RNS Number:4624Q
Irish Life & Permanent PLC
25 August 2005

                           Irish Life & Permanent plc

                      Restatement of Interim 2004 Results

            Under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

                       and European Embedded Value (EEV)

Irish Life & Permanent today published the restatement of its preliminary
Interim 2004 results under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS")
and European Embedded Value ("EEV"). The impact of the restatements is
summarised below.

                                  ROI GAAP           EEV *          IFRS
                                    Eurom               Eurom              Eurom

Profit after Tax

Banking                             43               48              48

Life                               105              112              58

Associate and other                 15               22              22

Total                              163              182             128

Shareholders Equity               2,170            2,136           1,643

Life New Business Contribution     24               28               -

Commenting on the restatements Group Finance Director Peter Fitzpatrick said
"today's release continues our programme of providing the market with
comprehensive information on the impact of the changes in accounting rules and
practices on our reported financial results. Following the detailed restatement
and explanation of our 2004 full year results on both an EEV and IFRS basis in
July, we are now providing restated figures for the first half of 2004. This
restatement provides the comparative numbers against which our Interim 2005
results - to be announced on September 7th next - will be measured".

Full details of the restatements are set out in the attached documents, which
form part of this announcement.

"Transition to IFRS - Restatement of Interim 2004 Financial Information"

"Transition to EEV - Restatement of Interim 2004 Financial Information"

To further assist users of our financial statements in better understanding our
results we are also publishing today a "Guide to Financial Reporting in Irish
Life & Permanent", based on the restated full year 2004 results. The guide is
available on the group's web site, www.irishlifepermanent.ie/ipm/ir/.

For further information contact:

Name                 Telephone No.    Mobile No.     Email address

Barry Walsh          353 1 7042678    087 681 8157   barry.walsh@irishlife.ie
Head of 
Investor Relations
David McCarthy       353 1 8563050    087 256 7292   david.mccarthy@irishlife.ie
Group CFO

Ray Gordon           353 1 6788099    087 241 7373   ray@mrpakinman.ie
MRPA Kinman

                               Transition to IFRS

               Restatement of Interim 2004 financial information

                                 25 August 2005

Basis of preparation of Preliminary Interim 2004 comparatives

From 1 January 2005 Irish Life & Permanent plc ('the group'), together with all
other European Union listed groups, is required to prepare its consolidated
annual financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards ('IFRS') as adopted for use in the European Union.

IFRS brings into force phase 1 of the International Accounting Standard Board's
("IASB") insurance accounting project. In view of the phased implementation of
IFRS for insurance business, the group believes that shareholders will continue
to place considerable reliance on embedded value information relating to the
life assurance business. The IFRS preliminary interim financial information
includes insurance contracts written in the life assurance business based on
embedded value earnings calculated using the EEV principles developed by the
European CFO forum. The supplementary information published separately extends
these principles to investment contracts written in the life assurance business.

On 21 July 2005 the group issued a document which set out the accounting
policies under IFRS and the key adjustments required to restate the ROI GAAP
published financial information for the group for the year ended 31 December
2004 in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS. This
document is available on the group's website (www.irishlifepermanent.ie).

The interim 2004 restatements have been prepared on a consistent basis with 2004
year end restatements.

The preliminary consolidated interim financial information presented comprises
the preliminary consolidated interim balance sheet as at 30 June 2004, the
preliminary consolidated interim income statement and the preliminary
consolidated interim statement of recognised income and expenses for the period
ended 30 June 2004.

The preliminary consolidated interim information has been prepared based on the
recognition and measurement requirements of the IFRS issued by the IASB and
adopted by the EU which are expected to apply at 31 December 2005. Certain IFRS
that will be effective or available for early adoption at 31 December 2005 are
still subject to change and to the issue of additional interpretations.

Previously published ROI GAAP information has been reformatted to assist in the
presentation of the IFRS information.

The IFRS preliminary interim financial information is shown on two separate
bases, the first basis ("statutory basis") shows the 2004 interim financial
information adopting all the recognition and measurement principles of the IFRS
standards in accordance with IFRS 1 with the exception of IAS 32, IAS 39 and
IFRS 4 where a deferred transitional date has been permitted by the IASB. This
concession allows the group to continue to report comparatives for areas covered
by these standards on a ROI GAAP basis for 2004 only. The second basis
("pro-forma basis") provides more meaningful comparative information by showing
the 2004 IFRS preliminary interim financial information including the impact on
the financial information of the recognition and measurement principles of IAS
32, IAS 39 and IFRS 4, with the exception of the income statement impact of
derivative hedge accounting where the necessary documentation was not in place
prior to the standard being agreed in late 2004.

Under IFRS 4, existing accounting policies continue to apply to insurance
contracts but there is an option to make improvements to accounting policies if
the resulting financial statements are more relevant to the needs of the user.
Accordingly, earnings generated on insurance contracts are prepared in
accordance with the European Embedded Value (EEV) principles issued in May 2004
by the European CFO Forum. The group has also adopted FRS 27 'Life Assurance'
which was issued by the UK Accounting Standards Board (ASB) in December 2004.

In October 2004, the EU adopted a carved out version of IAS 39 which restricted
the use of the fair value option for financial liabilities. It is expected that
recent amendments made to IAS39 will result in the EU endorsing a revised
version of IAS39 which would allow the use of the fair value option in certain
circumstances and the group would avail of this option. In the meantime the
group has followed the guidance issued which clarifies that liabilities which
under the EU insurance accounts directive were permitted to be measured at fair
value can continue to be measured on this basis.

Estimates and assumptions

Certain amounts recorded include estimates and assumptions made by management
about insurance liability reserves, investment valuations, interest rates,
demographic and other factors. Actual results may differ from the estimates
made. Where estimates had been made under ROI GAAP, consistent estimates (after
adjustments to reflect any difference in accounting policies) have been made on
transition to IFRS. Judgements affecting the group's balance sheet have not been
revisited with the benefit of hindsight.

First time adoption of IFRS

The group is required to determine its IFRS accounting policies and apply them
retrospectively to establish its opening balance sheet under IFRS. However, as
explained above, IFRS 1 "First-time Adoption of International Financial
Reporting Standards" allows a number of exemptions on adoption of IFRS for the
first time. The date of transition to IFRS for the group is 1 January 2004.

The group has taken advantage of the following exemptions as permitted by IFRS

Business combinations

For business combinations before 1 January 2004 the group has elected not to
apply the provisions of IFRS 3 "Business Combinations" retrospectively.
Accordingly no adjustments have been made for historical business combinations
and accumulated amortisation on goodwill arising before 1 January 2004 has not
been reversed.

Cumulative translation differences

Cumulative translation differences of foreign operations have not been restated
on an IFRS basis. These are deemed to be zero at the date of transition.

