Neural Audio Corporation Will Demonstrate Its Surround Sound Technology at the 2005 Consumer Electronics Show LAS VEGAS, Jan. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Neural Audio Corporation, a leading provider of digital signal processing technology for the broadcast industry, will be demonstrating its surround sound capabilities for HD Radio(TM) at the 2005 Consumer Electronics Show, January 6-9, Las Vegas. Attendees can listen to demonstrations of Neural Audio's audio technology at the XM Radio Booth #4606 North Hall, and at a listening post at The Beach Entertainment Center directly across from the convention center. Attendees will be able to hear real-world demonstrations of surround sound on HD Radio and XM Radio in three automobiles at the Neural Audio demonstration center. Also on display will be the Neural Audio Spatial Environment Engine (SEE) that will enable digital radio listeners to receive and listen to surround sound via digital FM radio on their car or home audio systems. iBiquity Digital Corporation, developer of the HD Radio system, recently certified Neural Audio's surround sound technology as compatible with the HD Radio system. Neural Audio's SEE achieves compelling multichannel rendering by using a (patent pending) spatial rendering process. On the broadcast side, 5.1 content is downmixed to 2-D stereo via Neural's 5225 mix/edit appliance, allowing broadcasters to transmit 5.1 encoded surround sound. On the consumer side, the 2-D stereo compatible downmix may be spatially rendered to 5.1 or as many (up to 256) loudspeakers as desired. With HD Radio, FM broadcasters will be able to broadcast in 5.1 surround sound. Nearly 300 radio stations in more than 100 markets across 38 states (reaching 67 percent of the U.S. population) have already licensed HD Radio technology, and are either using or are ready for Neural's HD Radio approved, surround sound broadcast technology. Neural Audio CEO Geir R. Skaaden will also be participating on a panel discussion entitled "Can You Hear Me Now? Where Has Audio Gone?" on Friday, January 7, from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Panelists will be discussing why consumer interest hasn't materialized for new upgraded audio systems for HDTV, and how SACD and DVD-Audio might help move the process forward. "We think that visitors to the XM Radio booth and our display at The Beach will be very impressed by Neural's surround sound technology," said Mark Seigle, Neural Audio president and chief marketing officer. "This is real- world broadcasting where stereo and 5.1 can co-exist to provide listeners with surround sound that matches their expectations of what great surround is." Neural Audio, in partnership with Harris Corporation, Broadcast Communications Division, has become the leading developer of audio and surround sound technology for the rollout of HD Radio. Among the leading radio and television broadcasters using Neural Audio technology are: NBC, Fox, Clear Channel, XM Radio, Inc., NPR, Infinity and Viacom. Neural Audio technology was also a vital part of the first national terrestrial digital 5.1 surround sound broadcast for NPR's 2004 "Toast of the Nation" New Year's Event. Neural surround technology has been successfully employed on KUVO-FM's live broadcast of three-time Grammy winner Dianne Reeves in September of 2004, HD Radio's first 5.1 live event. In addition, Neural Audio was the first to broadcast 5.1 surround sound using the HD Radio system. Neural Audio has been chosen as the exclusive digital audio processing system for the leading radio satellite broadcaster, XM Radio, Inc. Neural Audio's unique and innovative algorithms optimize the broadcast system and bring superior sound quality remarkably close to compact disc to XM listeners. About Harris Broadcast Communications Division Harris Broadcast Communications Division is one of four divisions within Harris Corporation, an international communications equipment company focused on providing assured communications(TM) services for government and commercial customers in more than 150 countries. One of the world's leading suppliers of broadcast technology, Harris Broadcast Communications Division offers a full range of solutions that support the digital delivery, automation and management of audio, video and data. For more information, visit . About Neural Audio Corp. Neural Audio Corporation, a privately owned company headquartered in Kirkland, Washington, develops digital signal processing technology. Neural's offerings include solutions for a simple and economical transition to the digital era. Neural's appliances allow seamless capture, editing and management of analog, digital, linear, compressed, stereo and 5.1 content within the broadcasters existing 2.0 infrastructure. Interoperability is the challenge. Neural is the answer. For more information, visit Neural Audio's website at . HD Radio is a trademark of iBiquity Digital Corporation. DATASOURCE: Neural Audio Corporation CONTACT: Jackie Broo, Public Relations Coordinator of Neural Audio Corporation, +1-425-814-3200, ext. 116, or mobile, +1-513-304-9514, or Web site:
