Washington, D.C. 20549






Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934


For the month of August 2023


Commission file number: 001-32749



(Translation of registrant's name into English)


Else-Kröner Strasse 1

61346 Bad Homburg


(Address of principal executive offices)


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.


Form 20-F x                           Form 40-F ¨







On August 2, 2023, Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (the “Company”) issued a Press Release announcing its second quarter results for the period ending June 30, 2023. A copy of the Press Release is furnished as Exhibit 99.1 and the corresponding financial figures as Exhibit 99.2.


The attached Press Release contains non-GAAP financial measures. For purposes of Regulation G, a non-GAAP financial measure is a numerical measure of a company’s performance, financial position, or cash flows that either excludes or includes amounts that are not normally excluded or included in the most directly comparable measure calculated and presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. To supplement the Company’s second quarter 2023 consolidated financial results presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, or IFRS® Accounting Standards, we have used non-GAAP financial measures, including (a) EBITDA, or operating income excluding interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, (b) free cash flow, (c) net leverage ratio (ratio of net debt to adjusted EBITDA) and (d) results presented in constant currency and as adjusted for special items identified in the Press Release and associated tables. These non-GAAP measures are provided to enhance the user’s overall understanding of our current financial performance and our prospects for the future. In addition, because we have historically reported certain non-GAAP financial measures in our financial results, we believe the inclusion of these non-IFRS® financial measures provides consistency and comparability in our financial reporting to prior periods for which these non-GAAP financial measures were previously reported. These non-GAAP financial measures should not be used as a substitute for or be considered superior to GAAP financial measures. Reconciliation of the non-GAAP financial measures to the most comparable IFRS® financial measures are included in the attached Financial Statements. As the reconciliation of amounts stated in Constant Currency is inherent in the disclosure included in the Press Release, we believe that a separate reconciliation would not provide any additional benefit.


The Exhibits attached hereto, shall not be deemed “filed” for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) or otherwise subject to the liabilities of that section, nor shall they be deemed incorporated by reference in any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Exchange Act, regardless of any general incorporation language in such filing.




The following exhibits are being furnished with this Report:


Exhibit 99.1Press release issued on August 2, 2023.


Exhibit 99.2Complete overview of the second quarter 2023 and first six months 2023.







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.


DATE: August 2, 2023


  Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA,
  a partnership limited by shares, represented by:
  fresenius medical care management ag, its
  General Partner
  By: /s/ Helen Giza
  Name: Helen Giza
  Title: Chief Executive Officer, Chair of the Management Board of the General Partner and Acting Chief Financial Officer


  By: /s/ Dr. Katarzyna Mazur-Hofsäß
  Name: Dr. Katarzyna Mazur-Hofsäß
  Title: CEO Care Enablement and member of the Management Board of the General Partner





Exhibit 99.1




Press Release

Media contact

Leif Heussen

T +49 6172 608-4030


Contact for analysts
and investors

Dr. Dominik Heger

T +49 6172 609-2601


August 2, 2023


Fresenius Medical Care successfully executes strategic plan and narrows guidance range due to strong operational performance in the first half of 2023


-Organic growth accelerated in the second quarter in Care Enablement and Care Delivery including sequentially stable treatment volumes in the U.S.


-Execution on turnaround plan translates into visible productivity improvements in Care Delivery achieving a Q2 margin at the lower end of the 2025 target margin band


-Savings resulting from FME25 transformation program fully on track


-Successful execution on portfolio optimization strategy


-Legal form conversion to a German Stock Corporation approved by shareholders


-FY 2023 operating income guidance range narrowed


Helen Giza, Chief Executive Officer of Fresenius Medical Care, said: “The second quarter makes evident that the execution against our strategic plan is fully on track. We are executing on our portfolio optimization, continuing to deliver on our FME25 program and are accelerating our turnaround activities. As expected, we have seen a stabilization of the labor market and of the inflationary environment. Our measures to increase productivity, supported by the targeted clinic closures, are driving a positive development. This gives us the confidence to narrow our operating income guidance range to the upper part for the year.”


