BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust plc 
                                                Six months ended  Six months ended       Year ended 
                                                   31 August 2015    31 August 2014 28 February 2015 
Net asset value per share 
(1,2)                                                   1,039.98p           924.15p          954.34p 
Movement in net asset value per share 
(1,2)                                                       +9.0%             -6.2%            -3.2% 
Net asset value per share (capital only) 
(1)                                                     1,026.41p           914.71p          942.91p 
Movement in net asset value per share 
(capital only) (1)                                          +8.9%             -6.2%            -3.3% 
Movement in Numis Smaller Companies plus AIM 
(excluding Investment Companies) Index (2) 
                                                            +2.4%             -7.5%            -8.5% 
Share price                                               925.50p           800.50p          812.00p 
Movement in share price                                    +14.0%            -11.8%           -10.6% 
Discount (3)                                                10.1%             12.7%            14.2% 
                                                         --------          --------         -------- 
Revenue return per share                                   13.57p             9.44p           16.93p 
Interim dividend per share                                  7.00p             5.50p            5.50p 
Final dividend per share                                                                       9.00p 
Change in interim dividend                                 +27.3%            +19.6%           +19.6% 
Change in total dividends                                                                     +20.8% 
                                                         --------          --------         -------- 
Ongoing charges ratio (4)                                    0.7%              0.7%             0.7% 
Ongoing charges ratio (including 
performance fees)                                            1.0%              1.0%             1.0% 
Gearing as a % of net assets                                 5.6%              7.8%             8.6% 
                                                            =====             =====            ===== 
(1)  Based on NAV with debenture at par value. 
(2)  Excludes income reinvested. 
(3)  Based on NAV with debt at fair value (see note 4 for details). 
(4)  Ongoing charges ratio calculated as a percentage of average shareholders' 
funds and using expenses, excluding finance costs, performance fees and 
taxation, in accordance with AIC guidelines. 
Sources: BlackRock and Datastream. 
for the six months to 31 August 2015 
During the six months ended 31 August 2015 the Company's net asset value (NAV) 
increased by 9.0%1 to 1039.98p per share, outperforming its benchmark (the 
Numis Smaller Companies plus AIM (excluding Investment Companies) Index) by 
6.6%1. The Company's share price increased by 14.0%1 to 925.50p per share over 
the same period. 
The six months to 31 August 2015 were punctuated by periods of market 
volatility from April when equity markets were un-nerved by fears of a possible 
Greek exit from the Eurozone and later in the period by concerns over a 
slowdown in economic growth in China and other emerging markets and possible 
interest rate increases in the US and UK. 
UK small and midcap equities have performed well over the period under review 
despite the challenging macroeconomic background and changing investor 
sentiment towards the sector during periods of high volatility. 
The FTSE 100 Index fell by 10.1%1 over the period, the FTSE 250 Index 
(excluding Investment Companies) fell by 0.5%1 and the FTSE AIM Index by 
2.8%1.  The Company's benchmark (the Numis Smaller Companies plus AIM 
(excluding Investment Companies) Index) rose by 2.4%1. 
                                                    3 years       5 years      10 years 
Performance to 31 August 2015                              %             %             % 
Net asset value per share                               75.5         139.8         246.1 
Benchmark*                                              36.8          56.9          45.4 
Net asset value per share (with income                  82.7         156.9         294.3 
Benchmark* (with income reinvested)                     47.8          77.5          86.3 
Share price (with income reinvested)                    94.9         187.1         339.2 
*   Benchmark - Numis Smaller Companies plus AIM (excluding Investment 
Companies) Index from September 2007; FTSE Small Cap Index (excluding 
Investment Companies) prior to that date. 
1    All performance figures are in sterling terms without income reinvested. 
The Company's revenue return per share for the six months ended 31 August 2015 
amounted to 13.57p per share compared with 9.44p for the corresponding period 
in the previous year, an increase of 44%. After adjusting for the impact of 
special dividends received, which amounted to 2.1 pence per share (2014: 0.8 
pence per share), regular dividend income from portfolio companies increased by 
28% over the same period. 
The Board is pleased to declare an interim dividend of 7.00p per share (2014: 
5.50p per share) representing an increase of 27% over the previous interim 
dividend. The interim dividend will be paid on 30 November 2015 to shareholders 
on the Company's register on 6 November 2015. 
The Company has in place a range of borrowing options in order to maximise 
flexibility and to reduce dependency on short term borrowings. In addition to 
the Company's GBP15 million debenture, the Company has a GBP35 million three year 
revolving loan facility with Scotia Bank (Ireland) Limited and an uncommitted 
overdraft facility of GBP15 million with Bank of New York. 
It is the Board's intention that gearing will not exceed 15% of the net assets 
of the Company at the time of the drawdown of the relevant borrowings. Under 
normal operating conditions it is envisaged that gearing will be within a range 
of 0%-15% of net assets. 
