.53 g/t gold and 38.9 g/t silver

Post period:

-- Continuation of bulk sample gravity processing at Stakhanovskiy with increased average daily throughput

-- Processing of 16,586 tonnes (for the 2012 calendar year to end of August) of primary rock from the Berezitoviy and Zabolocheniy ore bodies by gravity concentration, averaging 204 tonnes per day

-- Diamond core drilling started at Berezitoviy with 288 metres drilled in August from a planned 4,020 metres

-- Appointment of Wardell Armstrong International to estimate resources at the Stakhanovskiy Project

-- Thin high-grade gold drill intersections discovered at Podgorniy. High grade gold drill intercepts were found to persist at considerable depth to 356 metres vertical below surface

   --      The three best HQ diamond core drill holes intercepted at Podgorniy were: 

v 1.2 metres at 10.40 g/t gold and 101.00g/t silver from 26.0 metres depth

v 2.9 metres at 7.94 g/t gold and 18.70 g/t silver from 34.4 metres depth

v 0.9 metres at 10.00 g/t gold and 11.50 g/t silver from 356.0 metres depth

-- Bazaar Prospect: New high sulphidation type pyrite mineralization discovered within a 600 metre trench and from 1,050 metres of core drilling. If gold is associated with this pyrite a new target type has potentially been identified

-- Agromniy Prospect: 1,000 metres of surface trenching exposed a visible lead-silver (and potential gold) quartz vein at least 250 metres in length. Trenching is being undertaken perpendicular to the vein

CEO's letter

Dear shareholders,

It is my pleasure to report to you our financials and the results of our work for the first half of 2012. This year we identified a number of tasks which we sought to advance, building upon progress achieved in 2011. On Stakhanovskiy we planned to commence operations with our pilot bulk sampling plant which was built in 2011 and to complete a bulk sampling and drilling program which would allow us to calculate updated JORC resources for this project. On Rassoshinskaya we planned to continue further exploration works on last year's sites, Podgorniy and Zet, and also commenced drilling on a new target, Bazaar. On the corporate level we received a full exploitation license for the Olcha deposit.


Stakhanovskiy Project

The hard rock gravitation bulk sampling plant was commissioned and was operating to capacity. Following on from work undertaken in 2011, in the first half of 2012 further samples were taken from trenches and large bulk samples excavations. The bulk sampling plant throughput averaged 189 tonnes per 24 hour period and 5,000 tonnes of ore from the Berezitoviy and Zabolocheniy ore bodies were processed in the first half of 2012. The gravity concentrates and samples from the mill were collected. Samples were transported to Magadan for shaking table processing, with products fire assayed by Alex Stewart Laboratories in Moscow.

Diamond core drilling commenced at the end of August. An updated resource estimate by consultants Wardell Armstrong International on the current JORC Inferred category resource is planned to be completed by the end of 2012, once all bulk sampling, trenching and drilling is completed and the results have been received.

A total of 284 linear metres of trenches were completed at Zabolocheniy and three 50 metre x 20 metre rectangular areas were cleared and excavated on the Zabolocheniy orebody beneath shallow colluvium. These areas were blasted to 1.5 metres depth and mined and stockpiled on the plant ore pad adjacent to the crusher ready for processing in the bulk sampling plant.

Gold assays were received for a total of 286 samples taken from trenches completed in 2011 with an extra 5 grab samples. The average linear sample length was 1.5 metres and the total weight of all samples was 4,648 kg. The trench samples were processed on a shaking table with products assayed. The average gold grade of all samples was 2.63g/t and there are 15 significant trench intervals, >1.0g/t gold, shown in Table 1. Samples were taken from near surface semi-oxidized highly altered diorite dykes that contain extensive quartz veining. The assays were higher in gold grade than expected which illustrates the potential of the resource to be upgraded and to progress the project to feasibility.