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Key figures (IFRS®, unaudited)


   Q2 2023   Q2 2022   Growth   Growth   H1 2023   H1 2022   Growth   Growth 
   EUR m   EUR m   yoy   yoy, cc   EUR m   EUR m   yoy   yoy, cc 
Revenue   4,825    4,757    +1%   +6%   9,529    9,305    +2%   +4%
Operating income   357    341    +5%   +5%   618    688    -10%   -11%
excl. special items and PRF1   401    284    +41%   +44%   755    675    +12%   +11%
Net income2   140    147    -5%   -4%   227    305    -26%   -26%
excl. special items and PRF1   175    116    +51%   +54%   329    313    +5%   +5%
Basic EPS (EUR)   0.48    0.50    -5%   -4%   0.77    1.04    -26%   -26%
excl. special items and PRF1   0.59    0.39    +51%   +54%   1.12    1.07    +5%   +4%


yoy = year-on-year, cc = at constant currency, EPS = earnings per share


Successful execution against the strategic plan


Fresenius Medical Care has continuously advanced its structural change. At the beginning of the year the new operating model was implemented along with the corresponding new financial reporting. The simplification of the governance structure with the change of the legal form is thus the remaining structural adjustment to be realized. An important milestone has been achieved in this respect at the Extraordinary General Meeting on July 14, 2023, where 99.88% of the voting shareholders approved the conversion of Fresenius Medical Care from the legal form of a partnership limited by shares (Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, KGaA) into a German stock corporation (Aktiengesellschaft, AG).


In parallel, the Company continuously executes on its operational efficiency and turnaround plans. In the second quarter, the FME25 transformation program delivered EUR 75 million of additional savings. Fresenius Medical Care is fully on track to achieve sustainable savings of EUR 250 to 300 million by year end 2023 and EUR 650 million by year end 2025.



1 For FY 2022, special items included costs related to the FME25 program, the impact of the war in Ukraine, the impact of hyperinflation in Turkiye, the Humacyte investment remeasurement and the net gain related to InterWell Health. Additionally, the FY 2022 basis for the 2023 outlook was adjusted for U.S. Provider Relief Funding. For FY 2023, special items include costs related to the FME25 program, the Humacyte investment remeasurement, the costs associated with the legal form conversion and effects from legacy portfolio optimization. For further details please see the reconciliation attached to the Press Release.

2 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA


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In addition to generating efficiencies and improving productivity, Fresenius Medical Care is advancing the optimization of its portfolio. The announced strategic divestments of clinic networks in Sub-Saharan Africa and Hungary demonstrate progress against the Company’s execution plan. The outlined examples are part of the overall portfolio optimization strategy to exit non-core and dilutive assets, against which Fresenius Medical Care executes. The resulting cash proceeds will be used towards deleveraging – in line with Fresenius Medical Care’s disciplined financial policy.


Earnings development excluding special items driven by FME25 savings and productivity improvements


Revenue increased by 1% to EUR 4,825 million in the second quarter (+6% at constant currency, +6% organic).


Care Delivery revenue increased by 1% to EUR 3,873 million (+6% at constant currency, +6% organic).


In Care Delivery U.S., revenue growth of 2% (+4% at constant currency, +4% organic) was mainly driven by organic growth, which was supported by a favorable impact from the value-based care business, reimbursement rate increases and a favorable payor mix. This was partially offset by a negative exchange rate effect. The annualization effect of COVID-19-related excess mortality in the late-stage CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) and ESRD (End-Stage Renal Disease) population continues to weigh on same market treatment growth (-0.1%) – corresponding to the mid-point of the Company’s outlined expectations.


In Care Delivery International, revenue remained stable (+14% at constant currency, +15% organic). Organic growth, which was supported by the effect of hyperinflation in various markets, was offset by a negative exchange rate effect and the impact of closed or sold clinics. Despite the annualization effect of COVID-19-related excess mortality, same market treatment growth was positive at 0.9%.


Care Enablement revenue remained stable and amounted to EUR 1,325 million (+6% at constant currency, +6% organic). Higher sales of machines for chronic treatment, critical care products and home hemodialysis products as well as increased average sales prices were mostly offset by a negative exchange rate effect.


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Within Inter-segment eliminations, revenue for products transferred between the operating segments at fair market value decreased by 3% to EUR 373 million (+3% at constant currency; Q2 2022: EUR 383 million).3


In the first half, revenue increased by 2% to EUR 9,529 million (+4% at constant currency, +4% organic). Care Delivery revenue increased by 2% to 7,628 million (+3% at constant currency, +4% organic), with both Care Delivery U.S. and Care Delivery International growing by 2% (U.S.: +1% at constant currency, +2% organic; International: +13% at constant currency, +14% organic). Care Enablement revenue increased by 2% to EUR 2,635 million (+5% at constant currency, +5% organic). Inter-segment eliminations decreased by 2% and amounted to EUR 734 million (stable at constant currency; H1 2022: EUR 750 million).


