RNS Number : 9302K

O Twelve Estates Limited

25 July 2011

25 July 2011

                           O TWELVE ESTATES LIMITED 
                          ("O Twelve" / the "Company") 
                   RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2011 
                                AND REFINANCING 
 O Twelve Estates Limited today announces results for the year ended 
  31 March 2011. The Company's objective is to generate an attractive 
  return for Shareholders through the assembly of a portfolio of investment 
  properties in its Target Area, which comprises the Thames Gateway 
  and the adjacent areas of east London, Essex, south Hertfordshire 
  and north Kent. 
            Key points -- Portfolio valuation of GBP158.5 million (31 March 
            2010: GBP170.2 million) representing a decline of 2.3% on a 
            like-for-like basis -- Group net loss of GBP8.6 million, (31 March 
            2010: profit of GBP21.0 million) representing a loss per Ordinary 
            Share of 4.64p (31 March 2010: profit per Ordinary Share of 
            17.14p) -- Consolidated net assets of GBP40.1 million (31 March 
            2010: GBP13.6 million), 8.34 pence per Ordinary Share (31 March 
            2010: 11.11 pence per Ordinary Share) -- Contracted annual rental 
            income of GBP12.4 million with an estimated rental value ("ERV") 
            of GBP13.6 million per annum -- Void rate substantially reduced to 
            7.7% (31 March 2010: 14.1%) with 25 new leases contracted -- 
            Successful Placing and Open Offer completed on 25 January 2011 
            raising net proceeds of GBP35.1 million and putting the business 
            on a strong platform for growth -- Intention announced to broaden 
            target geographical area for investment, to be voted on by 
            shareholders at the AGM 
 Commenting on the results, Phillip Rhodes, Chairman of O Twelve, 
  "With the financial constraints of the past few years now largely 
  behind us, your Board is now well placed to consider new projects 
  and acquisitions which we believe will enhance shareholder value. 
  Some of the new projects currently under consideration are in central 
  London or in South East England outside the Group's initial Target 
  Area to the east of London. Your Board therefore considers it appropriate 
  to broaden the definition of Target Area and Shareholders' consent 
  to this will be sought at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting." 
 For further information please contact: 
  David Tye / Andrew Wilson 
  Rugby Asset Management Limited 
  Tel: +44 (0)20 7016 0050 
  Simon Bennett / Katy Birkin / Laura Littley 
  Fairfax I.S. PLC 
  Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 5368 
  Dido Laurimore / Will Henderson 
  Financial Dynamics 
  Tel: +44 (0)20 7831 3113 
 I am pleased to present the results of O Twelve Estates Limited together 
  with its subsidiaries (the "Group") for the year ended 31 March 2011. 
  At 31 March 2011, the Group's property portfolio was valued at GBP158.5 
  million (31 March 2010: GBP170.2 million). This represented a reduction 
  of 2.3% on a like-for-like basis. Property sales in the year amounted 
  to GBP6.2 million. 
  Rental income for the year was GBP12.2 million (31 March 2010: GBP14.5 
  million). The reduction from the previous year is attributable principally 
  to the sale of The Interchange, Swanley in March 2010 and lease expiries 
  at Solar House, Stratford, which was sold in February 2011. 
 The Group reported a net loss for the year of GBP8.6 million (31 
  March 2010: profit of GBP21.0 million), representing a loss per Ordinary 
  Share of 4.64p (31 March 2010: profit per Ordinary Share of 17.14p). 