Table 1: Stakhanovskiy Trench Sample, Fire Assay 50g, >1g/t gold

 Trench    From (m)   To (m)   Interval   Gold Grade 
  Name                          (m)        g/t 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 KBR1      4.5        10.5     6.0              1.67 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 KBR1      13.5       15.0     1.5              1.72 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 KBR2      31.5       33.0     1.5              1.21 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 KBR4      3.0        4.5      1.5              8.06 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 KBR4      10.5       12.0     1.5              2.31 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 KBR4      18.5       22.5     4.0              3.81 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 KBR4      32.5       35.5     3.0              1.98 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 KBR5      5.5        7.0      1.5              2.02 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 TBR1-3    24.0       25.5     1.5              1.22 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 TBR1-5    26.0       27.5     1.5              1.24 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 TBR2-7    9.0        11.5     2.5            281.40 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 TBU1-2    10.5       13.5     3.0              2.79 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 TBU1-4    1.5        3.0      1.5             45.76 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 TBU1-4    7.5        8.5      1.0              1.03 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 
 TBU1-6    4.0        8.0      4.0             41.28 
--------  ---------  -------  ---------  ----------- 

Rassoshinskaya Project

Podgorniy Prospect

A total of 8 diamond drill core holes for 1,580 metres were completed. Drilling tested various depths less than 350 metres vertical from surface and locations across a 1,000 metre long by 350 metre wide gold-silver mineralized zone.

Zet Prospect

A total of 15 diamond drill core holes for 2,229 meters were completed. Drilling was undertaken over a 2km strike length with maximum depths down to 200m vertical from surface. Gold fire assay results were received for 325 samples. A table of significant gold assay results is shown in Table 1. Alteration and mineralisation zones composed of typical banded epithermal quartz-adularia veining were found to continue at depth and along the strike length from Ovoca Gold's trenching and drilling completed in 2011.

Table 2: Zet Prospect HQ diamond core drill intersections, Fire Assay 50g, >1g/t gold

 Drill    Down     Depth           Interval   True thickness   Gold     Silver 
  Hole     hole     from Surface    (m)        (m)              Grade    Grade 
  Name     depth    (m)                                         g/t      g/t 
-------  -------  --------------  ---------  ---------------  -------  ------- 
 CZ-30    108.4    93.9            0.5        0.4              74.40    342.0 
-------  -------  --------------  ---------  ---------------  -------  ------- 
 CZ-31    144.0    124.7           2.4        2.0              4.53     38.9 
-------  -------  --------------  ---------  ---------------  -------  ------- 

Bazaar Prospect

A total of 600 linear meters of trenches were completed to identify potential targets for drilling. A 20 metre wide primary stockwork type quartz-carbonate vein system was discovered in the trenches near two historical surface float rock chip samples that have assay values of 24g/t and 60g/t gold, centred on an east-west striking creek so is covered with alluvial rocks.

Northwest Bazaar Project

Reconnaissance geological mapping identified a new prospect with extensive epithermal quartz veins on the surface. Historical surface float rock chip assays have gold values up to 5.0g/t. A 50m trenching program tested the area.


Olcha exploitation license

On April 3, 2012 Ovoca was granted an exploitation license for the Olcha deposit by the Russian State regulatory bodies. The Company was granted a 25 year exploitation license regarding Olcha (license number MAG 04341 BE, valid to 3 April 2037).

The Olcha license has a total area of 2.5 square kilometers and allows the Company, through its Russian ZAO Bulun subsidiary, to mine gold and silver. The State-certified reserves equal 279,000 ounces of gold at a grade of 13.4 g/t and 655,000 ounces silver at a grade of 31.6 g/t in the Russian reserve category C1 + C2 (this is not JORC compliant and not reviewed by a Competent Person). The Company, as per the license terms, must begin construction of a mine no later than 3 October 2020.

Board and management appointment

On April 12, 2012 Kirill Golovanov joined the Board of directors and on May 3, 2012 he was appointed CEO. Mr. Golovanov joined Ovoca as a corporate advisor in 2007 and moved to be the manager of the Company's Russia representative office in 2009. During his time at Ovoca he played a major role in the development and subsequent sale of the Goltsovoye silver deposit. He has extensive experience in mining and corporate law, as well as working experience at leading Russian enterprises, such as Gazprombank and Vneshekonombank.