Operating income increased by 5% to EUR 357 million (+5% at constant currency), resulting in a margin of 7.4% (Q2 2022: 7.2%). Operating income excluding special items and U.S. Provider Relief Funding (PRF)1 increased by 41% to EUR 401 million (+44% at constant currency), resulting in a margin of 8.3% (Q2 2022: 6.0%).


Operating income in Care Delivery decreased by 11% to EUR 384 million (-10% at constant currency), resulting in a margin of 9.9% (Q2 2022: 11.3%). Operating income excluding special items and PRF1 increased by 40% to EUR 402 million (+42% at constant currency), resulting in a margin of 10.4% (Q2 2022: 7.5%). This was mainly driven by business growth, lower personnel expenses resulting from improved productivity, and savings from the FME25 program.


Operating income in Care Enablement amounted to EUR 2 million (Q2 2022: EUR -11 million), resulting in a margin of 0.1% (Q2 2022: -0.8%). Operating income excluding special items increased by 533% to EUR 19 million (+601% at constant currency), resulting in a margin of 1.4% (Q2 2022: 0.2%). The improvement compared to the previous year’s quarter was mainly driven by increased volumes, improved pricing and savings from the FME25 program. These effects were partially offset by inflationary cost increases and a negative impact from foreign currency transaction.



3 The Company transfers products between segments at fair market value. The associated internal revenues and expenses and any remaining internally generated profit or loss for the product transfers are recorded within the operating segments initially, are eliminated upon consolidation and are included within “Inter-segment eliminations”.


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Operating income for Corporate amounted to EUR -25 million (Q2 2022: EUR -84 million). Excluding special items, operating income amounted to EUR -16 million (Q2 2022: EUR -9 million).


In the first half, operating income decreased by 10% to EUR 618 million (-11% at constant currency), resulting in a margin of 6.5% (H1 2022: 7.4%). Excluding special items and PRF1, operating income increased by 12% to EUR 755 million (+11% at constant currency), resulting in a margin of 7.9% (H1 2022: 7.2%). In Care Delivery, operating income declined by 8% to EUR 669 million (-10% at constant currency), resulting in a margin of 8.8% (H1 2022: 9.8%). In Care Enablement, operating income decreased to EUR -23 million (H1 2022: EUR 59 million), resulting in a margin of -0.9% (H1 2022: 2.3%). Operating income for Corporate amounted to EUR -15 million (H1 2022: -94 million).


Net income2 decreased by 5% to EUR 140 million (-4% at constant currency). Excluding special items and PRF1, net income2 increased by 51% to EUR 175 million (+54% at constant currency).


In the first half, net income2 declined by 26% to EUR 227 million (-26% at constant currency). Excluding special items and PRF1, net income2 increased by 5% to EUR 329 million (+5% at constant currency).


Basic earnings per share (EPS) decreased by 5% to EUR 0.48 (-4% at constant currency). EPS excluding special items and PRF1 increased by 51% to EUR 0.59 (+54% at constant currency).


In the first half, EPS declined by 26% to EUR 0.77 (-26% at constant currency). Excluding special items and PRF1, EPS increased by 5% to EUR 1.12 (+4% at constant currency).


Strong cash flow development


In the second quarter, Fresenius Medical Care generated EUR 1,007 million of operating cash flow (Q2 2022: EUR 751 million), resulting in a margin of 20.9% (Q2 2022: 15.8%). The increase was mainly driven by the recoupment of advanced payments during 2022, which had been received in the U.S. under the Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Program in 2020, as well as by seasonality of invoicing.


In the first half, operating cashflow amounted to EUR 1,150 million (H1 2022: EUR 910 million), resulting in a margin of 12.1% (H1 2022: 9.8%).


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Free cash flow4 amounted to EUR 852 million in the second quarter (Q2 2022: EUR 582 million), resulting in a margin of 17.7% (Q2 2022: 12.2%). In the first half, Fresenius Medical Care generated free cash flow of EUR 854 million (H1 2022: EUR 581 million), resulting in a margin of 9.0% (H1 2022: 6.2%).




The Company continues to expect for 2023 revenue to grow at a low to mid-single digit percentage rate (2022 basis: EUR 19,398 million).


Based on the earnings development for the first half of the year, Fresenius Medical Care narrows its operating income target range for 2023. The Company now expects operating income to remain flat or decline by up to a low-single digit percentage rate (2022 basis: EUR 1,540 million; previous target: remain flat or decline by up to a high-single digit percentage rate)5.


