RNS Number : 6282W

Asian Citrus Holdings Ltd

23 November 2010

23 November 2010

Asian Citrus Holdings Limited

("Asian Citrus" or "the Group")

Placing of 175,000,000 new shares to raise HK$1,510 million

On 23 November 2010, the Company and the Placing Agent entered into the Placing Agreement pursuant to which the Placing Agent agreed to place 175,000,000 Placing Shares, on a fully underwritten basis, to eight Placees who and whose ultimate beneficial owners are Independent Third Parties, at a price of HK$8.88 per Placing Share.

175,000,000 Placing Shares under the Placing, which will be allotted and issued either under the General Mandate or the Specific Mandate, representing approximately 20.18% of the Company's existing issued share capital as at the date of this announcement; approximately 16.97% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares to the Vendors and the Bondholders, details of which are set out in the BPG Acquisition Announcement; and approximately 14.51% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares and the Placing Shares. The aggregate nominal value of the Placing Shares under the Placing will be HK$1,750,000.

The price per Placing Share of HK$8.88 (71.67 pence**) represents a discount of approximately 17.78% to the closing price of HK$10.80 (87.16 pence**) per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange and a discount of approximately 14.70% to the closing price of 84.00 pence (HK$10.41**) per Share as quoted on AIM on the Last Trading Day; (ii) a discount of approximately 11.20% to theaverage closing price of HK$10.00 (80.71 pence**) per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange and a discount of approximately 11.64% to the average closing price of 81.10 pence (HK$10.05**) per Share as quoted on AIM for the last five trading days up to and including the Last Trading Day; and (iii) a discount of approximately 12.94% to the average closing price of HK$10.20 (82.32 pence**) per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange and a discount of approximately 13.95% to the average closing price of 83.28 pence (HK$10.32**) per Share as quoted on AIM for the last ten trading days up to and including the Last Trading Day; and (iv) a discount of approximately 7.11% to the average closing price of HK$9.56 (77.16 pence**) per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange and a discount of approximately 7.60% to the average closing price of 77.57 pence (HK$9.61**) per Share as quoted on AIM for the last 30 trading days up to and including the Last Trading Day

The net proceeds from the Placing (after deducting the placing commission of 2.25% of the amount equal to the Placing Price multiplied by the number of Placing Shares being placed, professional fees and other related expenses payable by the Company) are approximately HK$1 510 million which are intended to be used for (i) repaying the cash consideration of HK$780 million in relation to the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of BPG Food & Beverage; (ii) financing the expansion of the production capacity of BPG Food & Beverage; and (iii) financing the corresponding additional working capital requirement for BPG Food & Beverage due to the expansion of its production capacity. The net proceeds raised per Placing Share are approximately HK$8.63.

The Placing is conditional upon, among other things, the Stock Exchange granting approval for the listing of, and permission to deal in, the Placing Shares under the Placing.

Application will be made by the Company to the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange for the granting of the listing of, and permission to deal in, the Placing Shares. Application will also be made for the Placing Shares to be admitted to trading on AIM and PLUS Market.

Completion of the Placing is subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent in the Placing Agreement. As the Placing may or may not proceed, Shareholders and potential investors are reminded to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares.



23 November 2010


The Company and the Placing Agent

Placing Agent:

Merrill Lynch Far East Limited. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors, the Placing Agent and its beneficial owner are not connected persons of the Company under the Listing Rules and/or AIM Rules and/or PLUS Rules for the purposes of the Placing.


The Placing Shares will be placed by the Placing Agent at the Placing Price. The Placing Shares will be placed to eight Placees on a fully underwritten basis.

To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors, the Placees which include Anta Capital limited, FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited, Fuh Hwa SITE Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited, Martin Currie (Holdings) Ltd, HOPU Investment, Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited, VPL Funds, certain investment advisory clients of Wellington Management, LLP and their respective ultimate beneficial owners are Independent Third Parties of and not acting in concert with (for the purpose of the Takeovers Code) (i) the Company or any of its subsidiaries, or (ii) any Director, substantial Shareholder or chief executive of the Company or any of its subsidiaries or any of their respective associates.