Kirill Golovanov


                                                    Ovoca Gold plc 
                                      Interim results for the six months ended 30 
                                                       June 2012 
 CONSOLIDATED INCOME                               Unaudited    Unaudited                       Unaudited    Unaudited 
                                                    6 Months     6 Months                        6 Months     6 Months 
                                                       ended        ended                           ended        ended 
                                                  30/06/2012   30/06/2011                      30/06/2012   30/06/2011 
                                                     EUR'000      EUR'000                           $'000        $'000 
 Continuing operations 
 Exploration costs 
  written off                                              -        (166)                               -        (233) 
 Gross loss                                                -        (166)                               -        (233) 
---------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------  ------------------------------  ----------- 
 Administration expenses                               (977)          380                         (1,267)          533 
 Share option expense                                      -         (44)                               -         (62) 
 Other gains and 
  losses                                             (1,023)        7,379                         (1,328)       10,353 
 Operating (loss)/profit                             (2,000)        7,549                         (2,595)       10,591 
---------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------  ------------------------------  ----------- 
 Finance costs                                         (526)        (645)                           (685)        (905) 
 Finance income                                          368          354                             478          496 
 (Loss)/profit for 
  the period before 
  tax                                                (2,158)        7,258                         (2,802)       10,182 
---------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------  ------------------------------  ----------- 
 Income tax                                                -         (88)                               -        (123) 
 (Loss)/profit for 
  the period from 
  operations                                         (2,158)        7,170                         (2,802)       10,059 
---------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------  ------------------------------  ----------- 
 (Loss)/profit for 
  the period                                         (2,158)        7,170                         (2,802)       10,059 
---------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------  ------------------------------  ----------- 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of the parent                                (2,158)        7,170                         (2,802)       10,059 
                                                     (2,158)        7,170                         (2,802)       10,059 
---------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------  ------------------------------  ----------- 
  per share 
 Basic (loss)/earnings                                (0.02)         0.08                          (0.03)         0.12 
  per share from continuing                            cents        cents                           cents        cents 
---------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------                                  ----------- 
 Fully diluted                                        (0.02)         0.08                          (0.03)         0.11 
 (loss)/earnings                                       cents        cents                           cents        cents 
 per share from continuing 
---------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------  ------------------------------  ----------- 
                                                   Unaudited    Unaudited                       Unaudited    Unaudited 
                                                    6 Months     6 Months                        6 Months     6 Months 
                                                       ended        ended                           ended        ended 
                                                  30/06/2012   30/06/2011                      30/06/2012   30/06/2011 
                                                     EUR'000      EUR'000                           $'000        $'000 
 (Loss)/profit for 
  the period                                         (2,158)        7,170                         (2,802)       10,059 
---------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------  ------------------------------  ----------- 
 Other comprehensive 
 Movement on available 
  for sale financial 
  assets                                             (1,504)      (8,600)                         (1,891)     (10,516) 
 Exchange movement                                     1,475      (2,784)                         (1,007)      (1,402) 
 Total comprehensive 
  loss for the period                                (2,187)      (4,214)                         (5,700)      (1,859) 
---------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------  ------------------------------  ----------- 
 There is no income tax impact in respect 
  of components recognised within the consolidated 
  statement of comprehensive income. 
                                   Share             Share                    Share             Other                  Foreign              Retained                   Total 
                                 capital           premium                    based          reserves                 Currency              earnings           (attributable 
                                                                            payment                                Translation                                            to 
                                                                            reserve                                    Reserve                                        owners 
                                 EUR'000           EUR'000                  EUR'000           EUR'000                  EUR'000               EUR'000                 EUR'000 
 At 1 January 
  2012                            11,057                 -                    1,294             6,107                    2,609                29,086                  50,153 
---------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
 Loss for the 
  period                               -                 -                        -                 -                        -               (2,158)                 (2,158) 
 Fair value 
  on available 
  assets                               -                 -                        -           (1,504)                        -                     -                 (1,504) 
  movement on 
  for sale 
  disposed of 
  the period                           -                 -                        -                 -                        -                     -                       0 
  movement                             -                 -                        -                 -                    1,475                     -                   1,475 
  income                               -                 -                        -           (1,504)                    1,475               (2,158)                 (2,187) 
---------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
 Total                                 -                 -                        -                 -                        -                     -                       - 
 with owners 
---------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
 At 30 June 
