RNS Number:1440J
Marylebone Warwick Balfour Grp PLC
25 March 2003


25th March 2003


                                INTERIM RESULTS

                    FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2002


The last year has witnessed some major changes to values in both the property
and equity markets and we can expect property values in general to fall further
over the coming twelve months.  Even as I write, global unrest continues to
create greater uncertainty in world markets.

The six months ended 31st December 2002 have been an eventful period for MWB, as
we have had to operate in a market dramatically different from anything that
could have been envisaged in March 2002 when we announced our cash realisation
programme and #20m placing.  I believe it is a tremendous credit to all our
employees that so much has been achieved against this backdrop.

The Group has now successfully completed the first phase of its cash realisation
programme with the sale of a number of mature property assets and the disposal
of our fund management division; in this respect sales totalling #150m have been
realised since the June 2002 year end.

However, shareholders should not expect major disposals over the next 12-18
months as we continue to mature our operating businesses.  Equally, the current
economic climate is not conducive to sales at values that maximise shareholder

As part of this first phase the Company has returned cash to shareholders
through a substantial share buy-back programme, resulting in 21.8m of the
Company's ordinary shares being purchased during the period, and a further 4.4m
shares being purchased since the half year end.  These purchases were at a
significant discount to the underlying net asset value per share and were the
primary driver for the increase in equity shareholders' funds per share by 12%
to 116p at 31st December 2002.

In addition we have also refinanced or enhanced the banking facilities available
to the Group.  At MWB Business Exchange, for example, we have reduced borrowings
from available funds to #23m and have removed the requirement for banking
covenant tests on this facility for the next 18 months.  At the same time we
have refinanced Malmaison with a ten year #110m loan from Bank of Scotland,
raising additional funds for our hotel operations in the process.  At Marble
Arch Tower, we have paid off the majority of the mezzanine loan drawn down for
its acquisition.

While there is still much work to do to re-establish the Group's core operating
income, it is worth noting some key achievements since the June 2002 year end:

*        The sale of the Group's remaining holdings in the Royal Victoria Docks
project for #20m, being well in excess of book cost;

*        The sale of our fund management business for #30.3m in December 2002, a
price considerably above market expectations and showing a #15m profit to the

*        The sale of our Cannon Street office building in the heart of the City
for #53.5m, reflecting book value.  This sale price produced a surplus of #21.1m
over historical cost, and resulted in a significant reduction in Group debt;

*        The sale of 14 out of the 18 penthouse apartments in our Park Lane
development for over #20m, in line with our expectations, at an average sale
price of over #1,000 per sq ft; and

*        Completion of the industrial and London & Regional portfolio sales
programme, producing a further #17.3m of realisation proceeds.

In addition to the above sales, we have successfully completed the following:

*        Redeemed #8.5m of the Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock and restructured
the balance as an unsecured loan with nominal value of #13m;

*        Purchased Radisson's 50% interest in the Malmaison brand for #6m and
bought out its management agreement for #7m.  In the future, this will
significantly enhance Malmaison's income attributable to the Group;

*        Opened the largest Malmaison hotel, in Birmingham, comprising 189 beds,
and completed the refurbishment programme of the existing Malmaison portfolio;

*        Completed and opened our five-star Marriott Park Lane hotel and our 250
bed Radisson hotel in Glasgow which are both underpinned by 20 year Operating
and Management Agreements with minimum guaranteed income levels; and

*        Completed the refurbishment and extension of the Howard Hotel
increasing the number of bedrooms to 189, again underpinned by a 20 year OMA
with a minimum guaranteed income level.

It is against this background that I am pleased to report a pre tax profit of
#2.1m for the six months ended 31st December 2002, compared to a loss after
exceptional items of #88.8m for the same period a year ago and total losses of
#109.5m for the 12 months ended 30th June 2002.

As I mentioned earlier, this #2.1m pre-tax profit has been achieved after
surpluses totalling #29m from the sale of our fund management division and our
interests in the Royal Victoria Docks project.  Including the #7m buy-out of the
Malmaison management contract referred to above, we have written off one off
costs totalling #9m in acquiring and developing our hotel interests.  The
results for the six months ended 31st December 2002 therefore incorporate
non-recurring profits totalling a net #20m.  Shareholders should expect further
operating losses from some of our businesses while we continue to turn round
Business Exchange and Liberty.

Equity Shareholders' Funds per share, reflecting the #9m share buy-back
programme during the first half, rose by 12% to 116p from 104p at the June 2002
year-end.  Despite sales of approximately #150m during the six month period,
property assets still stand at over #580m as a result of our hotel development
programme, which provides a solid base for future performance.  A key
contributor to this possible future growth in the Group's underlying assets is
likely to come from our hotels division following the opening of the majority of
our hotels, namely the Park Lane Marriott International, the Glasgow Radisson
and the refurbished five-star Howard Hotel.

