28 SEPTEMBER 2012 
The boards of the Companies ("Boards") announced on 16 August 2012 that they had 
agreed terms in principle to merge the four companies. The Boards are pleased to 
advise  that discussions have now  concluded and that they  are today writing to 
set out the merger proposals to their respective shareholders for consideration. 
Each of the Companies is managed by Octopus Investments Limited ("Octopus"). 
The  merger will be effected by the  Target VCTs each being placed into members' 
voluntary liquidation pursuant to schemes of reconstruction under Section 110 of 
the  Insolvency Act  1986 ("Schemes" and  each a  "Scheme"). Shareholders should 
note that the merger by way of the Schemes will be outside the provisions of the 
City Code on Takeovers and Mergers. 
The  merger will  be completed  on a  relative net  asset basis and the benefits 
shared  by each set of shareholders,  with the costs being split proportionately 
based  on the  merger net  asset values.  Each Scheme  requires the  approval of 
resolutions  by the relevant Target VCT's shareholders and Eclipse shareholders. 
However,  each Scheme is not  conditional on the other  Schemes and will proceed 
independently and irrespective of the other Schemes. 
The  proposed  merger  follows  discussions  with  Octopus concerning the future 
direction  and  performance  of  the  Companies.  The  proposed  merger will, if 
effected,  result in an enlarged company ("Enlarged Company") with net assets of 
approximately   GBP40 million. Based on the  estimated costs of the proposed merger 
(being   GBP387,500) and the expected annual costs savings for the Enlarged Company 
(being  GBP284,000), the Boards believe that the costs of the proposed merger would 
be recovered within 17 months. Equally important to the tangible benefit of cost 
savings  and  improved  administrative  efficiency,  the proposed merger is also 
intended  to  bring  a  number  of  other  strategic  benefits  to  all  sets of 
shareholders  and  a  greater  focus  to  the  Enlarged  Company's  objective of 
improving, in the longer run, the investment performance. 
The  Boards have each declared  special dividends ("Special Dividends"), subject 
to  their respective Schemes (or in the case of Eclipse any one Scheme) becoming 
Eclipse also proposes to provide shareholders with the ability to participate in 
an  enhanced buyback  facility ("Enhanced  Buyback Facility"). Implementation of 
the  Enhanced Buyback Facility requires the  approval of Eclipse shareholders to 
enable  Eclipse  to  purchase  existing  shares  and  issue new shares under the 
Companies  Act 2006. The  Enhanced Buyback  Facility is  not conditional  on the 
Schemes  becoming effective.  The Schemes  are not  conditional on  the Enhanced 
Buyback Facility. 
In  addition,  Eclipse  intends  to  take  the  opportunity  to renew allotment, 
disapplication  of pre-emption  rights and  share purchase  authorities, approve 
amendments  to its articles of association and approve the cancellation of share 
premium and capital redemption reserves. 
Further,  Eclipse is seeking  the approval of  its shareholders to  enter into a 
related party transaction with Octopus in connection with the fees payable to it 
pursuant to the Enhanced Buyback Facility. 
Further  details of the proposals are set out below. The approval of resolutions 
in  connection with these proposals will be  proposed at general meetings of the 
Companies  ("Meetings")  being  convened  as  set  out in the expected timetable 
Set  out below is a summary of historical information of the Companies, together 
with  the latest published NAVs (taken from the unaudited management accounts to 
31 July  2012 for Eclipse, Eclipse 3 and Eclipse 4 and the unaudited half-yearly 
report  for  the  six  months  ended  31 July 2012 for Eclipse 2), the number of 
venture  capital  investments  within  the  portfolios  of  each company and the 
respective carrying value of these investments. 