  2012                            11,057                 0                    1,294             4,603                    4,084                26,928                  47,966 
---------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
 At 1 January 
  2011                            11,057            48,108                    1,253            16,729                    2,494              (22,893)                  56,748 
---------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
 Gain for the 
  period                               -                 -                        -                 -                        -                 7,170                   7,170 
 Fair value 
  on available 
  assets                               -                 -                        -           (8,600)                        -                     -                 (8,600) 
  movement on 
  for sale 
  disposed of 
  the period                           -                 -                        -                 -                    (971)                     -                   (971) 
  movement                                                                                                             (1,813)                                       (1,813) 
  income                               -                 -                        -           (8,600)                  (2,784)                 7,170                 (4,214) 
---------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
 Reduction of 
  Premium                              -          (48,108)                        -                 -                        -                48,108                       - 
 Share based 
  payments                             -                 -                       41                 -                        -                     -                      41 
 Share Buy Back                        -                 -                        -                 -                       15                  (60)                    (45) 
---------------                                                                                        -----------------------  -------------------- 
  with owners                          -          (48,108)                       41                 -                       15                48,048                     (4) 
---------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
 At 30 June 
  2011                            11,057                 -                    1,294             8,129                    (275)                32,325                  52,530 
---------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  ----------------  -----------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
                               Unaudited      Audited    Unaudited      Audited 
                              30/06/2012   31/12/2011   30/06/2012   31/12/2011 
                                 EUR'000      EUR'000        $'000        $'000 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                         167          120          210          155 
 Trade and other 
  receivables                      1,226        7,241        1,542        9,373 
 Cash and cash equivalents        20,397       19,826       25,652       25,672 
                                  21,790       27,187       27,404       35,200 
---------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Non current assets 
 Property, plant 
  and equipment                    3,034        2,583        3,816        3,603 
 Intangible assets                26,121       24,635       36,882       34,954 
 Available for sale 
  financial assets                 8,733        8,877       10,984       11,494 
                                  37,888       36,095       51,682       50,051 
---------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Total assets                     59,678       63,282       79,086       85,251 
---------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other 
  payables                           662          476          833          616 
 Contingent provisions             7,044        2,275        8,859        2,946 
                                   7,706        2,751        9,692        3,562 
---------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Non current liabilities 
 Contingent provisions             4,006       10,378        5,038       13,647 
 Total liabilities                11,712       13,129       14,730       17,209 
---------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Net assets                       47,966       50,153       64,356       68,042 
---------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Ordinary shares                  11,057       11,057       15,586       15,586 
 Other reserves                    4,603        6,107        6,003        7,894 
 Foreign currency 
  translation reserve              4,084        2,609        3,903        2,896 
 Share based payment 
  reserve                          1,294        1,294        1,759        1,759 
 Profit and loss 
  account                         26,928       29,086       37,105       39,907 
                                  47,966       50,153       64,356       68,042 
---------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
                                          Unaudited                      Audited                    Unaudited                      Audited 
                                         30/06/2012                   31/12/2011                   30/06/2012                   31/12/2011 
                                            EUR'000                      EUR'000                        $'000                        $'000 
 Cash flows from 
  operating activities 
 Net (loss)/profit 
  for the period/year 
  before tax                                (2,158)                        4,263                      (2,802)                        5,937 
 Foreign currency 
  reserve movement                            1,475                          115                        1,007                        (506) 
 Exploration costs 
  written off                                     -                        1,528                            -                        2,128 
 Depreciation                                    35                           78                           45                          109 
 Net Finance Costs                            (158)                        (201)                        (207)                        (239) 
 Share option expense                             -                           41                            -                           53 
  in inventories                               (47)                         (85)                         (55)                        (109) 
  in trade and other 
  receivables                                 6,015                      (2,323)                        7,831                      (2,856) 
  in trade and other 
  payables                                      186                        (106)                          217                        (329) 
 Net cash flow from 
  operations                                  5,348                        3,310                        6,036                        4,188 
----------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 Net cash flow from 
  operating activities                        5,348                        3,310                        6,036                        4,188 
----------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 Cash flow from 
  financing activities 
 Net interest received                          158                          201                          207                          239 
 Net repayment on 
  consideration                             (1,603)                            -                      (2,696)                            - 
 Payments to acquire 
  Treasury Shares                                 -                        (392)                            -                        (575) 
 Net cash flow from 
  financing activities                      (1,445)                        (191)                      (2,489)                        (336) 