Gearing levels and sources of funding are reviewed regularly and the Board 
continues to believe that moderate gearing is in the long term interests of 
shareholders; for the period under review, gearing contributed to performance 
by approximately 0.4%. At the period end, the Company's gearing was 5.6% of net 
During the period, the Company's shares traded at an average discount to NAV 
(with debt at fair value) of 12.1% and this stood at 10.1% at 31 August 
2015. The Company's shares traded at a discount of 11.8% as at close of 
business on 22 October 2015. 
The Board recognises that it is in the long term interests of shareholders that 
shares do not trade at a significant discount to their prevailing net asset 
value, and believes that the best way of addressing the discount over the long 
term is to create demand for the shares in the secondary market. To this 
end, your Board is encouraging the Investment Manager to devote considerable 
effort to broadening the awareness of the Company's attractions, particularly 
to wealth managers and to the wider retail shareholder market. 
With the uncertainty surrounding the outcome of the UK General Election now 
removed, investors now have a clearer idea of the likely domestic political and 
economic policy landscape over the next couple of years. For the first time in 
many years the UK working population is also now experiencing real earnings 
growth, which should support domestic consumption. 
Abroad, the slowdown in China's economy and resulting decline in demand for 
commodities has had a knock-on impact on many of the emerging markets, and has 
also had a powerful disinflationary effect, allowing central banks to sustain 
low interest rates for much longer than previously expected. 
In the context of equity valuations generally, and following strong relative 
performance, UK smaller companies are no longer conspicuously cheap compared to 
their larger counterparts. However, we are encouraged by the current trading in 
the majority of our portfolio companies and continue to focus on enterprises 
which show good earnings growth, positive cash flow and balance sheet strength. 
Nicholas Fry 
26 October 2015 
for the six months ended 31 August 2015 
This has been a reasonable six months for UK small and midcap equities, against 
a very mixed macroeconomic background. At the start of the period we saw 
continued nervousness over events in Greece, and by the end of August attention 
had moved to China and its slowing GDP growth. 
Over the six months to 31 August 2015 the Company's NAV per share rose by 9.0% 
to 1039.98p and the benchmark rose by 2.4%, both significantly outperforming 
the FTSE100 Index, which fell by 10.1% (all in sterling terms without income 
reinvested). The Company's revenue return per share for the six months ended 31 
August 2015 of 13.57p per share represented an increase of 44% compared with 
9.44p for the corresponding six period in the previous year. This significant 
growth in revenue was driven by an increase in underlying regular portfolio 
dividends, which were up by 28%, and also by special dividends of 2.1 pence per 
share (compared with special dividends of 0.8 pence per share for the same 
period in 2014). 
Outperformance was mainly due to good stockpicking, although sector allocation 
and gearing also contributed positively. The largest positive contributors to 
stock selection during the period were our holdings in CVS Group, Betfair 

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Group, Fevertree Drinks and Topps Tiles. 
CVS Group, the UK's leading provider of integrated veterinary services, has 
continued to see strong trading with total revenues up by 17.0%, like-for-like 
revenues up by 6.8% and earnings per share up by 30% in its year ended 30 June 
2015. It also continues to consolidate market share, acquiring 29 surgeries 
during the period. Betfair Group announced a good trading update, with revenue 
for the period to 31 July 2015 up by 15% despite strong comparatives. In 
addition the company announced a merger with Paddy Power, which was well 
received by markets. 
Shares in Fevertree Drinks continued to be in demand as the company delivered 
on high growth expectations; interim revenues for the six months to 30 June 
2015 were up by 62% and EBITDA was up by 68% with all areas performing 
strongly. Fevertree Drinks' share price rose by 105% during the period. 
Topps Tiles announced interim results for the six months to 28 March 2015 
showing like-for-like revenue growth of 5.3% and earnings per share growth of 
14%. Trading remains good and management were in confident mood when we met 
with them. 
The largest detractor from relative outperformance during the period was 
Northbridge Industrial Services. The company is being impacted by the decline 
in the oil price which in turn is affecting their loadbank rental operations in 
Singapore and Dubai, and their oil tools business in Australia. Forecasts have 
been substantially reduced. 
Sector allocation benefited most from our overweight position in housebuilders 
and from our underweight position in oil and gas producers. 
During the period the Company benefited from several bids for our portfolio 
holdings, including Quintain Estates, HellermannTyton, Anite and Alent. Given 
the volatile market conditions we sold our holdings in these companies. 
The main additions to the portfolio were in SSP Group, JD Sports, Eurocell and 
Shawbrook. SSP Group is a leading operator of food and beverage outlets in 
travel outlets worldwide. The holding was via a placing during which SSP's 
private equity backers sold their remaining stake. SSP Group is a significant 
international business which reported interim revenue of GBP859 million; most 
recently like-for-like revenue growth for the six months to 31 March 2015 was 
3.2%. JD Sports is a leading retailer and distributor of branded sportswear and 
fashionwear. The group now has over 800 stores across six countries. Growth has 
been strong and the company recently announced that it expects current year 
profits of approximately GBP110 million, about 10% ahead of prior expectations. 
Eurocell and Shawbrook were both added via IPOs. Eurocell is a leading 
vertically integrated manufacturer and merchant of PVC profiles for doors, 
windows and roofline products in the UK. Shawbrook is a niche banking business 
which is growing well. We were impressed by the management team 
in both companies. 