Placing Shares:

175,000,000 Placing Shares, which will be allotted and issued either under the General Mandate or the Special Mandate, representing approximately 20.18% of the Company's existing issued share capital as at the date of this announcement; approximately 16.97% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares to the Vendors and the Bondholders, details of which are set out in the BPG Acquisition Announcement; and approximately 14.51% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares and the Placing Shares. The aggregate nominal value of the Placing Shares under the Placing will be HK$1,750,000.

Placing Price:

The price per Placing Share of HK$8.88 (71.67 pence**) represents:

(i) a discount of approximately 17.78% to the closing price of HK$10.80 (87.16 pence**) per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange and a discount of approximately 14.0% to the closing price of 84.00 pence (HK$10.41**) per Share as quoted on AIM on the Last Trading Day;

(ii) a discount of approximately 11.20% to the average closing price of HK$10.00 (80.71 pence**) per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange and a discount of approximately 11.64% to the average closing price of 81.10 pence (HK$10.05**) per Share as quoted on AIM for the last five trading days up to and including the Last Trading Day; and

(iii) a discount of approximately 12.94% to the average closing price of HK$10.20 (82.32 pence) per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange and a discount of approximately 13.95% to the average closing price of 83.28 pence (HK$10.32**) per Share as quoted on AIM for the last 10 trading days up to and including the Last Trading Day.

(iv) a discount of approximately 7.11% to the average closing price of HK$9.56 (77.16 pence**) per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange and a discount of approximately 7.60% to the average closing price of 77.57 pence (HK$9.61**) per Share as quoted on AIM for the last 30 trading days up to and including the Last Trading Day

The Placing Price was negotiated on an arm's length basis between the Company and the Placing Agent with reference to recent market prices, the performance of the Shares and current market conditions.

Ranking of the Placing Shares:

The Placing Shares will rank, upon issue, pari passu in all respects with the Shares in issue on the date of allotment and issue of the Placing Shares.

Mandate for issue of the Placing Shares:

The Placing Shares will be issued under (i) the General Mandate to allot issue and deal with the Shares to be granted to the Directors by a resolution of the then Shareholders to be passed at the AGM; or (ii) the Specific Mandate to be granted to the Directors by a resolution of the Shareholders passed at the SGM.

Assuming the Consideration Shares have been allotted and issued prior to the AGM, under the General Mandate, the Directors are to be authorised to issue up to 206,256,548 Shares, being 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing of the resolution at the AGM.

Assuming the Consideration Shares have not been allotted and issued prior to the AGM, under the General Mandate, the Directors are to be authorised to issue up to 173,425,818 Shares, being 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing of the resolution at the AGM. Under this circumstance, the Company will seek to allot and issue the Placing Shares under the Specific Mandate.

As at the date of this announcement, the Shareholders have not yet granted the General Mandate and no Shares have been issued pursuant to the General Mandate.

Conditions of the Placing:

Completion of the Placing is conditional upon:

(i) the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange granting the listing of, and permission to deal in, the Placing Shares under the Placing;

(ii) the Shareholders approving the General Mandate or the Specific Mandate; and

(iii) the Shareholders approving the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of BPG Food & Beverage by A-One Success Limited, a subsidiary of the Company.