----------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 Cash flows from 
  investing activities 
 Expenditure on 
  activities                                (1,486)                      (2,750)                      (1,928)                      (3,830) 
  of property, plant 
  & equipment                                 (486)                      (1,911)                        (258)                      (2,688) 
 Purchase of available 
  for sale assets                           (1,360)                            -                      (1,381)                            0 
 Net (loss)/gain 
  on AFS assets                                   -                       12,974                            -                       17,215 
 Net cash flow from 
  investing activities                      (3,332)                        8,313                      (3,567)                       10,697 
----------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
  in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                   571                       11,432                         (20)                       14,549 
 Cash and cash 
  at the beginning 
  of period/year                             19,826                        8,394                       25,672                       11,123 
 Cash and cash 
  at the end of 
  period/year                                20,397                       19,826                       25,652                       25,672 
----------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 1   Basis of Preparation 
     The interim consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2012 have been 
      prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' as issued by the International 
      Accounting Standards Board. 
     The interim consolidated financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures 
      required in the annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group's 
      annual financial statements as at 31 December 2011. 
 2   Accounting Policies 
     The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the interim consolidated financial statements 
      are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group's annual financial statements 
      for the year ended 31 December 2011. 
     The adoption of other new standards and interpretations (as set out in the 2011 Annual Report) 
      that became effective for the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 
      2012 did not have any significant impact on the interim financial statements. 
 3   Going concern 
     The interim financial statements consolidate the financial statements of Ovoca Gold Plc and 
      its subsidiary undertakings for the six months ended 30 June 2012. The company uses the full 
      cost method of accounting for exploration costs. Under this method all costs associated with 
      exploration are capitalised. The recovery of exploration costs is dependent on the successful 
      production of economic quantities of precious metals and other minerals. If commercial production 
      is achieved, the unit of production basis will be used to amortise all remaining balances 
      in the proportion the current production in a period bears to total estimated recoverable 
      reserves. Provision for impairment is made where a project is abandoned or considered to be 
      of no further interest to the group or its anticipated income potential is less than the carrying 
      value of the project on the statement of financial position. The directors have reviewed the 
      current state of the group's finances, taking into account resources currently available to 
      the group. The directors are satisfied that sufficient funding will be available to the group 
      to enable it to trade at its projected level of operations for the foreseeable future. On 
      this basis the directors consider that it is appropriate to prepare the financial statements 
      on the going concern basis. The directors consider that in preparing the financial statements 
      they have taken into account all information that could reasonably be expected to be available. 
      The financial statements do not include any adjustments that would result if the Director's 
      plans were not successful. 
  4    reporting 
      Segment information is presented in accordance 
       with IFRS 8 - Operating Segments with effect from 
       1 January 2010. Comparative information is presented 
       on a consistent basis. 
      At 30 June 2012, the Group had two business segments, 
       Exploration activities and Investment. Exploration 
       activities are primarily carried out by number 
       of subsidiary companies based in Russia. Investing 
       activities are carried out by another subsidiary 
       company located in Bermuda. Unallocated costs 
       represent group administration costs, primarily 
       incurred in Ireland. 
      Period ended                       Exploration                    Investment               Unallocated      Total                 Exploration               Investment                Unallocated      Total 
       30 June 2012                       Activities                                                                                     Activities 
                                             EUR'000                       EUR'000                   EUR'000    EUR'000                     US$'000                  US$'000                    US$'000    US$'000 
   costs written 
   off                                             -                             -                         -          0                           -                        -                          -          0 
 --------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------  --------------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  --------- 
   expenses                                    (139)                         (255)                     (582)      (976)                       (181)                    (331)                      (755)    (1,267) 
  Other gains 
   and losses                                      -                       (1,008)                      (15)    (1,023)                           -                  (1,309)                       (19)    (1,328) 
 --------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------  --------------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  --------- 
   loss                                        (139)                       (1,264)                     (597)    (2,000)                       (181)                  (1,640)                      (774)    (2,595) 
 --------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------  --------------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  --------- 
  Finance costs                                (126)                         (399)                       (1)      (526)                       (164)                    (520)                        (1)      (685) 
  Finance income                                  59                           308                         1        368                          76                      401                          1        478 
  Loss before 
   tax                                         (206)                       (1,355)                     (597)    (2,158)                       (269)                  (1,759)                      (774)    (2,802) 
 --------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------  --------------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  --------- 
  Segment assets                              14,483                        45,083                       112     59,678                      22,247                   56,699                        141     79,086 
  Segment liabilities                          (495)                      (11,050)                     (167)   (11,712)                       (623)                 (13,897)                      (210)   (14,730) 