We feel most positive about the growth prospects for the UK and US economies. 
Within the UK our focus is on the UK consumer who has benefitted from improving 
employment levels, growing wages, lower energy costs, higher house prices and 
rising confidence. Our exposure has been to housing related stocks including 
the housebuilder Redrow, construction materials companies such as Marshalls, 
and housing improvement companies like Topps Tiles and Headlam Group. We remain 
positive about this theme and the companies we hold. 
Exposure to the US economy is through companies including 4imprint Group and 
Hill & Smith, although various other holdings also provide good US exposure. We 
expect economic growth in continental Europe to gradually increase, although in 
the current market and political climate signs of this happening are patchy. 
Holdings such as Hansteen, Lavendon and Acal all give good exposure to 
continental Europe and are attractively valued. 
We remain cautious about developing markets and companies exposed to these 
economies, and where we do have exposure, it is to more consumer orientated 
companies, such as Hutchison China Meditech. 
We have remained well diversified with a clear emphasis on companies that are 
trading well, seeing good share price momentum, are attractively valued and are 
generally small relative to our benchmark. Our aim is to own a portfolio of 
companies which can grow into much larger businesses ideally without having to 
return to shareholders for more capital. 
Gearing has been in the range 5% to 10% of net assets during the period, 
finishing at the lower end of this range as we sold holdings which had 
attracted bids in the market prior to the period end. 
The economic growth slowdown in China, and the steps taken by the Chinese 
authorities to stimulate their economy, have unsettled global stockmarkets. 
Markets also remain worried by the likelihood that interest rates could rise in 
the US and UK, and by the volatility in the oil price. At the company level we 
have seen generally good results from our portfolio, and outlooks which suggest 
that this is likely to continue. We believe that it is safest to stick with our 
predominant exposure to developed markets demand, especially from the consumer 
Mike Prentis 
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited 
26 October 2015 
                          Number of investments   Market value of investment as % 
                                                                     of portfolio 
GBP0m to GBP1m                                   29                               3.3 
GBP1m to GBP2m                                   53                              14.6 
GBP2m to GBP3m                                   33                              15.4 
GBP3m to GBP4m                                   20                              13.4 
GBP4m to GBP5m                                   12                              10.7 
GBP5m to GBP6m                                   11                              11.4 
GBP6m to GBP7m                                    8                               9.9 
GBP7m to GBP8m                                    4                               5.8 
GBP8m to GBP9m                                    5                               8.1 
GBP9m to GBP10m                                   2                               3.5 
GBP10m to GBP11m                                  2                               3.9 
Source: BlackRock. 
                                             % Market capitalisation of 
                                                investment of portfolio 
GBP0m to GBP100m                                                        6.7 
GBP100m to GBP400m                                                     41.0 
GBP400m to GBP1bn                                                      27.3 
GBP1bn+                                                              25.0 
Source: BlackRock. 
as at 31 August 2015 
                           value  % of total 
Company                     GBP'000   portfolio Business activity 
CVS Group                  10,588         2.0 Operation of veterinary surgeries 
4imprint Group             10,059         1.9 Supply of promotional merchandise in the US 
Savills                     9,227         1.8 Provision of property services 
Lookers                     8,996         1.7 Supply of cars and after market parts and 
Topps Tiles                 8,972         1.7 Sourcing and retail of ceramic tiles 
Workspace Group             8,799         1.7 Supply of flexible workspace to businesses in 
Rathbone Brothers           8,292         1.6 Private client fund management 
Ted Baker                   8,174         1.6 Design and sale of fashion clothing 
Headlam Group               7,999         1.5 Distribution of carpets and other floor 
Polar Capital               7,921         1.5 Investment management 
Hutchison China             7,912         1.5 Development and supply of traditional Chinese 
Meditech                                      medicines to the Chinese market 
Avon Rubber                 7,481         1.4 Production of safety masks and dairy related 
Marshalls                   7,188         1.4 Manufacture and sale of concrete and stone 
                                              paving and related products 
Northgate                   6,919         1.3 Van rental 
Cineworld                   6,757         1.3 Operation of cinemas 
Redrow                      6,657         1.3 Housebuilding 
Tyman                       6,533         1.2 Manufacture and supply of window and door 
Dechra                      6,520         1.2 Development and supply of pharmaceutical and 
Pharmaceuticals                               other products focused on the veterinary 
Hill & Smith                6,493         1.2 Production of infrastructure products and 
                                              supply of galvanizing services 
Grainger                    6,306         1.2 Ownership and rental of residential property 
                        ---------    -------- 
Twenty largest            157,793        30.0 
                       ----------    -------- 
Remaining investments     368,031        70.0 
                       ----------    -------- 
Total                     525,824       100.0 
                           ======        ==== 
Details of the full portfolio are available on the Company's website at 

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as at 31 August 2015 
                                                         % of portfolio 
Aerospace & Defence                                                 3.3 
Banks                                                               1.6 
Beverages                                                           1.0 
Chemicals                                                           3.2 
Construction & Materials                                            5.2 
Electronic & Electrical Equipment                                   2.6 
Equity Investment Instruments                                       0.2 
Financial Services                                                  7.3 
Fixed Line Telecommunications                                       0.6 
General Industrials                                                 0.2 
General Retailers                                                   9.7 
Health Care Equipment & Services                                    3.2 
Household Goods & Home Construction                                 6.7 
Industrial Engineering                                              3.5 
Industrial Transportation                                           1.6 
Leisure Goods                                                       0.2 
Media                                                               5.7 
Mining                                                              3.3 
Nonlife Insurance                                                   0.6 
Oil & Gas Producers                                                 2.5 
Personal Goods                                                      1.6 
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology                                     5.1 
Real Estate Investment & Services                                   4.7 
Real Estate Investment Trusts                                       3.9 
Software & Computer Services                                        6.8 
Support Services                                                    9.8 
Technology Hardware & Equipment                                     0.6 
Travel & Leisure                                                    5.3 
Source: BlackRock. 