The Company has undertaken to the Placing Agent that for a period of 365 days from the Closing Date, the Company will not and save pursuant to (1) the terms of any employee share option scheme of the Company or (2) bonus or scrip dividend or similar arrangements which provide for the allotment of Shares in lieu of the whole or part of a dividend on Shares in accordance with its articles of association or (3) the issue of such number of Consideration Shares pursuant to BPG Agreement as detailed in the BPG Acquisition Announcement:

(i) allot or issue or offer to allot or issue or grant any option, right or warrant to subscribe for (either conditionally or unconditionally, or directly or indirectly, or otherwise), or repurchase, any Share(s) or any interests in Shares or any securities convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for or substantially similar to Shares or interest in Shares; or

(ii) agree (conditionally or unconditionally) to enter into or effect any such transaction with the same economic effect as any of the transactions described in (i) above; or

(iii) announce any intention to enter into or effect any such transaction described in (i) or (ii) above,

without first having obtained the written consent of the Placing Agent.

In addition, the Company has made customary representations and warranties to the Placing Agent under the Placing Agreement. The Company has also made customary representations, warranties and undertakings similar to the above to Maxwell, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited, directly and separately.

Completion of the Placing:

Completion of the Placing shall take place on the Closing Date.

Termination of the Placing:

If, at any time prior to 10:00 a.m. (Hong Kong time) on the Closing Date:

(i) there develops, occurs or comes into force, among other things:

(A) any new law or regulation or any change or development involving a prospective change in existing laws or regulations which in the sole judgment of the Placing Agent has or is likely to have a material adverse effect on the financial position of the Company and/or the Group as a whole; or

(B) any significant change (whether or not permanent) in local, national or international monetary, economic, financial, political or military conditions which in the sole judgment of the Placing Agent is or would be materially adverse to the success of the Placing; or

(C) any significant change (whether or not permanent) in local, national or international securities market conditions or currency exchange rates or exchange controls which in the sole judgment of the Placing Agent is or would be materially adverse to the success of the Placing; or makes it impracticable or inadvisable or inexpedient to proceed therewith; or

(D) a general moratorium on commercial banking activities in Hong Kong, the PRC, London or New York declared by the relevant authorities or a material disruption in commercial banking or securities settlement or clearance services in Hong Kong, the PRC, Singapore, the United Kingdom or the United States; or

(E) a change or development involving a prospective change in Taxation adversely affecting the Company, the Placing Shares or the transfer thereof; or

(F) any outbreak or escalation of hostilities or act of terrorism involving Hong Kong, the PRC, Singapore, the United Kingdom or the United States or the declaration by Hong Kong, the PRC, Singapore, the United Kingdom or the United States of a national emergency or war; or

(G) any suspension of dealings in the Shares for any period whatsoever (other than as a result of the Placing); or

(H) any moratorium, suspension or material restriction on trading in shares or securities generally on the Stock Exchange, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq due to exceptional financial circumstances or otherwise at any time prior to the Closing Date; or

(ii) any breach of any of the representations, warranties and undertakings by the Company set out in the Placing Agreement comes to the knowledge of the Placing Agent or any event occurs or any matter arises on or after the date hereof and prior to the Closing Date which if it had occurred or arisen before the date hereof would have rendered any of such representations, warranties and undertakings untrue or incorrect in any respect or there has been a breach of, or failure to perform, any other provision of the Placing Agreement on the part of the Company; or

(iii) Maxwell, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited, withdraws its participation as a Placee in the Placing; or

(iv) there is any such adverse change, or development involving a prospective adverse change, in the general affairs, condition, results of operations or prospects, management, business, stockholders' equity or in the financial or trading position of the Company and/or the Group as a whole which in the sole judgment of the Placing Agent is materially adverse to the success of the Placing;

then and in any such case, the Placing Agent may terminate the Placing Agreement without liability to the Company by giving notice in writing to the Company, which notice may be given at any time on or before 10:00a.m. (Hong Kong time) on the Closing Date.

The Placing Agent shall also have the right exercisable at any time by notice in writing to the Company to terminate the Placing Agreement if any of the Placing Shares are not delivered by or on behalf of the Company in accordance with the terms of the Placing Agreement.

