Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Eurozone: Into The Abyss" report to their offering.

The eurozone is currently staring into the abyss. The early December EU summit did little to tackle the long term problems of the eurozone's peripheral member states. They look set to remain mired in slow real GDP growth and a poor external competitiveness paradigm, with few available policy levers with which to tackle a potential banking system and sovereign debt crisis.

In order to help clients assess the potential risks faced by the eurozone as a whole, and key individual member states, we have compiled the best of BMI's analysis from the past year on the region's economic and political outlook. Our core view remains that the eurozone will hold together, simply because national capitals and Brussels perceive the risks associated with one or more states leaving the bloc to be far greater than the benefits to be derived from the introduction of national currencies.

In order to maintain the currency union we believe that the eurozone member states will have to undertake further fiscal co-ordination and economic integration. The risks to this scenario are growing, however, and we do not rule out the possibility of a country leaving the eurozone or a major restructuring of the single currency. We see potential triggers including a series of failed debt sovereign debt auctions, a renewed round of bank failures, high levels of youth unemployment becoming structural and the election of an anti-euro government in one or more member states.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Eurozone: Into The Abyss
  • EU Summit: More Smoke And Mirrors
  • Table: EU Summit Proposals
  • The Unthinkable: Eurozone Break-up Scenarios
  • Tables

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