As shareholders are aware, two new Malmaison hotels have been under construction
during this period, in Birmingham and in London.  At Birmingham the new
Malmaison has opened and forms part of the Mailbox development close to the city
centre.  Construction work continues on our first London Malmaison, in
Charterhouse Square on the edge of the City, and we expect this to open towards
the end of 2003.

I am pleased to report that Malmaison has been able to maintain room rates at
approximately #90 during the six months ended 31st December 2002.  However
overall occupancy during this period was 73%, down 5% from the level in the six
months ended 30th June 2002, impacted by our newly opened hotel in Birmingham.
January and February 2003 started slowly, although March has shown signs of

Most of the Group's other divisions are performing in line with expectations,
considering the economic climate.  However, MWB Business Exchange, despite a
solid performance from our UK centres, continues to suffer from its exposure to
Continental European markets.  We are continuing to devote significant effort
and time to reduce this exposure, especially in Germany and the Netherlands.

Our business centres produced a positive EBITDA of #1.2m in the first half
compared with #2.0m for the six months ended 30th June 2002.  In the UK we
produced EBITDA of #4.6m for the six months ended 31st December 2002, with
revenue per occupied workstation ("REVPOW") for the period of #7,368 and
occupancy in December 2002 of 79%.  For the same period, our European business
centres incurred a negative EBITDA of #3.4m, with REVPOW of #5,720 and occupancy
in December 2002 of 53%.  In both regions, these figures show an improvement in
occupancy, but a lower REVPOW over the previous six months, reflecting the
challenging environment in which we operate.

After financing costs, Business Exchange contributed a first half pre-tax loss
of #10.2m, against a pre-tax loss of #6.5m before exceptional items in the six
months ended 30th June 2002.  Turnover for the first two months of 2003 was
#12.7m, which is the same level as the two month average for the six months
ended 31st December 2002.

Liberty, our retailing business, is recovering after the impact of 11th
September 2001 with a 16% increase in turnover from #23.2m in the comparable
period to #26.8m in the six months to December 2002.  Underlying the rise in
retail sales and reduced losses was last March's opening of the revamped Regent
Street part of the store, resulting in a 40% upsurge in footfall.  Liberty
traded well during the Christmas period and through the New Year Sale although
trading over the past few weeks has become increasingly tough due to the build
up and commencement of war in the Gulf.

A more focussed approach together with significant improvements to product
lines, merchandising and service has led to a much improved EBITDA of #1.1m
compared to a negative EBITDA of #0.2m for the same period a year ago.  After
the cost of financing the Regent Street refurbishment and other financing costs,
the loss before tax has been reduced to #1.5m against a loss of #2.4m before
exceptional items for the previous six months.

During this period, Fiona Harrison formally resigned from the Board of Liberty
due to ill health having worked tirelessly to create and implement a revised
strategy to restore Liberty's standing as an international brand.  Nevertheless,
during the period there has been a very significant strengthening of the overall
senior management team at Liberty following the appointment of Iain Renwick as
Chief Executive and Lucille Lewin as Creative Director.  Their impact will be
felt during the course of 2003 and we consider that Liberty is well placed to
return to profitability in the near future.

Our remaining two divisions - Asset Management and Project Management - are
progressively completing their activities as either the underlying properties
are sold, or the developments are completed and become income producing in line
with our expectations.

Within Asset Management, the only material asset is Marble Arch Tower.  In
Project Management, the Group's only remaining major development is the #130m
final phase at West India Quay, comprising a 301 room five-star hotel, serviced
apartments and apartments for sale.  Pre-sales of the apartments are progressing
well with 100 out of the 158 already sold, amounting to more than #50m in sales
value, while Marriott International have signed a 20 year OMA for the hotel and
serviced apartments element of the project.  We expect this final phase of our
West India Quay project to be completed by Autumn 2004.

While market conditions have worked against us over the past twelve months and
particularly more recently, we believe we have made considerable progress in
generating cash for the Group through the cash realisation programme.  We will
however continue to adopt a cautious, prudent approach during this uncertain
economic outlook and competitive business environment.  It is too early to
accurately assess the impact that the war in Iraq might have on the prospects
for our businesses and in particular the effect on the property market.
Nevertheless the Board believes the foundations we have laid, together with what
has been achieved, will hold the Group in good stead as the year progresses.

