Washington, D.C. 20549



PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16


For the month of January 2011

Commission File Number 001-33098

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

(Translation of registrant’s name into English)

5-1, Marunouchi 2-chome

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8333


(Address of principal executive office)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

Form 20-F   x     Form 40-F   ¨

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):   ¨

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7):   ¨

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Yes   ¨     No   x

If “Yes” is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b):82-                      .





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date:   January 31, 2011
Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

/s/ Takeo Nakano

Name:   Takeo Nakano
Title:   Managing Director / CFO

For Immediate Release:   January 31, 2011



Consolidated Financial Statements for the Third Quarter of Fiscal 2010

(Nine months ended December 31, 2010)

<Under Japanese GAAP>



Company Name:   Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (“MHFG”)                                         
Stock Code Number (Japan):   8411         

Stock Exchanges (Japan):

  Tokyo Stock Exchange (First Section), Osaka Securities Exchange (First Section)
URL:   http://www.mizuho-fg.co.jp/english/      
Representative:   Takashi Tsukamoto    President & CEO
For Inquiry:   Tatsuya Yamada    Executive Officer, General Manager of Accounting
Phone:   +81-3-5224-2030         
Filing of Shihanki Hokokusho (scheduled):    February 14, 2011    Trading Accounts:    Established
Commencement of Dividend Payment (scheduled):         
Supplementary Materials on Quarterly Results: Attached      
IR Conference on Quarterly Results: Not scheduled      

Amounts less than one million yen are rounded down.

1. Financial Highlights for the Third Quarter of Fiscal 2010 (for the nine months ended December 31, 2010)

(1) Consolidated Results of Operations (Accumulated Period)


(%: Changes from the corresponding period of the previous fiscal year)  
     Ordinary Income     Ordinary Profits      Net Income  
     ¥ million      %     ¥ million      %      ¥ million      %  

3Q F2010

     2,087,201         (2.1     556,486         248.3         422,072         234.2   

3Q F2009

     2,133,685         (23.1     159,762         —           126,280         —     


     Net Income
per Share of
Common Stock
     Diluted Net Income
per Share of
Common Stock
     ¥      ¥  

3Q F2010

     22.11         20.32   

3Q F2009

     9.30         8.45   

(2) Consolidated Financial Conditions


     Total Assets      Total Net Assets      Own Capital Ratio      Total Net Assets
per Share of

Common Stock
     ¥ million      ¥ million      %      ¥  

3Q F2010

     154,051,514         6,734,168         2.8         181.56   

Fiscal 2009

     156,253,572         5,837,053         2.2         191.53   




Own Capital:

As of December 31, 2010: ¥4,427,781 million; As of March 31, 2010: ¥3,513,050 million


   Own Capital Ratio is calculated as follows: (Total Net Assets - Stock Acquisition Rights - Minority Interests) / Total Assets ×  100

2. Cash Dividends for Shareholders of Common Stock


     Annual Cash Dividends per Share  

(Record Date)

     ¥      ¥      ¥      ¥      ¥  

Fiscal 2009

     —           0.00         —           8.00         8.00   

Fiscal 2010

     —           0.00         —           

Fiscal 2010 (estimate)

              6.00         6.00   


Notes:   1.   

Revision of estimates for cash dividends for shareholders of common stock during this quarter:


  2.    Please refer to the following “Cash Dividends for Shareholders of Classified Stock” for cash dividends for shareholders of classified stock (unlisted), the rights of which are different from those of common stock.

3. Earnings Estimates for Fiscal 2010 (for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011)


     (%: Changes from the corresponding period of the previous fiscal year)  
               Net Income      Net Income
per Share of
Common Stock
               ¥ million                      %      ¥  

Fiscal 2010

           500,000         108.8         24.83   


Notes:   1.    Revision of the earnings estimates during this quarter: No
  2.    The average number of shares of outstanding common stock for fiscal 2010 used in calculating the above Net Income per Share of Common Stock is based on the following:



The average of the “average number of shares during 1Q, 2Q and 3Q” and the “number of shares as of December 31, 2010 (which is assumed to be the average number of shares during 4Q of fiscal 2010)” is used.



The increase or decrease during 4Q of fiscal 2010, such as an increase in the number of shares of common stock due to the request for acquisition (conversion) of the Eleventh Series Class XI Preferred Stock, is not taken into consideration.

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

4. Others (Please refer to “Other Information” on page 1-3 of [Attachment] for details.)

(1) Changes in Significant Subsidiaries during the Period: No

(Note) Above are the changes in specified subsidiaries accompanying changes in the scope of consolidation during the period.

(2) Adoption of Simplified Accounting Methods and Specified Accounting Methods: Yes


  (Note)  Above is the adoption of Simplified Accounting Methods and Specified Accounting Methods for the Preparation of Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements.

(3) Changes in Accounting Methods and Presentation of Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements

 Changes due to revisions of accounting standards, etc.: Yes

Changes other than  above: No


  (Note)  Above are the changes of accounting methods and presentation of quarterly consolidated financial statements which are to be described in the changes of fundamental and important matters for the preparation of Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements.

(4) Issued Shares of Common Stock


 Period-end issued shares (including treasury stock):     


As of December 31, 2010:

As of March 31, 2010:









Period-end treasury stock:     


As of December 31, 2010:

As of March 31, 2010:









ƒ Average outstanding shares (accumulated period):     


3Q Fiscal 2010:

3Q Fiscal 2009:









(*Presentation of Implementation Status of Quarterly Review Procedure)

The review procedure of quarterly financial statements based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law is not completed at the time of the disclosure of these Consolidated Financial Statements.



This immediate release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including estimates, forecasts, targets and plans. Such forward-looking statements do not represent any guarantee by management of future performance.

In many cases, but not all, we use such words as “aim,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “endeavor,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “probability,” “project,” “risk,” “seek,” “should,” “strive,” “target” and similar expressions in relation to us or our management to identify forward-looking statements. You can also identify forward-looking statements by discussions of strategy, plans or intentions. These statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions.

We may not be successful in implementing our business strategies, and management may fail to achieve its targets, for a wide range of possible reasons, including, without limitation: incurrence of significant credit-related costs; declines in the value of our securities portfolio; changes in interest rates; foreign currency fluctuations; decrease in the market liquidity of our assets; revised assumptions or other changes related to our pension plans; a decline in our deferred tax assets; the effect of financial transactions entered into for hedging and other similar purposes; failure to maintain required capital adequacy ratio levels; downgrades in our credit ratings; our ability to avoid reputational harm; our ability to implement our Medium-term Management Policy and other strategic initiatives and measures effectively; the effectiveness of our operational, legal and other risk management policies; the effect of changes in general economic conditions in Japan and elsewhere; and changes to applicable laws and regulations.

Further information regarding factors that could affect our financial condition and results of operations is included in “Item 3.D. Key Information—Risk Factors” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” in our most recent Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) which is available in the Financial Information section of our web page at www.mizuho-fg.co.jp/english/ and also at the SEC’s web site at www.sec.gov.

We do not intend to update our forward-looking statements. We are under no obligation, and disclaim any obligation, to update or alter our forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

Cash Dividends for Shareholders of Classified Stock

Breakdown of cash dividends per share related to classified stock, the rights of which are different from those of common stock, is as follows:


     Cash Dividends per Share  

(Record Date)

   First Quarter-end      Second Quarter-end      Third Quarter-end      Fiscal Year-end             Total  
     ¥      ¥      ¥      ¥             ¥  

Eleventh Series Class XI Preferred Stock


Fiscal 2009

     —           0.00         —           20.00            20.00   

Fiscal 2010

     —           0.00         —              

Fiscal 2010 (estimate)

              20.00            20.00   

Thirteenth Series Class XIII Preferred Stock


Fiscal 2009

     —           0.00         —           30.00            30.00   

Fiscal 2010

     —           0.00         —              

Fiscal 2010 (estimate)

              30.00            30.00   

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

m Contents of Attachment



  Qualitative Information related to Financial Statements      p.1-2   
  (1) Qualitative Information related to Consolidated Results of Operations      p.1-2   
  (2) Qualitative Information related to Consolidated Financial Conditions      p.1-2   
  (3) Qualitative Information related to Consolidated Earnings Estimates      p.1-2   


  Other Information      p.1-3   
  (1) Changes in Significant Subsidiaries      p.1-3   
  (2) Simplified Accounting Methods and Specified Accounting Methods      p.1-3   
  (3) Changes of Accounting Methods and Presentation      p.1-3   


  Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements      p.1-4   
  (1) Consolidated Balance Sheets      p.1-4   
  (2) Consolidated Statements of Income      p.1-6   
  (3) Note for Assumption of Going Concern      p.1-7   
  (4) Note for Significant Changes in the Amount of Shareholders’ Equity      p.1-7   
  ø Selected Financial Information For the Third Quarter of Fiscal 2010   

[Note to XBRL]

Please note that the names of the English accounts contained in XBRL data, which are available through EDINET and TDNet, may be different from those of the English accounts in our financial statements.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

1. Qualitative Information related to Financial Statements

(Please refer to “Summary Results for the Third Quarter of Fiscal 2010” on page 2-1 for more information.)

(1) Qualitative Information related to Consolidated Results of Operations

Reviewing the economic environment over the past nine months ended December 31, 2010, there are indications of regional variations in the speed of the continuing gradual recovery in the global economy which has been led by newly developing countries, and in Europe and the United States the risk remains of a slackening in the economy as global fiscal tightening makes its impact.

In the United States, there is movement towards recovery on the basis of steady exports and capital investment together with positive trends in consumer spending, but with rising unemployment and so on there is a risk of a stalling in economic growth. In Europe, overall economic growth is stagnant, and there is a growing gap between the richer and the poorer countries, while the effect of the fiscal problems experienced by certain countries on the financial markets and the real economy and so on means a continuing lack of visibility regarding the future of the global economy. In Asia, the increase in demand in the Chinese market has a knock-on effect in inducing an increase in exports and production activity in neighboring economies, and while the pace of growth is slowing, the region continues to maintain strong economic growth, although there are increasing concerns about inflation.

In Japan, although positive growth is being maintained as corporate profits improve among other factors, in addition to the various stimulus programs losing their effectiveness, with the continuing appreciation of the value of the yen against other currencies and the mild deflationary situation and so on, the current improvements in the economy are coming to a standstill. There are several causes for concern over the future direction of the economy, such as a slowing in economies abroad and a worsening in the employment situation, combining with the fluctuations in exchange rates, and the risk remains of these factors serving as a drag on economic growth.

In light of this economic environment, we will aim to enhance further our corporate value through the steady implementation of our Transformation Program, which consists of the three pillars of the program for improving profitability, the program for enhancing financial base and the program for strengthening front-line business capabilities.

Under the foregoing business environment, we recorded Net Income of ¥422.0 billion for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011.

(2) Qualitative Information related to Consolidated Financial Conditions

Consolidated total assets as of December 31, 2010 amounted to ¥154,051.5 billion, decreasing by ¥2,202.0 billion from the end of the previous fiscal year.

Net Assets amounted to ¥6,734.1 billion, increasing by ¥897.1 billion from the end of the previous fiscal year. Shareholders’ Equity amounted to ¥4,256.9 billion, Valuation and Translation Adjustments amounted to ¥170.8 billion, and Minority Interests amounted to ¥2,303.6 billion.

In Assets, the balance of Loans and Bills Discounted amounted to ¥61,645.7 billion, decreasing by ¥518.8 billion from the end of the previous fiscal year while Securities were ¥41,842.1 billion, decreasing by ¥1,254.3 billion from the end of the previous fiscal year. In Liabilities, Deposits amounted to ¥74,875.4 billion, decreasing by ¥1,464.3 billion from the end of the previous fiscal year.

(3) Qualitative Information related to Consolidated Earnings Estimates

Based on the financial results for the third quarter of fiscal 2010, MHFG has not changed its consolidated earnings estimates for fiscal 2010, which were announced on November 12, 2010, and estimates Net Income of ¥500.0 billion for fiscal 2010.

The above estimates constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Please see the “forward-looking statements” legend for a description of the factors that could affect our ability to meet these estimates.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

2. Other Information

(1) Changes in Significant Subsidiaries

(Changes in specified subsidiaries accompanying changes in the scope of consolidation during the period)

There is no applicable information.

(2) Simplified Accounting Methods and Specified Accounting Methods

[Simplified Accounting Methods]

 Depreciation

As for tangible fixed assets that are depreciated by the declining-balance method, the depreciation expense is computed by the proportional distribution of the depreciation expense for the fiscal year.

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

For the claims mentioned below, reserves for possible losses on loans are maintained at the estimated rate of losses for the second quarter of fiscal 2010.


  a. The claims other than the claims extended to “Bankrupt Obligors” and “Substantially Bankrupt Obligors.”


  b. The claims other than the claims extended to “Intensive Control Obligors” for which reserves are provided for the losses estimated for each individual loan.

[Specified Accounting Methods]

There is no applicable information.

(3) Changes of Accounting Methods and Presentation

[Changes in Accounting Methods]

(Accounting Standard for Equity Method of Accounting for Investments and Practical Solution on Unification of Accounting Policies Applied to Associates Accounted for Using the Equity Method)

Mizuho Financial Group has applied “Accounting Standard for Equity Method of Accounting for Investments” (ASBJ Statement No. 16, March 10, 2008) and “Practical Solution on Unification of Accounting Policies Applied to Associates Accounted for Using the Equity Method” (PITF No. 24, March 10, 2008) beginning with the first quarter of fiscal 2010.

This application does not affect the financial statements.

(Adoption of Accounting Standard for Asset Retirement Obligations)

Mizuho Financial Group has applied “Accounting Standard for Asset Retirement Obligations” (ASBJ Statement No. 18, March 31, 2008) and “Guidance on Accounting Standard for Asset Retirement Obligations” (ASBJ Guidance No. 21, March 31, 2008) beginning with the first quarter of fiscal 2010.

As a result, Income before Income Taxes and Minority Interests decreased by ¥3,482 million. The change in Asset Retirement Obligations (which is in “Other Liabilities”) due to commencement of application of the accounting standards is ¥7,454 million.

[Additional Information]

(Issuance of New Shares by the Spread Method)

The spread method is adopted for the issuance of new shares (5,609,000 thousand shares) with a payment date of July 21, 2010. This is a method where the new shares are underwritten and purchased by the initial purchasers at the amount to be paid to MHFG (¥125.27 per share), and sold by the underwriters to the investors at an issue price (¥130.00 per share) different from the amount to be paid to MHFG.

Using the spread method, the aggregate amount of the difference between (a) the issue price and (b) the amount to be paid to MHFG is retained by the initial purchasers, and allocated to each of the underwriters as underwriting fees. Accordingly, Other Ordinary Expenses does not include the amount equivalent to such underwriting fees of ¥26,530 million related to the issuance.

The amount equivalent to such underwriting fees of ¥9,734 million, recognized as profit by consolidated subsidiaries, is eliminated and recorded as an increase in Capital Surplus.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.




     Millions of yen  
     As of
December 31,
    As of
March 31,  2010
(Selected items)



Cash and Due from Banks

   ¥ 4,649,090      ¥ 5,211,477   

Call Loans and Bills Purchased

     254,320        605,238   

Receivables under Resale Agreements

     7,932,190        7,129,676   

Guarantee Deposits Paid under Securities Borrowing Transactions

     6,886,666        5,744,901   

Other Debt Purchased

     1,793,569        2,040,445   

Trading Assets

     14,523,698        13,986,791   

Money Held in Trust

     94,523        119,438   


     41,842,149        43,096,460   

Loans and Bills Discounted

     61,645,762        62,164,579   

Foreign Exchange Assets

     835,691        707,803   

Derivatives other than for Trading Assets

     6,213,925        7,060,302   

Other Assets

     2,695,760        3,742,205   

Tangible Fixed Assets

     937,399        927,337   

Intangible Fixed Assets

     431,983        427,278   

Deferred Tax Assets

     496,375        533,030   

Customers’ Liabilities for Acceptances and Guarantees

     3,600,112        3,643,706   

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     (781,681     (887,073

Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     (21     (29

Total Assets

   ¥ 154,051,514      ¥ 156,253,572   



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


     Millions of yen  
     As of
December 31,
    As of
March 31,
(Selected items)




   ¥ 74,875,478      ¥ 76,339,779   

Negotiable Certificates of Deposit

     10,935,213        10,287,808   


     928,750        1,517,797   

Call Money and Bills Sold

     5,095,721        5,786,370   

Payables under Repurchase Agreements

     11,429,875        12,075,802   

Guarantee Deposits Received under Securities Lending Transactions

     6,562,737        6,615,512   

Commercial Paper

     85,388        —     

Trading Liabilities

     8,573,080        7,579,695   

Borrowed Money

     9,373,604        9,663,867   

Foreign Exchange Liabilities

     287,802        172,990   

Short-term Bonds

     514,297        492,397   

Bonds and Notes

     5,063,364        4,970,257   

Due to Trust Accounts

     1,073,432        1,025,431   

Derivatives other than for Trading Liabilities

     5,427,625        6,614,116   

Other Liabilities

     3,280,706        3,376,769   

Reserve for Bonus Payments

     15,337        48,946   

Reserve for Employee Retirement Benefits

     36,165        34,263   

Reserve for Director and Corporate Auditor Retirement Benefits

     2,114        2,112   

Reserve for Possible Losses on Sales of Loans

     1,840        15,258   

Reserve for Contingencies

     14,259        14,809   

Reserve for Reimbursement of Deposits

     13,940        14,748   

Reserve for Reimbursement of Debentures

     12,317        10,824   

Reserves under Special Laws

     1,378        2,149   

Deferred Tax Liabilities

     14,305        12,226   

Deferred Tax Liabilities for Revaluation Reserve for Land

     98,495        98,875   

Acceptances and Guarantees

     3,600,112        3,643,706   

Total Liabilities

     147,317,346        150,416,519   

Net Assets


Common Stock and Preferred Stock

     2,181,375        1,805,565   

Capital Surplus

     937,680        552,135   

Retained Earnings

     1,141,079        854,703   

Treasury Stock

     (3,196     (5,184

Total Shareholders’ Equity

     4,256,938        3,207,219   

Net Unrealized Gains on Other Securities, net of Taxes

     45,303        176,931   

Net Deferred Hedge Gains, net of Taxes

     90,824        83,093   

Revaluation Reserve for Land, net of Taxes

     137,823        138,430   

Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments

     (103,108     (92,623

Total Valuation and Translation Adjustments

     170,843        305,831   

Stock Acquisition Rights

     2,776        2,301   

Minority Interests

     2,303,610        2,321,700   

Total Net Assets

     6,734,168        5,837,053   

Total Liabilities and Net Assets

   ¥ 154,051,514      ¥ 156,253,572   



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.



     Millions of yen  
     For the  nine
months ended
December 31, 2009
    For the nine
months ended
December 31, 2010

Ordinary Income

   ¥ 2,133,685      ¥ 2,087,201   

Interest Income

     1,195,892        1,086,525   

Interest on Loans and Bills Discounted

     808,101        675,443   

Interest and Dividends on Securities

     254,247        259,606   

Fiduciary Income

     34,751        34,307   

Fee and Commission Income

     395,647        404,189   

Trading Income

     239,508        226,432   

Other Operating Income

     152,838        269,578   

Other Ordinary Income

     115,046        66,167   

Ordinary Expenses

     1,973,922        1,530,715   

Interest Expenses

     332,260        264,106   

Interest on Deposits

     130,375        83,625   

Interest on Debentures

     9,501        5,488   

Fee and Commission Expenses

     73,447        77,642   

Other Operating Expenses

     119,708        112,066   

General and Administrative Expenses

     983,228        954,297   

Other Ordinary Expenses

     465,277        122,601   

Ordinary Profits

     159,762        556,486   

Extraordinary Gains

     108,446        40,280   

Extraordinary Losses

     62,097        9,571   

Income before Income Taxes and Minority Interests

     206,111        587,195   

Income Taxes:



     20,448        17,738   

Refund of Income Taxes



     (8,809     74,945   

Total Income Taxes

     5,574        92,684   

Income before Minority Interests

     200,536        494,510   

Minority Interests in Net Income

     74,256        72,438   

Net Income

   ¥ 126,280      ¥ 422,072   



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


There is no applicable information.



     Millions of yen  
     Common Stock  and
Preferred Stock
     Capital Surplus      Retained Earnings     Treasury Stock     Total

Balance as of March 31, 2010

     1,805,565         552,135         854,703        (5,184     3,207,219   

Changes for the nine months ended December 31, 2010


Issuance of New Shares

     375,810         385,544         —          —          761,354   

Cash Dividends

     —           —           (134,966     —          (134,966

Net Income (Accumulated Period)

     —           —           422,072        —          422,072   

Repurchase of Treasury Stock

     —           —           —          (2     (2

Disposition of Treasury Stock

     —           —           (1,314     1,990        675   

Transfer from Revaluation Reserve for Land, net of Taxes

     —           —           585        —          585   

Total Changes for the nine months ended December 31, 2010

     375,810         385,544         286,376        1,987        1,049,718   

Balance as of December 31, 2010

     2,181,375         937,680         1,141,079        (3,196     4,256,938   




For the Third Quarter of Fiscal 2010

(Nine months ended December 31, 2010)

<Under Japanese GAAP>




Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.




Notes :

“CON” : Consolidated figures of Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (“MHFG”)

“NON” : Non-consolidated figures of Mizuho Bank, Ltd. (“MHBK”), Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. (“MHCB”) and Mizuho

Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. (“MHTB”).





(Nine months ended December 31, 2010)

          2- 1   



See above Notes




1. Income Analysis

  CON    NON    3- 1   

2. Net Gains/Losses on Stocks

  NON       3- 3   

3. Unrealized Gains/Losses on Securities

  CON    NON    3- 4   

4. Deferred Hedge Gains/Losses on Derivative Transactions Qualifying for Hedge Accounting

  NON       3- 6   

5. Status of Disclosed Claims under the Financial Reconstruction Law (“FRL”)

  CON    NON    3- 7   

6. Status of Deposits and Loans

  NON       3- 9   



This immediate release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including estimates, forecasts, targets and plans. Such forward-looking statements do not represent any guarantee by management of future performance.

In many cases, but not all, we use such words as “aim,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “endeavor,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “probability,” “project,” “risk,” “seek,” “should,” “strive,” “target” and similar expressions in relation to us or our management to identify forward-looking statements. You can also identify forward-looking statements by discussions of strategy, plans or intentions. These statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions.

We may not be successful in implementing our business strategies, and management may fail to achieve its targets, for a wide range of possible reasons, including, without limitation: incurrence of significant credit-related costs; declines in the value of our securities portfolio; changes in interest rates; foreign currency fluctuations; decrease in the market liquidity of our assets; revised assumptions or other changes related to our pension plans; a decline in our deferred tax assets; the effect of financial transactions entered into for hedging and other similar purposes; failure to maintain required capital adequacy ratio levels; downgrades in our credit ratings; our ability to avoid reputational harm; our ability to implement our Medium-term Management Policy and other strategic initiatives and measures effectively; the effectiveness of our operational, legal and other risk management policies; the effect of changes in general economic conditions in Japan and elsewhere; and changes to applicable laws and regulations.

Further information regarding factors that could affect our financial condition and results of operations is included in “Item 3.D. Key Information—Risk Factors” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” in our most recent Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) which is available in the Financial Information section of our web page at www.mizuho-fg.co.jp/english/ and also at the SEC’s web site at www.sec.gov.

We do not intend to update our forward-looking statements. We are under no obligation, and disclaim any obligation, to update or alter our forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


Summary Results for the Third Quarter of Fiscal 2010

(Nine months ended December 31, 2010)

I. Summary of Income Analysis



Consolidated Net Business Profits



Consolidated Gross Profits for the nine months ended December 31, 2010 increased by JPY 73.9 billion on a year-on-year basis to JPY 1,567.2 billion.

Gross Profits of the banking subsidiaries increased by JPY 36.2 billion on a year-on-year basis (increased by JPY 113.8 billion after the adjustment of the impact for fiscal 2009 of a change in the recipients of dividend payments under our schemes for capital raising through issuance of preferred debt securities by SPCs). This is due to an increase in income from the Trading segment derived from flexible and timely operations properly interpreting market trends, in addition to a year-on-year increase in income from Customer Groups (JPY 24.6 billion), both domestically and overseas, arising mainly from non-interest income.

G&A expenses of the banking subsidiaries decreased by JPY 18.9 billion on a year-on-year basis mainly due to continued overall cost reduction efforts running through the first half of fiscal 2010.



Aggregated consolidated Gross Profits (Net Operating Revenues) of our two securities subsidiaries (Mizuho Securities and Mizuho Investors Securities) decreased by JPY 23.2 billion on a year-on-year basis.



As a result, Consolidated Net Business Profits amounted to JPY 610.8 billion, a year-on-year increase of JPY 83.2 billion.



Consolidated Net Income



Credit-related Costs of the 3 Banks recorded a reversal, as in the first half of fiscal 2010, which amounted to JPY 21.8 billion. This was an improvement of JPY 186.9 billion on a year-on-year basis, primarily due to improved obligor classifications through our business revitalization support to corporate customers and other factors. Consolidated Credit-related Costs also amounted to a reversal of JPY 0.1 billion, an improvement of JPY 216.5 billion on a year-on-year basis.



Net Losses related to Stocks of the 3 Banks amounted to JPY 14.2 billion. This is mainly as a consequence of recording devaluation losses for certain stocks after a decline in stock prices.



As a result, Consolidated Net Income for the nine months ended December 31, 2010 increased by JPY 295.7 billion on a year-on-year basis to JPY 422.0 billion.


       3Q of FY2010
(Apr. 1  - Dec. 31, 2010)
            Change from
3Q of FY2009
(JPY Bn)              

Consolidated Gross Profits

     1,567.2         73.9   

Consolidated Net Business Profits*

     610.8         83.2   

Credit-related Costs

     0.1         216.5   

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     -7.4         9.4   

Ordinary Profits

     556.4         396.7   

Net Income

     422.0         295.7   


  * Consolidated Gross Profits - General and Administrative Expenses (excluding Non-Recurring Losses) + Equity in Income from Investments in Affiliates and certain other consolidation adjustments

(Reference) 3 Banks


       3Q of FY2010
(Apr. 1 - Dec. 31, 2010)
            Change from
3Q of  FY2009
(JPY Bn)              

Gross Profits

     1,244.3         * 36.2   

G&A Expenses (excluding Non-Recurring Losses)

     -655.8         18.9   

Net Business Profits

     588.4         * 55.2   

Credit-related Costs

     21.8         186.9   

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     -14.2         1.2   

Ordinary Profits

     465.0         304.0   

Net Income

     438.7         238.2   


  * The results of 3Q of FY2009 included the impact on banking subsidiaries (JPY 77.5 billion, eliminated on a consolidated basis) of a change in the recipients of dividend payments under our schemes for capital raising through issuance of preferred debt securities by SPCs. After adjustment for this impact, the change from 3Q of FY2009 for Gross Profits is JPY 113.8 billion, and that for Net Business Profits is JPY 132.7 billion, respectively




Net Interest Income



The average loan balance for the three-month period from October to December 2010 decreased by JPY 0.8 trillion from the first half of fiscal 2010. This is due to a decrease in domestic loans mainly to large corporate customers and overseas loans including the foreign exchange translation impact. Meanwhile, the loan balance as of December 31, 2010 was JPY 61.1 trillion, almost unchanged compared with that as of the end of the first half of fiscal 2010 (September 30, 2010). While loans to Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan and the Japanese Government decreased by JPY 0.4 trillion, the remainder of the total loan balance increased.



The domestic loan-and-deposit rate margin for the three-month period from October to December 2010 was 1.35%, the same level as for the three-month period from July to September 2010.




Non-Interest Income



Non-interest income from Customer Groups of the 3 Banks on a managerial accounting basis for the nine months ended December 31, 2010 increased by JPY 37.0 billion on a year-on-year basis.



As well as income associated with investment trusts and individual annuities from individual customers substantially increasing on a year-on-year basis, income associated with foreign exchanges business, overseas business, trust and asset management business of Mizuho Trust & Banking and other factors also increased.



During the three-month period from October to December 2010, non-interest income from Customer Groups of the 3 Banks increased on a year-on-year basis.




II. Financial Soundness



The balance of Disclosed Claims under the Financial Reconstruction Law (3 Banks) amounted to JPY 1,227.5 billion, a decrease of JPY 74.5 billion, and NPL Ratio was 1.79%, an improvement of 0.11%, from those as of September 30, 2010, respectively.



Unrealized Gains on Other Securities amounted to JPY 87.8 billion, a decrease of JPY 14.5 billion from that as of September 30, 2010. This is because, while Unrealized Gains on Japanese Stocks increased, Unrealized Gains on Japanese Bonds and Other decreased associated with increases in interest rates both domestically and overseas.



We will announce our Consolidated Capital Adequacy Ratio as of December 31, 2010 at a later date.


     December 31, 2010  
           Change from
Sep. 30, 2010
(JPY Bn, %)             

Net Deferred Tax Assets (DTAs) (Consolidated)

     482.0        35.0   

Disclosed Claims under the Financial Reconstruction Law (3 Banks)

     1,227.5        -74.5   

NPL Ratio

     1.79     -0.11

Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities (Consolidated) *

     87.8        -14.5   


* The base amount to be recorded directly to Net Assets after tax and other necessary adjustments

III. Disciplined Capital Management



It has become increasingly important for financial institutions to strengthen capital base amid the ongoing global discussions on the revision of capital regulations. Therefore, as our medium-term target, we aim to increase our consolidated Tier 1 capital ratio to 12% level and our prime capital* ratio to 8% or above.


  * Prime Capital = Tier 1 capital - preferred debt securities - preferred stock (excluding mandatory convertible preferred stock)



We announced Mizuho’s Transformation Program in May 2010, and are addressing the issues for improving profitability and enhancing financial base. We will strive to further strengthen our financial base mainly by accumulating retained earnings and improving asset efficiency through the steady implementation of the Program. Accordingly, we believe we will be able to sufficiently meet new capital regulations.



In this fiscal year, we have strengthened our capital base mainly as a result of earning JPY 422 billion of Consolidated Net Income for the nine months ended December 31 and through issuing common stock in the first half of fiscal 2010. We continue to pursue “disciplined capital management” policy, optimally balancing “strengthening of stable capital base” and “steady returns to shareholders” in accordance with changes in the business environment, our financial condition or other factors.

(Note) The outstanding balance of Eleventh Series Class XI Preferred Stock as of December 31, 2010 (excluding treasury stock) was JPY 473.0 billion (49.8% out of JPY 943.7 billion of the initial amount issued had been already converted into common stock).



This immediate release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including estimates, forecasts, targets and plans. Such forward-looking statements do not represent any guarantee by management of future performance.

In many cases, but not all, we use such words as “aim,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “endeavor,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “probability,” “project,” “risk,” “seek,” “should,” “strive,” “target” and similar expressions in relation to us or our management to identify forward-looking statements. You can also identify forward-looking statements by discussions of strategy, plans or intentions. These statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions.

We may not be successful in implementing our business strategies, and management may fail to achieve its targets, for a wide range of possible reasons, including, without limitation: incurrence of significant credit-related costs; declines in the value of our securities portfolio; changes in interest rates; foreign currency fluctuations; decrease in the market liquidity of our assets; revised assumptions or other changes related to our pension plans; a decline in our deferred tax assets; the effect of financial transactions entered into for hedging and other similar purposes; failure to maintain required capital adequacy ratio levels; downgrades in our credit ratings; our ability to avoid reputational harm; our ability to implement our Medium-term Management Policy and other strategic initiatives and measures effectively; the effectiveness of our operational, legal and other risk management policies; the effect of changes in general economic conditions in Japan and elsewhere; and changes to applicable laws and regulations.

Further information regarding factors that could affect our financial condition and results of operations is included in “Item 3.D. Key Information—Risk Factors” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” in our most recent Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) which is available in the Financial Information section of our web page at www.mizuho-fg.co.jp/english/ and also at the SEC’s web site at www.sec.gov.

We do not intend to update our forward-looking statements. We are under no obligation, and disclaim any obligation, to update or alter our forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.






Breakdown of Earnings by Business Segment


[3 Banks]    3Q of FY2010
(Apr. 1 - Dec. 31, 2010)
            Change from
3Q of FY2009
(JPY Bn)                     

Gross Profits

     905.3         24.6      

G&A Expenses

     -527.7         6.5      

Customer Groups

     377.6         31.2      

Gross Profits

     338.8         11.5         (89.1

G&A Expenses

     -128.1         12.3      

Trading & Others

     210.7         23.9         (101.5

Gross Profits

     1,244.3         36.2         (113.8

G&A Expenses

     -655.8         18.9      

Net Business Profits

     588.4         55.2         (132.7


(Note)   The figures in parentheses reflect the adjustment of the impact on banking subsidiaries in FY2009 (JPY 77.5 billion, eliminated on a consolidated basis) of a change in the recipients of dividend payments under our schemes for capital raising through issuance of preferred debt securities by SPCs.




3 Banks: Aggregate figures for Mizuho Bank, Mizuho Corporate Bank and Mizuho Trust & Banking on a non-consolidated basis.





Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


1. Income Analysis



            (Billions of yen)  
            Third Quarter of
Fiscal 2010
    Change     Third Quarter of
Fiscal 2009
    Fiscal 2009  

Consolidated Gross Profits

     1         1,567.2        73.9        1,493.2        1,996.6   

Net Interest Income

     2         822.4        (41.2     863.6        1,151.7   

Fiduciary Income

     3         34.3        (0.4     34.7        49.1   

Credit Costs for Trust Accounts

     4         —          —          —          —     

Net Fee and Commission Income

     5         326.5        4.3        322.1        466.0   

Net Trading Income

     6         226.4        (13.0     239.5        312.3   

Net Other Operating Income

     7         157.5        124.3        33.1        17.4   

General and Administrative Expenses

     8         (954.2     28.9        (983.2     (1,317.2

Expenses related to Portfolio Problems (including Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans)

     9         (45.7     206.5        (252.3     (262.3

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     10         (7.4     9.4        (16.8     4.2   

Equity in Income from Investments in Affiliates

     11         (2.6     (4.8     2.2        2.8   


     12         (0.5     82.6        (83.1     (96.9

Ordinary Profits

     13         556.4        396.7        159.7        327.1   

Net Extraordinary Gains (Losses)

     14         30.7        (15.6     46.3        50.6   

Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, etc.

     15         45.9        10.0        35.8        43.0   

Reversal of Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     16         0.0        0.0        —          —     

Income before Income Taxes and Minority Interests

     17         587.1        381.0        206.1        377.7   

Income Taxes

     18         (92.6     (87.1     (5.5     (43.1

Income before Minority Interests

     19         494.5        293.9        200.5        334.6   

Minority Interests in Net Income

     20         (72.4     1.8        (74.2     (95.2

Net Income

     21         422.0        295.7        126.2        239.4   

Credit-related Costs
(including Credit Costs for Trust Accounts)

     22         0.1        216.5        (216.4     (219.3


*  Credit-related Costs [22] = Expenses related to Portfolio Problems (including Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans) [9] + Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, etc. [15] + Credit Costs for Trust Accounts [4]



Consolidated Net Business Profits

     23         610.8        83.2        527.5        702.6   


*  Consolidated Net Business Profits [23] = Consolidated Gross Profits [1] - General and Administrative Expenses (excluding Non-Recurring Losses) + Equity in Income from Investments in Affiliates and certain other consolidation adjustments


Number of consolidated subsidiaries

     24         158        (7     165        162   

Number of affiliates under the equity method

     25         21        (2     23        21   



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


Aggregated Figures of the 3 Banks


            (Billions of yen)  
            Third Quarter of Fiscal 2010 (Accumulated Period)              
            MHBK     MHCB     MHTB     Aggregated
    Change     Third Quarter
of Fiscal 2009
    Fiscal 2009  

Gross Profits

     1         613.6        532.2        98.3        1,244.3        36.2        1,208.0        1,593.1   

Net Interest Income

     2         424.8        293.3        31.4        749.5        (95.6     845.1        1,102.6   

Fiduciary Income

     3             33.9        33.9        (0.3     34.2        48.5   

Credit Costs for Trust Accounts

     4             —          —          —          —          —     

Net Fee and Commission Income

     5         105.9        83.5        20.0        209.5        8.3        201.1        289.0   

Net Trading Income

     6         55.1        52.0        2.3        109.5        9.9        99.6        136.6   

Net Other Operating Income

     7         27.7        103.3        10.6        141.7        113.9        27.8        16.3   

General and Administrative Expenses (excluding Non-Recurring Losses)

     8         (418.3     (171.9     (65.5     (655.8     18.9        (674.8     (907.2

*Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans)

     9         195.3        360.2        32.8        588.4        55.2        533.2        685.9   

Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

     10         —          —          —          —          (10.1     10.1        47.6   

Net Business Profits

     11         195.3        360.2        32.8        588.4        45.0        543.4        733.5   

Net Gains (Losses) related to Bonds

     12         34.5        101.5        11.1        147.2        106.8        40.4        25.5   

Net Non-Recurring Gains (Losses)

     13         (80.1     (36.2     (7.0     (123.3     258.9        (382.3     (427.8

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     14         (7.3     (7.9     1.0        (14.2     1.2        (15.5     10.9   

Expenses related to Portfolio Problems

     15         (38.8     (5.8     (1.6     (46.3     163.1        (209.4     (246.1


     16         (33.9     (22.4     (6.3     (62.7     94.5        (157.3     (192.6

Ordinary Profits

     17         115.2        324.0        25.8        465.0        304.0        161.0        305.6   

Net Extraordinary Gains (Losses)

     18         19.4        32.5        1.5        53.5        21.0        32.5        37.2   

Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, etc.

     19         23.0        44.0        1.0        68.1        33.9        34.1        41.4   

Reversal of Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     20         0.0        0.1        —          0.1        (1.4     1.5        0.0   

Income before Income Taxes

     21         134.7        356.5        27.3        518.6        325.0        193.5        342.9   

Income Taxes

     22         6.2        (80.8     (5.3     (79.9     (86.7     6.8        (29.8

Net Income

     23         140.9        275.7        22.0        438.7        238.2        200.4        313.1   


*  Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans) of MHTB excludes the amounts of Credit Costs for Trust Accounts [4].


Credit-related Costs

     24         (15.7     38.2        (0.6     21.8        186.9        (165.1     (157.1


* Credit-related Costs [24] =    Expenses related to Portfolio Problems [15] + Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for  Possible Losses on Loans [10] + Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, etc. [19] +  Credit Costs for Trust Accounts [4]


(Reference) Breakdown of Credit-related Costs



Credit Costs for Trust Accounts

     25             —          —          —          —          —     

Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

     26         21.9        17.8        1.7        41.4        31.3        10.1        47.6   

Losses on Write-offs of Loans

     27         (19.3     5.5        (1.4     (15.2     59.9        (75.2     (88.2

Reversal of (Provision for) Specific Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

     28         (17.0     14.0        (0.6     (3.5     84.6        (88.2     (99.4

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans to Restructuring Countries

     29         —          0.1        0.0        0.1        (0.1     0.2        0.3   

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Contingencies

     30         —          0.6        (0.1     0.4        (0.1     0.6        1.5   

Other (including Losses on Sales of Loans)

     31         (1.3     (0.1     —          (1.4     11.3        (12.8     (18.8


     32         (15.7     38.2        (0.6     21.8        186.9        (165.1     (157.1



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

2. Net Gains/Losses on Stocks


Aggregated Figures of the 3 Banks


     (Billions of yen)  
     Third Quarter of
Fiscal 2010
(Accumulated Period)
    Change     Third Quarter of
Fiscal 2009
(Accumulated Period)

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     (14.1     (0.1     (13.9

Gains on Sales

     32.7        (45.4     78.2   

Losses on Sales

     (23.5     (14.3     (9.2

Impairment (Devaluation)

     (23.1     31.1        (54.2

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     0.1        (1.3     1.5   

Gains (Losses) on Derivatives other than for Trading

     (0.3     29.9        (30.3


* Figures include gains on Reversal of Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments (included in Extraordinary Gains).

Mizuho Bank


     Third Quarter of
Fiscal 2010
(Accumulated Period)
    Change     Third Quarter of
Fiscal 2009
(Accumulated Period)

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     (7.3     1.6        (9.0

Gains on Sales

     3.5        (21.1     24.6   

Losses on Sales

     (3.9     (1.5     (2.3

Impairment (Devaluation)

     (7.6     3.4        (11.1

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     0.0        0.0        (0.0

Gains (Losses) on Derivatives other than for Trading

     0.7        20.9        (20.2


* Figures include gains on Reversal of Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments (included in Extraordinary Gains).

Mizuho Corporate Bank


     Third Quarter of
Fiscal 2010
(Accumulated Period)
    Change     Third Quarter of
Fiscal 2009
(Accumulated Period)

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     (7.8     (2.7     (5.0

Gains on Sales

     25.5        (26.3     51.8   

Losses on Sales

     (18.7     (12.1     (6.6

Impairment (Devaluation)

     (13.6     28.1        (41.7

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     0.1        (1.4     1.5   

Gains (Losses) on Derivatives other than for Trading

     (1.1     8.9        (10.0


* Figures include gains on Reversal of Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments (included in Extraordinary Gains).

Mizuho Trust & Banking


     Third Quarter of
Fiscal 2010
(Accumulated Period)
    Change     Third Quarter of
Fiscal 2009
(Accumulated Period)

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     1.0        0.9        0.1   

Gains on Sales

     3.6        1.9        1.7   

Losses on Sales

     (0.8     (0.6     (0.2

Impairment (Devaluation)

     (1.8     (0.4     (1.3

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     (0.0     (0.0     —     

Gains (Losses) on Derivatives other than for Trading

     0.0        0.0        (0.0



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

3. Unrealized Gains/Losses on Securities



Securities for which it is deemed to be extremely difficult to determine the fair value are excluded.


(1) Other Securities


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of December 31, 2010      As of September 30, 2010      As of December 31, 2009  
     Book Value
(=Fair  Value)
     Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value
(=Fair  Value)
     Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value
(=Fair  Value)
     Unrealized Gains/Losses  
              Gains      Losses               Gains      Losses               Gains      Losses  




Other Securities

     41,484.6         82.4        658.3         575.8         43,941.3         96.8        668.6         571.7         38,531.5         89.9        654.9         564.9   

Japanese Stocks

     2,715.9         216.0        457.9         241.9         2,615.8         86.8        377.3         290.5         2,808.9         210.6        471.4         260.7   

Japanese Bonds

     31,192.7         27.1        95.1         67.9         31,306.3         118.0        146.0         28.0         27,377.8         90.8        101.5         10.7   


     7,575.9         (160.7     105.2         265.9         10,019.0         (107.9     145.2         253.1         8,344.7         (211.5     81.9         293.4   


* In addition to “Securities” on the consolidated balance sheets, NCDs in “Cash and Due from Banks,” certain items in “Other Debt Purchased” and certain items in “Other Assets” are also included.
* Fair value of Japanese stocks with a quoted market price is determined based on the average quoted market price over the month preceding the consolidated balance sheet date.
   Fair value of securities other than Japanese stocks is determined at the quoted market price if available, or other reasonable value at the consolidated balance sheet date.
* Unrealized Gains/Losses include ¥(5.4) billion, ¥(5.5) billion and ¥14.8 billion, which were recognized in the statement of income as of the end of December 2010, as of the end of September 2010 and as of the end of December 2009, respectively, by applying the fair-value hedge method and others.

(2) Bonds Held to Maturity


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of December 31, 2010      As of September 30, 2010      As of December 31, 2009  
     Book Value      Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value      Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value      Unrealized Gains/Losses  
               Gains      Losses                Gains      Losses                Gains      Losses  

MHFG (Consolidated)

     1,053.0         8.1         8.6         0.4         903.6         12.4         12.4         —           506.3         5.3         5.3         —     


Aggregated Figures of the 3 Banks

(1) Other Securities


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of December 31, 2010      As of September 30, 2010      As of December 31, 2009  
     Book Value
(=Fair  Value)
     Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value
(=Fair  Value)
     Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value
(=Fair  Value)
     Unrealized Gains/Losses  
              Gains      Losses               Gains      Losses               Gains      Losses  



Other Securities

     19,230.2         (15.9     158.1         174.1         19,453.3         (0.6     178.2         178.9         16,752.0         (1.8     148.0         149.8   

Japanese Stocks

     706.7         (4.9     86.9         91.9         687.0         (38.4     67.6         106.1         687.5         (15.9     76.5         92.5   

Japanese Bonds

     16,352.0         11.9        47.1         35.2         15,683.6         48.8        73.4         24.5         13,633.2         51.4        58.1         6.6   


     2,171.4         (22.9     24.0         46.9         3,082.6         (11.0     37.2         48.2         2,431.2         (37.3     13.3         50.6   



Other Securities

     19,543.4         58.6        422.7         364.1         22,053.4         55.5        416.2         360.6         19,410.1         56.3        414.5         358.1   

Japanese Stocks

     1,782.4         159.2        307.7         148.5         1,708.6         68.7        253.9         185.2         1,865.7         153.7        312.4         158.7   

Japanese Bonds

     13,010.1         9.9        41.2         31.2         14,118.3         56.7        60.0         3.2         12,332.1         28.9        32.1         3.1   


     4,750.8         (110.4     73.8         184.2         6,226.4         (69.9     102.2         172.1         5,212.2         (126.3     69.9         196.2   



Other Securities

     2,131.8         30.0        60.7         30.6         1,963.0         34.7        61.7         27.0         1,722.0         26.6        63.2         36.5   

Japanese Stocks

     194.0         37.5        50.4         12.9         185.5         29.0        41.9         12.9         200.4         36.9        51.8         14.8   

Japanese Bonds

     1,454.8         4.6        6.0         1.3         1,177.4         11.5        11.8         0.2         967.1         9.4        10.3         0.9   


     482.9         (12.0     4.2         16.3         600.0         (5.8     7.9         13.7         554.3         (19.7     0.9         20.7   



Other Securities

     40,905.5         72.7        641.6         568.8         43,469.7         89.6        656.2         566.6         37,884.2         81.2        625.8         544.5   

Japanese Stocks

     2,683.2         191.7        445.1         253.3         2,581.2         59.2        363.5         304.3         2,753.8         174.7        440.8         266.1   

Japanese Bonds

     30,817.0         26.5        94.4         67.8         30,979.4         117.2        145.2         28.0         26,932.5         89.9        100.6         10.7   


     7,405.2         (145.5     102.0         247.6         9,909.0         (86.8     147.4         234.2         8,197.8         (183.4     84.3         267.7   


* In addition to securities, NCDs and certain items in other debt purchased are also included.
* Fair value of Japanese stocks with a quoted market price is determined based on the average quoted market price over the month preceding the date above.
   Fair value of securities other than Japanese stocks is determined at the quoted market price if available, or other reasonable value at the date above.
* Unrealized Gains/Losses include ¥10.9 billion, ¥10.5 billion and ¥38.1 billion, which were recognized as Income/Loss as of the end of December 2010, as of the end of September 2010, and as of the end of December 2009, respectively, by applying the fair-value hedge method and others.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

(2) Bonds Held to Maturity


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of December 31, 2010      As of September 30, 2010      As of December 31, 2009  
     Book Value      Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value      Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value      Unrealized Gains/Losses  
               Gains      Losses                Gains      Losses                Gains      Losses  


     1,050.6         8.1         8.6         0.4         900.6         12.3         12.3         —           500.4         5.3         5.3         —     


     —           —           —           —           —           —           —           —           —           —           —           —     


     —           —           —           —           —           —           —           —           —           —           —           —     


     1,050.6         8.1         8.6         0.4         900.6         12.3         12.3         —           500.4         5.3         5.3         —     

(3) Investments in Subsidiaries and Affiliates


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of December 31, 2010      As of September 30, 2010      As of December 31, 2009  
     Book Value      Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value      Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value      Unrealized Gains/Losses  
              Gains      Losses               Gains      Losses               Gains      Losses  


     88.2         (32.1     —           32.1         88.2         (34.3     —           34.3         88.2         (29.0     —           29.0   


     338.0         (130.8     —           130.8         338.0         (155.3     —           155.3         338.0         (60.2     —           60.2   


     —           —          —           —           —           —          —           —           —           —          —           —     


     426.3         (162.9     —           162.9         426.3         (189.7     —           189.7         426.3         (89.2     —           89.2   


Unrealized Gains/Losses on Other Securities

(the base amount to be recorded directly to Net Assets after tax and other necessary adjustments)

For certain Other Securities, Unrealized Gains/Losses were recognized as Income/Loss by applying the fair-value hedge method and others. They were excluded from Unrealized Gains/Losses on Other Securities.

These adjusted Unrealized Gains/Losses were the base amount, which was to be recorded directly to Net Assets after tax and other necessary adjustments.

The base amount is as follows:



     (Billions of yen)  
     As of
December 31,
    As of
September 30,
    As of
December 31,
     Unrealized Gains/Losses              
           Change from
September  30,
    Change from
December  31,

Other Securities

     87.8        (14.5     12.8        102.4        75.0   

Japanese Stocks

     216.0        129.2        5.3        86.8        210.6   

Japanese Bonds

     25.1        (92.9     (42.9     118.0        68.0   


     (153.2     (50.8     50.3        (102.4     (203.6


Aggregated Figures of the 3 Banks


       (Billions of yen)  
     As of
December 31,
    As of
September  30,
    As of
December 31,
     Unrealized Gains/Losses              
      Change  from
September 30,
    Change  from
December 31,

Other Securities

     61.8        (17.1     18.8        79.0        43.0   

Japanese Stocks

     191.7        132.5        17.0        59.2        174.7   

Japanese Bonds

     24.4        (92.8     (42.6     117.2        67.1   


     (154.3     (56.9     44.4        (97.4     (198.7



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

4. Deferred Hedge Gains/Losses on Derivative Transactions Qualifying for Hedge Accounting


Aggregated Figures of the 3 Banks


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of December 31, 2010     As of September 30, 2010     As of December 31, 2009  
     Deferred Hedge Gains/Losses     Deferred Hedge Gains/Losses     Deferred Hedge Gains/Losses  
     Gains      Losses            Gains      Losses            Gains      Losses         


     95.3         83.7         11.5        120.5         90.4         30.1        127.7         94.5         33.1   


     688.8         409.4         279.3        785.2         449.5         335.7        710.4         501.7         208.7   


     68.3         77.1         (8.7     68.9         75.7         (6.8     61.9         72.5         (10.6


     852.4         570.3         282.1        974.7         615.6         359.0        900.1         668.8         231.2   


Note: Above figures reflect all derivative transactions qualifying for hedge accounting, and are before net of applicable income taxes.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

5. Status of Disclosed Claims under the Financial Reconstruction Law (“FRL”)



       (Billions of yen)  
     As of December 31, 2010     As of
September 30, 2010
     As of
December  31, 2009
            Change from
September 30,
    Change from
December 31,



Claims against Bankrupt and
Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     246.3         (12.9     (58.3     259.2         304.7   

Claims with Collection Risk

     559.8         (56.9     (99.3     616.7         659.1   

Claims for Special Attention

     541.7         3.6        78.0        538.0         463.7   


     1,347.9         (66.1     (79.7     1,414.0         1,427.6   

Trust Account


Claims against Bankrupt and
Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     —           —          —          —           —     

Claims with Collection Risk

     3.1         (0.0     (0.0     3.1         3.1   

Claims for Special Attention

     —           —          —          —           —     


     3.1         (0.0     (0.0     3.1         3.1   

Total (Consolidated + Trust Account)


Claims against Bankrupt and
Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     246.3         (12.9     (58.3     259.2         304.7   

Claims with Collection Risk

     562.9         (56.9     (99.3     619.8         662.3   

Claims for Special Attention

     541.7         3.6        78.0        538.0         463.7   


     1,351.0         (66.1     (79.7     1,417.1         1,430.8   



Note: Trust Account denotes trust accounts with contracts indemnifying the principal amounts.




Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


Aggregated Figures of the 3 Banks


     (Billions of yen, %)  
     As of December 31, 2010     As of
September 30, 2010
    As of
December 31, 2009
           Change from
September 30,
    Change from
December 31,

Total (Banking Account + Trust Account)


Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     232.1        (13.6     (53.6     245.8        285.8   

Claims with Collection Risk

     554.3        (56.7     (98.0     611.0        652.4   

Claims for Special Attention

     441.0        (4.1     8.2        445.1        432.7   

Sub-total [1]

     1,227.5        (74.5     (143.4     1,302.0        1,370.9   

NPL ratio [1]/[2]

     1.79 %       (0.11 )%      (0.14 )%      1.90     1.93

Normal Claims

     67,105.2        121.6        (2,254.3     66,983.6        69,359.5   

Total [2]

     68,332.7        47.0        (2,397.7     68,285.6        70,730.5   



Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     174.2        (6.3     (26.3     180.5        200.5   

Claims with Collection Risk

     426.6        28.2        28.6        398.3        397.9   

Claims for Special Attention

     263.6        (14.2     1.0        277.9        262.6   

Sub-total [3]

     864.5        7.6        3.3        856.9        861.2   

NPL ratio [3]/[4]

     2.44 %       0.03     0.00     2.41     2.44

Normal Claims

     34,488.5        (148.9     126.1        34,637.4        34,362.3   

Total [4]

     35,353.0        (141.3     129.4        35,494.3        35,223.5   



Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     25.3        (5.5     (5.3     30.8        30.7   

Claims with Collection Risk

     90.4        (88.1     (145.1     178.5        235.5   

Claims for Special Attention

     160.2        9.4        (0.2     150.7        160.5   

Sub-total [5]

     276.0        (84.1     (150.7     360.2        426.7   

NPL ratio [5]/[6]

     0.93 %       (0.29 )%      (0.40 )%      1.22     1.33

Normal Claims

     29,344.5        390.6        (2,096.4     28,953.9        31,440.9   

Total [6]

     29,620.6        306.4        (2,247.1     29,314.1        31,867.7   



Banking Account


Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     32.5        (1.7     (21.9     34.3        54.5   

Claims with Collection Risk

     34.2        3.1        18.4        31.1        15.7   

Claims for Special Attention

     17.0        0.6        7.5        16.4        9.5   

Sub-total [7]

     83.9        2.0        4.0        81.8        79.8   

NPL ratio [7]/[8]

     2.51 %       0.14     0.30     2.37     2.21

Normal Claims

     3,247.9        (119.7     (281.2     3,367.6        3,529.1   

Total [8]

     3,331.8        (117.6     (277.1     3,449.5        3,608.9   

Trust Account


Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     —          —          —          —          —     

Claims with Collection Risk

     3.1        (0.0     (0.0     3.1        3.1   

Claims for Special Attention

     —          —          —          —          —     

Sub-total [9]

     3.1        (0.0     (0.0     3.1        3.1   

NPL ratio [9]/[10]

     11.36 %       0.15     1.03     11.20     10.32

Normal Claims

     24.2        (0.3     (2.8     24.5        27.0   

Total [10]

     27.3        (0.3     (2.9     27.7        30.2   


Notes:   1.    Trust Account denotes trust accounts with contracts indemnifying the principal amounts.
  2.    NPL: Non-Performing Loans



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

6. Status of Deposits and Loans


(1)-1 Deposits

Aggregated Figures of the 3 Banks

     (Billions of yen)  
     As of December 31, 2010     As of
September 30, 2010
     As of
December 31, 2009
            Change from
September 30, 2010
    Change from
December 31, 2009


     54,771.7         97.2        181.9        54,674.4         54,589.7   


     18,312.4         (896.1     211.8        19,208.6         18,100.6   


     2,278.2         (45.7     (297.6     2,323.9         2,575.8   


     75,362.4         (844.5     96.2        76,207.0         75,266.2   

(1)-2 Domestic Deposits

Aggregated Figures of the 3 Banks


       (Billions of yen)  
     As of December 31, 2010     As of
September 30, 2010
     As of
December 31, 2009
            Change from
September 30,  2010
    Change from
December 31,  2009


     54,743.1         94.4        202.1        54,648.7         54,540.9   

Individual deposits

     34,237.8         733.6        528.8        33,504.2         33,709.0   


     10,639.7         (745.6     455.2        11,385.3         10,184.4   

Individual deposits

     24.5         20.8        22.1        3.6         2.3   


     2,271.7         (45.5     (296.9     2,317.2         2,568.7   

Individual deposits

     1,622.5         (29.7     (151.3     1,652.3         1,773.9   


     67,654.6         (696.7     360.4        68,351.3         67,294.1   

Individual deposits

     35,884.9         724.6        399.5        35,160.2         35,485.3   


Note: Above figures are before adjustment of transit accounts for inter-office transactions, and do not include deposits booked     at overseas offices and offshore deposits.


(2) Loans and Bills Discounted

Aggregated Figures of the 3 Banks


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of December 31, 2010     As of
September  30, 2010
     As of
December 31, 2009
            Change from
September 30,  2010
    Change from
December 31,  2009


     33,086.6         (192.3     276.2        33,279.0         32,810.4   


     25,558.1         131.4        (2,012.5     25,426.7         27,570.6   


     3,217.4         (120.7     (278.0     3,338.2         3,495.4   


     61,862.2         (181.6     (2,014.3     62,043.9         63,876.5   


Note:     Loans to MHFG are included as follows:
      As of December 31, 2010: ¥740.7 billion (¥700.0 billion from MHBK and ¥40.7 billion from MHCB)
      As of September 30, 2010: ¥700.0 billion (from MHBK)
      As of December 31, 2009: ¥700.0 billion (from MHBK)

(3) Interest Margins (Domestic Operations)

Aggregated Figures of MHBK and MHCB


68.60 68.60 68.60 68.60 68.60 68.60
            Third Quarter of
Fiscal 2010
(For the nine
    Third Quarter of
Fiscal 2009

(For the nine
                        Change        Fiscal 2009  



Return on Loans and Bills Discounted

     1         1.48         (0.09     1.57         1.57   

Cost of Deposits and Debentures

     2         0.10         (0.06     0.16         0.16   

Loan and Deposit Rate Margin [1]-[2]

     3         1.37         (0.03     1.41         1.41   



Return on Loans and Bills Discounted

     4         1.04         (0.16     1.20         1.18   

Cost of Deposits and Debentures

     5         0.14         (0.09     0.24         0.22   

Loan and Deposit Rate Margin [4]-[5]

     6         0.90         (0.06     0.96         0.96   



Return on Loans and Bills Discounted

     7         1.32         (0.11     1.44         1.43   

Cost of Deposits and Debentures

     8         0.11         (0.07     0.18         0.17   

Loan and Deposit Rate Margin [7]-[8]

     9         1.21         (0.04     1.26         1.26   


Notes: 1. Return on Loans and Bills Discounted excludes loans to financial institutions (including MHFG).

            2.Deposits and Debentures include NCDs.


           (Reference)After excluding Loans to Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan and the Japanese government






Return on Loans and Bills Discounted

     10         1.47         (0.12     1.59         1.58   

Loan and Deposit Rate Margin [10]-[8]

     11         1.36         (0.05     1.41         1.40   



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