           Date of     Funds    Unaudited   NAV per   Number of      Carrying 
            launch    raised    net assets   share     venture     value of the 
                       since       ( GBP)*      (p) *     capital        venture 
                      launch                         investments*     capital 
                        ( GBP)                                         investments 
                                                                        ( GBP)* 
Eclipse     April      35.4     15,866,366   49.4         25       10.5 million 
             2004     million 
Eclipse 2  January     21.2     9,934,316    53.4         20        6.5 million 
             2005     million 
Eclipse 3   August     29.2     12,008,843   47.2         16        7.9 million 
             2005     million 
Eclipse 4   August     29.2     12,019,060   47.2         16        7.9 million 
             2005     million 
The  objective of each of the Companies is  the same, to invest in a broad range 
of AIM-quoted and UK smaller companies which meet the relevant criteria for VCTs 
in order to generate income and capital growth over the long-term. The Companies 
also  have the same investment  policies to invest in  a broad range of industry 
sectors  and  in  companies  at  various  stages  of  maturity  in the corporate 
development  cycle. The  normal investment  holding period  is in the range from 
three  to seven years. Each Company and  Octopus have agreed that the investment 
focus  going  forward  (in  particular,  for  the Enlarged Company following the 
proposed  merger) will be on the provision  of growth and development capital to 
companies which are profitable or on a clear path to profitability, but there is 
no  intention to change the investment  policy of the Enlarged Company following 
completion of the proposed merger. 
The  separate 'Eclipse' named VCTs were  originally established so as to provide 
the  ability to access larger deals through co-investment. As a result, 93.9% of 
the  aggregate portfolio across the Companies  is represented by venture capital 
investments  held  by  two  or  more  of  the Companies as at 31 July 2012 (this 
representing  GBP30.8 million out of the aggregate  GBP32.8 million of venture capital 
investments).  As the portfolios  of the Companies  are now materially invested, 
and  due to  the changes  made to  the VCT  investment limits and size tests (in 
particular, the removal of the  GBP1 million investment limit per VCT), the benefit 
of 'sister' VCTs is now significantly reduced. 
VCTs  are required  to be  listed on  the premium  segment of the Official List, 
which  involves a significant level of listing costs, as well as related fees to 
ensure  they comply with all relevant legislation. A larger VCT should be better 
placed  to spread such running  costs across a larger  asset base and facilitate 
better liquidity management and, as a result, may be able to maximise investment 
opportunities  and sustain a higher level  of dividends to shareholders over its 
In  September 2004, the Merger  Regulations were introduced  allowing VCTs to be 
acquired  by, or merge with, each other  without prejudicing the VCT tax reliefs 
obtained  by their shareholders. A number of  VCTs have taken advantage of these 
regulations  to create larger VCTs for economic and administration efficiencies, 
as well as to improve portfolio diversification. 
With  the above in mind,  the Board entered into  discussions with the boards of 
the  Target VCTs to merge the Companies to  create a single, larger VCT. The aim 
is  to achieve long-term strategic benefits and reductions in the annual running 
costs  for all shareholders. In light of the proposals, the Company has extended 
its  current accounting  period to  30 September 2012 so  as to  avoid financial 
statements needing to be published part way through the merger process. 
The mechanism by which the proposed merger will be completed is as follows: 
  * each  Target VCT will be placed into members' voluntary liquidation pursuant 
    to a scheme of reconstruction under Section 110 of IA 1986; and 
  * all  of the assets and liabilities of each Target VCT will be transferred to 
    the  Company in consideration for  the issue of new  ordinary shares of 10p 
    each  in the capital of Eclipse ("New Eclipse Shares") (which will be issued 
    directly to the shareholders of the relevant Target VCT). 
In  respect  of  each  Scheme,  the  New  Eclipse  Shares  to  be issued will be 
calculated  on a relative net  asset value basis. The  relative net asset values 
will  be the unaudited net  asset values of the  Companies as at the Calculation 
Date  (this  being  30 October  2012), adjusted  to take into consideration each 
company's allocation of the estimated merger costs. 
Each  Scheme is conditional  upon certain conditions  being satisfied as further 
set  out  in  the  circulars  being  posted  to  shareholders  today,  including 
resolutions to be proposed to shareholders of each of the Companies. Each Target 
VCT  will apply to the UKLA for cancellation  of the listing of its shares, upon 
the  successful completion  of its  Scheme, such  cancellation is anticipated to 
take  place on 29 November 2012 (the cancellation  requiring the approval of the 
relevant Target VCT's shareholders). 