  The major contributors to this result were the unrealised loss of 
  GBP5.0 million on revaluation of investment properties, realised 
  losses on disposal of investment properties of GBP0.6 million and 
  loan arrangement fees of GBP3.1 million. Consolidated net assets 
  at 31 March 2011 were GBP40.1 million (31 March 2010: GBP13.6 million), 
  and net asset value per Ordinary Share was 8.34p (31 March 2010: 
 Placing and Open Offer 
  On 14 December 2010, the Company announced a proposed Placing and 
  Open Offer which was completed on 25 January 2011 and 357,700,006 
  Ordinary Shares were issued at 10.5p, raising net proceeds of GBP35.1 
  million. Following the completion of this fundraising, Westbrook 
  Investco holds 69.5% of the Company's share capital and I am pleased 
  to welcome Mark Donnor and Ben Warner to the Board. Under the Relationship 
  Agreement with Westbrook, the Group continues to operate as a fully 
  independent quoted company. 
  Simultaneous with the issue of the new Ordinary Shares, the Group 
  agreed new terms to its loan facilities whereby the Group repaid 
  GBP19 million principal of the outstanding loans and deposited GBP6.5 
  million into a cash collateral account. The term of the loan was 
  extended by two years to December 2016 and the margin was increased 
  from 1.25% to 2.0%. The Group also paid an arrangement fee of GBP3.1 
  million, which was expensed during the year. However, a back-end 
  fee of GBP5.95 million, agreed in a previous refinancing, was waived 
  by the Lenders. At 31 March 2011, the loan principal outstanding 
  was GBP124.8 million and restricted cash balances were GBP14.4 million, 
  of which GBP12.4 million could be used at the Group's option to pay 
  down the loan. The Loan to Value ratio ("LTV") as at 31 March 2011 
  was 70.9% which is comfortably below the current covenant level of 
  85% and the cash lock up level of 75%. At 31 March 2011, GBP115 million 
  of the loan was at a fixed rate of 5.155% per annum plus margin and 
  GBP9.8 million was at variable rates, giving a blended interest cost 
  at that date of 6.8% per annum. 
  On 9 May 2011, the Group announced that the fixed rate hedging arrangement 
  on GBP26 million of principal had been broken and reset to variable 
  rates at a one-off cost of GBP3 million. This has reduced the blended 
  interest cost, at current rates, to 5.9% per annum and cut the annual 
  cash cost of loan interest by GBP1.1 million. 
  Since the year end the Group's largest single tenant, with a rent 
  payable of GBP800,000 per annum, has advised that it is in financial 
  difficulty and is unable to meet its rental obligations. The Company 
  has implemented a strategy to mitigate this, of which further detail 
  is provided in the Property Adviser's report. The Income Cover Ratio 
  ("ICR") under the loan agreement as at 25 April 2011, the latest 
  testing date, was 117%, against a current covenant level of 105% 
  and a cash lock up level of 110%. With the reduction in interest 
  cost from 9 May, and in the absence of further major tenant default, 
  the Group expects the ICR to remain above 125% for the foreseeable 
  future. The Board keeps the balance of fixed and variable rate debt 
  under regular review. 
  The Board does not recommend the payment of a dividend in respect 
  of the year (31 March 2010: nil). 
  During the year we made good progress with lettings in a difficult 
  climate, reducing the void rate to 7.7% at the end of the year (31 
  March 2010: 14.1%). Whilst letting conditions generally are unlikely 
  to improve in the year ahead, and may well become more difficult, 
  the Board believes that the portfolio location, combined with active 
  management to minimise voids and the continuing low interest rate 
  environment should provide considerable resilience. 
  With the financial constraints of the past few years now largely 
  behind us, your Board is now well placed to consider new projects 
  and acquisitions which we believe will enhance shareholder value. 
  Some of the new projects currently under consideration are in central 
  London or in South East England outside the Group's initial Target 
  Area to the east of London. Your Board therefore considers it appropriate 
  to broaden the definition of Target Area and Shareholders' consent 
  to this will be sought at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. 
 P B Rhodes 
 22 July 2011 
 Rugby Asset Management 
  Rugby Asset Management Limited ("RAM"), a member of the Rugby Estates 
  Plc group, was appointed Property Adviser to O Twelve Estates Limited 
  ("O Twelve" or the "Group") on its admission to AIM on 27 March 2006. 
