Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "The Russian Seafood Market: Current Situation and Forecast" report to their offering.

This report evaluates the Russian seafood market and forecasts its development for 2011-2012.

The report looks at the following key topics:

  • Russian Seafood Market Volume
  • Trends On Russian Seafood Market
  • State Regulation Of Russian Market Of Fish And Seafood
  • Analysis Of Seafood Retailing
  • Harvesting Of Crustaceans In Russia
  • Harvesting Of Mollusca In Russia
  • Harvesting Of Seaweed In Russia
  • Seafood Production In Russia
  • Largest Russian Seafood Producers
  • Analysis Of Russian Seafood Import
  • Analysis Of Russian Import Of Crustaceans
  • Analysis Of Russian Import Of Mollusca
  • Analysis Of Russian Import Of Seaweed
  • Analysis Of Russian Export Of Seafood
  • Analysis Of Russian Export Of Crustaceans
  • Analysis Of Russian Export Of Mollusca
  • Analysis Of Russian Export Of Seaweed
  • Producer Prices For Seafood In Russia
  • Consumer Preferences On Fish And Seafood Market
  • Forecast Of Development Of Russian Market Of Seafood For 2010-2012.

Seafood categories studied in the report:

  • Crustaceans
  • Mollusca
  • Seaweed

Types of seafood studied in the report:

  • Sea Scallop
  • Mussels And Oysters
  • Laminaria
  • Squids
  • Shrimps
  • Whelk
  • Crabs
  • Krill
  • Crawfish

Largest Russian enterprises profiles of which were drawn up:

  • Jsc Nbamr
  • Llc Albatros Seafood Production
  • Cjsc Akros
  • Jsc Okeanrybflot
  • Llc Kuk

The report includes the main enterprises' production volumes, financial performance of activities, balance sheets, profit-and-loss reports, cash-flow statements, subsidiary enterprises and other information.

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