RNS Number : 5543E
  YCO Deuxmil PLC
  29 September 2008

    ("YCO Deuxmil" or the "Company")
    Unaudited Interim accounts for the six months ended 30 June 2008

    YCO Deuxmil (AIM: DML), the super yacht fuelling and services company, today announces its unaudited interim accounts for the six months
ended 30 June 2008.


    *     Turnover up by 99% to �13,704,303 (2007: �6,901,643); 

    *     Gross profit up by 191% to �1,530,545 (2007: �525,432);

    *     Profit before tax down by 31% to �51,833 (2007: �168,968) due to significant restructuring costs. 

    Peter Jay, the non-executive chairman of YCO Deuxmil, commented: "The Company now looks to continue to consolidate its position in the
market place as the leading service provider to privately owned superyachts. Our aim is to double the number of yachts we have under
management over the next 18 months and to grow substantially our sales and charter business, an area that has not been a priority in past

    For further information contact:

 YCO Deuxmil plc                 Neil Miller, CEO               +44 (0) 870 608 2124

 Religare Hichens, Harrison Plc  Daniel Briggs                  +44 (0)20 7382 7776
 (Broker)                        Alan Rooke                     +44 (0)20 7382 7781

 WH Ireland Limited (Nominated   David Youngman / Adrian Kirk    +44 (0)161 832 2174

 GTH Communications              Toby Hall                      +44 (0) 207 153 8039
                                 Christian Pickel               +44 (0) 207 153 8036


    I am pleased to report the first set of interim figures following the reverse takeover of YCO S.A.M. which led to the formation of the
enlarged YCO Deuxmil group in May 2008. However, it should be noted these figures only take into account one month of YCO's trading. 

    Likewise, as mentioned in previous statements, the second half of the year is traditionally the much stronger half of the year and we
are already in a position to see this trend repeating itself this year.

    Contained within these figures  are also substantial restructuring costs - in particular redundancy and consolidation charges relating
to the offices in Spain.

    These one-off costs aside, I am pleased to inform shareholders that the enlarged YCO Deuxmil group is going very well. We have now
opened a new YCO management office in central London and Yacht Help Group Mallorca has relocated to new state of the art premises in Palma.
Likewise, the integration of the businesses continues, YCO Crew having successfully opened within the YHG offices based in Barcelona and

    YCO Deuxmil now employs 75 People in 7 European offices and the business is on track to open a further two additional offices this year
in Europe and the Caribbean.

    As such, we continue to progress towards the strategic goals outlined at the time of the reverse takeover, servicing a highly select
client base whose lifestyle decisions are not affected by the global economic conditions that are impacting on some parts of the leisure

    The Company continues to be debt free and have a positive cash flow.

    The Company now looks to continue to consolidate its position in the market place as the leading service provider to privately owned
super yachts. Our aim is to double the number of yachts we have under management over the next 18 months and to grow substantially the sales
and charter business, an area that has not been a priority in past years.


    Non-executive chairman 
    29th September 2008
    (formerly Deuxmil Marine Plc)

    Income Statement 
    for the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                            Six months to 30      Six months 30 June    Year ended 
                                         June 2008 Unaudited          2007 Unaudited    31 December
                                                      �'000s                  �'000s         �'000s
 Revenue                                              13,704                   6,902         16,633
 Cost of Sales                                      (12,174)                 (6,377)       (15,122)
                                                    ********                ********       ********
 Gross Profit                                          1,530                     525          1,511
 Administrative expenses                             (1,476)                   (355)        (1,098)
                                                    ********                ********       ********
 Operating Profit                                         54                     170            413
 Finance income                                            1                       2              -
 Finance costs                                           (4)                     (3)            (4)
                                                    ********                ********       ********
 Profit before tax                                        51                     169            409
 Income tax charges                                     (15)                    (51)          (134)
                                                    ********                ********       ********
 Profit for the period from continuing                    36                     118            275
 operations attributable to                                                           
                                                     *******                 *******        *******
 Earnings per share                                                                   
 Basic (pence)                                          0.16                    0.60           1.33
 Diluted (pence)                                        0.16                    0.60           1.33

    (formerly Deuxmil Marine Plc)

    Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2008

                                                   As at      As at      As at
                                                 30 June    30 June         31
                                                    2008       2007   December
                                                 Unaudit    Unaudit       2007
                                                      ed         ed    Audited
                                                  �'000s     �'000s     �'000s
 Non-current assets                                       
 Property, plant and equipment                       668        102        202
 Goodwill                                         14,954      2,764      2,785
 Intangibles                                          20          -         20
                                                 *******    *******    *******
                                                  15,642      2,866      3,007
                                                 *******    *******    *******
 Current assets                                           
 Inventories                                         156         23         18
 Trade and other receivables                       6,579      1,933      1,081
 Cash and cash equivalents                           372        665        849
                                                 *******    *******    *******
                                                   7,107      2,621      1,948
                                                 *******    *******    *******
 Current liabilities                                      
 Trade and other payables                          6,963      2,664      2,055
 Financial liabilities - borrowings                   13        224         90
  Interest bearing loans and                              
 Tax payable                                         137          -        122
                                                 *******    *******    *******
                                                   7,113      2,888      2,267
 Net Current Liabilities                             (6)      (267)      (319)
 Non-Current Liabilities                               -       (78)        (9)
                                                 *******    *******    *******
 Net assets                                       15,636      2,521      2,679
                                                  ******     ******     ******
 Capital and reserves                                     
 Called up share capital                             168         76         76
 Share premium                                    14,914      2,048      2,048
 Retained earnings                                   458        264        422
 Other reserves                                       96        133        133
                                                 *******    *******    *******
 Total equity                                     15,636      2,521      2,679
                                                  ******     ******     ******

    (formerly Deuxmil Marine Plc)

    Cash Flow Statement
    For the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                           Six months to 30        Six months to 30           Year ended 31
                                        June 2008 Unaudited     June 2007 Unaudited           December 2007
                                 Note                 �'000                   �'000                   �'000
 Operating activities               3               (1,070)                     210                     554
 Corporation tax paid                                     -                       -                    (35)
 Finance costs                                          (4)                     (3)                     (4)
                                                    *******                 *******                 *******
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from                                                      
 operating activities                               (1,074)                     207                     515
 Investing activities                                                                
 Interest received                                        1                       2                       0
 Purchase of intangibles                                (2)                       -                     (6)
 Purchases of plant and                                (34)                     (3)                   (118)
 Acquisitions of subsidiaries                       (8,007)                   (444)                   (440)
 - Net cash acquired                                    449                       -                     153
                                                    *******                 *******                 *******
 Net cash from investing                            (7,593)                   (445)                   (411)
 Financing activities                                                                
 Loan received/(repaid) to                               74                   (144)                   (298)
 related parties                                                                     
 Issue of new shares                                  8,200                     684                     684
 Bank loan repaid                                      (84)                     (1)                     (5)
                                                    *******                 *******                 *******
 Net cash from financing                              8,190                     539                     381
                                                    *******                 *******                 *******
 Net cash inflow/(outflow)                            (477)                     301                     485
 Cash and cash equivalents at                                                        
 the beginning of the period                            849                     364                     364
                                                    *******                 *******                 *******
 Cash and cash equivalents at                                                        
 the end of the period                                  372                     665                     849
                                                     ******                  ******                  ******

    Consolidated statement of changes in equity

                                   As at      As at        As at 
                                 30 June    30 June            31
                                    2008       2007          2007
                                  �'000s     �'000s        �'000s
 As at beginning of period         2,679      1,286         1,286
 Surplus for the period               36        118           276
 Shares issued                    12,958        984           984
 Equity to be issued/(issued)       (37)        133           133
                                 *******    *******       *******
 As at end of period              15,636      2,521         2,679
                                  ******     ******        ******

    (formerly Deuxmil Marine Plc)

    Notes to the Interim Report

1.      Significant Accounting Policies
         These interim accounts have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and on the historical cost
basis, using generally recognised accounting principles and using the accounting policies which are consistent with those set out in the
Company Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007. This interim report for the six months to 30 June 2008, which
complies with IAS34, was approved by the Board on 29th September 2008.
2.      Segmental analysis
The Group*s primary segment is business segment and consist of marine fuel, support services and Super Yacht brokerage and charter as shown
below for the six months to 30 June 2008.

                                     Yacht brokerage and charter

                   Marine   Support
                      fuel  Service
                                  s                                Total
 Segment Results
                      �000     �000                         �000    �000

 Revenue             9,565    1,824                        2,315  13,704

 Operating profit    (310)     (68)                          432      54
 Net finance expense                                                 (3)
 Profit before taxation                                               51

3.       Earnings per Share

                              Six months to     Six months to            Year ended 31
                                30 June 2008      30 June 2007           December 2007
 Earnings per ordinary share                                    
 Basic                                  0.16              0.60                    1.33
 Diluted                                0.16              0.60                    1.33
                                       *****             *****                   *****

