Washington, D.C. 20549


Form 6-K





For the month of January 2008


LG.Philips LCD Co., Ltd.

(Translation of Registrant’s name into English)


20 Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul 150-721, The Republic of Korea

(Address of principal executive offices)


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Q4 07 Earnings Results

I. Performance in Q4 2007 – Korean GAAP Consolidated Financial Data

(Unit: KRW B)


         Q4 07                Q3 07                Q4 06                QoQ                 YoY        

Quarterly Results



   4,322    3,953    3,065    9.3 %   41.0 %

Operating Income

   869    693    -177    25.4 %   —    

Ordinary Income

   1,006    659    -212    52.7 %   —    

Net Income

   760    524    -174    45.0 %   —    

II. IR Event of Q4 2007 Earnings Results


1. Provider of Information:        IR Communication team
2. Participants:        Institutional investors, securities analysts, etc.
3. Purpose:        To present Q4 07 Earnings Results of LG.Philips LCD
4. Date & Time:        4:30 p.m. (Korea Time) on January 14, 2008 in Korean
       10:00 p.m. (Korea Time) on January 14, 2008 in English
5. Venue & Method:    1) Earnings release conference in Korean:
       - Auditorium, B1 floor, LG Twin Tower East Building,
       20, Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul
   2) Conference call in English:
       - Please refer to IR homepage of LG.Philips LCD Co., Ltd. at
6. Contact Information   

1)      Head of Disclosure:    Dong Joo Kim, Vice President, Finance & Risk Management

       Department (82-2-3777-0702)

2)      Main Contact for Disclosure-related Matters:

       Kanghee Kim, Assistant, Financing Team

3)      Relevant Team:     IR Communication team (82-2-3777-1010)

III. Remarks

1. Please note that the presentation material for Q4 07 Earnings Results is attached as an appendix and accessible on IR homepage of LG.Philips LCD Co., Ltd. at

2. Please note that the financial data included in the investor presentation and press release are prepared on a consolidated Korean GAAP basis only (US GAAP consolidated and Korean GAAP non-consolidated information are stated below).

3. Financial data for Q4 07 are unaudited. They are provided for the convenience of

investors and can be subject to change.


* The following US GAAP consolidated information and Korean GAAP non-consolidated information are included for the convenience of investors.

US GAAP consolidated information



              (Unit: KRW B )


         Q4 07                Q3 07                Q4 06                QoQ                 YoY        

Quarterly Results



   4,322    3,953    3,065    9.3 %   41.0 %

Operating Income

   864    672    -172    28.6 %   —    

Ordinary Income

   998    651    -186    53.3 %   —    

Net Income

   750    502    -145    49.4 %   —    
Korean GAAP non-consolidated information              
              (Unit: KRW B)  


   Q4 07    Q3 07    Q4 06    QoQ     YoY  

Quarterly Results



   4,314    3,975    2,967    8.5 %   45.4 %

Operating Income

   881    709    -151    24.3 %   —    

Ordinary Income

   1,013    662    -207    53.0 %   —    

Net Income

   760    524    -174    45.0 %   —    

Attached: 1) Press Release

                2) Presentation Material

Attachment 1. Press Release




Record performance in both revenue and operating profit in Q4 ‘07, exceeding expectations



Successful turnaround and strong performance throughout 2007 as a result of cost reduction, efficiency maximization and customer relationship enhancement



Mr. Ron Wirahadiraksa to resign as Joint Representative Director and CFO as a result of Philips’ stake sell down in 2007

SEOUL, Korea – January 14, 2008 – LG.Philips LCD [NYSE: LPL, KRX: 034220], one of the world’s leading TFT-LCD manufacturers, today reported unaudited earnings results based on consolidated Korean GAAP for the three-month period ended December 31, 2007. Amounts in Korean Won (KRW) are translated into US dollars (USD) at the noon buying rate in effect on December 31, 2007, which was KRW 936 per US dollar.



Sales in the fourth quarter of 2007 increased by 9% to KRW 4,322 billion (USD 4,618 million) from sales of KRW 3,953 billion (USD 4,223 million) in the third quarter of 2007 and increased 41% compared to KRW 3,065 billion (USD 3,275 million) in the fourth quarter of 2006.



Operating profit in the fourth quarter of 2007 was KRW 869 billion (USD 928 million) compared to an operating profit of KRW 693 billion (USD 740 million) in the third quarter of 2007, and an operating loss of KRW 177 billion (USD 189 million) in the fourth quarter of 2006.



EBITDA in the fourth quarter of 2007 was KRW 1,775 billion (USD 1,896 million), an increase of 29% from KRW 1,376 billion (USD 1,470 million) in the third quarter of 2007 and a year-over-year increase of 218% from KRW 559 billion (USD 597 million) in the fourth quarter of 2006.



Net income in the fourth quarter of 2007 was a profit of KRW 760 billion (USD 812 million) compared to a profit of KRW 524 billion (USD 560 million) in the third quarter of 2007 and a loss of KRW 174 billion (USD 186 million) in the fourth quarter of 2006.

Young Soo Kwon, CEO of LG.Philips LCD, said, “We are delighted with our outstanding performance last quarter and throughout 2007, which was driven by strong global demand and stabilized ASP. In addition, we have continuously focused on cost savings and were able to achieve our planned reduction in COGS per square meter in USD of 2% (3% in KRW) during the fourth quarter. On an annualized basis, we exceeded our projected cost reduction in COGS per square meter in USD of 25%, reporting a very strong 31% annual reduction. Further, our commitment to achieve sustainable growth by staying close to our customers, investing in technology leadership and process innovation also contributed to the strong results. These accomplishments are the result of the hard work by our team members across all levels of the organization.”