The Company’s target to achieve an operating income margin of 10 to 14% by 2025 remains unchanged.


Patients, clinics and employees


As of June 30, 2023, Fresenius Medical Care treated 344,086 patients in 4,050 dialysis clinics worldwide and had 124,295 employees (headcount) globally, compared to 130,448 employees as of June 30, 2022.



4 Net cash provided by / used in operating activities, after capital expenditures, before acquisitions, investments, and dividends

5 Revenue and operating income, as referred to in the outlook, are both on a constant currency basis and excluding special items. Special items will be provided as separate KPI (“Revenue excluding special items”, “Operating income excluding special items”) to capture effects that are unusual in nature and have not been foreseeable or not foreseeable in size or impact at the time of giving guidance. These items are excluded to ensure comparability of the figures presented with the Company’s financial targets which have been defined excluding special items.
For FY 2022, special items included costs related to the FME25 program, the impact of the war in Ukraine, the impact of hyperinflation in Turkiye, the Humacyte investment remeasurement, and the net gain related to InterWell Health. Additionally, the basis (FY 2022) for the 2023 outlook was adjusted for Provider Relief Funding. For FY 2023, special items include costs related to the FME25 program, the Humacyte investment remeasurement, the costs associated with the legal form conversion and effects from legacy portfolio optimization. For further details please see the reconciliation attached to the Press Release.


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Conference call


Fresenius Medical Care will host a conference call to discuss the results of the second quarter and first half of 2023 on August 2, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. CEST / 9:30 a.m. EDT. Details will be available on the Fresenius Medical Care website in the “Investors” section. A replay will be available shortly after the call.


Please refer to our statement of earnings included at the end of this news and to the attachments as separate PDF files for a complete overview of the results of the second quarter and first half of 2023. Our 6-K disclosure provides more details.


Fresenius Medical Care is the world's leading provider of products and services for individuals with renal diseases of which around 3.9 million patients worldwide regularly undergo dialysis treatment. Through its network of 4,050 dialysis clinics, Fresenius Medical Care provides dialysis treatments for approximately 344,000 patients around the globe. Fresenius Medical Care is also the leading provider of dialysis products such as dialysis machines or dialyzers. Fresenius Medical Care is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FME) and on the New York Stock Exchange (FMS).


For more information visit the Company’s website at




This release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements due to various factors, including, but not limited to, changes in business, economic and competitive conditions, legal changes, regulatory approvals, impacts related to COVID-19, results of clinical studies, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, uncertainties in litigation or investigative proceedings, and the availability of financing. These and other risks and uncertainties are detailed in Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA's reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA does not undertake any responsibility to update the forward-looking statements in this release.


Implementation of measures as presented herein may be subject to information and consultation procedures with works councils and other employee representative bodies, as per local laws and practice. Consultation procedures may lead to changes on proposed measures.


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Exhibit 99.2 




Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA




August 2, 2023



Investor Relations


phone: +49 6172 609 2525




Statement of earnings      page 2
Segment information      page 3
Balance sheet      page 4
Cash flow      page 5
Revenue development by segment      page 6
Key metrics      page 7
Reconciliation results excl. special items      page 8
Outlook 2023      page 9




This release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements due to certain factors, including changes in business, economic and competitive conditions, regulatory reforms, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, uncertainties in litigation or investigative proceedings, and the availability of financing. These and other risks and uncertainties are detailed in Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA's reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA does not undertake any responsibility to update the forward-looking statements in this release.


Rounding adjustments applied to individual numbers and percentages may result in these figures differing immaterially from their absolute values. Furthermore, totals and subtotals in tables may differ slightly from unrounded figures due to rounding in accordance with commercial rounding conventions.