Brian Myerson


25th March 2003


for the six months ended 31st December 2002

                                                       Six months ended     Six months ended         Year ended
                                                          31st December        31st December          30th June         
                                                                   2002                 2001               2002         
                                                                                    (Note 2)           (Note 2)
                                         Notes                    #'000                #'000              #'000
Group and share of joint ventures          3                    138,450               96,700            195,941

Less share of joint venture turnover       3                    (1,393)              (1,714)            (3,419)
Group turnover                             3                    137,057               94,986            192,522

Cost of sales                                                 (125,167)            (142,427)          (231,192)

Gross profit/(loss)                                              11,890             (47,441)           (38,670)
Administrative expenses                                        (10,771)             (11,948)           (26,769)

Group operating profit/(loss)                                     1,119             (59,389)           (65,439)
Share of operating profit of joint
ventures                                                          1,274                  998              2,112
Total operating profit/(loss):
Group and share of joint ventures                                 2,393             (58,391)           (63,327)

Profit on disposal of investment
properties and other fixed assets          4                     16,480                    -                279
Amounts written off investments                                   (321)             (14,793)           (14,793)

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
before interest                                                  18,552             (73,184)           (77,841)
Net interest payable and similar           5                   (16,413)             (15,595)           (31,649)

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
before taxation                            3                      2,139             (88,779)          (109,490)
Taxation credit on profit/(loss) on
ordinary activities                        6                        475                  121              2,318
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
after taxation                                                    2,614             (88,658)          (107,172)
Equity minority interests                  7                        696               24,230             26,873
Non-equity minority interests                                     (809)                (470)            (1,167)

Profit/(loss) attributable to
ordinary shareholders and retained
for the period                                                    2,501             (64,898)           (81,466)

Earnings/(loss) per share                  8                       2.2p              (57.1p)            (64.8p)


for the six months ended 31st December 2002

                                                       Six months ended      Six months ended        Year ended
                                                          31st December         31st December         30th June
                                                                   2002                  2001              2002
                                                                  #'000                 #'000             #'000
Profit/(loss) for the financial period
Group                                                             2,079              (65,073)          (82,009)
Joint ventures                                                      422                   175               543
Total profit/(loss) for the financial period                      2,501              (64,898)          (81,466)

Net revaluation deficit on fixed assets charged to
revaluation reserve                                                   -              (41,307)          (58,281)
Share of net revaluation deficit on assets in
joint ventures charged to revaluation reserve                         -                 (693)             (305)
Currency translation differences on foreign
currency net investments                                             78                   501                84
Other movements                                                   (162)                   (6)              (60)
Total recognised gains and losses for the period                  2,417             (106,403)         (140,028)

All recognised gains and losses are attributable to equity shareholders'


for the six months ended 31st December 2002

                                                       Six months ended      Six months ended       Year ended
                                                          31st December         31st December        30th June
                                                                   2002                  2001             2002
                                                                  #'000                 #'000            #'000
Opening equity shareholders' funds                              144,493               266,828          266,828

Profit/(loss) for the financial period
- before exceptional items                                        2,501              (12,536)         (27,592)
- exceptional items                                                   -              (52,362)         (53,874)
Net revaluation deficit on fixed assets charged to
revaluation reserve                                                   -              (41,307)         (58,281)
Share of net revaluation deficit on assets in
joint ventures charged to revaluation reserve                         -                 (693)            (305)
Issue of shares during the period                                     -                     -           17,693
Purchases of own shares for cancellation during
the period                                                      (9,192)                     -                -
Currency translation differences on foreign
currency net investments                                             78                   501               84
Other movements                                                   (162)                   (6)             (60)
Closing equity shareholders' funds                              137,718               160,425          144,493


at 31st December 2002

                                                                                 31st         31st         30th
                                                                             December     December         June
                                                                                 2002         2001         2002
                                                                Notes           #'000        #'000        #'000
Fixed assets
Intangible asset                                                  9            29,722       18,200       18,200
Tangible assets                                                   10          558,810      609,730      594,905
                                                                              588,532      627,930      613,105
Investment in joint ventures
Share of gross assets                                                               -       45,151       46,802
Share of gross liabilities                                                          -     (27,496)     (28,628)
Share of net assets                                                                 -       17,655       18,174
Other investments                                                                   -          701          701
                                                                                    -       18,356       18,875
                                                                              588,532      646,286      631,980
Current assets
Developments in progress                                                       25,559       32,027       46,549
Stocks                                                                          7,938        8,251        6,627
Debtors: amounts falling due
- after more than one year                                                      4,783        5,423        5,547
- within one year                                                             103,935       55,402       58,588
Cash                                                                           43,421       25,661       45,759
                                                                              185,636      126,764      163,070
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                              (136,265)    (128,042)    (139,017)
Net current assets                                                             49,371      (1,278)       24,053
Total assets less current liabilities                                         637,903      645,008      656,033
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year           11        (449,035)    (418,020)    (457,514)
Provisions for liabilities and charges                                       (12,556)     (17,323)     (13,201)
Net assets                                                                    176,312      209,665      185,318

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                                        59,600       58,000       70,500
Share premium account                                             12           79,185       74,002       79,201
Capital redemption reserve                                        12           10,950           50           50
Revaluation reserve                                               12           33,348       69,417       56,516
Merger reserve                                                                  9,403        9,403        9,403
Other reserves                                                    12            1,379        7,092        7,092
Profit and loss account                                           12         (56,147)     (57,539)     (78,269)
Equity shareholders' funds                                                    137,718      160,425      144,493
Equity minority interests                                                      16,218       28,799       19,687
Non-equity minority interests                                                  22,376       20,441       21,138
                                                                              176,312      209,665      185,318

Equity shareholders' funds per share                              13             116p         141p         104p


for the six months ended 31st December 2002

                                                                        Six months     Six  months         Year
                                                                             ended           ended        ended
                                                                    31st  December   31st December    30th June
                                                                              2002            2001         2002
                                                         Notes               #'000           #'000        #'000
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities       14               (3,638)           6,887      (2,405)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance                           (17,525)        (14,366)     (36,559)

Corporation tax (paid)/refunded                                              (372)           1,927        4,281
Capital expenditure and financial investment                                43,329        (45,937)     (61,310)
Acquisitions and disposals                                                 (6,614)         (2,657)      (3,701)
Equity dividends paid                                                            -         (1,570)      (1,577)

Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing                                  15,180        (55,716)    (101,271)
Financing                                                 15              (17,518)          37,342      121,339

Increase/(decrease) in cash during the period                              (2,338)        (18,374)       20,068

for the six months ended 31st December 2002

                                                                        Six months     Six  months         Year
                                                                             ended           ended        ended
                                                                     31st December   31st December    30th June
                                                                              2002            2001         2002
                                                         Notes               #'000           #'000        #'000
Increase/(decrease) in cash during the period             16               (2,338)        (18,374)       20,068

Net decrease/(increase) in hire purchase and leasing
contracts                                                 16                 3,391         (8,102)      (5,379)

Net decrease/(increase) in loans during the period                             417        (25,141)     (94,794)

Decrease/(increase) in net debt during the period         16                 1,470        (51,617)     (80,105)
Opening net debt                                          16             (437,744)       (357,639)    (357,639)

Closing net debt                                          16             (436,274)       (409,256)    (437,744)



The interim results of the Group for the six months ended 31st December 2002
incorporate the results of the Company, its subsidiary undertakings and its
joint ventures for the period then ended.  The results have been prepared on the
basis of the accounting polices adopted in the accounts of the Group for the
year ended 30th June 2002, consistently applied in all material respects.


                                                                      6 months to     6 months to       Year to
                                                                    31st December   31st December     30th June
                                                                             2002            2001          2002
                                                                            #'000           #'000         #'000
Turnover                                                                  138,450          96,700       195,941
Less share of joint venture turnover                                      (1,393)         (1,714)       (3,419)
Group turnover                                                            137,057          94,986       192,522
Cost of sales
Ordinary activities                                                     (125,167)        (85,240)     (171,899)
Exceptional items                                                               -        (57,187)      (59,293)
                                                                        (125,167)       (142,427)     (231,192)
Gross profit/(loss)
Ordinary activities                                                        11,890           9,746        20,623
Exceptional items                                                               -        (57,187)      (59,293)
                                                                           11,890        (47,441)      (38,670)
Administrative expenses                                                  (10,771)        (11,948)      (26,769)
Group operating profit/(loss)
Ordinary activities                                                         1,119         (2,202)       (6,146)
Exceptional items                                                               -        (57,187)      (59,293)
                                                                            1,119        (59,389)      (65,439)
Share of operating profit in joint ventures                                 1,274             998         2,112
Total operating profit/(loss): Group and share of joint ventures
Ordinary activities                                                         2,393         (1,204)       (4,034)
Exceptional items                                                               -        (57,187)      (59,293)
                                                                            2,393        (58,391)      (63,327)
Profit on disposal of investment properties and other fixed assets         16,480               -           279
Amounts written off investments
Ordinary activities                                                         (321)               -             -
Exceptional items                                                               -        (14,793)      (14,793)
                                                                            (321)        (14,793)      (14,793)
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before interest
Ordinary activities                                                        18,552         (1,204)       (3,755)
Exceptional items                                                               -        (71,980)      (74,086)
                                                                           18,552        (73,184)      (77,841)
Net interest payable and similar charges
Ordinary activities                                                      (16,413)        (14,080)      (30,151)
Exceptional items                                                               -         (1,515)       (1,498)
                                                                         (16,413)        (15,595)      (31,649)
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation
Ordinary activities                                                         2,139        (15,284)      (33,906)
Exceptional items                                                               -        (73,495)      (75,584)
                                                                            2,139        (88,779)     (109,490)
Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities                                   475             121         2,318
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation
Ordinary activities                                                         2,614        (15,163)      (31,588)
Exceptional items                                                               -        (73,495)      (75,584)
                                                                            2,614        (88,658)     (107,172)
Equity minority interests
Ordinary activities                                                           696           3,097         5,163
Exceptional items                                                               -          21,133        21,710
                                                                              696          24,230        26,873
Non-equity minority interests                                               (809)           (470)       (1,167)
Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary shareholders and retained
for the period
Ordinary activities                                                         2,501        (12,536)      (27,592)
Exceptional items                                                               -        (52,362)      (53,874)
                                                                            2,501        (64,898)      (81,466)