Mr. Kwon continued “The fourth quarter was marked by several important strategic initiatives. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our customer relationships, during the quarter we opened a module plant in Guangzhou, our second such module site in China. Our strategy of building locally situated module plants allows us to better serve our customers and in this case, specifically in the rapidly emerging Chinese LCD TV market. Additionally, during the quarter we announced a strategic alliance with Taiwan’s HannStar Display Corp. that links LPL’s acquisition of preferred shares with a commitment to purchase high quality LCD panels from HannStar. We believe these two initiatives are good examples of the innovative steps LPL has historically taken to bind and secure our relationships with important customers and suppliers in an increasingly competitive and dynamic marketplace.

“We are proud of the significant improvements we have made throughout 2007. Going forward, we aim to deliver more predictable and stable growth for the mid-to-long term, which we expect will translate into greater shareholder value. In the meantime, we will also continue our efforts to construct the most competitive Gen 8 fab in the industry, and make this investment a success by both maximizing efficiency and productivity and devising a roadmap for future growth.” Mr. Kwon said.

“With the sell down of Philips’ stake below the 25% threshold, Mr. Ron Wirahadiraksa will step down as Joint Representative Director and CFO at the Company’s Annual General Meeting, in late February. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors and management team, I want to thank Ron for his many tireless years of service at LPL. Ron has been a vital member of our Board and management team since the inception of LPL in 1999 and has built a world-class finance department. Moreover, he has made significant contributions to our development, manufacturing and process engineering achievements, and has created a culture of transparency that has been one of the key factors for the company’s global success. With his next challenge ahead, we wish him all the best and appreciate his support in working with us during a transition period. James Jeong, formerly Executive Vice President and CFO of LG Electronics is planned to serve as our next CFO and will begin his duties after the Annual General Meeting this year.” Mr. Kwon concluded.

Fourth Quarter Financial Review

Revenue and Cost

Revenue for the three-month period ended December 31, 2007, increased by 9% to KRW 4,322 billion (USD 4,618 million) from KRW 3,065 billion (USD 3,275 million) for the corresponding period of 2006. TFT-LCD panels for TVs, monitors, notebook PCs and other applications accounted for 50%, 24%, 21% and 5%, respectively, on a revenue basis in the fourth quarter of 2007.

Overall, the Company shipped a total of 3.4 million square meters of net display area in the fourth quarter of 2007, an increase of 9% quarter-on-quarter. The average selling price per square meter of net display area shipped was USD 1,375, which was an increase of approximately 1% compared to the average of the third quarter of 2007. The ending average selling price per square meter was USD 1,377, an increase of approximately 1% compared to the end of the third quarter of 2007.

For the fourth quarter of 2007, the cost of goods sold per square meter of net display area shipped decreased 3% to KRW 0.9 million (USD 1,013) from the third quarter of 2007.


Cash and cash equivalents including short term financial instruments of LG.Philips LCD were KRW 1,981 billion (USD 2,116 million) as of December 31, 2007. Total debt was KRW 3,406 billion (USD 3,639 million), and the net debt-to-equity ratio was 17% as of December 31, 2007, compared to 37% as of September 30, 2007.

Capital Spending

Capital investment outlay in fixed assets during the fourth quarter of 2007 was KRW 269 billion (USD 287 million) compared to KRW 334 billion (USD 357 million) in the fourth quarter of 2006, and was largely for overseas module plants. On a delivery base, it was KRW 281 billion (USD 300 million)


Total production input capacity on an area basis increased approximately 5% sequentially in the fourth quarter and was largely due to an increase of production, mainly in P7.


The following expectations are based on information as of January 14, 2008. The Company does not expect to update its expectations until next quarter’s earnings announcement. However, the Company reserves the right to update its full business outlook, or any portion thereof, at any time and for any reason.

“Our continuous focus on value based management through rational production, prudent CAPEX spending, cost reduction activities and ongoing product innovation, added by strong demand worldwide for flat-screen panels, allowed an earlier than expected turnaround in the first half of 2007 and better than anticipated results throughout 2007. We will continue to focus on these areas into the year 2008 and beyond, which we believe are ingredients towards securing sustainable growth for the long term.” said Ron Wirahadiraksa, CFO of LG.Philips LCD.

“Looking ahead, we expect shipments in the first quarter of 2008 to decrease by a low single digit percentage with a mid single digit percentage declining average ASP and a high single digit percentage declining ending ASP. We expect shipments in the TV segment to decrease by a high single digit percentage with a mid single digit percentage declining average and ending ASP. In the IT segment, we anticipate shipments to increase by a high single digit percentage with a high single digit percentage declining average ASP and a mid teens percentage declining ending ASP. Our COGS reduction per square meter is expected to be a low single digit percentage in the first quarter. As a result, we expect our EBITDA margin for the first quarter of 2008 to be in the mid thirties percentage range. Our CAPEX guidance for 2008 remains at approximately KRW 3 trillion. Our 2008 CAPEX will be utilized for Gen 8 facilities, and production efficiency enhancement for existing facilities.” Mr. Wirahadiraksa concluded.