The Chairman's Statement and the Investment Manager's Report give details of 
the important events which have occurred during the period and their impact on 
the financial statements. 
The principal risks faced by the Company can be divided into various areas as 
-     Performance; 
-     Market; 
-     Income/dividend; 
-     Regulatory; 
-     Operational; and 
-     Financial. 
The Board reported on the principal risks and uncertainties faced by the 
Company in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 28 
February 2015. A detailed explanation can be found in the Strategic Report on 
pages 8 and 9, and in note 18 on pages 51 to 56 of the Annual Report and 
Financial Statements which is available on the website maintained by BlackRock, 
at blackrock.co.uk/brsc. 
In the view of the Board, there have not been any changes to the fundamental 
nature of these risks since the previous report and these principal risks and 
uncertainties are equally applicable to the remaining six months of the 
financial year as they were to the six months under review. 
The Directors, having considered the nature and liquidity of the portfolio, the 
Company's investment objectives and the Company's projected income and 
expenditure, are satisfied that the Company has adequate resources to continue 
in operational existence for the foreseeable future, and is financially sound. 
For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing 
the financial statements. The Company is able to meet all of its liabilities 
from its assets and income generated from these assets and the ongoing charges 
(excluding performance fees, finance costs and taxation) are approximately 0.7% 
of net assets. Ongoing charges with performance fees included were 1.0% of net 
assets for the year ended 28 February 2015, and as the performance fee is 
capped at 0.25% of total assets less current liabilities, ongoing charges 
calculated on this basis are not likely to significantly exceed this going 
BlackRock Fund Managers Limited (BFM) was appointed as the Company's AIFM with 
effect from 2 July 2014. BFM has (with the Company's consent) delegated certain 
portfolio and risk management services, and other ancillary services, to 
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited (BIM (UK)). Both BFM and BIM (UK) 
are regarded as related parties under the Listing Rules. Details of the 
management and performance fees payable are set out in note 3 on page 21 and 
note 9 on page 26. The related party transactions with the Directors are set 
out in note 10. 
The Disclosure and Transparency Rules (DTR) of the UK Listing Authority require 
the Directors to confirm their responsibilities in relation to the preparation 
and publication of the Interim Management Report and Financial Statements. 
The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that: 
-     the condensed set of financial statements contained within the half 
yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with applicable 
Financial Reporting Council's Standard, FRS 104 'Interim Financial Reporting'; 
-     the Interim Management Report together with the Chairman's Statement and 
Investment Manager's Report, include a fair review of the information required 
by 4.2.7R and 4.2.8R of the FCA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules. 
This half yearly report has been reviewed by the Company's Auditor and their 
report is set out later in this announcement. 
The half yearly financial report was approved by the Board on 26 October 2015 
and the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by the 
Nicholas Fry 
For and on behalf of the Board 
26 October 2015 
for the six months ended 31 August 2015 
            Notes   Revenue GBP   Revenue GBP Revenue GBP   Capital GBP   Capital GBP Capital GBP     Total GBP Total GBP'000   Total GBP 
                         '000        '000      '000        '000       '000      '000        '000  Six months       '000 
                  Six months  Six months      Year  Six months  Six months      Year  Six months        ended     Year 
                       ended        ended    ended       ended        ended    ended       ended    31.08.14     ended 
                    31.08.15    31.08.14  28.02.15    31.08.15    31.08.14  28.02.15    31.08.15  (unaudited) 28.02.15 
                  (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) (unaudited)             (audited) 
(losses) on 
held at 
fair value 
profit or       2           -           -         -      41,765    (27,624)  (12,578)      41,765    (27,624)  (12,578) 
losses                      -           -         -         (2)         (2)         -         (2)         (2)         - 
Income from 
held at 
fair value 
profit or       2       7,350       5,333     9,741           -         127       127       7,350       5,460     9,868 
income          2          22          21        24           -           -         -          22          21        24 
fees            3       (345)       (316)     (620)     (2,321)     (2,189)   (3,120)     (2,666)     (2,505)   (3,740) 
expenses                (313)       (290)     (611)        (11)        (17)      (26)       (324)       (307)     (637) 
                     --------    --------  --------    --------    --------  --------    --------    --------  -------- 
Net profit/ 
costs and               6,714       4,748     8,534      39,431    (29,705)  (15,597)      46,145    (24,957)   (7,063) 
costs                   (205)       (211)     (413)       (613)       (633)   (1,239)       (818)       (844)   (1,652) 
                     --------    --------  --------    --------    --------  --------    --------    --------  -------- 
Net profit/ 
(loss) on 
taxation                6,509       4,537     8,121      38,818    (30,338)  (16,836)      45,327    (25,801)   (8,715) 
Taxation on 
activities               (12)        (16)      (16)           -           -         -        (12)        (16)      (16) 
                     --------    --------  --------    --------    --------  --------    --------    --------  -------- 
Net profit/ 
(loss) on 
taxation                6,497       4,521     8,105      38,818    (30,338)  (16,836)      45,315    (25,817)   (8,731) 
                     --------    --------  --------    --------    --------  --------    --------    --------  -------- 
(loss) per 
share           4      13.57p       9.44p    16.93p      81.07p    (63.36p)  (35.17p)      94.64p    (53.92p)  (18.24p) 
                     ========    ========  ========    ========    ========  ========    ========    ========  ======== 
The total column of this statement represents the Company's Profit and Loss 
Account. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are both prepared under 
guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies (AIC). All items 
in the above statement derive from continuing operations and no operations were 
acquired or discontinued during the period. All income is attributable to the 
equity holders of BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust plc. 