  Our role is to identify transactions for recommendation to and consideration 
  by the Board of the Company and to negotiate on its behalf. We undertake, 
  on a day to day basis, under delegated authority from the Board, 
  all aspects of assembling, managing and financing O Twelve's property 
  portfolio. Rugby Estates Plc group holds a 1.6% interest in O Twelve 
  Estates Limited. 
 Market Comment 
  In the year ended 31 March 2011, capital values for UK real estate 
  generally continued to improve with the IPD Monthly Index showing 
  an increase of 3.5% over the period. However, this broad index movement 
  obscures what has been an uneven and skewed recovery with specific 
  market sub-sectors, most notably retail warehousing and Central London 
  offices, pulling the wider index along. The Group's portfolio is 
  to the east of London, with no holdings in Central London and less 
  than 10% is in retail warehousing. Accordingly, the Group's portfolio 
  performance for the year did not match the IPD index with a "like-for-like" 
  capital value fall of 2.3%. "Like-for-like" excludes properties not 
  held at both the start and end of the year. 
  The key trends during the year were: the wide gap between property 
  and bond yields; a divergence between prime and secondary property; 
  and a lack of meaningful rental growth outside of Central London. 
  A constant underlying factor has been a continuing risk aversion 
  on the part of investors. Given the yield compression that has occurred 
  at the prime end of the market, we are now starting to see investors 
  considering more secondary product, on a selective basis, given the 
  higher income yields available. 
 The occupational market remains fragile and, as we expected, is continuing 
  to lag the recovery in the investment market. One of our principal 
  aims is to maximise cashflow with a particular focus on minimising 
  voids and reducing associated property outgoings. Despite the challenging 
  occupational markets, we are pleased to report that during the year 
  we were successful in almost halving the void level within the portfolio, 
  which at 31 March 2011 stood at 7.7% (31 March 2010: 14.1%). During 
  the period, twenty five new leases were contracted, accounting for 
  165,000 sq ft of space and GBP1.1 million of annual rental income 
  after rent free periods. 
            Portfolio Review as at 31 March 2011 -- Valuation GBP158.5 million 
            -- 20 properties -- Average lot size of GBP7.9 million -- 
            Contracted annual rental income of GBP12.4 million -- The 
            estimated rental value ("ERV") of GBP13.6 million per annum, thus 
            additional potential rental income from reversions and letting 
            vacant units is GBP1.2 million per annum -- 186 separately 
            lettable units* -- 148 units are let to 134 tenants* -- 34 units 
            are vacant and available for letting with an ERV of GBP1.0 million 
            per annum* -- 41% of income is from leases with more than 5 years 
            to expiry -- Weighted average unexpired lease term is 5.9 years * 
            Excluding long leasehold ground rents and assured shorthold 
 Capital Value Split by Sector 
 Retail                                                    45% 
 Industrial                                                37% 
 Office                                                    13% 
 Residential                                               5% 
  The external valuation of the Group's properties as at 31 March 2011 
  was GBP158.5 million (31 March 2010: GBP170.2 million). On a like-for-like 
  basis, the value of the portfolio fell during the year by 2.3%. The 
  IPD Monthly Index showed a rise of 3.5% for the same period. The 
  equivalent yield for the portfolio remained stable over the period 
  at 7.5%; this compares with the IPD Monthly Index which showed an 
  equivalent yield of 7.3%, a compression of 43 bps over the same period. 
 Capital Value Movement compared to IPD Monthly Index 
                                                    O Twelve               IPD 
 All Property                                          -2.3%              3.5% 
 Retail                                                -2.5%              3.8% 
 Office                                                -5.3%              4.1% 
 Industrial                                            -0.7%              1.3% 
 Rental values within the portfolio have generally moved in line with 
  the IPD Monthly Index and fell by 1.4% over the period. Both the 
  industrial and retail sectors performed better than IPD with falls 
  of 0.3% and 0.9% respectively. Office rental values performed worse 
  than the IPD Monthly Index, recording a fall of 5.2%, against a rise 
  of 1.2% within the IPD Monthly Index. The positive IPD Index for 
  offices is due to the high proportion of prime Central London offices 
  in the Index. 