Copyright by Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA







Statement of earnings                  


   Three months ended June 30,       Six months ended June 30,     
in € million, except share data, unaudited  2023   2022   Change   Change at cc   2023   2022   Change   Change at cc 
Total revenue   4,825    4,757    1.4%   6.0%   9,529    9,305    2.4%   3.9%
Costs of revenue   3,628    3,511    3.3%   8.2%   7,183    6,886    4.3%   5.9%
Selling, general and administrative expenses   775    758    2.3%   5.7%   1,557    1,548    0.6%   1.2%
Research and development expenses   57    55    3.2%   4.2%   113    105    7.5%   7.1%
Income from equity method investees   (48)   (19)   149.2%   149.4%   (76)   (30)   153.8%   153.6%
Other operating income   (76)   (110)   -31.3%   -23.3%   (193)   (239)   -19.2%   -5.9%
Other operating expense   132    221    -40.3%   -29.2%   327    347    -5.7%   10.9%
Operating income   357    341    4.7%   5.5%   618    688    -10.3%   -11.4%
Operating income excl. special items and PRF 1   401    284    41.3%   43.5%   755    675    11.9%   11.0%
Interest income   (24)   (13)   89.3%   105.0%   (36)   (27)   34.8%   46.4%
Interest expense   105    85    24.1%   27.8%   199    168    19.0%   19.6%
Interest expense, net   81    72    12.5%   14.1%   163    141    16.0%   14.4%
Income before income taxes   276    269    2.7%   3.2%   455    547    -17.0%   -18.0%
Income tax expense   81    63    28.9%   29.1%   126    130    -3.1%   -4.3%
Net income   195    206    -5.4%   -4.8%   329    417    -21.3%   -22.2%
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests   55    59    -7.3%   -6.2%   102    112    -9.9%   -11.1%
Net income attributable to shareholders of FMC AG & Co. KGaA   140    147    -4.6%   -4.2%   227    305    -25.5%   -26.4%
Net income attributable to shareholders of FMC AG & Co. KGaA excl. special items and PRF 1   175    116    50.9%   53.6%   329    313    5.2%   4.6%
Operating income   357    341    4.7%   5.5%   618    688    -10.3%   -11.4%
Depreciation, amortization and impairment loss   434    422    2.7%   5.8%   872    842    3.6%   3.8%
EBITDA   791    763    3.6%   5.7%   1,490    1,530    -2.6%   -3.0%
Weighted average number of shares   293,413,449    293,145,413              293,413,449    293,076,643           
Basic earnings per share  0.48   0.50    -4.7%   -4.3%  0.77   1.04    -25.6%   -26.5%
Basic earnings per ADS  0.24   0.25    -4.7%   -4.3%  0.39   0.52    -25.6%   -26.5%
In percent of revenue                                        
Operating income margin   7.4%   7.2%             6.5%   7.4%          
Operating income margin excl. special items and PRF 1   8.3%   6.0%             7.9%   7.2%          
EBITDA margin   16.4%   16.0%             15.6%   16.4%          


1 For a reconciliation of special items, please refer to the table on page 8.


Statement of earningspage 2 of 9August 2, 2023





Segment information


   Three months ended June 30,       Six months ended June 30,     
unaudited  2023   2022   Change   Change at cc   2023   2022   Change   Change at cc 
Revenue in € million   4,825    4,757    1.4%   6.0%   9,529    9,305    2.4%   3.9%
Operating income in € million   357    341    4.7%   5.5%   618    688    -10.3%   -11.4%
Operating income margin   7.4%   7.2%             6.5%   7.4%          
Operating income in € million excl. special items and PRF 1   401    284    41.3%   43.5%   755    675    11.9%   11.0%
Operating income margin excl. special items and PRF 1   8.3%   6.0%             7.9%   7.2%          
Days sales outstanding (DSO) 2                       68    68           
Employees (headcount)                       124,295    130,448           
Care Delivery segment                                        
Revenue in € million   3,873    3,822    1.3%   5.7%   7,628    7,469    2.1%   3.3%
Operating income in € million   384    433    -11.3%   -10.3%   669    731    -8.5%   -9.6%
Operating income margin   9.9%   11.3%             8.8%   9.8%          
Operating income in € million excl. special items and PRF 1   402    287    39.6%   41.6%   704    599    17.8%   16.8%
Operating income margin excl. special items and PRF 1   10.4%   7.5%             9.2%   8.0%          
Days sales outstanding (DSO) 2                       61    60           
Care Enablement segment                                        
Revenue in € million   1,325    1,318    0.5%   5.7%   2,635    2,586    1.9%   4.6%
Operating income in € million   2    (11)   n.a    n.a    (23)   59    n.a    n.a 
Operating income margin   0.1%   -0.8%             -0.9%   2.3%          
Operating income in € million excl. special items and PRF 1   19    3    532.7%   600.5%   88    100    -11.7%   -12.9%
Operating income margin excl. special items and PRF 1   1.4%   0.2%             3.3%   3.8%          
Days sales outstanding (DSO) 2                       97    100           
Inter-segment eliminations 3                                        
Revenue in € million   (373)   (383)   -2.9%   2.5%   (734)   (750)   -2.1%   0.1%
Operating income in € million   (4)   3    n.a    n.a    (13)   (8)   91.4%   89.8%
Operating income in € million   (25)   (84)   -69.8%   -69.2%   (15)   (94)   -84.0%   -84.8%
Operating income in € million excl. special items and PRF 1   (16)   (9)   79.2%   92.4%   (24)   (16)   50.6%   45.6%


1 For a reconciliation of special items, please refer to the table on page 8.

2 2022 includes DSO as of December 31, 2022.

