RNS Number:2984D
Belgravium Technologies PLC
05 September 2007

For Immediate Release                                           5 September 2007

                          Belgravium Technologies Plc

             Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2007

The Board of Belgravium Technologies plc ("Belgravium" or "the Group"),
designers and manufacturers of real-time data capture systems, is pleased to
announce Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2007.

                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS

*    Turnover                       #5,222,000            (2006: #4,982,000)        +5%

*    Profits before int. & tax      #1,101,000            (2006: #780,000)          +41%

*    Interim dividend               0.14p                 (2006: 0.13p)             +8%

*    Earnings per Share             0.71p                 (2006: 0.51p)             +39%

                             OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS

  * Results clearly demonstrate growing strength of business
  * Touchstar Technologies Ltd and Novo IVC show significant contributions
  * Opportunities for cross-selling across the enlarged group exploited
  * Sharing of technical expertise and resources across divisions

Commenting today, Executive Chairman John Kembery said:

"I am delighted to report a strong start to 2007. The acquisitions of Touchstar
and Novo have been very successful in supplementing the Group's profitable
growth with improved profits and earnings per share in the first half of 2007.

"We have worked hard to restructure and refine Belgravium into a Group with a
portfolio of first class products, an efficient operational structure and wider
offering through successful integration of new businesses. Belgravium is now
well positioned to take advantage of opportunities ahead in an international

For further information please contact:

Belgravium Technologies plc                             07770 731021
John Kembery, Chairman                                  
Buchanan Communications                                 020 7466 5000
Suzanne Brocks


Interim Results 2007



I am delighted to report a strong start to 2007, with profit before interest and
taxation for the six months to 30 June 2007 having increased by 41% to
#1,101,000 (2006:  #780,000). This is based on sales of #5,222,000, a 5% rise
from the prior year (2006: #4,982,000).

These results clearly demonstrate the growing strength of the business, which
now includes Touchstar Technologies Ltd ("Touchstar") and Novo IVC Ltd ("Novo"),
both of whom have contributed well towards the half year numbers.  Based on
these figures, and an assumed tax rate of 30%, basic earnings per share for the
half year to 30 June 2007 increased by 39% to 0.71p (2006: 0.51p).

The Market

The Group now supplies, installs and maintains data capture systems for
warehousing and distribution, petrochemical delivery systems, mobile retailing
and proof of delivery applications.  All of these sectors provide real growth
opportunities.  As information technology becomes more widely understood,
Belgravium is perfectly placed with its offering of high quality products,
specifically designed to meet the demands of each market in which the Group
operates.  In order to achieve further organic growth, Belgravium has expanded
its range of products and has reduced costs through improved efficiencies.  Very
good progress has been made in our historical logistics market.  At the same
time, we have integrated two acquisitions and phased out the inevitable legacies
in design and services. The result is that the Group now represents a
restructured, balanced business with a first class product range in a growing
market place.

Our sales operation has also seen significant improvements, and we are actively
seeking to expand sales partnerships abroad, particularly in Europe and the USA.


The acquisition of Touchstar and later Novo was not only aimed at increasing the
Group's turnover. It was also anticipated that a major benefit would be derived
from a larger operating base plus a reduction in costs from better use of shared
resources, with less outsourced components and services.   A comparison of costs
in the first half of 2007 with the same period in 2006 demonstrates this cost
reduction very clearly, with further benefits to come.   This has been
particularly evident across our technical operations where considerable progress
has been made through a unified development programme.  The range and scope of
products continues to improve with some excellent new designs in the pipeline.
Any technical and operating difficulties have been systematically overcome and
we believe effective management teams are now in place across all divisions.

Balance Sheet

Our balance sheet clearly demonstrates the benefits of the acquisitions of
Touchstar and Novo for the Group.  Of particular note is the cash position,
which stood at #590,000 at 30 June 2007 (31 December 2006: #171,000).  This
achievement is even more significant given the monthly repayments of the term
loan used to partly fund the purchase of Touchstar, and demonstrates that
Belgravium remains highly cash generative.