 Rental Value Movement compared to IPD Monthly Index 
                                                    O Twelve               IPD 
 All Property                                          -1.4%             -0.5% 
 Retail                                                -0.9%             -1.6% 
 Office                                                -5.2%              1.2% 
 Industrial                                            -0.3%             -1.3% 
 Reversion by Sector 
                      Rent          ERV 
                GBPmillion   GBPmillion 
 Retail                5.6          6.0 
 Residential           0.4          0.4 
 Office                1.9          2.2 
 Industrial            4.5          5.0 
            Activity During the second half of the year we completed the sale 
            of Solar House, Stratford for GBP5.5 million and Unit 4 Redwing 
            Court, Romford for GBP650,000. These assets were mostly vacant and 
            Solar House would have required significant capital expenditure in 
            order to re-let. The sale of these assets made a significant 
            contribution to the reduction of the void rate and greatly reduces 
            the level of void holding costs for the portfolio. Our focus has 
            continued to be on asset management and we are delighted to report 
            that twenty five new leases were contracted over the period, 
            accounting for 165,000 sq ft of space and GBP1.1 million of annual 
            rental income after rent free periods. Key events during the year 
            included: -- Larkfield Mill, Aylesford - All Saints Retail has 
            taken a further 49,000 sq ft of distribution space. This takes the 
            total space they occupy in Aylesford, which is their European 
            distribution hub, to 132,000 sq ft. -- Queen Elizabeth 
            Distribution Park, Thurrock - our distribution unit of 56,000 sq 
            ft has been let to DHL Global Forwarding for a five year term and 
            this property is now fully let. -- Barratt Industrial Estate, Bow 
            - three further leases have also completed and only three vacant 
            units remain. 
 Rental Value Analysis - 31 March 2011 
                                                               GBP million 
 Current annualised income                                            11.6 
 Rent free periods                                                     0.8 
 Total Contracted Rent                                                12.4 
 Available for letting                                                 1.0 
 Reversions                                                            0.2 
 Rental Value                                                         13.6 
 Void Analysis 
  Due to the success in letting activity over the period and the two 
  disposals, the void rate was reduced by almost 50% since March 2010 
  and at 31 March 2011 stood at 7.7% by rental value. The rental value 
  of vacant space at 31 March 2011 was GBP1.0 million of which GBP0.3m 
  was under offer. However, since 31 March 2011, our largest single 
  tenant, with a rental of GBP800,000 per annum, has advised that it 
  is in financial difficulty and it has been unable to meet its most 
  recent rent obligations. We are in discussions with this tenant to 
  minimise the impact on O Twelve and, in the interim, the distribution 
  unit at Thurrock is being marketed jointly. This has been taken into 
  account by the External Valuer in the portfolio valuation as at 31 
  March 2011. During the coming year our focus will continue to be 
  on minimising the portfolio void rate and associated void costs. 
 Income Security 
  Given the continuing uncertainty in the economy and in the wider 
  banking and financial markets, investors are increasingly focusing 
  on security of income and tenant covenant strength. Some 41% of current 
  rental income is contracted for more than five years. Where leases 
  have fewer than five years to run, opportunities exist to maximise 
  value through refurbishment or changes of use, and we will be exploring 
  all options to ensure the greatest possible returns are achieved 
  for shareholders. In our view the portfolio offers a good balance 
  between income security and opportunities to add value. 