Earnings Conference and Conference Call

LG.Philips LCD will hold a Korean language earnings conference on January 14, 2008, at 4:30 p.m. Korea Standard Time at the LG Twin Tower Auditorium (East Tower, B1F) in 20 Yoido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea. An English language conference call will follow at 10:00 p.m. Korea Standard Time, 8:00 a.m. EDT and 1:00 p.m. GMT. The call-in number is +82 (0)31-810-3001 for both callers in Korea and callers outside of Korea. The confirmation number is 3777. Corresponding slides will be available at the Investor Relations section of the LG.Philips LCD web site:

Investors can listen to the conference call via the Internet at To listen to the live call, please go to the Investor Relations section of the web site at least 15 minutes prior to the call to register and install any necessary audio software.

For those who are unable to participate in the call, a replay will be available for 30 days after the call. The call-in number is 031-810-3100 for callers in Korea and +82-31-810-3100 for callers outside of Korea. The confirmation number for the replay is 119495#.

About LG.Philips LCD

LG.Philips LCD Co., Ltd [NYSE: LPL, KRX: 034220] is a leading manufacturer and supplier of thin-film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) panels. The company manufactures TFT-LCD panels in a wide range of sizes and specifications for use in TVs, monitors, notebook PCs, and various applications. LG.Philips LCD currently operates seven fabrication facilities and four back-end assembly facilities in Korea, China and Poland. The company has a total of 23,000 employees operating in ten countries around the world. Please visit for more information.

Forward-Looking Statement Disclaimer

This press release contains forward-looking statements. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about our beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current plans, estimates and projections, and therefore you should not place undue reliance on them. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and we undertake no obligation to update publicly any of them in light of new information or future events. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. We caution you that a number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Additional information as to factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from our forward-looking statements can be found in our filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

Investor Relations Contacts:

John Kim

LG.Philips LCD

Tel: +822-3777-1010


Media Contacts:

Sue Kim

LG.Philips LCD

Tel: +822-3777-0970


LG.Philips LCD


(In millions of KRW)

(The financial statements are based on unaudited Korean GAAP)


     2007     2006  
     Three months
ended December 31
    Twelve months
ended December 31

Three months

ended December 31


Twelve months

ended December 31



   4,321,864     100 %   14,351,966     100 %   3,065,294     100 %   10,624,200     100 %

Cost of goods sold

   (3,239,956 )   -75 %   (12,115,363 )   -84 %   (3,090,235 )   -101 %   (10,932,316 )   -103 %


   1,081,908     25 %   2,236,603     16 %   (24,941 )   -1 %   (308,116 )   -3 %

Selling, general & administrative

   (213,126 )   -5 %   (732,596 )   -5 %   (151,647 )   -5 %   (570,922 )   -5 %


   868,782     20 %   1,504,007     10 %   (176,588 )   -6 %   (879,038 )   -8 %

Interest income

   21,264     0 %   58,348     0 %   5,773     0 %   29,309     0 %

Interest expense

   (45,719 )   -1 %   (201,296 )   -1 %   (53,440 )   -2 %   (179,199 )   -2 %

Foreign exchange gain (loss), net

   44,198     1 %   86,959     1 %   4,469     0 %   3,426     0 %

Others, net

   117,503     3 %   94,941     1 %   7,947     0 %   4,026     0 %

Total other income (expense)

   137,246     3 %   38,952     0 %   (35,251 )   -1 %   (142,438 )   -1 %


   1,006,028     23 %   1,542,959     11 %   (211,839 )   -7 %   (1,021,476 )   -10 %

Income tax (expense) benefit

   (246,120 )   -6 %   (198,932 )   -1 %   37,494     1 %   252,163     2 %


   759,908     18 %   1,344,027     9 %   (174,345 )   -6 %   (769,313 )   -7 %

- These financial statements are provided for informational purposes only.

LG.Philips LCD


(In millions of KRW)

(The financial statements are based on unaudited Korean GAAP)


     2007     2006  
     December 31     September 30     December 31     September 30  



Current assets:


Cash and cash equivalents

   1,196,423    9 %   1,656,419     12 %   954,362     7 %   471,747     3 %

Short term Financial Instruments

   785,000    6 %   0     0 %   0     0 %   0     0 %

Trade accounts and notes receivable

   2,339,690    17 %   2,258,545     16 %   859,300     6 %   1,330,539     10 %


   823,924    6 %   905,802     6 %   1,052,705     8 %   1,148,286     8 %

Other current assets

   601,096    4 %   350,547     2 %   288,260     2 %   320,707     2 %

Total current assets

   5,746,133    42 %   5,171,313     37 %   3,154,627     23 %   3,271,279     24 %

Investments and other non-current assets

   382,068    3 %   738,982     5 %   781,288     6 %   703,452     5 %

Property, plant and equipment, net

   7,528,523    55 %   8,027,862     57 %   9,428,046     70 %   9,578,309     70 %

Intangible assets, net

   123,111    1 %   105,449     1 %   123,826     1 %   181,576     1 %

Total assets

   13,779,835    100 %   14,043,606     100 %   13,487,787     100 %   13,734,616     100 %



Current liabilities:


Short-term debt

   413,743    3 %   922,697     7 %   813,735     6 %   672,721     5 %

Trade accounts and notes payable

   994,701    7 %   1,144,782     8 %   949,436     7 %   881,443     6 %

Other payables and accrued liabilities

   992,778    7 %   836,477     6 %   1,445,618     11 %   1,230,404     9 %

Total current liabilities

   2,401,222    17 %   2,903,956     21 %   3,208,789     24 %   2,784,568     20 %

Long-term debt

   2,991,932    22 %   3,509,342     25 %   3,306,988     25 %   3,806,675     28 %

Other non-current liabilities

   97,222    1 %   111,555     1 %   82,334     1 %   71,812     1 %

Total liabilities

   5,490,376    40 %   6,524,853     46 %   6,598,111     49 %   6,663,055     49 %

Common Stock and additional paid-in capital

   4,100,150    30 %   4,100,150     29 %   4,064,251     30 %   4,064,251     30 %

Retained Earnings

   4,183,400    30 %   3,423,492     24 %   2,839,373     21 %   3,013,718     22 %

Capital adjustment

   5,823    0 %   (4,973 )   0 %   (13,948 )   0 %   (6,408 )   0 %

Controlling Interest equity

   8,289,373    60 %   7,518,669     54 %   6,889,676     51 %   7,071,561     51 %

Minority Interest equity

   86    0 %   84     0 %   0     0 %   0     0 %

Total shareholders’ equity

   8,289,459    60 %   7,518,753     54 %   6,889,676     51 %   7,071,561     51 %

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

   13,779,835    100 %   14,043,606     100 %   13,487,787     100 %   13,734,616     100 %

- These financial statements are provided for informational purposes only.

LG.Philips LCD


(In millions of KRW)

(The financial statements are based on unaudited Korean GAAP)


     2007     2006  
     Three months
ended December 31
    Twelve months
ended December 31
    Three months
ended December 31
    Twelve months
ended December 31

Net Income

   759,908     1,344,027     (174,345 )   (769,313 )


   726,052     2,775,549     715,314     2,593,439  


   18,809     54,468     7,456     45,410  


   107,381     227,571     24,442     80,177  

Operating Cash Flow

   1,612,150     4,401,615     572,867     1,949,713  

Net Change in Working Capital

   34,074     (1,095,108 )   598,998     (84,213 )

Change in accounts receivable

   (15,611 )   (1,446,420 )   483,584     409,123  

Change in inventory

   81,878     228,781     95,582     (361,919 )

Change in accounts payable

   (168,546 )   36,778     63,038     256,642  

Change in others

   136,353     85,753     (43,206 )   (388,059 )

Cash Flow from Operation

   1,646,224     3,306,507     1,171,865     1,865,500  

Cash Flow from Investing

   (1,050,619 )   (2,382,074 )   (324,404 )   (3,067,195 )

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment

   (266,290 )   (1,577,319 )   (330,887 )   (3,075,985 )


   (281,134 )   (960,948 )   (521,337 )   (2,833,983 )

(Other account payables)

   14,844     (616,371 )   190,450     (242,002 )

Intangible assets investment

   (3,079 )   (18,651 )   (2,888 )   (8,251 )


   (781,250 )   (786,104 )   9,371     17,041  

Cash Flow before Financing

   595,605     924,433     847,461     (1,201,695 )

Cash Flow from Financing Activities

   (1,055,601 )   (682,372 )   (364,846 )   576,605  

Net Cash Flow

   (459,996 )   242,061     482,615     (625,090 )

- These financial statements are provided for informational purposes only.

LG.Philips LCD


(In millions of KRW)

(The financial statements are based on unaudited US GAAP)


     2007     2006  
     Three months
ended Dec 31
    Twelve months
ended Dec 31

Three months

ended Dec 31


Twelve months

ended Dec 31



   4,321,864     100 %   14,351,966     100 %   3,065,294     100 %   10,624,200     100 %

Cost of goods sold

   (3,226,799 )   -75 %   (12,072,257 )   -84 %   (3,076,095 )   -100 %   (10,910,268 )   -103 %


   1,095,065     25 %   2,279,709     16 %   (10,801 )   0 %   (286,068 )   -3 %

Selling, general & administrative

   (231,004 )   -5 %   (801,406 )   -6 %   (160,921 )   -5 %   (595,781 )   -6 %


   864,061     20 %   1,478,303     10 %   (171,722 )   -6 %   (881,849 )   -8 %

Interest income

   21,264     0 %   58,348     0 %   5,773     0 %   29,309     0 %

Interest expense

   (64,288 )   -1 %   (206,670 )   -1 %   (51,926 )   -2 %   (169,598 )   -2 %

Foreign exchange gain (loss), net

   43,452     1 %   71,046     0 %   16,699     1 %   52,400     0 %

Others, net

   133,660     3 %   152,242     1 %   14,989     0 %   34,856     0 %

Total other income (expense)

   134,088     3 %   74,966     1 %   (14,465 )   0 %   (53,033 )   0 %


   998,149     23 %   1,553,269     11 %   (186,187 )   -6 %   (934,882 )   -9 %

Income tax (expense) benefit

   (248,506 )   -6 %   (208,890 )   -1 %   41,426     1 %   242,103     2 %


   749,643     17 %   1,344,379     9 %   (144,761 )   -5 %   (692,779 )   -7 %

- These financial statements are provided for informational purposes only.