Upon giving of notice pursuant to the foregoing paragraphs, all obligations of the Placing Agent under the Placing Agreement shall cease and determine and no party shall have any claim against any other party in respect of any matter arising out of or in connection with the Placing Agreement, save for any antecedent breaches and other charges and indemnity as set out in the Placing Agreement.

The Directors are not aware of the occurrence of any of such events as at the date of this announcement.

Completion of the Placing is subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent in the Placing Agreement. As the Placing may or may not proceed, Shareholders and potential investors are reminded to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares.


The shareholding structure of the Company (i) as at the date of this announcement; (ii) immediately after the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares but before the Placing; and (iii) immediately after the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares and the completion of the Placing is as follows:

                                                                     Immediately after the 
                                          Immediately after the      allotment and issue of 
                    Shareholding as       allotment and issue of    the Consideration Shares 
                     at the date of      the Consideration Shares    and the completion of 
 Shareholders       this announcement     but before the Placing          the Placing 
---------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
                       No. of 
                       Shares        %   No. of Shares          %   No. of Shares          % 
---------------  ------------  -------  --------------  ---------  --------------  --------- 
 Market Ahead 
  Limited (Note 
  1)              271,223,153    31.28     271,223,153      26.30     271,223,153      22.48 
---------------  ------------  -------  --------------  ---------  --------------  --------- 
 Huge Market 
  Limited (Note 
  2)              163,014,026    18.80     163,014,026      15.81     163,014,026      13.51 
---------------  ------------  -------  --------------  ---------  --------------  --------- 
 Sunshine Hero 
  Limited                   -        -     116,692,681      11.32     116,692,681       9.67 
---------------  ------------  -------  --------------  ---------  --------------  --------- 
 Excel Blaze 
  Limited                   -        -       6,456,902       0.62       6,456,902       0.54 
---------------  ------------  -------  --------------  ---------  --------------  --------- 
 Billion Ally 
  Limited                   -        -      17,326,116       1.68      17,326,116       1.44 
---------------  ------------  -------  --------------  ---------  --------------  --------- 
 Billion Step 
  Limited                   -        -       3,992,118       0.39       3,992,118       0.33 
---------------  ------------  -------  --------------  ---------  --------------  --------- 
  Limited                   -        -       2,666,799       0.26       2,666,799       0.22 
---------------  ------------  -------  --------------  ---------  --------------  --------- 
  Limited                   -        -      10,651,036       1.03      10,651,036       0.88 
---------------  ------------  -------  --------------  ---------  --------------  --------- 
 Greater China 
  PE Fund L.P.              -        -       6,367,994       0.62       6,367,994       0.53 
---------------  ------------  -------  --------------  ---------  --------------  --------- 
 Placees                    -        -               -          -        (Note 3)      14.51 
---------------  ------------  -------  --------------  ---------  --------------  --------- 
  Excel Blaze 
  Limited and 
  the                                                                 427,083,915 
  Bondholders)    432,891,915    49.92     427,083,915      41.97        (Note 4)      35.89 
---------------  ============  =======  ==============  =========  ==============  ========= 
 Total:           867,129,094   100.00   1,031,282,740     100.00        (Note 5)     100.00 
---------------  ------------  -------  --------------  ---------  --------------  --------- 


(1) Market Ahead Investments Limited is a company incorporated in the BVI, the issued share capital of which is beneficially owned as to 76% by Mr. Tong Wang Chow, the Chairman and an executive Director, 6% by Mr. Tong Hung Wai, Tommy, an executive Director, 6% by Mrs. Tong Lee Fung Kiu, 6% by Ms. Tong Mei Lin and 6% by Mr. Lee Kun Chung.

(2) The entire issued share capital of Huge Market Investments Limited is held by Chaoda Modern Agriculture (Holdings) Limited.

(3) This number represents the number of Shares subscribed by the Placees under the Placing.

(4) This number includes the number of Shares held by the Placees before the Placing.

(5) Each Share has one vote per Share and therefore the total number of voting rights in the Company immediately following the completion of the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares and the Placing Shares is 1,206,282,740.