  Net assets                                  13,988                        34,033                      (55)     47,966                      21,624                   42,802                       (69)     64,356 
 --------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------  --------------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  --------- 
      Period ended                       Exploration                                                                                    Exploration 
       30 June 2011                       Activities                    Investment               Unallocated      Total                  Activities               Investment                Unallocated      Total 
                                             EUR'000                       EUR'000                   EUR'000    EUR'000                     US$'000                  US$'000                    US$'000    US$'000 
   costs written 
   off                                          (98)                             -                      (68)      (166)                       (137)                        -                       (95)      (232) 
 --------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------  --------------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  --------- 
   expenses                                      267                         2,146                   (2,077)        336                         375                    3,010                    (2,914)        471 
  Other gains 
   and losses                                    121                         7,259                       (1)      7,379                         170                   10,185                        (1)     10,354 
 --------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------  --------------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  --------- 
   profit/(loss)                                 290                         9,405                   (2,146)      7,549                         408                   13,195                    (3,010)     10,593 
 --------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------  --------------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  --------- 
  Finance costs                                 (94)                         (598)                        47      (645)                       (132)                    (839)                         66      (905) 
  Finance income                                 161                           192                         1        354                         226                      269                          1        496 
   before tax                                    357                         8,999                   (2,098)      7,258                         502                   12,625                    (2,943)     10,184 
 --------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------  --------------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  --------- 
  Segment assets                              16,148                        49,004                       135     65,287                      23,236                   70,514                        195     93,946 
  Segment liabilities                          (763)                      (11,721)                     (269)   (12,753)                     (1,098)                 (16,866)                      (387)   (18,351) 
  Net assets                                  15,385                        37,283                     (134)     52,534                      22,138                   53,648                      (192)     75,595 
 --------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  ---------  --------------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  --------- 
      Segmental reporting 
  4    (continued) 
  Secondary reporting 
   format - geographical 
  The Group's business segments and its assets are 
   located in the Russia, Bermuda, Ireland and the 
   United Kingdom. The table above shows income and 
   expenditure and assets and liabilities by primary 
   geographical segments on the basis that exploration 
   activities are carried out in Russia, investment 
   activity is carried out in Bermuda and unallocated 
   amounts relate to costs incurred in Ireland and 
   the United Kingdom. 
    Financial assetsavailable forsale 
     Financial assets available for sale are held at 
      their fair value and consist of quoted securities. 
      There was a fall in the price of the securities 
      during the period but their overall performance 
      remains strong, the decrease of the total value 
      of the financial assets being caused by that fall. 
      During the period the company disposed of its 
      investment in the asset managed fund and acquired 
      an additional amount of quoted securities with 
      the proceeds. 
  6    provisions 
      The Change in the Provisions is due to the 
       timing of the deferred consideration payable 
       on the acquisition of the 3 Russian subsidiaries, 
       with the bulk of the conditional payment now 
       falling due within the next 18 months. 
      The movement 
      on deferred 
      during the 
      period/year is 
      as follows: 
                                       Unaudited                  Audited                  Unaudited                Audited 
                                      30/06/2012               31/12/2011                 30/06/2012             31/12/2011 
                                         EUR'000                  EUR'000                      $'000                  $'000 
   at 1 January 2012                      12,653                   12,082                     16,593                 16,010 
  Effective interest 
   the period                                396                      806                        304                  1,123 
  Payments made 
   during the 
   period                                (2,386)                        -                    (3,000)                      - 
  Exchange rate 
   for the period                            387                      182                          -                      - 
  Fair value 
   adjustment on 
   re-evaluation of 
   dates of deferred 
   consideration                               -                    (417)                          -                  (540) 
   at 30 June 2012                        11,050                   12,653                     13,897                 16,593 
 -------------------  --------------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  --------------------- 
      Events after 
  7    period 
  There have been no significant events affecting 
   the Group since the interim period. 
      Approval of 
  8    statements 
  The interim report was approved by the Board 
   of Directors on 27th September 2012 and is 
   included on the Company's website, www.ovocagold.com. 

The resource information contained in this announcement has been compiled and verified by Mr. Darren Allingham for the purposes of the AIM Note for Mining and Oil & Gas Companies issued by the London Stock Exchange in June 2009. Mr. Allingham is a member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and The Australian Institute of Geoscientists and is a JORC (2004) competent person for the type of minerals being reported on in this statement. Mr. Allingham is a Geologist with over 17 years of work experience in gold exploration, resource estimation and mining, in thirteen different countries and has Bachelors and Bachelors with honours degrees in geology from The Australian National University and The University of Queensland, Australia. Mr. Allingham consents to the inclusion in the announcement of the matters based on their information in the form and context in which it appears.

Ovoca Gold Plc

Kirill Golovanov +7 495 916 6029

Davy - NOMAD, ESM Adviser and Joint Broker

John Frain/Daragh O'Reilly +353 1 679 6363

Fairfax I.S. PLC - Joint Broker

Ewan Leggat/Laura Littley +44 207 598 5368

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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