3 The Company transfers products between segments at fair market value. The associated internal revenues and expenses and any remaining internally generated profit or loss for the product transfers are recorded within the operating segments initially, are eliminated upon consolidation and are included within “Inter-segment eliminations”.


cc = constant currency. Changes in revenue, operating income and net income attributable to shareholders of FMC AG & Co. KGaA include the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates. We calculate and present these financial measures using both IFRS® Accounting Standards and at constant exchange rates to show changes in these metrics and other items without giving effect to period-to-period currency fluctuations. Under IFRS Accounting Standards, amounts received in local (non- euro) currency are translated into euro at the average exchange rate for the period presented. Once we translate the local currency for the constant currency, we then calculate the change, as a percentage, of the current period using the prior period exchange rates versus the prior period. The single quarter results are calculated as the variance between the current year-to-date results less the preceding quarter’s year-to-date which makes the single quarter subject to further foreign exchange fluctuation. This resulting percentage is a non-IFRS measure referring to a change as a percentage at constant currency. These currency-adjusted financial measures are identifiable by the designated term "Constant Currency".


Segment informationpage 3 of 9August 2, 2023





Balance sheet      


   June 30,   December 31, 
in € million, except for net leverage ratio, unaudited   2023    2022 
Current assets   8,347    8,203 
Goodwill and intangible assets   16,824    17,310 
Right-of-use assets   3,977    4,187 
Other non-current assets   5,812    6,054 
Total assets   34,960    35,754 
Liabilities and equity          
Current liabilities   6,624    6,467 
Non-current liabilities   13,406    13,838 
Total equity   14,930    15,449 
Total liabilities and equity   34,960    35,754 
Equity/assets ratio   43%   43%
Debt and lease liabilities          
Short-term debt from unrelated parties   901    665 
Short-term debt from related parties   3    4 
Current portion of long-term debt   701    694 
Current portion of lease liabilities from unrelated parties   627    650 
Current portion of lease liabilities from related parties   25    24 
Long-term debt, less current portion   6,997    7,171 
Lease liabilities from unrelated parties, less current portion   3,685    3,875 
Lease liabilities from related parties, less current portion   126    130 
Debt and lease liabilities included within liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale   12     
Total debt and lease liabilities   13,077    13,213 
Minus: Cash and cash equivalents1   (1,363)   (1,274)
Total net debt and lease liabilities   11,714    11,939 
Reconciliation of annualized adjusted EBITDA and net leverage          
ratio to the most directly comparable IFRS financial measures          
Net income   805    895 
Income tax expense   321    325 
Interest income   (77)   (68)
Interest expense   392    360 
Depreciation and amortization   1,700    1,718 
Adjustments2   319    320 
Annualized adjusted EBITDA   3,460    3,550 
Net leverage ratio   3.4    3.4 


1 Includes cash and cash equivalents included within assets held for sale. 

2 Acquisitions and divestitures made for the last twelve months with a purchase price above a €50 M threshold as defined in the Syndicated Credit Facility (2023: -€12 M; 2022: -€22 M), non-cash charges, primarily related to pension expense (2023: €51 M; 2022: €54 M), impairment loss (2023: €168 M; 2022: €120 M) and special items, including costs related to the FME25 Program (2023: €142 M; 2022: €155 M), Legal Form Conversion Costs (2023: €7 M), Legacy Portfolio Optimization (2023: €71 M), Net Gain Related to InterWell Health (2023: -€114 M; 2022: -€114 M), Humacyte Investment Remeasurement (2023: €10 M; 2022: €103 M), Hyperinflation in Turkiye (2023: -€1 M; 2022: €5 M) and the Impacts Related to the War in Ukraine (2023: -€3 M; 2022: €19 M).