As at the date of this announcement and immediately after the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares and the completion of the Placing, the shareholdings of the Directors are, and will be, as follows:

                                                   Immediately after the 
                                                    allotment and issue 
                                                    of the Consideration 
                     Shareholding as at the         Shares and the completion 
 Directors            date of this announcement     of the Placing 
------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                        No. of Shares          %      No. of Shares          % 
------------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
 Tong Wang Chow 
  (Note a)                271,223,153     31.278        271,223,153     22.484 
------------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
 Tong Hung Wai, 
 Tommy                              -          -                  -          - 
------------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
 Cheung Wai Sun                     -          -                  -          - 
------------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
 Pang Yi                      317,000      0.037            317,000      0.026 
------------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
 Sung Chi Keung               520,000      0.060            520,000      0.043 
------------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
 Ip Chi Ming                        -          -                  -          - 
------------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
  Moncreiffe                   50,000      0.006             50,000      0.004 
------------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
 Ma Chiu Cheung, 
  Andrew                            -          -                  -          - 
------------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
 Lui Ming Wah                       -          -                  -          - 
------------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
 Yang Zhenhan                       -          -                  -          - 
------------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
 Nicholas Smith 
  (Note b)                    744,491      0.086            744,491      0.062 
------------------  -----------------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 


(a) The 271,223,153 Shares were held by Market Ahead Investments Limited ("Market Ahead"), the issued share capital of which is beneficially owned by the following persons:

Mr. Tong Wang Chow 76%

Mr. Tong Hung Wai, Tommy 6%

Mrs. Tong Lee Fung Kiu 6%

Ms. Tong Mei Lin 6%

Mr. Lee Kun Chung 6%

Mr. Tong Wang Chow is deemed to be interested in 271,223,153 Shares held by Market Ahead by virtue of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

(b) The 744,491 Shares were held as to 319,066 Shares by Carey Pensions & Benefits Limited as trustee of InterRetire - Smith Executive Retirement Plan (the "Plan") and as to 425,425 Shares by Mr. Nicholas Smith in his own name. As at the date of this announcement, Mr. Nicholas Smith is a direct beneficiary of the Plan and is deemed to have an interest in the Shares held by the Plan.


The Directors believe that the terms of the Placing which have been negotiated on an arm's length basis and in accordance with normal commercial terms, are fair, reasonable and in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. Taking into account of its expansion and growth plan, the Directors consider that the Placing represents an opportunity to raise further capital for the Company's proposed acquisition and increase the marketability of the Shares while broadening the shareholder base and the capital base of the Company.


The net proceeds from the Placing (after deducting the placing commission of 2.25% of the amount equal to the Placing Price multiplied by the number of Placing Shares being placed, professional fees and other related expenses payable by the Company) are approximately HK$1 510 million which are intended to be used for (i) repaying the cash consideration of HK$780 million in relation to the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of BPG Food & Beverage; (ii) financing the expansion of the production capacity of BPG Food & Beverage; and (iii) financing the corresponding additional working capital requirement for BPG Food & Beverage due to the expansion of its production capacity. The net proceeds raised per Placing Share are approximately HK$8.63.

FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS The Shares have been admitted to trading on AIM since 3 August 2005 with ticker ACHL and have been trading on the PLUS Market since 23 May 2008. The Company was subsequently listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange by way of introduction on 26 November 2009.

The Company entered into a placing agreement and a subscription agreement on 21 April 2010 under which it placed 68,000,000 Shares through Huge Market Investments Limited in a top-up placing whereby the Company raised net proceeds amounted to approximately HK$377 million. The Company intends to apply the proceeds for the acquisition of a citrus fruit plantation as mentioned in the announcement of the Company dated 21 April 2010. As at the date of this announcement, the Company has not yet applied such proceeds and has deposited the said sum in its bank account. However, the plan for the use of the proceeds for the acquisition of fruit plantation remains unchanged.