LG.Philips LCD


(In millions of KRW)

(The financial statements are based on unaudited US GAAP)


     2007     2006  
     Dec 31     Sep 30     Dec 31     Sep 30  



Current assets:


Cash and cash equivalents

   1,196,423    9 %   1,656,419     12 %   954,362     7 %   471,747     3 %

Short term Financial Instruments

   785,000    6 %   0     0 %   0     0 %   0     0 %

Trade accounts and notes receivable

   2,339,690    17 %   2,258,545     16 %   859,300     6 %   1,330,539     10 %


   823,924    6 %   904,642     6 %   1,051,590     8 %   1,147,575     8 %

Other current assets

   609,339    4 %   351,889     3 %   289,049     2 %   326,424     2 %

Total current assets

   5,754,376    42 %   5,171,495     37 %   3,154,301     23 %   3,276,285     24 %

Investments and other non-current assets

   421,183    3 %   756,043     5 %   794,998     6 %   710,701     5 %

Property, plant and equipment, net

   7,591,654    55 %   8,069,844     57 %   9,485,148     70 %   9,663,242     71 %

Intangible assets, net

   77,487    1 %   72,995     1 %   61,911     0 %   45,380     0 %

Total assets

   13,844,700    100 %   14,070,377     100 %   13,496,358     100 %   13,695,608     100 %



Current liabilities:


Short-term debt

   413,896    3 %   922,616     7 %   814,777     6 %   672,853     5 %

Trade accounts and notes payable

   994,701    7 %   1,144,782     8 %   949,436     7 %   881,443     6 %

Other payables and accrued liabilities

   1,040,702    8 %   853,271     6 %   1,482,954     11 %   1,236,235     9 %

Total current liabilities

   2,449,299    18 %   2,920,669     21 %   3,247,167     24 %   2,790,531     20 %

Long-term debt

   3,044,252    22 %   3,552,685     25 %   3,291,065     24 %   3,801,984     28 %

Other non-current liabilities

   102,370    1 %   116,436     1 %   84,556     1 %   75,560     1 %

Total liabilities

   5,595,921    40 %   6,589,790     47 %   6,622,788     49 %   6,668,075     49 %

Common stock and additional paid-in capital

   4,038,716    29 %   4,037,977     29 %   4,036,025     30 %   4,035,331     29 %

Retained earnings

   4,194,292    30 %   3,444,649     24 %   2,849,912     21 %   2,994,673     22 %

Capital adjustment

   15,685    0 %   (2,123 )   0 %   (12,367 )   0 %   (2,471 )   0 %

Controlling Interest equity

   8,248,693    60 %   7,480,503     53 %   6,873,570     51 %   7,027,533     51 %

Minority Interest equity

   86    0 %   84     0 %   0     0 %   0     0 %

Total shareholders’ equity

   8,248,779    60 %   7,480,587     53 %   6,873,570     51 %   7,027,533     51 %

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

   13,844,700    100 %   14,070,377     100 %   13,496,358     100 %   13,695,608     100 %

- These financial statements are provided for informational purposes only.

LG.Philips LCD


(In millions of KRW)

(The financial statements are based on unaudited US GAAP)


     2007     2006  
     Three months
ended Dec 31
    Twelve months
ended Dec 31
    Three months
ended Dec 31
    Twelve months
ended Dec 31

Net Income

   749,643     1,344,379     (144,761 )   (692,779 )


   727,209     2,780,812     710,783     2,597,479  


   9,148     15,824     1,788     6,766  


   138,948     306,995     13,780     15,841  

Operating Cash Flow

   1,624,948     4,448,010     581,590     1,927,307  

Net Change in Working Capital

   21,276     (1,141,503 )   590,275     (61,807 )

Change in accounts receivable

   (15,611 )   (1,446,420 )   483,584     409,123  

Change in inventory

   80,718     227,666     95,985     (362,013 )

Change in accounts payable

   (168,546 )   36,778     63,038     256,642  

Change in others

   124,715     40,473     (52,332 )   (365,559 )

Cash Flow from Operation

   1,646,224     3,306,507     1,171,865     1,865,500  

Cash Flow from Investing

   (1,050,619 )   (2,382,074 )   (324,404 )   (3,067,195 )

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment

   (266,290 )   (1,577,319 )   (330,887 )   (3,075,985 )


   (281,134 )   (960,948 )   (521,337 )   (2,833,983 )

(Other account payables)

   14,844     (616,371 )   190,450     (242,002 )

Intangible assets investment

   (3,079 )   (18,651 )   (2,888 )   (8,251 )


   (781,250 )   (786,104 )   9,371     17,041  

Cash Flow before Financing

   595,605     924,433     847,461     (1,201,695 )

Cash Flow from Financing Activities

   (1,055,601 )   (682,372 )   (364,846 )   576,605  

Net Cash Flow

   (459,996 )   242,061     482,615     (625,090 )

-These financial statements are provided for informational purposes only (Unaudited).

LG.Philips LCD

Net Income Reconciliation to US GAAP

(In millions of KRW)


     2007     2007  
     Q4     Q3  

Net Income under K GAAP

   759,908     524,231  

US GAAP Adjustments

   (10,265 )   (22,522 )

Depreciation of PP&E

   (655 )   (655 )

Amortization of IPR

   10,937     9,321  

Adjustment of AR discount loss

   (1 )   (34 )

Capitalization of financial interests

   (80 )   7,045  

Inventory Valuation effect of US GAAP Adjustments

   (116 )   (76 )

Pension expense

   (106 )   (260 )

Income tax effect of US GAAP Adjustments

   (2,388 )   (14,523 )


   (738 )   (738 )

Convertible bonds (including FX valuation)

   (9,882 )   (18,710 )

Stock appreciation right

   381     (553 )

Cash flow hedge

   (7,400 )   (3,339 )


   (217 )   0  

Net Income under US GAAP

   749,643     501,709  

- These financial statements are provided for informational purposes only(Unaudited).