The  proposed merger, if  effected, will result  in the creation  of an enlarged 
company   and   should   result   in   savings  in  running  costs  and  simpler 
administration.  As all  of the  Companies have  the same investment policies, a 
number  of common  investments and  are managed  by Octopus,  this is achievable 
without  material disruption  to the  Companies and  their combined portfolio of 
The  Boards consider that the proposed merger will bring a number of benefits to 
all of the Companies' groups of shareholders through: 
  * a reduction in annual running costs for the Enlarged Company compared to the 
    aggregate annual running costs of the separate Companies; 
  * the  creation of a single  VCT of a more  economically efficient size with a 
    greater capital base over which to spread annual running costs; 
  * a greater focus to the objective of improving, the investment performance in 
    the  longer term, in particular, through  the agreed investment strategy for 
    the Enlarged Company; 
  * participation  in a  larger VCT  with the  longer term  potential for a more 
    diversified portfolio, thereby spreading the portfolio risk across a broader 
    range of investments; 
  * increasing  the ability to support follow-on investments and new investments 
    in  the future due  to the increased  size and reduced  running costs of the 
    Enlarged Company; and 
  * the potential to enhance the ability to pay dividends and buy back shares in 
    the  future  due  to  the  increased  size  and reduced running costs of the 
    Enlarged  Company, as well as improve  liquidity in the secondary market, as 
    it is hoped that a larger vehicle will attract increased interest. 
To the extent only one or more of the Schemes are completed, the benefits of the 
Enlarged  Company may  not be  fully realised  (in particular,  the annual costs 
savings would be reduced accordingly). 
The   aggregate   anticipated   cost  of  undertaking  the  proposed  merger  is 
approximately   GBP387,500, including VAT, legal  and professional fees, stamp duty 
and  the costs of  winding up the  Target VCTs. The  costs of the merger will be 
split  proportionately between  the Companies  by reference  to their respective 
merger  net assets (ignoring  merger costs). Completion  of the three Schemes at 
the  same  time  results  in  the  aggregate  merger costs (and, therefore, each 
Company's  estimated allocation of such costs) being lower than separate mergers 
being  completed  with  the  Companies  or  other  single  VCTs  (i.e. there are 
economies  of scale  from merging  four VCTs  in one  transaction). Each  of the 
Companies  will be responsible for its  allocation of the estimated merger costs 
whether or not a particular Scheme is approved and becomes effective. 
On  the assumption that the  net assets of the  Enlarged Company will remain the 
same  immediately after the proposed merger, the reduction in the annual running 
costs   (ignoring   annual  management  fees,  performance  incentive  fees  and 
exceptional items) for the Enlarged Company is estimated to be at least  GBP284,000 
per  annum, in  particular, through  the reduction  in directors'  and advisers' 
fees,  audit fees, secretarial fees, printing costs and listing fees, as well as 
other  fixed costs. This reduction would represent approximately 0.71% per annum 
of  the expected net assets of the Enlarged Company. On this basis, and assuming 
that  no new  funds were  to be  raised or  investments realised  to meet annual 
costs,  the  Boards  believe  that  the  costs  of  the proposed merger would be 
recovered within 17 months. 
As  an  illustration,  had  the  merger  been  completed  on 31 July 2012 (which 
includes  an adjustment  for the  Special Dividends),  the number of New Eclipse 
Shares  that would have been issued for  each existing Target VCT share held are 
as follows: 
                       Number of New Eclipse Shares 
 One Eclipse 2 share   1.155092 
 One Eclipse 3 share   1.020014 
 One Eclipse 4 share   1.020493 
The  Boards have each declared  special dividends ("Special Dividends"), subject 
to  their respective Schemes (or in the case of Eclipse any one Scheme) becoming 
effective. The amount of these Special Dividends is as follows: 
                 Special dividend per share (p) 
 Eclipse          11.00 
 Eclipse 2        9.00 
 Eclipse 3        8.00 
 Eclipse 4        8.00 
The  Special Dividends are, if  they become payable, expected  to be paid on 16 
November 2012 to the shareholders on the register of the relevant company on 30 
October 2012 (i.e. prior to the Schemes becoming effective). 
The  board  of  Eclipse  has  agreed  to  offer  to  its shareholders (including 
shareholders  who will roll across to Eclipse as part of the merger process) the 
opportunity  to participate in  the Enhanced Buyback  Facility. The terms of the 
Enhanced  Buyback Facility are set out  in the Eclipse prospectus ("Prospectus") 
which  accompanies  the  circulars  being  sent  out  to the shareholders of the 
Companies today. 