Employee defined benefit obligations

All cumulative actuarial gains and losses have been recognised in equity at 1
January 2004, the group has adopted the corridor approach from that date

IAS 32, IAS 39 and IFRS 4

In preparing the statutory information the group has availed of the exemptions
under IAS 32, IAS 39 and IFRS 4 not to restate comparative amounts for 2004.


The provisions of IFRS 2 in respect of share-based payment plans have not been
applied to options and awards granted on or before 7 November 2002 which had not
vested by 1 January 2005.

Consolidated Preliminary Interim Income Statement

                                               Six months ended 30 June 2004

                                           ROI GAAP as         IFRS          IFRS
                                           reformatted    Statutory     Pro-forma
                                                    Eurom           Eurom            Eurom

Interest receivable                                434          432           431
Interest payable                                 (263)        (259)         (259)
                                                   171          173           172
Fees and commission income                          23           29            29
Fees and commission expenses                      (21)         (21)           (3)
Net trading income                                   -            -             -
Premiums on insurance contracts                  1,402        1,373           260
Reinsurers share of premiums on insurance            -            -          (32)
Net investment return                              814          769           765
Fees from investment contracts and fund              -            7            79
Change in shareholder value of in-force             66          125            45
Other income                                         5            5             4
Net operating income                             2,460        2,460         1,319

Claims on insurance contracts                    (641)        (587)         (195)
Reinsurers share of claims on insurance              -            -            48
Change in insurance contracts liabilities      (1,388)      (1,392)         (115)
Change in investment contract liabilities                         -         (648)
Administrative and acquisition expenses          (256)        (234)         (239)
Depreciation and amortisation
Tangible fixed assets                                -         (15)          (15)
Intangible assets - software                         -          (4)           (4)
Intangible assets - goodwill impairment/           (6)            -             -
Impairment losses on loans and advances            (4)          (4)           (5)
Taxation attributable to life assurance            (9)            -             -
Net operating expenses                         (2,304)      (2,236)       (1,173)

Tax attributable to the profit on life               8            -             -
assurance activities

Operating profit                                   164          224           146

Share of operating profits of associated            26           22            22
Profit on the sale of property and                   2            2             2

Profit on ordinary activities before               192          248           170

Total taxation expense                            (28)         (73)          (42)
Profit for the period on continuing                164          175           128

Profit on discontinued activities after              -            2             1
Profit for the period                              164          177           129
Minority interests share of profit                 (1)          (1)           (1)

Profit attributable to shareholders                163          176           128

Earnings per share on continuing                  62.2         66.9          48.6
activities (cent)
Fully diluted earnings per share on               61.8         66.4          48.3
continuing activities (cent)

Consolidated Preliminary Interim Balance

                                               As at 30 June 2004
                                       ROI GAAP as reformatted
                                                        Life               IFRS      IFRS
                                         Banking   Assurance  Total   Statutory Pro-forma
                                              Eurom          Eurom     Eurom          Eurom        Eurom
Cash and balances with central banks         136          56    192          86        86
Items in course of collection                  -           -      -         119       119
Loans and receivables to banks             3,667         547  4,214       5,233     5,233
Loans and receivables to customers        18,078           3 18,081      19,008    19,186
Debt securities                            2,730       1,697  4,427       7,138     7,138
Equity shares                                  -         156    156       8,843     8,843
Investment properties                         24          97    121       1,632     1,632
Derivatives                                    -           -      -         106       106
Interest in associated undertakings          107           -    107         112       112
Goodwill and other intangible assets           -           -    192         224       224
Property and equipment                       213          46    259         319       319
Shareholder value of in-force business         -         947    947       1,115       553
Deferred acquisition costs                     -           -      -           -       173
Reinsurance assets                             -       1,241  1,241       1,241     1,531
Net post retirement benefit asset              -           -      -          66        66
Other assets                                  49         249    298         161       161
Prepayments and accrued income               228          67    295         335       266
Assets held to cover linked liabilities        -      14,159 14,159           -         -
Securitised assets - mortgage assets       1,013           -  1,013           -         -
Less non-recourse funding                  (990)           -  (990)           -         -
Total assets                              25,255      19,265 44,712      45,738    45,748
Deposits by banks                          1,894           -  1,894       2,071     2,071
Customer accounts                         11,518           - 11,518      11,171    11,171
Debt securities in issue                  10,441           - 10,441      10,425    10,425
Non-recourse funding                           -           -      -         990       990
Derivatives                                    -           -      -          14        14
Insurance contract liabilities                 -      17,473 17,473      17,423     3,770
Investment contract liabilities                -           -      -           -    13,879
Outstanding insurance and investment claims    -           -      -         118       118
Net post retirement benefit liability          -           -      -         165       165
Current tax liabilities                        -           -      -          38        38
Deferred tax liabilities                      20           -     20         171       106
Other liabilities                             60         181    241         248       240
Deferred front end fees                        -           -      -           -       210
Accruals and deferred income                  89          31    120         120       120
Subordinated liabilities                     782           -    782         782       782
Dividends                                     45           -     45           -         -
                                          24,849      17,685 42,534      43,736    44,099
Shareholders' Equity
Share capital                                                    86          86        86
Share premium                                                    52          52        52
Retained profits                                              2,000       1,734     1,383
Other reserves                                                   86         122       122
                                                              2,224       1,994     1,643
Own shares held for the benefit of life assurance              (54)           -         -
Shareholders' equity excluding minority interest              2,170       1,994     1,643
Minority interest                                                 8           8         6
Shareholders' equity including minority interest              2,178       2,002     1,649

Total liabilities and equity                                 44,712      45,738    45,748

Consolidated Preliminary Interim Statement of Recognised Income and Expenses

                                                   Six months 30 June 2004

                                             ROI GAAP as        IFRS        IFRS
                                             reformatted   Statutory   Pro-forma
                                                      Eurom          Eurom          Eurom

Net amount recognised directly in equity               -           -           -

Profit for the period after tax                      164         177         129

Total recognised income and expenses for the         164         177         129

Minority interests                                   (1)         (1)         (1)

Attributable to equityholders                        163         176         128

Movement in cost of own shares                         -           -           -
Dividends paid                                      (45)        (97)        (97)

                                                     118          79          31

Summarised Preliminary Interim Segmental Analysis (Pro-forma)

                                           Six months ended 30 June 2004

                                    Investment &                 Consolidation
                            Banking    Insurance Associate Other   Adjustments   Total
                                 Eurom           Eurom        Eurom    Eurom            Eurom      Eurom

Net interest receivable         171            -         -     -             1     172
Other non-interest income        20            -         -    12           (6)      26
Net premiums on insurance         -          228         -     -             -     228
Net investment return             1          765         -     -           (1)     765
Fees from investment              -           66         -     7             6      79
contracts and fund
Change in shareholder value       -           45         -     -             -      45
of in-force
Other income                      -            -         -     4             -       4

Net operating income            192        1,104         -    23             -   1,319