Balance sheetpage 4 of 9August 2, 2023





Cash flow statement        


   Three months ended June 30,   Six months ended June 30, 
in € million, unaudited   2023    2022    2023    2022 
Operating activities                    
Net income   195    206    329    417 
Depreciation, amortization and impairment loss   434    422    872    842 
Change in trade accounts and other receivables from unrelated parties   326    177    (80)   (56)
Change in inventories   (22)   (56)   (111)   (118)
Change in other working capital and non-cash items   74    2    140    (175)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities   1,007    751    1,150    910 
In percent of revenue   20.9%   15.8%   12.1%   9.8%
Investing activities                    
Purchases of property, plant and equipment and capitalized development costs   (155)   (172)   (298)   (334)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment   0    3    2    5 
Capital expenditures, net   (155)   (169)   (296)   (329)
Free cash flow   852    582    854    581 
In percent of revenue   17.7%   12.2%   9.0%   6.2%
Acquisitions and investments, net of cash acquired, and purchases of intangible assets   (10)   (24)   (14)   (61)
Investments in debt securities   (17)   (43)   (63)   (86)
Proceeds from divestitures   13    26    25    40 
Proceeds from sale of debt securities   36    13    51    27 
Free cash flow after investing activities   874    554    853    501 


Cash flowpage 5 of 9August 2, 2023






Revenue development by segment                        
                       Same market 
               Change   Organic   treatment 
in € million, unaudited  2023   2022   Change   at cc   growth   growth1 
Three months ended June 30,                              
Total revenue   4,825    4,757    1.4%   6.0%   6.3%     
Care Delivery segment   3,873    3,822    1.3%   5.7%   6.2%   0.3%
Thereof: U.S.   3,120    3,066    1.7%   3.7%   4.0%   -0.1%
Thereof: International   753    756    -0.3%   14.0%   14.9%   0.9%
Care Enablement segment   1,325    1,318    0.5%   5.7%   5.7%     
Inter-segment eliminations   (373)   (383)   -2.9%   2.5%          
Six months ended June 30,                              
Total revenue   9,529    9,305    2.4%   3.9%   4.4%     
Care Delivery segment   7,628    7,469    2.1%   3.3%   3.9%   0.2%
Thereof: U.S.   6,123    5,996    2.1%   0.9%   1.6%   -0.1%
Thereof: International   1,505    1,473    2.2%   12.9%   13.6%   0.7%
Care Enablement segment   2,635    2,586    1.9%   4.6%   4.6%     
Inter-segment eliminations   (734)   (750)   -2.1%   0.1%          


1 Same market treatment growth = organic growth less price effects                


Reconciliation of health care services and health care products revenue to new segments        


   2023   2022 
       Care Delivery   Care
in € million, unaudited  segment   segment   eliminations   Total   segment   segment   eliminations   Total 
Three months ended June 30,                                
Health care services revenue   3,829            3,829    3,782            3,782 
Health care products revenue   44    952        996    40    935        975 
Inter-segment revenue       373    (373)           383    (383)    
Revenue   3,873    1,325    (373)   4,825    3,822    1,318    (383)   4,757 
Six months ended June 30,                                        
Health care services revenue   7,541            7,541    7,389            7,389 
Health care products revenue   87    1,901        1,988    80    1,836        1,916 
Inter-segment revenue       734    (734)           750    (750)    
Revenue   7,628    2,635    (734)   9,529    7,469    2,586    (750)   9,305 


Revenue development by segmentpage 6 of 9August 2, 2023





Key metrics Care Delivery segment


    Six months ended June 30, 2023  
          Growth                 Growth           Growth  
          in %     Net change           in %           in %  
unaudited    Clinics     yoy     in clinics 1     Patients      yoy     Treatments      yoy  
Total     4,050       -3 %     (66 )     344,086       0 %     25,812,988       0 %
Thereof: U.S.     2,634       -2 %     (37 )     206,692       0 %     15,525,016       0 %
Thereof: International     1,416       -4 %     (29 )     137,394       -1 %     10,287,972       -1 %


1 Net change in clinics (acquired, de novo, combined, closed and sold) in comparison to December 31, 2022.

yoy = year-on-year


Key metricspage 7 of 9August 2, 2023





Reconciliation of non-IFRS financial measures to the most directly comparable IFRS financial measures for comparability with the Company´s outlook


                                                             Results excl. special items 
      Special items               Special items               and PRF 
in € million,        Legal Form   Legacy
       Results 2023           Humacyte
       Hyper-   Provider
   Sum of   Results 2022
excl. special
except share data,  Results
   Sum of
  special items
unaudited  2023  Program  Costs   tion 1   ment   special items   items   2022   Program   ment   War2   in Turkiye   (PRF)   and PRF   and PRF   Change   at cc 
Three months ended June 30,                                                                                   
Total revenue   4,825                          4,825    4,757                                 4,757    1.4%   6.0%
EBITDA   791   14   5    11    4    34    825    763    21    75    2    6    (161)   (57)   706    16.8%   19.4%
Total operating income   357   25   5    10    4    44    401    341    21    75    2    6    (161)   (57)   284    41.3%   43.5%
Care Delivery segment   384   8       10        18    402    433    13        2    0    (161)   (146)   287    39.6%   41.6%
Care Enablement segment   2   17       0        17    19    (11)   8        0    6        14    3    532.7%   600.5%
Inter-segment eliminations   (4)                     (4)   3                            3    n.a.    n.a. 
Corporate   (25)  0   5        4    9    (16)   (84)       75                75    (9)   79.2%   92.4%
Interest expense, net   81                          81    72                                 72    12.5%   14.1%
Income tax expense   81   5   1    2    1    9    90    63    6    20            (42)   (16)   47    94.9%   97.4%

Net income attributable to

noncontrolling interests

   55          0            55    59                    (10)   (10)   49    10.5%   12.0%
Net income3   140   20   4    8    3    35    175    147    15    55    2    6    (109)   (31)   116    50.9%   53.6%
Basic earnings per share  0.48  0.07  0.01   0.02   0.01   0.11   0.59   0.50   0.05   0.19   0.01   0.02   (0.38)  (0.11)  0.39    50.7%   53.5%
Six months ended June 30,                                                                                   
Total revenue   9,529                          9,529    9,305                                 9,305    2.4%   3.9%
EBITDA   1,490   36   7    71    (15)   99    1,589    1,530    49    78    23    6    (177)   (21)   1,509    5.3%   5.0%
Total operating income   618   51   7    94    (15)   137    755    688    57    78    23    6    (177)   (13)   675    11.9%   11.0%
Care Delivery segment   669   24       11        35    704    731    35        10    0    (177)   (132)   599    17.8%   16.8%
Care Enablement segment   (23)  28       83        111    88    59    22        13    6        41    100    -11.7%   -12.9%
Inter-segment eliminations   (13)                     (13)   (8)                           (8)   91.4%   89.8%
Corporate   (15)  (1)  7        (15)   (9)   (24)   (94)       78                78    (16)   50.6%   45.6%
Interest expense, net   163                          163    141                                 141    16.0%   14.4%
Income tax expense   126   11   2    25    (4)   34    160    130    17    21    3        (48)   (7)   123    31.1%   30.1%

Net income attributable to

noncontrolling interests

   102          1        1    103    112                    (14)   (14)   98    3.7%   2.5%
Net income3   227   40   5    68    (11)   102    329    305    40    57    20    6    (115)   8    313    5.2%   4.6%
Basic earnings per share  0.77  0.14  0.02   0.23   (0.04)  0.35   1.12   1.04   0.14   0.19   0.07   0.02   (0.39)  0.03   1.07    5.1%   4.5%


1 Costs mainly comprise the derecognition of capitalized development costs and the impairment of intangible assets (licenses and distribution rights) as well as termination costs (including certain contractual obligation expenses) related to a dialysis cycler development program which was discontinued in Q1 2023 and other expenses related to a divestiture agreed upon in Q2 2023.

2 Bad debt expense in Russia and Ukraine and accruals for certain risks associated with allowances on inventories related to the Ukraine War.

3 Attributable to shareholders of FMC AG & Co. KGaA


Reconciliation results excl. special itemspage 8 of 9August 2, 2023





Outlook 2023


        Outlook 2023
    Results 2022   (at Constant Currency)
Revenue1   €19,398 M   low to mid-single digit percentage rate growth
        flat to low-single digit percentage rate decline
Operating income1   €1,540 M   (initially: flat to high-single digit percentage rate decline)


1 Outlook 2023 is based on the assumptions outlined in the earnings release for the fourth quarter and full year of 2022 and excludes special items. Special items include costs related to the FME25 program, Legal Form Conversion Costs, Legacy Portfolio Optimization, Humacyte Investment Remeasurement and other effects that are unusual in nature and have not been foreseeable or not foreseeable in size or impact at the time of giving guidance. The growth rates are based on the results 2022 excluding the costs related to the FME25 program (€204 M for operating income), Net Gain Related to InterWell Health ( -€56 M for operating income), Humacyte Investment Remeasurement (€103 M for operating income), Hyperinflation in Turkiye (€5 M for operating income) and the Impacts Related to the War in Ukraine (€49 M for operating income). Additionally, the results 2022 were adjusted for the Provider Relief Funding (-€277 M for operating income).


Outlook 2023page 9 of 9August 2, 2023


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