The Company does not have any other recognised gains or losses. The net profit/ 

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October 26, 2015 08:20 ET (12:20 GMT)

(loss) for the period disclosed above represents the Company's total 
comprehensive income. 
There is no material difference between the profit/(loss) on ordinary 
activities before taxation and the profit/(loss) for the financial periods 
stated above and their historical equivalents. 
for the six months ended 31 August 2015 
                                          up     Share     Capital 
                                       share   premium  redemption   Capital   Revenue 
                                     capital   account     reserve  reserves   reserve     Total 
                                        GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
For the six months ended 31 August 
2015 (unaudited) 
At 28 February 2015                    12,498    38,952       1,982   389,390    14,114   456,936 
Total comprehensive income: 
Profit for the period                       -         -           -    38,818     6,497    45,315 
Transactions with owners, recorded 
directly to equity: 
Dividend paid(a)                            -         -           -         -   (4,309)   (4,309) 
                                     --------  --------    --------  --------  --------  -------- 
At 31 August 2015                      12,498    38,952       1,982   428,208    16,302   497,942 
                                     --------  --------    --------  --------  --------  -------- 
For the six months ended 31 August 
2014 (unaudited) 
At 28 February 2014                    12,498    38,952       1,982   406,226    12,185   471,843 
Total comprehensive income: 
(Loss)/profit for the period                -         -           -  (30,338)     4,521  (25,817) 
Transactions with owners, recorded 
directly to equity: 
Dividend paid(b)                            -         -           -         -   (3,543)   (3,543) 
                                     --------  --------    --------  --------  --------  -------- 
At 31 August 2014                      12,498    38,952       1,982   375,888    13,163   442,483 
                                     --------  --------    --------  --------  --------  -------- 
For the year ended 28 February 2015 
At 28 February 2014                    12,498    38,952       1,982   406,226    12,185   471,843 
Total comprehensive income: 
(Loss)/profit for the year                  -         -           -  (16,836)     8,105   (8,731) 
Transactions with owners, recorded 
directly to equity: 
Dividends paid(c)                           -         -           -         -   (6,176)   (6,176) 
                                     --------  --------    --------  --------  --------  -------- 
At 28 February 2015                    12,498    38,952       1,982   389,390    14,114   456,936 
                                       ======    ======      ======    ======    ======    ====== 
(a)   Final dividend of 9.00p per share for the year ended 28 February 2015, 
declared on 27 April 2015 and paid on 25 June 2015. 
(b)   Final dividend of 7.40p per share for the year ended 28 February 2014, 
declared on 25 April 2014 and paid on 17 June 2014. 
(c)   Final dividend of 7.40p per share for the year ended 28 February 2014, 
declared on 25 April 2014 and paid on 17 June 2014, and interim dividend of 
5.50p per share for the six months ended 31 August 2014, declared on 24 October 
2014 and paid on 3 December 2014. 