Attachment 2. Presentation Material

Q4 ‘07 Earnings Results

January 14, 2008




This presentation contains forward-looking statements. We may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in our periodic reports to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and the Korean Financial Supervisory Service, in our annual report to shareholders, in our proxy statements, in our offering circulars and prospectuses, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by our officers, directors or employees to third parties. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about our beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current plans, estimates and projections, and therefore you should not place undue reliance on them. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and we undertake no obligation to update publicly any of them in light of new information or future events.

Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. We caution you that a number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Such factors include, but are not limited to: our highly competitive environment; the cyclical nature of our industry; our ability to introduce new products on a timely basis; our dependence on growth in the demand for our products; our ability to successfully execute our expansion strategy; our dependence on key personnel; and general economic and political conditions, including those related to the TFT-LCD industry; possible disruptions in business activities caused by natural and human-induced disasters, including terrorist activity and armed conflict; and fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. Additional information as to these and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from our forward-looking statements can be found in our filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

This presentation also includes information regarding our historical financial performance through December 31, 2007, and our expectations regarding future performance as reflected in certain non-GAAP financial measures as defined by United States Securities and Exchange Commission rules. As required by such rules, we have provided a reconciliation of those measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measures, which is available on our investor relations website at under the file name Q4 2007 Earnings Results Presentation.



Q4 ‘07 Earnings Results




Income Statement


KRW b Q4 ‘07 Q3 ‘07 Q4 ‘06 2007 2006




Revenue 4,322 3,953 3,065 9% 41% 14,352 10,624 35% COGS 3,240 3,061 3,090 6% 5% 12,115 10,932 11% Gross Profit 1,082 892(25) 21% N/A 2,237(308) N/A Operating Income 869 693(177) 25% N/A 1,504(879) N/A EBITDA 1,775 1,376 559 29% 218% 4,516 1,767 156% Income before tax 1,006 659(212) 53% N/A 1,543(1,021) N/A Net income 760 524(174) 45% N/A 1,344(769) N/A

Margin (%)

Gross margin 25 23(1) 2 26 Operating margin 20 18(6) 2 26 EBITDA margin 41 35 18 6 23 Net margin 18 13(6) 5 24


16(3) 19

10(8) 18


17 14

9(7) 16

K GAAP (Consolidated)

Source: Unaudited, Company financials





Balance Sheet

KRW B Q4 ’07 Q3 ’07 Q4 ’06 QoQ YoY

Assets 13,780 14,044 13,488 (2%) 2%

Cash* 1,981 1,656 954 20% 108%

Inventory 824 906 1,053 (9%) (22%)

Liabilities 5,491 6,525 6,598 (16%) (17%)

Short-term debt 414 923 814 (55%) (49%)

Long-term debt 2,992 3,509 3,307 (15%) (10%)

Shareholders’ equity 8,289 7,519 6,890 10% 20%

Net debt to equity ratio (%) 17 37 46 (20) (29)

Source: Unaudited, Company financials

* Cash includes short term financial instruments (785)

K GAAP (Consolidated)



Cash Flow

KRW B Q4 ’07 Q3 ’07 Q4 ’06 QoQ YoY 2007 2006 YoY

Net income 760 524 (174) 236 934 1,344 (769) 2,113

Depreciation & Amortization 745 680 722 65 23 2,830 2,638 192

Others 107 35 25 72 82 227 81 146

Working capital 34 (294) 599 328 (565) (1,095) (84) (1,011)

Cash flow from Operations 1,646 945 1,172 701 474 3,306 1,866 1,440

Cash flow from Investing* (266) (328) (324) 62 58 (1,597) (3,067) 1,470

Cash flow before Financing 1,380 617 848 763 532 1,709 (1,201) 2,910

Other financing activities (1,055) (199) (366) (856) (689) (682) 576 (1,258)

Net change in cash 325 418 482 (93) (157) 1,027 (625) 1,652

Source: Unaudited, Company financials

* Cash flow from Investing excludes short term financial instruments (785)

K GAAP (Consolidated)



Performance Highlights






Shipments and ASP

Total K m² * ASP/m² ** (USD) $2,000


$1,414 $1,375 $1,364 4,000 $1,287 $1,274 3,418 3,127

3,000 2,822 $1,000 2,275 2,243 2,000


0 $0 Q4 ‘06 Q1 ‘07 Q2 ‘07 Q3

‘07 Q4 ‘07

[Graphic Appears Here]

Display area shipment in K m2

[Graphic Appears Here]

ASP per m2 (USD)

Source: Company financials

* Net display area shipped

** Quarterly average selling price per square meter of net display area shipped






Revenue: Product Mix





















Q1 ‘07

Q2 ‘07

Q3 ‘07

Q4 ‘07



Monitors Notebooks

Source: Company financials

(Based on USD)





Q4 ’07 Capacity Update

P7 averaged 136K sheets per month for the fourth quarter

Quarterly input capacity by Area (K m² )

5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0

3,607 1,032 1,211 534 418 413 Q4 ’06

3,481 1,021 1,162 520 416 362 Q1 ’07

3,898 1,298 1,228 549 437 386 Q2 ’07

4,554 1,675 1,367 605 487 420 Q3 ’07

4,761 1,787 1,400 641 501 432 Q4 ’07

P7 P6 P5 P4 P1-P3

Source: Company financials




EBITDA margin



35% 72% 25% 18% 19% 51%

32% Q4 ‘06 Q1 ‘07 Q2 ‘07 Q3 ‘07 Q4 ‘07 23% 20%

Sales / IC* 175%

148% Q4 ‘06 Q1 ‘07 Q2 ‘07 Q3 ‘07 Q4 ‘07 124% 126% 107%



Q4 ‘06 Q1 ‘07 Q2 ‘07 Q3 ‘07 Q4 ‘07

Source: Unaudited, Company financials

* IC (Invested Capital) equals average of net debt and equity for the designated period; Quarterly ratios are annualized 10









Q1 ’08

Total Shipment in m² Low single digit (%) Down

(QoQ) TV High single digit (%) Down

IT High single digit (%) Up

Avg QoQ ASP per m² Mid single digit (%) Down

(USD) TV Mid single digit (%) Down

IT High single digit (%) Down

End QoQ ASP per m² High single digit (%) Down

(USD) TV Mid single digit (%) Down

IT Mid Teens (%) Down

COGS per m² Low single digit (%) Down

EBITDA margin Mid Thirties (%)

2008 CAPEX Approx. KRW 3 Trillion

CAPEX Schedule (KRW)

961B 535B 223B 203B 2007

Approx. 3T 2 T 0.4 T 0.6 T 2008

Future P7 Max Capa Others

Source: Company financials, delivery base



Questions and Answers










US GAAP Income Statement

KRW B Q4 ’07 Q3 ’07 Q4 ’06 QoQ YoY 2007 2006 YoY

Revenue 4,322 3,953 3,065 9% 41% 14,352 10,624 35%

COGS 3,227 3,053 3,076 6% 5% 12,072 10,910 11%

Gross Profit 1,095 900 (11) 22% N/A 2,280 (286) N/A

Operating Income 864 672 (172) 29% N/A 1,478 (882) N/A

EBITDA 1,778 1,352 574 32% 210% 4,500 1,814 148%

Income before tax 998 651 (186) 53% N/A 1,553 (935) N/A

Net income 750 502 (145) 49% N/A 1,344 (693) N/A

Margin (%)

Gross margin 25 23 0 2 25 16 (3) 19

Operating margin 20 17 (6) 3 26 10 (8) 18

EBITDA margin 41 34 19 7 22 31 17 14

Net margin 17 13 (5) 4 22 9 (7) 16

Source: Unaudited, Company financials

US GAAP (Consolidated)



US GAAP Balance Sheet

KRW B Q4 ’07 Q3 ’07 Q4 ’06 QoQ YoY

Assets 13,845 14,070 13,496 (2%) 3%

Cash* 1,981 1,656 954 20% 108%

Inventory 824 905 1,052 (9%) (22%)

Liabilities 5,596 6,590 6,623 (15%) (16%)

Short-term debt 414 923 815 (55%) (49%)

Long-term debt 3,044 3,553 3,291 (14%) (8%)

Shareholders’ equity 8,249 7,480 6,873 10% 20%

Net debt to equity ratio (%) 18 38 46 (20) (28)

Source: Unaudited, Company financials

* Cash includes short term financial instruments (785)

US GAAP (Consolidated)



US GAAP Cash Flow

KRW B Q4 ’07 Q3 ’07 Q4 ’06 QoQ YoY 2007 2006 YoY

Net income 750 502 (145) 248 895 1,344 (693) 2,037

Depreciation & Amortization 736 671 713 65 23 2,797 2,604 193

Others 139 85 17 54 122 307 21 286

Working capital 21 (313) 587 334 (566) (1,142) (66) (1,076)

Cash flow from Operations 1,646 945 1,172 701 474 3,306 1,866 1,440

Cash flow from Investing* (266) (328) (324) 62 58 (1,597) (3,067) 1,470

Cash flow before Financing 1,380 617 848 763 532 1,709 (1,201) 2,910

Other financing activities (1,055) (199) (366) (856) (689) (682) 576 (1,258)

Net change in cash 325 418 482 (93) (157) 1,027 (625) 1,652

Source: Unaudited, Company financials

* Cash flow from Investing excludes short term financial instruments (785)

US GAAP (Consolidated)



Net Income Reconciliation to US GAAP

KRW B Q4 ’07 Q3 ’07 2007 2006

Net Income under K GAAP 760 524 1,344 (769)

US GAAP Adjustments (10) (22) 0 76

Depreciation of PP&E (1) (1) (3) (3)

Amortization of IPR 11 10 40 38

Adjustment of AR discount loss 0 0 (1) 0

Capitalization of financial interests 0 7 5 7

Inventory valuation 0 0 (1) 0

Pension expense 0 0 3 1

Income tax effect of US GAAP Adjustments (2) (14) (10) (10)

ESOP (1) (1) (3) (3)

Convertible bonds (including FX valuation) (10) (19) (19) 47

Stock appreciation right 0 (1) (3) 1

Cash flow hedge (7) (3) (8) (2)

Others 0 0 0 0

Net Income under US GAAP 750 502 1,344 (693)