Net claims on insurance           -        (147)         -     -             -   (147)
Change in insurance/              -        (763)         -     -             -   (763)
contract liabilities
Administrative and            (110)        (105)         -  (24)             -   (239)
acquisition expenses
Depreciation and               (12)          (6)         -   (1)             -    (19)
Impairment losses on loans      (5)            -         -     -             -     (5)
and advances

Net operating expenses        (127)      (1,021)         -  (25)             - (1,173)

Operating profit                 65           83         -   (2)             -     146

Share of operating profits of                  -        22     -             -      22
associated undertakings
Profit on the sale of             -            -         -     2             -       2
property and equipment

Profit on ordinary               65           83        22     -             -     170
activities before taxation

Total taxation expense         (17)         (25)         -     -             -    (42)
Profit for the period on         48           58        22     -             -     128
continuing activities

Profit on discontinued            -            1         -     -             -       1
activities after taxation
Minority interests share of       -          (1)         -     -             -     (1)

Profit attributable to           48           58        22     -             -     128

Special purpose review report of KPMG to Irish Life & Permanent plc ("the
Company") on it Preliminary International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS")
Interim Financial Information


In accordance with the terms of our engagement letter we have reviewed the
following items (together they are referred to as the "preliminary IFRS interim
financial information") set out on pages 1 to 5 and which have been prepared in
accordance with the IFRS measurement and recognition principles:
*    the consolidated preliminary IFRS balance sheet of Irish Life & Permanent 
     plc and subsidiary undertakings the Group") as at 30 June 2004, together 
     with the consolidated preliminary IFRS income statement and the 
     consolidated preliminary IFRS statement of recognised income and expenses 
     for the period then ended;

*    the consolidated preliminary proforma IFRS balance sheet as at 30 June 2004 
     together with the consolidated preliminary proforma IFRS income statement 
     and the consolidated preliminary proforma IFRS statement of recognised 
     income and expenses for the period ended 30 June 2004;

*    the basis of preparation and related notes;

As described on pages 1 to 2 and as part of the Group's transition to IFRS, the
preliminary IFRS interim financial information has been prepared by the
Directors of the Company in advance of preparing the Group's first consolidated
interim report in accordance with IFRS measurement and recognition principles,
for the six month period to 30 June 2005.

Our report has been prepared for the Company solely in connection with the
Group's conversion to IFRS. Our report was designed to meet the agreed
requirements of the Company determined by the Company's needs at the time. Our
report should not therefore be regarded as suitable to be used or relied on by
any party wishing to acquire rights against us other than the Company for any
purpose or in any context. Any party other than the Company who chooses to rely
on our report (or any part of it) will do so at its own risk. To the fullest
extent permitted by law, KPMG will accept no responsibility or liability in
respect of our report to any other party.

Directors' responsibilities

The Directors of the Company have accepted responsibility for the preparation of
the preliminary IFRS interim financial information which has been prepared as
part of the Group's conversion to IFRS. As explained in the basis of preparation
note on pages 1 to 2 the preliminary IFRS interim financial information has been
prepared on the basis of the recognition and measurement criteria of the IFRS in
issue that are either adopted by the EU and effective, or are expected to be
adopted and effective (or available for early adoption) at 31 December 2005.

As disclosed in basis of preparation note on pages 1 to 2 of the preliminary
IFRS interim financial information, the next annual financial statements of the
Group will be prepared in accordance with IFRS adopted for use in the European

The accounting policies that have been adopted in preparing the preliminary IFRS
interim financial information are consistent with those that the Directors
currently intend to use in the next annual financial statements.

There is, however, a possibility that the directors may determine that some
changes to these policies are necessary when preparing the full annual financial
statements for the first time in accordance with those IFRS adopted for use by
the European Union. This is because, as disclosed in the basis of preparation
note, the directors have anticipated that certain standards, which have yet to
be formally adopted for use in the EU will be so adopted in time to be
applicable to the next annual financial statements.

Review work performed

Our responsibilities as independent auditors are established in Ireland by the
Auditing Practices Board, our professions ethical guidance and the terms of our
engagement. Under the terms of engagement we are required to report to you our
review conclusions as to whether we are aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the preliminary IFRS interim financial information which has
been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the accounting
policy notes to the preliminary IFRS interim financial information.

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
Review of interim financial information issued by the Auditing Practices Board
for use in Ireland and the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of
making enquiries of Group management and applying analytical procedures to the
preliminary IFRS interim financial information and underlying financial data
and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review is
substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing
Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.
Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the preliminary IFRS interim
financial information.

Emphasis of matters

Without qualifying our review conclusions, we draw your attention to the
following matters:
*    The Group has prepared the preliminary IFRS interim financial information 
     for the six month period ended 30 June 2004 to establish comparative 
     figures for the Group's interim report for the six month period ended 30
     June 2005. The preliminary IFRS interim financial information does not 
     itself include comparative financial information for the prior period.

*    As explained in the basis of preparation, no adjustments have been made for 
     any changes in estimates made at the time of approval of the previous Irish 
     GAAP interim report for the six month period ended 30 June 2004 on which 
     the preliminary IFRS interim financial information is based, as permitted 
     by IFRS 1.

*    IAS 32 'Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation', IAS 39 
     'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement' and IFRS 4 'Insurance 
     Contracts' have not been applied to the preliminary IFRS interim financial
     information relating to 30 June 2004 as permitted by IFRS 1 'First-time 
     Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards'. Any adjustments 
     will be shown as an equity movement on 1 January 2005.

Review Conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the preliminary IFRS interim financial information on pages 3
to 5 which has been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the
basis of preparation note on pages 1 to 2, which describes how the measurement
and recognition principles of IFRS have been applied under IFRS 1, including the
assumptions made by the Directors about the standards and interpretations
expected to be effective, and the policies expected to be adopted, when they
prepare the first complete set of consolidated IFRS financial statements of the
Group for the year 31 December 2005.

Reconciliation of Preliminary Interim IFRS Statutory Basis Income Statement for 
the six months ended 30 June 2004

                  ROI GAAP                                      
                        as               Discontinued           Investment  Property
               reformatted Consolidation   activities Associate   property equipment          
                        Eurom            Eurom                     Eurom         Eurom        Eurom

Interest               434           (2)            -         -          -         -
Interest             (263)             4            -         -          -         -
Fees and                23             6            -         -          -         -
Fees and              (21)             -            -         -          -         -
Net trading              -             -            -         -          -         -
Premiums on          1,402             -         (29)         -          -         -
Reinsurers               -             -            -         -          -         -
share of
premiums on
Net investment         814          (21)         (23)         -        (2)         1
Fees from                -             7            -         -          -         -
contracts and
Change in               66             -            -         -          -         -
value of
Other income             5             -            -         -          -         -
Net operating        2,460           (6)         (52)         -        (2)         1
Claims on            (641)             -           54         -          -         -
Reinsurers               -             -            -         -          -         -
share of
claims on
Change in          (1,388)             -          (8)         -          -         -
Change in                -             -            -         -          -         -
Administrative       (256)             6            2         -          2        18
Tangible fixed           -             -            -         -          -      (19)
Intangible               -             -            -         -          -         -
assets -
Intangible             (6)             -            -         -          -         -
assets -
Impairment             (4)             -            -         -          -         -
losses on
*loans and
Taxation               (9)           (1)            -         -          -         -
to life
Net operating      (2,304)             5           48         -          2       (1)
Tax                      8             -            -         -          -         -
to the profit
on life
Operating              164           (1)          (4)         -          -         -
Share of                26             -            -       (4)          -         -
profits of
Profit on the            2             -            -         -          -         -
sale of
property and
Profit on              192           (1)          (4)       (4)          -         -
Total taxation        (28)             1            2         4
Profit for the         164             -          (2)         -          -         -
period on
Profit on                -             -            2         -          -         -
after taxation
Profit for the         164             -            -         -          -         -
Minority               (1)             -            -         -          -         -
share of
Profit                 163             -            -         -          -         -
to shareholders

                       Goodwill & Pension                 Own      IFRS
                      intangibles   costs Taxation EEV shares Statutory
                               Eurom      Eurom       Eurom  Eurom     Eurom        Eurom

Interest receivable             -       -        -   -      -       432
Interest payable                -       -        -   -      -     (259)
Fees and commission             -       -        -   -      -        29
Fees and commission             -       -        -   -      -      (21)
Net trading income              -       -        -   -      -         -
Premiums on insurance           -       -        -   -      -     1,373
Reinsurers share of             -       -        -   -      -         -
premiums on insurance
Net investment return           -       -        -   -      -       769
Fees from investment            -       -        -   -      -         7
contracts and fund
Change in shareholder           -       -       49  10      -       125
value of in-force
Other income                    -       -        -   -      -         5
Net operating income            -       -       49  10      -     2,460
Claims on insurance             -       -        -   -      -     (587)
Reinsurers share of             -       -        -   -      -         -
claims on insurance
Change in insurance             -       -        2   -      2   (1,392)
contracts liabilities
Change in investment            -       -        -   -      -         -
contract liabilities
Administrative and              -     (6)        -   -      -     (234)
acquisition expenses
Depreciation and                                     -      -         -
Tangible fixed assets           4       -        -   -      -      (15)
Intangible assets -           (4)       -        -   -      -       (4)
Intangible assets -             6       -        -   -      -         -
goodwill impairment/
Impairment losses on            -       -        -   -      -       (4)
loans and advances
Taxation attributable           -       -       10   -      -         -
to life assurance
Net operating                   6     (6)       12   -      2   (2,236)
Tax attributable to             -       -      (8)   -      -         -
the profit on life
assurance activities
Operating profit                6     (6)       53  10      2       224
Share of operating              -       -        -   -      -        22
profits of associated
Profit on the sale of           -       -        -   -      -         2
property and
Profit on ordinary              6     (6)       53  10      2       248
activities before
Total taxation                          1     (53)   -      -      (73)
Profit for the period           6     (5)        -  10      2       175
on continuing
Profit on                       -       -        -   -      -         2
activities after
Profit for the period           6     (5)        -  10      2       177
Minority interests              -       -        -   -      -       (1)
share of profit
Profit attributable             6     (5)        -  10      2       176
to shareholders

Reconciliation of Preliminary Interim IFRS Pro-forma Basis Income Statement for 
the six months ended 30 June 2004

                                        IFRS            Effective                            IFRS
                                   Statutory Impairment  interest  IFRS 4               Pro-forma
                                          Eurom         Eurom        Eurom      Eurom                      Eurom

Interest receivable                      432          1       (2)       -                     431
Interest payable                       (259)          -         -       -                   (259)
Fees and commission income                29          -         -       -                      29
Fees and commission expenses            (21)          -        18       -                     (3)
Net trading income                         -          -         -       -                       -
Premiums on insurance                  1,373          -         - (1,113)                     260
Reinsurers share of premiums on            -          -         -    (32)                    (32)
insurance contracts
Net investment return                    769          -         1     (5)                     765
Fees from investment contracts and         7          -         -      72                      79
fund management
Change in shareholder value              125          -         -    (80)                      45
of in-force
Other income                               5          -       (1)       -                       4
Net operating income                   2,460          1        16 (1,158)                   1,319
Claims on insurance                    (587)          -         -     392                   (195)
Reinsurers share of claims on              -          -         -      48                      48
insurance contracts
Change in insurance                  (1,392)          -         -   1,277                   (115)
contracts liabilities
Change in investment                       -          -         -   (648)                   (648)
contract liabilities
Administrative and                     (234)          -       (7)       2                   (239)
acquisition expenses
Depreciation and
Tangible fixed assets                   (15)          -         -       -                    (15)
Intangible assets - software             (4)          -         -       -                     (4)
Intangible assets - goodwill               -          -         -       -                       -
Impairment losses on loans               (4)        (1)         -       -                     (5)
and advances
Taxation attributable to life              -          -         -       -                       -
assurance activities
Net operating expenses               (2,236)        (1)       (7)   1,071                 (1,173)
Tax attributable to the profit on          -                                                    -
life assurance activities
Operating profit                         224          -         9    (87)                     146
Share of operating profits of             22          -         -       -                      22
associated undertakings
Profit on the sale of                      2          -         -       -                       2
property and equipment
Profit on ordinary                       248          -         9    (87)                     170
activities before taxation
Total taxation expense                  (73)                  (2)      33                    (42)
Profit for the period on                 175          -         7    (54)                     128
continuing activities
Profit on discontinued activities          2                          (1)                       1
after taxation
Profit for the period                    177          -         7    (55)                     129
Minority interests share of              (1)                            -                     (1)
Profit attributable to                   176          -         7    (55)                     128

Reconciliation of Preliminary Interim IFRS Statutory Basis Balance Sheet as at 
30 June 2004

                      ROI GAAP                               
                as reformatted   Consolidation          Investment Property,
                         Total  Other   Linked Associate  property equipment
                            Eurom     Eurom              Eurom       Eurom       Eurom
Cash and balances with     192  (116)       10      -        -        -
central banks
Items in course of           -    119        -      -        -        -
Loans and receivables    4,214  (307)    1,326      -        -        -
to banks
Loans and receivables   18,081   (88)        2      -        -        -
to customers
Debt securities          4,427   (82)    2,793      -        -        -
Equity shares              156     59    8,628      -        -        -
Investment properties      121      -    1,593      -     (82)        -
Derivatives                  -      -      106      -        -        -
Interest in associated     107      -        -      5        -        -
Goodwill and other         192      -        -      -        -       25
intangible assets
Property and equipment     259      -        -      -       82     (22)
Shareholder value of       947      -        -      -        -        -
in-force business
Deferred acquisition         -      -        -      -        -        -
Reinsurance assets       1,241      -        -      -        -        -
Net post retirement          -      -        -      -        -        -
benefit asset
Other assets               298   (43)      (9)      -        -        -
Prepayments and            295   (43)       84      -        -        -
accrued income
Assets held to cover    14,159      - (14,159)      -        -        -
linked liabilities
Securitised assets -     1,013      -        -      -        -        -
mortgage assets
Less non-recourse        (990)      -        -      -        -        -

Total assets            44,712  (501)      374      5        0        3

                                 Goodwill &   Pension                              Own  Securitised       IFRS         
                                intangibles     costs      Taxation       EEV   shares       assets  Statutory 
                                         Eurom        Eurom            Eurom        Eurom       Eurom           Eurom         Eurom
Cash and balances with central banks      -         -             -         -       -            -          86
Items in course of collection             -         -             -         -       -            -         119
Loans and receivables to banks            -         -             -         -       -            -       5,233
Loans and receivables to customers        -         -             -         -       -        1,013      19,008
Debt securities                           -         -             -         -       -            -       7,138
Equity shares                             -         -             -         -       -            -       8,843
Investment properties                     -         -             -         -       -            -       1,632
Derivatives                               -         -             -         -       -            -         106
Interest in associated undertakings       -         -             -         -       -            -         112
Goodwill and other intangible assets      7         -             -         -       -            -         224
Property and equipment                    -         -             -         -       -            -         319
Shareholder value of in-force business    -         -           200      (32)       -            -       1,115
Deferred acquisition costs                -         -             -         -       -            -           -
Reinsurance assets                        -         -             -         -       -            -       1,241
Net post retirement benefit asset         -        66             -         -       -            -          66
Other assets                              -      (85)             -         -       -            -         161
Prepayments and accrued income          (1)         -             -         -       -            -         335
Assets held to cover linked liabilities   -         -             -         -       -            -           -
Securitised assets - mortgage assets      -         -             -         -       -      (1,013)           -
Less non-recourse funding                 -         -             -         -       -          990           -

Total assets                              6      (19)           200      (32)       0          990      45,738

Reconciliation of Preliminary Interim IFRS Statutory Basis Balance Sheet as at 
30 June 2004

                                     ROI GAAP                               
                               as reformatted      Consolidation                 Investment Property,
                                        Total     Other   Linked    Associate      property equipment
                                           Eurom        Eurom                    Eurom            Eurom       Eurom
Deposits by banks                      1,894       (94)      271            -              -       - 
Customer accounts                     11,518      (347)        -            -              -       - 
Debt securities in issue              10,441       (16)        -            -              -       - 
Non-recourse funding                       -          -        -            -              -       - 
Derivatives                                -          -       14            -              -       - 
Insurance contract liabilities        17,473      (118)        -            -              -       - 
Investment contract liabilities            -         -         -            -              -       -
Outstanding insurance and investment       -        118        -            -              -       -    
Net post retirement benefit liability      -          -        -            -              -       -    
Current tax liabilities                    -         38        -            -              -       -    
Deferred tax liabilities                  20          -        -            -              -       -    
Other liabilities                        241       (82)       89            -              -       -   
Deferred front end fees                    -          -        -            -              -       -    
Accruals and deferred income             120          -        -            -              -       -  
Other provisions                           -          -        -            -              -       -    
Subordinated liabilities                 782          -        -            -              -       -    
Dividends                                 45         -         -            -              -       -    
                                      42,534      (501)      374            -              -       - 
Shareholders Equity
Share capital                             86          -        -            -              -       -    
Share premium                             52          -        -            -              -       -   
Retained earnings                      2,000          -        -            5           (41)       -  
Other reserves                            86          -        -           41              -       3  
                                       2,224          -        -            5              -       3  
Own shares held for the benefit of      (54)          -        -            -              -       -     
the life assurance policyholders
Shareholders equity excluding          2,170          -        -            5              -       3 
minority interest
Minority interest                          8          -        -            -              -       -   
Shareholders equity including          2,178          -        -            5              -       3
minority interest

Total liabilities and equity          44,712      (501)      374            5              -       3 

                                     Goodwill &  Pension                   Own    Dividend Securitised              IFS 
                                     intangibles   costs Taxation  EEV  shares recognition      assets        Statutory 
                                              Eurom      Eurom       Eurom   Eurom      Eurom          Eurom          Eurom              
Deposits by banks                              -       -        -    -       -           -           -            2,071
Customer accounts                              -       -        -    -       -           -           -           11,171
Debt securities in issue                       -       -        -    -       -           -           -           10,425
Non-recourse funding                           -       -        -    -       -           -         990              990
Derivatives                                    -       -        -    -       -           -           -               14
Insurance contract liabilities                 -       -       42    -      26           -           -           17,423 
Investment contract liabilities                -       -        -    -       -           -           -                -
Outstanding insurance and investment claims    -       -        -    -       -           -           -              118
Net post retirement benefit liability          -     165        -    -       -           -           -              165
Current tax liabilities                        -       -        -    -       -           -           -               38
Deferred tax liabilities                       -    (15)      166    -       -           -           -              171
Other liabilities                              -       -        -    -       -           -           -              248
Deferred front end fees                        -       -        -    -       -           -           -                -
Accruals and deferred income                   -       -        -    -       -           -           -              120
Other provisions                               -       -        -    -       -           -           -                -
Subordinated liabilities                       -       -        -    -       -           -           -              782
Dividends                                      -       -        -    -       -        (45)           -                -
                                               -     150      208    -      26        (45)         990           43,736
Shareholders Equity
Share capital                                  -       -        -    -       -           -           -               86
Share premium                                  -       -        -    -       -           -           -               52
Retained earnings                              6   (169)        - (32)    (80)          45           -            1,734
Other reserves                                 -       -      (8)    -       -           -           -              122
                                               6   (169)      (8) (32)    (80)          45           -            1,994
Own shares held for the benefit of the life    -       -        -    -      54           -           -                -
assurance policyholders
Shareholders equity excluding minority         6   (169)      (8) (32)    (26)          45           -            1,994
Minority interest                              -       -        -    -       -           -           -                8
Shareholders equity including minority         6   (169)      (8) (32)    (26)          45           -            2,002

Total liabilities and equity                   6    (19)      200 (32)       -           -         990           45,738

Reconciliation of Preliminary Interim IFRS Pro-forma Basis Balance Sheet as at 
30 June 2004

                          IFRS            Effective              IFRS
                     Statutory Impairment  interest  IFRS 4 Pro-forma
                            Eurom         Eurom        Eurom     Eurom         Eurom

Cash and balances           86          -         -      -        86
with central Banks
Items in course of         119          -         -      -       119
Loans and advances       5,233          -         -      -     5,233
to banks
Loans and advances      19,008         56       122      -    19,186
to customers
Debt securities          7,138          -         -      -     7,138
Equity shares            8,843          -         -      -     8,843
Investment               1,632          -         -      -     1,632
Derivatives                106          -         -      -       106
Interest in                112          -         -      -       112
Goodwill and other         224          -         -      -       224
intangible assets
Property and               319          -         -      -       319
Shareholder value of     1,115          -         -  (562)       553
in-force business
Deferred acquisition         -          -         -    173       173
Reinsurance assets       1,241          -         -    290     1,531
Net post retirement         66          -         -      -        66
benefit asset
Other assets               161          -         -      -       161
Prepayments and            335          -      (69)      -       266
accrued income
Assets held to cover         -          -         -      -         -
linked liabilities
Securitised assets -         -          -         -      -         -
mortgage assets
Less non-recourse            -          -         -      -         -

Total assets            45,738         56        53   (99)    45,748

Reconciliation of Preliminary Interim IFRS Pro-forma Basis Balance Sheet as at 
30 June 2004

                                            IFRS            Effective               IFRS
                                       Statutory Impairment  interest   IFRS 4 Pro-forma
                                              Eurom         Eurom        Eurom       Eurom        Eurom
Deposits by banks                          2,071          -         -        -     2,071
Customer accounts                         11,171          -         -        -    11,171
Debt securities in issue                  10,425          -         -        -    10,425
Non-recourse funding                         990          -         -        -       990
Derivatives                                   14          -         -        -        14
Insurance contract liabilities            17,423          -         - (13,653)     3,770
Investment contract liabilities                -          -         -   13,879    13,879
Outstanding insurance and investment         118          -         -        -       118
Net post retirement benefit liability        165          -         -        -       165
Current tax liabilities                       38          -         -        -        38
Deferred tax liabilities                     171          9       (8)     (66)       106
Other liabilities                            248        (2)       (6)        -       240
Deferred front end fees                        -          -         -      210       210
Accruals and deferred income                 120          -         -        -       120
Subordinated liabilities                     782          -         -        -       782
Dividends                                      -          -         -        -         -
                                          43,736          7      (14)      370    44,099

Shareholders Equity
Share capital                                 86          -         -        -        86
Share premium                                 52          -         -        -        52
Retained earnings                          1,734         49        67    (467)     1,383
Other reserves                               122          -         -        -       122
                                           1,994         49        67    (467)     1,643
Own shares held for the benefit of the         -          -         -        -         -
life assurance policyholders
Shareholders equity excluding minority     1,994         49        67    (467)     1,643
Minority interest                              8          -         -      (2)         6
Shareholders equity including minority     2,002         49        67    (469)     1,649

Total liabilities and equity              45,738         56        53     (99)    45,748

                           Supplementary Information

                          Transition to Pro-forma EEV

               Restatement of Interim 2004 financial information

Basis of Preparation

Earnings generated by the group's life assurance business, including both
investment contracts and insurance contracts, were previously presented in the
primary financial statements in accordance with the Association of British
Insurers' paper of December 2001 'Supplementary Reporting for Long Term
Insurance Business (The Achieved Profits Method)', referred to in this note as
the "ROI GAAP" basis. These earnings are now included in the primary financial
statements on an IFRS basis, which means that while insurance contracts are
accounted for on an European Embedded Value basis (see below), investment
contracts are not and are accounted for in accordance with IAS 39. It is the
view of the directors that additional information is required in order to
provide shareholders with more realistic information on the financial position
and current performance of the group than is provided within the primary
financial statements. Accordingly, supplementary preliminary interim financial
information ("supplementary interim information") has been prepared in relation
to the group's consolidated balance sheet and consolidated income statement. For
insurance and investment business interim supplementary information is based on
European Embedded Value principles ("EEV") and for all other businesses the
recognition and measurement principles applied in this supplementary interim
information are as in the IFRS preliminary interim financial statements.

The Group prepared EEV supplementary information for the year ended 31 December
2004 in order to provide the comparative supplementary information expected to
be included as comparatives in the Group's annual report for the year ending 31
December 2005. This information was published on 21 July 2005 and a full copy of
the information is available on the group's website (www.irishlifepermanent.ie).

The methodology applied to produce the supplementary interim information for the
period ended 30 June 2004 is consistent with the methodolgy used to produce the
supplementary information for the year to 31 December 2004 as outlined in the
transition to EEV document issued on 21 July 2005. The directors acknowledge
their responsibility for the preparation of the supplementary information. The
statements have been prepared in accordance with the European Embedded Value
(EEV) Principles issued in May 2004 by the European Chief Financial Officers'

The methodology produces an Embedded Value (EV) as a measure of the consolidated
value of shareholders' interests in the business covered by the EEV Principles,
which in this supplementary interim information incorporates both insurance and
investment contracts issued by the Group's life business

In accordance with IFRS 1, First Time Adoption of International Financial
Reporting Standards, in arriving at the underlying IFRS preliminary Interim
information that forms the starting point for the supplementary information, no
adjustments have been made to any estimates at the time of approval of the ROI
GAAP interim financial statements on which the IFRS preliminary interim
financial information is based.

Previously published ROI GAAP information has been reformatted to assist in the
presentation of the supplementary information.

Consolidated Income Statement - Supplementary Interim Information
Six months to 30 June 2004

                                                        ROI GAAP as     EEV
                                                        reformatted   basis
                                                                 Eurom      Eurom
Operating profit on continuing operations
   Insurance & investment business                              100     102
   Banking                                                       59      65
   Other                                                        (2)     (2)
                                                                157     165
   Share of associate                                            26      22

Operating profit before tax on continuing operations            183     187

Short term investment fluctuations                               10      15
Effect of economic assumption changes                             1       -
Goodwill amortisation                                           (6)       -
Other charges/credits                                             2       2

Profit before tax                                               190     204

Taxation                                                       (28)    (23)

Profit for the period on continuing operations                  162     181

Profit after tax on discontinued operations                       2       2

Profit for the year after income tax                            164     183

Minority interest                                               (1)     (1)

Profit attributable to equity holders                           163     182

Earnings per share including own shares held for the           60.7    68.0
benefit of
life assurance policyholders (cent)

Operating earnings per share including own shares held         55.8    59.0
for the
benefit of life assurance policyholders (cent)

Consolidated Balance Sheet - Supplementary Interim Information
As at 30 June 2004

                                                       ROI GAAP as      EEV
                                                       reformatted    basis
                                                                Eurom       Eurom

  Cash and balances with central banks                         192      205
  Investments                                                4,704   17,719
  Loans and receivables                                     22,318   24,419
  Interest in associate undertakings                           107      112
  Reinsurer's share of provisions                            1,241    1,531
  Shareholder value of in-force business                       947      916
  Net post retirement asset                                      -       66
  Other assets                                                 451      543
  Other debtors                                                593      427
  Assets held to match unit-linked                          14,159        -

  Total assets                                              44,712   45,938

  Customer accounts                                         13,412   13,243
  Debt securities in issue                                  10,441   10,425
  Non-recourse funding                                           -      990
  Derivatives                                                    -       14
  Insurance contracts liabilities                           17,473    3,770
  Investment contract liabilities                                -   13,903
  Outstanding insurance and investment                           -      118
  Net post retirement benefit liability                          -      165
  Other liabilities                                            381      174
  Subordinated liabilities                                     782      782
  Dividends                                                     45        -
                                                            42,534   43,794

  Share capital                                                 86       86
  Share premium                                                 52       52
  Retained profits                                           2,000    1,931
  Other reserves                                                86      122
  Own shares held for the benefit of life                     (54)     (54)
  assurance policyholders
  Shareholders' equity                                       2,170    2,136
  Minority interest                                              8        8
                                                             2,178    2,144

  Total liabilities and equity                              44,712   45,938

Consolidated Supplementary Interim Statement of Recognised Income and Expense
Six months to 30 June 2004

                                                    ROI GAAP as   
                                                    reformatted   EEV basis
                                                             Eurom          Eurom

  Net amount recognised directly in equity                    -           -

  Profit for the year after income tax                      164         183

  Total recognised income and expense for the year          164         183

  Minority interests                                        (1)         (1)

  Attributable to equityholders                             163         182

  Movement in cost of own shares                              -           -
  Dividends paid                                           (45)        (97)

                                                            118          85

Insurance and investment business continuing operations
Six months to 30 June 2004

Profit before tax
                                                 ROI GAAP          EEV basis
                                                       Eurom                 Eurom

  New business contribution                            24                 28
  Profit from existing business
  - Expected return                                    47                 35
  - Experience variances                               12                 12
  - Operating assumption changes                       16                 17
  Expected investment return                            1                 10
  Operating profit before tax                         100                102

  Short term investment fluctuations                   10                 15

  Effect of economic assumption changes                 1                  -

  Profit before tax                                   111                117

The expected investment return on the EEV basis includes the expected return on
required capital. This was previously included in the expected return from
existing business on the ROI GAAP basis.

New Business Margin
                                           Life       Institutional    Total
                                             Eurom                  Eurom       Eurom

   Present value of new business premiums

   Single Premium                           496                 337      833

   Regular premium                          111                          111

   Regular premium capitalisation factor    4.7                          4.7

   PVNBP                                  1,022                 337    1,359

   Annual Premium Equivalent (APE)          161                  34      195

   New business contribution (EEV basis)     25                   3       28

   New business margin

   PVNBP                                   2.5%                0.9%     2.1%

   APE                                    15.6%                9.1%    14.5%

New business includes Euro81m single premiums in respect of inflows to
institutional off-balance sheet funds which are included under covered business
under EEV.

Insurance and investment business continuing operations

Six months to 30 June 2004

Profit after tax

                                                 EEV basis        ROI GAAP
                                                 Gross  Tax Net           Net
                                                    Eurom   Eurom  Eurom            Eurom

   Operating profit                                102 (11)  91            86
   Short term investment fluctuations               15    6  21            18

                                                   117  (5) 112           104

Operating profit after tax
                                                 Net Worth      VIF     Total
                                                        Eurom       Eurom        Eurom

  New business contribution                           (51)       74        23
  Profit from existing business
  - Expected return                                     68     (34)        34
  - Experience variances                               (1)       11        10
  - Operating assumption changes                         4       11        15
  Expected investment return                             8        1         9

  Operating profit after tax                            28       63        91

Shareholders' Equity
As at 30 June 2004
                                                         ROI GAAP as     EEV
                                                         reformatted   basis
                                                                  Eurom      Eurom

  Insurance and Investment business                            1,633   1,557

  Banking                                                        300     302

  Other activities                                                 -      29

  Associate Undertakings                                         107     112

  Goodwill                                                       192     198

                                                               2,232   2,198

  Minority interest                                              (8)     (8)

  Deduction in respect of own shares held                       (54)    (54)
  for the benefit
  of life assurance policyholders

  Shareholders' equity                                         2,170   2,136

Movement in shareholders' equity - Insurance and investment

                                                         Net Worth VIF Total
                                                                Eurom  Eurom    Eurom

  Shareholders' equity as at 1 January 2004                    750 837 1,587
  Operating profit after tax on continuing operations           28  63    91
  Short term investment fluctuations                             6  15    21
  Effect of economic assumption changes                          0   0     0
  Profit after tax on discontinued operations                    3 (1)     2
  Exchange rate movements                                      (2)   2     0
  Capital movements                                          (144)   0 (144)

  Shareholders' equity as at 30 June 2004                      641 916 1,557

The shareholders' equity as at 30 June 2004 (1 January 2004) includes required
capital of Euro457m (Euro426m) within the net worth. The shareholders' value of
in-force is net of a deduction of Euro100m (Euro97m) in respect of the cost of
maintaining the required capital.


Principal economic assumptions

The assumed future pre-tax returns on fixed interest securities are set by
reference to gross redemption yields available in the market at the end of the
reporting period. The corresponding return on equities and property is equal to
the fixed interest gilt assumption plus the appropriate risk premium. An asset
mix based on the assets held at the valuation date within policyholder funds has
been assumed within the projections. The table includes the assumptions for the
EEV calculations and the comparable rates used for the ROI GAAP calculations
using the Achieved Profits Method for the relevant periods.

                              EEV      ROI GAAP           EEV      ROI GAAP
                             2004          2004          2003          2003

Equity risk premium          3.0%          2.0%          3.0%          2.0%
Property risk premium        2.0%          2.0%          2.0%          2.0%
Risk free rate               4.2%         4.25%          4.2%         4.25%
Investment return
- Fixed interest      3.0% - 4.9%   3.0% - 4.9%   3.0% - 4.9%   3.0% - 4.9%
- Equities                   7.2%         6.25%          7.2%         6.25%
- Property                   6.2%         6.25%          6.2%         6.25%
Risk margin                  3.1%         3.75%          3.1%         3.75%
Risk discount rate           7.3%          8.0%          7.3%          8.0%
Expense inflation            4.0%          4.0%          4.0%          4.0%

Other assumptions

The assumed future mortality, morbidity and persistency assumptions are based on
published tables of rates, adjusted by analyses of recent operating experience.

The management expenses attributable to life assurance business have been
analysed between expenses relating to the acquisition of new business and the
maintenance of business in-force. No allowance has been made for future
productivity improvements in the expense assumptions.

Projected tax has been determined assuming current tax legislation and rates.

EEV results are computed on a before and after tax basis.

UK business

The Group's UK business (City of Westminster Assurance) was sold in June 2005
and is being treated under discontinued operations in the Group's preliminary
financial information. The assumptions used for the UK business were left
unchanged from the previous basis as any difference would be immaterial in the
context of the Group's overall preliminary supplementary financial information.

The key assumptions used were:

                              EEV        ROI GAAP        EEV        ROI GAAP
                             2004            2004       2003            2003
Risk free rate              5.15%           5.15%      4.75%           4.75%
Risk margin                 3.25%           3.25%      3.25%           3.25%
Risk discount rate           8.4%            8.4%       8.0%            8.0%

Treatment of financial options and guarantees (FOGs)

The main options and guarantees for which FOG costs have been determined are:
     (e)  Investment guarantees on certain unit-linked funds, where the unit 
          returns to policyholders are smoothed subject to a minimum guaranteed 
          return (in the majority of cases the minimum guaranteed change in unit 
          price is 0%, usually representing a minimum return of the original 
          premium). An additional management charge is levied on policyholders 
          investing in these funds, compared to similar unit-linked funds 
          without this investment guarantee. This extra charge is allowed for in 
          calculating the FOG cost;
     (f)  Guaranteed Annuity Rates on a small number of products;

     (g)  Return of Premium death guarantees on certain unit-linked single      
          premium products;

     (h)  Guaranteed benefits for policies in the closed with-profit fund.

The main asset classes relating to products with options and guarantees are
European and International equities, Property, and government bonds of various

The Deloitte's TSM Streamline Market Consistent model is used to derive the cost
of FOGs. The model is calibrated to the yield curve and to the market prices of
equity options. Ten years of historical weekly data are used to derive the
correlation between the returns of different asset classes.

The model uses the difference between two inverse Gaussian distributions to
model the returns on each asset class. This allows the model to produce
fat-tailed distributions, and provides a good fit to historical asset return

The statistics relating to the model used as at 30 June 2004 are set out in the
following table:

                                               10-Year Return   20-Year Return
                                            Mean1       StDev2   Mean   StDev
European Assets (euro)
Bonds                                        4.7%         2.1%   5.1%    3.1%
Equities, Property                           4.7%        22.8%   5.1%   23.8%
UK Assets (Sterling)
Bonds                                        5.2%         3.0%   5.0%    5.8%
Equities                                     5.2%        21.9%   5.0%   23.7%

3.   The Market Consistent nature of the model means that that all asset classes 
     earn the risk free rate. No value is added by investing in riskier assets 
     with a higher expected rate of return. The Means quoted above reflect this.

4.   Standard Deviations are calculated by accumulating a unit investment for n 
     years in each simulation, taking the natural logarithm of the result, 
     calculating the variance of this statistic, dividing by n and taking the 
     square root. The results are comparable to implied volatilities quoted in 
     investment markets.

Special purpose review report of KPMG to Irish Life & Permanent plc. ("the
Company") on its Preliminary European Embedded Value ("EEV") Supplementary
Interim Information


In accordance with the terms of our engagement letter we have reviewed the
following items (together they are referred to as the "preliminary EEV
supplementary interim information") set out on pages 1 to 10 and which have been
prepared in accordance with the European Embedded Value Principles issued in May
2004 by the European CFO Forum ("the EEV Principles"):

     *    The consolidated preliminary EEV proforma balance sheet of Irish Life 
          & Permanent plc and subsidiary undertakings ("the Group") as at 30 
          June 2004, together with the consolidated preliminary EEV proforma
          income statement and the consolidated preliminary EEV proforma 
          statement of recognised income and expenses for the period then ended;

     *    the basis of preparation and related notes;

The preliminary EEV supplementary interim information has been prepared by the
Group as part of its transition to International Financial Reporting Standards
("IFRS"). The preliminary IFRS financial information included in the preliminary
EEV Supplementary information has been prepared based on the recognition and
measurement principles of IFRS which are either adopted by the EU and effective
or expected to be adopted by the EU and effective by 31 December 2005 including
the "proforma" impact of IAS32 - "Financial Instruments Disclosure and
Presentation and IAS 39 - "Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement".

Our report has been prepared for the Company solely in connection with the
Group's preparation of its supplementary interim information on EEV basis. Our
report was designed to meet the agreed requirements of the Company determined by
the Company's needs at the time. Our report should not therefore be regarded as
suitable to be used or relied on by any party wishing to acquire rights against
us other than the Company for any purpose or in any context. Any party other
than the Company who chooses to rely on our report (or any part of it) will do
so at its own risk. To the fullest extent permitted by law, KPMG will accept no
responsibility or liability in respect of our report to any other party.

Directors' responsibilities

The Directors of the Company have accepted responsibility for the preparation of
the preliminary EEV supplementary interim information which has been prepared in
accordance with the EEV Principles.

As disclosed in the basis of preparation note to the preliminary EEV
supplementary interim information, the next annual financial statements of the
Group will be prepared in accordance with IFRSs adopted for use in the European

The accounting policies that have been adopted in preparing the preliminary EEV
supplemental interim information are consistent with those that the Directors
currently intend to use in the next annual financial statements.

There is, however, a possibility that the directors may determine that some
changes to these policies are necessary when preparing the full annual financial
statements for the first time in accordance with those IFRS adopted for use by
the European Union. This is because, as disclosed in the basis of preparation
note, the directors have anticipated that certain standards, which have yet to
be formally adopted for use in the EU will be so adopted in time to be
applicable to the next annual financial statements.

Review work performed

Our responsibilities as independent auditors are established in Ireland by the
Auditing Practices Board, our professions ethical guidance and the terms of our
engagement. Under the terms of engagement are to report to you our review
conclusions as to whether we are aware of any material modifications that should
be made to the preliminary EEV supplementary interim information.

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
Review of interim financial information issued by the Auditing Practices Board
for use in Ireland and the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of
making enquiries of Group management and applying analytical procedures to the
preliminary EEV supplementary interim information and underlying financial data
and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review is
substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing
Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.
Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the preliminary EEV
supplementary interim information.

Emphasis of matters

Without qualifying our review conclusions, we draw your attention to the
following matters:

The Group has prepared the preliminary EEV supplementary interim information for
the six month period ended 30 June 2004 to establish comparative figures for the
Group's interim report for the six month period ended 30 June 2005. The
preliminary EEV supplementary interim information does not itself include
comparative financial information for the prior period.

As explained in the basis of preparation, no adjustments have been made for any
changes in estimates made at the time of approval of the previous Irish GAAP
interim report for the six month period ended 30 June 2004 on which the
prelimxnary EEV supplementary interim information is based, as permitted by IFRS

As explained in the basis of preparation, in accordance with IFRS 1, First Time
Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards, in arriving at the
underlying preliminary IFRS financial information which forms the starting point
for the EEV supplementary information, no adjustments have been made for any
changes in estimates made at the time of approval of the ROI GAAP statutory
financial statements on which the preliminary IFRS financial information is

The 1 January 2005 preliminary IFRS balance sheet has been prepared on the basis
("Proforma Basis") that IAS32 - "Financial Instruments Disclosure and
Presentation and IAS30 - Financial Instrument: Recognition and Measurement have
been applied.

Review Conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the preliminary EEV supplementary interim information on pages
1 to 10 which has been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with
the basis of preparation note on page 1, including the assumptions made by the
Directors about the standards and interpretations expected to be effective, and
the policies expected to be adopted, when they prepare the first complete set of
EEV supplementary information of the Group for the year 31 December 2005.

Chartered Accountants
25 August 2005

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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