as at 31 August 2015 
                                              31 August 2015 31 August 2014  28 February 2015 
                                                      GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000 
                                      Notes      (unaudited)     (unaudited)         (audited) 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair value 
through profit or loss                8              525,824         477,214           496,332 
                                                    --------        --------          -------- 
Current assets 
Other receivables                                        629             886             2,607 
Cash and cash equivalents                             16,410           7,343             2,414 
                                                    --------        --------          -------- 
                                                      17,039           8,229             5,021 
                                                    --------        --------          -------- 
Current liabilities - amounts falling 
due within one year                                  (5,022)         (3,075)           (4,525) 
Net current assets                                    12,017           5,154               496 
                                                    --------        --------          -------- 
Total assets less current liabilities                537,841         482,368           496,828 
Creditors - amounts falling due after 
more than one year                    6             (39,899)        (39,885)          (39,892) 
                                                    --------        --------          -------- 
Net assets                                           497,942         442,483           456,936 
                                                    ========        ========          ======== 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital               7               12,498          12,498            12,498 
Share premium account                                 38,952          38,952            38,952 
Capital redemption reserve                             1,982           1,982             1,982 
Capital reserves                                     428,208         375,888           389,390 
Revenue reserve                                       16,302          13,163            14,114 
                                                    --------        --------          -------- 
Total shareholders' funds             4              497,942         442,483           456,936 
                                                    --------        --------          -------- 
Net asset value per ordinary share 
(debenture at par value)              4            1,039.98p         924.15p           954.34p 
                                                    ========        ========          ======== 
Net asset value per ordinary share 
(debenture at fair value)             4            1,029.43p         916.71p           946.91p 
                                                    ========        ========          ======== 
for the six months ended 31 August 2015 
                                                   Six months      Six months              Year 
                                                        ended           ended             ended 
                                               31 August 2015  31 August 2014  28 February 2015 
                                                        GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000 
                                                   (unaudited)     (unaudited)         (audited) 
Operating activities 
Net profit/(loss) before taxation                       45,327        (25,801)           (8,715) 
Add back interest paid                                     818             844             1,652 
(Gains)/losses on investments held at fair            (41,765)          27,624            12,578 
Net movement on foreign exchange                             2               2                 - 
Sales of investments held at fair value 
through profit or loss                                 104,458         105,411           204,076 
Purchases of investments held at fair value 
through profit or loss                                (89,652)        (99,891)         (203,832) 
Increase in other receivables                            (328)           (429)             (132) 
Increase/(decrease) in other payables                      271           (226)               419 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
Net cash inflow from operating activities 
before interest and taxation                            19,131           7,534             6,046 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
Interest paid                                            (812)           (829)           (1,639) 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
Taxation on investment income included within 
gross income                                              (12)             (4)               (4) 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
Net cash inflow from operating activities               18,307           6,701             4,403 
                                                      ========        ========          ======== 
Financing activities 
Dividends paid                                         (4,309)         (3,543)           (6,176) 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
Net cash outflow from financing activities             (4,309)         (3,543)           (6,176) 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash                    13,998           3,158           (1,773) 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at start of period             2,414           4,187             4,187 
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                    (2)             (2)                 - 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 

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Cash and cash equivalents at end of period              16,410           7,343             2,414 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
Comprised of: 
Cash and cash equivalents                               16,410           7,343             2,414 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
for the six months ended 31 August 2015 
1. Principal activity and basis of preparation 
The Company conducts its business so as to qualify as an investment trust 
company within the meaning of sub-sections 1158-1165 of the Corporation Tax Act 
This is the first year that the Company has presented its results and financial 
position under FRS 102, "The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK 
and Republic of Ireland" (FRS 102), which forms part of revised Generally 
Accepted Accounting Practice (New UK GAAP) issued by the Financial Reporting 
Council (FRC) in 2013. The last financial statements prepared under the 
previous UK GAAP were for the year ended 28 February 2015. 
The condensed set of financial statements has been prepared on a going concern 
basis in accordance with FRS 102 and 'Interim Financial Reporting' (FRS 104) 
issued by the FRC in March 2015 and the revised Statement of Recommended 
Practice - "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture 
Capital Trusts" (SORP) issued by the Association of Investment Companies (AIC) 
in November 2014. 
As a result of the first time adoption of New UK GAAP and the revised SORP, 
comparative amounts and presentation formats have been amended where required. 
The changes to accounting policies relate to the change in the presentation of 
cash flows (see below) and fair value hierarchy of financial instruments (see 
note 8) and there were no adjustments to the Company's income statement for the 
financial year ended 28 February 2015 and the total equity as at 1 March 2014 
and 28 February 2015 between UK GAAP as previously reported and FRS 102 as a 
result of changes to accounting policies. There were no adjustments to the 
Company's balance sheet at 1 March 2014 or 28 February 2015 on transition to 
FRS 102. 
The Company's cash flow statement reflects the presentation requirements of FRS 
102, which are different to that prepared under FRS 1. In addition the cash 
flow statement reconciles to cash and cash equivalents whereas under previous 
UK GAAP the cash flow statement reconciled to cash. Cash and cash equivalents 
are defined in FRS 102 as "cash on hand and demand deposits and short term 
highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash 
and that are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value" whereas cash 
is defined in FRS 1 as "cash in hand and deposits repayable on demand with any 
qualifying institution, less overdrafts from any qualifying institution 
repayable on demand". The FRS 1 definition is more restrictive. The comparative 
figures in the Cash Flow Statement have been restated with the increase/ 
(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents remaining unchanged. 
The accounting policies applied for the condensed set of financial statements 
with regard to measurement and classification are as set out in the Company's 
Annual Report for the year ended 28 February 2015. This is reflective of the 
Company's application of Sections 11 and 12 of FRS 102, in relation to 
financial instruments, in full. References to prior, individual Financial 
Reporting Statements (FRS) should now be taken to reference FRS 102. 
