RNS Number : 6111L

Nyota Minerals Limited

20 July 2017

For immediate release

20 July 2017

Nyota Minerals Limited

('Nyota' or 'the Company')

Quarterly Report

Nyota Minerals Limited (ASX/AIM: NYO) provides its Quarterly Report for the three months ended 30 June 2017.


At 30 June 2017 the Company had cash of approximately AUD$57K.

During the period, the Company raised proceeds of GBP56,328 (approximately AUD$97K) from the issue of shares via the placement that was announced on the ASX on 4 May 2017 and approximately AUD$19K from the sale of its residual tenements.

Corporate Activity

During the quarter, the Company reached an agreement with Peterhouse Corporate Finance Limited (Peterhouse) for further funding. However, at the general meeting of the Company held on 3 July 2017 the necessary shareholder votes to put the funding strategy in place were not forthcoming and Peterhouse subsequently resigned as the Company's broker effective 17 August 2017 as announced on the ASX on 19 July 2017.

The board remains in discussions with respect to raising further capital. The final terms remain subject to negotiation with the proposed investors. No guarantee can be provided that terms will be agreed and that a capital raising will eventuate. The Company will provide a further update to shareholders as soon as practical.

New Business Opportunities

The board remains committed to finding a viable new business for the Company and securing long term value for shareholders.

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of EU Regulation 956/2014.

For more information please visit www.nyotaminerals.com or contact:

 Sergey Budkin      Director, Nyota Minerals    sergey.budkin@finpoint.kiev.ua 
 Michael Cornish    Beaumont Cornish Limited    +44 (0) 207 
  James Biddle       Nominated Advisor           628 3396 

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements in relation to the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group"), including, but not limited to, the Group's proposed strategy, plans and objectives, future commercial production, sales and financial results, development, construction and production targets and timetables, mining costs and economic viability and profitability. Such statements are generally identifiable by the terminology used, such as "may", "will", "could", "should", "would", "anticipate", "believe", "intend", "expect", "plan", "estimate", "budget", "outlook" or other similar wording. By its very nature, such forward-looking information requires the Company to make assumptions that may not materialise or that may not be accurate. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors beyond the control of the Group that could cause the actual performance or achievements of the Group to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Furthermore, the forward-looking information contained in the press release is made as of the date of the press release and accordingly, you should not rely on any forward-looking statements and the Group accepts no obligation to disseminate any updates or revisions to such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking information contained in this press release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of any websites accessible from hyperlinks in the Company's website (or any other website) is incorporated into or forms part of, this announcement.

Appendix 5B

Mining exploration entity and oil and gas exploration entity quarterly report

Introduced 01/07/96 Origin Appendix 8 Amended 01/07/97, 01/07/98, 30/09/01, 01/06/10, 17/12/10, 01/05/13, 01/09/16