For the purposes of exercising day-to-day managerial and budgetary control, the
business is divided internally into divisions.  The turnover of the Group
analysed over its main divisions is as follows:-

                                          Six months ended 31st December 2002         Six months          Year
                                                                                      ended 31st    ended 30th
                                                                                   December 2001          June
                                              Total        Joint           Group           Group          2002          
                                           Turnover     ventures        Turnover        turnover         Group          
Turnover                                      #'000        #'000           #'000           #'000         #'000

MWB Business Exchange                        37,607            -          37,607          39,670        78,107
Hotels                                       38,353         (38)          38,315          14,397        28,283
Fund management                               3,761      (1,355)           2,406           1,605         2,466
Asset management                              6,428            -           6,428           8,487        18,258
                                             86,149      (1,393)          84,756          64,159       127,114

Liberty                                      26,848            -          26,848          23,192        48,387

Other                                         2,355            -           2,355           2,542         4,965

Project management
Royal Victoria Dock                          23,079            -          23,079           4,005         9,464
West India Quay                                  19            -              19               -           200
Other                                             -            -               -           1,088         2,392
                                             23,098            -          23,098           5,093        12,056
                                            138,450      (1,393)         137,057          94,986       192,522

By geographical origin:
United Kingdom                              130,369      (1,393)         128,976          88,159       175,414
Europe, excluding UK                          5,893            -           5,893           4,364        10,470
Japan                                         2,188            -           2,188           2,463         6,526
USA                                               -            -               -               -           112
                                            138,450      (1,393)         137,057          94,986       192,522

                                                     Six months ended Six months ended 31st          Year ended
Earnings before interest, taxation,               31st December  2002         December 2001           30th June         
depreciation and amortisation                                                                              2002
("EBITDA")                                                      #'000                 #'000               #'000
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before
interest for the period                                        18,552              (73,184)            (77,841)
Add back depreciation, amortisation and
write-downs for the period                                     12,543                79,939              92,087
Total EBITDA for the period                                    31,095                 6,755              14,246

                                                     Six months ended Six months ended 31st          Year ended
                                                  31st December  2002         December 2001           30th June         
                                                                #'000                 #'000               #'000
MWB Business Exchange                                           1,246               (1,089)                 906
Operating income                                                6,916                 4,708               8,748
Buyout of Malmaison management
Contract                                                      (7,000)                     -                   -
Pre-opening costs                                             (1,694)                     -                   -
Fund management
Operating income                                                3,625                 2,502               4,383
Profit on disposal of fund management
Division                                                       14,954                     -                   -
Asset management                                                3,943                 6,491              11,622
Liberty                                                         1,106                 (150)                 358
Project management                                             14,001                 2,303               5,127
Cash holdings and other assets, less loan stock
and head office administration                                (6,002)               (8,010)            (16,898)
Total EBITDA for the period                                    31,095                 6,755              14,246

                                             Six months ended 31st December 2002      Six months          Year
                                                                                      ended 31st    ended 30th
                                                    Before                         December 2001          June
                                                     Joint        Joint                                   2002
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities              Ventures     ventures      Total         Total         Total
before taxation                                      #'000        #'000      #'000         #'000         #'000

MWB Business Exchange
Ordinary                                          (10,191)            -   (10,191)       (7,927)      (14,472)
Exceptional                                              -            -          -      (44,623)      (44,109)

Operating income                                     (579)            -      (579)         (866)       (4,289)
Buyout of Malmaison management
  Contract                                         (7,000)            -    (7,000)             -             -
Goodwill on acquisition of
  Malmaison brand written off                        (292)            -      (292)             -             -
Pre-opening costs                                  (1,694)            -    (1,694)             -             -
Fund management
Operating income                                     1,457        1,274      2,731         1,626         2,815
Profit on disposal of fund
  management division                               14,954            -     14,954             -             -
Asset management
Operating income
  Ordinary                                             250            -        250          (95)         (512)
  Exceptional                                            -            -          -           431           417
Sales of other properties                              445            -        445             -             -
Ordinary                                           (1,542)            -    (1,542)       (1,788)       (4,232)
Exceptional                                              -            -          -      (11,377)      (11,377)
Cash holdings and other assets                       (579)            -      (579)       (2,788)       (4,132)
Project management
West India Quay                                       (39)            -       (39)             -         (467)
Royal Victoria Dock                                 14,071            -     14,071         1,339         3,611
Pall Mall                                                -            -          -         1,013         2,126
Profit before head office
  administration cost                                9,261        1,274     10,535      (65,055)      (74,621)
Less head office administration cost
Ordinary                                                                   (8,396)       (5,798)      (14,354)
Exceptional                                                                      -      (17,926)      (20,515)
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
  before taxation                                                            2,139      (88,779)     (109,490)