Save as disclosed above, the Company has not conducted any fund raising activities by way of issuing equity securities in the 12 months period immediately preceding the date of this announcement.


An application will be made by the Company to the Stock Exchange for the granting of the listing of, and permission to deal in, the Placing Shares.

An application will also be made by the Company to the LSE for the admission of the Placing Shares to trading on AIM and PLUS Market and such admission is expected to become effective on the Closing Date.


In this announcement, the following expressions have the meanings set out below unless the context otherwise requires.

 "AIM"                            AIM, a market operated by the LSE 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "AIM Rules"                      the AIM Rules for Companies published 
                                   by the LSE 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "AGM"                            the annual general meeting of the Company 
                                   to be held on 3 December 2010 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Bondholders"                    Billion Ally International Limited, Billion 
                                   Step Investments Limited, Beauty Treasure 
                                   Group Limited, LC II Pineapple Limited 
                                   and Greater China PE Fund L.P., details 
                                   of which are set out in the BPG Acquisition 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "BPG Acquisition Announcement"   an announcement issued by the Company 
                                   on 11 October 2010 in relation to the 
                                   acquisition of the entire issued share 
                                   capital of BPG Food & Beverage by A-One 
                                   Success Limited, a subsidiary of the 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "BPG Agreement"                  the sale and purchase agreement dated 
                                   11 October 2010 entered into among A-One 
                                   Success Limited, the Company, the Vendors, 
                                   the Bondholders and Ms. Xu Xuefeng in 
                                   relation to the acquisition of the entire 
                                   issued share capital of BPG Food & Beverage 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "BPG Food & Beverage"            BPG Food & Beverage Holdings Ltd., a 
                                   company incorporated in the Cayman Islands 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Business Day(s)"                any day (excluding Saturday or Sunday 
                                   or public holiday in Hong Kong) on which 
                                   banks are generally open for business 
                                   in Hong Kong 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "BVI"                            British Virgin Islands 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Closing Date"                   two Business Days after the date on which 
                                   the conditions of the Placing Agreement 
                                   (details of which are set out in the 
                                   section headed "Conditions of the Placing" 
                                   in this announcement) are fulfilled, 
                                   or such other date as the Company and 
                                   the Placing Agent may agree in writing 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Company"                        Asian Citrus Holdings Limited, a company 
                                   incorporated in Bermuda with limited 
                                   liability and the issued Shares of which 
                                   have been trading on AIM, the PLUS Market 
                                   and the Main Board of the Stock Exchange 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "connected person(s)"            has the meaning ascribed thereto in the 
                                   Listing Rules 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Consideration Shares"           approximately 164,153,646 new Shares 
                                   to be allotted and issued at an issue 
                                   price of HK$7.68 per share under the 
                                   BPG Agreement, details of which are set 
                                   out in the BPG Acquisition Announcement 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Director(s)"                    the director(s) of the Company 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "General Mandate"                the mandate to be granted to the Directors 
                                   by the Shareholders at the AGM to allot, 
                                   issue and deal with up to 20% of the 
                                   then issued share capital of the Company 
                                   as at the date of the AGM 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Group"                          the Company and its subsidiaries from 
                                   time to time 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Hong Kong"                      the Hong Kong Special Administrative 
                                   Region of the People's Republic of China 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Independent Third Party(ies)"   a party(ies) who is/are independent of and 
                                  is/are not connected with any of the 
                                  directors, chief executives or substantial 
                                  shareholders of the Company or any of its 
                                  subsidiaries or any of their respective 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Last Trading Day"               22 November 2010, being the last trading 
                                   day for the Shares prior to the release 
                                   of this announcement 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Listing Committee"              the listing sub-committee of the board 