  * Eclipse  shall offer  (pursuant to  a tender  offer) to  all UK shareholders 
    (including  shareholders following the merger) on the register on 1 November 
    2012 to  purchase up to 50% of  the issued Eclipse share  capital as at that 
  * Shareholders  eligible  to  participate  may  tender  some  or  all of their 
    existing holding of Eclipse shares, such Eclipse shareholders: 
      * being  entitled to sell up to a basic entitlement (this being up to 50% 
        of their holding on the register on 1 November 2012, rounded down to the 
        nearest whole Eclipse share); and 
      * being  able to tender additional Eclipse shares  that may be sold to the 
        extent  that other  Eclipse shareholders  do not  participate up  to the 
        maximum  available amount (any  such excess to  be allocated pro rata to 
        the number of Eclipse shares tendered, rounded down to the nearest whole 
        Eclipse share, subject to the discretion of the Eclipse Board). 
  * The  purchase  will  be  subject  to  the  participating Eclipse shareholder 
    agreeing  to reinvest  all of  the proceeds  of sale  in the purchase of New 
    Eclipse Shares. 
  * The  purchase  will  be  completed  at  a  price  equal to the most recently 
    published net asset value per Eclipse share at the time of purchase. 
  * The  reinvestment will be  completed at a  price equal to  the most recently 
    published  net  asset  value  per  Eclipse  share  at the time of allotment, 
    divided  by 0.95 (to take into account  the costs of providing the facility, 
    referred to below). 
  * Allocations  of New  Eclipse Shares  under the  reinvestment will be rounded 
    down and fractions will not be allotted. 
  * Financial  intermediaries will  receive a  commission of  an amount equal to 
    2.5% of  their client's reinvestment (which may be waived and reinvested for 
    additional New Eclipse Shares purchased on behalf of their client as part of 
    the Enhanced Buyback Facility) and annual trail commission. 
Octopus  will be paid an  administration fee of 5% of  the gross proceeds raised 
through  the issue of  New Eclipse Shares  (ignoring reinvested commission) from 
which  all  costs  and  expenses  will  be  paid, including initial intermediary 
commission,  but  excluding  annual  trail  commission.  Any  costs  above this, 
excluding  annual  trail  commission,  will  be  met  by  Octopus.  There  will, 
therefore,  be a  corresponding small  reduction to  the net  assets of Eclipse, 
though  the net asset  value per Eclipse  share is not  expected to be affected, 
save  for in relation  to the payment  of trail commission  (which is payable by 
The  net  effect  for  participating  Eclipse  shareholders  is  that  they will 
'substitute'  1,000 existing Eclipse  shares with  approximately 950 New Eclipse 
Shares  (plus any New Eclipse Shares  issued pursuant to reinvested commission), 
the  small reduction  in the  value of  the investment  holding representing the 
costs  of  implementing  the  Enhanced  Buyback  Facility, with the reinvestment 
qualifying  for upfront income tax relief of  up to 30% of the amount reinvested 
for qualifying shareholders. 
The  Enhanced Buyback Facility is conditional  on the approval of resolutions by 
Eclipse  shareholders and the extent to which  it will be implemented is further 
conditional  on Eclipse  having sufficient  reserves to  effect the  purchase of 
shares pursuant to the Enhanced Buyback Facility. 
The  Enhanced Buyback Facility will open  on 2 November 2012 (with, as mentioned 
above,  an Enhanced Buyback Facility record date for participation of 1 November 
2012, i.e.  after the Schemes  are expected to  become effective and New Eclipse 
Shares  have been issued to shareholders of  the Target VCTs') and will close on 
28 December  2012. The Eclipse Board  may amend or  extend (as applicable) these 
dates  at  their  discretion.  The  Enhanced  Buyback  Facility is not, however, 
conditional on the proposed merger becoming effective. 
Octopus  is the  investment manager  of all  of the  Companies and also provides 
administration and secretarial services to all of the Companies. 
In  respect of Eclipse, Octopus receives  an annual investment management fee of 
an  amount equal to 2% of the net assets  of Eclipse at the end of the preceding 
accounting  period (this  being  GBP417,162  for the  12 months to  31 July 2012), 
payable quarterly in advance (plus any applicable VAT). Octopus also receives an 
annual  administration fee equal to 0.3% of the net assets of the Company at the 
end  of the preceding accounting period (this being  GBP62,574 for the 12 months to 
31 July  2012), payable quarterly  in advance  (plus applicable  VAT). These fee 
arrangements  will continue to apply to the Enlarged Company, but will be across 
the enlarged net assets. 