By geographical origin:
United Kingdom                                                               8,788      (50,390)      (70,305)
Japan                                                                          374           685         1,077
Europe, excluding United Kingdom                                           (7,023)      (39,074)      (40,229)
USA                                                                              -             -          (33)
                                                                             2,139      (88,779)     (109,490)

                                                                                     Equity           Net assets
                                                                              shareholders'        31st December
                                                                                      funds                 2002
Net assets                                                                            #'000                #'000
31st December 2002
MWB Business Exchange                                                                 9,882               20,080
Hotels                                                                               45,366               51,237
Fund management                                                                           -                    -
Asset management                                                                     13,883               13,720
Liberty                                                                              37,204               55,945
Project management                                                                    9,312               12,847
Cash holdings and other assets, less loan stock                                      22,071               22,483
                                                                                    137,718              176,312
Equity shareholders' funds per share                                                   116p

                                                                                     Equity           Net assets
                                                                              shareholders'        31st December
                                                                                      Funds                 2001
                                                                                      #'000                #'000
31st December 2001
MWB Business Exchange                                                                23,387               44,325
Hotels                                                                               49,301               55,493
Fund management                                                                      10,177               10,177
Asset management                                                                     49,008               48,844
Liberty                                                                              39,743               58,966
Project management                                                                    2,352                4,155
Cash holdings and other assets, less loan stock                                    (13,543)             (12,295)
                                                                                    160,425              209,665
Equity shareholders' funds per share                                                   141p

                                                                                     Equity           Net assets
                                                                              shareholders'            30th June
                                                                                      funds                 2002
                                                                                      #'000                #'000
30th June 2002
MWB Business Exchange                                                                 8,748               21,953
Hotels                                                                               48,123               53,844
Fund management                                                                      11,886               11,886
Asset management                                                                     40,184               40,021
Liberty                                                                              37,533               57,014
Project management                                                                    6,658                8,780
Cash holdings and other assets, less loan stock                                     (8,639)              (8,180)
                                                                                    144,493              185,318
Equity shareholders' funds per share                                                   104p


                                                          Six months ended    Six months ended      Year ended
                                                             31st December       31st December       30th June
                                                                      2002                2001            2002
                                                                     #'000               #'000           #'000
Profit on disposal of fund management division                      14,954                   -               -
Profit on disposal of investment properties                            445                   -             279
Profit on disposal of other fixed assets                             1,081                   -               -
                                                                    16,480                   -             279


                                                       Six months ended     Six months ended         Year ended
                                                          31st December        31st December          30th June
                                                                   2002                 2001               2002
                                                                  #'000                #'000              #'000
Unsecured Loan Stock 2005/2006                                      598                    -                  -
Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock 2020                             1,928                  812              1,610
Bank loans and overdrafts                                        15,684               14,733             32,332
Finance leases and hire purchase contracts                          582                1,081              3,191
Bank charges, debt issue and debt
  repayment costs                                                 1,245                2,194              3,017
                                                                 20,037               18,820             40,150
Less interest capitalised before tax relief                     (3,382)              (2,984)            (7,632)
Less interest receivable and similar income                     (1,094)              (1,064)            (2,438)
                                                                 15,561               14,772             30,080
Share of interest on bank loans and
  overdrafts in joint ventures                                      852                  823              1,569
Total net interest payable and similar
  charges                                                        16,413               15,595             31,649

Interest payable is sourced from the Group's operating cash flows and from its
available bank facilities.