The integration of Touchstar and Novo into the Group could not have happened
without the active co-operation of employees at all levels.  The new operational
structure makes optimum use of individual skills as well as improving job


The Directors remain committed to as high a level of dividend as the Group's
cash generation will allow.  Given the good performance in the first half of
2007, we propose paying an interim dividend of 0.14p per share on 6th December
2007 to shareholders on the Register on 9th November 2007.  This represents an
increase of 8% (2006: 0.13p).


To continue the progress of the past year, Belgravium is exploring new sectors
within the vast data capture markets.  Our experience tells us that the most
successful way of achieving this is by acquiring specialised market focused
businesses that trigger each new application.  This is not easy to do because
such companies are not always classified in a way that makes their synergy with
Belgravium obvious.  But, when identified and added to a group with existing
hardware, the results can be very worthwhile, as we successfully experienced
with our acquisition of Novo.  Our search for further suitable acquisition
opportunities continues and has already resulted in close investigation of many


The acquisitions of Touchstar and Novo have been very successful in
supplementing the Group's profitable growth with improved profits and earnings
per share in the first half of 2007.

Whilst we have fully met our expectations for the first half of 2007 and
succeeded in building a full pipeline of sales opportunities for the second half
of 2007 and beyond, recent economic uncertainty has introduced some caution into
customers' buying patterns. So, while we have every reason to believe that the
Group will continue to successfully convert its pipeline of sales opportunities
in the second half, there remains the prospect of some small delays in the
timing of certain contracts. In overall terms, however, we remain confident that
the progress achieved in the first half will continue into the second and that
plans already actioned will continue to bring further benefits.

In summary, we have worked hard to restructure and refine Belgravium into a
Group with a portfolio of first class products, an efficient operational
structure and wider offering through successful integration of new businesses.
Belgravium is now well positioned to take advantage of opportunities ahead in an
international market.

Consolidated income statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2007

                                                            Notes               6 months to         6 months to
                                                                               30 June 2007        30 June 2006
                                                                                      Total               Total
                                                                                (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)
                                                                                      #'000               #'000

Revenue                                                                               5,222               4,982

Operating profit                                                                      1,101                 780

Finance income                                                                           19                  24

Finance costs                                                                          (96)                (73)

Profit before income tax                                                              1,024                 731

Income tax expense                                                                    (307)               (218)

Profit for the period                                                                   717                 513

Basic earnings per ordinary share (pence)                     2                        0.71                0.51

Diluted earnings per ordinary share (pence)                   2                        0.71                0.51

Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity
for the six months ended 30 June 2007

                                Called up share   Share premium Capital redemption      Retained         Total
                                        capital         account            reserve      earnings
                                    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)
                                          #'000           #'000              #'000         #'000         #'000

At 1 January 2006                         5,021           2,915              2,100       (2,630)         7,406

Profit                                        -               -                  -           513           513

Equity dividends                              -               -                  -         (321)         (321)

At 30 June 2006                           5,021           2,915              2,100       (2,438)         7,598

Profit                                        -               -                  -           762           762

Equity dividends                              -               -                  -         (131)         (131)

At 31 December 2006                       5,021           2,915              2,100       (1,807)         8,229

New shares issued                            16              14                  -             -            30

Profit                                        -               -                  -           717           717

Equity dividends                              -               -                  -         (363)         (363)

At 30 June 2007                           5,037           2,929              2,100       (1,453)         8,613

Consolidated balance sheet
at 30 June 2007

                                                                        As at            As at              As at
                                                                 30 June 2007     30 June 2006   31 December 2006
                                                                  (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)
                                                                        #'000            #'000              #'000
Non-current assets
Intangible assets
  Goodwill                                                              9,124            9,124              9,124
  Development expenditure                                                 193              177                201
Property, plant and equipment                                             308              381                361
Deferred tax asset                                                         27                7                 27

                                                                        9,652            9,689              9,713
Current assets
Inventories                                                             1,078            1,225              1,157
Trade and other receivables                                             2,585            2,264              3,298
Cash and cash equivalents                                                 590              817                171

                                                                        4,253            4,306              4,626

Current liabilities
Borrowings                                                              1,000              750              1,000
Trade and other payables                                                2,521            2,721              2,980
Current corporation tax liabilities                                       475              593                324
Provision for other liabilities and charges                                46               83                 51

                                                                        4,042            4,147              4,355

Net current assets                                                      9,863            9,848              9,984

Non current liabilities
Borrowings                                                              1,250            2,250              1,755

Net assets                                                              8,613            7,598              8,229

Shareholders' equity
Share capital                                                           5,037            5,021              5,021
Share premium reserve                                                   2,929            2,915              2,915
Capital redemption reserve                                              2,100            2,100              2,100
Profit and loss account                                               (1,453)          (2,438)            (1,807)

Total equity                                                            8,613            7,598              8,229

Consolidated cash flow statement
for 6 months to 30 June 2007

                                                                             6 months to         6 months to
                                                                            30 June 2007        30 June 2006
                                                                             (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)
                                                                                   #'000               #'000
Cash flows from operating activities

Operating profit                                                                   1,101                 780
Depreciation                                                                          89                  97
Amortisation                                                                          32                  25
Movement in provisions                                                               (5)                (90)

Inventories                                                                           79                  23
Trade and other receivables                                                          715                 457
Trade and other payables                                                           (452)               (180)

Cash generated from operations                                                     1,559               1,112

Interest received                                                                     17                  26
Interest paid                                                                       (98)                (35)
Corporation tax paid                                                               (156)               (714)
Corporation tax received                                                               -                 150

Net cash generated from operating activities                                       1,322                 539

Cash flows from investing activities

Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired                                        -               (700)
Acquisition expenses                                                                   -               (357)
Purchase of intangible fixed assets                                                 (24)                (56)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                                   (36)                (87)

Net cash used in investing activities                                               (60)             (1,200)

Cash flows from financing activities

Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares                                             30                   -
Proceeds from bank borrowings                                                          -               2,580
Repayment of bank borrowings                                                       (500)                   -
Repayment of loan notes                                                                -             (2,580)
Repayment of hire purchase contracts                                                (10)                   -
Equity dividends paid to shareholders                                              (363)               (321)

Net cash used in financing activities                                              (843)               (321)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                 419               (982)

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                             171               1,799

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                                   590                 817

Notes to the Interim report
for 6 months to 30 June 2007

1.        This financial information comprises the consolidated interim balance
sheet as at 30 June 2007 and 30 June 2006 and related consolidated interim
statements of income and cash  flows for the six months then ended of Belgravium
Technologies plc (hereinafter referred to as 'financial information').  The
interim consolidated financial statements for the half year ended 30 June 2007
are unaudited and do not comprise statutory accounts within  the meaning of
section 240 of the Companies Act 1985

These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards and IFRIC interpretations as adopted
by the EU and with those parts of the Companies Act 1985 applicable to companies
reporting under IFRS. The Group has chosen not to adopt IAS 34, 'Interim
financial statements' in preparing its interim statements. The financial
statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention.

The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 December 2006 are not
the Group's statutory accounts for the financial year, but have been extracted
from the statutory accounts, which were unqualified by the auditors and did not
contain statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985 and
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

2.        Earnings per ordinary share

                                                                                             2007             2006
                                                                                      (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                                            #'000            #'000

Basic earnings per ordinary share                                                           0.71p            0.51p
Diluted earnings per ordinary share                                                         0.71p            0.51p

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to
ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares
outstanding during the year.

For diluted earnings per share the weighted average number of ordinary shares in
issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive ordinary shares. The
dilutive ordinary shares represent the share options and warrants granted to
employees where the exercise price is less than the average market price of the
Company's ordinary shares during the period.

                                                             2007                           2006
                                                         (Unaudited)                    (Unaudited)

                                                                      Weighted                       Weighted
                                                                average number                 average number
                                                      Earnings       of shares       Earnings       of shares
                                                         #'000  (in thousands)          #'000  (in thousands)
Basic EPS
Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders             717         100,541            513         100,426
Effect of dilutive securities
Options                                                      -             461              -             679

Diluted EPS
Adjusted earnings                                          717         101,002            513         101,105

3.        The record date for the interim dividend for Belgravium Technologies
plc is 9 November 2007 (Ex-Dividend date 7 November 2007)

4.     Explanation of transition to IFRS

The only adjustment on transition to IFRS from UK GAAP relates to the
amortisation of goodwill #232,000 at  30 June 2006 and #464,000 at 31 December

Reconciliation of profit for the half-year ended 30 June 2006

                                                                            UK GAAP      Goodwill          IFRS

Revenue                                                                       4,982             -         4,982

Operating profit                                                                548           232           780

Finance income                                                                   24             -            24

Finance costs                                                                  (73)             -          (73)

Profit before income tax                                                        499           232           731

Income tax expense                                                            (218)             -         (218)

Profit for the year                                                             281           232           513

Basic earnings per ordinary share (pence)                                      0.28                        0.51

Diluted earnings per ordinary share (pence)                                    0.28                        0.51

  Reconciliation of profit for the year ended 31 December 2006

                                                                            UK GAAP      Goodwill          IFRS

Revenue                                                                      10,922             -        10,922

Operating profit                                                              1,529           464         1,993

Finance income                                                                   32             -            32

Finance costs                                                                 (181)             -         (181)

Profit before income tax                                                      1,380           464         1,844

Income tax expense                                                            (569)             -         (569)

Profit for the year                                                             811           464         1,275

Basic earnings per ordinary share (pence)                                      0.81                        1.27

Diluted earnings per ordinary share (pence)                                    0.80                        1.26

Reconciliation of the consolidated balance sheet as at 30 June 2006

                                                                            UK GAAP      Goodwill          IFRS
Non-current assets
Intangible assets
  Goodwill                                                                    8,892           232         9,124
  Development expenditure                                                       177             -           177
Property, plant and equipment                                                   381             -           381
Deferred tax asset                                                                7             -             7

                                                                              9,457           232         9,689
Current assets
Inventories                                                                   1,225             -         1,225
Trade and other receivables                                                   2,264             -         2,264
Cash and cash equivalents                                                       817             -           817

                                                                              4,306             -         4,306

Current liabilities
Borrowings                                                                      750             -           750
Trade and other payables                                                      2,721             -         2,721
Current corporation tax liabilities                                             593             -           593
Provision for other liabilities and charges                                      83             -            83

                                                                              4,147             -         4,147

Net current assets                                                            9,616           232         9,848

Non current liabilities
Borrowings                                                                    2,250             -         2,250

Net assets                                                                    7,366           232         7,598

Shareholders' equity
Share capital                                                                 5,021             -         5,021
Share premium reserve                                                         2,915             -         2,915
Capital redemption reserve                                                    2,100             -         2,100
Profit and loss account                                                     (2,670)           232       (2,438)

Total equity                                                                  7,366           232         7,598

Reconciliation of the consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2006

                                                                            UK GAAP      Goodwill          IFRS
Non-current assets
Intangible assets
  Goodwill                                                                    8,660           464         9,124
  Development expenditure                                                       201             -           201
Property, plant and equipment                                                   361             -           361
Deferred tax asset                                                               27             -            27

                                                                              9,249           464         9,713
Current assets
Inventories                                                                   1,157             -         1,157
Trade and other receivables                                                   3,298             -         3,298
Cash and cash equivalents                                                       171             -           171

                                                                              4,626             -         4,626

Current liabilities
Borrowings                                                                    1,000             -         1,000
Trade and other payables                                                      2,980             -         2,980
Current corporation tax liabilities                                             324             -           324
Provision for other liabilities and charges                                      51             -            51

                                                                              4,355             -         4,355

Net current assets                                                            9,520           464         9,984

Non current liabilities
Borrowings                                                                    1,755             -         1,755

Net assets                                                                    7,765           464         8,229

Shareholders' equity
Share capital                                                                 5,021             -         5,021
Share premium reserve                                                         2,915             -         2,915
Capital redemption reserve                                                    2,100             -         2,100
Profit and loss account                                                     (2,271)           464       (1,807)

Total equity                                                                  7,765           464         8,229

Consolidated cash flow statement

The adoption of IFRS does not impact the amount of cash previously disclosed
under UK GAAP in any of the periods of account in the interim results

5.     Copies of this statement will be posted to shareholders and further
copies will be made available to the public at the Company's office :- 2 Campus
Road, Listerhills Science Park, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1HR.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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