4 months ago
Silver delivery contracts are set up to 1 year in advance. Once the deliveries are due. They have to be filled at contract prices.
If the delivery contracts were set 1 year ago, what was the price of the contract? How can a contract that was created at 28 dollars an ounce be filled when the price of silver is 37? Who takes that loss?
You can see that currently there are contracts being made for Dec of 2025 at a settle price of 33.16. When Dec of 2025 gets here and the contract needs to be filled, what happens if the price of silver is at 37 dollars? Or 50 dollars?
What tools do the bankers have at their disposal to control the price of silver prior to deliveries to lower the price of silver to the contracted price so it can be bought off the market and distributed to the contract holder?
Does SLV and GLD have anything to do with the pricing of silver or gold?
Can SLV and GLD be used to manipulate the price of the metals?
Who created SLV and GLD and why?
How much SLV and GLD is there?
How is SLV and GLD created?
If Sony creates a contract for 100 million ounces of silver on Sept 7th at 28 dollars per ounce of this year for delivery on Sept of 2025. The bankers need to buy the silver from the market in 1 year to fill the contract.
100,000,000 mil ounces X 28 dollars per ounce = 2.8 billion dollars.
If the price of silver appreciates to 37 dollars by Sept of 2025 the bankers will need to spend 100,000,000 X 37 = 3.7 billion dollars to buy the silver to fill the contract.
That almost a 1 billion dollar loss.
Who takes that loss?
How can that loss be prevented?
Why does the price of silver always go down just prior to delivery months?
Which months are delivery months?
What is the manipulation tool they use to SMASH the price of silver down to contracted prices?
What does a chart have to do with anything I am explaining?
Why has the price of silver been sideways for 20 years?
I will see you back here in 3 months.
4 months ago
I get mine from technical analysis.
The weakness in the dollar will contribute, the disparity in the good/silver ratio will contribute.
I was an investment advisor from 1974 to 2005. Not only metals but all forms of investments.
If you have been 20 years, you have done well. Gold is up 700% but silver is only up 400%. It has had spikes to $50 but has given up the ghost.
I believe both metals are in the midst of a bull market but silver's chart has just broken out of sn 11 year high whereas gold did it seclveral months ago.
We shall see if I am right, I am betting a hefty bet on it between agc, ag, nem, and several junior silver stocks.
10 months ago
add another zero on that next year. its about 2 years late, but im pretty sure this is the real deal about to happen, its a super cycle that comes around a couple times in a lifetime. we are in the last 6 years of the 30 year cycle on silver and gold, its at the optimism phase of the biggest up wave in the cycle. Silver should easily do 10x from here, and i am truly being super conservative, possibly 30x. hang on and watch, u will never see anything like it in your lifetime. I can prove it with data all day long but dont take my word for it, just watch.