                                                         Six months ended     Six months ended        Year ended
                                                            31st December        31st December         30th June        
                                                                     2002                 2001              2002        
                                                                    #'000                #'000             #'000
UK Corporation tax
Corporation tax charge at 30% for the period                            -                    -                 -
Adjustments in respect of prior years                               (620)                (125)           (2,533)
                                                                    (620)                (125)           (2,533)
Foreign tax
Tax on profit for the period                                          178                  204               415
Adjustment in respect of prior years                                 (33)                   62                62
                                                                    (475)                  141           (2,056)
Deferred taxation                                                       -                (262)             (262)
Total corporation tax and similar taxes charged in the
profit and loss account                                             (475)                (121)           (2,318)

The credit from equity minority interests in the profit and loss account arose
in the following divisions of the Group:-

                                                          Six months ended     Six months ended      Year ended
                                                             31st December        31st December       30th June
                                                                      2002                 2001            2002
                                                                     #'000                #'000           #'000
MWB Business Exchange Limited                                        4,761               19,227          21,016
Hotels - 140 Park Lane Limited                                       (150)                   53             119
Liberty - Retail Stores plc                                            480                4,194           4,900
Project Management - Royal Victoria Dock                           (4,429)                (446)         (1,281)
Project Management - West India Quay                                  (12)                   34             128
Leisure Box Limited                                                     46                1,048           1,837
Others                                                                   -                  120             154
                                                                       696               24,230          26,873


The earnings/(loss) per share figures have been calculated by dividing the
profit/(loss) attributable to shareholders by the weighted average number of
shares in issue during the period, as follows:-

                                                          Six months ended     Six months ended      Year ended
                                                             31st December        31st December       30th June
                                                                      2002                 2001            2002
                                                                     #'000                #'000           #'000
Profit/(loss) attributable to shareholders for the
  period                                                             2,501             (64,898)        (81,466)

                                                                      '000                 '000            '000
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in
  issue during the period                                          115,215              113,676         125,784
Earnings/(loss) per share                                             2.2p              (57.1p)         (64.8p)


                                                            31st December        31st December         30th June
                                                                     2002                 2001              2002
Group                                                               #'000                #'000             #'000
At 1st July 2002 - Liberty brand                                   18,200               29,577            29,577
Cost of Malmaison brand transferred from joint
ventures                                                           11,522                    -                 -
Write-down of Liberty brand during the period                           -             (11,377)          (11,377)
At 31st December 2002                                              29,722               18,200            18,200

During the six months ended 31st December 2002, the Group acquired the remaining
50% interest in MWB SAS Hotels Limited that was previously not owned by the
Group.  As a result this company, and the Malmaison brand that it owns at a book
value of #11.5m previously held in the Group's joint ventures, is now wholly
owned and is included in the table above.


                              ____properties____   _____Operational properties_______
                                             Long                               Short  Fixtures &
                             Freehold   Leasehold    Freehold  Leasehold    Leasehold   equipment       Total
                                #'000       #'000       #'000      #'000        #'000       #'000       #'000
Cost or valuation
At 1st July 2002              117,074     170,128     115,668     74,152       85,509      50,955     613,486
Additions                      15,574       4,769      22,277      1,539          512       6,762      51,433
Reclassifications           (112,518)           -     101,841          -            -      10,677           -
Disposals                    (15,825)    (53,500)           -    (6,650)        (233)     (6,399)    (82,607)
Currency movements                  -           -           -          -           29          66          95           
At 31st December 2002           4,305     121,397     239,786     69,041       85,817      62,061     582,407

At 1st July 2002                    -           -           -          -        (269)    (18,312)    (18,581)
Charge for the period               -        (40)       (999)      (658)      (2,358)     (4,742)     (8,797)
Currency movements                  -           -           -          -            -        (30)        (30)
Disposals                           -           -           -         30          (4)       3,785       3,811           
At 31st December 2002               -        (40)       (999)      (628)      (2,631)    (19,299)    (23,597)

Net book value
At 31st December 2002           4,305     121,357     238,787     68,413       83,186      42,762     558,810
At 31st December 2001         116,150     176,900     113,733     65,050      104,225      33,672     609,730
At 30th June 2002             117,074     170,128     115,668     74,152       85,240      32,643     594,905

11.       CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year

                                                                31st December      31st December       30th June
                                                                         2002               2001            2002
                                                                        #'000              #'000           #'000
7.5% Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock 2020                                  -             21,472          21,472
7.5% Unsecured Loan Stock 2005/2006                                    13,108                  -               -
Bank loans (secured)                                                  396,264            344,169         383,118
Other loan borrowings                                                  10,000             21,000          26,000
Less issue costs                                                      (3,662)            (4,016)         (4,716)
                                                                      415,710            382,625         425,874
Hire purchase and leasing contracts (note 17)                          14,258             21,340          17,943
Deferred consideration                                                  6,875              1,750             875
Amount due to related parties                                           1,401              1,363           1,363
Other creditors                                                        10,791             10,942          11,459
                                                                      449,035            418,020         457,514

Analysed as:
Loans due after more than one year                                    415,710            382,625         425,874
Other long term liabilities                                            33,325             35,395          31,640
                                                                      449,035            418,020         457,514


The movements on reserves during the six months ended 31st December 2002 arose
as follows:-

                                                      Share       Capital                               Profit
                                                    premium    redemption   Revaluation      Other    and loss
                                                    account       reserve       reserve   reserves     account
                                                      #'000         #'000         #'000      #'000       #'000
At 1st July 2002                                     79,201            50        56,516      7,092    (78,269)
Profit retained for the period                            -             -             -          -       2,501
Purchase of shares net of expenses                        -        10,900             -          -     (9,192)
Transfer on sale of properties and investment             -             -      (21,862)    (5,713)      27,575
Transfer of depreciation on revalued tangible
fixed assets                                              -             -       (1,311)          -       1,311
Currency translation differences on foreign
currency net investments                                  -             -             5          -          73
Other movements                                        (16)             -             -          -       (146)
At 31st December 2002                                79,185        10,950        33,348      1,379    (56,147)


The equity shareholders' funds per share figures are calculated by dividing the
equity shareholders' funds figures at each period end, by the number of shares
in issue at that date, as follows:-

                                                                 31st December      31st December     30th June
                                                                         Basic              Basic       Diluted
                                                                          2002               2001          2001
                                                                         #'000              #'000         #'000

Equity shareholders' funds per consolidated balance
  sheet                                                                137,718            160,425       144,493

                                                                          '000               '000          '000
Number of ordinary shares in issue at year end,
  excluding shares held by the LTIP                                    118,554            113,676       138,676

Equity shareholders' funds per share                                      116p               141p          104p


                                                                    Six months   Six months ended          Year
                                                                         ended      31st December         ended
                                                                 31st December               2001     30th June
                                                                          2002                             2002
                                                                         #'000              #'000         #'000
Group operating profit/(loss)                                            1,119           (59,389)      (65,439)
Write-down of brand                                                          -             11,377        11,377
Write-down of fixed assets                                                   -             45,810        46,922
Goodwill written off                                                       827                  -             -
Depreciation                                                             8,018              7,959        18,001
Increase in properties held for resale and
  developments in progress                                               (106)            (9,002)      (24,559)
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                                         (7,381)             20,374        14,629
Decrease/(increase) in stock                                           (1,311)                982         2,606
Decrease in creditors and provisions                                   (4,804)           (11,224)       (5,942)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                    (3,638)              6,887       (2,405)

15.       FINANCING

                                                                   Six months         Six months          Year
                                                                        ended              ended         ended
                                                                31st December      31st December     30th June
                                                                         2002               2001          2002
                                                                        #'000              #'000         #'000
Issue/(purchase) of ordinary shares                                   (9,193)                (6)        17,693
Investment by non-equity minority interests                               429              4,251         4,202
Distributions and other movements to equity minority
interests                                                             (3,310)              (146)         (729)
Loans drawn down                                                       71,688             27,717       141,698
Loans repaid                                                         (63,741)            (2,576)      (46,904)
Convertible loan stock repaid, including premium                     (10,000)                  -             -
Net increase/(decrease) in hire purchase and leasing
contracts                                                             (3,391)              8,102         5,379
                                                                     (17,518)             37,342       121,339


                                                   31st      Movement         30th      Movement          30th
                                               December        during         June        during          June
                                                   2002    six months         2002          year          2001
                                                  #'000         #'000        #'000         #'000         #'000
Cash                                             43,421       (2,338)       45,759         1,782        43,977
Bank overdrafts                                       -             -            -        18,286      (18,286)
Net cash                                         43,421       (2,338)       45,759        20,068        25,691
Hire purchase and leasing contracts            (21,669)         3,391     (25,060)       (5,379)      (19,681)
Bank loans                                    (434,918)      (23,947)    (410,971)      (89,794)     (321,177)
Unsecured Loan Stock                           (13,108)         8,364     (21,472)             -      (21,472)
Other loan borrowings                          (10,000)        16,000     (26,000)       (5,000)      (21,000)
Net debt                                      (436,274)         1,470    (437,744)      (80,105)     (357,639)


The financial information set out in this interim statement for the six months
ended 31st December 2002 includes information for the year ended 30th June 2002.
This information does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the
year ended 30th June 2002 but is derived from those accounts.  Statutory
accounts for 2002 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The
auditors have reported on those accounts;  their report was unqualified and did
not contain statements under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.


A copy of the above document has been submitted to the UK Listing Authority, and
will shortly be available for inspection at the UK Listing Authority's Document
Viewing Facility, which is situated at The Financial Services Authority, 25 The
North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS, telephone number 020 7676 1000.

The interim accounts of the Company are expected to be sent to shareholders
during March 2003.  The audited accounts of Marylebone Warwick Balfour Group Plc
for the year ended 30th June 2002, further copies of this interim statement, and
the interim accounts for the six months ended 31st December 2001 are available
from the Company Secretary, City Group P.L.C. at the Company's registered office
of 25 City Road, London EC1Y 1BQ.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange