Certified Annual Shareholder Report for Management Investment Companies (n-csr)

Washington, D.C. 20549

Certified Shareholder Report of
Registered Management Investment Companies

Investment Company Act File Number: 811-02421

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America
(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

333 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, California 90071
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (213) 486-9200

Date of fiscal year end: August 31

Date of reporting period: August 31, 2012

Courtney R. Taylor
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America
333 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, California 90071
(Name and Address of Agent for Service)

Copies to:
Michael Glazer
Bingham McCutchen LLP
355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 4400
Los Angeles, California 90071
(Counsel for the Registrant)



ITEM 1 – Reports to Stockholders
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America ®
[photo of a boy scooping marine life in a tide pool]
Special feature

The ongoing search for income

See page 6

Annual report for the year ended August 31, 2012
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America seeks a high level of federally tax-exempt current income, consistent with preservation of capital, through a diversified portfolio of municipal bonds.

This fund is one of more than 40 offered by American Funds, which is one of the nation’s largest mutual fund families. For more than 80 years, Capital Research and Management Company, SM the American Funds adviser, has invested with a long-term focus based on thorough research and attention to risk.

Fund results shown in this report, unless otherwise indicated, are for Class A shares at net asset value. If a sales charge (maximum 3.75%) had been deducted, the results would have been lower. Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Share prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. Investing for short periods makes losses more likely. Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value. For current information and month-end results, visit americanfunds.com.

Here are the average annual total returns on a $1,000 investment with all distributions reinvested for periods ended September 30, 2012 (the most recent calendar quarter-end):
Class A shares
1 year
5 years
10 years
Reflecting 3.75% maximum sales charge
    6.00 %     4.65 %     4.20 %

The total annual fund operating expense ratio is 0.55% for Class A shares as of the prospectus dated November 1, 2012 (unaudited).

Investment results assume all distributions are reinvested and reflect applicable fees and expenses. When applicable, investment results reflect fee waivers, without which results would have been lower. Visit americanfunds.com for more information.

The fund’s 30-day yield for Class A shares as of September 30, 2012, calculated in accordance with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) formula, was 2.10%. (For investors in the 35% tax bracket, this is equivalent to a taxable yield of 3.23%.) The fund’s 12-month distribution rate for Class A shares as of that date was 3.45%. Both reflect the 3.75% maximum sales charge. The SEC yield reflects the rate at which the fund is earning income on its current portfolio of securities while the distribution rate reflects the fund’s past dividends paid to shareholders. Accordingly, the fund’s SEC yield and distribution rate may differ.

Results for other share classes can be found on page 4.

The return of principal for bond funds and for funds with significant underlying bond holdings is not guaranteed. Fund shares are subject to the same interest rate, inflation and credit risks associated with the underlying bond holdings. Bond ratings, which typically range from Aaa/AAA (highest) to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and/or Fitch as an indication of an issuer’s creditworthiness. Income may be subject to state or local taxes. Also, distributions from gains on the sale of certain bonds purchased at less than par value and capital gain distributions, if any, are taxable. Refer to the fund prospectus and the Risk Factors section of this report for more information on these and other risks associated with investing in the fund.
Fellow investors:

The most recently concluded fiscal year proved to be a favorable period for municipal bond returns. Prices for most types of tax-exempt bonds rose throughout the year, supported by surging investor demand, persistently low interest rates and signs that U.S. economic growth was slowing.

For the 12 months ended August 31, 2012, The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America provided investors with a steady stream of federally tax-exempt income totaling about 47 cents a share. Those who reinvested their dividends recorded an income return of 3.92%. To match this, investors in the top federal income tax bracket of 35% would have had to earn 6.03% from a taxable investment.

This income return, along with a strong gain in the fund’s share price, helped produce a total return of 10.71%. This result exceeded the 8.78% total return of the Barclays Municipal Bond Index, which tracks only investment-grade municipal bonds and has no expenses. However, the fund’s total return trailed the 11.00% gain of the Lipper General & Insured Municipal Debt Funds Average, a measure of the fund’s peer group. Results for longer time frames are displayed in the table on page 2.

Municipal market overview

As we reported six months ago, a broad bond market rally was under way at the start of the fiscal year. With economic conditions weakening, investors sought the relative stability of fixed-income securities. High demand for U.S. Treasuries kept yields near historic lows for much of the 12-month period.

Back in early 2011, high volatility in the municipal bond market left yields (which move in the opposite direction of prices) at elevated levels for many types of tax-exempt bonds. As it became clearer that some predictions of municipal bankruptcies would not occur on the scale predicted, investor sentiment strengthened. Increasingly, investors turned to tax-exempt bonds for their relative value compared to Treasuries. The rally in Treasuries helped lift the tax-exempt bond market, and municipal bond prices rose throughout the period, sending yields lower.

Demand for municipal bonds remains high. As of August 31, municipal bond mutual funds have seen more than $39.4 billion in inflows in 2012, according to the Investment Company Institute.

To help support economic growth, the Federal Reserve maintained its accommodative monetary policy and held its benchmark interest rate near zero. These conditions, along with the elevated demand for tax-exempt bonds, made the search for attractive yield opportunities more challenging. Increasingly, investors turned to lower-rated bonds and securities with relatively longer durations for the higher yields they offer, and spreads tightened across the credit spectrum. To learn more about the steps we take in our effort to uncover opportunities for attractive income, we invite you to read this year’s feature article, “The ongoing search for income,” which begins on page 6.
[photo of a boy scooping marine life in a tide pool]
[Begin Sidebar]
In this report
Special feature
The ongoing search for income
In today’s low-rate environment, seeking attractive income feels like looking for pearls in the ocean. In this year’s feature article, we explain how your fund’s investment professionals look for yield — and how patience, research and diversification have contributed to the fund’s long-term success.
Letter to investors
The value of a long-term perspective
Summary investment portfolio
Financial statements
Board of trustees and other officers
[End Sidebar]

Inside the portfolio

As has been the case in recent years, revenue bonds — securities backed by dedicated revenue streams from local enterprise projects such as airports, toll roads and hospitals — were a chief focus of the fund. The fiscal challenges confronting many state and local governments have very little impact on the potential success of the projects supporting these revenue bonds. As of August 31, 2012, revenue bonds accounted for more than 90% of the fund’s holdings. Some of the fund’s largest holdings were in bonds backed by hospitals (14.3%), electric utilities (7.8%) and colleges and universities (7.5%).

The portfolio counselors who manage the fund maintain a cautious view of general obligation (G.O.) bonds issued by local governments, as they believe the potential rewards associated with many of these securities are not commensurate with the risks involved. This is reflected in the fund’s relatively light concentration of state and local G.O. bonds (5.6%). However, as circumstances are constantly changing, we continue to monitor G.O. bonds for potentially attractive opportunities in the future.

The fund’s outsize return was made possible by positive contributions from virtually every sector of the municipal markets. Results for holdings of bonds supporting hospitals, as well as life care and assisted living facilities, were particularly strong.
[photo of blades of grass sticking out of sand]
A look forward

We are pleased with the fund’s exceptional returns for the past 12 months. However, we wish to caution investors that these results are partly due to highly favorable conditions, and we do not expect these conditions to continue indefinitely. We do believe that through our conservative approach and diligent research we can provide relatively steady income and add value for our investors over time.

[Begin Sidebar]
Results at a glance
For periods ended August 31, 2012 (with all distributions reinvested)
Total returns
Average annual total returns
1 year
5 years
10 years
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America
(Class A shares)
    10.71 %     5.59 %     4.72 %
Lipper General & Insured Municipal
Debt Funds Average
    11.00       5.33       4.46  
Barclays Municipal Bond Index*
    8.78       6.24       5.20  
*The index is unmanaged and, therefore, has no expenses.
[End Sidebar]

To be sure, there is a great deal of uncertainty in the short term. State and local governments face the dual pressures of strained tax revenues and soaring costs. While well publicized predictions of widespread municipal defaults have not materialized, there were a few noteworthy municipal bankruptcies recently and we could see more in the coming months. The pending presidential election and uncertainty over the direction of fiscal and tax policy further cloud the picture for investors.

In its effort to stimulate the economy, the Fed will pursue an accommodative monetary policy. Shortly after the close of the fiscal year, the Fed announced plans for a third round of quantitative easing, indicating they would purchase mortgage bonds and other assets until the U.S. job market shows signs of improvement. The central bank also indicated that it would keep its target rate near zero until at least mid-2015. This further complicates the search for attractive income.

Nevertheless, we maintain an optimistic long-term view. The municipal bond market is a vast market with a great deal of diversity and we believe that through patience and careful research we can find attractive potential investment opportunities.

We wish to take this opportunity to welcome the many new investors in the fund and thank those who continue to invest with us. For the year, the number of investor accounts rose by 10.95%. As always, we are working hard to help achieve your fund’s investment objectives.

We look forward to reporting to you on the fund’s progress in six months.


/s/ Neil L. Langberg

Neil L. Langberg

October 12, 2012

For current information about the fund, visit americanfunds.com.

[Begin Sidebar]
Tax-exempt yields vs. taxable yields
Find your estimated 2012 taxable income below to determine your federal tax rate,* then look in the right-hand column to see what you would have had to earn from a taxable investment to equal the fund’s 3.47% tax-exempt distribution rate as of August 31, 2012. For example, investors in the highest tax bracket (35%) would need a taxable distribution rate of 5.34% to match the fund’s distribution rate.

The fund’s tax-exempt
If your taxable income is …
distribution rate of
… then your federal
3.47% is equivalent
tax rate is ...
to a taxable rate of …
$ 0 – 8,700     $ 0 – 17,400       10.0 %     3.86 %
  8,701 – 35,350       17,401 – 70,700       15.0       4.08  
  35,351 – 85,650       70,701 – 142,700       25.0       4.63  
  85,651 – 178,650       142,701 – 217,450       28.0       4.82  
  178,651 – 388,350       217,451 – 388,350       33.0       5.18  
Over 388,350
Over 388,350
      35.0       5.34  

*Based on 2012 federal tax rates. The federal rates do not include an adjustment for the loss of personal exemptions and the phase-out of itemized deductions that are applicable to certain taxable income levels.
The distribution rate is based on dividends paid over the last 12 months divided by the maximum offering price as of August 31, 2012. Capital gain distributions, if any, are added back at the maximum offering price to determine the rate.
[End Sidebar]

Other share class results
Classes B, C and F

Fund results shown are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Share prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. For current information and month-end results, visit americanfunds.com.

Average annual total returns for periods ended September 30, 2012 (the most recent calendar quarter-end):
10 years/
1 year
5 years
Life of class 1
Class B shares 2
Reflecting applicable contingent deferred sales charge
(CDSC), maximum of 5%, payable only if shares
are sold within six years of purchase
    4.31 %     4.33 %     3.98 %
Not reflecting CDSC
    9.31       4.67       3.98  
Class C shares
Reflecting CDSC, maximum of 1%, payable only
if shares are sold within one year of purchase
    8.25       4.61       3.75  
Not reflecting CDSC
    9.25       4.61       3.75  
Class F-1 shares 3
Not reflecting annual asset-based fee charged
by sponsoring firm
    9.99       5.35       4.49  
Class F-2 shares 3 — first sold 8/1/08
Not reflecting annual asset-based fee charged
by sponsoring firm
    10.27             6.65  

1 Applicable to Class F-2 shares only. All other share classes reflect 10-year results.
2 These shares are not available for purchase.
3 These shares are sold without any initial or contingent deferred sales charge.

Investment results assume all distributions are reinvested and reflect applicable fees and expenses. When applicable, investment results reflect fee waivers, without which results would have been lower. Visit americanfunds.com for more information.

For information regarding the differences among the various share classes, refer to the fund prospectus.

The value of a long-term perspective

How a $10,000 investment has grown
Fund results shown are for Class A shares and, unless otherwise indicated, reflect deduction of the maximum sales charge of 3.75% on the $10,000 investment. 1 Thus, the net amount invested was $9,625. 2 Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Share prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. For current information and month-end results, visit americanfunds.com.
Here’s how a $10,000 investment in The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America grew between October 3, 1979, when the fund began operations, and August 31, 2012, the end of the fund’s latest fiscal year. As you can see, the $10,000 investment would have grown to $89,158 with the 3.75% maximum sales charge included and all distributions reinvested, an average annual total return of 6.87%.
[begin mountain chart]
The fund at maximum
offering price 5
The fund
at net
asset value 4
Price Index (inflation) 7
Muni Bond Index 3
Lipper General
& Insured Muni Debt Funds Average 6
  $ 9,625     $ 10,000     $ 10,000  
  $ 10,000  
  $ 10,000  
1980 #
    9,447       9,815       11,166         9,543         8,861    
    8,598       8,933       12,373         8,017         7,742    
    10,809       11,230       13,097         10,544         9,912    
    12,576       13,066       13,432         12,179         11,825    
    13,502       14,028       14,008         13,234         12,764    
    15,719       16,332       14,477         15,435         15,062    
    19,536       20,298       14,705         18,999         18,543    
    19,741       20,511       15,335         19,879         18,964    
    21,067       21,888       15,952         21,246         20,338    
    23,224       24,130       16,702         23,580         22,691    
    24,353       25,302       17,641         25,093         23,800    
    27,204       28,265       18,311         28,052         26,670    
    30,132       31,307       18,887         31,184         29,696    
    33,869       35,189       19,410         34,989         33,413    
    33,796       35,114       19,973         35,038         33,117    
    36,737       38,170       20,496         38,144         35,602    
    38,763       40,274       21,086         40,142         37,436    
    42,402       44,055       21,555         43,853         40,896    
    45,905       47,695       21,903         47,646         44,437    
    46,007       47,801       22,399         47,884         43,932    
    48,432       50,320       23,164         51,128         46,358    
    53,381       55,462       23,794         56,339         51,158    
    56,218       58,410       24,223         59,856         53,561    
    57,654       59,902       24,745         61,734         55,019    
    61,786       64,195       25,402         66,121         58,953    
    64,797       67,323       26,327         69,633         62,364    
    66,860       69,467       27,332         71,743         64,354    
    67,928       70,577       27,871         73,392         65,204    
    69,881       72,605       29,368         76,682         66,624    
    71,732       74,529       28,932         81,031         68,609    
    79,070       82,153       29,264         88,952         75,943    
    80,528       83,668       30,368         91,318         77,135    
    89,158       92,635       30,882         99,335         85,946    
[end mountain chart]

1 As outlined in the prospectus, the sales charge is reduced for amounts (and aggregated investments) of $100,000 or more and is eliminated for purchases of $1 million or more. There is no sales charge on dividends or capital gain distributions that are reinvested in additional shares.
2 The maximum initial sales charge was 4.75% prior to January 10, 2000.
3 The index, which started on January 1, 1980, is unmanaged and, therefore, has no expenses.
4 Includes reinvested dividends of $68,298 and reinvested capital gain distributions of $2,462.
5 Includes reinvested dividends of $65,735 and reinvested capital gain distributions of $2,370.
6 Results of the Lipper General & Insured Municipal Debt Funds Average do not reflect any sales charges.
7 Widely used as a measure of inflation, the Consumer Price Index is computed from data supplied by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
8 For the period October 3, 1979 (when the fund began operations), through August 31, 1980.

The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.
Average annual total returns based on a $1,000 investment (for periods ended August 31, 2012)*
1 year
5 years
10 years
Class A shares
    6.55 %     4.79 %     4.32 %
*Assumes reinvestment of all distributions and payment of the maximum 3.75% sales charge.
Investment results assume all distributions are reinvested and reflect applicable fees and expenses. When applicable, investment results reflect fee waivers, without which results would have been lower. Visit americanfunds.com for more information.
[photo of a boy - a starfish in a jar in one hand - a net in one hand]
[Begin Pull Quote]
[photo of a starfish on a beach]
“This is a frustrating time for folks who need investment income. Fortunately, the municipal bond market is vast and diverse, and compelling yield opportunities are found in a variety of places.”
Neil Langberg, portfolio counselor
[End Pull Quote]
The ongoing search for income

In today’s low-rate environment, seeking attractive income feels like looking for pearls in the ocean. The extensive municipal bond market offers a range of income opportunities, each with their own set of risks. In the following pages, we explain how your fund’s investment professionals look for yield — and how patience, research and diversification have contributed to the fund’s long-term success.

Recent conditions are not very encouraging for investors with income needs. With the U.S. economy seemingly treading water, the Federal Reserve held its target interest rate near zero to help stimulate growth. This, in turn, led to reduced yields across the fixed-income universe, including those of high-quality municipal bonds that many investors rely on to meet their needs for tax-exempt income.

Nevertheless, investors — worried about economic uncertainty in the U.S. and Europe’s sovereign debt crisis — view municipal bonds as a relatively safe haven. As of August 29, municipal bond funds had positive inflows for 20 consecutive weeks and 49 of the previous 52 weeks, according to The Bond Buyer, an industry publication. This strong demand drove up bond prices, putting further pressure on yields, which typically move in the opposite direction of prices.

At the same time, risk increased in the municipal market as many state and local governments confront the twin pressures of strained tax revenues and escalating costs. On the other hand, depressed yields are a bright spot for struggling municipal governments that take advantage of the opportunity to refinance debt at lower rates. Through the first seven months of 2012, refinancing deals accounted for $95.7 billion of issuance — a 135% increase from the first half of 2011.

These developments have only made the hunt for attractive yield that much more challenging. For the portfolio counselors and analysts who help manage The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, meeting that challenge starts with a cautious approach based on diligent research and broad diversification.

“With rates so low, this is a frustrating time for folks who need investment income,” says Neil Langberg, president of the fund and a portfolio counselor. “Fortunately, the municipal bond market is vast and diverse, and compelling yield opportunities can be found in a variety of places.”

A big pond to fish in

Indeed, the sheer size and diversity of the municipal bond market give the fund’s counselors ample opportunity to build a broadly diversified portfolio. According to a report issued by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in July, there are more than 1 million municipal bonds outstanding whose total face value is approximately $3.7 trillion. The market features about 44,000 issuers, including state and local governments, school districts, utilities, hospitals and other public and private entities.

Different types of bonds react differently to changing circumstances. Diversifying among the various market sectors can help the fund weather a variety of economic and market conditions. While diversity does not eliminate risk, it can help limit the impact of risks faced by individual issuers — such as defaults or credit downgrades.

Considering that The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America holds more than 2,000 securities with differing maturities and credit structures and representing various sectors, investors are not likely to feel the effect of a negative event that is specific to one or even a few holdings. “It would be extremely difficult for an individual investor to achieve that level of diversification by investing in individual bonds,” points out Karl Zeile, a portfolio counselor. “Investors in the fund also benefit from the judgment of experienced investment professionals who intensively research this expansive market.”

Cautiously navigating the shoals

To be sure, investors who indiscriminately pursue the highest available yields are inviting danger. Bonds that offer higher income often involve a higher level of risk. The counselors and analysts who help manage the fund work carefully to strike a balance between risk and reward.

“We are digging and scratching for income every day,” Neil emphasizes, “but it is essential to understand all of the risks associated with a given investment. In this low-yield environment we do what we have done for the life of the fund: focus on the long term, conduct diligent research and carefully weigh the balance between risk and reward.”

[Begin Sidebar]
Income has helped power the fund’s total returns

The portfolio counselors who manage The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America focus on providing shareholders with a relatively high level of tax-exempt income. This chart shows the income return and total return for each of the fund’s past 20 fiscal years. As you can see, income return has varied less than total return.
[begin bar chart]
n Total Return
n Income Return
09/01/1992 - 08/31/1993
    12.40 %     5.95 %
09/01/1993 - 08/31/1994
    -0.22 %     5.52 %
09/01/1994 - 08/31/1995
    8.71 %     6.01 %
09/01/1995 - 08/31/1996
    5.51 %     5.55 %
09/01/1996 - 08/31/1997
    9.39 %     5.56 %
09/01/1997 - 08/31/1998
    8.26 %     5.19 %
09/01/1998 - 08/31/1999
    0.23 %     4.85 %
09/01/1999 - 08/31/2000
    5.27 %     5.23 %
09/01/2000 - 08/31/2001
    10.22 %     5.23 %
09/01/2001 - 08/31/2002
    5.31 %     4.72 %
09/01/2002 - 08/31/2003
    2.55 %     4.41 %
09/01/2003 - 08/31/2004
    7.17 %     4.35 %
09/01/2004 - 08/31/2005
    4.87 %     4.13 %
09/01/2005 - 08/31/2006
    3.18 %     4.03 %
09/01/2006 - 08/31/2007
    1.60 %     4.09 %
09/01/2007 - 08/31/2008
    2.87 %     4.22 %
09/01/2008 - 08/31/2009
    2.65 %     4.22 %
09/01/2009 - 08/31/2010
    10.23 %     4.10 %
09/01/2010 - 08/31/2011
    1.85 %     3.92 %
09/01/2011 - 08/31/2012
    10.71 %     3.92 %
[end bar chart]
Fund results shown are for Class A shares at net asset value. If a sales charge (maximum 3.75%) had been deducted, the results would have been lower. Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Share prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. For current information and month-end results, visit americanfunds.com.
[End Sidebar]

[Begin Pull Quote]
[photo of crystals rocks]
“We have been able to pick up some additional yield by investing in these A-rated bonds that offered less attractive yield when they were insured and rated AAA. Of course, without the insurance each of these issues has to be carefully analyzed.”
Brenda Ellerin, portfolio counselor
[End Pull Quote]

The fund’s portfolio counselors work closely with a team of investment analysts and traders — each specializing in a particular sector of the muni market — to fully understand the risks as well as the potential rewards associated with each bond that goes into the portfolio. They continually monitor each security for changing circumstances that could alter the income stream it produces. The counselors, analysts and traders are supported by a team of economists and tax and political specialists who help provide a broad backdrop against which individual investment decisions are made.

Making the most of maturity

Yields across the municipal bond market vary widely depending on a number of factors, including economic conditions, prevailing interest rates, the credit health of the issuer, and the type of security and its maturity.

Bonds with longer maturities offer relatively higher income returns than short-term instruments because the longer term securities are more sensitive to changes in interest rates and economic conditions. In recent months investor appetite for yield boosted demand for longer duration municipal bonds. “Investors are moving out of cash and out along the yield curve into securities with longer maturities,” Neil says. “Remember that bond prices fall when interest rates rise. If the economy improves at some point and the Federal Reserve begins to raise rates, longer maturities will decline more than shorter term ones. In my view, this is not the time to be pushing the envelope on maturity but to maintain our conservative approach.”
[photo of shells in a girl's hands]
[Begin Pull Quote]
[photo of a starfish and shells on a beach]
“The fund holds bonds purchased over a range of interest rate cycles. Whether rates rise or fall, existing holdings continue to generate income — and reinvestment of interest and principal allows us to invest new capital in every interest rate environment.”
Karl Zeile, portfolio counselor
[End Pull Quote]
[photo of a child picking up shells from a beach]
Of course, the diversity of maturities that the fund holds helps smooth out results over interest rate cycles. “One potential advantage of investing in The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America rather than owning individual bonds is that the fund holds bonds purchased over a range of interest rate cycles,” says Karl. “Whether rates rise or fall, existing holdings continue to generate income — and reinvestment of interest and principal allows us to invest new capital in every interest rate environment.”

Rather than looking to bonds with the longest maturities for income, the fund’s counselors can add some incremental yield by investing in securities with specialized structures. Consider, for example, bonds with so-called “put” features, which are offered by various types of issuers. A put is a feature that requires the bondholder to sell the security back to the issuer at a specified date, usually for 100% of the face value.

“These bonds typically have nominal long maturities, but they may be ‘putable’ in three or five years — well ahead of the final maturity date,” explains Brenda Ellerin, a portfolio counselor for the fund. “These bonds are priced to their effective maturity or put date, but offer some additional yield because of the complexity of the structure.”

Bonds with put features are good defensive holdings because if interest rates are higher at the put date, the holder sells back the bond and reinvests the principal in one paying a higher coupon.

Spanning the credit spectrum

The fund’s counselors also strive to generate additional income by investing in bonds of lower credit quality. The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America has the flexibility to invest across the credit spectrum, from highest quality securities to lower rated high-yield securities.

Bonds are judged by credit rating agencies to be of higher or lower quality based on the issuer’s ability to make timely payments of interest and principal. Securities that are judged to be of investment grade are given ratings ranging from AAA to BBB, while riskier bonds are rated BB or below. Lower rated bonds tend to pay higher yields because they are considered riskier investments. While the fund focuses largely on higher quality bonds, it has the flexibility to invest a portion of assets in lower rated investment grade as well as high yield bonds. As of August 31, in fact, nearly 20% of the fund’s holdings were rated BBB or below or unrated.

The additional income these securities offer often comes at a price, and investors must balance the search for yield with their feelings about risk. “With more cash available and high-quality bonds yielding so little, we have certainly been looking at opportunities to invest in lower rated bonds,” says Neil. “Our mandate is to focus on generating income while seeking to preserve investor capital. To do that we must rely on our experience, judgment and research strength to find the appropriate balance.”

Interestingly, the reduced participation of bond insurers in the municipal bond market opened up opportunities for better yield among some types of investment-grade bonds (rated BBB and above). Prior to the 2008 financial crisis, nearly half of the new issue market was backed by bond insurers, who conferred their own AAA ratings on the bonds they insured. During the crisis, some of these insurers were downgraded by the rating agencies. As a result, the market put less faith in the value of the insurance and, today, very little new municipal debt is insured.

“Without the insurers, there are now considerably more A-rated bonds in the market,” says Brenda. “So we have been able to pick up some additional yield by investing in these A-rated bonds that offered less attractive yield when they were insured and rated AAA. Of course, without the insurance each of these issues has to be carefully analyzed, which is something we have been doing all along.”

Differences among sectors

Gaining a clear understanding of how bonds in different sectors of the muni market react to different conditions also helps the fund’s investment professionals identify opportunities for attractive yield. Consider, for example, housing bonds. “While they are not a significant portion of the fund, our investments in bonds supporting both multifamily and single-family housing can help us incrementally add yield spread to the portfolio. What’s more, they are less volatile than other types of bonds with similar maturities,” says Brenda.

Multifamily housing bonds are typically issued to help developers finance affordable housing and are backed by loans to developers, but they can be guaranteed by the municipal authority issuing the debt. Single-family housing bonds are supported by pools of mortgages from first-time home buyers. These securities can be backed by federal mortgage agencies like Fannie Mae or Ginnie Mae.

Housing bonds are generally priced cheaper than other types of bonds with similar credit ratings and maturities because they are subject to early redemptions triggered by refinancings, prepayments and sometimes foreclosures. To determine whether these bonds represent good value, investors must have an understanding of the complex structures of the bonds as well as regional housing markets and demographics — which is where the experience of our investment professionals proves particularly valuable.

A focus on the long term

The municipal bond market experienced a great deal of change over the years. By staying true to its conservative, research-driven approach, the fund rewarded its long-term investors largely through the income it generated. For the 10 calendar years ended December 31, 2011, the fund provided investors with a relatively high level of income — an average 12-month yield of 4.15%, slightly better than the 4.07% average of its peer group, the Lipper General & Insured Municipal Debt Funds Average.

Not surprisingly, income generated by the fund played a key role in the total returns it has produced over time, as you can see in the chart on page 8. Economic and market conditions continue to evolve. Through all the changes, the investment professionals who help manage The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America remain focused on the long term. Through patience and research, they pursue what they believe are solid income opportunities while striving to protect investor principal. n
Summary investment portfolio     August 31, 2012
The following summary investment portfolio is designed to streamline the report and help investors better focus on the fund’s principal holdings. See the inside back cover for details on how to obtain a complete schedule of portfolio holdings.
[begin pie chart]
Quality ratings*
Percent of net assets
      10.5 %
A/A       31.1  
Below investment-grade
Short-term securities & other assets less liabilities
*Bond ratings, which typically range from Aaa/AAA (highest) to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Moody's, Standard & Poor's and/or Fitch as an indication of an issuer's creditworthiness. If agency ratings differ, the security will be considered to have received the highest of those ratings, consistent with the fund's investment policies. Securities in the "unrated" category (above) have not been rated by a rating agency; however, the investment adviser performs its own credit analysis and assigns comparable ratings that are used for compliance with the fund's investment policies. The ratings are not covered by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.
[end pie chart]
of net
Bonds & notes  - 92.91%
    (000 )     (000 )  
Arizona  - 3.86%
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2040
  $ 20,000     $ 22,104       .23 %
Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Salt River Project Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2038
    18,860       20,906       .21  
City of Scottsdale Municipal Property Corp., Excise Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 2030
    23,000       29,049       .30  
Other securities
            302,316       3.12  
              374,375       3.86  
California  - 11.48%
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-F-1, 5.00% 2034
    20,000       22,570       .23  
Econ. Recovery Bonds, Ref. Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2021
    17,750       21,613       .22  
Orange County Sanitation Dist., Certs. of Part., Series 2007-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2037
    35,000       39,117       .40  
City of San Buenaventura, Rev. Bonds (Community Memorial Health System), Series 2011, 7.50% 2041
    19,600       23,808       .25  
Airport Commission, City and County of San Francisco, San Francisco International Airport, Second Series Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-E, 5.25% 2032
    16,500       18,948       .20  
Other securities
            987,976       10.18  
              1,114,032       11.48  
Colorado  - 2.53%
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project), Series 2012, 5.00% 2042
    19,500       20,648       .21  
Regional Transportation Dist., Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project), Series 2010, 6.00% 2041
    23,765       27,511       .29  
Other securities
            197,189       2.03  
              245,348       2.53  
District of Columbia  - 1.24%
University Rev. Bonds (Georgetown University Issue), Series 2001-C, 5.25% 2034 (put 2023)
    24,000       26,979       .28  
Other securities
            93,428       .96  
              120,407       1.24  
Florida  - 8.84%
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., High-Risk Account Secured Bonds, Series 2009-A-1, 6.00% 2017
    23,000       27,129       .28  
Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Fin. Corp., Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2016
    25,500       29,063       .30  
Other securities
            801,891       8.26  
              858,083       8.84  
Georgia  - 3.80%
Dev. Auth. of Burke County, Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Vogtle Project), Series 2008-E, 7.00% 2023
    19,670       23,536          
Dev. Auth. of Burke County, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Vogtle Project), Series 2008-C, 5.70% 2043
    20,000       21,774       .47  
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1999-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.50% 2022
    20,500       24,771       .26  
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-D, 5.75% 2019
    23,000       28,144       .29  
Other securities
            269,984       2.78  
              368,209       3.80  
Illinois  - 9.08%
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (CHF-DeKalb II, L.L.C. - Northern Illinois University Project), Series 2011, 6.875% 2043
    27,500       32,550       .34  
State Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-B, 5.50% 2033
    21,710       24,111       .25  
Other securities
            823,863       8.49  
              880,524       9.08  
Louisiana  - 2.26%
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-B, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2019
    22,000       24,438       .25  
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Westlake Chemical Corp. Projects), Series 2007, 6.75% 2032
    22,500       25,361       .26  
Parish of St. John the Baptist, Rev. Bonds (Marathon Oil Corp. Project), Series 2007-A, 5.125% 2037
    22,200       23,552       .25  
Other securities
            145,779       1.50  
              219,130       2.26  
Massachusetts  - 2.57%
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Boston University Issue), Series V-1, 5.00% 2029
    17,800       20,147       .21  
Other securities
            229,561       2.36  
              249,708       2.57  
Michigan  - 3.52%
City of Detroit, Water Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.25% 2041
    34,350       36,196       .37  
Other securities
            305,469       3.15  
              341,665       3.52  
Nevada  - 2.83%
Clark County, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2004-A-2, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2036
    20,000       21,124          
Clark County, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.125% 2036
    18,000       19,846       .42  
Other securities
            233,309       2.41  
              274,279       2.83  
New Hampshire  - 0.45%
Business Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group Issue), Series 2009-A, 6.125% 2039
    18,115       20,582       .21  
Other securities
            22,797       .24  
              43,379       .45  
New Jersey  - 2.35%
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-1-A, 4.625% 2026
    29,750       27,286       .28  
Transit Corp., Certs. of Part., Series 2003-A, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2013
    5,500       5,760          
Transit Corp., Certs. of Part., Series 2005-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2018
    7,750       8,492          
Transit Corp., Certs. of Part., Series 2005-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2021
    5,000       5,452          
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds (Capital Appreciation Bonds), Series 2010-A, 0% 2030
    10,000       4,630          
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds (Capital Appreciation Bonds), Series 2010-A, 0% 2037
    10,000       3,047          
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds (Capital Appreciation Bonds), Series 2010-A, 0% 2040
    18,000       4,724          
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2004-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.75% 2025
    5,000       6,474          
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2005-D, 5.00% 2020
    4,000       4,412          
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2008-A, 6.00% 2038
    3,255       3,822          
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.50% 2031
    2,000       2,381          
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2020
    10,000       12,480          
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2021
    10,000       12,503          
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2022
    20,000       25,042          
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-B, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2023
    8,000       10,060       1.13  
Other securities
            91,688       .94  
              228,253       2.35  
New York  - 5.54%
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Bonds (Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park Project), Series 2010, 6.375% 2049
    19,800       22,755       .23  
Other securities
            514,946       5.31  
              537,701       5.54  
Ohio  - 3.23%
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Dev. Rev. Bonds (FirstEnergy Generation Corp. Project), Series 2009-A, 5.70% 2020
    16,215       18,906          
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (FirstEnergy Generation Corp. Project), Series 2009-C, 5.625% 2018
    17,200       19,990       .40  
Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2007-A-2, 5.875% 2030
    39,585       32,985       .34  
Other securities
            241,363       2.49  
              313,244       3.23  
South Carolina  - 1.55%
Building Equity Sooner for Tomorrow (BEST), Installment Purchase Rev. Ref. Bonds (School Dist. of Greenville County, South Carolina Project), Series 2006, 5.00% 2023
    19,845       22,982       .24  
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2008-A, 5.50% 2038
    20,000       23,576       .24  
Other securities
            104,281       1.07  
              150,839       1.55  
Texas  - 10.53%
Bexar County Hospital Dist., Combination Tax and Rev. Certificates of Obligation, Series 2008, 5.00% 2032
    20,500       22,609       .23  
G.O. Bonds, Water Financial Assistance Bonds (Water Infrastructure Fund), Series 2009, Subseries 2009-A, 5.00% 2028
    1,500       1,792          
G.O. Bonds, Water Financial Assistance Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2031
    8,000       9,509          
Public Fin. Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2007, 5.00% 2023
    1,525       1,816          
Public Fin. Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2007, 5.00% 2024
    1,525       1,804          
Transportation Commission, G.O. Mobility Fund Bonds, Series 2008, 4.75% 2037
    10,000       11,180          
Transportation Commission, G.O. Mobility Fund Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2017
    2,250       2,682          
Transportation Commission, G.O. Mobility Fund Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2021
    12,545       15,116          
Transportation Commission, G.O. Mobility Fund Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2028
    7,000       8,289       .54  
Harris County, Metropolitan Transit Auth., Sales and Use Tax Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2036
    18,875       21,741       .23  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.50% 2018
    1,000       1,192          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.625% 2033
    15,100       16,878          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2008-A, 6.00% 2021
    3,760       4,491          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2008-A, 6.00% 2023
    12,570       14,909          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2008-A, 6.00% 2025
    5,000       5,977          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Insured Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 2008-D, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 2028
    10,000       5,150          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-E, Subseries 2008-E-3, 5.75% 2038 (put 2016)
    2,150       2,477          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-F, 5.75% 2033
    11,000       12,169          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-F, 5.75% 2038
    8,500       9,329          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 6.00% 2028
    16,000       18,876          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 6.10% 2028
    5,000       5,927          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 6.25% 2039
    5,000       5,758          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010, 6.00% 2034
    1,500       1,791          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010, 6.00% 2038
    5,000       5,875          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2038
    8,000       8,827          
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2042
    12,000       13,222       1.37  
Private Activity Bond Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Bonds (NTE Mobility Partners LLC North Tarrant Express Managed Lanes Project), Series 2009, 6.875% 2039
    24,250       29,171       .30  
Other securities
            762,930       7.86  
              1,021,487       10.53  
Washington  - 2.95%
Energy Northwest, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds (Project 1), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2017
    20,000       24,022       .25  
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Virginia Mason Medical Center), Series 2007-A, 6.125% 2037
    18,500       20,413       .21  
Other securities
            242,081       2.49  
              286,516       2.95  
Wisconsin  - 1.70%
General Fund Annual Appropriation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 6.00% 2036
    52,960       64,987       .67  
Other securities
            100,274       1.03  
              165,261       1.70  
Other states & U.S. territories - 12.60%
Other securities
            1,222,355       12.60  
Total bonds & notes (cost: $8,245,764,000)
            9,014,795       92.91  
of net
Short-term securities  - 6.77%
    (000 )     (000 )  
State of Colorado, General Fund Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2012-A, 2.00% 6/27/2013
  $ 19,200       19,491          
State of Colorado, General Fund Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2012-A, 2.50% 6/27/2013
    12,800       13,046       .34  
Dist. of Columbia, G.O. Demand Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-D, Wells Fargo Bank LOC, 0.16% 2034 (1)
    28,000       28,000       .29  
School Dist. of Miami-Dade County, Florida, Tax Anticipation Notes, Series 2012, 2.50% 2/28/2013
    50,000       50,574       .52  
State of Idaho, Tax Anticipation Notes, Series 2012, 2.00% 6/28/2013
    22,000       22,338       .23  
Illinois Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Resurrection Health Care), Series 2005-B, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.19% 2035 (1)
    20,630       20,630       .21  
Jackson County, Mississippi, Port Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Project), Series 1993, 0.19% 2023 (1)
    14,500       14,500          
Mississippi Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Project), Series 2009-A, 0.17% 2030 (1)
    1,900       1,900          
Mississippi Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Project), Series 2009-E, 0.17% 2030 (1)
    4,700       4,700       .22  
New Hampshire Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dartmouth College Issue), Series 2007-A, 0.21% 2031 (1)
    14,220       14,220          
New Hampshire Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dartmouth College Issue), Series 2007-B, 0.21% 2041 (1)
    16,000       16,000       .31  
State of Oregon, Full Faith and Credit Tax Anticipation Notes, Series 2012-A, 2.00% 6/28/2013
    40,000       40,608       .42  
State of Texas, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2012, 2.50% 8/30/2013
    125,000       127,881       1.32  
Other securities
            282,829       2.91  
Total short-term securities (cost: $656,628,000)
            656,717       6.77  
Total investment securities (cost: $8,902,392,000)
            9,671,512       99.68  
Other assets less liabilities
            30,897       .32  
Net assets
          $ 9,702,409       100.00 %
"Other securities" includes all issues that are not disclosed separately in the summary investment portfolio, including securities which were valued under fair value procedures adopted by authority of the board of trustees. The total value of all such securities was $3,936,000, which represented .04% of the net assets of the fund. Some of “Other securities” (with an aggregate value of $60,925,000, which represented .63% of the net assets of the fund) were acquired in transactions exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933 and may be resold in the U.S. in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.
(1) Coupon rate may change periodically. For short-term securities, the date of the next scheduled coupon rate change is considered to be the maturity date.
Key to abbreviations
Agcy. = Agency
Auth. = Authority
Certs. of Part. = Certificates of Participation
Dept. = Department
Dev. = Development
Dist. = District
Econ. = Economic
Fac. = Facility
Facs. = Facilities
Fin. = Finance
Fncg. = Financing
G.O. = General Obligation
LOC = Letter of Credit
Preref. = Prerefunded
Redev. = Redevelopment
Ref. = Refunding
Rev. = Revenue
TECP = Tax-Exempt Commercial Paper
See Notes to Financial Statements
Financial statements
Statement of assets and liabilities
at August 31, 2012
    (dollars in thousands)  
 Investment securities, at value (cost: $8,902,392)
        $ 9,671,512  
 Receivables for:
  Sales of investments
  $ 2,470          
  Sales of fund's shares
    103,414       124,058  
 Payables for:
  Purchases of investments
  Repurchases of fund's shares
  Dividends on fund's shares
  Investment advisory services
  Services provided by related parties
  Trustees' deferred compensation
    2       93,208  
Net assets at August 31, 2012
          $ 9,702,409  
Net assets consist of:
 Capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest
          $ 9,033,395  
 Undistributed net investment income
 Accumulated net realized loss
            (105,534 )
 Net unrealized appreciation
Net assets at August 31, 2012
          $ 9,702,409  
(dollars and shares in thousands, except per-share amounts)
Shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding (no stated par value) -
unlimited shares authorized (741,561 total shares outstanding)
Net assets
Net asset
value per share
Class A
  $ 7,444,946       569,022     $ 13.08  
Class B
    30,267       2,313       13.08  
Class C
    420,332       32,126       13.08  
Class F-1
    1,526,185       116,647       13.08  
Class F-2
    239,237       18,285       13.08  
Class R-6
    41,442       3,168       13.08  
See Notes to Financial Statements
Statement of operations
for the year ended August 31, 2012
    (dollars in thousands)  
Investment income:
        $ 385,032  
 Fees and expenses*:
  Investment advisory services
  $ 22,562          
  Distribution services
  Transfer agent services
  Administrative services
  Reports to shareholders
  Registration statement and prospectus
  Trustees' compensation
  Auditing and legal
  Federal and state income taxes
  State and local taxes
    73       53,822  
 Net investment income
Net realized loss and unrealized appreciation on investments:
 Net realized loss on investments
            (1,791 )
 Net unrealized appreciation on investments
  Net realized loss and unrealized appreciation on investments
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations
          $ 912,426  
(*) Additional information related to class-specific fees and expenses is included
in the Notes to Financial Statements.
See Notes to Financial Statements
Statements of changes in net assets
        (dollars in thousands)  
Year ended August 31
      2012       2011  
 Net investment income
  $ 331,210     $ 349,755  
 Net realized loss on investments
    (1,791 )     (15,557 )
 Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments
    583,007       (240,849 )
  Net increase in net assets resulting from operations
    912,426       93,349  
Dividends paid or accrued to shareholders from net investment income
    (330,173 )     (349,603 )
Net capital share transactions
    600,697       (1,112,834 )
Total increase (decrease) in net assets
    1,182,950       (1,369,088 )
Net assets:
 Beginning of year
    8,519,459       9,888,547  
 End of year (including undistributed
  net investment income: $5,428 and $6,161, respectively)
  $ 9,702,409     $ 8,519,459  
See Notes to Financial Statements
Notes to financial statements


The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (the "fund") is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end, diversified management investment company. The fund seeks a high level of federally tax-exempt current income, consistent with the preservation of capital, through a diversified portfolio of municipal bonds.