 Name of entity 
 Nyota Minerals Limited 
 ABN                Quarter ended ("current 
---------------    ------------------------ 
 98 060 938 552     30 June 2017 
---------------    ------------------------ 
 Consolidated statement                   Current quarter   Year to date 
  of cash flows                                $A'000        (12 months) 
---------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 1.     Cash flows from operating 
 1.1    Receipts from customers 
 1.2    Payments for 
        (a) exploration & evaluation                    -           (19) 
        (b) development 
        (c) production 
        (d) staff costs 
        (e) administration 
         and corporate costs                        (129)          (511) 
 1.3    Dividends received 
         (see note 3) 
 1.4    Interest received 
 1.5    Interest and other 
         costs of finance paid 
 1.6    Income taxes paid 
 1.7    Research and development 
        Other (provide details 
 1.8     if material)                                  12             34 
                                         ----------------  ------------- 
        Net cash from / (used 
 1.9     in) operating activities                   (117)          (496) 
-----  --------------------------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 2.       Cash flows from investing 
 2.1      Payments to acquire: 
          (a) property, plant 
           and equipment 
          (b) tenements (see 
           item 10) 
          (c) investments 
          (d) other non-current 
 2.2      Proceeds from the disposal 
          (a) property, plant 
           and equipment 
          (b) tenements (see 
           item 10)                                    19             19 
          (c) investments                               -             47 
          (d) other non-current 
 2.3      Cash flows from loans 
           to other entities 
 2.4      Dividends received 
           (see note 3) 
 2.5      Other (provide details 
           if material) 
                                         ----------------  ------------- 
          Net cash from / (used 
 2.6       in) investing activities                    19             66 
-------  ------------------------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 3.       Cash flows from financing 
          Proceeds from issues 
 3.1       of shares                                   97             97 
 3.2      Proceeds from issue 
           of convertible notes 
 3.3      Proceeds from exercise 
           of share options 
 3.4      Transaction costs related 
           to issues of shares, 
           convertible notes or 
 3.5      Proceeds from borrowings                      -            341 
 3.6      Repayment of borrowings 
 3.7      Transaction costs related 
           to loans and borrowings 
 3.8      Dividends paid 
 3.9      Other (provide details 
           if material) 
                                         ----------------  ------------- 
          Net cash from / (used 
 3.10      in) financing activities                    97            438 
-------  ------------------------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 4.       Net increase / (decrease) 
           in cash and cash equivalents 
           for the period 
          Cash and cash equivalents 
 4.1       at beginning of period                      58             49 
          Net cash from / (used 
           in) operating activities 
 4.2       (item 1.9 above)                         (117)          (496) 
          Net cash from / (used 
           in) investing activities 
 4.3       (item 2.6 above)                            19             66 
          Net cash from / (used 
           in) financing activities 
 4.4       (item 3.10 above)                           97            438 
 4.5      Effect of movement 
           in exchange rates on 
           cash held 
                                         ----------------  ------------- 
          Cash and cash equivalents 
 4.6       at end of period                            57             57 
-------  ------------------------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 5.    Reconciliation of cash        Current quarter              Previous 
        and cash equivalents              $A'000                   quarter 
        at the end of the                                           $A'000 
        quarter (as shown in 
        the consolidated statement 
        of cash flows) to the 
        related items in the 
----  ----------------------------  ----------------  -------------------------------- 
 5.1   Bank balances                              57                                58 
 5.2   Call deposits 
 5.3   Bank overdrafts 
 5.4   Other (provide details) 
                                    ----------------  -------------------------------- 
       Cash and cash equivalents 
        at end of quarter (should 
 5.5    equal item 4.6 above)                     57                                58 
----  ----------------------------  ----------------  -------------------------------- 
 6.    Payments to directors of the entity     Current quarter 
        and their associates                        $A'000 
       Aggregate amount of payments to 
        these parties included in item 
 6.1    1.2                                                 17 
 6.2   Aggregate amount of cash flow 
        from loans to these parties included 
        in item 2.3 
 6.3   Include below any explanation necessary 
        to understand the transactions included 
        in items 6.1 and 6.2 
----  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 7.    Payments to related entities of         Current quarter 
        the entity and their associates             $A'000 
 7.1   Aggregate amount of payments to 
        these parties included in item 
 7.2   Aggregate amount of cash flow 
        from loans to these parties included 
        in item 2.3 
 7.3   Include below any explanation necessary 
        to understand the transactions included 
        in items 7.1 and 7.2 
----  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 8.    Financing facilities          Total facility   Amount drawn 
        available                       amount at      at quarter 
        Add notes as necessary         quarter end         end 
        for an understanding             $A'000          $A'000 
        of the position 
                                    ---------------  ------------- 
 8.1   Loan facilities 
                                    ---------------  ------------- 
 8.2   Credit standby arrangements 
                                    ---------------  ------------- 
 8.3   Other (please specify) 
                                    ---------------  ------------- 
 8.4   Include below a description of each facility 
        above, including the lender, interest rate 
        and whether it is secured or unsecured. 
        If any additional facilities have been entered 
        into or are proposed to be entered into 
        after quarter end, include details of those 
        facilities as well. 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------ 
  The Company is in discussions with an incoming 
   investor group. The Company will provide a further 
   update to shareholders as soon as practical. 
 9.    Estimated cash outflows         $A'000 
        for next quarter 
----  ------------------------------  ------- 
 9.1   Exploration and evaluation 
 9.2   Development 
 9.3   Production 
 9.4   Staff costs 
       Administration and corporate 
 9.5    costs                             150 
 9.6   Other (provide details if 
 9.7   Total estimated cash outflows      150 
----  ------------------------------  ------- 
 10.    Changes in              Tenement        Nature of interest   Interest        Interest 
         tenements               reference                            at beginning    at end 
         (items 2.1(b)           and location                         of quarter      of quarter 
         and 2.2(b) 
-----  ----------------------  --------------  -------------------  --------------  ------------ 
 10.1   Interests 
         in mining 
         and petroleum 
         lapsed, relinquished 
         or reduced 
-----  ----------------------  --------------  -------------------  --------------  ------------ 
 10.2   Interests 
         in mining 
         and petroleum 
         or increased 
-----  ----------------------  --------------  -------------------  --------------  ------------ 

Compliance statement

1 This statement has been prepared in accordance with accounting standards and policies which comply with Listing Rule 19.11A.

   2        This statement gives a true and fair view of the matters disclosed. 

Sign here: ............................................................ Date: .............................................

(Director/Company secretary)

   Print name:       ANDREW D.L. WRIGHT 


1. The quarterly report provides a basis for informing the market how the entity's activities have been financed for the past quarter and the effect on its cash position. An entity that wishes to disclose additional information is encouraged to do so, in a note or notes included in or attached to this report.

2. If this quarterly report has been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, the definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 6: Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources and AASB 107: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this report. If this quarterly report has been prepared in accordance with other accounting standards agreed by ASX pursuant to Listing Rule 19.11A, the corresponding equivalent standards apply to this report.

3. Dividends received may be classified either as cash flows from operating activities or cash flows from investing activities, depending on the accounting policy of the entity.


This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 20, 2017 04:03 ET (08:03 GMT)

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