The  Eclipse Board and Octopus  have agreed that, subject  to one or more of the 
Schemes  becoming effective,  the performance  related incentive fee arrangement 
will  be  terminated.  The  Eclipse  Board  will  consider  implementing  a  new 
performance  related  incentive  fee  arrangement  with Octopus once the overall 
assets of the Enlarged Company have improved. 
The  Boards have considered what the size and future composition of the Enlarged 
Company's  board should be following the proposed  merger and it has been agreed 
that  (on the assumption that all of the Schemes become effective) David Lambert 
(an  Eclipse  2 director)  and  Alex  Hambro  (chairman  of  Eclipse  4) will be 
appointed as additional directors of the Company. It is also proposed that Roger 
Penlington  will step down as chairman of  the Audit Committee and David Lambert 
will be appointed in his place. 
In  order to  reflect the  additional directors  being appointed  to the Eclipse 
Board  (and on the assumption that all of the Schemes become effective), Eclipse 
is  seeking shareholder  approval to  increase the  cap on the directors' annual 
ordinary remuneration from  GBP75,000 to  GBP95,000. 
Eclipse  intends to renew  and increase its  authorities to issue shares (having 
disapplied pre-emption rights) for general purposes and make market purchases of 
shares  reflecting the increased share capital of Eclipse following the proposed 
Eclipse also proposes to seek the approval of its shareholders to cancel further 
share  premium and capital  redemption reserves, subject  to the sanction of the 
In  addition, Eclipse proposes to seek the approval of its shareholders to amend 
its  articles of association to (i) delete the statement of the authorised share 
capital  of the Company as at the date the articles of association were adopted, 
(ii)  provide for a new article permitting the  name of Eclipse to be changed by 
way  of a board resolution and  (iii) amend the directors' ordinary remuneration 
cap (as detailed above). 
In  connection with the Enhanced Buyback Facility, Eclipse intends to enter into 
the  Enhanced Buyback  Facility related  party transaction. Arrangements whereby 
the  manager  effectively  underwrites  the  costs  of  the  issue of shares, is 
conventional  in the VCT industry and provides certainty as to the overall costs 
of the issue of new shares 
Octopus  is regarded as a related party pursuant  to the Listing Rules of the UK 
Listing  Authority by virtue of it being  the investment manager of the Company. 
Shareholder  approval is, therefore, required under  the Listing Rules of the UK 
Listing Authority to enter into these transactions. 
Octopus is one of the UK's leading fund management companies with more than  GBP2.7 
billion  under management (as at 31 May  2012). Octopus has more than 200 Staff, 
including  over 50 investment professionals, and has  twice been voted as one of 
the 'Top 100 Small and Medium-Sized Companies to Work For' in the Sunday Times. 
The Schemes 
Eclipse General Meeting                                  2.00 pm 23 October 2012 
Eclipse 2 First General Meeting                          2.30 pm 23 October 2012 
Eclipse 3 First General Meeting                          3.00 pm 23 October 2012 
Eclipse 4 First General Meeting                          3.30 pm 23 October 2012 
Target VCTs' register of members closed                          30 October 2012 
Special Dividends record date                                    30 October 2012 
Calculation date for the Schemes                   after 5.00 pm 30 October 2012 
Suspension of listing of Target VCT' shares              7.30 am 31 October 2012 
Eclipse 2 Second General Meeting                         1.00 pm 31 October 2012 
Eclipse 3 Second General Meeting                         1.30 pm 31 October 2012 
Eclipse 4 Second General Meeting                         2.00 pm 31 October 2012 
Effective date for the transfer of assets and                    31 October 2012 
liabilities of the Target VCTs' to Eclipse and 
issue of New Eclipse Shares 
Announcement of results of the meetings and                      31 October 2012 
completion of the Schemes (as applicable) 
Dealings in shares to take place ex Special                      1 November 2012 
Admission of and dealings in the New Eclipse                     1 November 2012 
Shares issued pursuant to the Schemes to commence 
CREST accounts credited with New Eclipse Shares                  1 November 2012 
Certificates for New Eclipse Shares dispatched                   5 November 2012 
Payment of the Special Dividends                                16 November 2012 
Cancellation of the Target VCTs' share listing (if      8.00 am 29 November 2012 
Enhanced Buyback Facility 
Enhanced Buyback Facility Record Date                 5.00 pm on 1 November 2012 
Enhanced Buyback Facility opens                                  2 November 2012 
Enhanced Buyback Facility closes                        noon on 28 December 2012 
Purchase  of existing shares and issue of New Eclipse            14 January 2013 
Shares pursuant to the Enhanced Buyback Facility 
Announcement of the results of the Enhanced Buyback              14 January 2013 
Admission  of  and  dealings  in  New  Eclipse Shares            15 January 2013 
issued  pursuant  to  the  Enhanced  Buyback Facility 
Certificates  for New Eclipse  Shares issued pursuant            22 January 2013 
to the Enhanced Buyback Facility dispatched 
Eclipse  shareholders will  receive a  copy of  a circular convening the Eclipse 
general  meeting  to  be  held  on  23 October  2012 (together  with the Eclipse 
Prospectus) at which Eclipse shareholders will be invited to approve resolutions 
in connection with the proposals. 
Target  VCTs' shareholders  will receive  a joint  circular convening the Target 
VCTs'  first general  meetings on  23 October 2012 and  the Target  VCTs' second 
general  meetings on 31 October  2012 (together with the  Eclipse Prospectus) at 
which  Target  VCTs'  shareholders  will  be  invited  to approve resolutions in 
connection with their relevant Scheme. 
Copies  of the  Eclipse Prospectus,  the Eclipse  circular and  the joint Target 
VCTs'  circular have  been submitted  to the  UK Listing  Authority and  will be 
shortly     available     for    download    both    from    Octopus'    website 
(www.octopusinvestments.com)     and     the    national    storage    mechanism 
For further information, please contact: 
Investment Manager and Administrator for the Companies 
Octopus Investments Limited 
Paul Daniells/Patricia Standaloft 
Telephone: 0800 316 2295 
Solicitors to the Companies 
SGH Martineau LLP 
Kavita Patel/Robert Newman 
Telephone: 0800 763 2000 
Sponsor to Eclipse 
Matrix Corporate Capital LLP 
Jonathan Becher 
Telephone: 0203 206 7000 
The  directors and proposed  directors of Eclipse  accept responsibility for the 
information  relating  to  Eclipse  and  its  directors  and  proposed directors 
contained  in this announcement. To the best of the knowledge and belief of such 
directors  and proposed directors (who have  taken all reasonable care to ensure 
that  such is the case),  the information relating to  Eclipse and its directors 
and proposed directors contained in this announcement, for which they are solely 
responsible,  is in accordance with the facts  and does not omit anything likely 
to affect the import of such information. 
The directors of Eclipse 2 accept responsibility for the information relating to 
Eclipse  2 and its directors contained in this  announcement. To the best of the 
knowledge  and belief of such  directors (who have taken  all reasonable care to 
ensure  that such  is the  case), the  information relating  to Eclipse 2and its 
directors  contained in this document, for which they are solely responsible, is 
in  accordance with the  facts and does  not omit anything  likely to affect the 
import of such information. 
The directors of Eclipse 3 accept responsibility for the information relating to 
Eclipse  3and its directors contained  in this announcement.  To the best of the 
knowledge  and belief of such  directors (who have taken  all reasonable care to 
ensure  that such  is the  case), the  information relating  to Eclipse 3and its 
directors  contained in this document, for which they are solely responsible, is 
in  accordance with the  facts and does  not omit anything  likely to affect the 
import of such information. 
The directors of Eclipse 4 accept responsibility for the information relating to 
Eclipse  4 and its directors contained in this  announcement. To the best of the 
knowledge  and belief of such  directors (who have taken  all reasonable care to 
ensure  that such is  the case), the  information relating to  Eclipse 4 and its 
directors  contained in this document, for which they are solely responsible, is 
in  accordance with the  facts and does  not omit anything  likely to affect the 
import of such information. 
SGH  Martineau LLP are acting as legal advisers for the Companies and for no one 
else in connection with the matters described herein and will not be responsible 
to  anyone other  than the  Companies for  providing the protections afforded to 
clients  of SGH Martineau LLP or for providing advice in relation to the matters 
described herein. 
Matrix  Corporate Capital LLP,  which is authorised  and regulated in the United 
Kingdom  by the Financial  Services Authority, is  acting as sponsor for Eclipse 
and  no one else and  will not be responsible  to any other person for providing 
the  protections afforded  to customers  of Matrix  Corporate Capital LLP or for 
providing advice in relation to any matters referred to herein. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Octopus Eclipse VCT 4 plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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