The fund has six share classes consisting of five retail share classes (Classes A, B and C, as well as two F share classes, F-1 and F-2) and one share class that is only available to the American Funds Portfolio Series (Class R-6). Some share classes are only available to limited categories of investors. The fund’s share classes are further described below:

Share class
Initial sales charge
Contingent deferred sales charge upon redemption
Conversion feature
Class A
Up to 3.75%
None (except 1% for certain redemptions within one year of purchase without an initial sales charge)
Class B*
Declines from 5% to 0% for redemptions within six years of purchase
Class B converts to Class A after eight years
Class C
1% for redemptions within one year of purchase
Class C converts to Class F-1 after 10 years
Classes F-1 and F-2
Class R-6
* Class B shares of the fund are not available for purchase.

Holders of all share classes have equal pro rata rights to assets, dividends and liquidation proceeds.   Each share class has identical voting rights, except for the exclusive right to vote on matters affecting only its class. Share classes have different fees and expenses ("class-specific fees and expenses"), primarily due to different arrangements for distribution, administrative and shareholder services. Differences in class-specific fees and expenses will result in differences in net investment income and, therefore, the payment of different per-share dividends by each class.

Significant accounting policies

The financial statements have been prepared to comply with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These principles require management to make estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts and disclosures. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The fund follows the significant accounting policies described below, as well as the valuation policies described in the next section on valuation.

Security transactions and related investment income – Security transactions are recorded by the fund as of the date the trades are executed with brokers. Realized gains and losses from security transactions are determined based on the specific identified cost of the securities.   In the event a security is purchased with a delayed payment date, the fund will segregate liquid assets sufficient to meet its payment obligations. Interest income is recognized   on an accrual basis. Market discounts, premiums and original issue discounts on fixed-income securities are amortized daily over the expected life of the security.

Class allocations – Income, fees and expenses (other than class-specific fees and expenses) are allocated daily among the various share classes based on the relative value of their settled shares. Realized and   unrealized gains and losses are allocated daily among the various share classes based on their relative net assets. Class-specific fees and expenses, such as distribution, administrative and shareholder services, are charged directly to the respective share class.

Dividends and distributions to shareholders – Dividends paid to shareholders are declared daily after the determination of the fund’s net investment income and are paid to shareholders monthly. Distributions paid to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date.


Capital Research and Management Company (“CRMC”), the fund’s investment adviser, values the fund’s investments at fair value as defined by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The net asset value of each share class of the fund is generally determined as of approximately 4:00 p.m. New York time each day the New York Stock Exchange is open.

Methods and inputs – The fund’s investment adviser uses the following methods and inputs to establish the fair value of the fund’s assets and liabilities. Use of particular methods and inputs may vary over time based on availability and relevance as market and economic conditions evolve.

Fixed-income securities, including short-term securities purchased with more than 60 days left to maturity, are generally valued at prices obtained from one or more pricing vendors. Vendors value such securities based on one or more of the following inputs: benchmark yields, transactions, bids, offers, quotations from dealers and trading systems, new issues, spreads and other relationships observed in the markets among comparable securities; and proprietary pricing models such as yield measures calculated using factors such as cash flows, financial or collateral performance and other reference data. For certain distressed securities, valuations may include cash flows or liquidation values using a net present value calculation based on inputs that include, but are not limited to, financial statements and debt contracts.

When the fund’s investment adviser deems it appropriate to do so (such as when vendor prices are unavailable or not deemed to be representative), fixed-income securities will be valued in good faith at the mean quoted bid and ask prices that are reasonably and timely available (or bid prices, if ask prices are not available) or at prices for securities of comparable maturity, quality and type.

Short-term securities purchased within 60 days to maturity are valued at amortized cost, which approximates fair value. The value of short-term securities originally purchased with maturities greater than 60 days is determined based on an amortized value to par when they reach 60 days.

Securities and other assets for which representative market quotations are not readily available or are considered unreliable by the fund’s investment adviser are fair valued as determined in good faith under fair value guidelines adopted by authority of the fund’s   board of trustees as further described below. The investment adviser follows fair valuation guidelines, consistent with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rules and guidance, to consider relevant principles and factors when making fair value determinations. The investment adviser considers relevant indications of value that are reasonably and timely available to it in determining the fair value to be assigned to a particular security, such as the type and cost of the security; contractual or legal restrictions on resale of the security; relevant financial or business developments of the issuer; actively traded similar or related securities; conversion or exchange rights on the security; related corporate actions; significant events occurring after the close of trading in the security; and changes in overall market conditions. Fair valuations and valuations of investments that are not actively trading involve judgment and may differ materially from valuations that would have been used had greater market activity occurred.

Processes and structure The fund’s board of trustees has delegated authority to the fund’s   investment adviser to make fair value determinations, subject to board oversight. The investment adviser has established a Joint Fair Valuation Committee (the “Fair Valuation Committee”) to administer, implement and oversee the fair valuation process, and to make fair value decisions. The Fair Valuation Committee regularly reviews its own fair value decisions, as well as decisions made under its standing instructions to the investment adviser’s valuation teams. The Fair Valuation Committee reviews changes in fair value measurements from period to period and may, as deemed appropriate, update the fair valuation guidelines to better reflect the results of back testing and address new or evolving issues. The Fair Valuation Committee reports any changes to the fair valuation guidelines to the board of trustees with supplemental information to support the changes. The fund’s board and audit committee also regularly review reports that describe fair value determinations and methods.

The fund’s investment adviser has also established a Fixed-Income Pricing Review Group to administer and oversee the fixed-income valuation process, including the use of fixed-income pricing vendors. This group regularly reviews pricing vendor information and market data. Pricing decisions, processes and controls over security valuation are also subject to additional internal reviews, including an annual control self-evaluation program facilitated by the investment adviser’s compliance group.

Classifications – The fund’s investment adviser classifies the fund’s assets and liabilities into three levels based on the inputs used to value the assets or liabilities. Level 1 values are based on quoted prices in active markets for identical securities. Level 2 values are based on significant observable market inputs, such as quoted prices for similar securities and quoted prices in inactive markets. Level 3 values are based on significant unobservable inputs that reflect the investment adviser’s determination of assumptions that market participants might reasonably use in valuing the securities. The valuation levels are not necessarily an indication of the risk or liquidity associated with the underlying investment. For example, U.S. government securities are reflected as Level 2 because the inputs used to determine fair value may not always be quoted prices in an active market.

The following table presents the fund’s valuation levels as of August 31, 2012 (dollars in thousands):
Investment securities
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Bonds & notes:
  $ -     $ 1,114,032     $ -     $ 1,114,032  
    -       1,021,487       -       1,021,487  
    -       880,524       -       880,524  
    -       856,221       1,862       858,083  
 New York
    -       537,701       -       537,701  
    -       374,375       -       374,375  
    -       368,209       -       368,209  
    -       341,665       -       341,665  
    -       313,244       -       313,244  
    -       286,516       -       286,516  
 Other states & U.S. territories
    -       2,916,885       2,074       2,918,959  
Short-term securities
    -       656,717       -       656,717  
    $ -     $ 9,667,576     $ 3,936     $ 9,671,512  

Risk factors

Investing in the fund may involve certain risks including, but not limited to, those described below.

Market conditions The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline due to market conditions and other factors, including those directly involving the issuers of securities held by the fund.

Investing in bonds Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Longer maturity debt securities may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities. In addition, falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities.

Bonds and other debt securities are subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer will weaken and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default.

Thinly traded securities There may be little trading in the secondary market for particular bonds or other debt securities, which may make them more difficult to value, acquire or sell.

Credit and liquidity support Changes in the credit quality of banks and financial institutions providing credit and liquidity support features with respect to securities held by the fund could cause the values of these securities to decline.

Investing in lower rated bonds Lower rated bonds and other lower rated debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and involve greater risk of default or price declines due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness than those of higher quality debt securities. The market prices of these securities may fluctuate more than the prices of higher quality debt securities and may decline significantly in periods of general economic difficulty. These risks may be increased with respect to investments in junk bonds.

Investing in similar municipal bonds Investing significantly in municipal obligations of issuers in the same state or backed by revenues of similar types of projects or industries may make the fund more susceptible to certain economic, political or regulatory occurrences. As a result, the potential for fluctuations in the fund’s share price may increase.

Management The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses employed by the investment adviser in this process may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Taxation and distributions
Federal income taxation – The fund complies with the requirements under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to mutual funds and intends to distribute substantially all of its net income and net capital gains each year. The fund is not subject to income taxes to the extent taxable income and net capital gains are distributed. Generally, income earned by the fund is exempt from federal income taxes; however, the fund may earn taxable income from certain investments.

As of and during the period ended August 31, 2012, the fund did not have a liability for any unrecognized tax benefits. The fund recognizes interest and penalties, if any, related to unrecognized tax benefits as income tax expense in the statement of operations. During the period, the fund did not incur any significant interest or penalties.

The fund is not subject to examination by U.S. federal tax authorities for tax years before 2008 and by state tax authorities for tax years before 2007.

Distributions – Distributions paid to shareholders are based on net investment income and net realized gains determined on a tax basis, which may differ from net investment income and net realized gains   for financial reporting purposes. These differences are due primarily to different treatment for items such as short-term capital gains and losses; capital losses related to sales of certain securities within 30 days of purchase; deferred expenses; cost of investments sold; net capital losses; amortization of discounts; and income on certain investments.   The fiscal year in which amounts are distributed may differ from the year in which the net investment income and net realized gains are recorded by the fund for financial reporting purposes.

During the year ended August 31, 2012, the fund reclassified $800,000 from accumulated net realized loss to undistributed net investment income, $2,570,000 from undistributed net investment income to capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest and $4,175,000 from capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest to accumulated net realized loss to align financial reporting with tax reporting.

Under the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010 (the “Act”), net capital losses recognized after August 31, 2011, may be carried forward indefinitely, and their character is retained as short-term and/or long-term losses. Previously, net capital losses were carried forward for eight years and treated as short-term losses. As a transition rule, the Act requires that post-enactment net capital losses be used before pre-enactment net capital losses.

As of August 31, 2012, the tax basis components of distributable earnings, unrealized appreciation (depreciation) and cost of investment securities were as follows:

  (dollars in thousands)    
Undistributed tax-exempt income
    $ 3,106    
Capital loss carryforward*:
      No expiration
  $ (18,967 )        
      Expiring 2015
    (3,035 )        
      Expiring 2016
    (560 )        
      Expiring 2017
    (22,520 )        
      Expiring 2018
    (59,742 )   (104,824 )  
Gross unrealized appreciation on investment securities
Gross unrealized depreciation on investment securities
          (48,211 )
Net unrealized appreciation on investment securities
Cost of investment securities
*Reflects the expiration of capital loss carryforward of $4,175,000. The capital loss carryforward will be used to offset any capital gains realized by the fund in future years through the expiration dates. The fund will not make distributions from capital gains while a capital loss carryforward remains.
Tax-exempt income distributions paid or accrued to shareholders were as follows (dollars in thousands):
Year ended August 31
Share class
Class A
  $ 258,693     $ 273,244  
Class B
    1,043       1,809  
Class C
    11,462       13,051  
Class F-1
    50,382       53,370  
Class F-2
    8,330       8,129  
Class R-6 (*)
    263       -  
  $ 330,173     $ 349,603  
(*) Class R-6 shares were offered beginning May 11, 2012.

Fees and transactions with related parties
CRMC, the fund’s investment adviser, is the parent company of American Funds Distributors,® Inc. ("AFD"), the principal underwriter of the fund’s shares, and American Funds Service Company® ("AFS"), the fund’s transfer agent.

Investment advisory services – The fund has an investment advisory and service agreement with CRMC that provides   for monthly fees accrued daily. These fees are based on a series of decreasing annual rates beginning with 0.30% on the first $60 million of daily net assets and decreasing to 0.12% on such assets in excess of $10 billion. The agreement also provides for monthly fees, accrued daily, based on a series of decreasing rates beginning with 3.00% on the first $3,333,333 of the fund's monthly gross income and decreasing to 2.00% on such income in excess of $8,333,333. For the year ended August 31, 2012, the investment advisory services fee was $22,562,000, which was equivalent to an annualized rate of 0.251% of average daily   net assets.

Class-specific fees and expenses – Expenses that are specific to individual share classes are accrued directly to the respective share class. The principal class-specific fees and expenses are described below:

Distribution services – The fund has plans of distribution for all share classes, except Class F-2 and R-6 shares. Under the plans, the board of trustees approves certain categories of expenses that are used to finance activities primarily intended to sell fund shares and service existing accounts. The plans provide for payments, based on an annualized percentage of average daily net assets, ranging from 0.25% to 1.00% as noted below. In some cases, the board of trustees has limited the amounts that may be paid to less than the maximum allowed by the plans.   All share classes with a plan may use up to 0.25% of average daily net assets to pay service fees, or to compensate AFD for paying service fees, to firms that have entered into agreements with AFD to provide certain shareholder services. The remaining amounts available to be paid under each plan are paid to dealers to compensate them for their sales activities.

For Class A shares, distribution-related expenses include the reimbursement of dealer and wholesaler commissions paid by AFD for certain shares sold without a sales charge. This   share   class reimburses   AFD for amounts billed within the prior 15 months but only to the extent that the overall annual expense limit of 0.25%   is not exceeded. As of August 31, 2012, unreimbursed expenses subject to reimbursement totaled $3,323,000 for Class A shares.

Share class
Currently approved limits
Plan limits
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class F-1

Transfer agent services   The fund has a shareholder services agreement with AFS under which the fund compensates AFS for providing transfer agent services to each of the fund’s share classes. These services include recordkeeping, shareholder communications and transaction processing. In addition, the fund reimburses AFS for amounts paid to third parties for performing transfer agent services on behalf of fund shareholders.

During the period September 1, 2011, through December 31, 2011, only Class A and B shares were subject to the shareholder services agreement with AFS. During this period, AFS and other third parties were compensated for providing transfer agent services to Class C and F shares through the fees paid by the fund to CRMC under the fund’s administrative services agreement with CRMC as described in the administrative services section below; CRMC paid for any transfer agent services expenses in excess of 0.10% of the respective average daily net assets of each of such share classes.

Effective January 1, 2012, the shareholder services agreement with AFS was modified to include Class C and F shares and payment for transfer agent services for such classes under the administrative services agreement terminated. Under this structure, transfer agent services expenses for some classes may exceed 0.10% of average daily net assets, resulting in an increase in expenses paid by some share classes.

For the year ended August 31, 2012, the total transfer agent services fee paid under these agreements was $3,740,000, of which $3,253,000 was paid by the fund to AFS and $487,000 was paid by the fund to CRMC through its administrative services agreement with the fund. Amounts paid to CRMC by the fund were then paid by CRMC to AFS and other third parties.

Administrative services – The fund has an administrative services agreement with CRMC under which the fund compensates CRMC for providing administrative services to Class A, C, F and R shares. These services include, but are not limited to, coordinating, monitoring, assisting and overseeing third parties that provide services to fund shareholders.

During the period September 1, 2011, through December 31, 2011, the agreement applied only to Class C and F shares. The agreement also required CRMC to arrange for the provision of transfer agent services for such share classes, which paid CRMC annual fees up to 0.15% of their respective average daily net assets. During this period, up to 0.05% of these fees were used to compensate CRMC for performing administrative services; all other amounts paid under this agreement were used to compensate AFS and other third parties for transfer agent services.

Effective January 1, 2012, the administrative services agreement with CRMC was modified to include Class A shares. Under the revised agreement, Class A shares pay an annual fee of 0.01% and Class C and F shares pay an annual fee of 0.05% of their respective average daily net assets to CRMC for administrative services. Fees for transfer agent services are no longer included as part of the administrative services fee paid by the fund to CRMC. Effective April 1, 2012, the administrative services agreement was amended to include Class R shares. Class R shares pay an annual fee of 0.05% of their respective average daily net assets to CRMC for administrative services.

For the year ended August 31, 2012, total fees paid to CRMC for performing administrative services were $1,430,000.

Class-specific expenses under the agreements described above for the year ended August 31, 2012, were as follows (dollars in thousands):
Share class
Distribution services
Transfer agent services
Administrative services
Class A
  $ 17,399     $ 2,016     $ 475  
Class B
    348       9    
Not applicable
Class C
    3,909       114       193  
Class F-1
    3,489       1,413       653  
Class F-2
Not applicable
      188       106  
Class R-6 (*)
Not applicable
      -       3  
Total class-specific expenses
  $ 25,145     $ 3,740     $ 1,430  
(*) Class R-6 shares were offered beginning May 11, 2012.

Trustees’ deferred compensation – Trustees who are unaffiliated with CRMC   may elect to defer the cash payment of part or all of their compensation. These deferred amounts, which remain as liabilities of the fund, are treated as if invested in shares of the fund or other American Funds. These amounts represent general, unsecured liabilities of the fund and vary according to the total returns of the selected funds. Trustees’ compensation of $78,000, shown on the accompanying financial statements, includes $70,000 in current fees (either paid in cash or deferred) and a net increase of $8,000 in the value of the deferred amounts.

Affiliated officers and trustees – Officers and certain trustees of the fund are or may be considered to be affiliated with CRMC, AFS and AFD. No affiliated officers or trustees received any compensation directly from the fund.

Capital share transactions
Capital share transactions in the fund were as follows (dollars and shares in thousands):
Sales (*)
of dividends
Repurchases (*)
Net increase (decrease)
Share class
Year ended August 31, 2012
Class A
  $ 1,110,952       87,424     $ 230,874       18,149     $ (903,292 )     (71,308 )   $ 438,534       34,265  
Class B
    3,157       248       965       76       (16,810 )     (1,328 )     (12,688 )     (1,004 )
Class C
    97,430       7,659       10,365       815       (82,627 )     (6,515 )     25,168       1,959  
Class F-1
    415,779       32,717       49,821       3,915       (386,444 )     (30,571 )     79,156       6,061  
Class F-2
    77,435       6,086       6,382       502       (54,378 )     (4,280 )     29,439       2,308  
Class R-6 (†)
    43,416       3,346       265       20       (2,593 )     (198 )     41,088       3,168  
Total net increase
  $ 1,748,169       137,480     $ 298,672       23,477     $ (1,446,144 )     (114,200 )   $ 600,697       46,757  
Year ended August 31, 2011
Class A
  $ 743,275       61,503     $ 233,946       19,447     $ (1,956,006 )     (163,722 )   $ (978,785 )     (82,772 )
Class B
    2,794       231       1,587       132       (38,878 )     (3,240 )     (34,497 )     (2,877 )
Class C
    59,619       4,919       11,418       949       (161,960 )     (13,583 )     (90,923 )     (7,715 )
Class F-1
    524,497       43,660       51,196       4,258       (570,088 )     (47,399 )     5,605       519  
Class F-2
    80,521       6,689       5,803       482       (100,558 )     (8,442 )     (14,234 )     (1,271 )
Total net increase
  $ 1,410,706       117,002     $ 303,950       25,268     $ (2,827,490 )     (236,386 )   $ (1,112,834 )     (94,116 )
(*) Includes exchanges between share classes of the fund.
(†) Class R-6 shares were offered beginning May 11, 2012.

Investment transactions
The fund made purchases and sales of investment securities, excluding short-term securities and U.S. government obligations, if any, of $1,678,971,000 and $1,233,721,000, respectively, during the year ended August 31, 2012.
Financial highlights
Income from investment operations (1)
Net asset
of period
investment income
Net gains (losses) on securities (both realized and unrealized)
Total from investment operations
Dividends (from net investment income)
Net asset
value, end
of period
return (2) (3)
Net assets, end of period (in millions)
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before waivers
Ratio of expenses to average net assets after waivers (3)
Ratio of net income to average net assets (3)
Class A:
Year ended 8/31/2012
  $ 12.26     $ .47     $ .82     $ 1.29     $ (.47 )   $ 13.08       10.71 %   $ 7,445       .55 %     .55 %     3.73 %
Year ended 8/31/2011
    12.53       .48       (.27 )     .21       (.48 )     12.26       1.85       6,557       .55       .55       4.01  
Year ended 8/31/2010
    11.82       .48       .71       1.19       (.48 )     12.53       10.23       7,740       .54       .54       3.92  
Year ended 8/31/2009
    12.03       .50       (.21 )     .29       (.50 )     11.82       2.65       7,130       .56       .56       4.39  
Year ended 8/31/2008
    12.19       .51       (.16 )     .35       (.51 )     12.03       2.87       6,319       .56       .53       4.16  
Class B:
Year ended 8/31/2012
    12.26       .38       .82       1.20       (.38 )     13.08       9.90       30       1.29       1.29       3.01  
Year ended 8/31/2011
    12.53       .39       (.27 )     .12       (.39 )     12.26       1.08       40       1.30       1.30       3.26  
Year ended 8/31/2010
    11.82       .38       .71       1.09       (.38 )     12.53       9.41       78       1.30       1.30       3.18  
Year ended 8/31/2009
    12.03       .41       (.21 )     .20       (.41 )     11.82       1.88       107       1.32       1.31       3.65  
Year ended 8/31/2008
    12.19       .41       (.16 )     .25       (.41 )     12.03       2.10       114       1.31       1.28       3.42  
Class C:
Year ended 8/31/2012
    12.26       .37       .82       1.19       (.37 )     13.08       9.85       420       1.34       1.34       2.94  
Year ended 8/31/2011
    12.53       .39       (.27 )     .12       (.39 )     12.26       1.03       370       1.35       1.35       3.21  
Year ended 8/31/2010
    11.82       .38       .71       1.09       (.38 )     12.53       9.35       475       1.34       1.34       3.11  
Year ended 8/31/2009
    12.03       .41       (.21 )     .20       (.41 )     11.82       1.83       399       1.36       1.36       3.58  
Year ended 8/31/2008
    12.19       .41       (.16 )     .25       (.41 )     12.03       2.05       313       1.36       1.33       3.36  
Class F-1:
Year ended 8/31/2012
    12.26       .46       .82       1.28       (.46 )     13.08       10.59       1,526       .66       .66       3.62  
Year ended 8/31/2011
    12.53       .47       (.27 )     .20       (.47 )     12.26       1.73       1,356       .66       .66       3.90  
Year ended 8/31/2010
    11.82       .46       .71       1.17       (.46 )     12.53       10.12       1,380       .64       .64       3.80  
Year ended 8/31/2009
    12.03       .49       (.21 )     .28       (.49 )     11.82       2.56       976       .65       .64       4.31  
Year ended 8/31/2008
    12.19       .50       (.16 )     .34       (.50 )     12.03       2.79       1,020       .63       .61       4.07  
Class F-2:
Year ended 8/31/2012
    12.26       .49       .82       1.31       (.49 )     13.08       10.88       239       .40       .40       3.87  
Year ended 8/31/2011
    12.53       .50       (.27 )     .23       (.50 )     12.26       1.99       196       .41       .41       4.15  
Year ended 8/31/2010
    11.82       .50       .71       1.21       (.50 )     12.53       10.41       216       .37       .37       4.09  
Year ended 8/31/2009
    12.03       .51       (.21 )     .30       (.51 )     11.82       2.80       253       .39       .39       4.36  
Period from 8/1/2008 to 8/31/2008 (4)
    11.94       .04       .09       .13       (.04 )     12.03       1.10       3       .04       .03       .34  
Class R-6:
Period from 5/11/2012 to 8/31/2012 (4)
    12.94       .14       .15       .29       (.15 )     13.08       2.25       42       .09       .09       1.15  
Year ended August 31
Portfolio turnover rate for all share classes
    14 %     12 %     16 %     18 %     20 %
(1) Based on average shares outstanding.
(2) Total returns exclude any applicable sales charges, including contingent deferred sales charges.
(3) This column reflects the impact, if any, of certain waivers from CRMC. During some of the periods shown, CRMC reduced fees for investment advisory services.
(4) Based on operations for the period shown and, accordingly, is not representative of a full year.
See Notes to Financial Statements
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America

In our opinion, the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the summary investment portfolio, and the related statements of operations and of changes in net assets and the financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (the "Fund") at August 31, 2012, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial statements and financial highlights (hereafter referred to as "financial statements") are the responsibility of the Fund's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits, which included confirmation of securities at August 31, 2012 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers, provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Los Angeles, California
October 12, 2012
Expense example             
As a shareholder of the fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as initial sales charges on purchase payments and contingent deferred sales charges on redemptions (loads), and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees, distribution and service (12b-1) fees, and other expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the fund so you can compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire six-month period (March 1, 2012, through August 31, 2012).
Actual expenses:
The first line of each share class in the table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled "Expenses paid during period" to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.
Hypothetical example for comparison purposes:
The second line of each share class in the table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the actual expense ratio for the share class and an assumed rate of return of 5.00% per year before expenses, which is not the actual return of the share class. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5.00% hypothetical example with the 5.00% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.
There are some account fees that are charged to certain types of accounts, such as individual retirement accounts (generally, a $10 fee is charged to set up the account and an additional $10 fee is charged to the account annually), that would increase the amount of expenses paid on your account. In addition, Class F-1 and F-2 shareholders may be subject to fees charged by financial intermediaries, typically ranging from 0.75% to 1.50% of assets annually depending on services offered. You can estimate the impact of these fees by adding the amount of the fees to the total estimated expenses you paid on your account during the period as calculated above. In addition, your ending account value would be lower by the amount of these fees.
Note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads). Therefore, the second line of each share class in the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
Beginning account value 3/1/2012
Ending account value 8/31/2012
Expenses paid during period*
expense ratio
Class A -- actual return
  $ 1,000.00     $ 1,038.07     $ 2.77       .54 %
Class A -- assumed 5% return
    1,000.00       1,022.42       2.75       .54  
Class B -- actual return
    1,000.00       1,034.25       6.55       1.28  
Class B -- assumed 5% return
    1,000.00       1,018.70       6.50       1.28  
Class C -- actual return
    1,000.00       1,034.01       6.75       1.32  
Class C -- assumed 5% return
    1,000.00       1,018.50       6.70       1.32  
Class F-1 -- actual return
    1,000.00       1,037.41       3.38       .66  
Class F-1 -- assumed 5% return
    1,000.00       1,021.82       3.35       .66  
Class F-2 -- actual return
    1,000.00       1,038.92       1.90       .37  
Class F-2 -- assumed 5% return
    1,000.00       1,023.28       1.88       .37  
Class R-6 -- actual return
    1,000.00       1,022.54       .90       .29  
Class R-6 -- assumed 5% return
    1,000.00       1,023.68       1.48       .29  
*The “expenses paid during period” are equal to the “annualized expense ratio,” multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the period, and divided by 366   (to reflect the one-half year period).
† The period for the “annualized expense ratio” and “actual return” line is based on the number of days since the initial sale of the share class on May 11, 2012. The "assumed 5% return" line is based on 184 days.
Approval of Investment Advisory and Service Agreement

The fund’s board has approved the fund’s Investment Advisory and Service Agreement (the “agreement”) with Capital Research and Management Company (“CRMC”) for an additional one-year term through March 31, 2013. The board approved the agreement following the recommendation of the fund’s Contracts Committee (the “committee”), which is composed of all of the fund’s independent board members. The board and the committee determined that the fund’s advisory fee structure was fair and reasonable in relation to the services provided and that approving the agreement was in the best interests of the fund and its shareholders.

In reaching this decision, the board and the committee took into account information furnished to them throughout the year, as well as information prepared specifically in connection with their review of the agreement and were advised by their independent counsel. They considered the factors discussed below, among others, but did not identify any single issue or particular piece of information that, in isolation, was the controlling factor.

1. Nature, extent and quality of services

The board and the committee considered the depth and quality of CRMC’s investment management process, including its global research capabilities; the experience, capability and integrity of its senior management and other personnel; the low turnover rates of its key personnel; the overall financial strength and stability of its organization; and the ongoing evolution of CRMC’s organizational structure designed to maintain and strengthen these qualities. The board and the committee also considered the nature, extent and quality of administrative, compliance and shareholder services provided by CRMC to the fund under the agreement and other agreements as well as the benefits to fund shareholders from investing in a fund that is part of a large family of funds. The board and the committee concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by CRMC have benefited and should continue to benefit the fund and its shareholders.

2. Investment results

The board and the committee considered the investment results of the fund in light of its objective of providing high current income exempt from regular federal income tax, consistent with the preservation of capital. They compared the fund’s total returns with those of other relevant funds (including the other funds that are the basis of the Lipper index for the category in which the fund is included) and market data such as relevant market indices, in each case as available at the time of the related board and committee meetings. This report, including the letter to shareholders and related disclosures, contains certain information about the fund’s investment results. The board and the committee concluded that the fund’s long-term results have been satisfactory and that CRMC’s record in managing the fund indicated that its continued management should benefit the fund and its shareholders.

3. Advisory fees and total expenses

The board and the committee compared the advisory fees and total expense levels of the fund to those of other relevant funds. They observed that the fund’s advisory fees and expenses remain significantly below those of most other relevant funds. The board and the committee also noted the breakpoint discounts in the fund’s advisory fee structure that reduce the level of fees charged by CRMC to the fund as fund assets increase. In addition, they reviewed information regarding the advisory fees paid by clients of an affiliate of CRMC. They noted that, to the extent there were differences between the advisory fees paid by the fund and the advisory fees paid by those clients, the differences appropriately reflected the investment, operational and regulatory differences between advising the fund and the other clients. The board and the committee concluded that the fund’s cost structure was fair and reasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the shareholders receive reasonable value in return for the advisory fees and other amounts paid to CRMC by the fund.

4. Ancillary benefits

The board and the committee considered a variety of other benefits received by CRMC and its affiliates as a result of CRMC’s relationship with the fund and the other American Funds, including fees for administrative services provided to certain share classes; fees paid to CRMC’s affiliated transfer agent; sales charges and distribution fees received and retained by the fund’s principal underwriter, an affiliate of CRMC; and possible ancillary benefits to CRMC’s institutional management affiliates. The board and the committee reviewed CRMC’s portfolio trading practices, noting that while CRMC receives the benefit of research provided by broker-dealers executing portfolio transactions on behalf of the fund, it does not obtain third-party research or other services in return for allocating brokerage to such broker-dealers. The board and the committee took these ancillary benefits into account in evaluating the reasonableness of the advisory fees and other amounts paid to CRMC by the fund.

5. Adviser financial information

The board and the committee reviewed information regarding CRMC’s costs of providing services to the American Funds, including personnel, systems and resources of investment, compliance, trading, accounting and other administrative operations. They considered CRMC’s costs and willingness to invest in technology, infrastructure and staff to maintain and expand services and capabilities, respond to industry and regulatory developments and attract and retain qualified personnel. They noted information regarding the compensation structure for CRMC’s investment professionals. The board and the committee also compared CRMC’s profitability to the reported results of several large, publicly held investment management companies. The board and the committee noted the competitiveness and cyclicality of both the mutual fund industry and the capital markets, and the importance in that environment of CRMC’s long-term profitability for maintaining its independence, company culture and management continuity. They further considered the breakpoint discounts in the fund’s advisory fee structure. The board and the committee concluded that the fund’s advisory fee structure reflected a reasonable sharing of benefits between CRMC and the fund’s shareholders.
Tax information                                                                                                                 

We are required to advise you of the federal tax status of certain distributions received by shareholders during the fiscal year. The fund hereby designates the following amount for the fund’s fiscal year ended August 31, 2012:

Exempt interest dividends
    100 %

Individual shareholders should refer to their Form 1099 or other tax information, which will be mailed in January 2013, to determine the calendar year amounts to be included on their 2012 tax returns. Shareholders should consult their tax advisers .

Board of trustees and other officers

“Independent” trustees 1
Year first
elected a
trustee of
Name and age
the fund 2
Principal occupation(s) during past five years
William H. Baribault, 67
Chairman of the Board and CEO, Oakwood Enterprises (private investment and consulting)
James G. Ellis, 65
Dean and Professor of Marketing, Marshall School of
Business, University of Southern California
Leonard R. Fuller, 66
President and CEO, Fuller Consulting (financial
management consulting firm)
W. Scott Hedrick, 67
Founding General Partner, InterWest Partners
(venture capital firm)
R. Clark Hooper, 66
Private investor
Chairman of the Board
(Independent and Non-Executive)
Merit E. Janow, 54
Professor, Columbia University, School of
International and Public Affairs; former Member,
World Trade Organization Appellate Body
Laurel B. Mitchell, Ph.D., 57
Clinical Professor and Director, Accounting Program,
University of Redlands
Frank M. Sanchez, 69
Principal, The Sanchez Family Corporation dba
McDonald’s Restaurants (McDonald’s licensee)
Margaret Spellings, 54
President and CEO, Margaret Spellings & Company
(public policy and strategic consulting); President,
U.S. Forum for Policy Innovation and Senior Advisor
to the President and CEO, U.S. Chamber of
Commerce; former United States Secretary of
Education, United States Department of Education
Steadman Upham, Ph.D., 63
President and University Professor,
The University of Tulsa
“Independent” trustees 1
Number of
in fund
complex 3
overseen by
Name and age
Other directorships 4 held by trustee
William H. Baribault, 67
James G. Ellis, 65
Quiksilver, Inc.
Leonard R. Fuller, 66
W. Scott Hedrick, 67
Hot Topic, Inc.; Office Depot, Inc.
R. Clark Hooper, 66
JPMorgan Value Opportunities Fund, Inc.;
Chairman of the Board
The Swiss Helvetia Fund, Inc.
(Independent and Non-Executive)
Merit E. Janow, 54
The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC;
Trimble Navigation Limited
Laurel B. Mitchell, Ph.D., 57
Frank M. Sanchez, 69
Margaret Spellings, 54
Steadman Upham, Ph.D., 63

Lee A. Ault III, a trustee of the fund since 2010, and Martin Fenton, a trustee of the fund since 1989, have retired from the board. The trustees thank Mr. Ault and Mr. Fenton for their dedication and service to the fund.

See page 32 for footnotes.

“Interested” trustee 5,6
Year first
elected a
trustee or
Principal occupation(s) during past five years
Name, age and
officer of
and positions held with affiliated entities or the
position with fund
the fund 2
principal underwriter of the fund
Karl J. Zeile, 45
Senior Vice President — Fixed Income, Capital
Vice President
Research and Management Company; Vice
President, Capital Guardian Trust Company 7
“Interested” trustee 5,6
Number of
portfolios in
fund complex 3
Name, age and
position with fund
by trustee
Other directorships 4 held by trustee
Karl J. Zeile, 45
Vice President

The fund’s statement of additional information includes further details about fund trustees and is available without charge upon request by calling American Funds Service Company at 800/421-4225 or by visiting the American Funds website at americanfunds.com. The address for all trustees and officers of the fund is 333 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071, Attention: Secretary.

Other officers 6
Year first
Principal occupation(s) during past five years
Name, age and
an officer
and positions held with affiliated entities or the
position with fund
of the fund 2
principal underwriter of the fund
Neil L. Langberg, 59
Senior Vice President — Fixed Income, Capital
Research and Management Company; Vice
President, Capital Guardian Trust Company 7
Brenda S. Ellerin, 49
Senior Vice President — Fixed Income, Capital
Senior Vice President
Research and Management Company
Kristine M. Nishiyama, 42
Senior Vice President and Senior Counsel — Fund
Senior Vice President
Business Management Group, Capital Research and
Management Company; Vice President and Senior
Counsel, Capital Bank and Trust Company 7
Courtney R. Taylor, 37
Assistant Vice President — Fund Business
Management Group, Capital Research and
Management Company
Karl C. Grauman, 44
Vice President — Fund Business Management
Group, Capital Research and Management Company
Steven I. Koszalka, 48
Vice President — Fund Business Management
Assistant Secretary
Group, Capital Research and Management Company
Brian C. Janssen, 40
Vice President — Fund Business Management
Assistant Treasurer
Group, Capital Research and Management Company
Dori Laskin, 61
Vice President — Fund Business Management
Assistant Treasurer
Group, Capital Research and Management Company

1 The term “independent” trustee refers to a trustee who is not an “interested person” of the fund within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940.
2 Trustees and officers of the fund serve until their resignation, removal or retirement.
3 Capital Research and Management Company manages the American Funds. Capital Research and Management Company also manages American Funds Insurance Series, ® which is composed of 19 funds and serves as the underlying investment vehicle for certain variable insurance contracts; American Funds Target Date Retirement Series, ® which is composed of 10 funds and is available through tax-deferred retirement plans and IRAs; American Funds Portfolio Series, SM which is composed of eight funds; and American Funds College Target Date Series, SM which is composed of seven funds.
4 This includes all directorships (other than those in the American Funds or other funds managed by Capital Research and Management Company) that are held by each trustee as a trustee or director of a public company or a registered investment company.
5 “Interested persons” within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940, on the basis of their affiliation with the fund’s investment adviser, Capital Research and Management Company, or affiliated entities (including the fund’s principal underwriter).
6 All of the officers listed are officers and/or directors/trustees of one or more of the other funds for which Capital Research and Management Company serves as investment adviser.
7 Company affiliated with Capital Research and Management Company.


Offices of the fund and of the investment adviser
Capital Research and Management Company
333 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071-1406

6455 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, CA 92618

Transfer agent for shareholder accounts
American Funds Service Company
(Write to the address near you.)

P.O. Box 6007
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6007

P.O. Box 2280
Norfolk, VA 23501-2280

Custodian of assets
JPMorgan Chase Bank
270 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017-2070

Bingham McCutchen LLP
355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 4400
Los Angeles, CA 90071-3106

Independent registered public accounting firm
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
350 South Grand Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90071-2889

Principal underwriter
American Funds Distributors, Inc.
333 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071-1406

Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectus and summary prospectus, which can be obtained from your financial professional and should be read carefully before investing. You may also call American Funds Service Company (AFS) at 800/421-4225 or visit the American Funds website at americanfunds.com.

“American Funds Proxy Voting Procedures and Principles” — which describes how we vote proxies relating to portfolio securities — is available on the American Funds website or upon request by calling AFS. The fund files its proxy voting record with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the 12 months ended June 30 by August 31. The proxy voting record is available free of charge on the SEC website at sec.gov and on the American Funds website.

A complete August 31, 2012, portfolio of The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America’s investments is available free of charge by calling AFS or visiting the SEC website (where it is part of Form N-CSR).

The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America files a complete list of its portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. This filing is available free of charge on the SEC website. You may also review or, for a fee, copy this filing at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. Additional information regarding the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling the SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy at 800/SEC-0330. Additionally, the list of portfolio holdings is available by calling AFS.

This report is for the information of shareholders of The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America, but it also may be used as sales literature when preceded or accompanied by the current prospectus or summary prospectus, which gives details about charges, expenses, investment objectives and operating policies of the fund. If used as sales material after December 31, 2012, this report must be accompanied by an American Funds statistical update for the most recently completed calendar quarter.


The American Funds difference

Since 1931, American Funds has helped investors pursue long-term investment success. Our consistent approach — in combination with a proven system — has resulted in a superior long-term track record.

Consistent approach

We base our decisions on a long-term perspective because we believe it is the best way to achieve superior long-term investment results. Our portfolio counselors average 25 years of investment experience, including 21 years at our company, reflecting a career commitment to our long-term approach. 1

Proven system

Our system combines individual accountability with teamwork. Each fund is divided into portions that are managed by investment professionals with varied backgrounds, ages and investment styles. An extensive global research effort is the backbone of our system.

Superior long-term track record

Our equity funds have beaten their Lipper peer indexes in 91% of 10-year periods and 96% of 20-year periods. Our fixed-income funds have beaten their Lipper indexes in 60% of 10-year periods and 67% of 20-year periods. 2 Our fund management fees have been among the lowest in the industry. 3

1 As of 12/31/11.

2 Based on Class A share results for periods through 12/31/11. Periods covered are the shorter of the fund’s lifetime or since the comparable Lipper index inception date.

3 Based on management fees for the 20-year period ended 12/31/11 versus comparable Lipper categories, excluding funds of funds.

American Funds span a range of investment objectives

•Growth funds
AMCAP Fund ®
EuroPacific Growth Fund ®
The Growth Fund of America ®
The New Economy Fund ®
New Perspective Fund ®
New World Fund ®
SMALLCAP World Fund ®

•Growth-and-income funds
American Mutual Fund ®
Capital World Growth and Income Fund ®
Fundamental Investors SM
International Growth and Income Fund SM
The Investment Company of America ®
Washington Mutual Investors Fund SM

•Equity-income funds
Capital Income Builder ®
The Income Fund of America ®

•Balanced funds
American Balanced Fund ®
American Funds Global Balanced Fund SM

•Bond funds
American Funds Mortgage Fund ®
American High-Income Trust ®
The Bond Fund of America ®
Capital World Bond Fund ®
Intermediate Bond Fund of America ®
Short-Term Bond Fund of America ®
U.S. Government Securities Fund ®

•Tax-exempt bond funds
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund ®
American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund ®
Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America ®
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America ®
State-specific tax-exempt funds
American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York ®
The Tax-Exempt Fund of California ®
The Tax-Exempt Fund of Maryland ®
The Tax-Exempt Fund of Virginia ®

•Money market fund
American Funds Money Market Fund ®
•American Funds Portfolio Series SM
American Funds Global Growth Portfolio SM
American Funds Growth Portfolio SM
American Funds Growth and Income Portfolio SM
American Funds Balanced Portfolio SM
American Funds Income Portfolio SM
American Funds Tax-Advantaged Income Portfolio SM
American Funds Preservation Portfolio SM
American Funds Tax-Exempt Preservation Portfolio SM

•American Funds Target Date Retirement Series ®

•American Funds College Target Date Series SM

The Capital Group Companies

American Funds     Capital Research and Management     Capital International     Capital Guardian     Capital Bank and Trust

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ITEM 2 – Code of Ethics

The Registrant has adopted a Code of Ethics that applies to its Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer.  The Registrant undertakes to provide to any person without charge, upon request, a copy of the Code of Ethics.  Such request can be made to American Funds Service Company at 800/421-0180 or to the Secretary of the Registrant, 333 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California 90071.

ITEM 3 – Audit Committee Financial Expert

The Registrant’s board has determined that Laurel B. Mitchell, a member of the Registrant’s audit committee, is an “audit committee financial expert” and "independent," as such terms are defined in this Item. This designation will not increase the designee’s duties, obligations or liability as compared to his or her duties, obligations and liability as a member of the audit committee and of the board, nor will it reduce the responsibility of the other audit committee members.  There may be other individuals who, through education or experience, would qualify as "audit committee financial experts" if the board had designated them as such.  Most importantly, the board believes each member of the audit committee contributes significantly to the effective oversight of the Registrant’s financial statements and condition.

ITEM 4 – Principal Accountant Fees and Services

a)  Audit Fees:
b)  Audit-Related Fees:
c)  Tax Fees:
The tax fees consist of professional services relating to the preparation of the Registrant’s tax returns.
d)  All Other Fees:
Adviser and affiliates (includes only fees for non-audit services billed to the adviser and affiliates for engagements that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Registrant and were subject to the pre-approval policies described below):
a)  Audit Fees:
Not Applicable
b)  Audit-Related Fees:
c)  Tax Fees:
The tax fees consist of consulting services relating to the Registrant’s investments.
d)  All Other Fees:
The other fees consist of subscription services related to an accounting research tool.

All audit and permissible non-audit services that the Registrant’s audit committee considers compatible with maintaining the independent registered public accounting firm’s independence are required to be pre-approved by the committee.  The pre-approval requirement will extend to all non-audit services provided to the Registrant, the investment adviser, and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the Registrant, if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Registrant. The committee will not delegate its responsibility to pre-approve these services to the investment adviser. The committee may delegate to one or more committee members the authority to review and pre-approve audit and permissible non-audit services.  Actions taken under any such delegation will be reported to the full committee at its next meeting. The pre-approval requirement is waived with respect to non-audit services if certain conditions are met. The pre-approval requirement was not waived for any of the non-audit services listed above provided to the Registrant, adviser and affiliates.

Aggregate non-audit fees paid to the Registrant’s auditors, including fees for all services billed to the Registrant, adviser and affiliates that provide ongoing services to the Registrant, were $29,000 for fiscal year 2011 and $10,000 for fiscal year 2012. The non-audit services represented by these amounts were brought to the attention of the committee and considered to be compatible with maintaining the auditors’ independence.

ITEM 5 – Audit Committee of Listed Registrants

Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a listed issuer as defined in Rule 10A-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
ITEM 6 – Schedule of Investments
The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America ®
Investment portfolio
August 31, 2012