                                   of directors of the Stock Exchange 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Listing Rules"                  the Rules Governing the Listing of 
                                  Securities on the Stock Exchange 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "LSE"                            The London Stock Exchange plc 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Maxwell"                        Maxwell (Mauritius) Pte Ltd., an indirect 
                                   wholly owned subsidiary of Temasek Holdings 
                                   (Private) Limited 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Placee(s)"                      any institutional, corporate or individual 
                                   investor(s) procured by the Placing Agent 
                                   to subscribe for any of the Placing Shares 
                                   pursuant to the terms of the Placing 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Placing"                        the placing of 175,000,000 Placing Shares 
                                   by the Placing Agent pursuant to the 
                                   terms of the Placing Agreement 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Placing Agent'                  Merrill Lynch Far East Limited, a 
                                  corporation licensed to carry on types 1, 4 
                                  and 6 regulated activities within the 
                                  meaning of the Securities and Futures 
                                  Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong 
                                  Kong), which is not a connected person of 
                                  the Company under the Listing Rules for the 
                                  purpose of this transaction 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Placing Agreement"              the conditional placing agreement entered 
                                   into between the Company and the Placing 
                                   Agent dated 23 November 2010 in relation 
                                   to the Placing 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Placing Share(s)"               175,000,000 Share(s) to be placed by 
                                   the Placing Agent pursuant to the Placing 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "PLUS Market"                    the PLUS-quoted segment for unlisted 
                                   securities operated by PLUS Market plc, 
                                   an equity stock exchange based in London, 
                                   England, in the form of a quote-driven 
                                   electronic trading platform 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "PLUS Rules"                     The PLUS Rules for Issuers issued by 
                                   PLUS Market plc 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "SGM"                            the special general meeting to be convened 
                                   to approve the Placing Agreement and 
                                   the transactions contemplated thereunder 
                                   and the Specific Mandate 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Share(s)"                       ordinary share(s) of HK$0.01 each in 
                                   the capital of the Company 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Shareholder(s)"                 holder(s) of the Share(s) 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Specific Mandate"               in the event that the General Mandate 
                                   is not granted in the AGM, the specific 
                                   mandate to be sought from the Shareholders 
                                   at the SGM to authorise the allotment 
                                   and issue of the Placing Shares to the 
                                   Placees pursuant to the Placing Agreement 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Stock Exchange"                 The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Takeovers Code"                 the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Taxation"                       all forms of taxation whether of Hong 
                                   Kong or elsewhere in the world whenever 
                                   imposed and all statutory, governmental, 
                                   state, provincial, local governmental 
                                   or municipal impositions, duties and 
                                   levies and all penalties, charges, costs 
                                   and interests relating thereto 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "Vendors"                        Sunshine Hero Limited and Excel Blaze 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "HK$"                            Hong Kong dollars, the lawful currency 
                                   of Hong Kong 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "%"                              per cent. 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 " "                              Pounds sterling, the lawful currency 
                                   of the United Kingdom 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 "pence"                          a currency of the United Kingdom, with 
                                   equal to 100 pence 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 


Asian Citrus Holdings Limited

TONG Wang Chow


Hong Kong, 23 November 2010

As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the Company comprises five executive directors, namely Mr. Tong Wang Chow, Mr. Tong Hung Wai, Tommy, Mr. Cheung Wai Sun, Mr. Pang Yi and Mr. Sung Chi Keung; two non-executive directors, namely Mr. Ip Chi Ming and Hon Peregrine Moncreiffe and four independent non-executive directors, namely Mr. Ma Chiu Cheung, Andrew, Mr. Nicholas Smith, Mr. Yang Zhenhan and Dr. Lui Ming Wah, SBS JP.

*For identification purposes only

**GBP1: HK$12.39

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Asian Citrus (LSE:ACHL)
Historical Stock Chart
From Aug 2024 to Sep 2024 Click Here for more Asian Citrus Charts.
Asian Citrus (LSE:ACHL)
Historical Stock Chart
From Sep 2023 to Sep 2024 Click Here for more Asian Citrus Charts.