/SECOND ADD -- LNTH004 -- Gold Fields Earnings/ Operating and Financial Results US DOLLARS Total Mine Operations Total Operating Results Ore milled/treated (000 tons) June 2004 11,076 4,069 March 2004 11,815 4,335 Financial year ended 46,028 16,869 Yield (ounces per ton) June 2004 0.099 0.172 March 2004 0.093 0.160 Financial year ended 0.096 0.166 Gold produced (000 ounces) June 2004 1,101.7 699.7 March 2004 1,095.3 695.2 Financial year ended 4,406.1 2,803.7 Gold sold (000 ounces) June 2004 1,101.7 699.7 March 2004 1,095.3 695.2 Financial year ended 4,406.1 2,803.7 Gold price received (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 395 393 March 2004 407 406 Financial year ended 387 386 Total cash costs (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 312 344 March 2004 309 334 Financial year ended 302 332 Total production costs (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 355 378 March 2004 349 366 Financial year ended 341 363 Operating costs (Dollars per ton) June 2004 32 62 March 2004 29 56 Financial year ended 30 57 Financial Results ($ million) Revenue June 2004 434.3 274.8 March 2004 444.4 281.4 Financial year ended 1,706.2 1,082.8 Operating costs June 2004 357.1 249.9 March 2004 345.3 241.6 Financial year ended 1,363.9 968.5 Gold inventory change June 2004 (5.5) - March 2004 3.2 - Financial year ended 6.8 - Operating profit June 2004 82.7 24.9 March 2004 95.9 39.8 Financial year ended 335.5 114.3 Amortisation of mining assets June 2004 45.8 22.3 March 2004 40.3 21.0 Financial year ended 164.8 82.0 Net operating profit June 2004 36.9 2.6 March 2004 55.6 18.8 Financial year ended 170.7 32.2 Other income/(expenses) June 2004 (16.8) (17.8) March 2004 8.4 (6.1) Financial year ended 16.4 (27.8) Profit before taxation June 2004 20.1 (15.2) March 2004 64.0 12.7 Financial year ended 187.1 4.5 Mining and income taxation June 2004 (15.1) (26.9) March 2004 11.5 (4.7) Financial year ended 17.3 (43.5) - Normal taxation June 2004 5.7 0.7 March 2004 7.9 2.6 Financial year ended 23.3 3.5 - Deferred taxation June 2004 (20.8) (27.6) March 2004 3.6 (7.3) Financial year ended (6.0) (47.0) Exceptional items June 2004 (61.3) (61.4) March 2004 0.2 0.1 Financial year ended (34.7) (35.2) Net earnings June 2004 (26.1) (49.7) March 2004 52.8 17.5 Financial year ended 135.1 12.9 Capital expenditure ($ million) June 2004 151.6 33.0 March 2004 116.7 27.6 Financial year ended 431.7 139.3 Planned for next six months to December 2004 213.3 70.4 US DOLLARS SA Operations Driefontein Kloof Beatrix Operating Results Ore milled/treated (000 tons) June 2004 1,622 1,225 1,222 March 2004 1,655 1,227 1,453 Financial year ended 6,438 4,983 5,448 Yield (ounces per ton) June 2004 0.179 0.212 0.123 March 2004 0.175 0.204 0.106 Financial year ended 0.177 0.208 0.115 Gold produced (000 ounces) June 2004 290.3 259.2 150.2 March 2004 289.6 250.9 154.7 Financial year ended 1,141.2 1,037.6 624.9 Gold sold (000 ounces) June 2004 290.3 259.2 150.2 March 2004 289.6 250.9 154.7 Financial year ended 1,141.2 1,037.6 624.9 Gold price received (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 395 391 392 March 2004 405 406 409 Financial year ended 386 386 386 Total cash costs (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 317 350 386 March 2004 310 348 358 Financial year ended 311 341 356 Total production costs (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 351 390 409 March 2004 342 387 379 Financial year ended 342 379 376 Operating costs (Dollars per ton) June 2004 59 77 49 March 2004 57 74 39 Financial year ended 58 74 42 Financial Results ($ million) Revenue June 2004 114.5 101.4 58.9 March 2004 116.6 101.6 63.1 Financial year ended 440.4 401.0 241.4 Operating costs June 2004 96.3 93.9 59.8 March 2004 93.7 90.7 57.3 Financial year ended 370.8 367.8 229.9 Gold inventory change June 2004 - - - March 2004 - - - Financial year ended - - - Operating profit June 2004 18.3 7.4 (0.8) March 2004 23.0 10.9 5.9 Financial year ended 69.6 33.1 11.5 Amortisation of mining assets June 2004 9.4 9.6 3.3 March 2004 8.8 9.1 3.1 Financial year ended 33.8 36.0 12.3 Net operating profit June 2004 8.9 (2.2) (4.1) March 2004 14.2 1.8 2.8 Financial year ended 35.8 (2.8) (0.7) Other income/ (expenses) June 2004 (5.6) (6.0) (6.3) March 2004 (2.6) (1.8) (1.7) Financial year ended (10.6) (8.5) (8.6) Profit before taxation June 2004 3.3 (8.1) (10.4) March 2004 11.5 - 1.1 Financial year ended 25.2 (11.4) (9.3) Mining and income taxation June 2004 (1.7) (4.8) (20.4) March 2004 (3.0) (2.2) 0.4 Financial year ended (11.2) (12.5) (19.8) - Normal taxation June 2004 1.2 (0.2) (0.2) March 2004 0.8 0.9 0.9 Financial year ended 2.1 0.7 0.7 - Deferred taxation June 2004 (2.9) (4.5) (20.2) March 2004 (3.8) (3.0) (0.5) Financial year ended (13.3) (13.2) (20.5) Exceptional items June 2004 0.4 - (61.8) March 2004 0.2 (0.1) - Financial year ended 26.9 (0.3) (61.8) Net earnings June 2004 5.4 (3.3) (51.7) March 2004 14.8 2.1 0.7 Financial year ended 63.3 0.8 (51.3) Capital expenditure ($ million) June 2004 7.4 13.6 12.1 March 2004 5.8 10.4 11.5 Financial year ended 37.8 54.7 46.8 Planned for next six months to December 2004 24.0 19.8 26.6 Average exchange rates are US$1 = R6.60 and US$1 = R6.79 for the June 2004 and March 2004 quarters respectively. Figures may not add as they are rounded independently. Operating and Financial Results US DOLLARS International Ghana Total Tarkwa Damang Operating Results Ore milled/treated (000 tons) June 2004 7,007 3,837 1,391 March 2004 7,480 4,165 1,301 Financial year ended 29,159 16,000 5,236 Yield (ounces per ton) June 2004 0.057 0.032 0.059 March 2004 0.053 0.033 0.060 Financial year ended 0.055 0.034 0.059 Gold produced (000 ounces) June 2004 402.0 123.1 82.5 March 2004 400.1 137.4 78.1 Financial year ended 1,602.4 550.0 308.3 Gold sold (000 ounces) June 2004 402.0 123.1 82.5 March 2004 400.1 137.4 78.1 Financial year ended 1,602.4 550.0 308.3 Gold price received (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 397 392 397 March 2004 409 407 408 Financial year ended 389 388 389 Total cash costs (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 256 251 205 March 2004 266 237 219 Financial year ended 251 230 222 Total production costs (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 314 281 234 March 2004 317 263 246 Financial year ended 304 257 249 Operating costs (Dollars per ton) June 2004 15 9 12 March 2004 14 8 13 Financial year ended 14 8 13 Financial Results ($ million) Revenue June 2004 159.4 48.6 32.6 March 2004 163.0 55.9 31.8 Financial year ended 623.4 213.2 120.0 Operating costs June 2004 107.2 33.1 17.0 March 2004 103.6 33.6 17.0 Financial year ended 395.4 126.6 66.7 Gold inventory change June 2004 (5.5) (2.4) (0.5) March 2004 3.2 (1.1) (0.4) Financial year ended 6.8 - 0.2 Operating profit June 2004 57.8 17.9 16.1 March 2004 56.1 23.4 15.2 Financial year ended 221.3 86.6 53.1 Amortisation of mining assets # June 2004 23.6 3.9 2.3 March 2004 19.3 3.6 2.1 Financial year ended 82.8 14.6 8.1 Net operating profit June 2004 34.3 14.0 13.8 March 2004 36.8 19.8 13.0 Financial year ended 138.4 72.0 45.0 Other income/ (expenses) June 2004 1.0 (0.1) 0.1 March 2004 14.5 0.4 - Financial year ended 44.1 0.8 - Profit before taxation June 2004 35.3 13.9 13.9 March 2004 51.3 20.3 13.0 Financial year ended 182.6 72.7 45.0 Mining and income taxation June 2004 11.8 5.6 4.5 March 2004 16.2 8.2 1.3 Financial year ended 60.9 29.4 10.2 - Normal taxation June 2004 5.0 1.8 1.3 March 2004 5.3 2.1 1.3 Financial year ended 19.9 8.1 4.7 - Deferred taxation June 2004 6.8 3.8 3.3 March 2004 10.9 6.1 - Financial year ended 41.0 21.3 5.6 Exceptional items June 2004 0.1 - - March 2004 - - - Financial year ended 0.5 - - Net earnings June 2004 23.5 8.4 9.3 March 2004 35.3 12.0 11.7 Financial year ended 122.2 43.4 34.7 Capital expenditure ($ million) June 2004 118.6 65.2 1.5 March 2004 89.1 45.3 0.2 Financial year ended 292.3 149.7 3.5 Planned for next six months to December 2004 142.9 57.5 4.8 US DOLLARS Australia # St Ives Agnew Operating Results Ore milled/treated (000 tons) June 2004 1,488 291 March 2004 1,723 291 Financial year ended 6,744 1,179 Yield (ounces per ton) June 2004 0.097 0.181 March 2004 0.076 0.181 Financial year ended 0.080 0.171 Gold produced (000 ounces) June 2004 143.6 52.7 March 2004 131.8 52.8 Financial year ended 542.6 201.5 Gold sold (000 ounces) June 2004 143.6 52.7 March 2004 131.8 52.8 Financial year ended 542.6 201.5 Gold price received (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 400 400 March 2004 411 408 Financial year ended 390 390 Total cash costs (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 304 221 March 2004 338 233 Financial year ended 297 226 Total production costs (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 368 March 2004 388 Financial year ended 361 Operating costs (Dollars per ton) June 2004 32 35 March 2004 25 38 Financial year ended 24 34 Financial Results ($ million) Revenue June 2004 57.3 21.0 March 2004 54.0 21.4 Financial year ended 211.8 78.5 Operating costs June 2004 46.8 10.2 March 2004 42.1 11.0 Financial year ended 162.3 39.8 Gold inventory change June 2004 (4.4) 1.7 March 2004 3.1 1.5 Financial year ended 0.3 6.3 Operating profit June 2004 14.8 9.1 March 2004 8.7 8.9 Financial year ended 49.1 32.4 Amortisation of mining assets # June 2004 17.4 March 2004 13.6 Financial year ended 60.1 Net operating profit June 2004 6.5 March 2004 4.0 Financial year ended 21.5 Other income/(expenses) June 2004 1.0 March 2004 14.1 Financial year ended 43.4 Profit before taxation June 2004 7.5 March 2004 18.0 Financial year ended 64.9 Mining and income taxation June 2004 1.7 March 2004 6.6 Financial year ended 21.2 - Normal taxation June 2004 2.0 March 2004 1.8 Financial year ended 7.1 - Deferred taxation June 2004 (0.3) March 2004 4.8 Financial year ended 14.1 Exceptional items June 2004 0.1 March 2004 - Financial year ended 0.5 Net earnings June 2004 5.9 March 2004 11.5 Financial year ended 44.1 Capital expenditure ($ million) June 2004 47.6 4.3 March 2004 38.5 5.1 Financial year ended 119.9 19.2 Planned for next six months to December 2004 64.8 15.7 US DOLLARS Australian Dollars Australia # St Ives Agnew Operating Results Ore milled/treated (000 tons) June 2004 1,488 291 March 2004 1,723 291 Financial year ended 6,744 1,179 Yield (ounces per ton) June 2004 0.097 0.181 March 2004 0.076 0.181 Financial year ended 0.080 0.171 Gold produced (000 ounces) June 2004 143.6 52.7 March 2004 131.8 52.8 Financial year ended 542.6 201.5 Gold sold (000 ounces) June 2004 143.6 52.7 March 2004 131.8 52.8 Financial year ended 542.6 201.5 Gold price received (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 556 556 March 2004 538 534 Financial year ended 547 546 Total cash costs (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 422 306 March 2004 442 304 Financial year ended 416 317 Total production costs (Dollars per ounce) June 2004 512 March 2004 508 Financial year ended 506 Operating costs (Dollars per ton) June 2004 44 49 March 2004 32 50 Financial year ended 34 47 Financial Results ($ million) Revenue June 2004 79.4 29.1 March 2004 70.8 28.3 Financial year ended 297.0 110.1 Operating costs June 2004 65.0 14.1 March 2004 55.5 14.5 Financial year ended 227.7 55.8 Gold inventory change June 2004 (6.1) 2.3 March 2004 4.5 2.0 Financial year ended 0.4 8.8 Operating profit June 2004 20.5 12.6 March 2004 10.8 11.8 Financial year ended 68.9 45.5 Amortisation of mining assets # June 2004 24.1 March 2004 17.7 Financial year ended 84.2 Net operating profit June 2004 9.0 March 2004 5.0 Financial year ended 30.2 Other income/(expenses) June 2004 1.2 March 2004 18.3 Financial year ended 60.8 Profit before taxation June 2004 10.2 March 2004 23.3 Financial year ended 91.0 Mining and income taxation June 2004 2.2 March 2004 8.7 Financial year ended 29.8 - Normal taxation June 2004 2.7 March 2004 2.4 Financial year ended 10.0 - Deferred taxation June 2004 (0.5) March 2004 6.3 Financial year ended 19.8 Exceptional items June 2004 0.1 March 2004 - Financial year ended 0.7 Net earnings June 2004 8.0 March 2004 14.6 Financial year ended 61.9 Capital expenditure ($ million) June 2004 75.1 7.6 March 2004 50.1 6.5 Financial year ended 171.3 27.4 Planned for next six 92.6 22.5 months to December 2004 Average exchange rates are US$1 = R6.60 and US$1 = R6.79 for the June 2004 and March 2004 quarters respectively. The Australian dollar exchange rates are AU$1 = R4.75 and AU$1 = R5.19 for the June 2004 and March 2004 quarters respectively. # As a significant portion of the acquisition price was allocated to tenements of St Ives and Agnew on endowment ounces and also as these two Australian operations are entitled to transfer and then off-set tax losses from one company to another, it is not meaningful to split the income statement below operating profit. Figures may not add as they are rounded independently. Underground and Surface SA Rand and Metric Units SA OPERATIONS Operating Results Total Mine Operations Total Driefontein Ore milled / treated (000 ton) - underground June 2004 3,342 2,713 927 March 2004 3,148 2,585 838 Financial year ended 13,231 11,186 3,709 - surface June 2004 7,734 1,356 695 March 2004 8,667 1,750 817 Financial year ended 32,797 5,683 2,729 - total June 2004 11,076 4,069 1,622 March 2004 11,815 4,335 1,655 Financial year ended 46,028 16,869 6,438 Yield (grams per ton) - underground June 2004 7.3 7.4 8.5 March 2004 7.2 7.4 8.6 Financial year ended 7.0 7.1 8.1 - surface June 2004 1.3 1.2 1.7 March 2004 1.3 1.4 2.2 Financial year ended 1.4 1.3 2.0 - combined June 2004 3.1 5.3 5.6 March 2004 2.9 5.0 5.4 Financial year ended 3.0 5.2 5.5 Gold produced (kilograms) - underground June 2004 24,236 20,160 7,857 March 2004 22,615 19,193 7,191 Financial year ended 92,757 79,696 30,156 - surface June 2004 10,031 1,604 1,172 March 2004 11,454 2,431 1,817 Financial year ended 44,287 7,508 5,338 - total June 2004 34,267 21,764 9,029 March 2004 34,069 21,624 9,008 Financial year ended 137,044 87,204 35,494 Operating costs (Rand per ton) - underground June 2004 536 577 629 March 2004 554 597 694 Financial year ended 537 568 639 - surface June 2004 74 64 78 March 2004 70 57 69 Financial year ended 70 58 69 - total June 2004 213 406 393 March 2004 199 379 385 Financial year ended 204 396 397 Kloof Beatrix Total Ore milled / treated (000 ton) - underground June 2004 818 968 629 March 2004 744 1,003 563 Financial year ended 3,452 4,025 2,045 - surface June 2004 407 254 6,378 March 2004 483 450 6,917 Financial year ended 1,531 1,423 27,114 - total June 2004 1,225 1,222 7,007 March 2004 1,227 1,453 7,480 Financial year ended 4,983 5,448 29,159 Yield (grams per ton) - underground June 2004 9.5 4.7 6.5 March 2004 10.0 4.5 6.1 Financial year ended 9.0 4.6 6.4 - surface June 2004 0.7 0.6 1.3 March 2004 0.7 0.6 1.3 Financial year ended 0.8 0.7 1.4 - combined June 2004 6.6 3.8 1.8 March 2004 6.4 3.3 1.7 Financial year ended 6.5 3.6 1.7 Gold produced (kilograms) - underground June 2004 7,785 4,518 4,076 March 2004 7,466 4,536 3,422 Financial year ended 31,089 18,451 13,061 - surface June 2004 278 154 8,427 March 2004 337 277 9,023 Financial year ended 1,184 986 36,779 - total June 2004 8,063 4,672 12,503 March 2004 7,803 4,813 12,445 Financial year ended 32,273 19,437 49,840 Operating costs (Rand per ton) - underground June 2004 731 398 359 March 2004 790 374 356 Financial year ended 709 381 369 - surface June 2004 55 39 76 March 2004 59 32 73 Financial year ended 58 36 73 - total June 2004 507 323 101 March 2004 502 268 95 Financial year ended 509 291 94 INTERNATIONAL Operating Results Ghana Tarkwa Damang Ore milled / treated (000 ton) - underground June 2004 - - March 2004 - - Financial year ended - - - surface June 2004 3,837 1,391 March 2004 4,165 1,301 Financial year ended 16,000 5,236 - total June 2004 3,837 1,391 March 2004 4,165 1,301 Financial year ended 16,000 5,236 Yield (grams per ton) - underground June 2004 - - March 2004 - - Financial year ended - - - surface June 2004 1.0 1.8 March 2004 1.0 1.9 Financial year ended 1.1 1.8 - combined June 2004 1.0 1.8 March 2004 1.0 1.9 Financial year ended 1.1 1.8 Gold produced (kilograms) - underground June 2004 - - March 2004 - - Financial year ended - - - surface June 2004 3,829 2,567 March 2004 4,274 2,430 Financial year ended 17,107 9,589 - total June 2004 3,829 2,567 March 2004 4,274 2,430 Financial year ended 17,107 9,589 Operating costs (Rand per ton) - underground June 2004 - - March 2004 - - Financial year ended - - - surface June 2004 57 81 March 2004 55 89 Financial year ended 55 88 - total June 2004 57 81 March 2004 55 89 Financial year ended 55 88 Operating Results Australia St Ives Agnew Ore milled / treated (000 ton) - underground June 2004 528 101 March 2004 442 121 Financial year ended 1,619 426 - surface June 2004 960 190 March 2004 1,281 170 Financial year ended 5,125 753 - total June 2004 1,488 291 March 2004 1,723 291 Financial year ended 6,744 1,179 Yield (grams per ton) - underground June 2004 5.2 13.1 March 2004 4.6 11.3 Financial year ended 4.9 12.0 - surface June 2004 1.8 1.6 March 2004 1.6 1.6 Financial year ended 1.7 1.5 - combined June 2004 3.0 5.6 March 2004 2.4 5.6 Financial year ended 2.5 5.3 Gold produced (kilograms) - underground June 2004 2,749 1,327 March 2004 2,054 1,368 Financial year ended 7,947 5,114 - surface June 2004 1,719 312 March 2004 2,045 274 Financial year ended 8,930 1,153 - total June 2004 4,468 1,639 March 2004 4,099 1,642 Financial year ended 16,877 6,267 Operating costs (Rand per ton) - underground June 2004 346 426 March 2004 326 465 Financial year ended 346 457 - surface June 2004 134 129 March 2004 112 111 Financial year ended 109 106 - total June 2004 209 232 March 2004 167 258 Financial year ended 166 233 Development Results Development values represent the actual results of sampling and no allowance has been made for any adjustments which may be necessary when estimating ore reserves. All figures below exclude shaft sinking metres. June 2004 quarter Carbon Driefontein Reef Leader Main VCR Advanced (m) 4,573 655 1,707 Advanced on reef (m) 677 126 210 Sampled (m) 816 168 180 Channel width (cm) 107 26 89 Average value � (g/t) 16.8 10.4 31.1 � (cm.g/t) 1,808 272 2,772 March 2004 quarter Carbon Driefontein Reef Leader Main VCR Advanced (m) 4,774 958 1,511 Advanced on reef (m) 814 274 171 Sampled (m) 768 303 144 Channel width (cm) 135 34 36 Average value � (g/t) 18.3 14.7 49.7 � (cm.g/t) 2,475 508 1,788 Financial Year ended 30 June 2004 Carbon Driefontein Reef Leader Main VCR Advanced (m) 19,924 3,732 6,361 Advanced on reef (m) 3,111 1,154 797 Sampled (m) 3,093 963 672 Channel width (cm) 122 50 84 Average value � (g/t) 17.2 10.6 28.4 � (cm.g/t) 2,103 532 2,395 June 2004 quarter Carbon Kloof Reef Leader Kloof Main VCR Advanced (m) - 110 1,824 8,434 Advanced on reef (m) - 63 533 1,416 Sampled (m) - 65 664 1,468 Channel width (cm) - 120 117 84 Average value � (g/t) - 3.9 7.0 26.6 - (cm.g/t) - 469 826 2,232 March 2004 quarter Carbon Kloof Reef Leader Kloof Main VCR Advanced (m) - 138 1,533 7,374 Advanced on reef (m) - 70 713 1,276 Sampled (m) - 54 588 1,149 Channel width (cm) - 89 122 97 Average value � (g/t) - 8.7 20.6 30.0 � (cm.g/t) - 768 2,511 2,894 Financial Year ended 30 June 2004 Carbon Kloof Reef Leader Kloof Main VCR Advanced (m) 14 1,102 7,011 35,761 Advanced on reef (m) 14 526 2,271 6,170 Sampled (m) 6 428 2,089 5,131 Channel width (cm) 46 96 101 87 Average value � (g/t) 5.4 8.1 13.3 28.6 � (cm.g/t) 247 775 1,345 2,486 June 2004 quarter Beatrix Reef Beatrix Kalkoenkrans Advanced (m) 8,263 1,907 Advanced on reef (m) 1,599 417 Sampled (m) 1,308 477 Channel width (cm) 59 131 Average value � (g/t) 15.5 18.1 � (cm.g/t) 908 2,371 March 2004 quarter Beatrix Reef Beatrix Kalkoenkrans Advanced (m) 7,837 2,207 Advanced on reef (m) 1,296 545 Sampled (m) 1,101 537 Channel width (cm) 82 157 Average value � (g/t) 12.2 14.7 � (cm.g/t) 1,003 2,320 Financial Year ended 30 June 2004 Beatrix Reef Beatrix Kalkoenkrans Advanced (m) 34,064 9,471 Advanced on reef (m) 6,938 2,338 Sampled (m) 6,273 2,364 Channel width (cm) 72 135 Average value � (g/t) 13.4 17.5 � (cm.g/t) 960 2,369 CONTACT DETAILS CORPORATE OFFICE Gold Fields Limited London Office 4 St Andrews Road St James' Corporate Services Parktown Limited Johannesburg 6 St James' Place 2193 London SW1A 1 NP Postnet Suite 252 Tel: +944 207 499-3916 Private Bag x 30500 Fax: +944 207 491-1989 Houghton 2041 Tel: +27 11 644-2400 Fax: +27 11 484-0626 DIRECTORS C M T Thompson = (Chairman) R L Pennant-Rea * A J W right (Deputy Chairman) P J Ryan I D Cockerill * (Chief Executive Officer) T M G Sexwale K Ansah + B R van Rooyen G J Gerwel C I von Christierson N J Holland * (Chief Financial Officer) J M McMahon * = Canadian * British # USA G R Parker # + Ghanaian CORPORATE SECRETARY C Farrel Postnet Suite 252 24 St Andrews Road Private Bag x 30500 Parktown Houghton 2041 Johannesburg Tel: +27 11 644-2406 2193 Fax: +27 11 484-0626 INVESTOR RELATIONS Willie Jacobsz Tel: +27 11 644-2460 Europe & South Africa North America Nerina Bodasing Cheryl A. Martin Tel: +27 11 644-2630 Tel: +1 303 796-8683 Fax: +27 11 484-0639 Fax: +1 303 796-8293 E-mail: E-mail: TRANSFER OFFICES Johannesburg London Computershare Investor Services 2004 Capita Registrars (Proprietary) Limited Bourne House Ground Floor 34 Beckenham Road 70 Marshall Street Beckenham Kent BR3 4TU Johannesburg, 2001 Tel: +944 208 639-2000 P O Box 61051 Fax: +944 208 658-3430 Marshalltown, 2107 Tel: 27 11 370-5000 Fax: 27 11 370-5271 AMERICAN DEPOSITARY RECEIPT BANKER United States United Kingdom Bank of New York Bank of New York 101 Barclay Street 46 Berkley Street New York N.Y. 10286 London USA W1X 6AA Tel: +91 212 815-5133 Tel: +944 207 322-6341 Fax: +91 212 571-3050 Fax: +944 207 322-6028 FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS Certain statements in this document constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the US Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the company to be materially different from the future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties and other important factors include among others: economic, business and political conditions in South Africa; decreases in the market price of gold; hazards associated with underground and surface gold mining; labour disruptions; changes in government regulations, particularly environmental regulations; changes in exchange rates; currency devaluations; inflation and other macro-economic factors; and the impact of the AIDS crisis in South Africa. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this document. The company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this document or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Gold Fields Limited Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa Registration number 1968/004880/06 Share code: GFI Issuer code: GOGOF ISIN: ZAE 000018123 PRNewswire -- July 29 END SECOND AND FINAL ADD DATASOURCE: Gold Fields Limited Web site: http://www.goldfields.co.za/ http://www.gold-fields.com/