    The profit per ordinary share is based on the company's profit for the period of � 36,000 (30 June 2007 - �118,000; 31 December 2007 -
�275,000) and a basic and diluted weighted average number of shares in issue of 22,350,983 and 22,978,108 respectively.   (Adjusted for the
share consolidation - 30 June 2007 - 19,454,320 and 19,597,177; 31 December 2007 - 20,768,471 and 20,911,328).
4.       Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating activities.
                                   Six months to      Six months    Year ended 
                                     30 June 2008        30 June    31 December
                                                           2007            2007
                                           �'000s         �'000s         �'000s
 Operating Profit for the                      54            170            413
 Adjustments for :                                                
 Amortisation of other                          3              -              2
 Depreciation of property,                     50              6             32
 plant and equipment                                              
 Profit on sale of tangible                     4              -              -
 fixed assets                                                     
 Decrease in Inventories                      (2)              -           (18)
 (Increase) in receivables                (3,430)          (533)          (332)
 Increase in payables                       2,251            567            457
                                          *******        *******        *******
 Net cash from operating                  (1,070)            210            554
                                           ******         ******         ******

5.       Called up Share Capital

    The issued share capital as at 30 June 2008, per the audited accounts, was 47,932,697 Ordinary Shares of 0.35p each. (30 June 2007 -
144,985,541 ordinary shares of 0.05p each; 31 December 2007 - 150,895,806 ordinary shares of 0.05p each).

    On 27 May 2008, the issued share capital of the Company being 150,895,806 ordinary shares of 0.05p each was consolidated so that every
seven shares of 0.05p each held by a shareholder became one ordinary share of 0.35p having all the rights attaching to the ordinary shares
as set out in the articles of association, save that all residual holdings of less than seven ordinary shares held by a shareholder have not
been consolidated as aforesaid but have been reclassified as deferred shares of 0.05p each having all the rights attaching to the deferred
shares of 0.05p each as set out in the amended Articles of Association of the Company.

    Also on 27 May 2008, the unissued share capital of the Company being 849,104,194 ordinary shares of 0.05p each was consolidated so that
every seven shares of 0.05p each held by a shareholder became one ordinary share of 0.35p having all the rights attaching to the ordinary
shares as set out in the articles of association, save that all residual holdings of less than seven ordinary shares held by a shareholder
have not been consolidated as aforesaid but have been reclassified as deferred shares of 0.05p each having all the rights attaching to the
deferred shares of 0.05p each as set out in the amended Articles of Association of the Company.

    On 27 May 2008, the Company made share placement of 16,734,684 ordinary share of 0.35p each at 49p each.

    On 27 May 2008, the Company issued 9,641,652 ordinary shares of 0.35p each at 49p, as part of the acquisition of YCO S.A.M.

    6.      The unaudited results for period ended 30 June 2008 do not constitute statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2007 are
extracted from the statutory financial statements which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and which contain an unqualified
audit report and did not contain statements under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985
    7.       Acquisitions

    On 27 May 2008, the Company successfully completed the acquisition of YCO S.A.M. group of companies which consists of YCO SAM, YCO SARL
and WBC Marines Ltd for a total consideration of EUR15 million satisfied by the issue of 9,641,652 new ordinary shares of 0.35p each in the
Company worth EUR6 million and the remaining EUR9 million in cash.

               The fair value of consideration and asset acquired for YCO S.A.M. is as follows:

 Consideration - cash                 7,200
 Consideration - share                4,758
 Acquisition costs                      807

 Fair value of net assets acquired
 Tangible assets                        501
 Receivables                          2,250
 Cash and cash in hand                  449
 Inventory                              137
 Payables                           (2,741)

 Net assets                             596

 Goodwill                            12,169

    The acquired business contributed revenues of �2,718,000 and net profit of �432,000 to the group for the period from 27 May 2008 to 30
June 2008. If the acquisition had taken place on 1 January 2008, the group revenues to 30 June 2008 would have been �17,011,000 and the net
profit �240,000.

    The Company acquired Yacht Help Group (Mallorca) S.L., Yacht Help Group Gibraltar Limited on 30 April 2007 and BA Yachts Assistance S.L.
on 29 May 2007. These acquired business contributed revenues of �522,000 and �1,729,000, and net profit of �73,000 and �57,000 to the group
for the period from acquisition to 30 June 2007 and 31 December 2007 respectively. If the acquisitions had taken place on 1 January 2007,
the group revenues would have been �18,264,000 and the net profit �364,000.

8.       Copies of this interim statement are available from the Company at its registered office at
Finsgate, 5-7 Cranwood Street, London EC1V 9EE. The interim statement will also be available on the company website www.ycodeuxmil.com.


This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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