Bonds & notes — 92.91%
Principal amount
ALABAMA — 0.17%
Incentives Fncg. Auth., Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2024
  $ 2,375     $ 2,757  
Incentives Fncg. Auth., Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2029
    1,250       1,416  
City of Mobile Industrial Dev. Board, Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Alabama Power Co. Barry Plant Project),
Series 2007-C, 5.00% 2034 (put 2015)
    3,000       3,304  
Industrial Dev. Board. of the City of Selma, Gulf Opportunity Zone Bonds (International Paper Co. Project),
Series 2011-A, 5.375% 2035
    4,000       4,375  
Special Care Facs. Fncg. Auth. of the City of Pell City, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Noland Health Services, Inc.),
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2039
    3,200       3,426  
Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama, Birmingham Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.25% 2025
    1,000       1,100  
ALASKA — 0.09%
City of Anchorage, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2016
    870       961  
City of Anchorage, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2016 (preref. 2015)
    1,165       1,295  
Municipality of Anchorage, G.O. Ref. General Purpose Bonds, Series 1995-B, FGIC-National insured, 6.00% 2012
    715       718  
Municipality of Anchorage, Municipal Light & Power Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1996, National insured, 6.50% 2014
    5,000       5,636  
ARIZONA — 3.86%
Certs. of Part., Series 2010-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2015
    5,365       6,000  
Certs. of Part., Series 2010-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 2025
    2,500       2,915  
Estrella Mountain Ranch Community Facs. Dist. (City of Goodyear), Dist. G.O. Bonds, Series 2007, 6.125% 2027
    660       688  
Estrella Mountain Ranch Community Facs. Dist. (City of Goodyear), Dist. G.O. Bonds, Series 2007, 6.20% 2032
    1,000       1,035  
City of Glendale, Water and Sewer Rev. Ref. Obligations, Series 2012, 5.00% 2027
    1,500       1,792  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Glendale, Rev. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2010, 5.00% 2025
    1,000       1,111  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Glendale, Rev. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2010, 5.00% 2035
    2,170       2,315  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Glendale, Rev. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2010, 5.125% 2040
    6,215       6,626  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Glendale, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2007, 5.00% 2023
    3,725       4,261  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Glendale, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2007, 5.00% 2024
    2,910       3,324  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Glendale, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2007, 5.00% 2025
    2,610       2,963  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Glendale, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2007, 5.00% 2026
    1,630       1,833  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Glendale, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2007, 5.00% 2031
    3,500       3,863  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Glendale, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2007, 5.25% 2020
    1,795       2,100  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Glendale, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2007, 5.25% 2021
    1,000       1,171  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Glendale, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwestern University), Series 2007, 5.25% 2022
    2,185       2,570  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Beatitudes Campus Project), Series 2006, 5.20% 2037 1
    8,145       7,405  
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2007-A, 1.17% 2042 (put 2015) 2
    1,000       991  
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Series 2007-B, 1.02% 2042 (put 2015) 2
    9,000       8,947  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2014
    2,000       2,122  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2020
    2,000       2,298  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2007-B, 1.119% 2037 2
    22,200       16,788  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Banner Health), Series 2007-A, 5.25% 2022
    1,500       1,714  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the County of Maricopa, Health Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West),
Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2038 (put 2014)
    1,500       1,599  
McAllister Academic Village LLC, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Arizona State University Hassayampa Academic Village Project),
Series 2008, 5.00% 2027
    5,035       5,574  
McAllister Academic Village LLC, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Arizona State University Hassayampa Academic Village Project),
Series 2008, 5.00% 2028
    4,000       4,417  
McAllister Academic Village LLC, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Arizona State University Hassayampa Academic Village Project),
Series 2008, 5.00% 2038
    10,000       10,766  
McAllister Academic Village LLC, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Arizona State University Hassayampa Academic Village Project),
Series 2008, 5.25% 2026
    3,500       3,940  
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2028
    2,970       3,370  
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2038
    3,000       3,283  
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2025
    2,000       2,317  
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2029
    9,730       11,134  
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2040
    20,000       22,104  
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008, 5.50% 2024
    1,000       1,217  
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Water System Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2024
    4,895       5,922  
City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011, 5.00% 2025
    3,000       3,647  
Industrial Dev. of the City of Phoenix, Lease Rev. Bonds (Rowan University Project), Series 2012, 5.00% 2042
    11,250       12,136  
Industrial Dev. of the City of Phoenix, Lease Rev. Bonds (Rowan University Project), Series 2012, 5.25% 2034
    15,000       16,699  
Quail Creek Community Facs. Dist. (Sahuarita), G.O. Bonds, Series 2006, 5.55% 2030
    1,000       937  
Town of Queen Creek, Improvement Dist. No. 001, Improvement Bonds, 5.00% 2026
    4,075       4,104  
Town of Queen Creek, Improvement Dist. No. 001, Improvement Bonds, 5.00% 2032
    4,000       4,023  
Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2004-A, 5.00% 2016
    5,975       6,335  
Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Salt River Project Electric System Rev. Bonds,
Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2024
    3,000       3,530  
Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Salt River Project Electric System Rev. Bonds,
Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2028
    8,500       9,960  
Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Salt River Project Electric System Rev. Bonds,
Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2038
    18,860       20,906  
Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist., Salt River Project Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2033
    5,000       5,682  
School Facs. Board, Certs. of Part., Series 2008, 5.125% 2021
    13,000       14,865  
School Facs. Board, State School Trust Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2017
    3,000       3,348  
School Facs. Board, State School Trust Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2018
    2,000       2,236  
City of Scottsdale Municipal Property Corp., Excise Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 2030
    23,000       29,049  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Scottsdale, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Scottsdale Healthcare),
Series 2006-C, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2035
    2,990       3,308  
State Lottery Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2021
    8,250       9,862  
State Lottery Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2025
    5,000       5,784  
State Lottery Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2026
    15,000       17,248  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Tempe, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Friendship Village of Tempe), Series 2012-A, 6.25% 2042
    2,000       2,162  
Transportation Board Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2032
    5,000       5,774  
Transportation Board Highway Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.25% 2030
    5,000       6,042  
Board of Regents, Ref. Certs. of Part. (University of Arizona Projects), Series 2012-C, 5.00% 2023
    7,300       8,721  
Vistancia Community Facs. Dist. (Peoria), G.O. Bonds, Series 2005, 5.50% 2020
    1,000       1,070  
Vistancia Community Facs. Dist. (Peoria), G.O. Bonds, Series 2006, 4.55% 2026
    11,350       11,714  
Water Infrastructure Fin. Auth., Water Quality Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2023
    4,000       4,758  
Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-01 of the City of Aliso Viejo, 2007 Special Tax Bonds
(Glenwood at Aliso Viejo), 6.00% 2038
    2,000       2,046  
Antelope Valley Healthcare Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series 2002-A, 5.25% 2017
    8,000       8,168  
City of Antioch Public Fncg. Auth., 1998 Reassessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.85% 2015
    1,060       1,063  
City of Azusa, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2005-1 (Rosedale), Improvement Area No. 1, Special Tax Bonds,
Series 2007, 5.00% 2037
    2,645       2,368  
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Insured Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Institute on Aging),
Series 2008-A, 5.65% 2038
    1,000       1,070  
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Insured Rev. Ref. Bonds (Casa de las Campanas, Inc.),
Series 2010, 6.00% 2037
    3,275       3,728  
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Insured Rev. Ref. Bonds (Channing House),
Series 2010, 6.00% 2030
    2,000       2,262  
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Rev. Bonds
(Windemere Ranch Infrastructure Fncg. Program), Series 2007-A, CIFG insured, 5.00% 2021
    1,010       1,089  
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Rev. Ref. Bonds
(Windemere Ranch Infrastructure Fncg. Program), Series 2007-B, 5.00% 2034
    1,635       1,636  
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Rev. Bonds
(Windemere Ranch Infrastructure Fncg. Program), Series 2007-A, CIFG insured, 5.00% 2024
    1,160       1,226  
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Episcopal Senior Communities),
Series 2011, 6.125% 2041
    1,715       1,946  
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sharp HealthCare),
Series 2009-B, 6.00% 2024
    1,000       1,205  
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sharp HealthCare),
Series 2009-B, 6.125% 2029
    1,000       1,198  
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sharp HealthCare),
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2023
    1,640       1,894  
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Southern California Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group,
Rev. Ref. Bonds (Redwood Senior Homes and Services), Series 2002, 6.00% 2022
    1,750       1,776  
Assn. of Bay Area Governments, Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Southern California Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group,
Rev. Ref. Bonds (Redwood Senior Homes and Services), Series 2002, 6.125% 2032
    1,000       1,012  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern California Presbyterian Homes),
Series 2006-A, 4.875% 2036
    2,000       2,002  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern California Presbyterian Homes),
Series 2009, 6.625% 2024
    1,680       1,910  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Senior Living Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern California Presbyterian Homes),
Series 2009, 7.25% 2041
    2,750       3,137  
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-F-1, 5.00% 2034
    3,980       4,519  
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-F-1, 5.00% 2034
    20,000       22,570  
Bay Area Toll Auth., San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-F-1, 5.125% 2039
    10,000       11,210  
California County Tobacco Securitization Agcy., Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Bonds
(Alameda County Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp.), Series 2002, 4.75% 2019
    335       335  
Community Facs. Dist. No. 90-2, Capistrano Unified School Dist. (Talega), Special Tax Bonds
(Improvement Area No. 2002-1), Series 2003, 5.875% 2023
    1,750       1,786  
Castaic Lake Water Agcy., Rev. Ref. Certs. of Part. (1999 Ref. Project), Series 2006-A, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2020
    2,015       2,245  
Cerritos Public Fin. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Bonds (Cerritos Redev. Projects),
Series 2002-A, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2020
    5,000       5,458  
Cerritos Public Fncg. Auth., 2002 Tax Allocation Rev. Bonds (Cerritos Redev. Projects),
Series A, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2017
    2,880       3,193  
Cerritos Public Fncg. Auth., 2002 Tax Allocation Rev. Bonds (Cerritos Redev. Projects),
Series A, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2019
    1,000       1,100  
Certs. of Part., Palomar Pomerado Health, 6.00% 2030
    7,500       8,221  
Coast Community College Dist., Election of 2002 G.O. Bonds, Series 2006-B,
Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2024
    4,990       5,630  
Community Facs. Dist. No. 2002-1, City of Corona (Dos Lagos), Special Tax Bonds (Improvement Area No. 1),
Series 2007, 4.875% 2037
    325       289  
Community Facs. Dist. No. 2002-1, City of Corona (Dos Lagos), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2005-A, 4.90% 2025
    3,140       3,086  
Econ. Recovery Bonds, Ref. Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2021
    17,750       21,613  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Claremont Graduate University), Series 2008-A, 5.125% 2028
    1,100       1,179  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loyola Marymount University), Series 2010-A, 5.125% 2040
    1,750       1,918  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Loyola Marymount University), Series 2010-B, 0.97% 2015 2
    2,555       2,558  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Loyola Marymount University), Series 2011, 5.00% 2020
    250       298  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Loyola Marymount University), Series 2011, 5.00% 2021
    750       899  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mills College), Series 2005-A, 4.50% 2035
    1,000       1,005  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mills College), Series 2005-A, 5.00% 2020
    1,115       1,204  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Mills College), Series 2005-A, 5.00% 2034
    2,720       2,833  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mills College), Series 2005-B, 5.00% 2020
    875       951  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pitzer College), Series 2005-A, 5.00% 2025
    1,000       1,058  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pitzer College), Series 2005-A, 5.00% 2030
    2,000       2,089  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pitzer College), Series 2009, 5.25% 2024
    400       459  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pitzer College), Series 2009, 5.50% 2029
    1,650       1,871  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Pitzer College), Series 2009, 6.00% 2040
    2,840       3,354  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stanford University), Series U-1, 5.25% 2040
    5,000       7,059  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of San Francisco), Series 2011, 6.125% 2036
    3,450       4,233  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of the Pacific), 5.50% 2039
    965       1,076  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of the Pacific), Series 2006, 5.00% 2021
    850       918  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of the Pacific), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2026
    895       1,034  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of the Pacific), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2030
    750       849  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of the Pacific), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2042
    800       880  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of the Pacific), 5.50% 2039 (preref. 2019)
    85       108  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chapman University), Series 2011, 5.00% 2026
    3,070       3,526  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chapman University), Series 2011, 5.00% 2031
    5,405       6,059  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pepperdine University), Series 2012, 5.00% 2033
    2,500       2,940  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of La Verne), Series 2005-A, 5.00% 2026
    965       1,016  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of San Diego), Series 2011, 5.00% 2022
    600       723  
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of San Diego), Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2035
    1,200       1,325  
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of San Diego), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2030
    2,330       2,681  
County of El Dorado, Community Facs. Dist. No. 1992-1 (El Dorado Hills Dev.), Special Tax Bonds,
Series 1999, 6.125% 2016
    740       742  
Various Purpose G.O. Bonds, 5.00% 2041
    14,000       15,387  
Various Purpose G.O. Bonds, 5.25% 2028
    10,185       11,924  
Various Purpose G.O. Bonds, 5.25% 2028
    3,000       3,516  
Various Purpose G.O. Bonds, 6.00% 2038
    8,000       9,437  
Various Purpose G.O. Bonds, 6.00% 2039
    10,000       11,932  
Various Purpose G.O. Bonds, 6.50% 2033
    7,000       8,736  
Various Purpose G.O. Ref. Bonds, 5.00% 2031
    10,000       11,344  
Various Purpose G.O. Ref. Bonds, 5.00% 2032
    4,000       4,527  
Various Purpose G.O. Ref. Bonds, 5.00% 2038
    10,000       11,038  
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Bonds,
Series 2003-B, FGIC insured, 5.50% 2033 (preref. 2013)
    4,000       4,159  
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Bonds,
Series 2003-A-1, 6.25% 2033 (preref. 2013)
    6,340       6,615  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Scripps Health), Series 2012-A, 4.50% 2035
    2,500       2,660  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth. Rev. Bonds (Scripps Health), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2029
    1,215       1,404  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West), Series 2008-I, 5.125% 2022
    1,345       1,462  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West), Series 2008-K, 5.125% 2022
    4,350       4,790  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West), Series 2011-A, 5.25% 2041
    4,230       4,706  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Insured Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West),
Series 2007-F, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0.43% 2040 2
    12,775       12,775  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West), Series 2008-B, 5.50% 2030
    1,975       2,190  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West), Series 2008-D, 5.50% 2031
    5,860       6,505  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center), Series 2009, 5.00% 2039
    9,000       9,789  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center), Series 2005, 5.00% 2020
    2,500       2,743  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Episcopal Home), Series 2002-B, 5.10% 2019
    810       904  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Episcopal Home), Series 2002-B, 6.00% 2032
    3,800       4,285  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kaiser Permanente), Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2037
    5,480       5,784  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kaiser Permanente), Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2019
    2,000       2,375  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kaiser Permanente), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2042
    10,000       10,927  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Sutter Health), Series 2011-D, 5.25% 2031
    5,000       5,740  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Sutter Health), Series 2011-A, 6.00% 2042
    9,000       10,803  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Providence Health & Services), Series C, 6.50% 2038
    980       1,167  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Providence Health & Services), Series C, 6.50% 2038 (preref. 2018)
    20       26  
Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (St. Joseph Health System), Series 2009-D, 5.00% 2034 (put 2016)
    4,000       4,589  
Independent Cities Lease Fin. Auth., Mobile Home Park Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westlake Mobilehome Park),
Series 2007-A, 4.50% 2037
    1,000       1,003  
Infrastructure and Econ. Dev. Bank, Rev. Ref. Bonds (J. Paul Getty Trust), Series 2011-A-1, 0.67% 2038 (put 2014) 2
    5,000       5,000  
City of Irvine, Assessment Dist. No. 03-19, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Group Four, 5.00% 2029
    1,405       1,428  
City of Irvine, Assessment Dist. No. 03-19, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Group Two, 5.50% 2029
    2,810       2,867  
City of Irvine, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Reassessment Dist. No. 12-1, 4.00% 2028
    675       696  
City of Irvine, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Reassessment Dist. No. 12-1, 5.00% 2023
    1,235       1,428  
City of La Verne, Rev. Certs. of Part. (Brethren Hillcrest Homes), Series 2003-A, ACA insured, 5.60% 2033
    750       753  
City of La Verne, Rev. Certs. of Part. (Brethren Hillcrest Homes), Series 2003-B, 6.625% 2025
    1,250       1,272  
Lee Lake Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Sycamore Creek), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2003, 6.00% 2033
    1,000       1,032  
Lee Lake Water Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 1 (Sycamore Creek), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2005, 5.30% 2035
    1,500       1,518  
City of Lincoln, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1, Special Tax Bonds (Lincoln Crossing Project),
Series 2003-A, 6.125% 2033 (preref. 2013)
    1,785       1,921  
Lincoln Public Fin. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-A, AMBAC insured, 4.50% 2034
    5,000       4,844  
City of Long Beach, Harbor Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2025
    3,000       3,558  
Long Beach Bond Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Aquarium of the Pacific Project), Series 2012, 5.00% 2027
    1,000       1,163  
Long Beach Bond Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Aquarium of the Pacific Project), Series 2012, 5.00% 2028
    1,000       1,158  
City of Los Angeles Harbor Dept., Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2026
    6,555       7,603  
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, Subseries A-2, 5.25% 2032
    5,000       5,875  
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2041
    2,825       3,213  
City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water and Power, Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2043
    3,500       4,055  
City of Los Angeles, Solid Waste Resources Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2020
    7,500       9,050  
City of Los Angeles, Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2002-A, FGIC-National insured, 6.00% 2022
    5,000       6,771  
City of Los Angeles, Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2032
    3,000       3,453  
Community Redev. Agcy. of the City of Los Angeles, Lease Rev. Bonds (Vermont Manchester Social Services Project),
Series 2005, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2020
    2,675       2,905  
Community Redev. Agcy. of the City of Los Angeles, Lease Rev. Bonds (Vermont Manchester Social Services Project),
Series 2005, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2022
    1,500       1,604  
Community Redev. Agcy. of the City of Los Angeles, Lease Rev. Bonds (Vermont Manchester Social Services Project),
Series 2005, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2023
    1,500       1,597  
Dept. of Airports of the City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2029
    7,000       8,146  
Dept. of Airports of the City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2029
    4,655       5,439  
Dept. of Airports of the City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles International Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2035
    6,500       7,357  
Housing Auth. of the City of Los Angeles, Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Property Acquisition Refundings),
Series 2009-A, 6.00% 2029
    1,000       1,112  
Housing Auth. of the City of Los Angeles, Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Property Acquisition Refundings),
Series 2009-A, 6.375% 2039
    3,000       3,237  
Los Angeles Community College Dist. (County of Los Angeles), G.O. Bonds, 2008 Election, Series 2010-C, 5.25% 2039
    2,000       2,328  
Los Angeles Convention and Exhibition Center Auth., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2020
    7,000       7,853  
Los Angeles Unified School Dist. (County of Los Angeles), Election of 2004 G.O. Bonds, Series 2009-I, 5.00% 2024
    2,580       3,035  
Los Rios Community College Dist. (Sacramento County), 2012 G.O. Ref. Bonds, 5.00% 2028
    3,000       3,592  
M-S-R Energy Auth., Gas Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-B, 6.50% 2039
    2,000       2,570  
Mobilehome Park Fncg. Auth., Mobile Home Park Rev. Ref. Bonds (Union City Tropics), Series 2006-A, 4.50% 2027
    1,125       1,146  
Mobilehome Park Fncg. Auth., Mobile Home Park Rev. Ref. Bonds (Union City Tropics), Series 2006-A, 4.50% 2036
    3,260       3,241  
City of Moorpark, Community Facs. Dist. No 2004-1, Special Tax Bonds (Moorpark Highlands), Series 2006, 5.00% 2016
    995       1,036  
City of Moorpark, Community Facs. Dist. No 2004-1, Special Tax Bonds (Moorpark Highlands), Series 2006, 5.25% 2026
    605       622  
Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-6, Moreno Valley Unified School Dist., Special Tax Bonds, Series 2005, 5.10% 2028
    2,410       2,464  
Morongo Band of Mission Indians, Enterprise Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-B, 5.50% 2018
    3,910       4,046  
Morongo Band of Mission Indians, Enterprise Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-B, 6.50% 2028
    5,400       5,773  
Municipal Fin. Auth., Certs. of Part. (Community Hospitals of Central California Obligated Group), 5.25% 2024
    3,785       4,053  
Municipal Fin. Auth., Certs. of Part. (Community Hospitals of Central California Obligated Group), 5.25% 2037
    2,770       2,860  
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loma Linda University), Series 2007, 5.00% 2037
    1,000       1,034  
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University Students’ Cooperative Assn.), Series 2007, 5.00% 2037
    1,000       1,014  
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Azusa Pacific University Project), Series 2011-B, 8.00% 2041 1
    3,400       4,044  
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Biola University), Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2018
    2,130       2,382  
Municipal Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Biola University), Series 2008-A, 5.80% 2028
    500       547  
Murrieta Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 2031
    1,200       1,302  
City of Newport Beach, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian), Series 2009-E, 5.00% 2038 (put 2013)
    2,000       2,039  
City of Norco, Community Facs. Dist. No. 2001-1 (Norco Ridge Ranch), Special Tax Ref. Bonds,
Issue of 2006, AMBAC insured, 4.875% 2033
    3,000       2,902  
Northern California Power Agcy., Hydroelectric Project Number One Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2023
    5,000       5,818  
Northern California Power Agcy., Hydroelectric Project Number One Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2032
    1,400       1,623  
Northern California Power Agcy., Lodi Energy Center Rev. Bonds, Issue One, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2025
    5,000       5,779  
Community Facs. Dist. No. 2002-1, Orange County (Ladera Ranch), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2003-A, 5.55% 2033
    2,500       2,512  
Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1, Orange County (Ladera Ranch), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2005-A, 5.00% 2025
    2,000       2,019  
Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1, Orange County (Ladera Ranch), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2005-A, 5.15% 2029
    4,000       4,033  
Community Facs. Dist. No. 2004-1, Orange County (Ladera Ranch), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2005-A, 5.20% 2034
    1,000       1,006  
Orange County Sanitation Dist., Certs. of Part., Series 2007-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2037
    35,000       39,117  
Orange County Sanitation Dist., Certs. of Part., Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2027
    2,925       3,366  
City of Palm Desert, Section 29 Assessment Dist. (No. 2004-02), Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds,
Series 2007, 5.10% 2037
    2,000       1,641  
Perris Union High School Dist., Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2011, 6.00% 2033
    1,000       1,035  
Poway Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 14 (Del Sur), Improvement Area A Special Tax Bonds,
Series 2006, 4.90% 2018
    1,790       1,857  
Poway Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 14 (Del Sur), Improvement Area A Special Tax Bonds,
Series 2006, 5.125% 2026
    1,770       1,805  
Poway Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 14 (Del Sur), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2006, 5.10% 2021
    1,290       1,334  
Poway Unified School Dist., Community Facs. Dist. No. 14 (Del Sur), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2006, 5.25% 2036
    3,495       3,511  
Poway Unified School Dist., Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.375% 2030
    2,340       2,423  
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Trustees of the California State University, J. Paul Leonard & Sutro Library),
Series 2009-J, 6.00% 2034
    3,000       3,565  
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2009-I-1, 5.50% 2023
    10,000       11,892  
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2009-I-1, 6.125% 2029
    3,000       3,664  
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2009-I-1, 6.625% 2034
    10,000       12,325  
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2033
    2,000       2,190  
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Bonds (Various Capital Projects), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2037
    17,000       18,461  
Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dept. of Corrections, Various State Prisons),
Series 1993-A, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2019
    4,240       4,699  
City of Rancho Cordova, Sunridge Anatolia Community Facs. Dist. No. 2003-1, Special Tax Bonds,
Series 2007, 5.375% 2037
    2,000       2,003  
Community Facs. Dist. No. 15 (Mission Ranch) of Riverside Unified School Dist., Special Tax Bonds
(Improvement Area No. 2), Series 2005-A, 5.15% 2025
    1,250       1,283  
County of Riverside Community Facs. Dist. No. 04-2 (Lake Hills Crest), Special Tax Bonds, Series 2005, 5.00% 2030
    1,590       1,590  
Sacramento City Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Master Lease Program Facs.), Series 2006-E, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2025
    7,500       8,845  
Sacramento County Water Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sacramento County Water Agcy. Zones 40 and 41
2007 Water System Project), Series 2007-B, FGIC-National insured, 0.863% 2034 2
    5,000       3,731  
Sacramento Municipal Utility Dist. Fncg. Auth., Cosumnes Project Rev. Bonds,
Series 2006, National insured, 5.125% 2029
    15,500       16,536  
Sacramento Municipal Utility Dist., Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-Y, 5.00% 2032
    1,675       1,953  
County of San Bernardino, Certs. of Part. (Arrowhead Ref. Project), Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2022
    4,000       4,288  
County of San Bernardino, Certs. of Part. (Arrowhead Ref. Project), Series 2009-A, 5.125% 2024
    7,000       7,466  
City of San Buenaventura, Rev. Bonds (Community Memorial Health System), Series 2011, 7.50% 2041
    19,600       23,808  
Public Facs. Fncg. Auth. of the City of San Diego, Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2034
    4,500       5,183  
Public Facs. Fncg. Auth. of the City of San Diego, Sewer Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.375% 2034
    1,000       1,161  
Public Facs. Fncg. Auth. of the City of San Diego, Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-B, 5.00% 2026
    4,015       4,710  
Public Facs. Fncg. Auth. of the City of San Diego, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2021
    1,000       1,187  
Public Facs. Fncg. Auth. of the City of San Diego, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.25% 2027
    3,000       3,602  
San Diego County Community College Dist., 2012 G.O. Ref. Bonds, 5.00% 2029
    3,000       3,639  
San Diego County Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2023
    3,900       4,620  
San Diego County Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2029
    2,000       2,259  
San Diego County Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2030
    2,500       2,810  
San Diego County Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2034
    1,355       1,499  
San Diego County Regional Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2040
    1,000       1,092  
San Diego County Regional Transportation Commission, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2048
    5,000       5,712  
San Diego Unified School Dist., G.O. Bonds (Election of 2008), Series 2012-E, 0% 2036
    2,500       769  
Airport Commission, City and County of San Francisco, San Francisco International Airport, Second Series Rev. Bonds,
Series 2009-E, 5.25% 2032
    16,500       18,948  
Airport Commission, City and County of San Francisco, San Francisco International Airport, Second Series Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2009-A, 4.90% 2029
    15,010       17,183  
City and County of San Francisco, Certs. of Part. (Multiple Capital Improvement Projects), Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2023
    6,000       6,936  
City and County of San Francisco, Ref. Certs. of Part., Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2026
    6,020       6,982  
City and County of San Francisco, Ref. Certs. of Part., Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2027
    6,325       7,313  
Public Utilities Commission of the City and County of San Francisco, San Francisco Water Rev. Bonds,
Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2024
    7,500       8,914  
Public Utilities Commission of the City and County of San Francisco, San Francisco Water Rev. Bonds,
Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2029
    5,665       6,591  
San Francisco State Building Auth., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (San Francisco Civic Center Complex),
Series 2005-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2019
    4,000       4,375  
San Francisco State Building Auth., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (San Francisco Civic Center Complex),
Series 2005-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2020
    4,000       4,409  
City of San Jose, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A-2, 5.25% 2034
    3,000       3,377  
Redev. Agcy. of the City of San Jose, Housing Set-Aside Tax Allocation Bonds (Merged Area Redev. Project),
Series 2010-A-1, 5.00% 2018
    400       428  
Redev. Agcy. of the City of San Jose, Housing Set-Aside Tax Allocation Bonds (Merged Area Redev. Project),
Series 2010-A-1, 5.00% 2024
    800       812  
Redev. Agcy. of the City of San Jose, Housing Set-Aside Tax Allocation Bonds (Merged Area Redev. Project),
Series 2010-A-1, 5.125% 2025
    840       856  
Redev. Agcy. of the City of San Jose, Housing Set-Aside Tax Allocation Bonds (Merged Area Redev. Project),
Series 2010-A-1, 5.50% 2035
    1,500       1,521  
Redev. Agcy. of the City of San Jose, Tax Allocation Ref. Bonds (Merged Area Redev. Project),
 Series 2006-D, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2021
    5,000       5,085  
San Mateo County Joint Powers Fncg. Auth., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Capital Projects), Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2023
    2,000       2,381  
San Mateo County Joint Powers Fncg. Auth., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (Capital Projects), Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2024
    1,000       1,184  
Community Redev. Agcy. of the City of Santa Ana, Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2011-A, 6.00% 2022
    3,350       3,897  
City of Santa Clara, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 6.00% 2031
    1,250       1,532  
Redev. Agcy. of the City of Santa Monica, 2011 Tax Allocation Bonds
(Earthquake Recovery Redev. Project), 5.875% 2042
    3,750       4,426  
Santa Rosa Rancheria Tachi Yokut Tribe, Enterprise Rev. Bonds (Federally Tax Exempt), Series 2006, 4.875% 2016 1
    1,165       1,217  
Santa Rosa Rancheria Tachi Yokut Tribe, Enterprise Rev. Bonds (Federally Tax Exempt), Series 2006, 5.00% 2020 1
    2,600       2,663  
Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit Dist., Measure Q Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2025
    2,000       2,422  
South Orange County Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Bonds (Ladera Ranch),
Series 2005-A, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2023
    4,080       4,210  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Gas Project Rev. Bonds (Project No. 1), Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2029
    2,000       2,054  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Milford Wind Corridor Phase I Project), Series 2010-1, 5.00% 2026
    14,785       17,388  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Milford Wind Corridor Phase I Project), Series 2010-1, 5.00% 2027
    13,000       15,122  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Rev. Bonds (Milford Wind Corridor Phase I Project), Series 2010-1, 5.00% 2030
    7,165       8,231  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Transmission Project Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern Transmission Project),
Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2023
    3,000       3,502  
Trustees of the State University, Systemwide Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2037
    4,000       4,559  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Certs. of Part. (Internext Group), 5.375% 2017
    1,810       1,817  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Front Porch Communities and Services Project),
Series 2007-A, 5.125% 2037 1
    7,650       7,874  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Inland Regional Center Project), Series 2007, 5.375% 2037
    1,500       1,528  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Baptist Homes of the West), Series 2010, 5.375% 2020
    2,000       2,219  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Baptist Homes of the West), Series 2010, 6.00% 2029
    2,625       2,887  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Baptist Homes of the West), Series 2010, 6.25% 2039
    4,200       4,568  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cottage Health System Obligated Group), Series 2010, 5.25% 2030
    4,850       5,524  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Irvine, LLC-UCI East Campus Apartments, Phase II),
Series 2008, 6.00% 2040
    5,500       5,925  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds
(CHF-Irvine, LLC-UCI East Campus Apartments, Phase I), Series 2011, 5.125% 2031
    1,310       1,400  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds
(CHF-Irvine, LLC-UCI East Campus Apartments, Phase II), Series 2006, 5.00% 2018
    2,695       2,942  
Statewide Communities Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds
(CHF-Irvine, LLC-UCI East Campus Apartments, Phase II), Series 2006, 5.00% 2027
    4,180       4,328  
Stockton Public Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Redev. Projects), Series 2006-A, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2019
    2,515       2,271  
City of Temecula, Public Fncg. Auth., Community Facs. Dist. No. 03-03 (Wolf Creek), Special Tax Bonds,
Series 2003, 5.90% 2034
    1,725       1,759  
Thousand Oaks Community Facs. Dist., Ref. Bonds (Marketplace Mall), 5.375% 2031
    1,000       1,003  
Tobacco Securitization Auth. of Southern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Rev. Ref. Bonds
(San Diego County Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp.), Series 2006-A, 4.75% 2025
    2,000       2,001  
Tobacco Securitization Auth. of Southern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Rev. Ref. Bonds
(San Diego County Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp.), Series 2006-A, 5.125% 2046
    22,380       17,686  
City of Torrance, Rev. Bonds (Torrance Memorial Medical Center), Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2040
    3,000       3,213  
Tuolumne Wind Project Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tuolumne Co. Project), Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2022
    1,000       1,160  
Tuolumne Wind Project Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tuolumne Co. Project), Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2023
    3,000       3,499  
Tuolumne Wind Project Auth., Rev. Bonds (Tuolumne Co. Project), Series 2009-A, 5.625% 2029
    2,870       3,357  
Turlock Irrigation Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.50% 2041
    13,990       16,002  
Tustin Community Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (MCAS-Tustin Redev. Project Area), Series 2010, 4.50% 2023
    1,160       1,224  
Tustin Community Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (MCAS-Tustin Redev. Project Area), Series 2010, 5.00% 2028
    705       757  
Tustin Community Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Bonds (MCAS-Tustin Redev. Project Area), Series 2010, 5.00% 2032
    1,000       1,054  
Regents of the University of California, Limited Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-G, 5.00% 2031
    5,000       5,941  
Regents of the University of California, Limited Project Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-G, 5.00% 2037
    3,000       3,470  
Walnut Energy Center Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2040
    6,000       6,531  
Washington Township Health Care Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.75% 2024
    1,020       1,188  
Washington Township Health Care Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1999, 5.00% 2014
    1,300       1,304  
Washington Township Health Care Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2022
    1,435       1,568  
Dept. of Water Resources, Power Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-H, 5.00% 2021
    2,000       2,396  
Dept. of Water Resources, Power Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-K, 5.00% 2018
    1,500       1,829  
Dept. of Water Resources, Power Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-L, 5.00% 2019
    7,000       8,635  
Dept. of Water Resources, Power Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-L, 5.00% 2021
    1,170       1,448  
Dept. of Water Resources, Power Supply Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-L, 5.00% 2022
    11,800       14,473  
Dept. of Water Resources, Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds (Central Valley Project), Series AF, 5.00% 2029
    3,590       4,201  
Dept. of Water Resources, Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds (Central Valley Project), Series AM, 5.00% 2024
    5,745       7,095  
COLORADO — 2.53%
Compark Business Campus Metropolitan Dist., Douglas County, G.O. Ref. and Improvement Bonds,
Series 2007-A, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2016 (escrowed to maturity)
    1,000       1,173  
Compark Business Campus Metropolitan Dist., Douglas County, G.O. Ref. and Improvement Bonds,
Series 2007-A, RADIAN insured, 5.25% 2021
    2,650       2,668  
Compark Business Campus Metropolitan Dist., Douglas County, G.O. Ref. and Improvement Bonds,
Series 2007-A, RADIAN insured, 5.60% 2034
    3,610       3,400  
Cross Creek Metropolitan Dist. No. 2 (City of Aurora), Limited Tax G.O. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006, 3.50% 2037 2
    1,000       776  
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-A, XLCA insured, 5.00% 2020
    2,215       2,462  
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-A, XLCA insured, 5.00% 2023
    7,400       8,225  
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2031
    3,000       3,381  
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2026
    5,000       5,826  
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2028
    5,000       5,775  
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2036
    7,000       7,876  
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2022
    2,000       2,357  
City and County of Denver, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-A, XLCA insured, 5.00% 2020 (preref. 2015)
    1,285       1,471  
Denver Convention Center Hotel Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2003-A, XLCA insured, 5.00% 2016 (preref. 2013)
    6,925       7,326  
Denver Convention Center Hotel Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006, XLCA insured, 5.00% 2035
    1,500       1,538  
Denver Convention Center Hotel Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006, XLCA insured, 5.25% 2019
    4,155       4,431  
Denver Health and Hospital Auth., Healthcare Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-B, 1.412% 2033 2
    9,545       7,322  
Educational and Cultural Facs. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Campus Village Apartments Project),
Series 2008, 5.375% 2028
    2,000       2,176  
Educational and Cultural Facs. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Campus Village Apartments Project),
Series 2008, 5.50% 2038
    3,000       3,214  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2002, 5.90% 2027 (preref. 2012)
    6,320       6,350  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2009-A, 6.125% 2038 (preref. 2014)
    1,000       1,100  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2004-A, 5.25% 2034
    1,300       1,330  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2005, 5.00% 2016
    820       870  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2005, 5.00% 2035
    1,500       1,556  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2005, 5.25% 2023
    1,725       1,845  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2006, 5.25% 2017
    1,000       1,121  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2006, 5.25% 2018
    2,250       2,505  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2006, 5.25% 2020
    1,100       1,225  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2006, 5.25% 2022
    3,260       3,613  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2006, 5.25% 2025
    4,215       4,637  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2006, 5.25% 2031
    3,970       4,284  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2012, 5.00% 2033
    5,490       5,978  
Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project),
Series 2012, 5.00% 2042
    19,500       20,648  
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2006-E, 5.00% 2015 (escrowed to maturity)
    135       155  
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2006-E, 5.125% 2017 (preref. 2016)
    175       209  
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longmont United Hospital Project),
Series 2006-B, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2017
    2,065       2,221  
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longmont United Hospital Project),
Series 2006-B, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2018
    2,000       2,135  
Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Longmont United Hospital Project),
Series 2006-B, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2019
    2,310       2,441  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Catholic Health Initiatives), Series 2008-D-1, 6.25% 2033
    1,000       1,185  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2002-B, 6.125% 2033
    9,000       9,187  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2005, 5.00% 2035
    15,400       15,885  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2005, 5.25% 2025
    3,500       3,638  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2033
    5,000       5,218  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Senior Residences Project), Series 2012, 7.00% 2042
    2,500       2,673  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Senior Residences Project), Series 2012, 7.125% 2047
    1,000       1,075  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Total Longterm Care National Obligated Group Project), Series 2011, 5.00% 2021
    1,000       1,076  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Total Longterm Care National Obligated Group Project), Series 2011, 5.75% 2031
    1,235       1,374  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Total Longterm Care National Obligated Group Project), Series 2011, 6.00% 2040
    1,000       1,116  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Total Longterm Care National Obligated Group Project), Series 2010-A, 6.00% 2030
    350       393  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Total Longterm Care National Obligated Group Project), Series 2010-A, 6.25% 2040
    975       1,093  
City of Lakewood, Plaza Metropolitan Dist. No. 1, Public Improvement Fee/Tax Increment Supported Rev. Bonds,
Series 2003, 7.375% 2013
    1,250       1,276  
Maher Ranch Metropolitan Dist. No. 4 (Town of Castle Rock), G.O. Limited Tax Ref. Bonds,
Series 2007, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2022
    2,560       2,514  
North Range Metropolitan Dist. No. 1 (Adams County), Limited Tax G.O. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2007, ACA insured, 5.00% 2021
    1,000       992  
Park Meadows Business Improvement Dist. in the City of Lone Tree, Shared Sales Tax Rev. Bonds,
Series 2007, 5.00% 2017
    1,470       1,598  
Prairie Center Metropolitan Dist. No. 3 (City of Brighton, Adams County), Limited Property Tax Supported Primary
Improvements Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2021
    1,205       1,219  
Public Auth. for Colorado Energy, Natural Gas Purchase Rev. Bonds, Series 2008, 6.25% 2028
    4,000       4,797  
Public Auth. for Colorado Energy, Natural Gas Purchase Rev. Bonds, Series 2008, 6.50% 2038
    4,500       5,558  
Regional Transportation Dist., Certs. of Part., Series 2010-A, 5.375% 2031
    3,000       3,430  
Regional Transportation Dist., Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project),
Series 2010, 6.00% 2034
    1,600       1,864  
Regional Transportation Dist., Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bonds (Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project),
Series 2010, 6.00% 2041
    23,765       27,511  
Southlands Metropolitan Dist. No. 1 (City of Aurora), G.O. Ref. and Improvement Bonds,
Series 2007, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2017
    1,115       1,139  
Tallgrass Metropolitan Dist., Arapahoe County, G.O. (Limited Tax Convertible to Unlimited Tax)
Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2007, 5.25% 2037
    1,250       1,211  
Tallyn’s Reach Metropolitan Dist. No. 3 (City of Aurora), Limited Tax G.O. Bonds (Convertible to Unlimited Tax),
Series 2007, 5.20% 2036
    1,500       1,516  
Regents of the University of Colorado, University Enterprise Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.375% 2032
    1,500       1,828  
Regents of the University of Colorado, University Enterprise Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A-1, 5.00% 2025
    5,000       6,155  
Vista Ridge Metropolitan Dist. (Weld County), Limited Tax G.O. Improvement and Ref. Bonds,
Series 2006-A, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2026
    1,500       1,431  
Vista Ridge Metropolitan Dist. (Weld County), Limited Tax G.O. Improvement and Ref. Bonds,
Series 2006-A, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2036
    2,000       1,776  
Town of Hamden, Rev. Bonds (Whitney Center Project), Series 2009-A, 7.75% 2043
    1,000       1,103  
Town of Hamden, Rev. Bonds (Whitney Center Project), Series 2009-B, 6.125% 2014
    335       335  
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth. Priority Distribution Payment, Public Improvement Bonds,
Series 2003, 5.125% 2023
    3,000       2,957  
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth. Priority Distribution Payment, Public Improvement Bonds,
Series 2003, 5.25% 2033
    1,000       913  
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth. Priority Distribution Payment, Public Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2001, 6.00% 2016
    830       831  
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth. Priority Distribution Payment, Public Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2001, 6.25% 2021
    4,500       4,504  
Mohegan Tribe of Indians, Gaming Auth. Priority Distribution Payment, Public Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2001, 6.25% 2031
    1,500       1,501  
DELAWARE — 0.11%
Housing Auth., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A-1, 5.45% 2040
    775       822  
New Castle County, G.O. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2026
    1,715       2,040  
New Castle County, G.O. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2027
    1,395       1,656  
Transportation Auth., Transportation System Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-B, 5.00% 2025
    5,000       5,904  
Ballpark Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-B-1, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2017
    2,370       2,607  
Ballpark Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-B-1, FGIC-National insured, 5.25% 2016
    1,000       1,116  
Dist. of Columbia, Rev. Bonds (Brookings Institution Issue), Series 2009, 5.75% 2039
    8,000       9,123  
Dist. of Columbia, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Catholic University of America Issue), Series 2007, National insured, 5.00% 2029
    4,000       4,295  
Certs. of Part., Lease Rev. Bonds, Series 2002, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2013
    350       355  
Certs. of Part., Lease Rev. Bonds, Series 2006, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2018
    2,000       2,227  
Certs. of Part., Lease Rev. Bonds, Series 2006, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2019
    2,000       2,211  
Certs. of Part., Lease Rev. Bonds, Series 2006, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2020
    2,780       3,055  
Certs. of Part., Lease Rev. Bonds, Series 2006, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2023
    1,575       1,731  
Certs. of Part., Lease Rev. Bonds, Series 2006, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2024
    7,000       7,692  
Dulles Toll Road, Rev. Bonds (Dulles Metrorail and Capital Improvement Projects), Current Interest Bonds,
Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2039
    7,000       7,697  
University Rev. Bonds (Georgetown University Issue), Series 2001-C, 5.25% 2034 (put 2023)
    24,000       26,979  
Dist. of Columbia, Income Tax Secured Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2036
    7,000       8,126  
Dist. of Columbia, Income Tax Secured Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-G, 5.00% 2036
    5,000       5,826  
Dist. of Columbia, Income Tax Secured Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-B, 5.00% 2018
    2,000       2,467  
Dist. of Columbia, Income Tax Secured Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-B, 5.25% 2034
    10,000       12,217  
Metropolitan Washington Airports Auth., Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2039
    1,800       2,016  
Dist. of Columbia, Tax Increment Rev. Bonds (City Market at O Street Project), Series 2011, 5.125% 2041
    5,700       6,156  
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2037
    3,000       3,458  
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 0.75% 2040 (put 2016) 2
    7,500       7,500  
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2029
    2,000       2,336  
Water and Sewer Auth., Public Utility Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 6.00% 2035
    1,000       1,217  
FLORIDA — 8.84%
Alachua County Health Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Shands HealthCare Project),
Series 2008-D-2, 6.75% 2030
    9,000       10,499  
Alachua County, Industrial Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (North Florida Retirement Village, Inc. Project),
Series 2007-A, 5.75% 2026
    2,000       2,013  
Bartram Park Community Dev. Dist. (Jacksonville), Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2005, 5.30% 2035
    1,715       1,695  
City of Cape Coral, Water and Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2041
    5,000       5,610  
City of Cape Coral, Water and Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2031
    1,500       1,687  
Dept. of Children and Family Services, Certs. of Part. (Florida Civil Commitment Center Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.00% 2017
    1,300       1,496  
Dept. of Children and Family Services, Certs. of Part. (Florida Civil Commitment Center Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.00% 2019
    2,900       3,304  
Dept. of Children and Family Services, Certs. of Part. (Florida Civil Commitment Center Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.00% 2021
    3,210       3,648  
Dept. of Children and Family Services, Certs. of Part. (Florida Civil Commitment Center Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.00% 2023
    3,545       4,005  
Dept. of Children and Family Services, Certs. of Part. (Florida Civil Commitment Center Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.00% 2024
    3,725       4,208  
Dept. of Children and Family Services, Certs. of Part. (Florida Civil Commitment Center Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.00% 2025
    3,920       4,428  
Dept. of Children and Family Services, Certs. of Part. (Florida Civil Commitment Center Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.00% 2026
    3,120       3,525  
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Coastal Account Secured Bonds, Series 2011-A-1, 5.00% 2018
    2,000       2,287  
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Coastal Account Secured Bonds, Series 2011-A-1, 5.00% 2019
    12,000       13,783  
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Coastal Account Secured Bonds, Series 2011-A-3,
Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 1.82% 2014 2
    2,500       2,522  
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., High-Risk Account Secured Bonds, Series 2009-A-1, 6.00% 2017
    23,000       27,129  
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., High-Risk Account Secured Bonds, Series 2010-A-1, 5.00% 2015
    4,000       4,392  
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., High-Risk Account Secured Bonds, Series 2010-A-1, 5.25% 2017
    5,500       6,309  
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., High-Risk Account Secured Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2007-A, National insured, 5.00% 2017
    2,000       2,262  
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Personal Lines Account/Commercial Lines Account Secured Bonds,
Series 2012-A-1, 5.00% 2019
    5,000       5,743  
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Personal Lines Account/Commercial Lines Account Secured Bonds,
Series 2012-A-1, 5.00% 2020
    5,000       5,784  
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Personal Lines Account/Commercial Lines Account Secured Bonds,
Series 2012-A-1, 5.00% 2021
    9,500       11,040  
School Board of Collier County, Certs. of Part. (Master Lease Program), Series 2007,
Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2024
    4,080       4,518  
Dept. of Environmental Protection, Forever Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-B, National insured, 5.00% 2018
    3,920       4,633  
Dept. of Environmental Protection, Forever Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-B, National insured, 5.00% 2020
    5,780       6,696  
Escambia County Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Baptist Hospital, Inc. Project),
Series 2010-A, 5.75% 2029
    14,755       16,590  
Escambia County Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ascension Health Credit Group), Series 2003-A, 5.25% 2012
    1,000       1,010  
Escambia County Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ascension Health Credit Group), Series 2003-A, 5.25% 2013
    2,000       2,117  
Crossings at Fleming Island Community Dev. Dist. (Clay County), Special Assessment Ref. Bonds,
Series 2000-C, 7.10% 2030
    8,145       8,055  
Gramercy Farms Community Dev. Dist. (St. Cloud), Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007-B, 5.10% 2014 3
Gramercy Farms Community Dev. Dist. (St. Cloud), Special Assessment Ref. Bonds, Series 2011, 0% 2039
    39,660       5,999  
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2024
    1,000       1,162  
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2022
    2,350       2,719  
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2023
    2,465       2,830  
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2024
    2,110       2,409  
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2025
    2,715       3,084  
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2026
    2,855       3,225  
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2027
    1,995       2,243  
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2039
    4,000       4,315  
Greater Orlando Aviation Auth., Airport Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-C, 5.00% 2032
    1,500       1,699  
Harbor Bay Community Dev. Dist. (Hillsborough County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2002, 6.75% 2034
    3,105       2,958  
Heritage Harbour Market Place Community Dev. Dist. (Manatee County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds,
Series 2005, 5.60% 2036
    3,040       2,840  
Higher Educational Facs. Fin. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. and Ref. Bonds (Nova Southeastern University Project),
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2027
    2,000       2,190  
Higher Educational Facs. Fin. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. and Ref. Bonds (Nova Southeastern University Project),
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2032
    1,000       1,081  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2002-B, 5.00% 2012 (escrowed to maturity)
    2,000       2,020  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2002-B, 5.25% 2023 (preref. 2012)
    8,000       8,084  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2005-B, 5.00% 2014 (escrowed to maturity)
    125       138  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2005-B, 5.00% 2015 (escrowed to maturity)
    165       189  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2005-B, 5.00% 2017 (preref. 2015)
    150       172  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2005-B, 5.00% 2020 (preref. 2015)
    140       160  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2006-G, 5.00% 2016 (escrowed to maturity)
    50       59  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2006-G, 5.125% 2017 (preref. 2016)
    85       101  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2006-G, 5.125% 2019 (preref. 2016)
    75       89  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2006-G, 5.125% 2022 (preref. 2016)
    70       83  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2006-G, 5.125% 2023 (preref. 2016)
    145       172  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2005-B, 5.00% 2014
    875       957  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2005-B, 5.00% 2015
    1,160       1,313  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2006-G, 5.00% 2016
    1,360       1,580  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2006-G, 5.125% 2019
    2,165       2,437  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2006-G, 5.125% 2022
    1,930       2,125  
Highlands County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group),
Series 2006-G, 5.125% 2023
    1,780       1,951  
Hillsborough County Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project),
Series 2007-A, 5.25% 2022
    3,945       4,315  
City of Tampa, Capital Improvement Hospital Rev. Bonds (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project),
Series 1999-A, 5.75% 2029
    1,000       1,001  
Hillsborough County Industrial Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Tampa General Hospital Project),
Series 2003-A, 5.00% 2012
    1,000       1,004  
Hillsborough County Industrial Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Tampa Electric Co. Project),
Series 2007-A, 5.65% 2018
    2,000       2,401  
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Special Program), Series 2009-A-1, 5.00% 2028
    1,050       1,141  
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Special Program), Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2028
    885       951  
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Special Program), Series 2011-B, 4.50% 2029
    990       1,081  
Housing Fin. Corp., Homeowner Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-C, 4.50% 2030
    1,200       1,318  
Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Fin. Corp., Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2014
    17,000       18,370  
Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Fin. Corp., Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2015
    10,000       11,132  
Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Fin. Corp., Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2016
    25,500       29,063  
City of Jacksonville, Better Jacksonville Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011, 5.00% 2023
    5,000       5,949  
City of Jacksonville, Better Jacksonville Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2028
    5,000       5,834  
City of Jacksonville, Better Jacksonville Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2030
    5,000       5,773  
Jacksonville Econ. Dev. Commission, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Proton Therapy Institute Project),
Series 2007-A, 6.25% 2027 1
    3,435       3,798  
Jacksonville Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baptist Medical Center Project), Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2023
    2,130       2,337  
Jacksonville Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baptist Medical Center Project), Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2024
    1,205       1,316  
JEA, Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 4.00% 2033
    3,000       3,104  
JEA, Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series Three 2012-A, 4.50% 2033
    3,000       3,339  
JEA, St. Johns River Power Park System Rev. Bonds, Issue Three, Series 2, 5.00% 2037
    11,300       12,614  
Lake Ashton Community Dev. Dist. (City of Lake Wales, Polk County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds,
Series 2001-A, 7.40% 2032
    650       642  
Lake Ashton Community Dev. Dist. (City of Lake Wales, Polk County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds,
Series 2001-B, 6.40% 2011 3
    345       257  
Lake Ashton Community Dev. Dist. (City of Lake Wales, Polk County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds,
Series 2003-A, 6.50% 2032
    1,480       1,462  
Lake Ashton II Community Dev. Dist. (Polk County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2005-A, 4.875% 2010 3,4
    2,950       1,862  
Lake Ashton II Community Dev. Dist. (Polk County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.30% 2038 3
    2,985       1,021  
Lake Ashton II Community Dev. Dist. (Polk County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-B, 5.00% 2011 3
    4,750       1,624  
City of Lakeland, Energy System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 0.89% 2017 2
    11,200       11,198  
City of Lakeland, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lakeland Regional Health Systems), Series 2006, 5.00% 2020
    2,030       2,247  
City of Lakeland, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lakeland Regional Health Systems), Series 2006, 5.00% 2024
    2,000       2,170  
City of Lakeland, Retirement Community First Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Carpenter’s Home Estates, Inc. Project),
Series 2008, 5.875% 2019
    1,355       1,483  
Lakewood Ranch Stewardship Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Country Club East Project),
Series 2006, 5.40% 2037
    2,855       2,502  
Lakewood Ranch Stewardship Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds (Lake Club Project), Series 2006, 5.50% 2036
    900       720  
Lee County Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Cypress Cove at Healthpark Florida, Inc. Project),
Series 1997-A, 6.25% 2017
    4,695       4,388  
Lee County Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Shell Point/Alliance Obligated Group,
Shell Point Village Project), Series 2006, 5.00% 2032
    9,050       9,056  
Lee County Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (Shell Point/Alliance Obligated Group,
Shell Point Village Project), Series 2006, 5.125% 2036
    2,750       2,753  
Lee County Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Shell Point/Alliance Obligated Group,
Shell Point Village/Alliance Community Project), Series 2007, 5.00% 2014
    4,040       4,257  
Lee County Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Shell Point/Alliance Obligated Group,
Shell Point Village/Alliance Community Project), Series 2007, 5.00% 2015
    2,000       2,144  
Lee County Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Shell Point/Alliance Obligated Group,
Shell Point Village/Alliance Community Project), Series 2007, 5.00% 2016
    1,000       1,083  
Lee County Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Shell Point/Alliance Obligated Group,
Shell Point Village/Alliance Community Project), Series 2007, 5.00% 2017
    4,680       5,051  
Lee County Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Shell Point/Alliance Obligated Group,
Shell Point Village/Alliance Community Project), Series 2007, 5.00% 2022
    8,150       8,457  
Lee County Industrial Dev. Auth., Healthcare Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Shell Point/Alliance Obligated Group,
Shell Point Village/Alliance Community Project), Series 2007, 5.00% 2029
    11,000       11,077  
Dept. of Management Services, Certs. of Part., Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2020
    5,010       5,892  
Dept. of Management Services, Certs. of Part., Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2023
    5,000       5,734  
Dept. of Management Services, Certs. of Part., Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2024
    3,000       3,420  
Marion County Hospital Dist., Health System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Munroe Regional Health System),
Series 2007, 5.00% 2022
    1,460       1,573  
Marshall Creek Community Dev. Dist. (St. Johns County), Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2000-A, 7.65% 2032
    3,465       3,468  
Marshall Creek Community Dev. Dist. (St. Johns County), Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2002, 6.625% 2032
    3,125       2,888  
Martin County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Martin Memorial Medical Center), Series 2012, 5.50% 2042
    2,000       2,183  
Meadow Pointe II, Community Dev. Dist. (Pasco County), Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2004, 4.60% 2018
    3,205       3,230  
Meadow Pointe III, Community Dev. Dist. (Pasco County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2004-A, 6.00% 2035
    1,430       1,450  
Meadow Pointe IV, Community Dev. Dist. (Pasco County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2004-A, 6.00% 2036 3
Meadow Pointe IV, Community Dev. Dist. (Pasco County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2005, 5.25% 2015 3
Meadow Pointe IV, Community Dev. Dist. (Pasco County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-A, 6.25% 2038 3
Meadow Pointe IV, Community Dev. Dist. (Pasco County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-B, 6.15% 2014 3
Meadow Pointe IV, Community Dev. Dist. (Pasco County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds,
Series 2012-A-1, 0%/6.00% 2036 5
    1,210       976  
Meadow Pointe IV, Community Dev. Dist. (Pasco County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds,
Series 2012-A-2, 0%/6.25% 2038 5
    2,305       1,789  
Meadow Pointe IV, Community Dev. Dist. (Pasco County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds,
Series 2012-B, 0%/6.81% 2020 5
    3,085       2,681  
Meadow Pointe IV, Community Dev. Dist. (Pasco County), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds,
Series 2012-B-2, 5.25% 2015 3
    1,285       499  
City of Miami Beach Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mount Sinai Medical Center of Florida),
Series 2012, 4.00% 2018
    2,000       2,164  
City of Miami Beach Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mount Sinai Medical Center of Florida),
Series 2012, 5.00% 2020
    1,000       1,132  
Miami-Dade County Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Miami Issue),
Series 2007-B, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2024
    5,000       6,113  
Miami-Dade County Expressway Auth., Toll System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2040
    11,750       12,817  
Miami-Dade County, Aviation Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2029
    3,555       4,025  
Miami-Dade County, Aviation Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.375% 2035
    1,000       1,144  
Miami-Dade County, Aviation Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.375% 2041
    4,000       4,553  
Miami-Dade County, Aviation Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.50% 2041
    2,800       3,216  
Miami-Dade County, Aviation Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.00% 2041
    5,000       5,496  
Miami-Dade County, Miami International Airport (Hub of the Americas), Aviation Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2009-A, 5.50% 2036
    8,000       9,182  
Miami-Dade County, Miami International Airport (Hub of the Americas), Aviation Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2009-A, 5.75% 2023
    5,480       6,581  
Miami-Dade County, Miami International Airport (Hub of the Americas), Aviation Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2009-B, 5.75% 2021
    2,390       2,914  
Miami-Dade County, G.O. Bonds (Building Better Communities Program), Series 2008-B-1, 5.75% 2033
    5,000       5,787  
Miami-Dade County, Transit System Sales Surtax Rev. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 2042
    12,200       13,760  
Miami-Dade County, Water and Sewer System Rev. Bonds, Series 2010, 5.00% 2028
    8,000       9,268  
Miami-Dade County, Water and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2008-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 2022
    5,000       6,351  
Miami-Dade County, Water and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.375% 2024
    7,500       8,753  
School Board of Miami-Dade County, Certs. of Part., Series 2006-C, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2021
    4,900       5,686  
School Board of Miami-Dade County, Certs. of Part., Series 2007-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2020
    5,155       5,809  
Mid-Bay Bridge Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1993-D, 6.10% 2022 (escrowed to maturity)
    105       140  
Midtown Miami Community Dev. Dist. (Miami-Dade County), Special Assessment and Rev. Bonds
(Parking Garage Project), Series 2004-A, 6.25% 2037
    5,000       5,113  
Municipal Power Agcy., All-Requirements Power Supply Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2027
    1,000       1,126  
Municipal Power Agcy., All-Requirements Power Supply Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2028
    5,000       5,613  
Municipal Power Agcy., All-Requirements Power Supply Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2031
    6,500       7,235  
Municipal Power Agcy., All-Requirements Power Supply Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.25% 2020
    2,740       3,270  
Municipal Power Agcy., All-Requirements Power Supply Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2023
    3,000       3,531  
Municipal Power Agcy., All-Requirements Power Supply Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2026
    1,500       1,741  
Municipal Power Agcy., All-Requirements Power Supply Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.50% 2024
    3,255       3,859  
Municipal Power Agcy., Rev. Bonds (St. Lucie Project), Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2020
    2,000       2,388  
Municipal Power Agcy., Rev. Bonds (St. Lucie Project), Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2025
    5,015       5,927  
Municipal Power Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (St. Lucie Project), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2026
    2,345       2,760  
North Springs Improvement Dist. (Broward County), Special Assessment Bonds
(Parkland Golf and Country Club Assessment Area), Series 2005-A-1, 5.45% 2026
    805       784  
Orange County Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds
(Mayflower Retirement Center, Inc. Project), 5.125% 2042
    750       774  
Orange County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Orlando Health, Inc.), Series 2009, 5.00% 2014
    1,000       1,075  
Orange County Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Orlando Health, Inc.), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2042
    2,750       2,955  
Orlando Utilities Commission, Utility System Rev. Bonds, Series 2005-B, 5.00% 2025
    5,030       5,653  
Orlando Utilities Commission, Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 2018
    1,500       1,751  
Orlando Utilities Commission, Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2024
    1,000       1,278  
Orlando Utilities Commission, Water and Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2001, 5.25% 2014 (escrowed to maturity)
    2,000       2,206  
Orlando-Orange County Expressway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2029
    5,505       6,353  
Orlando-Orange County Expressway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2035
    5,000       5,588  
Orlando-Orange County Expressway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2040
    8,000       8,853  
Orlando-Orange County Expressway Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-C, 5.00% 2040
    7,500       8,300  
Palm Beach County Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Bonds
(ACTS Retirement — Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2010, 5.50% 2033
    3,500       3,822  
Palm Beach County Health Facs. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Ref. Bonds
(ACTS Retirement — Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2006-B, 5.00% 2020
    14,295       15,275  
Solid Waste Auth. of Palm Beach County, Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-B, 5.50% 2028
    5,000       5,758  
Solid Waste Auth. of Palm Beach County, Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2009, 5.25% 2021
    4,000       4,836  
Solid Waste Auth. of Palm Beach County, Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011, 5.00% 2031
    5,000       5,809  
Parklands Lee Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.80% 2035
    580       586  
Paseo Community Dev. Dist., Fort Myers, Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2005-B, 4.875% 2010 3
Paseo Community Dev. Dist., Fort Myers, Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 2011 3
Paseo Community Dev. Dist., Fort Myers, Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-A-1, 5.40% 2036
    310       321  
Paseo Community Dev. Dist., Fort Myers, Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-A-2, 0% 2036
    4,325       1,263  
Pine Air Lakes Community Dev. Dist. (Collier County), Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2008, 6.75% 2039
    3,400       3,404  
Pine Air Lakes Community Dev. Dist. (Collier County), Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2002, 7.25% 2033
    1,170       1,179  
Ports Fncg. Commission, Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Transportation Trust Fund — Intermodal Program),
Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2029
    1,240       1,438  
Putnam County Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc. Project),
Series 2007-B, AMBAC insured, 5.35% 2042 (put 2018)
    6,000       6,808  
City of St. Cloud, Stevens Plantation Community Dev. Dist., Special Assessment Rev. Bonds,
Series 2003-B, 6.375% 2013
    1,775       1,279  
St. Johns County Industrial Dev. Auth., First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project),
Series 2004-A, 5.625% 2034
    1,000       1,036  
St. Johns County Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project),
Series 2010-A, 5.875% 2040
    5,625       6,184  
St. Johns County Industrial Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Communities Project),
Series 2010-A, 6.00% 2045
    3,500       3,897  
St. Johns County Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Care Rev. Ref. Bonds (Vicar’s Landing Project), Series 2007, 5.00% 2017
    2,370       2,479  
St. Johns County Industrial Dev. Auth., Health Care Rev. Ref. Bonds (Vicar’s Landing Project), Series 2007, 5.00% 2027
    4,130       4,220  
Sampson Creek Community Dev. Dist. (St. Johns County), Capital Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2006, RADIAN insured, 4.50% 2026
    1,000       957  
Sarasota County, G.O. Bonds, 5.00% 2020
    2,410       2,698  
Sarasota County, G.O. Bonds, 5.00% 2021
    2,555       2,834  
Sarasota County, G.O. Bonds, 5.00% 2020 (preref. 2018)
    285       353  
Sarasota County, G.O. Bonds, 5.00% 2021 (preref. 2018)
    300       372  
Seminole Tribe of Florida, Series A, 5.25% 2027 1
    8,500       8,859  
Seminole Tribe of Florida, Series A, 5.50% 2024 1
    8,000       8,496  
Seminole Tribe of Florida, Series A, 5.75% 2022 1
    2,125       2,303  
South Broward Hospital Dist., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (South Broward Hospital Dist. Obligated Group),
Series 2008, 5.00% 2028
    13,000       14,193  
South Lake County Hospital Dist., Rev. Ref. Bonds (South Lake Hospital, Inc.), Series 2010, 5.25% 2034
    1,000       1,078  
City of South Miami Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baptist Health South Florida Obligated Group),
Series 2007, 5.00% 2013
    2,295       2,394  
City of South Miami Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baptist Health South Florida Obligated Group),
Series 2007, 5.00% 2022
    5,000       5,708  
State Board of Education, Lottery Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2022
    10,425       12,000  
State Board of Education, Lottery Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2023
    3,045       3,501  
State Board of Education, Lottery Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-B, 5.00% 2022
    5,000       5,836  
State Board of Education, Lottery Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-B, 5.00% 2023
    4,000       4,638  
City of Tallahassee, Energy System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010, 5.00% 2026
    2,000       2,314  
City of Tallahassee, Energy System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010, 5.00% 2027
    2,000       2,295  
City of Tallahassee, Energy System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010, 5.00% 2028
    5,000       5,715  
City of Tampa, Health System Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baycare Health System Issue), Series 2010, 5.00% 2023
    1,000       1,155  
City of Tampa, Water and Sewer Systems Improvement and Ref. Rev. Bonds, 5.00% 2029
    3,000       3,583  
Tampa Bay Water, Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2024
    1,545       1,900  
Tolomato Community Dev. Dist. (St. Johns County), Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2006, 5.40% 2037
    1,345       1,312  
Dept. of Transportation, Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2035
    10,000       11,435  
Dept. of Transportation, Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2019
    2,095       2,550  
Urban Orlando Community Dev. Dist. (City of Orlando), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2004, 6.00% 2020
    705       705  
Urban Orlando Community Dev. Dist. (City of Orlando), Capital Improvement Rev. Bonds, Series 2004, 6.25% 2034
    5,705       5,658  
Water Pollution Control Fncg. Corp., Water Pollution Control Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 4.00% 2017
    1,000       1,136  
Water Pollution Control Fncg. Corp., Water Pollution Control Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.10% 2029
    5,055       5,868  
Waterset North Community Dev. Dist. (Hillsborough County), Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-A, 6.60% 2039
    1,220       1,047  
Waterset North Community Dev. Dist. (Hillsborough County), Special Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-B, 6.55% 2015
    4,565       4,122  
GEORGIA — 3.80%
Dev. Auth. of Appling County, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Hatch Project),
Series 2011-A, 2.50% 2038 (put 2013)
    3,000       3,029  
Dev. Auth. of Burke County, Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Vogtle Project),
Series 2008-E, 7.00% 2023
    19,670       23,536  
Dev. Auth. of Burke County, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Vogtle Project),
Series 2008-C, 5.70% 2043
    20,000       21,774  
Dev. Auth. of Burke County, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Oglethorpe Power Corp. Vogtle Project),
Series 2008-G, 0.90% 2039 (put 2013)
    1,500       1,500  
Atlanta Dev. Auth., Student Housing Facs. Rev. Bonds (Piedmont/Ellis, LLC Project Located on the
Campus of Georgia State University), Series 2005-A, XLCA insured, 5.00% 2022
    5,000       5,494  
Atlanta Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (ADA/CAU Partners, Inc. Project at Clark Atlanta University),
Series 2004-A, ACA insured, 6.25% 2024
    1,500       1,080  
City of Atlanta, Airport General Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2037
    2,000       2,255  
City of Atlanta, Airport General Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2042
    4,000       4,493  
City of Atlanta, Airport General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-C, 5.00% 2025
    10,000       11,734  
City of Atlanta, Airport Passenger Fac. Charge and General Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.00% 2022
    7,000       8,339  
City of Atlanta, Airport Passenger Fac. Charge and General Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.00% 2023
    7,000       8,245  
City of Atlanta, Airport Passenger Fac. Charge and General Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.00% 2024
    12,000       13,994  
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2001-A, National insured, 5.50% 2027
    5,000       6,169  
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2004, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2012
    6,000       6,048  
City of Atlanta, Water and Wastewater Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1999-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.50% 2022
    20,500       24,771  
Dev. Auth. of Burke County, Pollution Control Rev. Bonds (Georgia Power Co. Plant Vogtle Project),
Ninth Series 1994, 1.20% 2032 (put 2014)
    3,000       3,025  
DeKalb County Hospital Auth., Rev. Ref. Anticipation Certificates (DeKalb Medical Center, Inc. Project),
Series 2010, 6.00% 2030
    4,950       5,675  
DeKalb County Hospital Auth., Rev. Ref. Anticipation Certificates (DeKalb Medical Center, Inc. Project),
Series 2010, 6.125% 2040
    7,800       9,015  
DeKalb County, Water and Sewerage Rev. Bonds (Second Resolution), Series 2011-A, 5.25% 2030
    2,500       2,972  
DeKalb County, Water and Sewerage Rev. Bonds (Second Resolution), Series 2011-A, 5.25% 2031
    1,500       1,778  
DeKalb County, Water and Sewerage Rev. Bonds (Second Resolution), Series 2011-A, 5.25% 2036
    2,500       2,879  
DeKalb County, Water and Sewerage Rev. Bonds (Second Resolution), Series 2011-A, 5.25% 2041
    2,500       2,864  
Joint Dev. Auth. of DeKalb County, Newton County and Gwinnett County, Rev. Bonds (GGC Foundation, LLC Project),
Series 2009, 6.00% 2029
    5,000       5,858  
Joint Dev. Auth. of DeKalb County, Newton County and Gwinnett County, Rev. Bonds (GGC Foundation, LLC Project),
Series 2009, 6.125% 2040
    5,000       5,823  
Dev. Auth. of Fulton County, Rev. Bonds (TUFF CAUB LLC Project), Series 2007-A, 5.25% 2028
    5,615       5,299  
Gainesville Redev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Riverside Military Academy Project),
Series 2007, 5.00% 2018
    3,455       3,494  
Gainesville Redev. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Riverside Military Academy Project),
Series 2007, 5.125% 2027
    5,800       5,601  
Dev. Auth. of Gwinnett County, Certs. of Part. (Gwinnett County Public Schools Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.25% 2021
    5,000       6,252  
Dev. Auth. of Gwinnett County, Certs. of Part. (Gwinnett County Public Schools Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.25% 2024
    2,500       3,137  
Dev. Auth. of Gwinnett County, Certs. of Part. (Gwinnett County Public Schools Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.25% 2025
    2,500       3,163  
Hospital Auth. of Hall County and City of Gainesville, Rev. Anticipation Certificates
(Northeast Georgia Health System, Inc. Project), Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2030
    12,345       13,411  
Higher Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (USG Real Estate Foundation I, LLC Project), Series 2008, 6.00% 2034
    9,500       10,812  
Higher Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (USG Real Estate Foundation II, LLC Project), Series 2009-A, 5.375% 2029
    2,500       2,822  
Higher Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (USG Real Estate Foundation II, LLC Project), Series 2009-A, 5.50% 2039
    2,135       2,392  
Higher Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (USG Real Estate Foundation III, LLC Project), Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2040
    2,000       2,181  
Higher Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (USG Real Estate Foundation III, LLC Project),
Series 2010-A, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.00% 2022
    1,940       2,303  
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2013
    8,000       8,189  
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2014
    1,285       1,365  
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2017
    2,500       2,827  
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2018
    740       845  
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2022
    3,000       3,419  
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-B, 5.00% 2017
    4,500       4,888  
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-B, 5.00% 2019
    9,000       9,740  
Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-B, 5.00% 2021
    5,000       5,365  
Medical Center Hospital Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Spring Harbor at Green Island Project), Series 2007, 4.625% 2015
    2,500       2,564  
Medical Center Hospital Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Spring Harbor at Green Island Project), Series 2007, 4.75% 2017
    1,945       2,006  
Medical Center Hospital Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Spring Harbor at Green Island Project), Series 2007, 5.25% 2027
    2,625       2,659  
Medical Center Hospital Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Spring Harbor at Green Island Project), Series 2007, 5.25% 2037
    3,025       3,002  
Dev. Auth. of the City of Milledgeville and Baldwin County, Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University
Foundation Property III, LLC Student Housing System Project), Series 2004, 5.00% 2014 (escrowed to maturity)
    2,000       2,189  
Dev. Auth. of the City of Milledgeville and Baldwin County, Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University
Foundation Property III, LLC Student Housing System Project), Series 2004, 5.00% 2015 (preref. 2014)
    1,000       1,104  
Dev. Auth. of the City of Milledgeville and Baldwin County, Rev. Bonds (Georgia College & State University
Foundation Property III, LLC Student Housing System Project), Series 2004, 5.625% 2030 (preref. 2014)
    3,000       3,349  
Dev. Auth. of the City of Milledgeville and Baldwin County, Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (Georgia College &
State University Foundation Property V, LLC Project), Series 2007, AMBAC insured, 0.959% 2033 2
    10,000       7,312  
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2021
    6,500       7,881  
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-D, 5.50% 2026
    6,000       6,878  
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-D, 5.75% 2019
    23,000       28,144  
Municipal Electric Auth., Project One Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-D, 6.00% 2023
    11,100       13,233  
Public Gas Partners, Inc., Gas Project Rev. Ref. Bonds (Gas Supply Pool No. 1), Series A, 5.00% 2016
    7,000       8,033  
GUAM — 0.07%
Education Fncg. Foundation, Certs. of Part. (Public School Facs. Project), Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2023
    1,000       1,012  
Government of Guam, Business Privilege Tax Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2031
    1,100       1,251  
Government of Guam, Business Privilege Tax Bonds, Series 2012-B-1, 5.00% 2037
    500       553  
Government of Guam, Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 6.125% 2031
    1,000       1,161  
Power Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.50% 2030
    2,500       2,646  
HAWAII — 0.06%
Pacific Health Obligated Group, Special Purpose Rev. Bonds (Dept. of Budget and Fin.), Series 2010-B, 5.625% 2030
    1,000       1,110  
Board of Regents of the University of Hawaii, University Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2034
    1,575       1,811  
Board of Regents of the University of Hawaii, University Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 6.00% 2038
    2,645       3,151  
IDAHO — 0.07%
Housing and Fin. Assn., Grant and Rev. Anticipation Bonds (Federal Highway Trust Fund), Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2027
    2,260       2,580  
Housing and Fin. Assn., Grant and Rev. Anticipation Bonds (Federal Highway Trust Fund), Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2025
    3,260       3,815  
ILLINOIS — 9.08%
Village of Bartlett, Cook, DuPage and Kane Counties, Tax Increment Rev. Ref. Bonds (Bartlett Quarry Redev. Project),
Series 2007, 5.35% 2017
    2,360       2,426  
Village of Bolingbrook, Will and DuPage Counties, Special Service Area No. 2005-1, Special Tax Bonds
(Forest City Project), Series 2005, 5.90% 2027
    2,000       1,839  
Build Bonds (Sales Tax Rev. Bonds), Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2027
    6,450       7,366  
Build Bonds (Sales Tax Rev. Bonds), Series 2009-B, 5.00% 2024
    8,320       9,677  
Build Bonds (Sales Tax Rev. Bonds), Series 2009-B, 5.25% 2034
    7,500       8,537  
Build Bonds (Sales Tax Rev. Bonds), Series April 2002, FGIC-National insured, 6.00% 2023
    1,000       1,333  
Build Bonds (Sales Tax Rev. Bonds), Series October 2011, 5.00% 2029
    4,000       4,634  
Build Bonds (Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds), Second Series May 2002, FGIC-National insured, 5.75% 2019
    6,250       7,865  
Build Bonds (Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds), Series June 2010, 5.00% 2020
    5,000       6,168  
Build Illinois Bonds, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Illinois FIRST), Series 2001, 5.375% 2016
    1,500       1,506  
Village of Cary, McHenry County, Special Service Area Number One, Special Tax Ref. Bonds,
Series 2006, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2030
    1,930       1,958  
Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agcy., Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2003, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2015
    5,095       5,248  
Board of Education of the City of Chicago, Unlimited Tax G.O. Ref. Bonds (Dedicated Revenues),
Series 2008-C, 5.00% 2028
    9,915       11,100  
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds
(Dedicated Tax Rev.), Series 1997-A, AMBAC insured, 0% 2015
    3,245       3,125  
Chicago Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2011, 5.00% 2022
    2,250       2,714  
Chicago Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2011, 5.25% 2036
    5,000       5,731  
Chicago Transit Auth., Sales Tax Receipts Rev. Bonds, Series 2011, 5.25% 2040
    13,000       14,855  
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2004-B, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2019
    5,375       5,798  
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2004-B, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2020
    5,640       6,083  
City of Chicago, Chicago Midway Airport, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.00% 2034 (put 2015)
    3,100       3,347  
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds (Emergency Telephone System), Ref. Series 1999, FGIC-National insured, 5.25% 2020
    2,000       2,419  
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Ref. Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2026
    5,000       5,655  
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Ref. Series 2009-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2026
    5,000       5,655  
City of Chicago, G.O. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2040
    5,000       5,517  
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2005-A, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2020
    1,000       1,110  
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Bonds,
Series 2005-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2033
    5,000       5,355  
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-F, 5.00% 2035
    8,515       9,234  
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-F, 5.00% 2040
    5,000       5,346  
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.75% 2039
    13,000       15,329  
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-C, 5.50% 2031
    3,000       3,543  
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2005-B, FGIC-National insured, 5.25% 2015
    1,500       1,659  
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2005-B, National insured, 5.25% 2016
    5,000       5,687  
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2005-B, National insured, 5.25% 2017
    4,000       4,696  
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, General Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2008-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2023
    4,000       4,472  
City of Chicago, O’Hare International Airport, Special Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (American Airlines, Inc. Project),
Series 2007, 5.50% 2030 3
    8,000       5,092  
City of Chicago, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2029
    5,000       5,698  
City of Chicago, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2041
    5,000       5,612  
City of Chicago, School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of Education, Unlimited Tax G.O. Bonds
(Dedicated Tax Rev.), Series 1997, AMBAC insured, 6.75% 2012 (escrowed to maturity)
    1,000       1,016  
Metropolitan Water Reclamation Dist. of Greater Chicago, G.O. Ref. Bonds,
Unlimited Tax Series A of March 2007, 5.00% 2020
    6,000       7,501  
Public Building Commission of Chicago, Building Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chicago Transit Auth.),
Series 2006, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2023
    2,000       2,390  
Public Building Commission of Chicago, Building Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chicago Transit Auth.),
Series 2006, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2025
    1,000       1,193  
Public Building Commission of Chicago, Building Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chicago Transit Auth.),
Series 2006, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2026
    4,175       4,970  
Public Building Commission of Chicago, Building Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chicago Transit Auth.),
Series 2006, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2027
    1,000       1,193  
Chicago Housing Auth., Capital Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2019
    10,455       11,789  
Chicago Housing Auth., Capital Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2020
    12,565       14,088  
Chicago Housing Auth., Capital Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2022
    13,885       15,334  
Civic Center Bonds, Special State Obligation Bonds, Series 1991, AMBAC insured, 6.25% 2020
    6,500       7,430  
County of Cook, G.O. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2021
    5,000       5,827  
County of Cook, G.O. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.25% 2022
    6,750       8,084  
County of Cook, Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 2037
    3,500       4,030  
Regional Transportation Auth. of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, G.O. Bonds,
Series 1994-D, FGIC-National insured, 7.75% 2019
    4,500       5,588  
Regional Transportation Auth. of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, G.O. Bonds,
Series 2003-B, National insured, 5.75% 2033
    9,630       12,596  
Regional Transportation Auth. of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, G.O. Bonds,
Series 2004-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 2021
    8,540       10,611  
Regional Transportation Auth. of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, G.O. Bonds,
Series 2004-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 2022
    6,500       8,125  
Regional Transportation Auth. of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 1997, FGIC-National insured, 6.00% 2020
    3,820       4,784  
Regional Transportation Auth. of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 1999, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.75% 2023
    2,000       2,556  
Regional Transportation Auth. of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, G.O. Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 1999, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 6.00% 2025
    2,150       2,818  
Dev. Fin. Auth., Revolving Fund Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2002, 5.50% 2016
    7,165       7,195  
Dev. Fin. Auth., Revolving Fund Rev. Bonds (Master Trust), Series 2002, 5.50% 2017
    2,885       2,897  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Field Museum of Natural History), Series 2002, 4.45% 2036 (put 2014)
    1,000       1,068  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Field Museum of Natural History), Series 2002, 4.60% 2036 (put 2015)
    6,000       6,605  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Field Museum of Natural History), Series 2002, 4.75% 2036 (put 2016)
    2,000       2,262  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loyola University of Chicago), Series 2003-A, 5.00% 2026 (preref. 2013)
    1,000       1,039  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Loyola University of Chicago), 5.00% 2022 (preref. 2017)
    345       414  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Loyola University of Chicago), 5.00% 2023 (preref. 2017)
    650       780  
Fin. Auth., Charter School Project and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chicago Charter School Foundation Project),
Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2021
    1,975       2,077  
Fin. Auth., Charter School Project and Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chicago Charter School Foundation Project),
Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2026
    1,475       1,518  
Fin. Auth., Recovery Zone Fac. Rev. Bonds (Navistar International Corp. Project), Series 2010, 6.50% 2040
    6,925       7,207  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Admiral at the Lake Project), Series 2010-D-3, 6.00% 2017
    1,500       1,501  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Advocate Health Care Network), Series 2008-D, 6.50% 2038
    3,000       3,532  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Advocate Health Care Network), Series 2010-B, 5.375% 2044
    1,000       1,102  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lutheran General Health), Series 1993-C, 6.00% 2018
    2,705       3,160  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2008, 4.75% 2028
    500       528  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2008, 5.00% 2024
    2,650       2,906  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2011-A, 6.125% 2040
    16,000       18,773  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2004-A, 5.375% 2016
    2,035       2,324  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2004-A, 5.375% 2017
    1,860       2,180  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (DePaul University), Series 2004-A, 5.375% 2018
    1,010       1,205  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare), Series 2008-A, 5.625% 2037
    9,500       10,222  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Hospital Sisters Services, Inc. — Obligated Group), Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2026
    15,550       16,883  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loyola University of Chicago), Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2025
    3,000       3,574  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Loyola University of Chicago), Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2042
    7,500       8,432  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Loyola University of Chicago), 5.00% 2022
    3,095       3,459  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Loyola University of Chicago), 5.00% 2023
    5,850       6,498  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Northwest Community Hospital), Series 2008-A, 5.25% 2028
    3,000       3,307  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (SwedishAmerican Hospital), Series 2004, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2014
    1,740       1,841  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Three Crowns Park Project), Series 2006-A, 5.625% 2018
    2,320       2,452  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Three Crowns Park Project), Series 2006-A, 5.875% 2038
    1,250       1,284  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago), Series 2007, 5.00% 2020
    1,340       1,543  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago), Series 2007, 5.00% 2021
    2,455       2,817  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago), Series 2008-B, 5.50% 2028
    4,630       5,573  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago), Series 2008-B, 5.75% 2033
    1,250       1,526  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (University of Chicago), Series 2008-B, 6.25% 2038
    12,000       14,783  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Art Institute of Chicago), Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2015
    4,250       4,689  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Art Institute of Chicago), Series 2010-A, 5.25% 2040
    5,350       5,995  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Art Institute of Chicago), Series A, 5.375% 2023
    1,460       1,491  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Art Institute of Chicago), Series A, 5.375% 2023 (preref. 2013)
    40       41  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ascension Health Alliance Credit Group), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2042
    4,000       4,430  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Clare at Water Tower), Series 2010-A-6, 6.00% 2028 3
    700       14  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Clare at Water Tower), Series 2010-A-7, 6.125% 2041 3
    8,750       175  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Clare at Water Tower), Series 2010-B, 0% 2050
    4,050       81  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Franciscan Communities, Inc.), Series 2004-B, 6.50% 2034
    2,450       2,593  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Franciscan Communities, Inc. — Marian Village Project), Series 2003-E-1, 6.375% 2037
    1,090       1,090  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Franciscan Communities, Inc. — Marian Village Project), Series 2003-E-2, 6.375% 2037
    935       935  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lutheran Hillside Village), Series 2006, 5.00% 2018
    1,070       1,135  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lutheran Hillside Village), Series 2006, 5.125% 2026
    7,800       7,951  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lutheran Hillside Village), Series 2006, 5.25% 2037
    8,725       8,853  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northwestern Memorial Hospital), Series 2009-A, 6.00% 2039
    14,000       16,451  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2007-A, 5.25% 2022
    2,500       2,722  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2007-A, 5.75% 2033
    2,000       2,204  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2007-A, 5.75% 2037
    4,500       4,925  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (OSF Healthcare System), Series 2010-A, 6.00% 2039
    15,540       17,899  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Palos Community Hospital), Series 2007-A, National insured, 5.00% 2021
    2,300       2,486  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Palos Community Hospital), Series 2007-A, National insured, 5.00% 2022
    4,520       4,863  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Palos Community Hospital), Series 2007-A, National insured, 5.00% 2023
    4,755       5,082  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Provena Health), Series 2009-A, 7.75% 2034
    8,000       10,443  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Provena Health), Series 2010-A, 6.00% 2028
    14,000       15,996  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Riverside Health System), Series 2006-C, 4.50% 2026
    5,360       5,420  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Riverside Health System), Series 2006-C, 5.00% 2018
    1,910       2,088  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Riverside Health System), Series 2006-C, 5.00% 2019
    2,005       2,159  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Riverside Health System), Series 2006-C, 5.00% 2020
    2,105       2,260  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sherman Health Systems), Series 2007-A, 5.50% 2037
    3,000       3,243  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Chicago Medical Center), Series 2009-B, 5.00% 2025
    10,500       11,940  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Chicago Medical Center), Series 2009-B, 5.00% 2026
    4,000       4,508  
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Normal, L.L.C. — Illinois State University Project),
Series 2011, 6.75% 2031
    1,000       1,148  
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (CHF-Normal, L.L.C. — Illinois State University Project),
Series 2011, 7.00% 2043
    10,000       11,616  
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (CHF-DeKalb II, L.L.C. — Northern Illinois University Project),
Series 2011, 6.875% 2043
    27,500       32,550  
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Educational Advancement Fund, Inc. (University Center),
Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2034
    7,925       8,189  
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Educational Advancement Fund, Inc. (University Center),
Series 2006-B, 5.00% 2015
    2,095       2,215  
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Educational Advancement Fund, Inc. (University Center),
Series 2006-B, 5.00% 2025
    10,000       10,384  
Fin. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Educational Advancement Fund, Inc. (University Center),
Series 2006-B, 5.25% 2019
    4,000       4,352  
G.O. Bonds, Illinois FIRST, Series of May 2001, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 2016
    2,000       2,294  
G.O. Bonds, Series of March 2012, 5.00% 2023
    2,000       2,266  
G.O. Bonds, Series of March 2012, 5.00% 2035
    1,000       1,085  
G.O. Ref. Bonds, Series of May 2012, 5.00% 2024
    3,000       3,383  
G.O. Ref. Bonds, Series of May 2012, 5.00% 2025
    1,000       1,120  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2001, 5.875% 2031
    3,500       3,513  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Covenant Retirement Communities, Inc.), Series 2002-B, 6.125% 2028
    1,000       1,014  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Evangelical Hospitals Corp.), Series 1992-C, 6.25% 2022 (escrowed to maturity)
    4,000       5,217  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Riverside Health System), Series 2002, 5.75% 2022 (preref. 2012)
    5,000       5,055  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Centegra Health System), Series 1998, 5.20% 2012
    2,200       2,200  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Centegra Health System), Series 1998, 5.25% 2013
    2,430       2,437  
Health Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Centegra Health System), Series 1998, 5.25% 2018
    5,050       5,060  
Housing Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series G, 4.55% 2021
    755       785  
Housing Dev. Auth., Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series G, 4.65% 2026
    2,270       2,351  
Community Unit School Dist. No. 308, Kendall, Kane and Will Counties, G.O. School Bonds,
Series 2002-B, FGIC insured, 5.25% 2015 (preref. 2012)
    2,775       2,787  
Village of Lakemoor, McHenry and Lake Counties, Special Service Area Number 97-1, Special Tax Ref. Bonds,
Series 2006, RADIAN insured, 4.55% 2016
    665       658  
Village of Manhattan (Will County), Special Service Area Number 2007-5, Special Tax Bonds
(Lakeside Towns at Liberty Center Project), Series 2007, 6.125% 2040 3
    2,300       748  
Village of Manhattan (Will County), Special Service Area Number 2007-6, Special Tax Bonds
(Groebe Farm-Stonegate Project), Series 2007, 5.75% 2022 3
    1,900       323  
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2042
    5,000       5,582  
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Auth., McCormick Place Expansion Project Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2010-B-1, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 2043
    15,000       3,168  
Village of Montgomery, Kane and Kendall Counties, Special Assessment Improvement Ref. Bonds
(Lakewood Creek Project), Series 2006, RADIAN insured, 4.70% 2030
    877       845  
City of Quincy, Adams County, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Blessing Hospital), Series 2007, 5.00% 2013
    1,470       1,519  
City of Quincy, Adams County, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Blessing Hospital), Series 2007, 5.00% 2015
    1,000       1,075  
City of Quincy, Adams County, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Blessing Hospital), Series 2007, 5.00% 2017
    1,000       1,097  
Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Auth., Tobacco Settlement Rev. Bonds, Series 2010, 5.125% 2019
    3,500       4,063  
Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Auth., Tobacco Settlement Rev. Bonds, Series 2010, 5.25% 2020
    7,500       8,796  
Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Auth., Tobacco Settlement Rev. Bonds, Series 2010, 5.50% 2023
    4,000       4,674  
City of Springfield, Electric Rev. Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2036
    5,500       5,743  
State Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Priority Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A-1,
Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2024
    5,000       5,622  
State Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-B, 5.50% 2033
    21,710       24,111  
State Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A-1, 4.50% 2027
    6,000       6,570  
State Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A-1, 5.00% 2025
    10,000       11,488  
State Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A-1, 5.00% 2028
    10,000       11,290  
State Toll Highway Auth., Toll Highway Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A-1, 5.00% 2031
    4,000       4,455  
Unemployment Insurance Fund Building Receipts Rev. Bonds (Illinois Dept. of Employment Security),
Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2017
    3,000       3,504  
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2001-A, AMBAC insured, 5.50% 2021
    2,670       3,378  
Board of Trustees of The University of Illinois, University of Illinois Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds,
Series 2011-A, 5.25% 2041
    1,750       1,964  
Board of Trustees of The University of Illinois, University of Illinois Auxiliary Facs. System Rev. Bonds,
Series 2011-A, 5.50% 2031
    2,000       2,334  
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Certs. of Part. (Ref. and Projects),
Series 2007-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2025
    7,145       7,879  
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Ref. Certs. of Part., Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2019
    1,000       1,147  
Community Unit School Dist. No. 365-U, Will County (Valley View), G.O. Capital Appreciation School Bonds,
Series 2002, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 2017
    2,000       1,803  
Forest Preserve Dist. of Will County, G.O. Bonds, Series 2005-A, National insured, 5.00% 2017 (preref. 2015)
    1,500       1,726  
INDIANA — 2.27%
City of Anderson, Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Anderson University Project), Series 2007, 5.00% 2024
    1,355       1,149  
Bond Bank, Special Program Gas Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-A, 5.25% 2020
    985       1,147  
Fin. Auth., Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), Series 2010-B, 0.45% 2028 (put 2011) 2
    2,500       2,500  
Fin. Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Valparaiso University Project), Series 2007, 5.00% 2027
    1,800       1,967  
Fin. Auth., Environmental Rev. Ref. Bonds (Duke Energy Indiana, Inc. Project), Series 2009-B, 6.00% 2039
    3,000       3,500  
Fin. Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Sisters of St. Francis Health Services, Inc. Obligated Group),
Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2039
    1,000       1,099  
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indiana University Health Obligated Group), Series 2011-N, 5.00% 2031
    7,000       7,608  
Health and Educational Fac. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Clarian Health Obligated Group),
Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2039
    17,750       18,659  
Health and Educational Fac. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Clarian Health Obligated Group),
Series 2006-B, 5.00% 2018
    1,125       1,273  
Health and Educational Fac. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Clarian Health Obligated Group),
Series 2006-B, 5.00% 2023
    7,500       8,200  
Health and Educational Fac. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Clarian Health Obligated Group),
Series 2006-B, 5.00% 2033
    5,000       5,318  
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Relief Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2032
    6,500       6,956  
Fin. Auth., Midwestern Disaster Relief Rev. Bonds (Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Project), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2039
    9,940       10,360  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2010-B, 5.00% 2028
    2,000       2,260  
Fin. Auth., State Revolving Fund Program Bonds, Series 2007-B, 5.00% 2024
    5,535       6,544  
Fin. Auth., State Revolving Fund Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-A, 5.25% 2017
    1,500       1,790  
Fin. Auth., Wastewater Utility Rev. Bonds (CWA Auth. Project), Series 2011-A, 5.25% 2031
    5,000       5,930  
Health and Educational Fac. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds
(Community Foundation of Northwest Indiana Obilgated Group), Series 2007, 5.25% 2017
    1,400       1,563  
Health and Educational Fac. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds
(Community Foundation of Northwest Indiana Obilgated Group), Series 2007, 5.50% 2022
    5,000       5,421  
Health and Educational Fac. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds
(Community Foundation of Northwest Indiana Obligated Group), Series 2007, 5.50% 2027
    5,870       6,218  
Health and Educational Fac. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds
(Community Foundation of Northwest Indiana Obligated Group), Series 2007, 5.50% 2037
    9,400       9,843  
Health and Educational Fac. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ascension Health Credit Group),
Series 2006-B-5, 5.00% 2036
    10,000       10,742  
Health Fac. Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Credit Group), Series 2002-F, 5.50% 2015
    1,105       1,127  
Health Fac. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Credit Group), Series 2005-A-1, 5.00% 2027 (put 2013)
    3,000       3,094  
Health Fac. Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Credit Group), Series 2002-F, 5.00% 2018 (preref. 2012)
    960       979  
Health Fac. Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Credit Group), Series 2002-F, 5.50% 2015 (preref. 2012)
    170       174  
Health Fac. Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Credit Group), Series 2002-F, 5.50% 2016 (preref. 2012)
    220       225  
Health Fac. Fncg. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Community Health Network Project),
Series 2005-A, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2019
    4,195       4,439  
Trustees of Indiana University, Consolidated Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2038
    1,405       1,548  
Trustees of Indiana University, Consolidated Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2028
    2,000       2,432  
Trustees of Indiana University, Consolidated Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2029
    2,055       2,493  
Trustees of Indiana University, Consolidated Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2037
    6,000       7,021  
Trustees of Indiana University, Student Fee Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series O, FGIC-National insured, 5.375% 2016
    4,690       5,564  
Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waterworks Project),
Series 2007-B, National insured, 5.25% 2023
    10,420       12,796  
Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds (Waterworks Project),
Series 2007-B, National insured, 5.25% 2023
    6,055       7,471  
Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-K, 5.00% 2024
    2,000       2,316  
Jasper County, Demand Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Project),
Series 1988-A, National insured, 5.60% 2016
    1,000       1,138  
Jasper County, Demand Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Project),
Series 1988-C, National insured, 5.60% 2016
    1,000       1,138  
Jasper County, Demand Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Project),
Series 1988-C, National insured, 5.85% 2019
    3,000       3,543  
Jasper County, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Project),
Series 2003, AMBAC insured, 5.70% 2017
    3,000       3,451  
Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-B, 5.50% 2026
    2,000       2,406  
Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2031
    2,000       2,304  
North Side High School Building Corp. (Fort Wayne), First Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2007, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2018
    1,650       1,967  
City of Petersburg, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Indianapolis Power & Light Co. Project),
Series 1993-B, AMBAC insured, 5.40% 2017
    5,000       5,747  
Trustees of Purdue University, Certs. of Part., Series 2006, 5.25% 2018
    1,130       1,368  
Trustees of Purdue University, Certs. of Part., Series 2006, 5.25% 2019
    1,430       1,750  
Trustees of Purdue University, Certs. of Part., Series 2006, 5.25% 2025
    1,980       2,566  
Trustees of Purdue University, Purdue University Student Fee Bonds, Series X, 5.00% 2028
    4,000       4,648  
Trustees of Purdue University, Purdue University Student Fee Bonds, Series X, 5.25% 2021
    1,620       1,988  
Trustees of Purdue University, Purdue University Student Fee Bonds, Series X, 5.25% 2022
    1,825       2,219  
Trustees of Purdue University, Purdue University Student Fee Bonds, Series X, 5.25% 2027
    1,000       1,186  
State Revolving Fund Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.375% 2014 (preref. 2013)
    220       227  
State Revolving Fund Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.375% 2014 (preref. 2013)
    1,780       1,835  
Vanderburgh County Redev. Dist., Tax Increment Rev. Bonds of 2006, 5.00% 2018
    1,185       1,283  
Vanderburgh County Redev. Dist., Tax Increment Rev. Bonds of 2006, 5.00% 2019
    1,245       1,335  
Vanderburgh County Redev. Dist., Tax Increment Rev. Bonds of 2006, 5.00% 2026
    4,000       4,175  
Hospital Auth. of Vigo County, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Union Hospital, Inc.), Series 2007, 5.75% 2042
    2,000       2,063  
IOWA — 0.11%
Fin. Auth., Single-family Mortgage Bonds (Mortgage-backed Securities Program), Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2038
    630       667  
IJOBS Program Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2027
    3,500       4,151  
IJOBS Program Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2029
    4,590       5,492  
KANSAS — 0.31%
Dev. Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2032
    1,500       1,726  
Dev. Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lifespace Communities, Inc.), Series 2010-S, 5.00% 2030
    3,625       3,850  
City of Lawrence, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lawrence Memorial Hospital), Series 2006, 5.25% 2018
    890       988  
City of Lawrence, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lawrence Memorial Hospital), Series 2006, 5.25% 2020
    530       580  
City of Lenexa, Health Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Lakeview Village, Inc. Project), Series 2009, 7.125% 2029
    250       284  
City of Lenexa, Health Care Fac. Rev. Bonds (Lakeview Village, Inc. Project), Series 2009, 7.25% 2039
    750       841  
City of Lenexa, Health Care Fac. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Lakeview Village, Inc. Project),
Series 2007, 5.25% 2022
    2,500       2,608  
City of Lenexa, Health Care Fac. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Lakeview Village, Inc. Project),
Series 2007, 5.50% 2039
    13,000       13,225  
City of Overland Park, Transportation Dev. Dist. Special Assessment Bonds (Tallgrass Creek Project),
Series 2006, 4.85% 2016
    981       991  
City of Overland Park, Transportation Dev. Dist. Special Assessment Bonds (Tallgrass Creek Project),
Series 2006, 5.125% 2028
    1,894       1,722  
City of Salina, Hospital Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Salina Regional Health Center, Inc.),
Series 2006, 4.625% 2031
    1,825       1,898  
Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Transportation Dev. Dist. Sales Tax Rev. Bonds
(Legends at Village West Project), Series 2006, 4.60% 2016
    1,185       1,211  
KENTUCKY — 0.20%
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bond (Baptist Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2017
    3,000       3,448  
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baptist Healthcare System Obligated Group), Series 2009-A, 5.375% 2024
    1,000       1,145  
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Hospital System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds
(Appalachian Regional Healthcare, Inc. Project), Series 1997, 5.85% 2017
    2,000       2,002  
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Louisville Arena Project Rev. Bonds (Louisville Arena Auth., Inc.),
Series 2008-A-1, Assured Guaranty insured, 6.00% 2033
    1,000       1,116  
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Louisville Arena Project Rev. Bonds (Louisville Arena Auth., Inc.),
Series 2008-A-1, Assured Guaranty insured, 6.00% 2042
    3,000       3,300  
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Masonic Home Independent Living), 5.25% 2017
    1,250       1,259  
Higher Education Student Loan Corp., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-1, 0.945% 2020 2
    7,010       6,975  
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-B, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2017
    7,500       8,379  
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-B, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2019
    22,000       24,438  
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-B, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2020
    7,000       7,766  
East Baton Rouge Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single-family Mortgage Rev. and Ref. Bonds (Mortgage-backed Securities Program),
Series 2009-A-2, 5.25% 2039
    465       504  
East Baton Rouge Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-backed Securities Program),
Series 2007-A, 5.40% 2038
    520       547  
G.O. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2022
    10,000       12,223  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Multi-family Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Section 8 Assisted — 202 Elderly Projects),
Series 2006-A, 4.75% 2031
    1,600       1,636  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Home Ownership Program), Series 2007-A-1, 5.85% 2038
    3,655       3,913  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Home Ownership Program), Series 2008-A, 6.55% 2040
    530       565  
Jefferson Parish Fin. Auth., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-C, 5.70% 2039
    1,075       1,157  
Jefferson Parish Hospital Dist. No. 1, Parish of Jefferson, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (West Jefferson Medical Center),
Series 2011-A, 6.00% 2039
    6,500       7,303  
Lafayette Public Trust Fncg. Auth., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Mortgage-backed Securities Program),
Series 2007 (Go Zone), 5.35% 2041
    3,553       3,584  
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds
(Capital Project and Equipment Acquisition Program), Series 2000-A, AMBAC insured, 6.30% 2030
    10,270       11,060  
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Westlake Chemical Corp. Projects),
Series 2007, 6.75% 2032
    22,500       25,361  
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Westlake Chemical Corp. Projects),
Series 2009-A, 6.50% 2029
    3,100       3,647  
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Westlake Chemical Corp. Projects),
Series 2010-A-1, 6.50% 2035
    11,275       13,136  
Local Government Environmental Facs. and Community Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Westlake Chemical Corp. Projects),
Series 2010-A-2, 6.50% 2035
    3,500       4,078  
Military Dept., Custodial Receipts, 5.00% 2021
    10,435       11,300  
Public Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System Project),
Series 1998-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.75% 2014
    3,495       3,785  
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2007-A, 5.25% 2038
    10,695       11,148  
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2007-A, 5.375% 2043
    1,740       1,817  
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2011, 6.25% 2031
    2,500       2,957  
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2011, 6.50% 2037
    2,420       2,897  
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project), Series 2011, 6.75% 2041
    2,000       2,415  
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ochsner Community Hospitals Project), Series 2007-B, 5.25% 2027
    1,500       1,584  
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (CHRISTUS Health), Series 2009-A, 6.00% 2029
    3,000       3,477  
Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project),
Series 2002-A, National insured, 5.375% 2015 (preref. 2013)
    3,000       3,109  
Regional Transit Auth. (New Orleans), Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2010,
Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2030
    1,000       1,148  
Parish of St. Charles, Gulf Opportunity Zone Rev. Bonds (Valero Project), Series 2010, 4.00% 2040 (put 2022)
    1,665       1,792  
Parish of St. John the Baptist, Rev. Bonds (Marathon Oil Corp. Project), Series 2007-A, 5.125% 2037
    22,200       23,552  
Fin. Auth. of St. Tammany Parish, Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Home Ownership Program),
Series 2007-A, 4.85% 2039
    558       562  
Tobacco Settlement Auth., Asset-backed Bonds, Series 2001-B, 5.50% 2030
    17,930       18,290  
MAINE — 0.13%
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (MaineGeneral Medical Center Issue), 6.75% 2036
    8,000       9,424  
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (MaineGeneral Medical Center Issue), 6.75% 2041
    2,000       2,342  
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (MaineGeneral Medical Center Issue), 7.00% 2041
    500       594  
MARYLAND — 0.61%
City of Annapolis, Special Obligation Bonds (Park Place Project), Series 2005-B, 4.75% 2034
    846       850  
Baltimore County, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Oak Crest Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2022
    2,050       2,172  
Baltimore County, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Oak Crest Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2027
    2,000       2,078  
Baltimore County, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Oak Crest Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2037
    17,000       17,502  
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Project Rev. Bonds (Wastewater Projects), Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2036
    1,060       1,233  
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Towson University Project), Series 2007-A, 5.25% 2024
    2,000       2,129  
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (University of Maryland, College Park Projects), Series 2008, 5.25% 2023
    1,300       1,431  
Econ. Dev. Corp., Student Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Maryland, College Park Projects),
Series 2006, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.00% 2020
    1,000       1,073  
Frederick County, Special Obligation Bonds (Urbana Community Dev. Auth.), Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2023
    1,295       1,481  
Frederick County, Special Obligation Bonds (Urbana Community Dev. Auth.), Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2030
    3,350       3,702  
Frederick County, Special Obligation Bonds (Urbana Community Dev. Auth.), Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2040
    2,000       2,153  
City of Gaithersburg, Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Asbury Maryland Obligated Group), Series 2006-A, 5.125% 2026
    2,265       2,322  
City of Gaithersburg, Econ. Dev. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Asbury Maryland Obligated Group), Series 2006-A, 5.125% 2036
    6,015       6,060  
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., First Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds
(PUMH of Maryland, Inc. — Heron Point of Chestertown Issue), Series 1998-A, 5.75% 2019
    2,400       2,080  
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Washington County Hospital Issue), Series 2008, 5.75% 2033
    1,500       1,611  
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Charlestown Community Issue), Series 2010, 6.25% 2045
    1,000       1,152  
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Howard County General Hospital Issue),
Series 1993, 5.50% 2013 (escrowed to maturity)
    250       253  
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Howard County General Hospital Issue),
Series 1993, 5.50% 2021 (escrowed to maturity)
    1,225       1,299  
Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (LifeBridge Health Issue),
Series 2008, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.00% 2019
    1,500       1,710  
Montgomery County, Special Obligation Bonds (West Germantown Dev. Dist.),
Series 2002-A, RADIAN insured, 5.375% 2020
    1,000       1,012  
Prince George’s County, Special Obligation Bonds (National Harbor Project), Series 2004, 5.20% 2034
    2,000       2,047  
Prince George’s County, Special Obligation Bonds (Woodview Village Infrastructure Improvements),
Series 1997-A, 4.70% 2026
    1,000       1,027  
Prince George’s County, Special Obligation Ref. Bonds (Woodview Village Phase II Infrastructure Improvements),
Series 2006, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2032
    1,150       1,183  
Prince George’s County, Special Tax Dist. Bonds (Victoria Falls Project), Series 2005, 5.25% 2035
    1,227       1,229  
Berkshire Wind Power Cooperative Corp. (Massachusetts Municipal Lighting Plant Cooperative),
Wind Project Rev. Bonds, Berkshire Series 1, 5.25% 2026
    3,000       3,315  
Dev. Fin. Agcy, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Tufts Medical Center Issue), Series 2011-I, 6.75% 2036
    2,000       2,438  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Tufts Medical Center Issue), Series 2011-I, 6.875% 2041
    3,000       3,619  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Emerson College Issue), Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2019
    1,000       1,107  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Emerson College Issue), Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2021
    3,000       3,293  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Higher Education Rev. Bonds (Emerson College Issue), Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2022
    1,495       1,627  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Emerson College Issue), Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2040
    10,750       11,263  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Boston University Issue), Series U-4, 5.60% 2035
    5,750       6,569  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Boston University Issue), Series V-1, 5.00% 2029
    17,800       20,147  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Curry College Issue), Series 2006-A, ACA insured, 5.00% 2036
    1,000       1,017  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Curry College Issue), Series 2006-A, ACA insured, 5.25% 2014
    460       473  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Curry College Issue), Series 2006-A, ACA insured, 5.25% 2026
    1,490       1,548  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Fac.), Series 2011-A-1, 6.25% 2019
    1,040       968  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Fac.), Series 2011-A-1, 6.25% 2020
    1,089       997  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Fac.), Series 2011-A-1, 6.25% 2026
    1,412       1,198  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Fac.), Series 2011-A-1, 6.25% 2031
    1,056       853  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Fac.), Series 2011-A-1, 6.25% 2039
    705       540  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Fac.), Series 2011-A-1, 6.25% 2046
    1,773       1,325  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Fac.), Series 2011-A-2, 5.50% 2046
    375       240  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc. Fac.), Series 2011-B, 0% 2056
    1,867       10  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Northeastern University Issue), Seires 2012, 4.00% 2035
    1,500       1,534  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northeastern University Issue), Series 2008-T-1, 5.00% 2032
    1,050       1,212  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northeastern University Issue), Series 2008-T-2, 5.00% 2032
    1,000       1,155  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Northeastern University Issue), Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2035
    5,000       5,604  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Partners HealthCare System Issue), Series 2011-K-6, 5.375% 2041
    1,000       1,133  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds (Partners HealthCare System Issue), Series 2012-L, 5.00% 2031
    1,000       1,152  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Partners HealthCare System Issue),
Series 2007-G-2, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0.43% 2042 2
    5,000       5,000  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Partners HealthCare System Issue), Series E, 5.00% 2014
    1,085       1,126  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Harvard University Issue), Series 2010-B-2, 5.25% 2034
    11,685       14,174  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Harvard University Issue), Series 2009-A, 5.50% 2036
    13,320       16,183  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (UMass Memorial), Series 2011-H, 5.50% 2031
    1,500       1,705  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Senior Living Fac. Rev. Bonds (Groves in Lincoln Issue), Series 2009-A, 7.875% 2044 4
    1,000       523  
Dev. Fin. Agcy., Senior Living Fac. Rev. Bonds (Groves in Lincoln Issue), Series 2009-B-2, 6.25% 2014 4
    2,315       1,551  
G.O. Bonds, Consolidated Loan of 2008, Series A, 5.00% 2033
    8,070       9,311  
G.O. Bonds, Consolidated Loan of 2011, Series B, 5.00% 2025
    7,930       9,591  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Baystate Medical Center Issue),
Series 2009-K-2, 5.00% 2039 (put 2015)
    1,200       1,314  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Issue),
Series 2008-O, 6.00% 2036
    7,000       8,649  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (CareGroup Issue), Series 2008-E-1, 5.125% 2033
    2,500       2,652  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (CareGroup Issue), Series 2008-E-2, 5.375% 2025
    2,500       2,831  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lahey Clinic Medical Center Issue),
Series 2005-C, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2016
    5,945       6,484  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Suffolk University Issue), Series 2009-A, 5.75% 2039
    8,380       9,342  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Suffolk University Issue), Series 2009-A, 6.00% 2024
    5,500       6,499  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Suffolk University Issue), Series 2009-A, 6.25% 2030
    1,000       1,166  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Bonds, Series 2009-C, 5.35% 2049
    4,000       4,304  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 3.375% 2016
    2,880       3,084  
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2003-C, 5.25% 2013
    2,000       2,085  
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2004-C, 5.50% 2017
    2,905       3,563  
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-A-1, 5.25% 2032
    10,000       13,371  
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2004-C, 5.50% 2017 (escrowed to maturity)
    95       117  
Port Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2023
    1,090       1,362  
Port Auth., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds (ConRAC Project), Series 2011-A, 5.125% 2041
    10,250       11,436  
School Building Auth., Dedicated Sales Tax Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2041
    2,500       2,889  
Special Obligation Dedicated Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2020
    5,000       5,964  
State College Building Auth., Project and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2003-B, XLCA insured, 5.375% 2017
    3,550       4,272  
State College Building Auth., Project and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2003-B, XLCA insured, 5.375% 2018
    5,045       6,192  
State College Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2030
    1,000       1,200  
State College Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2043
    3,000       3,461  
Water Pollution Abatement Trust, Pool Program Bonds, Series 11, 5.25% 2018
    1,000       1,246  
Water Resources Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2036
    11,000       12,724  
MICHIGAN — 3.52%
Econ. Dev. Corp. of the City of Dearborn, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Henry Ford Village, Inc. Project),
Series 2008, 7.00% 2038
    5,800       6,026  
City of Detroit, Sewage Disposal System Rev. Ref. Bonds (Tax-Exempt Notes),
Series 2006-D, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0.909% 2032 2
    4,850       3,766  
City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Dept. Sewage Disposal System Rev. and Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.25% 2039
    4,400       4,694  
City of Detroit, Water Supply System Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.25% 2041
    34,350       36,196  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (School Dist. of the City of Detroit), Series 2011, 5.50% 2021
    6,865       7,937  
Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (School Dist. of the City of Detroit), Series 2012, 5.00% 2019
    1,000       1,138  
School Dist. of the City of Detroit (Wayne County), School Building and Site Improvement Ref. Bonds (Unlimited Tax G.O.),
Series 1998-C, FGIC insured, 5.25% 2025
    1,955       2,323  
School Dist. of the City of Detroit (Wayne County), School Building and Site Improvement Ref. Bonds (Unlimited Tax G.O.),
Series 2005-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2016
    4,000       4,389  
School Dist. of the City of Detroit (Wayne County), School Building and Site Improvement Ref. Bonds (Unlimited Tax G.O.),
Series 2005-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2018
    4,920       5,405  
School Dist. of the City of Detroit (Wayne County), School Building and Site Improvement Ref. Bonds (Unlimited Tax G.O.),
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2026
    2,000       2,267  
School Dist. of the City of Detroit (Wayne County), School Building and Site Improvement Ref. Bonds (Unlimited Tax G.O.),
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2027
    3,500       3,954  
School Dist. of the City of Detroit (Wayne County), School Building and Site Improvement Ref. Bonds (Unlimited Tax G.O.),
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2028
    3,610       4,052  
School Dist. of the City of Detroit (Wayne County), School Building and Site Improvement Ref. Bonds (Unlimited Tax G.O.),
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2030
    4,000       4,529  
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Ref. Bonds (Oakwood Obligated Group), Series 2012, 5.00% 2024
    9,145       10,497  
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Ref. Bonds (Oakwood Obligated Group), Series 2012, 5.00% 2027
    3,000       3,384  
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Ref. Bonds (Oakwood Obligated Group), Series 2012, 5.00% 2042
    2,000       2,161  
Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2011, 5.00% 2039
    6,250       6,925  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2008-A, 6.00% 2034 (put 2017)
    2,500       3,051  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2008-A, 6.50% 2033
    5,000       6,036  
City of Flint, Hospital Building Auth., Rev. Rental Bonds (Hurley Medical Center), Series 1998-B, 5.375% 2028
    500       500  
G.O. Bonds (Environmental Program and Ref.), Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2018
    5,000       5,980  
G.O. Bonds (Environmental Program and Ref.), Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2019
    2,500       2,955  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (MidMichigan Obligated Group), Series 2006-A, 4.75% 2031
    3,360       3,481  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (MidMichigan Obligated Group), Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2026
    6,665       6,989  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (MidMichigan Obligated Group), Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2036
    12,705       13,196  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Henry Ford Health System), Series 2003-A, 5.50% 2014 (preref. 2013)
    2,440       2,505  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Henry Ford Health System), Series 2003-A, 5.50% 2015 (preref. 2013)
    5,000       5,132  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Henry Ford Health System), Series 2003-A, 5.50% 2016 (preref. 2013)
    2,500       2,566  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Henry Ford Health System), Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2020
    1,115       1,243  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Henry Ford Health System), Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2021
    2,165       2,373  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Henry Ford Health System), Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2038
    10,000       10,488  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Henry Ford Health System), Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2046
    4,590       4,872  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Henry Ford Health System), Series 2009, 5.625% 2029
    1,500       1,722  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (McLaren Health Care), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2035
    1,000       1,099  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (McLaren Health Care), Series 2005-C, 5.00% 2020
    2,580       2,804  
Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2002-C, 5.375% 2023 (preref. 2012)
    1,000       1,013  
Kent Hospital Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Spectrum Health System), Series 2008-A, 5.50% 2047 (put 2015)
    6,000       6,648  
Kent Hospital Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Spectrum Health System), Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2029
    2,000       2,271  
County of Monroe Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Ref. Bonds (Mercy Memorial Hospital Corp. Obligated Group),
Series 2006, 5.50% 2019
    1,405       1,520  
County of Monroe Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. and Ref. Bonds (Mercy Memorial Hospital Corp. Obligated Group),
Series 2006, 5.50% 2035
    1,500       1,560  
Municipal Bond Auth., School Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2003-A, 5.25% 2013
    10,790       11,185  
Municipal Bond Auth., State Clean Water Revolving Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 2017
    1,500       1,757  
Public Power Agcy., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Belle River Project), Series 2002-A, National insured, 5.25% 2018
    2,000       2,369  
City of Royal Oak Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (William Beaumont Hospital Obligated Group),
Series 2009-V, 8.00% 2029
    2,000       2,562  
City of Royal Oak Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (William Beaumont Hospital Obligated Group),
Series 2009-V, 8.25% 2039
    3,000       3,866  
City of Saginaw Hospital Fin. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Covenant Medical Center, Inc.), Series 2010-H, 5.00% 2030
    5,300       5,611  
State Trunk Line Fund Bonds, Series 2011, 5.00% 2036
    2,000       2,317  
State Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Facs. Program), Series 2008-I, 5.50% 2017
    1,000       1,200  
State Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Facs. Program), Series 2008-I, 6.00% 2038
    8,000       9,253  
State Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Facs. Program), Series 2011-I-A, 5.125% 2030
    2,000       2,315  
State Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Facs. Program), Series 2011-I-A, 5.375% 2041
    2,500       2,879  
State Hospital Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Credit Group), Series 1999-B-3, 2.00% 2033 (put 2014)
    5,400       5,548  
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Edison Co. Exempt Facs. Project),
Series 2008-ET-1, 5.25% 2029 (put 2014)
    4,750       5,108  
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Edison Co. Exempt Facs. Project),
Series 2008-ET-2, 5.50% 2029 (put 2016)
    2,000       2,293  
Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Edison Co. Exempt Facs. Project),
Series 2008-KT, 5.625% 2020
    1,500       1,808  
Tobacco Settlement Fin. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Bonds, Current Interest Bonds,
Series 2007-A, 5.125% 2022
    6,415       5,649  
Tobacco Settlement Fin. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Bonds, Current Interest Bonds,
Series 2007-A, 6.00% 2048
    20,680       17,198  
Tobacco Settlement Fin. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds,
Series 2008-A, 6.875% 2042
    10,010       10,083  
Wayne County Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport),
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2032
    2,500       2,781  
Wayne County Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport),
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2037
    4,000       4,363  
Wayne County Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport),
Series 2010-C, 5.00% 2021
    12,190       14,140  
Wayne County Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport),
Series 2010-C, 5.00% 2022
    2,140       2,471  
Wayne County Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport),
Series 2010-C, 5.50% 2020
    9,000       10,983  
Wayne County Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport),
Series 2010-D, 5.00% 2016
    1,400       1,619  
Wayne County Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport),
Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2019
    1,290       1,525  
Board of Governors of Wayne State University, General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2024
    4,755       5,380  
Board of Governors of Wayne State University, General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2025
    5,105       5,755  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Fin. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2010-A, 4.25% 2028
    2,075       2,225  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Fin. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2011-B, 4.50% 2031
    945       1,028  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Fin. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2011-D, 4.50% 2034
    975       1,065  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Homeownership Fin. Bonds (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), Series 2011-G, 4.25% 2035
    1,250       1,357  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Housing Fin. Bonds, Series 2012-D, 4.00% 2040
    1,000       1,072  
Minneapolis/St. Paul Housing Fin. Board, Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds
(Mortgage-backed Securities Program — City Living Home Programs), Series 2006-A-3, 5.70% 2027
    1,245       1,299  
Tobacco Securitization Auth., Tobacco Settlement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.25% 2031
    10,000       11,305  
City of Wayzata, Senior Housing Entrance Deposit Rev. Bonds (Folkestone Senior Living Community),
Series 2012-B, 4.875% 2019
    2,200       2,225  
Dev. Bank, Special Obligation Bonds (Municipal Energy Agcy. of Mississippi Power Supply Project),
Series 2006-A, XLCA insured, 5.00% 2026
    5,065       5,232  
G.O. Ref. Bonds, Series 2003-A, 5.25% 2013
    2,000       2,117  
G.O. Ref. Bonds, Series 2003-A, 5.25% 2015
    3,000       3,451  
Home Corp., Homeownership Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 4.50% 2031
    1,120       1,197  
Home Corp., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-A-1, 5.50% 2038
    4,120       4,368  
Home Corp., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A-2, 5.00% 2039
    815       871  
Hospital Equipment and Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baptist Memorial Health Care), Series 2004-B-1, 5.00% 2024
    15,205       16,238  
Hospital Equipment and Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mississippi Baptist Health Systems, Inc.),
Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2017
    3,000       3,387  
Hospital Equipment and Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mississippi Baptist Health Systems, Inc.),
Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2026
    2,000       2,111  
Jackson State University Educational Building Corp., Rev. Bonds (Campus Facs. Project),
Series 2007, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2034 (put 2015)
    3,805       4,181  
Warren County, Gulf Opportunity Zone Bonds (International Paper Co. Project), Series 2011-A, 5.375% 2035
    1,500       1,638  
Warren County, Gulf Opportunity Zone Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.80% 2034
    2,000       2,234  
MISSOURI — 0.77%
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the County of Cape Girardeau, Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Southeast Missouri Hospital Assn.),
Series 2007, 5.00% 2017
    1,000       1,095  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the County of Cape Girardeau, Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Southeast Missouri Hospital Assn.),
Series 2007, 5.00% 2018
    1,500       1,630  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the County of Cape Girardeau, Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Southeast Missouri Hospital Assn.),
Series 2007, 5.00% 2036
    5,000       5,104  
Chesterfield Valley Transportation Dev. Dist. (Chesterfield), Transportation Sales Tax Rev. Bonds,
Series 2006, Assured Guaranty insured, 4.00% 2026
    1,250       1,250  
City of Fenton, Tax Increment Rev. Ref. Bonds (Gravois Bluffs Redev. Project), Series 2006, 4.50% 2021
    1,240       1,271  
City of Fenton, Tax Increment Rev. Ref. Bonds (Gravois Bluffs Redev. Project), Series 2006, 5.00% 2014
    1,260       1,325  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (SSM Health Care), Series 2010-B, 5.00% 2030
    2,835       3,194  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (St. Luke’s Episcopal — Presbyterian Hospitals),
Series 2006, 5.00% 2019
    2,830       3,079  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services Projects),
Series 2010, 5.50% 2042
    2,250       2,394  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services),
Series 2007-A, 4.875% 2027
    2,930       2,999  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services),
Series 2007-A, 4.875% 2037
    3,065       3,107  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Senior Living Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lutheran Senior Services),
Series 2007-B, 4.875% 2038
    4,215       4,270  
Housing Dev. Commission, Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Homeownership Loan Program),
Series 2009-C, 4.90% 2036
    1,110       1,133  
Housing Dev. Commission, Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Homeownership Loan Program),
Series 2009-D, 4.80% 2040
    1,520       1,607  
I-470 and 350 Transportation Dev. Dist. (Lee’s Summit), Transportation Sales Tax Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds,
Series 2007, RADIAN insured, 4.60% 2029
    1,945       2,028  
Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission, Power Project Rev. Bonds (Plum Point Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.00% 2020
    1,620       1,736  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Lee’s Summit, Senior Living Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (John Knox Village Obligated Group),
Series 2007-A, 5.125% 2026
    7,500       7,540  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of the City of Lee’s Summit, Senior Living Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (John Knox Village Obligated Group),
Series 2007-A, 5.125% 2032
    7,300       7,320  
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2009-A-1, 6.25% 2029
    2,025       2,363  
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), Series 2009-A-1, 6.625% 2034
    3,000       3,550  
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport),
Series 2005, National insured, 5.50% 2027
    6,270       7,458  
City of St. Louis, Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport),
Series 2005, National insured, 5.50% 2029
    3,125       3,710  
Transportation Dev. Dist. (Hazelwood, St. Louis County), Transportation Rev. Bonds
(Missouri Bottom Road/Taussig Road), Series 2002, 7.20% 2033
    5,500       5,540  
NEBRASKA — 0.30%
Central Plains Energy Project, Gas Project Rev. Bonds (Project No. 1), Series 2007-A, 5.25% 2018
    2,100       2,277  
Central Plains Energy Project, Gas Project Rev. Bonds (Project No. 3), Series 2012, 5.00% 2042
    3,000       3,116  
Central Plains Energy Project, Gas Project Rev. Bonds (Project No. 3), Series 2012, 5.25% 2037
    5,000       5,335  
Hospital Auth. No. 3 of Douglas County, Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Methodist Health System),
Series 2008, 5.75% 2028
    10,795       11,908  
Omaha Public Power Dist., Electric System Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.50% 2033
    1,000       1,148  
Public Power Dist., General Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-B, 5.00% 2028
    4,490       5,005  
NEVADA — 2.83%
Clark County School Dist., G.O. (Limited Tax) Building Bonds, Series 2007-C, 5.00% 2023
    10,000       11,669  
Clark County School Dist., G.O. (Limited Tax) Building Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2021
    2,420       2,797  
Clark County School Dist., G.O. (Limited Tax) Building Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2022
    8,000       9,241  
Clark County School Dist., G.O. (Limited Tax) Building Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2023
    7,000       8,073  
Clark County Water Reclamation Dist., G.O. (Limited Tax) Water Reclamation Bonds, Series 2008, 5.625% 2032
    1,000       1,212  
Clark County, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2004-A-2, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2036
    20,000       21,124  
Clark County, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.125% 2036
    18,000       19,846  
Clark County, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-D, 5.00% 2017
    1,500       1,767  
Clark County, Airport System Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-D, 5.00% 2023
    7,025       8,169  
Clark County, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Passenger Fac. Charge Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2030
    14,000       15,669  
Clark County, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Passenger Fac. Charge Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.125% 2034
    10,980       12,196  
Clark County, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Passenger Fac. Charge Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.25% 2042
    8,000       8,809  
Clark County, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Passenger Fac. Charge Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2028
    5,780       6,718  
Clark County, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Passenger Fac. Charge Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2033
    1,885       2,139  
Clark County, G.O. (Limited Tax) Bond Bank Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2021
    11,155       13,153  
Clark County, Highway Rev. (Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax) Improvement and Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.00% 2028
    4,500       5,104  
Clark County, Highway Rev. (Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax) Ref. Bonds, Series 2011, 5.00% 2022
    10,580       13,049  
Clark County, Sales and Excise Tax Rev. (Streets and Highway Projects) Improvement and Ref. Bonds,
Series 2010-B, 5.00% 2019
    3,000       3,647  
Clark County, Special Improvement Dist. No. 121 (Southern Highlands Area), Local Improvement Ref. Bonds,
Series 2006-B, 5.30% 2029
    3,785       3,383  
Clark County, Special Improvement Dist. No. 128 (Summerlin Centre), Local Improvement Bonds,
Series 2001-B, 6.75% 2021
    1,360       1,386  
Clark County, Special Improvement Dist. No. 142 (Mountain’s Edge), Local Improvement Ref. Bonds,
Series 2012, 5.00% 2019
    4,465       4,846  
G.O. (Limited Tax) Capital Improvement and Cultural Affairs Bonds, Series 2007-B, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2026
    9,640       10,852  
G.O. (Limited Tax) Capital Improvement and Cultural Affairs Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.00% 2020
    7,115       8,345  
G.O. (Limited Tax) Capital Improvement and Cultural Affairs Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.00% 2024
    5,550       6,307  
City of Henderson, Health Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West), Series 2007-B, 5.00% 2014
    1,500       1,610  
City of Henderson, Health Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West), Series 2007-B, 5.00% 2015
    2,000       2,208  
City of Henderson, Local Improvement Dist. No. T-16 (Falls at Lake Las Vegas),
Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, 4.80% 2014
    1,765       1,719  
City of Henderson, Local Improvement Dist. No. T-17 (Madeira Canyon),
Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, 5.00% 2018
    365       375  
City of Henderson, Local Improvement Dist. No. T-17 (Madeira Canyon),
Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, 5.00% 2025
    3,995       4,014  
City of Henderson, Local Improvement Dist. No. T-18 (Inspirada), Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, 5.25% 2026
    2,495       1,401  
City of Henderson, Local Improvement Dist. No. T-18 (Inspirada), Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, 5.30% 2035
    10,970       6,090  
City of Henderson, Local Improvement Dist. No. T-4C (Green Valley Properties), Limited Obligation Ref. Bonds,
Series 1999-A, 5.75% 2013
    2,060       2,069  
City of Henderson, Local Improvement Dist. No. T-4C (Green Valley Properties), Limited Obligation Ref. Bonds,
Series 1999-A, 5.90% 2018
    2,845       2,852  
Highway Improvement Rev. Bonds (Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax), Series 2008, 5.00% 2024
    4,850       5,571  
City of Las Vegas, Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Rev. Ref. Bonds (Fremont Street Project), Series 2003-A, 5.00% 2014
    3,920       3,955  
City of Las Vegas, Special Improvement Dist. No. 607 (Providence), Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2004, 5.625% 2015
    2,370       2,437  
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., G.O. (Limited Tax) Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-C, 5.00% 2030
    8,000       9,246  
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., G.O. (Limited Tax) Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2032
    2,000       2,313  
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., G.O. (Limited Tax) Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2037
    3,500       3,972  
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., G.O. (Limited Tax) Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2042
    1,000       1,127  
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., G.O. (Limited Tax) Water and Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-D, 5.00% 2025
    2,360       2,708  
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., G.O. (Limited Tax) Water and Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-D, 5.00% 2026
    4,330       4,944  
City of Reno, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Renown Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2022
    3,295       3,511  
City of Reno, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Renown Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2027
    9,385       9,783  
City of Reno, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Washoe Medical Center Project), Series 2004-A, AMBAC insured, 5.50% 2028
    1,625       1,757  
Redev. Agcy. of the City of Reno, Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2007-B, 5.00% 2027
    2,000       1,116  
Business Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group Issue), Series 2009-A, 6.00% 2027
    3,000       3,420  
Business Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group Issue), Series 2009-A, 6.125% 2039
    18,115       20,582  
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Rivermead Issue), Series 2011-B-1, 5.55% 2017
    400       404  
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Rivermead Issue), Series 2011-B-2, 5.30% 2017
    2,595       2,617  
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern New Hampshire Medical Center Issue),
Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2037
    8,500       8,893  
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern New Hampshire Medical Center Issue),
Series 2007-A, 5.25% 2028
    3,000       3,216  
Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Southern New Hampshire University Issue), Series 2012, 5.00% 2042
    910       963  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Healthcare System Rev. Bonds (Covenant Health Systems Obligated Group Issue),
Series 2007-A, 5.25% 2024
    1,910       2,089  
Turnpike System Rev. Bonds, Ref. Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2020
    1,000       1,195  
NEW JERSEY — 2.35%
Certs. of Part., Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2023
    1,000       1,125  
Econ. Dev. Auth., Cigarette Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2004, RADIAN insured, 5.375% 2015 (escrowed to maturity)
    1,500       1,709  
Econ. Dev. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Ref. Bonds (Seabrook Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2006, 5.00% 2016
    1,000       1,056  
Econ. Dev. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Ref. Bonds (Seabrook Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2006, 5.25% 2026
    1,925       1,972  
Econ. Dev. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Ref. Bonds (Seabrook Village, Inc. Fac.), Series 2006, 5.25% 2036
    5,250       5,282  
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Provident Group — Montclair Properties LLC —
Montclair State University Student Housing Project), Series 2010-A, 5.375% 2025
    4,160       4,593  
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Provident Group — Montclair Properties LLC —
Montclair State University Student Housing Project), Series 2010-A, 5.875% 2042
    5,000       5,549  
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Crane’s Mill Project), Series 2005-A, 5.00% 2015
    470       489  
Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Crane’s Mill Project), Series 2005-A, 5.50% 2018
    880       976  
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2005-O, 5.00% 2018 (preref. 2015)
    2,000       2,229  
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Bonds, Series 2005-P, 5.25% 2018
    1,500       1,673  
Econ. Dev. Auth., School Facs. Construction Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-W, 5.00% 2019
    2,315       2,712  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kean University Issue), Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2024
    3,630       4,149  
Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kean University Issue), Series 2009-A, 5.50% 2036
    2,500       2,854  
Econ. Dev. Auth., Econ. Dev. Bonds (City of Elizabeth — Kapkowski Road Landfill Reclamation Improvement Dist. Project),
Series 1998-A, 6.375% 2018 (preref. 2014)
    1,000       1,101  
Econ. Dev. Auth., Econ. Dev. Bonds (City of Elizabeth — Kapkowski Road Landfill Reclamation Improvement Dist. Project),
Series 1998-A, 6.375% 2031 (preref. 2014)
    4,500       4,956  
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. and Ref. Bonds (Barnabas Health Issue), Series 2011-A, 5.625% 2032
    3,500       3,926  
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. and Ref. Bonds (Barnabas Health Issue), Series 2011-A, 5.625% 2037
    3,500       3,882  
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. and Ref. Bonds (Kennedy Health System Obligated Group Issue),
Series 2012, 5.00% 2037
    1,000       1,087  
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. and Ref. Bonds, Saint Clare’s Hospital, Inc. Issue,
Series 2004-B, National insured, 5.25% 2015 (escrowed to maturity)
    2,150       2,422  
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Saint Clare’s Hospital, Inc. Issue,
Series 2004-A, RADIAN insured, 5.25% 2016 (escrowed to maturity)
    4,740       5,546  
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (AHS Hospital Corp. Issue), Series 2011, 6.00% 2041
    1,500       1,809  
Health Care Facs. Fncg. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (St. Peter’s University Hospital), 6.00% 2026
    1,000       1,136  
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2017
    8,000       9,201  
Higher Education Student Assistance Auth., Student Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-1A, 5.00% 2015
    3,000       3,375  
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-1-A, 4.625% 2026
    29,750       27,286  
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-1-A, 5.00% 2041
    17,500       14,595  
Transit Corp., Certs. of Part., Series 2003-A, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2013
    5,500       5,760  
Transit Corp., Certs. of Part., Series 2005-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2018
    7,750       8,492  
Transit Corp., Certs. of Part., Series 2005-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2021
    5,000       5,452  
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds (Capital Appreciation Bonds), Series 2010-A, 0% 2030
    10,000       4,630  
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds (Capital Appreciation Bonds), Series 2010-A, 0% 2037
    10,000       3,047  
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds (Capital Appreciation Bonds), Series 2010-A, 0% 2040
    18,000       4,724  
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2004-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.75% 2025
    5,000       6,474  
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2005-D, 5.00% 2020
    4,000       4,412  
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2008-A, 6.00% 2038
    3,255       3,822  
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.50% 2031
    2,000       2,381  
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds,
Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2020
    10,000       12,480  
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds,
Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2021
    10,000       12,503  
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds,
Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2022
    20,000       25,042  
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-B, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2023
    8,000       10,060  
Transportation Trust Fund Auth., Transportation System Bonds, Series 2008-A, 6.00% 2038 (preref. 2018)
    1,745       2,284  
NEW MEXICO — 0.30%
Bernalillo County, Gross Receipts Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1998, 5.20% 2021
    6,040       7,318  
Educational Assistance Foundation, Education Loan Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A-2, 1.118% 2028 2
    4,360       4,338  
City of Gallup, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Tri-State Generation and Transmission Assn., Inc. Project),
Series 2005, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2015
    5,025       5,564  
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single-family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2009-C-2, Class I, 5.70% 2040
    865       934  
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single-family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2009-D, Class I, 5.35% 2040
    490       525  
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single-family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2010-A, Class I, 4.50% 2028
    1,100       1,181  
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single-family Mortgage Program Bonds, Series 2010-A, Class I, 4.625% 2025
    550       579  
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single-family Mortgage Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-B-2, Class I, 5.65% 2039
    1,250       1,343  
Mortgage Fin. Auth., Single-family Mortgage Program Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-E, Class I, 5.30% 2040
    1,625       1,746  
Sandoval County, Incentive Payment Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005, 5.00% 2020
    5,000       5,412  
NEW YORK — 5.54%
City of Albany Industrial Dev. Agcy., Civic Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (St. Peter’s Hospital of the City of Albany Project),
Series 2008-A, 5.25% 2027
    1,000       1,085  
Buffalo and Erie County Industrial Land Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Buffalo State College Foundation Housing Corp. Project),
Series 2011-A, 6.00% 2031
    1,000       1,223  
County of Chautauqua Industrial Dev. Agcy., Exempt Fac. Rev. Bonds (NRG Dunkirk Power Project),
Series 2009, 5.875% 2042
    2,000       2,252  
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, North Shore-Long Island Jewish Obligated Group, Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2032
    11,000       12,342  
Dormitory Auth., FHA insured Mortgage Hospital Rev. Bonds (Kaleida Health), Series 2006, 4.60% 2027
    10,015       10,450  
Dormitory Auth., Fordham University Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.50% 2036
    500       583  
Dormitory Auth., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (State University Educational Facs. Issue),
Series 2003, XLCA insured, 5.25% 2032 (put 2013)
    3,000       3,122  
Dormitory Auth., Mental Health Services Facs. Improvement Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2021
    5,000       6,087  
Dormitory Auth., Mount Sinai Hospital Obligated Group Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2026
    1,250       1,406  
Dormitory Auth., Municipal Health Facs. Improvement Program Lease Rev. Bonds,
Series 2001-2, Subseries 2-2, 5.00% 2023
    10,000       11,272  
Dormitory Auth., Municipal Health Facs. Improvement Program Lease Rev. Bonds,
Series 2001-2, Subseries 2-3, 5.00% 2023
    7,150       8,059  
Dormitory Auth., Municipal Health Facs. Improvement Program Lease Rev. Bonds,
Series 2001-2, Subseries 2-3, 5.00% 2026
    3,535       3,895  
Dormitory Auth., Rochester General Hospital Insured Rev. Bonds, Series 2005, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2013
    2,710       2,826  
Dormitory Auth., Rochester General Hospital Insured Rev. Bonds, Series 2005, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2015
    1,495       1,638  
Dormitory Auth., Secured Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Interfaith Medical Center), Series 2007, 5.00% 2019
    2,100       2,510  
Dormitory Auth., Secured Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Interfaith Medical Center), Series 2007, 5.00% 2020
    3,400       4,098  
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (Education), Series 2008-B, 5.00% 2023
    10,000       12,207  
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (Education), Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2028
    8,000       9,495  
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2033
    8,760       10,168  
Dormitory Auth., State Personal Income Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2027
    5,000       6,105  
Dormitory Auth., State University Educational Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1990-A, 7.50% 2013
    3,500       3,679  
Energy Research and Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Electric & Gas Corp. Project),
Series 1994-B, 3.00% 2029 (put 2013)
    6,000       6,070  
Energy Research and Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Electric & Gas Corp. Project),
Series 1994-C, 3.00% 2029 (put 2013)
    4,000       4,047  
Environmental Facs. Corp., State Clean Water and Drinking Water Rev. Ref. Second Resolution Bonds
(New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth. Projects), Series 2002-K, 5.50% 2017
    5,000       6,137  
Environmental Facs. Corp., State Clean Water and Drinking Water Revolving Funds Rev. Bonds
(New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth. Projects — Second Resolution Bonds), Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2036
    2,500       2,895  
Environmental Facs. Corp., State Revolving Funds Rev. Bonds (2010 Master Fncg. Program), Series 2011-C, 5.00% 2029
    2,000       2,407  
Erie County Industrial Dev. Agcy., School Fac. Rev. Bonds (City School Dist. of the City of Buffalo Project),
Series 2011-A, 5.25% 2025
    500       602  
Erie County Industrial Dev. Agcy., School Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (City School Dist. of the City of Buffalo Project),
Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2024
    1,000       1,195  
Erie County Industrial Dev. Agcy., School Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (City School Dist. of the City of Buffalo Project),
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2025
    1,000       1,198  
Town of Hempstead Local Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Hofstra University Project), Series 2011, 5.00% 2041
    1,365       1,501  
Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., Rev. Bonds, Fiscal 2012 Series A, 5.25% 2047
    7,500       8,456  
Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., Rev. Bonds, Fiscal 2012 Series A, 5.75% 2047
    9,500       11,163  
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Bonds, Series 1WTC-2011, 5.00% 2041
    5,000       5,580  
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2011, 5.00% 2031
    4,500       5,170  
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Bonds (4 World Trade Center Project), Series 2011, 5.00% 2044
    6,750       7,476  
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Bonds (Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park Project),
Series 2010, 6.375% 2049
    19,800       22,755  
Liberty Dev. Corp., Liberty Rev. Ref. Bonds (7 World Trade Center Project), Series 2012, 5.00% 2043
    4,000       4,383  
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2003-C, 5.50% 2014 (preref. 2013)
    2,400       2,527  
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2003-C, 5.50% 2021 (preref. 2013)
    1,000       1,053  
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2003-C, CIFG insured, 5.25% 2029
    4,000       4,929  
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2042
    15,000       16,717  
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2003-B, 5.25% 2012
    3,000       3,038  
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2003-B, 5.25% 2013
    1,500       1,555  
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2021
    1,000       1,220  
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.50% 2024
    1,500       1,809  
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.75% 2039
    5,000       5,984  
Long Island Power Auth., Electric System General Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 6.25% 2033
    2,000       2,492  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Dedicated Tax Fund Bonds, Series 2009-B, 5.00% 2034
    1,000       1,131  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Dedicated Tax Fund Bonds, Series 2009-B, 5.25% 2022
    5,000       6,099  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Dedicated Tax Fund Bonds, Series 2009-B, 5.25% 2030
    2,000       2,344  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Dedicated Tax Fund Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2002-B-3C, 1.12% 2019 2
    8,900       8,899  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Dedicated Tax Fund Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2002-B-3D, 1.17% 2020 2
    11,100       11,093  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2003-B, FGIC-National insured, 5.25% 2021
    5,000       6,209  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2005-C, 5.00% 2016
    1,000       1,170  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-C, 5.50% 2018
    6,500       7,397  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-D, 5.00% 2036
    6,000       6,751  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-D, 5.25% 2041
    5,000       5,660  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-E, 5.00% 2024
    2,000       2,406  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-C, 5.00% 2023
    5,000       6,033  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-D, 5.00% 2024
    10,000       12,029  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-D, 5.00% 2029
    7,000       8,199  
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Transportation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-D, 5.00% 2032
    3,105       3,587  
Monroe County Industrial Dev. Corp., FHA insured Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Unity Hospital of Rochester Project),
Series 2010, 5.50% 2040
    1,000       1,155  
City of New York, G.O. Bonds, Fiscal 2005 Series H, 5.00% 2016
    3,000       3,261  
City of New York, G.O. Bonds, Fiscal 2005 Series M, 5.00% 2020
    2,500       2,798  
City of New York, G.O. Bonds, Fiscal 2006 Series J-1, 5.00% 2021
    5,000       5,708  
City of New York, G.O. Bonds, Fiscal 2012 Series I, 5.00% 2023
    5,000       6,210  
City of New York, G.O. Bonds, Series H, 5.00% 2015
    1,420       1,548  
City of New York, G.O. Bonds, Series M, 5.00% 2013
    915       941  
City of New York, G.O. Bonds, Series H, 5.00% 2015 (preref. 2014)
    580       633  
City of New York, G.O. Bonds, Series M, 5.00% 2013 (escrowed to maturity)
    1,105       1,136  
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi-family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-C-1, 5.50% 2034
    1,000       1,101  
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Multi-family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-K, 4.90% 2034
    3,000       3,239  
New York City Housing Dev. Corp., Residential Rev. Bonds (College of Staten Island Residences),
Series 2012-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 4.10% 2042
    2,500       2,596  
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Fiscal 2006 Series C, 4.75% 2033
    10,000       11,146  
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Fiscal 2009
Series EE, 5.00% 2018
    5,000       6,091  
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Fiscal 2012
Series BB, 5.00% 2044
    3,000       3,417  
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Fiscal 2012
Series BB, 5.25% 2044
    3,000       3,513  
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Bonds, Fiscal 2012
Series FF, 5.00% 2045
    6,000       6,871  
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Fiscal 2007 Series DD, 4.75% 2035
    7,500       8,332  
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Fiscal 2010 Series FF, 5.00% 2025
    2,255       2,725  
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Fiscal 2011 Series GG, 5.00% 2026
    2,000       2,422  
New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Fiscal 2011 Series GG, 5.00% 2043
    2,000       2,270  
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Fiscal 2009 Series S-5, 5.25% 2022
    5,000       6,133  
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Fiscal 2012 Series S-1-A, 5.00% 2032
    12,730       14,748  
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid Rev. Bonds, Fiscal 2013 Series S-1, 5.00% 2033
    1,825       2,131  
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Fiscal 1998 Series B, 4.50% 2027
    5,000       5,009  
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Fiscal 2011 Series D, 5.00% 2024
    1,000       1,215  
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Fiscal 2012 Series E-1, 5.00% 2037
    2,000       2,299  
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax Secured Bonds, Fiscal 2012 Series F-1, 5.00% 2039
    5,000       5,754  
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Multi-Modal Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2020
    1,500       1,853  
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Tax-Exempt Future Tax Secured Bonds, Series 2007-A, Subseries A-1, 5.00% 2021
    5,000       5,788  
New York City, Health and Hospitals Corp., Health System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.50% 2020
    7,120       8,302  
New York City, Health and Hospitals Corp., Health System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2021
    1,500       1,767  
New York City, Health and Hospitals Corp., Health System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2024
    5,000       5,737  
Port Auth., Special Project Bonds (JFK International Air Terminal LLC Project), Series 8, 5.00% 2020
    1,000       1,137  
Port Auth., Special Project Bonds (JFK International Air Terminal LLC Project), Series 8, 6.00% 2036
    2,000       2,332  
Port Auth., Special Project Bonds (JFK International Air Terminal LLC Project), Series 8, 6.00% 2042
    13,000       15,108  
Seneca Nation of Indians, Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00% 2023 1
    3,000       3,052  
Seneca Nation of Indians, Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.25% 2016 1
    2,750       2,824  
Suffolk County Econ. Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Catholic Health Services of Long Island Obligated Group Project),
Series 2011, 5.00% 2028
    2,500       2,847  
Suffolk County Industrial Dev. Agcy., Continuing Care Retirement Community Rev. Ref. Bonds
(Jefferson’s Ferry Project), Series 2006, 5.00% 2028
    3,000       3,068  
Thruway Auth., General Rev. Bonds, Series I, 5.00% 2042
    8,000       8,999  
Thruway Auth., Local Highway and Bridge Service Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009, 5.00% 2016
    5,000       5,763  
Thruway Auth., Second General Highway and Bridge Trust Fund Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2022
    1,500       1,746  
Thruway Auth., Second General Highway and Bridge Trust Fund Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2030
    1,000       1,191  
Tobacco Settlement Fin. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (State Contingency Contract Secured), Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2018
    500       602  
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Auth. (MTA Bridges and Tunnels), General Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2005-B-4E, 0.815% 2032 (put 2017) 2
    4,000       4,014  
Urban Dev. Corp., Service Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-D, 5.25% 2021
    8,500       10,127  
Westchester County Health Care Corp., Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.125% 2020
    1,000       1,174  
Broad River Water Auth., Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005, XLCA insured, 5.00% 2015
    1,260       1,379  
Broad River Water Auth., Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005, XLCA insured, 5.00% 2016
    1,220       1,343  
Broad River Water Auth., Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005, XLCA insured, 5.00% 2017
    1,390       1,519  
Capital Improvement Limited Obligation Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2025
    2,750       3,321  
Capital Improvement Limited Obligation Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2027
    2,500       3,008  
Capital Improvement Limited Obligation Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2028
    2,245       2,700  
City of Charlotte, Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2036
    1,245       1,411  
City of Charlotte, Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2041
    1,000       1,135  
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1993-B, 6.00% 2022
    2,815       3,643  
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1993-B, 6.00% 2026
    1,990       2,680  
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1993-B, FGIC-National insured, 6.00% 2025
    11,225       14,942  
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1993-B, National insured, 6.00% 2026
    2,500       3,367  
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2003-C, 5.375% 2016
    2,500       2,540  
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2003-C, 5.375% 2017
    5,250       5,335  
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2003-D, 5.50% 2014
    2,750       2,929  
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-A, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2020
    11,000       12,371  
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2023
    1,400       1,587  
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2024
    9,855       11,107  
Eastern Municipal Power Agcy., Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-B, 5.00% 2026
    2,000       2,267  
Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Duke University Health System), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2035
    1,000       1,146  
Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facs. First Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Carolina Village Project),
Series 2008-A, 6.00% 2038
    5,000       5,256  
Municipal Power Agcy. No. 1, Catawba Electric Rev. Bonds, Series 2003-A, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2015
    2,000       2,032  
Municipal Power Agcy. No. 1, Catawba Electric Rev. Bonds, Series 2003-A,
Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 2016
    3,000       3,049  
Municipal Power Agcy. No. 1, Catawba Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2030
    2,000       2,235  
Municipal Power Agcy. No. 1, Catawba Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.00% 2020
    3,350       4,064  
Onslow County Hospital Auth., FHA insured Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Onslow Memorial Hospital Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.00% 2023
    1,125       1,225  
Onslow County Hospital Auth., FHA insured Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Onslow Memorial Hospital Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.00% 2024
    1,155       1,250  
Onslow County Hospital Auth., FHA insured Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Onslow Memorial Hospital Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.00% 2024
    1,185       1,280  
Onslow County Hospital Auth., FHA insured Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Onslow Memorial Hospital Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.125% 2021
    500       556  
Onslow County Hospital Auth., FHA insured Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Onslow Memorial Hospital Project),
Series 2006, National insured, 5.125% 2022
    1,040       1,148  
Dept. of State Treasurer, Grant Anticipation Rev. Vehicle Bonds, Series 2009, 5.00% 2018
    2,000       2,418  
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, General Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 0.615% 2041 (put 2015) 2
    2,000       2,002  
OHIO — 3.23%
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Air Quality Dev. Rev. Bonds (FirstEnergy Generation Corp. Project), Series 2009-A, 5.70% 2020
    16,215       18,906  
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (FirstEnergy Generation Corp. Project),
Series 2009-A, 5.70% 2014
    4,000       4,232  
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (FirstEnergy Generation Corp. Project),
Series 2009-C, 5.625% 2018
    17,200       19,990  
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation Corp. Project),
Series 2009-A, 5.75% 2033 (put 2016)
    1,000       1,128  
Air Quality Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Ohio Power Co. Project), Series 2010-A, 3.25% 2041 (put 2014)
    2,600       2,667  
Akron, Bath and Copley Joint Township Hospital Dist., Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Akron General Health System),
Series 2012, 5.00% 2031
    3,000       3,168  
County of Allen, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare Partners), Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2038
    5,850       6,327  
County of Allen, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare Partners), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2033
    16,000       17,891  
American Municipal Power — Ohio, Inc., Prairie State Energy Campus Project Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2008-A, 5.25% 2022
    6,000       6,994  
American Municipal Power, Inc., AMP Fremont Energy Center Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2037
    2,000       2,246  
Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Bonds, Current Interest Bonds,
Series 2007-A-2, 5.125% 2024
    10,815       9,181  
Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Bonds, Current Interest Bonds,
Series 2007-A-2, 5.875% 2030
    39,585       32,985  
Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Auth., Tobacco Settlement Asset-backed Bonds, Current Interest Bonds,
Series 2007-A-2, 5.875% 2047
    7,205       5,852  
Building Auth., State Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Adult Correctional Building Fund Projects),
Series 2004-C, National insured, 5.25% 2017
    10,000       12,116  
County of Butler, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Project),
Series 2006-K, FGIC-National insured, 4.25% 2030
    4,000       3,934  
County of Hamilton, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center),
Series 2004-J, FGIC-National insured, 5.25% 2034
    1,250       1,281  
County of Butler, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (UC Health), Series 2010, 5.50% 2040
    5,000       5,443  
County of Butler, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (UC Health), Series 2010, 5.75% 2040
    11,000       12,228  
City of Centerville, Health Care Rev. Ref. Bonds (Bethany Lutheran Village Continuing Care Fac. Expansion Project),
Series 2007-A, 6.00% 2027
    3,080       3,244  
City of Centerville, Health Care Rev. Ref. Bonds (Bethany Lutheran Village Continuing Care Fac. Expansion Project),
Series 2007-A, 6.00% 2038
    2,000       2,075  
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-A, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2021
    8,000       9,347  
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2022
    3,000       3,405  
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2021
    2,000       2,315  
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2026
    3,000       3,385  
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2028
    3,000       3,367  
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2029
    3,000       3,349  
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2030
    3,655       4,056  
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2028
    4,000       4,503  
County of Franklin, Health Care Facs. Improvement Rev. Bonds (Presbyterian Retirement Services Project),
Series 2010-A, 5.625% 2026
    1,600       1,766  
County of Franklin, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Trinity Health Credit Group), Series 2005-A, 5.00% 2015
    1,710       1,905  
County of Gallia, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Holzer Health System Obligated Group Project),
Series 2012-A, 8.00% 2042
    5,000       5,608  
County of Hamilton, Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (The Christ Hospital Project), Series 2012, 5.00% 2042
    3,500       3,720  
County of Hamilton, Healthcare Facs. Rev. Bonds (The Christ Hospital Project), Series 2012, 5.25% 2032
    4,075       4,481  
County of Hamilton, Healthcare Rev. Ref. Bonds (Life Enriching Communities Project), Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2037
    14,455       14,543  
Higher Education G.O. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2019
    5,000       6,165  
Infrastructure Improvement G.O. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.375% 2028
    1,575       1,872  
Higher Educational Fac. Commission, Rev. Bonds (Kenyon College 2002 Project), 4.85% 2037 (put 2014)
    2,000       2,123  
Hospital Rev. Bonds (Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2008-A, 5.25% 2029
    2,000       2,224  
Hospital Rev. Bonds (Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2008-A, 5.25% 2033
    3,000       3,317  
Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2038
    5,000       5,620  
Hospital Rev. Bonds (University Hospitals Health System, Inc. Project), Series 2007-A, 4.50% 2031
    2,750       2,824  
Hospital Rev. Bonds (University Hospitals Health System, Inc.), Series 2009-C-2, 4.875% 2039 (put 2015)
    1,000       1,100  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Capital Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2022
    5,565       6,205  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mortgage-backed Securities Program),
Series 2009-E, 5.00% 2039
    880       933  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Residential Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-C, 4.50% 2039
    1,315       1,374  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-1, 5.00% 2028
    7,180       7,791  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-1, 4.80% 2028
    865       945  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-2, 4.50% 2028
    450       489  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-3, 4.50% 2029
    1,245       1,370  
County of Lake, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lake Hospital System, Inc.), Series 2008-C, 5.625% 2029
    3,000       3,201  
County of Lorain, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kendal at Oberlin), Series 1998-A, 5.25% 2021
    2,000       2,003  
County of Lorain, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare Partners),
Series 2002-A, 5.50% 2013 (preref. 2012)
    1,000       1,004  
County of Lucas, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (ProMedica Healthcare Obligated Group),
Series 2005-B, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2020
    5,000       5,427  
County of Miami, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Upper Valley Medical Center),
Series 2006, 5.25% 2021
    1,660       1,802  
County of Miami, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Upper Valley Medical Center),
Series 2006, 5.25% 2026
    3,250       3,459  
County of Richland, Hospital Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (MedCentral Health System Obligated Group),
Series 2006, 5.125% 2021
    1,000       1,080  
Turnpike Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.25% 2027
    5,000       6,441  
University of Cincinnati, General Receipts Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-C, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.00% 2016
    3,520       4,070  
University of Cincinnati, General Receipts Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-C, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.00% 2017
    2,335       2,767  
OKLAHOMA — 0.31%
Dev. Fin. Auth., Health System Rev. Ref. Bonds (Obligated Group Consisting of INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center, Inc.,
INTEGRIS South Oklahoma City Hospital Corp. and INTEGRIS Rural Health, Inc.), Series 2008-B, 5.25% 2038
    5,000       5,763  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2029
    525       546  
Housing Fin. Agcy., Single-family Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Homeownership Loan Program), Series 2009-B, 4.90% 2036
    3,720       3,932  
Langston Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Langston University Student Housing/LDF Student Housing, LLC Project),
Series 2006-A, ACA insured, 4.75% 2021
    950       988  
Langston Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Langston University Student Housing/LDF Student Housing, LLC Project),
Series 2006-A, ACA insured, 4.75% 2023
    2,035       2,101  
Langston Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Langston University Student Housing/LDF Student Housing, LLC Project),
Series 2006-A, ACA insured, 4.875% 2030
    5,000       5,110  
Municipal Power Auth., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-A, 0.92% 2023 (put 2013) 2
    1,970       1,973  
Tulsa County Industrial Auth., Health Care Rev. Bonds (Saint Francis Health System, Inc.), Series 2006, 5.00% 2020
    1,250       1,446  
Tulsa County Industrial Auth., Health Care Rev. Bonds (Saint Francis Health System, Inc.), Series 2006, 5.00% 2023
    2,045       2,365  
Tulsa Industrial Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Tulsa), Series 2009, 6.00% 2027
    3,000       3,507  
Turnpike Auth., Turnpike System Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2029
    1,650       1,951  
OREGON — 0.13%
Dept. of Administrative Services, Lottery Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2028
    3,500       4,083  
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians, Tax-Exempt Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-C, 5.625% 2026
    5,830       5,367  
Port of Portland, Portland International Airport Passenger Fac. Charge Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.50% 2031
    3,000       3,569  
Monroeville Fin. Auth. (Allegheny County), UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 2027
    2,095       2,474  
Monroeville Fin. Auth. (Allegheny County), UPMC Rev. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 2026
    3,000       3,548  
Allegheny County Hospital Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Ref. Bonds (West Penn Allegheny Health System),
Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2028
    7,450       6,333  
Allegheny County Hospital Dev. Auth., Health System Rev. Ref. Bonds (West Penn Allegheny Health System),
Series 2007-A, 5.375% 2040
    6,000       5,044  
Allegheny County Hospital Dev. Auth., University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-B, 5.00% 2018
    9,250       10,975  
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-E, 5.00% 2021
    5,285       6,272  
Bucks County Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Ann’s Choice, Inc. Fac.),
Series 2005-A, 5.90% 2027
    750       751  
Bucks County Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Ann’s Choice, Inc. Fac.),
Series 2005-A, 6.125% 2025
    2,000       2,028  
Bucks County Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Bonds (Ann’s Choice, Inc. Fac.),
Series 2005-A, 6.25% 2035
    10,400       10,524  
Chester County Health and Education Facs. Auth., Health System Rev. Ref. Bonds (Jefferson Health System),
Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2031
    5,000       5,572  
Cumberland County Municipal Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Obligated Group Project),
Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2017
    1,705       1,854  
Econ. Dev. Fncg. Auth., Exempt Facs. Rev. Bonds (Allegheny Energy Supply Co., LLC Project), Series 2009, 7.00% 2039
    10,500       12,573  
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Edinboro University Foundation Student Housing Project),
Series 2008, 5.00% 2018
    1,860       2,044  
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Edinboro University Foundation Student Housing Project),
Series 2008, 6.00% 2042
    2,500       2,747  
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Foundation for Indiana University of Pennsylvania Student Housing Project
at Indiana University of Pennsylvania), Series 2007-A, XLCA insured, 0.959% 2039 2
    3,000       1,870  
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Saint Joseph’s University Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2023
    1,075       1,251  
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Saint Joseph’s University Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2025
    1,075       1,237  
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (University Properties, Inc. Student Housing Project at
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania), Series 2010, 5.00% 2031
    6,170       6,517  
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (University Properties, Inc. Student Housing Project at
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania), Series 2010, 5.00% 2042
    3,000       3,124  
Higher Educational Facs. Auth., University of Pennsylvania Health System, Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.75% 2041
    1,000       1,173  
Intergovernmental Cooperation Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (City of Philadelphia Funding Program),
Series 2009, 5.00% 2020
    6,285       7,622  
Lycoming County Auth., Health System Rev. Bonds (Susquehanna Health System Project), Series 2009-A, 5.75% 2039
    2,000       2,200  
Montgomery County Industrial Dev. Auth., Mortgage Rev. Bonds
(Whitemarsh Continuing Care Retirement Community Project), Series 2005, 6.00% 2021
    4,500       4,607  
Montgomery County Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Bonds
(ACTS Retirement — Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2006-A, 4.50% 2036
    7,500       7,544  
Montgomery County Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Bonds
(ACTS Retirement — Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2009-A-1, 5.00% 2012
    1,450       1,462  
Montgomery County Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Ref. Bonds
(ACTS Retirement — Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2006-B, 5.00% 2015
    2,500       2,747  
Montgomery County Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Ref. Bonds
(ACTS Retirement — Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2006-B, 5.00% 2017
    2,300       2,545  
Montgomery County Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Ref. Bonds
(ACTS Retirement — Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2012, 5.00% 2024
    2,500       2,771  
Montgomery County Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Ref. Bonds
(ACTS Retirement — Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2012, 5.00% 2025
    2,800       3,090  
Montgomery County Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Ref. Bonds
(ACTS Retirement — Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2012, 5.00% 2026
    3,000       3,286  
Montgomery County Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Communities Rev. Ref. Bonds
(ACTS Retirement — Life Communities, Inc. Obligated Group), Series 2012, 5.00% 2028
    500       543  
Pennsylvania State University Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2024
    1,000       1,155  
Pennsylvania State University Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2027
    1,000       1,136  
City of Philadelphia, Water and Wastewater Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2025
    2,000       2,298  
Hospitals and Higher Education Facs. Auth. of Philadelphia, Hospital Rev. Bonds
(Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Project), Series 2007-A, 4.50% 2025
    2,225       2,385  
Hospitals and Higher Education Facs. Auth. of Philadelphia, Hospital Rev. Bonds
(Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Project), Series 2007-A, 4.50% 2026
    2,395       2,567  
Hospitals and Higher Education Facs. Auth. of Philadelphia, Hospital Rev. Bonds
(Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Project), Series 2007-A, 4.50% 2027
    2,505       2,673  
Hospitals and Higher Education Facs. Auth. of Philadelphia, Hospital Rev. Bonds
(Temple University Health System Obligated Group), Series 2012-A, 5.625% 2042
    12,100       12,729  
Hospitals and Higher Education Facs. Auth. of Philadelphia, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Temple University Hospital),
Series 2007-B, 5.00% 2017
    5,135       5,560  
Health Care Facs. Auth. of Sayre, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Guthrie Health Issue), Series 2007, 1.093% 2024 2
    14,525       12,319  
State Public School Building Auth., School Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds (School Dist. of Philadelphia Project),
Series 2006-B, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2027
    9,820       11,551  
University of Pittsburgh- of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education, University Capital Project Bonds,
Series 2005-A, 5.50% 2037 (put 2013)
    4,250       4,461  
University of Pittsburgh- of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education, University Capital Project Bonds,
Series 2009-B, 5.00% 2028
    4,000       4,796  
Redev. Auth. of the County of Washington, Redev. Bonds (Victory Centre Project — Tanger Outlet Dev.),
Series 2006-A, 5.45% 2035
    2,655       2,723  
Westmoreland County Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Ref. Bonds
(Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare Obligated Group), Series 2005-A, 5.25% 2013
    900       906  
Westmoreland County Industrial Dev. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Ref. Bonds
(Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare Obligated Group), Series 2005-A, 5.75% 2026
    2,800       2,886  
Public Buildings Auth., Government Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series M-1, 6.25% 2021
    3,000       3,510  
Public Buildings Auth., Government Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series M-2, 5.75% 2034 (put 2017)
    3,000       3,336  
Public Improvement Ref. Bonds (G.O. Bonds), Series 2012-A, 5.50% 2039
    6,000       6,252  
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 0% 2033
    8,000       2,584  
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.375% 2039
    2,000       2,141  
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-A, FGIC-National insured, 0% 2040
    11,000       2,390  
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A-1, 5.00% 2043
    7,000       7,357  
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-C, 4.75% 2039
    3,815       4,118  
Sales Tax Fncg. Corp., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-C, 5.00% 2040
    10,250       11,112  
Depositors Econ. Protection Corp., Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1993-A, 5.75% 2021 (escrowed to maturity)
    1,210       1,606  
Depositors Econ. Protection Corp., Special Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1993-A, 5.75% 2021 (escrowed to maturity)
    2,715       3,603  
Health and Educational Building Corp., Hospital Fncg. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lifespan Obligated Group Issue),
Series 2006-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2016
    9,030       10,248  
Health and Educational Building Corp., Hospital Fncg. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lifespan Obligated Group Issue),
Series 2006-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2017
    7,145       8,008  
Health and Educational Building Corp., Hospital Fncg. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lifespan Obligated Group Issue),
Series 2006-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2018
    5,360       5,949  
City of Providence, Special Obligation Tax Increment Ref. Bonds, Series E, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2015
    1,250       1,233  
Building Equity Sooner for Tomorrow (BEST), Installment Purchase Rev. Ref. Bonds (School Dist. of Greenville County,
South Carolina Project), Series 2006, 5.00% 2023
    19,845       22,982  
Building Equity Sooner for Tomorrow (BEST), Installment Purchase Rev. Ref. Bonds (School Dist. of Greenville County,
South Carolina Project), Series 2006, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.00% 2025
    15,000       16,965  
Charleston Educational Excellence Fncg. Corp., Installment Purchase Rev. Bonds (Charleston County School Dist.,
South Carolina Project), Series 2005, 5.25% 2020
    4,500       4,994  
Charleston Educational Excellence Fncg. Corp., Installment Purchase Rev. Bonds (Charleston County School Dist.,
South Carolina Project), Series 2006, 5.00% 2021
    8,190       9,346  
SCAGO Educational Facs. Corp. for Colleton School Dist., Installment Purchase Rev. Bonds
(School Dist. of Colleton County Project), Series 2006, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.00% 2017
    1,000       1,142  
SCAGO Educational Facs. Corp. for Colleton School Dist., Installment Purchase Rev. Bonds
(School Dist. of Colleton County Project), Series 2006, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.00% 2018
    2,000       2,262  
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., First Mortgage Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wesley Commons Project),
Series 2006, 5.00% 2016
    1,855       1,927  
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., First Mortgage Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wesley Commons Project),
Series 2006, 5.125% 2026
    1,015       1,018  
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., First Mortgage Health Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wesley Commons Project),
Series 2006, 5.30% 2036
    1,190       1,169  
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Palmetto Health Alliance),
Series 2003-C, 6.375% 2034 (preref. 2013)
    2,680       2,831  
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (Palmetto Health Alliance),
Series 2003-C, 6.375% 2034 (preref. 2013)
    320       338  
Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Student Housing Rev. Bonds (Coastal Housing Foundation, LLC Project),
Series 2009-A, 6.50% 2042
    4,000       4,472  
Lancaster County, Sun City Carolina Lakes Improvement Dist., Assessment Rev. Bonds, Series 2006, 5.45% 2037
    4,830       4,650  
Lexington County Health Services Dist., Inc., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lexington Medical Center),
Series 2007, 5.00% 2019
    1,000       1,163  
Lexington County Health Services Dist., Inc., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lexington Medical Center),
Series 2007, 5.00% 2020
    1,265       1,455  
Lexington County Health Services Dist., Inc., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lexington Medical Center),
Series 2007, 5.00% 2021
    2,500       2,866  
Lexington County Health Services Dist., Inc., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Lexington Medical Center),
Series 2007, 5.00% 2032
    2,000       2,178  
Lexington One School Facs. Corp., Installment Purchase Rev. Bonds
(Lexington County School Dist. No. 1, South Carolina Project), Series 2006, 5.00% 2018
    1,000       1,128  
City of Myrtle Beach, Tax Increment Bonds (Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Redev. Project Area),
Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2026
    1,865       1,690  
SCAGO Educational Facs. Corp. for Pickens School Dist., Installment Purchase Rev. Bonds
(School Dist. of Pickens County Project), Series 2006, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2017
    5,000       5,793  
SCAGO Educational Facs. Corp. for Pickens School Dist., Installment Purchase Rev. Bonds
(School Dist. of Pickens County Project), Series 2006, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2018
    4,000       4,588  
Piedmont Municipal Power Agcy., Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1991, FGIC-National insured, 6.25% 2021
    4,640       6,000  
Public Service Auth., Rev. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2012-D, 5.00% 2043
    10,000       11,322  
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2008-A, 5.50% 2038
    20,000       23,576  
Public Service Auth., Rev. Ref. Obligations (Santee Cooper), Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2032
    5,000       5,689  
Transportation Infrastructure Bank, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005-A, AMBAC insured, 5.25% 2018
    5,000       6,102  
SCAGO Educational Facs. Corp. for Union School Dist., Installment Purchase Rev. Bonds
(School Dist. of Union County Project), Series 2006, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2021
    3,000       3,193  
Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1996-A, AMBAC insured, 0% 2014
    3,780       3,684  
City of Chattanooga, Electric System Rev. Bonds (Electric Power Board of Chattanooga), Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2028
    4,500       5,219  
Natural Gas Acquisition Corp. of the City of Clarksville, Gas Rev. Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 2016
    4,335       4,687  
Natural Gas Acquisition Corp. of the City of Clarksville, Gas Rev. Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 2018
    6,500       7,016  
Health and Educational Facs. Board of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County,
Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds (The Blakeford at Green Hills), Series 2012, 5.00% 2037
    1,200       1,252  
Housing Dev. Agcy., Homeownership Program Bonds, Issue 2012-1-C, 4.50% 2037
    2,500       2,761  
Housing Dev. Agcy., Housing Fin. Program Bonds, Issue 2010-A-1, 5.00% 2027
    920       990  
Knox County Health, Educational and Housing Facs. Board, Fort Sanders Alliance Obligated Group Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 1990-A, National insured, 6.25% 2013
    2,000       2,036  
Memphis-Shelby County Airport Auth., Airport Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-D, 5.00% 2025
    2,000       2,324  
Memphis-Shelby County Airport Auth., Special Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Federal Express Corp.), Series 2002, 5.05% 2012
    3,000       3,000  
Health, Educational and Housing Fac. Board of the County of Shelby, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Methodist Healthcare),
Series 2002, 6.00% 2020 (preref. 2012)
    3,550       3,550  
Health, Educational and Housing Fac. Board of the County of Shelby, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Methodist Healthcare),
Series 2002, 6.00% 2020 (preref. 2012)
    3,150       3,150  
Health, Educational and Housing Facs. Board of the County of Sullivan, Hospital Rev. Bonds
(Wellmont Health System Project), Series 2002, 6.25% 2022 (preref. 2012)
    1,255       1,268  
Health, Educational and Housing Facs. Board of the County of Sullivan, Hospital Rev. Bonds
(Wellmont Health System Project), Series 2002, 6.25% 2022 (preref. 2012)
    745       752  
Health, Educational and Housing Facs. Board of the County of Sullivan, Hospital Rev. Bonds
(Wellmont Health System Project), Series 2002, 6.25% 2032 (preref. 2012)
    6,000       6,060  
Health, Educational and Housing Facs. Board of the County of Sullivan, Hospital Rev. Bonds
(Wellmont Health System Project), Series 2002, 6.75% 2014 (preref. 2012)
    2,360       2,384  
Health, Educational and Housing Facs. Board of the County of Sullivan, Hospital Rev. Bonds
(Wellmont Health System Project), Series 2002, 6.75% 2016 (preref. 2012)
    2,690       2,717  
Health, Educational and Housing Facs. Board of the County of Sullivan, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds
(Wellmont Health System Project), Series 2003, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2013
    3,000       3,021  
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2017
    6,000       6,568  
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2019
    10,000       11,069  
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2020
    10,000       11,001  
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-C, 5.00% 2018
    4,000       4,356  
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Project Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-C, 5.00% 2027
    1,885       1,961  
TEXAS — 10.53%
Amarillo Health Facs. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baptist St. Anthony’s Hospital Corp. Project),
Series 1998, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 2014
    2,830       2,948  
Amarillo Health Facs. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baptist St. Anthony’s Hospital Corp. Project),
Series 1998, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 2015
    3,320       3,555  
Arlington Independent School Dist. (Tarrant County), Unlimited Tax Ref. Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 2020
    2,000       2,273  
Austin Community College Dist. Public Fac. Corp., Lease Rev. Bonds (Educational Fac. Project — Round Rock Campus),
Series 2008, 5.50% 2024
    2,770       3,254  
City of Austin (Travis and Williamson Counties), Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2009, 5.125% 2029
    1,500       1,760  
City of Austin (Travis, Williamson and Hays Counties), Water and Wastewater System Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2011, 5.00% 2036
    3,000       3,465  
Bexar County Hospital Dist., Combination Tax and Rev. Certificates of Obligation, Series 2008, 5.00% 2032
    20,500       22,609  
Brownsville Independent School Dist. (Cameron County), Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 2018
    1,000       1,145  
Brownsville Independent School Dist. (Cameron County), Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 2019
    5,000       5,726  
Canadian River Municipal Water Auth., Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (Conjunctive Use Groundwater Supply Project),
Series 2005, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2016
    2,285       2,528  
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2005, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2035
    2,500       2,544  
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2011, 6.00% 2041
    5,300       6,179  
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Bonds, Series 2011, 6.25% 2046
    10,300       12,031  
Central Texas Regional Mobility Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010, 5.75% 2025
    11,945       13,828  
HFDC of Central Texas, Inc., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy at Willow Bend Project), Series 2006-A, 5.625% 2026
    1,000       1,016  
HFDC of Central Texas, Inc., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Legacy at Willow Bend Project), Series 2006-A, 5.75% 2036
    3,000       3,015  
HFDC of Central Texas, Inc., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Village at Gleannloch Farms, Inc. Project),
Series 2006-A, 5.50% 2027
    2,300       2,103  
Colorado River Municipal Water Dist. Rev. Bonds, 5.00% 2028
    9,175       10,625  
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School Dist. (Harris County), Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse and Ref. Bonds,
Series 2007, 5.00% 2020
    2,205       2,591  
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School Dist. (Harris County), Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse and Ref. Bonds,
Series 2007, 5.00% 2021
    2,000       2,345  
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School Dist. (Harris County), Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds,
Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2025
    2,760       3,241  
City of Dallas, G.O. Limited Bonds, 5.00% 2018
    390       458  
City of Dallas, G.O. Limited Bonds, 5.00% 2018 (preref. 2017)
    1,610       1,913  
Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2025
    2,535       3,020  
Cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Joint Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2035
    2,250       2,519  
Cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Joint Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-C, 5.00% 2045
    5,000       5,573  
Dallas Independent School Dist. (Dallas County), Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 2017
    2,000       2,328  
Elgin Independent School Dist. (Bastrop County), Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2007, 5.00% 2022
    1,895       2,237  
Fort Bend County, Fort Bend Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2009, 5.00% 2034
    5,000       5,982  
Fort Worth Independent School Dist. (Tarrant County), Unlimited Tax Ref. Bonds, Series 2005, 5.00% 2015
    10,945       12,181  
Friendswood Independent School Dist. (Galveston County), Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2029
    3,360       3,787  
G.O. Bonds, Water Financial Assistance Bonds (Water Infrastructure Fund), Series 2009, Subseries 2009-A, 5.00% 2028
    1,500       1,792  
G.O. Bonds, Water Financial Assistance Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2031
    8,000       9,509  
Public Fin. Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2007, 5.00% 2023
    1,525       1,816  
Public Fin. Auth., G.O. Bonds, Series 2007, 5.00% 2024
    1,525       1,804  
Transportation Commission, G.O. Mobility Fund Bonds, Series 2008, 4.75% 2037
    10,000       11,180  
Transportation Commission, G.O. Mobility Fund Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2017
    2,250       2,682  
Transportation Commission, G.O. Mobility Fund Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2021
    12,545       15,116  
Transportation Commission, G.O. Mobility Fund Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2028
    7,000       8,289  
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Methodist Hospital System),
Series 2008-B, 5.25% 2017
    3,000       3,616  
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Methodist Hospital System),
Series 2008-B, 5.50% 2018
    3,500       4,315  
Harris County Cultural Education, Facs. Fin. Corp., Thermal Utility Rev. Bonds (Teco Project), Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2035
    2,000       2,252  
Harris County Cultural Education, Facs. Fin. Corp., Thermal Utility Rev. Bonds (Teco Project), Series 2010, 5.00% 2031
    1,000       1,134  
Harris County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Memorial Hermann Healthcare System),
Series 2004-A, 5.25% 2015
    3,120       3,423  
Harris County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Memorial Hermann Healthcare System),
Series 2004-A, 5.25% 2016
    3,000       3,280  
Harris County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Memorial Hermann Healthcare System),
Series 2008-B, 7.25% 2035
    1,500       1,877  
Harris County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Memorial Hermann Hospital System Project),
Series 1998, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.50% 2014
    2,395       2,591  
Harris County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (CHRISTUS Health),
Series 2005-A-4, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0.44% 2031 2
    13,550       13,550  
Harris County Industrial Dev. Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. Bonds (Deer Park Refining Limited Partnership Project),
Series 2006, 5.00% 2023
    6,500       7,238  
Harris County, Metropolitan Transit Auth., Sales and Use Tax Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2036
    18,875       21,741  
Harris County, Metropolitan Transit Auth., Sales and Use Tax Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2041
    7,000       8,003  
Harris County, Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2026
    4,000       4,676  
Harris County, Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2038
    4,000       4,497  
Harris County, Toll Road Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2033
    3,000       3,436  
Harris County, Toll Road Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-B, 5.00% 2033
    11,230       12,476  
Hidalgo County Health Services Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Mission Hospital, Inc. Project), Series 2005, 5.00% 2014
    1,000       1,036  
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.375% 2039
    4,375       4,649  
Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, Residential Mortgage Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-B, 4.25% 2034
    2,445       2,644  
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-B, FGIC-National insured, 5.00% 2019
    5,000       5,722  
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2029
    4,055       4,583  
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.50% 2034
    8,000       9,056  
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.50% 2039
    2,000       2,247  
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2019
    1,000       1,194  
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2025
    2,000       2,353  
City of Houston, Airport System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2031
    5,305       6,132  
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Bonds, Series 2011-D, 5.00% 2030
    3,000       3,587  
City of Houston, Combined Utility System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2033
    1,000       1,159  
City of Houston, Water and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1998-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 2019
    845       722  
City of Houston, Public Improvement Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.50% 2025
    10,000       12,061  
City of Houston, Water and Sewer System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1998-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 0% 2019
(escrowed to maturity)
    2,155       1,895  
Houston Community College System Public Fac. Corp., Lease Rev. Bonds (Northline Mall Campus Project),
Series 2007, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2017
    1,035       1,226  
Houston Community College System, Student Fee Rev. Ref. Bonds (Harris and Fort Bend Counties),
Series 2006, XLCA insured, 5.00% 2022
    5,500       6,211  
Houston Independent School Dist. (Harris County), Limited Tax SchoolHouse Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2024
    7,350       8,578  
Katy Independent School Dist. (Fort Bend, Harris and Waller Counties), Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds,
Series 2003-A, 5.00% 2016 (preref. 2013)
    2,575       2,632  
Keller Independent School Dist. (Tarrant County), Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2007, 5.00% 2020
    3,720       4,442  
La Vernia Higher Education Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Bonds (KIPP, Inc.), Series 2009-A, 6.25% 2039
    2,500       2,913  
Public Fin. Auth. Charter School Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Ref. Bonds (KIPP, Inc.),
Series 2006-A, ACA insured, 5.00% 2028
    1,000       1,029  
Public Fin. Auth. Charter School Fin. Corp., Education Rev. Ref. Bonds (KIPP, Inc.),
Series 2006-A, ACA insured, 5.00% 2036
    1,500       1,538  
Lone Star College System (Harris and Montgomery Counties), Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2033
    7,770       9,028  
Lone Star College System (Harris and Montgomery Counties), Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2009, 5.00% 2034
    1,000       1,189  
Longview Independent School Dist. (Gregg County), Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2025
    2,000       2,370  
Longview Independent School Dist. (Gregg County), Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2026
    1,500       1,760  
Love Field Airport Modernization Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Bonds
(Southwest Airlines Co. — Love Field Modernization Program Project), Series 2010, 5.25% 2040
    12,525       13,506  
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds
(LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2010, 5.00% 2030
    2,520       2,875  
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds
(LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project), Series 2010, 5.00% 2040
    2,000       2,216  
Lower Colorado River Auth., Transmission Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds (LCRA Transmission Services Corp. Project),
Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2041
    1,500       1,679  
City of Lubbock, Tax and Waterworks System Surplus Rev. Certificates of Obligation,
Series 2007-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.25% 2027
    5,000       5,742  
Mansfield Independent School Dist. (Tarrant and Johnson Counties), Unlimited Tax Ref. Bonds, Series 2010, 5.00% 2026
    2,500       2,977  
Mansfield Independent School Dist. (Tarrant and Johnson Counties), Unlimited Tax Ref. Bonds, Series 2010, 5.00% 2027
    2,555       3,030  
Matagorda County Navigation Dist. Number One, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (AEP Texas Central Co. Project),
Series 2005-A, AMBAC insured, 4.40% 2030
    7,700       8,086  
Midlothian Dev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-A, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2017
    1,940       2,066  
Midlothian Dev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-A, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2021
    1,235       1,269  
Midlothian Dev. Auth., Tax Increment Contract Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-A, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2026
    2,190       2,212  
Mission Consolidated Independent School Dist. (Hidalgo County), Unlimited Tax Ref. Bonds, Series 2005, 5.00% 2014
    1,000       1,068  
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. I, Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2017
    5,000       5,502  
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. I, Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2019
    5,000       5,431  
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. I, Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2021
    1,000       1,089  
Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corp. II, Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2007-A, 1.183% 2027 2
    20,000       15,730  
North Central Texas Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Children’s Medical Center of Dallas Project),
Series 2012, 5.00% 2032
    3,000       3,423  
North East Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax Ref. Bonds, Series 2007, 5.25% 2026
    4,655       6,120  
North Forest Independent School Dist. (Harris County), Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2020
    1,995       2,220  
North Texas Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Regional Health Care System, Inc. Project),
Series 2007, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2019
    1,075       1,226  
North Texas Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Regional Health Care System, Inc. Project),
Series 2007, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2022
    1,400       1,555  
North Texas Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Regional Health Care System, Inc. Project),
Series 2007, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2023
    1,600       1,768  
North Texas Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (United Regional Health Care System, Inc. Project),
Series 2007, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2025
    5,295       5,797  
North Texas Municipal Water Dist., Water System Rev. Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2038
    9,000       10,016  
North Texas Tollway Auth., Special Projects System Rev. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.50% 2041
    5,000       5,947  
North Texas Tollway Auth., Special Projects System Rev. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2011-D, 5.00% 2031
    10,000       11,692  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.50% 2018
    1,000       1,192  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.625% 2033
    15,100       16,878  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2008-A, 6.00% 2021
    3,760       4,491  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2008-A, 6.00% 2023
    12,570       14,909  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Current Interest Bonds, Series 2008-A, 6.00% 2025
    5,000       5,977  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Insured Capital Appreciation Bonds,
Series 2008-D, Assured Guaranty insured, 0% 2028
    10,000       5,150  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-E, Subseries 2008-E-3, 5.75% 2038 (put 2016)
    2,150       2,477  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-F, 5.75% 2033
    11,000       12,169  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-F, 5.75% 2038
    8,500       9,329  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 6.00% 2028
    16,000       18,876  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 6.10% 2028
    5,000       5,927  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 6.25% 2039
    5,000       5,758  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010, 6.00% 2034
    1,500       1,791  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010, 6.00% 2038
    5,000       5,875  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2038
    8,000       8,827  
North Texas Tollway Auth., System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2042
    12,000       13,222  
Plano Independent School Dist. (Collin County), School Building Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2008-A, 5.25% 2034
    3,000       3,566  
Private Activity Bond Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Bonds
(LBJ Infrastructure Group LLC IH-635 Managed Lanes Project), Series 2010, 7.00% 2040
    6,500       7,952  
Private Activity Bond Surface Transportation Corp., Rev. Bonds
(NTE Mobility Partners LLC North Tarrant Express Managed Lanes Project), Series 2009, 6.875% 2039
    24,250       29,171  
Richardson Independent School Dist. (Dallas County), Unlimited Tax Ref. Bonds, Series 2005, 5.00% 2014
    1,580       1,689  
Richardson Independent School Dist. (Dallas County), Unlimited Tax Ref. Bonds, Series 2005, 5.00% 2015
    1,000       1,113  
SA Energy Acquisition Public Fac. Corp., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2007, 5.25% 2018
    2,000       2,225  
SA Energy Acquisition Public Fac. Corp., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2007, 5.50% 2023
    1,980       2,229  
SA Energy Acquisition Public Fac. Corp., Gas Supply Rev. Bonds, Series 2007, 5.50% 2027
    1,390       1,545  
Sam Rayburn Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2002, 6.00% 2021
    2,000       2,010  
Sam Rayburn Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2002, RADIAN insured, 5.125% 2017
    8,000       8,033  
Sam Rayburn Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 2019
    1,000       1,179  
Sam Rayburn Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 2020
    1,280       1,519  
Sam Rayburn Municipal Power Agcy., Power Supply System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 2021
    1,825       2,169  
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, New Series 2007, 5.00% 2017
    10,000       11,863  
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, New Series 2007, 5.00% 2023
    10,000       11,559  
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, New Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2030
    13,080       15,045  
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.00% 2022
    5,000       6,291  
City of San Antonio, Electric and Gas Systems Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2012, 5.25% 2025
    8,000       10,478  
City of San Antonio, Water System Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005, National insured, 5.00% 2019
    6,170       6,850  
San Leanna Education Facs. Corp., Higher Education Rev. Ref. Bonds (Saint Edward’s University Project),
Series 2007, 5.00% 2020
    1,100       1,203  
San Leanna Education Facs. Corp., Higher Education Rev. Ref. Bonds (Saint Edward’s University Project),
Series 2007, 5.125% 2021
    1,410       1,538  
San Leanna Education Facs. Corp., Higher Education Rev. Ref. Bonds (Saint Edward’s University Project),
Series 2007, 5.125% 2023
    1,000       1,077  
San Leanna Education Facs. Corp., Higher Education Rev. Ref. Bonds (Saint Edward’s University Project),
Series 2007, 5.125% 2036
    1,600       1,658  
Sherman Independent School Dist. (Grayson County), Unlimited Tax School Building and Ref. Bonds,
Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2017
    1,485       1,642  
South San Antonio Independent School Dist. (Bexar County), Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds,
Series 2005, 5.50% 2030
    7,510       10,221  
Springtown Independent School Dist. (Parker and Wise Counties), Unlimited Tax School Building and Ref. Bonds,
Series 2005-A, 5.00% 2014
    1,030       1,100  
Springtown Independent School Dist. (Parker and Wise Counties), Unlimited Tax School Building and Ref. Bonds,
Series 2005-A, 5.00% 2015
    1,085       1,206  
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Health Resources System Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2013
    2,000       2,040  
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Health Resources System Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2024
    2,000       2,208  
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Health Resources System Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2036
    2,000       2,147  
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baylor Health Care System Project),
Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2030
    3,000       3,442  
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Scott and White Memorial Hospital
and Scott, Sherwood and Brindley Foundation Project), Series 2008-A, 5.00% 2019
    5,000       5,747  
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Scott and White Memorial Hospital
and Scott, Sherwood and Brindley Foundation Project), Series 2008-A, 5.25% 2028
    2,000       2,180  
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Scott and White Memorial Hospital
and Scott, Sherwood and Brindley Foundation Project), Series 2008-A, 5.50% 2031
    3,000       3,317  
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Stayton at Museum Way Project),
Series 2009-A, 8.25% 2044
    5,000       5,622  
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds
(Buckner Retirement Services, Inc. Project), Series 2007, 5.25% 2022
    1,855       1,992  
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds
(Buckner Retirement Services, Inc. Project), Series 2007, 5.25% 2027
    6,900       7,221  
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds
(Buckner Retirement Services, Inc. Project), Series 2007, 5.25% 2037
    14,355       14,832  
Tarrant County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds
(Northwest Senior Housing Corp. — Edgemere Project), Series 2006-A, 6.00% 2036
    1,000       1,064  
Tarrant County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Health Resources System Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 1997-A, National insured, 5.75% 2015 (escrowed to maturity)
    3,000       3,399  
Tarrant County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Cook Children’s Medical Center Project),
Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2033
    5,295       5,826  
Tarrant County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Cook Children’s Medical Center Project),
Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2036
    2,000       2,172  
Tarrant Regional Water Dist., Water Control and Improvement Dist., Water Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds,
Series 2009, 5.00% 2021
    1,400       1,683  
Tarrant Regional Water Dist., Water Control and Improvement Dist., Water Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds,
Series 2009, 5.00% 2022
    1,000       1,192  
Tarrant Regional Water Dist., Water Control and Improvement Dist., Water Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds,
Series 2009, 5.00% 2023
    1,000       1,184  
Tarrant Regional Water Dist., Water Control and Improvement Dist., Water Transmission Facs. Contract Rev. Bonds
(City of Dallas Project), Series 2012, 4.00% 2042
    6,820       7,126  
Board of Regents of the Texas A&M University System, Permanent University Fund Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2003, 5.25% 2016
    5,000       5,201  
Board of Regents of the Texas A&M University System, Rev. Fncg. System Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2023
    2,000       2,386  
Board of Regents of the Texas A&M University System, Rev. Fncg. System Bonds, Series 2009-B, 5.00% 2021
    1,955       2,367  
Board of Regents of the Texas A&M University System, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2020
    3,355       4,094  
Board of Regents of the Texas A&M University System, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2021
    4,875       5,901  
Board of Regents of the Texas A&M University System, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2024
    1,800       2,136  
Board of Regents of Texas Tech University System, Rev. Fncg. System Ref. and Improvement Bonds,
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2024
    1,735       2,120  
Board of Regents of Texas Tech University System, Rev. Fncg. Ref. System and Improvement Bonds,
Series 2009-12, 5.00% 2024
    2,000       2,339  
Board of Regents of Texas Tech University System, Rev. Fncg. Ref. System and Improvement Bonds,
Series 2009-12, 5.00% 2028
    3,000       3,451  
Board of Regents, Texas State University System, Rev. Fncg. System Ref. Bonds, Series 2008, 5.25% 2025
    4,500       5,357  
Board of Regents, Texas State University System, Rev. Fncg. System Ref. Bonds, Series 2010, 5.00% 2021
    2,000       2,436  
Board of Regents, Texas State University System, Rev. Fncg. System Rev. Bonds, Series 2009, 5.00% 2029
    2,255       2,569  
Tomball Hospital Auth., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2005, 5.00% 2020 (preref. 2015)
    3,000       3,395  
Transportation Commission, State Highway Fund Rev. Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 2018
    7,500       8,600  
Travis County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Querencia at Barton Creek Project),
Series 2005-A, 5.50% 2025
    2,000       2,046  
Travis County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Retirement Fac. Rev. Bonds (Querencia at Barton Creek Project),
Series 2005-A, 5.65% 2035
    5,200       5,266  
Travis County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Westminster Manor Project), Series 2010, 7.00% 2030
    1,000       1,186  
Travis County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Westminster Manor Project), Series 2010, 7.125% 2040
    2,750       3,232  
United Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2004, 4.00% 2014 (preref. 2013)
    1,330       1,376  
United Independent School Dist., Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2004, 4.75% 2015 (preref. 2013)
    1,830       1,906  
Board of Regents of the University of Houston System, Consolidated Rev. and Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-A, 5.00% 2030
    7,770       9,110  
Board of Regents of the University of Houston System, Consolidated Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009, 5.00% 2025
    2,735       3,187  
Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System, Rev. Fncg. System Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2035
    1,000       1,166  
Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Rev. Ref. Fncg. System Bonds, Series 2002-B, 5.25% 2016
    7,280       8,611  
Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Rev. Ref. Fncg. System Bonds, Series 2006-B, 5.00% 2016
    14,570       17,091  
Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Rev. Ref. Fncg. System Bonds,
Series 2003-B, 5.375% 2016 (preref. 2013)
    1,000       1,049  
Waco Education Fin. Corp., Rev. Bonds (Baylor University Issue), Series 2012, 5.00% 2043
    3,500       4,008  
Waco Health Facs. Dev. Corp., FHA insured Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Hillcrest Health System Project),
Series 2006-A, National insured, 5.00% 2016
    1,000       1,119  
Waco Health Facs. Dev. Corp., FHA insured Mortgage Rev. Bonds (Hillcrest Health System Project),
Series 2006-A, National insured, 5.00% 2019
    3,465       3,778  
Waco Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Hillcrest Health System),
Series 2003, National insured, 5.00% 2012 (escrowed to maturity)
    1,895       1,895  
Water Dev. Board, Rev. Bonds, Series C, 5.00% 2015 (preref. 2013)
    95       99  
Water Dev. Board, State Revolving Fund, Rev. Bonds, Program Series 2008-B, 5.00% 2028
    6,500       7,544  
Water Dev. Board, State Revolving Fund, Rev. Bonds, Program Series 2008-B, 5.00% 2029
    5,000       5,803  
Water Dev. Board, State Revolving Fund, Rev. Bonds, Program Series 2008-B, 5.00% 2033
    2,000       2,293  
Water Dev. Board, State Revolving Fund, Rev. Bonds, Program Series 2008-B, 5.00% 2038
    3,000       3,406  
Weatherford Independent School Dist., Capital Appreciation Ref. Bonds, 0% 2018
    2,380       2,221  
Weatherford Independent School Dist., Capital Appreciation Ref. Bonds, 0% 2018 (escrowed to maturity)
    245       228  
Ysleta Independent School Dist. (El Paso County), Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2006, 5.00% 2018
    2,480       2,872  
UTAH — 0.09%
Housing Corp., Single-family Mortgage Bonds, Series 2010-B-1, Class III, 4.00% 2024
    900       963  
Intermountain Power Agcy., Subordinated Power Supply, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2015
    3,000       3,369  
Salt Lake County, College Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster College Project), Series 2005, 5.125% 2030
    1,740       1,789  
Salt Lake County, College Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster College Project), Series 2007, 5.00% 2024
    1,000       1,068  
Salt Lake County, College Rev. Ref. Bonds (Westminster College Project), Series 2007, 5.00% 2026
    1,875       1,967  
VIRGINIA — 0.39%
Industrial Dev. Auth. of Arlington County, Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Virginia Hospital Center Arlington Health System),
Series 2010, 5.00% 2031
    2,000       2,203  
College Building Auth., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Liberty University Projects), Series 2010, 5.00% 2041
    5,000       5,538  
Commonwealth Transportation Board, Transportation Capital Projects Rev. Bonds, Series 2011, 5.00% 2025
    3,000       3,658  
Fairfax County Econ. Dev. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Ref. Bonds (Greenspring Village, Inc. Fac.),
Series 2006-A, 4.75% 2026
    1,500       1,566  
Fairfax County Econ. Dev. Auth., Retirement Community Rev. Ref. Bonds (Greenspring Village, Inc. Fac.),
Series 2006-A, 4.875% 2036
    1,000       1,038  
Econ. Dev. Auth. of Henrico County, Residential Care Fac. Mortgage Rev. Ref. Bonds
(United Methodist Homes), 5.00% 2022
    655       720  
Heritage Hunt Commercial Community Dev. Auth. (Prince William County), Special Assessment Bonds,
Series 1999-B, 7.00% 2029
    646       647  
Community Dev. Auth. of Loudoun County, Special Assessment Bonds (Dulles Town Center Project),
Series 1998, 6.25% 2026
    2,190       2,192  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of Loudoun County, Residential Care Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Falcons Landing Project),
Series 2004-B, 6.00% 2028
    2,000       2,147  
Peninsula Town Center Community Dev. Auth., Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 6.35% 2028
    1,000       1,062  
Peninsula Town Center Community Dev. Auth., Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 6.45% 2037
    4,450       4,702  
Prince William County, Gateway Community Dev. Auth., Special Assessment Bonds, Series 1999, 6.25% 2026
    1,616       1,618  
Public School Auth., School Fncg. Rev. Ref. Bonds (1997 Resolution), Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2020
    2,000       2,463  
Resources Auth., Infrastructure Rev. Bonds (Pooled Fncg. Program), Series 2008-B, 5.00% 2027
    5,000       5,930  
Small Business Fncg. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Hampton Roads Proton Beam Therapy Institute
at Hampton University, LLC Project), Series 2009, 9.00% 2039
    2,400       2,599  
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Matching Fund Loan Note — Diageo Project), Series 2009-A, 6.625% 2029
    5,000       5,890  
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Matching Fund Loan Note — Diageo Project), Series 2009-A, 6.75% 2019
    1,250       1,473  
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Matching Fund Loan Note), Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2029
    10,500       11,473  
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Matching Fund Loan Note), Series 2010-B, 5.00% 2025
    1,000       1,097  
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Matching Fund Loan Notes), Series 2009-B, 5.00% 2018
    3,500       3,929  
Public Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Matching Fund Loan Notes), Series 2009-C, 5.00% 2015
    2,000       2,156  
Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax and Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Bonds,
Series 1999, FGIC-National insured, 4.75% 2028
    11,940       12,105  
Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax and Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Bonds,
Series 1999, FGIC-National insured, 5.25% 2021
    4,500       5,678  
Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Auth., Sales Tax Bonds, Series 2007-A, 5.00% 2034
    5,000       5,713  
Clark County, Vancouver School Dist. No. 37, Unlimited Tax Deferred Interest G.O. Bonds,
Series 2001-C, FGIC-National insured, 0% 2016
    2,500       2,368  
Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Lease Rev. Bonds (Washington Biomedical Research Properties II),
Series 2006-J, National insured, 5.00% 2018
    3,670       4,170  
Energy Northwest, Columbia Generating Station Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2020
    6,000       6,928  
Energy Northwest, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds (Project 1), Series 2006-A, 5.00% 2016
    2,000       2,338  
Energy Northwest, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds (Project 1), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2017
    20,000       24,022  
Energy Northwest, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds (Project 3), Series 2005-A, 5.00% 2014
    5,000       5,431  
Energy Northwest, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds (Project No. 1), Series 2003-A, 5.50% 2014
    2,000       2,191  
Energy Northwest, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wind Project), Series 2005, National insured, 5.00% 2013
    1,445       1,497  
Public Power Supply System, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nuclear Project No. 3), Series 1989-B, 7.125% 2016
    5,250       6,517  
Energy Northwest, Electric Rev. Ref. Bonds (Project No. 1), Series 2003-A, 5.50% 2016 (preref. 2013)
    7,000       7,310  
Federal Highway Grant Anticipation Rev. Bonds (SR 520 Corridor Program), Series 2012-F, 5.00% 2023
    5,000       6,229  
FYI Properties, Lease Rev. Bonds (State of Washington DIS Project), Series 2009, 5.00% 2027
    4,000       4,515  
FYI Properties, Lease Rev. Bonds (State of Washington DIS Project), Series 2009, 5.25% 2029
    2,500       2,840  
FYI Properties, Lease Rev. Bonds (State of Washington DIS Project), Series 2009, 5.50% 2039
    6,500       7,340  
Various Purpose G.O. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.00% 2022
    5,000       5,960  
Various Purpose G.O. Ref. Bonds, Series R-2005-A, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2018
    10,000       11,041  
Various Purpose G.O. Ref. Bonds, Series R-2006-A, AMBAC insured, 5.00% 2015
    5,000       5,645  
Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax G.O. Ref. Bonds, Series R-2005-B, 5.00% 2028
    5,000       5,896  
Public Utility Dist. No. 2 of Grant County, Priest Rapids Hydroelectric Project Rev. and Ref. Bonds,
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2025
    2,445       2,962  
Public Utility Dist. No. 2 of Grant County, Priest Rapids Hydroelectric Project Rev. and Ref. Bonds,
Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2029
    2,950       3,497  
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Group Health Cooperative), Series 2006, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2023
    1,000       1,029  
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Group Health Cooperative), Series 2006, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2024
    2,805       2,868  
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Group Health Cooperative), Series 2006, RADIAN insured, 5.00% 2025
    2,000       2,039  
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound),
Series 2001, AMBAC insured, 5.375% 2012
    1,500       1,510  
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Kadlec Regional Medical Center), Series 2012, 5.00% 2032
    750       779  
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Kadlec Medical Center), Series 2006-A, Assured Guaranty insured, 5.00% 2021
    3,025       3,295  
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center), Series 2008-C, 5.375% 2031
    6,000       6,742  
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center), Series 2008-C, 5.50% 2035
    5,000       5,594  
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Providence Health & Services), Series 2012-B, 5.00% 2042 (put 2021)
    1,000       1,192  
Health Care Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Virginia Mason Medical Center), Series 2007-A, 6.125% 2037
    18,500       20,413  
Higher Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Gonzaga University Project), Series 2009-B, 5.00% 2020
    2,850       3,270  
Higher Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Gonzaga University Project), Series 2009-B, 5.00% 2029
    6,000       6,549  
Housing Fin. Commission, Homeownership Program Bonds, Series 2010-A, 4.70% 2028
    955       1,016  
Housing Fin. Commission, Homeownership Program Bonds, Series 2011-B, 4.25% 2032
    2,980       3,226  
King County, G.O. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010, 5.50% 2012 (escrowed to maturity)
    95       96  
King County, Limited Tax G.O. Ref. Bonds (Baseball Stadium), Series 2002, 5.50% 2012 (escrowed to maturity)
    325       329  
King County, Limited Tax G.O. Ref. Bonds (Baseball Stadium), Series 2002, 5.50% 2012 (escrowed to maturity)
    270       274  
King County, Limited Tax G.O. Ref. Bonds (Baseball Stadium), Series 2002, 5.50% 2012 (escrowed to maturity)
    870       882  
King County, Limited Tax G.O. Bonds, Series 2007-E, 5.00% 2027
    6,045       7,159  
King County, Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2031
    4,000       4,694  
King County, Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2011-B, 5.00% 2034
    10,000       11,453  
Pierce County, Tacoma School Dist. No. 10, Unlimited Tax G.O. and Ref. Bonds,
Series 2005-A, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2013
    2,000       2,117  
Public Power Supply System, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Nuclear Project No. 3), Series 1989-A, National insured, 0% 2013
    4,000       3,986  
City of Seattle, Municipal Light and Power Improvement and Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008, 5.25% 2015
    1,000       1,123  
City of Seattle, Water System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2027
    3,000       3,501  
City of Seattle, Water System Rev. Ref. and Improvement Bonds, Series 2008, 5.00% 2029
    5,000       5,809  
Port of Seattle, Passenger Fac. Charge Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2023
    5,000       5,866  
Port of Seattle, Rev. Bonds, Series 1999-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.50% 2016
    1,080       1,265  
Port of Seattle, Rev. Bonds, Series 1999-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.50% 2018
    7,920       9,616  
Port of Seattle, Rev. Bonds, Series 1999-A, FGIC-National insured, 5.50% 2019
    3,630       4,463  
Port of Seattle, Rev. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.25% 2028
    10,425       11,971  
Port of Seattle, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2010-B, 5.00% 2030
    4,000       4,602  
Public Utility Dist. No. 1 of Snohomish County, Electric System Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2005, Assured Guaranty Municipal insured, 5.00% 2019
    5,000       5,595  
Ohio County Building Commission, Tax-Exempt Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wheeling Jesuit University, Inc. Project),
Series 2006-B, 5.25% 2015
    525       529  
County Commission of Pleasants County, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds
(Allegheny Energy Supply Co., LLC Pleasants Station Project), Series 2007-F, 5.25% 2037
    11,500       12,119  
Clean Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-1, 5.00% 2027
    7,245       8,525  
Clean Water Rev. Bonds, Series 2008-1, 5.00% 2028
    2,620       3,036  
General Fund Annual Appropriation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 5.75% 2033
    5,000       5,973  
General Fund Annual Appropriation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2009-A, 6.00% 2036
    52,960       64,987  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (SSM Health Care), Series 2010-A, 5.25% 2034
    2,000       2,232  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Ascension Health Credit Group), Series 2010-E, 5.00% 2033
    11,000       12,194  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare System), Series 2006-A, 5.25% 2022
    11,855       12,681  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Aurora Health Care, Inc.), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2026
    11,000       12,280  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Aurora Health Care, Inc.), Series 2012-A, 5.00% 2028
    1,000       1,107  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Inc.),
Series 1998, AMBAC insured, 5.625% 2015
    1,130       1,255  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Inc.), Series 2008-A, 5.25% 2022
    3,645       4,184  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Inc.), Series 2008-A, 5.25% 2023
    3,990       4,553  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Inc.), Series 2008-A, 5.25% 2024
    3,360       3,802  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Froedtert & Community Health Obligated Group),
Series 2001, 5.625% 2014
    90       91  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Froedtert & Community Health Obligated Group),
Series 2001, 5.625% 2015
    100       101  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Gundersen Lutheran), Series 2011-A, 5.25% 2039
    9,000       9,907  
Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Milwaukee Catholic Home, Inc.), Series 2006, 5.00% 2026
    2,250       2,332  
Milwaukee County, Airport Rev. Bonds, Series 2010-A, 5.00% 2034
    2,000       2,194  
City of Superior, Limited Obligation Rev. Ref. Bonds (Midwest Energy Resources Co. Project),
Series 1991-E, FGIC-National insured, 6.90% 2021
    6,000       7,842  
Village of Weston, Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Wisconsin Public Service Corp. Projects), Series 2006, 3.95% 2013
    5,900       5,985  
Public Housing Capital Fund Rev. Trust II, 4.50% 2022 1
    3,974       4,238  
Public Housing Capital Fund Rev. Trust III, 5.00% 2022 1
    3,970       4,152  
Total bonds & notes (cost: $8,245,764,000)
Short-term securities — 6.77%
City of Los Angeles, California, Dept. of Water and Power, Power System Rev. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2001-B, Subseries B-3, 0.17% 2034 2
    2,100       2,100  
Metropolitan Water Dist. of Southern California, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-A-1, 0.17% 2037 2
    3,605       3,605  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Fac. Rev. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West),
Series 2005-H, Bank of America LOC, 0.22% 2035 2
    5,450       5,450  
Colorado Educational and Cultural Facs. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (National Jewish Federation Bond Program),
Series C-4, U.S. Bank LOC, 0.19% 2037 2
    1,000       1,000  
State of Colorado, General Fund Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2012-A, 2.00% 6/27/2013
    19,200       19,491  
State of Colorado, General Fund Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2012-A, 2.50% 6/27/2013
    12,800       13,046  
Dist. of Columbia, Demand Rev. Ref. Bonds (American University Issue),
Series 2008, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.19% 2038 2
    14,300       14,300  
Dist. of Columbia, G.O. Demand Ref. Bonds, Series 2008-D, Wells Fargo Bank LOC, 0.16% 2034 2
    28,000       28,000  
State of Florida, Jacksonville Health Facs. Auth., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Baptist Medical Center Project),
Series 2007-B, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2033 2
    4,550       4,550  
School Dist. of Miami-Dade County, Florida, Tax Anticipation Notes, Series 2012, 2.50% 2/28/2013
    50,000       50,574  
School Board of Polk County, Florida, Certs. of Part., Series 2009-A, Wells Fargo Bank LOC, 0.21% 2028 2
    605       605  
School Board of Polk County, Florida, Certs. of Part., Series 2009-B, Wells Fargo Bank LOC, 0.21% 2023 2
    1,500       1,500  
Sarasota County, Florida, Public Hospital Dist., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Sarasota Memorial Hospital Project),
Series 2009-B, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2037 2
    10,350       10,350  
State of Idaho, Tax Anticipation Notes, Series 2012, 2.00% 6/28/2013
    22,000       22,338  
City of Chicago, Illinois, G.O. Ref. Bonds, Series 2007-F, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2042 2
    4,900       4,900  
Illinois Fin. Auth., Demand Rev. Ref. Bonds (Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare),
Series 2008-B, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2048 2
    4,800       4,800  
Illinois Fin. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (The University of Chicago Medical Center),
Series 2009-E-1, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2043 2
    1,450       1,450  
Illinois Fin. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Resurrection Health Care), Series 2005-B, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.19% 2035 2
    20,630       20,630  
Board of Education of the City of Chicago, Illinois, Unlimited Tax G.O. Ref. Bonds,
Series 2009-B, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2031 2
    3,950       3,950  
Illinois Fin. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (Provena Health), Series 2010-C, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2045 2
    2,655       2,655  
City of Hills, Iowa, Demand Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mercy Hospital Project), Series 2008, U.S. Bank LOC, 0.21% 2035 2
    1,230       1,230  
Iowa Higher Education Loan Auth., Demand Private College Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Des Moines University Project),
Series 2004, U.S. Bank LOC, 0.21% 2024 2
    2,500       2,500  
Iowa Fin. Auth., Demand Private College Rev. Ref. Bonds (Drake University Project),
Series 2008, Wells Fargo Bank LOC, 0.21% 2031 2
    1,000       1,000  
Iowa Fin. Auth., Demand Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Iowa Health System),
Series 2009-B, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2035 2
    8,255       8,255  
Iowa Fin. Auth., Health Facs. Rev. Bonds (Iowa Health System), Series 2009-A, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2035 2
    3,400       3,400  
City of Wichita, Kansas, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Via Christi Health, Inc.),
Series 2011-IV-C, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.17% 2039 2
    3,850       3,850  
County of Breckinridge, Kentucky, Assn. of Counties Leasing Trust, Lease Program Rev. Bonds,
Series 2002-A, U.S. Bank LOC, 0.18% 2032 2
    1,410       1,410  
County of Christian, Kentucky, Assn. of Counties Leasing Trust, Lease Program Rev. Bonds,
Series 2008-A, U.S. Bank LOC, 0.18% 2038 2
    880       880  
Kentucky Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth., Demand Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Baptist Healthcare System Obligated Group),
Series 2009-B-1, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2038 2
    1,000       1,000  
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Airport Board, Kentucky (Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government G.O.),
Series 2009-B, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2038 2
    4,100       4,100  
County of Trimble, Kentucky, Assn. of Counties Leasing Trust, Lease Program Rev. Bonds,
Series 2008-A, U.S. Bank LOC, 0.18% 2038 2
    7,210       7,210  
Louisiana Public Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Dynamic Fuels, LLC Project), Series 2008, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.20% 2033 2
    11,385       11,385  
Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Stevenson University Issue),
Series 2008, Bank of America LOC, 0.24% 2035 2
    5,400       5,400  
Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (University of Maryland Medical System Issue),
Series 2008-D, TD Bank LOC, 0.18% 2041 2
    1,500       1,500  
Massachusetts Dev. Fin. Agcy., Demand Rev. Ref. Bonds, Boston University Issue,
Series U-6C, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2042 2
    9,050       9,050  
Massachusetts Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Issue),
Series J-2, 0.15% 2031 2
    15,070       15,070  
Massachusetts Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Rev. Bonds (Children’s Hospital Issue),
Series 2010-N-4, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2049 2
    1,425       1,425  
City of Minneapolis and Housing and Redev. Auth. of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, Health Care System Demand
Rev. Ref. Bonds (Allina Health System), Series 2009-B-2, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2035 2
    6,415       6,415  
City of Rochester, Minnesota, Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mayo Foundation), Series 2002-B, 0.17% 2032 2
    10,000       10,000  
Jackson County, Mississippi, Port Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Project), Series 1993, 0.19% 2023 2
    14,500       14,500  
Mississippi Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Project),
Series 2009-A, 0.17% 2030 2
    1,900       1,900  
Mississippi Business Fin. Corp., Gulf Opportunity Zone Industrial Dev. Rev. Bonds (Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Project),
Series 2009-E, 0.17% 2030 2
    4,700       4,700  
Montana Fac. Fin. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System),
Series 2003, 0.19% 2025 2
    2,100       2,100  
Nebraska Educational Fin. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Creighton University Projects),
Series 2008, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2035 2
    14,350       14,350  
New Hampshire Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dartmouth College Issue),
Series 2007-A, 0.21% 2031 2
    14,220       14,220  
New Hampshire Health and Education Facs. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds (Dartmouth College Issue),
Series 2007-B, 0.21% 2041 2
    16,000       16,000  
New York State Housing Fin. Agcy., 2180 Broadway Housing Rev. Bonds,
Series 2011-A, Wells Fargo Bank LOC, 0.17% 2044 2
    10,000       10,000  
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Rev. Bonds (St. John’s University),
Series 2008-B-1, Bank of America LOC, 0.22% 2034 2
    9,870       9,870  
City of New York, New York, G.O. Bonds, Fiscal 2008 Series L, Subseries L-4, 0.19% 2038 2
    1,300       1,300  
New York City, New York, Transitional Fin. Auth., New York City Recovery Bonds,
Fiscal Series 2003-1, Subseries 1-C, 0.19% 2022 2
    5,300       5,300  
North Carolina Capital Facs. Fin. Agcy., Educational Facs. Rev. Bonds (Pfeiffer University),
Series 2006, Bank of America LOC, 0.21% 2026 2
    750       750  
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds
(University Health Systems of Eastern Carolina), Series 2008-A2, Bank of America LOC, 0.21% 2028 2
    600       600  
County of Allen, Ohio, Hospital Facs. Rev. Bonds (Catholic Healthcare Partners),
Series 2008-B, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2031 2
    5,900       5,900  
State of Ohio, Higher Educational Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Case Western Reserve University Project),
Series 2008-B-1, 0.19% 2044 2
    3,200       3,200  
State of Oregon, Full Faith and Credit Tax Anticipation Notes, Series 2012-A, 2.00% 6/28/2013
    40,000       40,608  
State of Pennsylvania, Lancaster County Hospital Auth., Demand Health Center Rev. Ref. Bonds (Masonic Homes Project),
Series 2008-D, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.21% 2034 2
    3,805       3,805  
City of North Charleston, South Carolina, North Charleston Public Facs. Corp. Ref. Certs. of Part.
(Convention Center Complex Projects), Series 2005, Bank of America LOC, 0.18% 2019 2
    4,600       4,600  
State of South Carolina, Educational Facs. Auth. for Private Nonprofit Institutions of Higher Learning,
Rev. Ref. Improvement Bonds (Anderson College Project), Series 2004-A, Bank of America LOC, 0.20% 2025 2
    1,400       1,400  
Public Building Auth. of the City of Clarksville, Pooled Fncg. Rev. Bonds (Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund),
Series 2003, Bank of America LOC, 0.25% 2033 2
    875       875  
Public Building Auth. of the City of Clarksville, Pooled Fncg. Rev. Bonds (Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund),
Series 2004, Bank of America LOC, 0.25% 2034 2
    2,580       2,580  
Public Building Auth. of the City of Clarksville, Pooled Fncg. Rev. Bonds (Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund),
Series 2008, Bank of America LOC, 0.25% 2038 2
    950       950  
Public Building Auth. of the County of Montgomery, Pooled Fncg. Rev. Bonds (Tennessee County Loan Pool),
Series 2002, Bank of America LOC, 0.25% 2032 2
    4,330       4,330  
Public Building Auth. of the County of Montgomery, Pooled Fncg. Rev. Bonds (Tennessee County Loan Pool),
Series 2004, Bank of America LOC, 0.25% 2034 2
    1,195       1,195  
State of Texas, Dallas Performing Arts Cultural Facs. Corp., Cultural Fac. Rev. Ref. Bonds
(Dallas Center for the Performing Arts Foundation, Inc. Project), Series 2008-B, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2041 2
    5,375       5,375  
Tarrant County, Texas, Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Ref. Bonds (Methodist Hospitals of Dallas Project),
Series 2008-A, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2041 2
    3,690       3,690  
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Texas Medical Center),
Series 2008, Subseries 2008-B-2, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2031 2
    4,600       4,600  
Harris County Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Special Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Texas Medical Center),
Series 2008-A, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2031 2
    2,900       2,900  
City of Houston, Texas, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2012, 2.00% 6/28/2013
    10,000       10,154  
Tarrant County, Texas, Cultural Education Facs. Fin. Corp., Hospital Rev. Bonds (Hendrick Medical Center Project),
Series 2009-C, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.18% 2025 2
    13,000       13,000  
State of Texas, Tax and Rev. Anticipation Notes, Series 2012, 2.50% 8/30/2013
    125,000       127,881  
State of Texas, Harris County Cultural Educational Facs. Fin. Corp., Rev. Bonds
(Young Men’s Christian Assn. of the Greater Houston Area), Series 2008-A, 0.19% 2038 2
    6,800       6,800  
Econ. Dev. Auth. of Albemarle County, Virginia, Hospital Rev. Bonds (Martha Jefferson Hospital),
Series 2008-C, Wells Fargo Bank LOC, 0.18% 2048 2
    500       500  
Industrial Dev. Auth. of Montgomery County, Virginia, Rev. Ref. Bonds (Virginia Tech Foundation),
Series 2005-A, Bank of America LOC, 0.24% 2035 2
    835       835  
Virginia Small Business Fncg. Auth., Demand Rev. Ref. Bonds (Virginia State University Real Estate Foundation),
Series 2008, Bank of America LOC, 0.23% 2030 2
    685       685  
Wisconsin Health and Educational Facs. Auth., Demand Rev. Bonds (Meriter Hospital, Inc. Project),
Series 2002, JPMorgan Chase LOC, 0.20% 2032 2
    2,890       2,890  
Sweetwater County, Wyoming, Customized Purchase Pollution Control Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pacificorp Project),
Series 1988-B, Barclays Bank PLC LOC, 0.20% 2014 2
    2,000       2,000  
Total short-term securities (cost: $656,628,000)
Total investment securities (cost: $8,902,392,000)
Other assets less liabilities
Net assets
          $ 9,702,409  
1 Acquired in a transaction exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. May be resold in the U.S. in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. The total value of all such securities was $60,925,000, which represented .63% of the net assets of the fund.
2 Coupon rate may change periodically. For short-term securities, the date of the next scheduled coupon rate change is considered to be the maturity date.
3 Scheduled interest and/or principal payment was not received.
4 Valued under fair value procedures adopted by authority of the board of trustees. The total value of all such securities was $3,936,000, which represented .04% of the net assets of the fund.
5 Step bond; coupon rate will increase at a later date.

Key to abbreviations

Agcy. = Agency
Auth. = Authority
Certs. of Part. = Certificates of Participation
Dept. = Department
Dev. = Development
Dist. = District
Econ. = Economic
Fac. = Facility
Facs. = Facilities
Fin. = Finance
Fncg. = Financing
G.O. = General Obligation
LOC = Letter of Credit
Preref. = Prerefunded
Redev. = Redevelopment
Ref. = Refunding
Rev. = Revenue
TECP = Tax-Exempt Commercial Paper


Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value.
Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectus and summary prospectus, which can be obtained from your financial professional and should be read carefully before investing. You may also call American Funds Service Company (AFS) at 800/421-4225 or visit the American Funds website at americanfunds.com.

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America

We have audited, in accordance with standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the financial statements of The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America (the “Fund”) as of August 31, 2012, and for the year then ended and have issued our unqualified report thereon dated October 12, 2012 (which report and financial statements are included in item 1 of this Certified Shareholder Report on Form N-CSR). Our audit included an audit of the Fund’s investment portfolio (the “Portfolio”) as of August 31, 2012 appearing in item 6 of this Form N-CSR. The Portfolio is the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Portfolio based on our audit.

In our opinion, the Portfolio referred to above, when read in conjunction with the financial statements of the Fund referred to above, presents fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth therein.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Los Angeles, California
October 12, 2012
ITEM 7 – Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies

Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a closed-end management investment company.

ITEM 8 – Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a closed-end management investment company.

ITEM 9 – Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers

Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a closed-end management investment company.

ITEM 10 – Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the Registrant’s board of trustees since the Registrant last submitted a proxy statement to its shareholders.  The procedures are as follows.  The Registrant has a nominating and governance committee comprised solely of persons who are not considered ‘‘interested persons’’ of the Registrant within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. The committee periodically reviews such issues as the board’s composition, responsibilities, committees, compensation and other relevant issues, and recommends any appropriate changes to the full board of trustees. While the committee normally is able to identify from its own resources an ample number of qualified candidates, it will consider shareholder suggestions of persons to be considered as nominees to fill future vacancies on the board. Such suggestions must be sent in writing to the nominating and governance committee of the Registrant, c/o the Registrant’s Secretary, and must be accompanied by complete biographical and occupational data on the prospective nominee, along with a written consent of the prospective nominee for consideration of his or her name by the nominating and governance committee.
ITEM 11 – Controls and Procedures

The Registrant’s Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer have concluded, based on their evaluation of the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as such term is defined in Rule 30a-3 under the Investment Company Act of 1940), that such controls and procedures are adequate and reasonably designed to achieve the purposes described in paragraph (c) of such rule.
There were no changes in the Registrant’s internal controls over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) that occurred during the Registrant’s second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

ITEM 12 – Exhibits

The Code of Ethics that is the subject of the disclosure required by Item 2 is attached as an exhibit hereto.
The certifications required by Rule 30a-2 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and Sections 302 and 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached as exhibits hereto.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

By /s/ Neil L. Langberg
Neil L. Langberg, President and
Principal Executive Officer
Date: October 31, 2012

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By /s/ Neil L. Langberg
Neil L. Langberg, President and
Principal Executive Officer
Date: October 31, 2012

By /s/ Karl C. Grauman
Karl C. Grauman, Treasurer and
Principal Financial Officer
Date: October 31, 2012