2. Income 
                                                   Six months     Six months              Year 
                                                        ended          ended             ended 
                                               31 August 2015  31 August 2014 28 February 2015 
                                                        GBP'000          GBP'000             GBP'000 
                                                   (unaudited)    (unaudited)         (audited) 
Investment Income: 
UK listed dividends                                      5,666          4,592             8,005 
UK listed special dividends                              1,006            374             1,085 
Property income dividends                                  167             49               153 
Overseas listed dividends                                  511            318               498 
                                                      --------       --------          -------- 
                                                         7,350          5,333             9,741 
                                                      --------       --------          -------- 
Other income: 
Deposit interest                                             5              1                 4 
Underwriting commission                                     17             20                20 
                                                      --------       --------          -------- 
                                                            22             21                24 
                                                      --------       --------          -------- 
Total                                                    7,372          5,354             9,765 
                                                         =====          =====             ===== 
Gains/(losses) on investments held at fair value through profit or loss 
                                                   Six months      Six months              Year 
                                                        ended           ended             ended 
                                               31 August 2015  31 August 2014  28 February 2015 
                                                        GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000 
                                                   (unaudited)     (unaudited)         (audited) 
Realised gains on sales                                 18,812          35,870            53,146 
Movement in investment holding gains                    22,953        (63,494)          (65,724) 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
Total                                                   41,765        (27,624)          (12,578) 
                                                         =====           =====             ===== 
There were no special dividends recognised in the capital column of the Income 
Statement (six months ended 31 August 2014 and year ended 28 February 2015: GBP 
3. Investment management and performance fees 
             Six months  Six months  Six months  Six months  Six months  Six months 
                  ended       ended       ended       ended       ended       ended      Year      Year      Year 
              31 August   31 August   31 August   31 August   31 August   31 August     ended     ended     ended 
                   2015        2015        2015        2014        2014        2014        28        28        28 
            (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited)  February  February  February 
               Revenue     Capital       Total     Revenue     Capital       Total       2015      2015      2015 
                  GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 (audited) (audited) (audited) 
                                                                                     Revenue   Capital     Total 
                                                                                        GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
fee                 345       1,036       1,381         316         947       1,263       620     1,861     2,481 
fee                   -       1,285       1,285           -       1,242       1,242         -     1,259     1,259 
                 ------    --------    --------     -------    --------    --------    ------  --------  -------- 
Total               345       2,321       2,666         316       2,189       2,505       620     3,120     3,740 
                    ===       =====       =====        ====       =====       =====       ===      ====      ==== 
The investment management fee is calculated based on 0.65% in respect of the 
first GBP50 million of the Company's total assets less current liabilities, 
reducing to 0.50% thereafter. A performance fee is payable at the rate of 10% 
of the annualised excess performance over the benchmark, the Numis Smaller 
Companies plus AIM (excluding Investment Companies) Index, in the two previous 
financial years, applied to the average of the total assets less current 
liabilities of the Company. The fee is payable annually in April and is capped 
at 0.25% of the average of the total assets less current liabilities of the 
Performance fees have been wholly allocated to capital reserves as the 
performance has been predominantly generated through capital returns of the 
investment portfolio. A performance fee of GBP1,285,000 has been accrued for the 
six month period ended 31 August 2015 (six months ended 31 August 2014: GBP 
1,242,000 and year ended 28 February 2015: GBP1,259,000). This is based on 
outperformance of 5.7% against the benchmark resulting from an NAV return of 
2.5% against the benchmark return of -3.2%. These percentage returns are the 
annualised performance from 28 February 2014 to 29 February 2016 using actual 
performance for the period 28 February 2014 to 31 August 2015 and assuming the 
performance is in line with the benchmark for the six months ended 29 February 
4. Earnings and net asset value per share 
Revenue and capital returns per share are shown below and have been calculated 
using the following: 

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October 26, 2015 08:20 ET (12:20 GMT)

                                                   Six months      Six months              Year 
                                                        ended           ended             ended 
                                               31 August 2015  31 August 2014  28 February 2015 
                                                   (unaudited)     (unaudited)         (audited) 
Net revenue profit attributable to ordinary 
shareholders (GBP'000)                                     6,497           4,521             8,105 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
Net capital profit/(loss) attributable to 
ordinary shareholders (GBP'000)                           38,818        (30,338)          (16,836) 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
Total profit/(loss) (GBP'000)                             45,315        (25,817)           (8,731) 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
Total shareholders' funds (GBP'000)                      497,942         442,483           456,936 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
The actual and weighted average number of 
ordinary shares in issue at the end of each 
period, on which the return and net asset 
value per ordinary share was calculated was:        47,879,792      47,879,792        47,879,792 
                                                      --------        --------          -------- 
Revenue earnings per share                              13.57p           9.44p            16.93p 
Capital earnings per share                              81.07p        (63.36p)          (35.17p) 
                                                   -----------     -----------       ----------- 
Total earnings per share                                94.64p        (53.92p)          (18.24p) 
                                                   -----------     -----------       ----------- 
Net asset value per share (debt at par value)        1,039.98p         924.15p           954.34p 
                                                  ------------     -----------       ----------- 
Net asset value per share (debt at fair value)       1,029.43p         916.71p           946.91p 
                                                       =======         =======           ======= 
Share price (mid-market)                               925.50p         800.50p           812.00p 
                                                       =======         =======           ======= 
5. Dividend 
In accordance with FRS 102 Section 32 "Events After the End of the Reporting 
Period", the final dividend payable on ordinary shares is recognised as a 
liability when approved by shareholders. Interim dividends are recognised only 
when paid. 