Source: Unaudited, Company financials



EBITDA Reconciliation

K GAAP (KRW B) Q4 ’07 Q3 ’07 Q4 ’06 QoQ YoY 2007 2006 YoY

1. Net Income 760 524 (174) 236 934 1,344 (769) 2,113

2. Interest Expense 45 53 54 (8) (9) 201 179 22

3. Interest Income (21) (16) (5) (5) (16) (58) (29) (29)

4. Provision (benefit) for Income Taxes 246 135 (38) 111 284 199 (252) 451

5. Depreciation of PP&E 726 667 715 59 11 2,776 2,593 183

6. Amortization of Intangible Asset 19 13 7 6 12 54 45 9

7. Amortization of Debt Issuance Cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

EBITDA (1+2+3+4+5+6+7) 1,775 1,376 559 399 1,216 4,516 1,767 2,749

US GAAP (KRW B) Q4 ’07 Q3 ’07 Q4 ’06 QoQ YoY 2007 2006 YoY

1. Net Income 750 502 (145) 248 895 1,344 (693) 2,037

2. Interest Expense 65 45 51 20 14 206 169 37

3. Interest Income (21) (16) (5) (5) (16) (58) (29) (29)

4. Provision (benefit) for Income Taxes 248 149 (41) 99 289 209 (242) 451

5. Depreciation of PP&E 727 668 711 59 16 2,781 2,597 184

6. Amortization of Intangible Asset 9 3 2 6 7 16 7 9

7. Amortization of Debt Issuance Cost 0 1 1 (1) (1) 2 5 (3)

EBITDA (1+2+3+4+5+6+7) 1,778 1,352 574 426 1,204 4,500 1,814 2,686



EBITDA Reconciliation (Continued)

EBITDA is defined as net income (loss) plus: interest income (expense); provision (benefit) for income taxes; depreciation of property, plant and equipment; amortization of intangible assets; and amortization of debt issuance cost. EBITDA is a key financial measure used by our senior management to internally evaluate the performance of our business and for other required or discretionary purposes.

We believe that the presentation of EBITDA will enhance an investor’s understanding of our operating performance as we believe it is commonly reported and widely used by analysts and investors in our industry. It also provides useful information for comparison on a more comparable basis of our operating performance and those of our competitors, who follow different accounting policies.

EBITDA is not a measure determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP. EBITDA should not be considered as an alternative to operating income, cash flows from operating activities or net income, as determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Our calculation of EBITDA may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies.


[Graphic Appears Here]



LG. Philips LCD makes technology you can see… Thank You !!!



1. 2008 Major Action Items

1) Preparation for the Future

2) Performance Maximization

2. 2008 Outlook

Jan 14th, 2008



1. 2008 Major Action Items

1) Preparation for the Future

1.Strengthening the foundation for new Biz


Short term : Focusing on small and medium biz

Mid-long term : Establishing the infra of equipment and technology for large TV biz

2) Flexible Display

Successful commercialization

- Mono E-Book (Q4 ’07)

- E-Newspaper (’08)

Technology development

- Color E-Book

- Flexible Color OLED


Leading market through securing cost competitiveness

4) Multi touch screen / Multi Vision

Leading public display market through securing technology leadership



1. 2008 Major Action Items

1) Preparation for the Future

2. Successful

Preparation of P8

3. Development of

Advanced Process


1) Maximization of Investment Efficiency

Reduce Capex through Max Capa / Min Loss activities and the operation of the expert group

Minimize construction cost

2) Maximization of Productivity

Minimize labor cost and challenge marginal yield

3) Thorough Preparation for Sales

Establish pre-marketing plans with strategic customers

1) 3 Mask

Technology enabling to reduce number of masks for TFT

manufacturing process (4 Masks 3 Masks)

2) Inkjet Color Filter

Technology to produce C/F using high-performance ink-jet printing method (No need for mask)

3) COT (Color Filter on TFT)

Technology to form C/F on TFT directly

(No need for making TFT and C/F separately)



1. 2008 Major Action Items

2) Performance Maximization

1. Maximizing


2. Win-win procurement

1) Continuous Max Capa / Min Loss activities

2) Enhancing equipment technology and maximizing

equipment productivity

New organization: Manufacturing technology center

Restructuring IT system for maximizing manufacturing efficiency

Shifting from “repairing equipment after breakdown” to

“preventive equipment breakdown”

3) Stabilizing quality through systematic

particle management

Forming a special organization for particle management

Promoting full-scale line improvement activities

1) Deriving cost reduction idea through forming

a “One Team” with suppliers

2) Establishing total win-win cooperation system

through propagating LPL’s best practice

3) Supporting suppliers’ cost competitiveness



2. 2008 Outlook

1. TV

2. IT

3. 2008 Outlook

1) Full-blown digital broadcasting in the US from ’09

2) Rapid growth of LCD TV market in emerging markets

3) Shortage expected thanks to strong global demand

1) Impacts on demand from consumption decrease

due to the sub-prime issues and economy

slow-down in US

2) Overall tight, but less tight compared to ’07

1) Favorable market situation expected overall

2) Profitability improvement compared to ’07

CFO and some of the Board of Directors to be changed due to

Philips’ stake sell-down in ’07 and term of office expiration.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


    LG.Philips LCD Co., Ltd.
  Date: January 14, 2008   By:  

/s/ Ron H. Wirahadiraksa

    Name:   Ron H. Wirahadiraksa

Joint Representative Director/

President & Chief Financial Officer

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