 Rent Collection 
  Maintaining a high level of rent collection remains one of our key 
  objectives. Despite the difficult trading conditions the rent collection 
  statistics through the year remained good with 94% of rental income 
  collected within the quarter. Tenant default levels generally stabilised 
  during the course of 2010 although, as noted above, a major tenant 
  is now in financial difficulty. 
 Income Expiry Profile - 31 March 2011 
 <5 years                                                  59% 
 5-10 years                                                32% 
 >10 years                                                 9% 
 Of the portfolio's 134 tenants, 20 account for 56% of the contracted 
  rental income with the top 10 accounting for 41%. Tenants of, in 
  our view, a very strong or "national" standard account for 77% of 
  the contracted rent, while smaller regional and local businesses 
  account for 23% of the contracted rent. 
 Tenants in the portfolio include: 
 All Saints         Chubb Electronic    Hitachi Kokusai     Staples 
                     Security Ltd        Electric UK Ltd 
 Bank of New York   DHL                 Moss Bros Group     Telford Homes plc 
  Mellon                                 Plc 
 Barclays           GE Transportation   O2 (UK) Ltd         WH Smith Plc 
                     Systems Ltd 
 Chelmsford Star    Halfords            Somerfield Stores   Wilkinson Hardware 
  Co - Operative                         Ltd                 Stores Ltd 
  Society Ltd 
 Portfolio at 31 March 2011 
                                                             Valuation band at 
                                                                 31 March 2011 
 Property                        Type                              GBP million 
 Gascoigne Road, Barking         Distribution warehousing              10 - 15 
 QED, Thurrock                   Distribution warehousing               5 - 10 
 Western Avenue, Thurrock        Distribution warehousing               5 - 10 
 Bakers Court, Basildon          Industrial                              0 - 5 
 Barratt Industrial Estate, 
  Bow                            Industrial                              0 - 5 
 Larkfield Mill, Aylesford       Industrial                            15 - 20 
 Mill River Trading Estate, 
  Enfield                        Industrial                             5 - 10 
 Baytree Shopping Centre, 
  Brentwood                      Shopping centre                       25 - 30 
 George Yard, Braintree          Shopping centre                       15 - 20 
 The Mall, Dagenham              Shopping centre                        5 - 10 
 214/216 Heathway, Dagenham      Retail                                  0 - 5 
 38-42 High Street, Brentwood    Retail                                  0 - 5 
 75 High Street, Brentwood       Retail                                  0 - 5 
 Grove Farm, Chadwell 
  Heath                          Retail park                           10 - 15 
 Inspira House, Welwyn 
  Garden City                    Office                                  0 - 5 
 Mellon House, Brentwood         Office                                 5 - 10 
 Queensgate, Waltham 
  Cross                          Office                                 5 - 10 
 Redwing Court, Romford          Office                                  0 - 5 
 34 St Thomas Road, Brentwood    Residential                             0 - 5 
 Salway Place, Stratford         Residential                            5 - 10 
 Going Forward 
  As Government measures to correct the budget deficit continue, the 
  occupational market is certain to remain tough over the next twelve 
  months, particularly in the retail sector. This may have a negative 
  impact on effective net rental values after incentives, although 
  interest rates are also likely to remain low which should ameliorate 
  any effect on capital values. The focus of the portfolio in the London/South 
  East area generally and on the "Olympic" side of London in particular 
  should also mitigate the impact if there is a prolonged period of 
  poor economic growth. 
  More positively, the portfolio has scope for active asset management 
  to create value and the financial repositioning during the year provides 
  the working capital to implement refurbishment and other initiatives 
  to encourage lettings and maintain a low void rate. We were very 
  successful in achieving lettings last year and, despite the difficulties 
  with our tenant at Thurrock, we are optimistic that 2011/12 will 
  see continued progress in asset management of our existing properties, 
  and offer opportunities to acquire further good quality assets. 
  We are actively looking at a number of opportunities on behalf of 
  O Twelve to make selective disposals and recycle the capital into 
  opportunities with better growth potential. Some of the opportunities 
  are outside O Twelve's historic Target Area although all are in London 
  or South East England. 
 David Tye 
  Andrew Wilson 
  Rugby Asset Management Limited 
 22 July 2011 
 The objective of O Twelve Estates Limited and its subsidiaries is 
  to generate an attractive return for Shareholders through the assembly 
  of a portfolio of investment properties in its Target Area, which 
  comprises the Thames Gateway and the adjacent areas of east London, 
  Essex, south Hertfordshire and north Kent. The Board believes capital 
  and rental values will react favourably to the major regeneration 
  initiatives and infrastructure improvements taking place in these 
  areas. The Olympic and Paralympic Games to be held in and around 
  Stratford, east London, in 2012 are a major catalyst for these improvements 
  which the Board believes will result in a significant structural, 
  economic and cultural repositioning of the Target Area. 
      The investment policy of the Group is to establish a property portfolio 
      that is diverse by sector (whether industrial, retail, office, or 
      residential), by tenant and by capital value. The Group's key criterion 
      for property acquisitions is the potential for rental and capital value 
      growth through active property management and/or through a 
      re-characterisation of the acquired real estate. Re-characterisation may 
      arise purely as a result of the so called "Olympic effect" on the 
      location, or it may need to be actively encouraged. Bringing about such 
      re-characterisation may range from a simple image improvement programme 
      for a previously neglected industrial estate to attract better quality 
      tenants, to a full redevelopment scheme following the grant of planning 
      consent for a change of use (for example from commercial to a 
      residential or mixed-use project). Whilst the majority of properties 
      acquired are income-producing, the creation of further value through 
      development or refurbishment is actively pursued. Development may be 
      undertaken selectively across the sectors either by the acquisition of 
      sites, with or without the benefit of planning consent, or through the 
      management of income-producing properties into development 
      opportunities. In certain locations a site assembly programme may be 
      pursued with a view to obtaining planning consent for a comprehensive 
      re-development. Joint ventures may also be entered into in circumstances 
      where the continuing involvement of existing landowners, local 
      authorities or central government agencies is necessary, or for large 
      projects where a sharing of financial risk is appropriate. The Group may 
      also pursue other indirect investments through property investment 
      partnerships or unit trusts or investments in the equities of other 
      property investment or property holding companies. The structure used 
      for each property acquisition is reviewed at purchase. Accordingly, the 
      Company may, without limit, incorporate further subsidiaries to hold 
      property or may acquire the share capital of companies, units in unit 
      trusts, or partnership interests in partnerships which own one or more 
      properties. Investment Restrictions No property acquisition or new 
      letting will be made if, immediately after the proposed acquisition or 
      letting: -- less than 75% of Gross Property Asset Value will be situated 
      within the Target Area; or -- any single tenant, other than any 
      government or governmental (central or local), quasi-governmental, 
      supranational statutory or regulatory body will account for more than 
      20% of contracted rental income. Provided that these restrictions will 
      not apply if Gross Property Asset Value is less than GBP100 million. 
      Life span of the Company There are no specific provisions for the life 
      span of the Company, although the Directors estimate it to be up to 12 
      years. In accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, a resolution 
      will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held 
      in 2014 and at each Annual General Meeting held every two years 
      thereafter giving Shareholders the opportunity to vote on whether the 
      Company should continue as an investment company or to call for a 
      winding up of the Company and a return of its distributable assets to 
      Shareholders. Dividend Policy The initial focus of the Company is the 
      delivery of capital growth for Shareholders and therefore the Company 
      will only consider the payment of dividends as and when it is 
      appropriate to do so. To the extent that any dividends are paid they 
      will be paid in accordance with any applicable laws and the regulations 
      to which the Company is subject. Borrowings Borrowings will not normally 
      exceed 65% of the value of the Group's property portfolio at the time 
      new borrowings are drawn down. Interest rate hedging is considered in 
      the light of prevailing conditions at that time. 