The Board has declared an interim dividend of 7.00p per share (2014: 5.50p per 
share), payable on 30 November 2015 to shareholders on the register as at 6 
November 2015; the ex dividend date is 5 November 2015. The total cost of this 
dividend, based on 47,879,792 shares in issue at 26 October 2015, is GBP3,352,000 
(2014: GBP2,633,000). 
6. Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year 
                                                        Six           Six 
                                                     months        months          Year 
                                                      ended         ended         ended 
                                                         31            31            28 
                                                     August        August      February 
                                                        2015          2014          2015 
                                                      GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000 
                                                 (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
Revolving loan facility                               25,000        25,000        25,000 
7.75% debenture stock 2022                            14,899        14,885        14,892 
                                                    --------      --------      -------- 
Total                                                 39,899        39,885        39,892 
                                                      ======        ======         ===== 
The fair value of the 7.75% debenture stock using the last available quoted 
offer price from the London Stock Exchange as at 31 August 2015 was 133.00p per 
debenture, a total value of GBP19,950,000. 
The GBP15 million debenture stock was issued on 8 July 1997. Interest on the 
stock is payable in equal half yearly instalments on 31 July and 31 January in 
each year. The stock is secured by a first floating charge over the whole of 
the assets of the Company and is redeemable at par on 31 July 2022. 
The Company has in place a GBP35 million three year multi-currency revolving loan 
facility with Scotia Bank (Ireland) Limited. At the period end, GBP25 million of 
this facility had been utilised. Under the amended agreement the termination 
date of this facility is the third anniversary of the effective date being June 
2018. Interest on this facility is reset every three months and is currently 
charged at the rate of 1.53156% (six months ended 31 August 2014: 1.70963%, 
year ended 28 February 2015: 1.71338%). 
7. Called up share capital 
                                     Ordinary      Treasury            in       Nominal 
                                        shares        shares         issue         value 
                                      (number)      (number)      (number)         GBP'000 
Allotted, called up and fully 
paid share capital comprised: 
Ordinary shares of 25 pence 
At 1 March 2015                     47,879,792     2,113,731    49,993,523        12,498 
                                      --------      --------      --------      -------- 
At 31 August 2015                   47,879,792     2,113,731    49,993,523        12,498 
                                      ========      ========      ========      ======== 
8. Valuation of financial instruments 
The Company's investments and derivative financial instruments, as disclosed in 
the Company's Balance Sheet, are valued at fair value. 
In accordance with FRS 102 the fair value as at the reporting date has been 
estimated using the following fair value hierarchy: 
Level (a) Quoted prices for identical instruments in active markets 
A financial instrument is regarded as quoted in an active market if quoted 
prices are readily and regularly available from an exchange, dealer, broker, 
industry group, pricing service or regulatory agency, and those prices 
represent actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm's length 
Level (b) Prices of a recent transaction for identical instruments 
When quoted prices are unavailable, the price of a recent transaction for an 
identical asset provides evidence of fair value as long as there has not been a 
significant change in economic circumstances or a significant lapse of time 
since the transaction took place. 
Level (c) Valuation techniques that use: 
(i)   Observable market data; or 
(ii)  Non-observable data 
When the market for the asset is not active and recent transactions of an 
identical asset on their own are not a good estimate, the fair value is 
estimated by using an alternative valuation technique. Such valuation 
techniques will, where possible, maximise the use of observable market data 
inputs as opposed to non-observable entity determined data inputs. 
The Investment Manager considers observable data to be that market data that is 
readily available, regularly distributed or updated, reliable and verifiable, 
not proprietary, and provided by independent sources that are actively involved 
in the relevant market. 
The analysis of the valuation basis for the financial instruments based on the 
hierarchy as at 31 August 2015 is set out below. The level in the fair value 
hierarchy within which the fair value measurement is categorised in its 
entirety is determined on the basis of the lowest level input that is 
significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. 
Financial assets at fair                                  Level        Level 
value through profit or         Level        Level          (c)          (c) 
loss at 31 August 2015             (a)          (b)          (i)         (ii)        Total 
                                GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
                           (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (unaudited) 
Equity investments             525,824            -            -            -      525,824 
                              --------     --------     --------     --------     -------- 
Total                          525,824            -            -            -      525,824 
                                ======       ======       ======       ======       ====== 
Financial assets at fair        Level        Level        Level        Level 
value through profit or            (a)          (b)         (c)          (c) 
loss at 31 August 2014                                       (i)         (ii)        Total 
                                GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
                           (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (unaudited) 
Equity investments             477,214            -            -            -      477,214 
                              --------     --------     --------     --------     -------- 

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