for the year ended 31 March 2011 
                                                       Year ended       Year ended 
                                                    31 March 2011    31 March 2010 
                                                          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Rent receivable                                            12,157           14,510 
Service charges receivable                                  2,314            3,194 
Bank interest                                                  15               27 
Other interest                                                  1               12 
                                                  ---------------  --------------- 
Total income                                               14,487           17,743 
                                                  ---------------  --------------- 
Other operating expenses                                  (3,156)          (2,449) 
Service charges payable                                   (2,314)          (3,194) 
Management fees                                           (1,035)          (1,050) 
                                                  ---------------  --------------- 
Total expenses                                            (6,505)          (6,693) 
                                                  ---------------  --------------- 
Investment gains and losses 
Unrealised (loss)/gain on revaluation of 
 investment properties                                    (5,048)           15,579 
Realised (loss)/gain from sale of investment 
 properties                                                 (630)            5,494 
                                                  ---------------  --------------- 
Total investment gains and losses                         (5,678)           21,073 
                                                  ---------------  --------------- 
Net profit from operating activities                        2,304           32,123 
                                                  ---------------  --------------- 
Interest payable and similar charges                     (10,928)         (11,004) 
Net gains/(losses) on interest rate swap                       18             (45) 
                                                      -----------      ----------- 
Total financing gains and losses                         (10,910)         (11,049) 
                                                      -----------      ----------- 
(Loss)/profit before taxation                             (8,606)           21,074 
Taxation                                                     (37)             (81) 
                                                      -----------      ----------- 
Total comprehensive (loss)/profit for the 
 year attributable to owners of the Company               (8,643)           20,993 
                                                     ------------     ------------ 
(Loss)/earnings per Ordinary Share - basic                (4.64)p           17.14p 
 and diluted 
All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. 
for the year ended 31 March 2011 
                                    Share capital  Other reserves       Total 
                                          GBP'000         GBP'000     GBP'000 
Balance at 1 April 2010                     1,225          12,386      13,611 
Loss for the year attributable to 
 owners of the Company                          -         (8,643)     (8,643) 
Issue of Ordinary Shares                    3,577          31,514      35,091 
                                       ----------      ----------  ---------- 
Balance at 31 March 2011                    4,802          35,257      40,059 
                                       ----------      ----------  ---------- 
for the year ended 31 March 2010 
                                     Share capital  Other reserves       Total 
                                           GBP'000         GBP'000     GBP'000 
Balance at 1 April 2009                      1,225         (8,607)     (7,382) 
Profit for the year attributable to 
 owners of the Company                           -          20,993      20,993 
                                        ----------      ----------  ---------- 
Balance at 31 March 2010                     1,225          12,386      13,611 
                                        ----------      ----------  ---------- 
 as at 31 March 2011 
                                                    31 March          31 March 
                                                        2011              2010 
                                                     GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Investment property                                 158,540           170,200 
 Restricted cash and cash equivalents                 14,413             1,905 
                                             ---------------   --------------- 
                                                     172,953           172,105 
                                             ---------------   --------------- 
 Current assets 
 Receivables and prepayments                           4,359             5,145 
 Cash and cash equivalents                             8,137             2,236 
                                             ---------------   --------------- 
                                                      12,496             7,381 
                                             ---------------   --------------- 
 Total assets                                        185,449           179,486 
                                             ---------------   --------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Payables and accruals                               (5,984)           (6,136) 
 Fair value of interest rate swap                    (2,990)                 - 
                                             ---------------   --------------- 
                                                     (8,974)           (6,136) 
                                             ---------------   --------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Bank loan                                         (124,824)         (145,139) 
 Fair value of interest rate swap                   (11,592)          (14,600) 
                                             ---------------   --------------- 
                                                   (136,416)         (159,739) 
                                             ---------------   --------------- 
 Total liabilities                                 (145,390)         (165,875) 
                                             ---------------   --------------- 
 Net assets                                           40,059            13,611 
                                             ---------------   --------------- 
 Capital and reserves attributable to 
 owners of the Company 
 Called-up share capital                               4,802             1,225 
 Other reserves                                       35,257            12,386 
                                             ---------------   --------------- 
 Attributable to owners of the Company                40,059            13,611 
                                             ---------------   --------------- 
 Net asset value per Ordinary Share -                  8.34p            11.11p 
  basic and diluted 
  for the year ended 31 March 2011 
                                                   Year ended       Year ended 
                                                31 March 2011    31 March 2010 
                                                      GBP'000          GBP'000 
 Operating activities 
 (Loss)/profit before taxation                        (8,606)           21,074 
 Adjustments for: 
       Unrealised loss/(gain) on revaluation 
        of investment properties                        5,048         (15,579) 
       Realised loss/(gain) from sale of 
        investment properties                             630          (5,494) 
       Net (gains)/losses on interest rate 
        swap                                             (18)               45 
       Interest payable and similar charges            10,928           11,004 
       Rents transferred on sale of property                -              338 
 Taxation refunded/(paid)                                  39            (201) 
                                                -------------    ------------- 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities 
  before working capital changes                        8,021           11,187 
 Decrease/(increase) in receivables and 
  prepayments                                             681            (342) 
 Increase/(decrease) in payables and 
  accruals                                                267            (373) 
                                                -------------    ------------- 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities 
  ([1])                                                 8,969           10,472 
 Investing activities 
 Purchase/refurbishment of investment 
  property                                              (194)            (694) 
 Proceeds from sale of investment property              6,036            1,761 
                                                -------------    ------------- 
 Net cash inflow from investing activities              5,842            1,067 
 Financing activities 
 Net equity raising proceeds                           35,091                - 
 Repayment of loan                                   (19,874)          (5,238) 
 Loan interest and similar charges paid               (8,498)          (9,297) 
 Loan arrangement fees paid                           (3,121)            (850) 
                                                -------------    ------------- 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 
  activities                                            3,598         (15,385) 
                                                -------------    ------------- 
 Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                          18,409          (3,846) 
                                                -------------    ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of year                                               4,141            7,987 
 Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                          18,409          (3,846) 
                                                -------------    ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year              22,550            4,141 
                                                -------------    ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end 
  of the year comprise: 
 Non-current cash and cash equivalents                 14,413            1,905 
 Cash and cash equivalents                              8,137            2,236 
                                                -------------    ------------- 
                                                       22,550            4,141 
                                                -------------    ------------- 
 ([1] ) Net cash inflow from operating 
  activities includes: 
    Bank interest received                                 15               27 


1. The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the Group's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2011 or 2010 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2010 have been filed with the Guernsey Financial Services Commission, and those for 2011 will be filed in due course. The auditors have reported on those accounts and their reports were unqualified.

2. Annual Report

The Annual Report will be posted to shareholders within two weeks of the date of this announcement. Copies of the Annual Report will be available from the Company's office at No.1 Le Truchot, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3JX and on its website, www.otwelveestates.com.

3. Dividends

The Directors do not propose an interim or final dividend for the year ended 31 March 2011.

4. (Loss)/earnings per Ordinary Share

The (loss)/earnings per Ordinary Share (basic and diluted) is based on a loss of GBP8,643,000 (31 March 2010: profit of GBP20,993,000) and on a weighted average number of 186,200,003 (31 March 2010: 122,500,002) Ordinary Shares in issue.

5. Net asset value per Ordinary Shares

Basic and diluted

The net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on the net assets attributable to owners of the Company of GBP40,059,000 (31 March 2010: GBP13,611,000) and on 480,200,008 (31 March 2010: 122,500,002) Ordinary Shares in issue at the end of the year.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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